List of usage examples for android.util SparseArray put
public void put(int key, E value)
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/** * Creates a new instance of BaseFragmentFactory. If {@link @FactoryFragments} * or {@link @FragmentFactories} * annotations are presented above a sub-class of this BaseFragmentFactory, they will be processed * here.//from www. ja v a 2 s.c o m */ public BaseFragmentFactory() { final Class<?> classOfFactory = ((Object) this).getClass(); /** * Process class annotations. */ final SparseArray<FragmentItem> items = new SparseArray<>(); // Obtain fragment ids. if (classOfFactory.isAnnotationPresent(FactoryFragments.class)) { final FactoryFragments fragments = classOfFactory.getAnnotation(FactoryFragments.class); final int[] ids = fragments.value(); if (ids.length > 0) { for (int id : ids) { items.put(id, new FragmentItem(id, getFragmentTag(id), null)); } } } this.processAnnotatedFragments(classOfFactory, items); if (items.size() > 0) { this.mItems = items; } // Obtain joined factories. final List<Class<? extends FragmentController.FragmentFactory>> factories = this.gatherJoinedFactories( classOfFactory, new ArrayList<Class<? extends FragmentController.FragmentFactory>>()); if (!factories.isEmpty()) { for (Class<? extends FragmentController.FragmentFactory> factory : factories) { FragmentController.FragmentFactory fragmentFactory = null; try { fragmentFactory = factory.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to instantiate the fragment factory class of(" + factory.getSimpleName() + ")." + "Make sure this fragment factory has public empty constructor.", e); } if (fragmentFactory != null) { joinFactory(fragmentFactory); } } } }
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@Override public Cursor swapCursor(Cursor cursor) { clearCaches();/*from w w w .j ava2 s. c om*/ if (cursor == null) return super.swapCursor(null); MatrixCursor mc = new MatrixCursor(DbTable.SHIFTS.getFieldNames(), cursor.getCount() + 7); int jd = mStartingJulianDay; final int colCount = cursor.getColumnCount(); SparseArray<List<Object[]>> jdToRowArray = new SparseArray<List<Object[]>>(); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { final int jdIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(; do { Object[] row = new Object[colCount]; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) row[i] = cursor.getString(i); final int shiftDay = cursor.getInt(jdIndex); List<Object[]> rowsOnSameJd = jdToRowArray.get(shiftDay, null); if (rowsOnSameJd == null) rowsOnSameJd = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); rowsOnSameJd.add(row); jdToRowArray.put(shiftDay, rowsOnSameJd); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } for (int i = jd; i < jd + 7; i++) { List<Object[]> rows = jdToRowArray.get(i); if (rows != null) for (Object[] row : rows) mc.addRow(row); //Add a 'Add Shift' row Object[] row = new Object[colCount]; row[0] = mRand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // DbField.ID row[1] = i; // DbField.JULIAN_DAY row[2] = i; // DbField.END_JULIAN_DAY row[3] = -1; // DbField.START_TIME row[4] = -1; // DbField.END_TIME row[5] = -1; // DbField.PAY_RATE row[6] = NEW_ROW_KEY; // DbField.NAME row[7] = null; // DbField.NOTE row[8] = -1; // DbField.BREAK_DURATION row[9] = 0; // DbField.IS_TEMPLATE row[10] = -1; // DbField.REMINDER mc.addRow(row); } return super.swapCursor(mc); }
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private void loadAroundBusArrivals(@NonNull final BusStop busStop, @NonNull final SparseArray<Map<String, List<BusArrival>>> busArrivalsMap) { try {//from w ww . j a v a 2s. com if (isAdded()) { final CtaConnect cta = CtaConnect.getInstance(getContext()); int busStopId = busStop.getId(); // Create final Map<String, List<BusArrival>> tempMap = busArrivalsMap.get(busStopId, new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); if (!tempMap.containsKey(Integer.toString(busStopId))) { busArrivalsMap.put(busStopId, tempMap); } final MultiValuedMap<String, String> reqParams = new ArrayListValuedHashMap<>(1, 1); reqParams.put(requestStopId, Integer.toString(busStopId)); final InputStream is = cta.connect(BUS_ARRIVALS, reqParams); final XmlParser xml = XmlParser.getInstance(); final List<BusArrival> busArrivals = xml.parseBusArrivals(is); for (final BusArrival busArrival : busArrivals) { final String direction = busArrival.getRouteDirection(); if (tempMap.containsKey(direction)) { final List<BusArrival> temp = tempMap.get(direction); temp.add(busArrival); } else { final List<BusArrival> temp = new ArrayList<>(); temp.add(busArrival); tempMap.put(direction, temp); } } trackWithGoogleAnalytics(activity, R.string.analytics_category_req, R.string.analytics_action_get_bus, BUSES_ARRIVAL_URL, 0); } } catch (final Throwable throwable) { throw Exceptions.propagate(throwable); } }
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/** * Groups the original values into a sparse array. * The outer sparse array is indexed by the group field. * The inner sparse array is indexed by the index field. * If groupField and indexField are the same, then the outer sparse array contains only 1 entry * index by 0 and the inner sparse array is indexed by indexField. * @param original the original value returned from the SQL query. * @param groupField the field used to group the outer sparse array. * @param indexField the field used to group the inner sparse array. * @return a bidimensional sparse array indexed by groupField and indexField. *///w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m private SparseArray<SparseArray<Double>> groupValues(final SparseArray<Pair<Date, Double>> original, final int groupField, final int indexField) { final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); final SparseArray<SparseArray<Double>> weeks = new SparseArray<>(); for (int i = 0; i < original.size(); i++) { try { final int key = original.keyAt(i); calendar.setTime(original.get(key).first); final double value = original.get(key).second; final int indexValue = calendar.get(indexField); final int groupValue = groupField == indexField ? 0 : calendar.get(groupField); SparseArray<Double> currentWeek = weeks.get(groupValue); if (currentWeek == null) { currentWeek = new SparseArray<>(); weeks.put(groupValue, currentWeek); } currentWeek.put(indexValue, value); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(e.getMessage()); } } // normalize the data // if the index field is DAY_OF_WEEK, then we'll add the remaining days to fill // the week from sunday until saturday if (indexField == Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) { for (int i = 0; i < weeks.size(); i++) { final int key = weeks.keyAt(i); SparseArray<Double> currentWeek = weeks.get(key); for (int j = Calendar.SUNDAY; j <= Calendar.SATURDAY; j++) { if (currentWeek.get(j) == null) { currentWeek.put(j, 0.0); } } } } return weeks; }
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/** * Processes all annotated fields marked with {@link @FactoryFragment} * annotation and puts them into the given <var>items</var> array. * * @param classOfFactory Class of this fragment factory. * @param items Initial array of fragment items. *//* www .ja v a 2s .co m*/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void processAnnotatedFragments(final Class<?> classOfFactory, final SparseArray<FragmentItem> items) { FragmentAnnotations.iterateFields(classOfFactory, new FragmentAnnotations.FieldProcessor() { /** */ @Override public void onProcessField(@NonNull Field field, @NonNull String name) { if (field.isAnnotationPresent(FactoryFragment.class) && int.class.equals(field.getType())) { final FactoryFragment factoryFragment = field.getAnnotation(FactoryFragment.class); try { final int id = (int) field.get(BaseFragmentFactory.this); items.put(id, new FragmentItem(id, TextUtils.isEmpty(factoryFragment.taggedName()) ? getFragmentTag(id) : createFragmentTag( (Class<? extends FragmentController.FragmentFactory>) classOfFactory, factoryFragment.taggedName()), factoryFragment.type())); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }); }
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/** * This picks a dominant color, looking for high-saturation, high-value, repeated hues. * * @param bitmap The bitmap to scan//w w w. j a v a2s. c om * @param samples The approximate max number of samples to use. */ public static int findDominantColorByHue(Bitmap bitmap, int samples) { final int height = bitmap.getHeight(); final int width = bitmap.getWidth(); int sampleStride = (int) Math.sqrt((height * width) / samples); if (sampleStride < 1) { sampleStride = 1; } // This is an out-param, for getting the hsv values for an rgb float[] hsv = new float[3]; // First get the best hue, by creating a histogram over 360 hue buckets, // where each pixel contributes a score weighted by saturation, value, and alpha. float[] hueScoreHistogram = new float[360]; float highScore = -1; int bestHue = -1; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += sampleStride) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += sampleStride) { int argb = bitmap.getPixel(x, y); int alpha = 0xFF & (argb >> 24); if (alpha < 0x80) { // Drop mostly-transparent pixels. continue; } // Remove the alpha channel. int rgb = argb | 0xFF000000; Color.colorToHSV(rgb, hsv); // Bucket colors by the 360 integer hues. int hue = (int) hsv[0]; if (hue < 0 || hue >= hueScoreHistogram.length) { // Defensively avoid array bounds violations. continue; } float score = hsv[1] * hsv[2]; hueScoreHistogram[hue] += score; if (hueScoreHistogram[hue] > highScore) { highScore = hueScoreHistogram[hue]; bestHue = hue; } } } SparseArray<Float> rgbScores = new SparseArray<Float>(); int bestColor = 0xff000000; highScore = -1; // Go theme_icon_back over the RGB colors that match the winning hue, // creating a histogram of weighted s*v scores, for up to 100*100 [s,v] buckets. // The highest-scoring RGB color wins. for (int y = 0; y < height; y += sampleStride) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += sampleStride) { int rgb = bitmap.getPixel(x, y) | 0xff000000; Color.colorToHSV(rgb, hsv); int hue = (int) hsv[0]; if (hue == bestHue) { float s = hsv[1]; float v = hsv[2]; int bucket = (int) (s * 100) + (int) (v * 10000); // Score by cumulative saturation * value. float score = s * v; Float oldTotal = rgbScores.get(bucket); float newTotal = oldTotal == null ? score : oldTotal + score; rgbScores.put(bucket, newTotal); if (newTotal > highScore) { highScore = newTotal; // All the colors in the winning bucket are very similar. Last in wins. bestColor = rgb; } } } } return bestColor; }
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/** * A generic parsing method for parsing JSON to SportsEquipment, Muscle or Locale. */// ww w .java 2s .c om private static <T> SparseArray<T> parse(String jsonString, Class<T> c) throws JSONException { JSONObject mainObject = new JSONObject(jsonString); Log.d(TAG, "jsonString: " + mainObject.toString()); JSONArray mainArray = mainObject.getJSONArray("objects"); SparseArray<T> sparseArray = new SparseArray<T>(); // parse each exercise of the JSON Array for (int i = 0; i < mainArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject singleObject = mainArray.getJSONObject(i); Integer id = singleObject.getInt("id"); Object parsedObject; if (c.equals(Muscle.class)) { // handle Muscles String name = singleObject.getString("name"); parsedObject = mDataProvider.getMuscleByName(name); if (parsedObject == null) Log.e(TAG, "Could not find Muscle: " + name); } else if (c.equals(SportsEquipment.class)) { // handle SportsEquipment String name = singleObject.getString("name"); parsedObject = mDataProvider.getEquipmentByName(name); if (parsedObject == null) Log.e(TAG, "Could not find SportsEquipment: " + name); } else if (c.equals(Locale.class)) { // handle Locales String short_name = singleObject.getString("short_name"); parsedObject = new Locale(short_name); if (short_name == null || short_name.equals("")) Log.e(TAG, "Error, no short_name=" + short_name); } else if (c.equals(LicenseType.class)) { // handle licenses String short_name = singleObject.getString("short_name"); parsedObject = mDataProvider.getLicenseTypeByName(short_name); if (short_name == null || short_name.equals("")) Log.e(TAG, "Error, no short_name=" + short_name); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "parse(String, Class<T>) cannot be applied for class: " + c.toString()); } sparseArray.put(id, (T) parsedObject); } return sparseArray; }
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private SparseArray<DangerousPermissionsChecker> initPermissionsCheckers() { SparseArray<DangerousPermissionsChecker> checkers = new SparseArray<>(); // EXTERNAL STORAGE ACCESS CHECKER. final DangerousPermissionsChecker externalStorageChecker = new DangerousPermissionsChecker(this, DangerousPermissionsChecker.EXTERNAL_STORAGE_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CODE); //externalStorageChecker.setPermissionsGrantedCallback(() -> {}); checkers.put(DangerousPermissionsChecker.EXTERNAL_STORAGE_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CODE, externalStorageChecker); // COARSE/*from w w w .j av a 2s.c om*/ final DangerousPermissionsChecker accessCoarseLocationChecker = new DangerousPermissionsChecker(this, DangerousPermissionsChecker.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CODE); checkers.put(DangerousPermissionsChecker.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CODE, accessCoarseLocationChecker); // add more permissions checkers if needed... return checkers; }
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private SparseArray<TrainArrival> loadAroundTrainArrivals(@NonNull final List<Station> trainStations) { try {/*from w w w .j av a2 s .c o m*/ final SparseArray<TrainArrival> trainArrivals = new SparseArray<>(); if (isAdded()) { final CtaConnect cta = CtaConnect.getInstance(getContext()); for (final Station station : trainStations) { final MultiValuedMap<String, String> reqParams = new ArrayListValuedHashMap<>(1, 1); reqParams.put(requestMapId, Integer.toString(station.getId())); final InputStream xmlRes = cta.connect(TRAIN_ARRIVALS, reqParams); final XmlParser xml = XmlParser.getInstance(); final SparseArray<TrainArrival> temp = xml.parseArrivals(xmlRes, DataHolder.getInstance().getTrainData()); for (int j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++) { trainArrivals.put(temp.keyAt(j), temp.valueAt(j)); } trackWithGoogleAnalytics(activity, R.string.analytics_category_req, R.string.analytics_action_get_train, TRAINS_ARRIVALS_URL, 0); } } return trainArrivals; } catch (final Throwable throwable) { throw Exceptions.propagate(throwable); } }
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@Override public void notifyDataSetChanged() { onPreNotifyDataSetChange();/*from ww w . j a v a2 s . co m*/ final int count = getRelativeCount(); final int margin = getMargin(); ArrayList<Fragment.SavedState> newSavedState = new ArrayList<Fragment.SavedState>(count); ArrayList<Fragment> newFragments = new ArrayList<Fragment>(count); SparseArray<Fragment> newDestroyedFragments = new SparseArray<Fragment>(); int length = mFragments.size(); for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) { Fragment fragment = mFragments.get(x); boolean fromDestroyed = false; if (fragment == null) { // Check if there is a destroyed fragment that was in the list, use that if there is. fragment = mDestroyedFragments.get(x); fromDestroyed = true; } int position = getItemPosition(fragment); switch (position) { case POSITION_UNCHANGED: while (newFragments.size() < x + 1) { newFragments.add(null); newSavedState.add(null); } if (!fromDestroyed) { newFragments.set(x, mFragments.get(x)); } else { newDestroyedFragments.put(x, fragment); } if (mSavedState.size() > x) { newSavedState.set(x, mSavedState.get(x)); } break; case POSITION_NONE: // Do not add fragment. if (!fromDestroyed) { if (mCurTransaction == null) { mCurTransaction = mFragmentManager.beginTransaction(); } mCurTransaction.remove(mFragments.get(x)); } break; default: position = (position - margin + count) % count; while (newFragments.size() < position + 1) { newFragments.add(null); newSavedState.add(null); } if (!fromDestroyed) { newFragments.set(position, fragment); } else { newDestroyedFragments.put(position, fragment); } if (mSavedState.size() > x) { newSavedState.set(position, mSavedState.get(x)); } } } mSavedState = newSavedState; mFragments = newFragments; mDestroyedFragments = newDestroyedFragments; super.notifyDataSetChanged(); }