List of usage examples for android.util Log isLoggable
public static native boolean isLoggable(String tag, int level);
From source
private void setSwipeRefreshLayoutEnabledOrNot(ContactListFilter filter) { final SwipeRefreshLayout swipeRefreshLayout = getSwipeRefreshLayout(); if (swipeRefreshLayout == null) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "Can not load swipeRefreshLayout, swipeRefreshLayout is null"); }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m return; } swipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false); swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(false); if (filter != null && !mActionBarAdapter.isSearchMode() && !mActionBarAdapter.isSelectionMode()) { if (filter.isSyncable() || (filter.shouldShowSyncState() && SyncUtil.hasSyncableAccount(AccountTypeManager.getInstance(getContext())))) { swipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(true); } } }
From source
private static final void addMmsNotificationInfos(Context context, Set<Long> threads, SortedSet<NotificationInfo> notificationSet) { ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); // This query looks like this when logged: // I/Database( 147): elapsedTime4Sql|/data/data/ // mmssms.db|0.362 ms|SELECT thread_id, date, _id, sub, sub_cs FROM pdu WHERE ((msg_box=1 // AND seen=0 AND (m_type=130 OR m_type=132))) ORDER BY date desc Cursor cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(context, resolver, Mms.CONTENT_URI, MMS_STATUS_PROJECTION, NEW_INCOMING_MM_CONSTRAINT, null, Mms.DATE + " desc"); if (cursor == null) { return;/*ww w. j a v a2s.c o m*/ } try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { long msgId = cursor.getLong(COLUMN_MMS_ID); Uri msgUri = Mms.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(Long.toString(msgId)).build(); String address = AddressUtils.getFrom(context, msgUri); Contact contact = Contact.get(address, false); if (contact.getSendToVoicemail()) { // don't notify, skip this one continue; } String subject = getMmsSubject(cursor.getString(COLUMN_MMS_SUBJECT), cursor.getInt(COLUMN_MMS_SUBJECT_CS)); subject = MessageUtils.cleanseMmsSubject(context, subject); long threadId = cursor.getLong(COLUMN_MMS_THREAD_ID); long timeMillis = cursor.getLong(COLUMN_MMS_DATE) * 1000; int subId = cursor.getInt(COLUMN_MMS_SUB_ID); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.d(TAG, "addMmsNotificationInfos: count=" + cursor.getCount() + ", addr = " + address + ", thread_id=" + threadId); } // Extract the message and/or an attached picture from the first slide Bitmap attachedPicture = null; String messageBody = null; int attachmentType = WorkingMessage.TEXT; try { GenericPdu pdu = sPduPersister.load(msgUri); if (pdu != null && pdu instanceof MultimediaMessagePdu) { SlideshowModel slideshow = SlideshowModel.createFromPduBody(context, ((MultimediaMessagePdu) pdu).getBody()); attachmentType = getAttachmentType(slideshow); SlideModel firstSlide = slideshow.get(0); if (firstSlide != null) { if (firstSlide.hasImage()) { int maxDim = dp2Pixels(MAX_BITMAP_DIMEN_DP); attachedPicture = firstSlide.getImage().getBitmap(maxDim, maxDim); } if (firstSlide.hasText()) { messageBody = firstSlide.getText().getText(); } } } } catch (final MmsException e) { Log.e(TAG, "MmsException loading uri: " + msgUri, e); continue; // skip this bad boy -- don't generate an empty notification } NotificationInfo info = getNewMessageNotificationInfo(context, false /* isSms */, address, messageBody, subject, threadId, subId, timeMillis, attachedPicture, contact, attachmentType); if (MessageUtils.isMailboxMode()) { info.mClickIntent.setData(msgUri); } notificationSet.add(info); threads.add(threadId); } } finally { cursor.close(); } }
From source
/** * The activitiy is resuming. We need to start our simulator and world updater thread. *//*from w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); drawingAverageTime = new RollingAverage(); worldUpdateNotifierThread = new Thread(getString(R.string.worldUpdateNotifierThreadName)) { @Override public void run() { if (Log.isLoggable("Wa-Tor", Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d("Wa-Tor", "Entering world update notifier thread"); } try { long lastUpdateFinished = 0; while (Thread.currentThread() == worldUpdateNotifierThread) { long startUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (Log.isLoggable("Wa-Tor", Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v("Wa-Tor", "WorldUpdateNotifierThread: Notifying observers of world update"); } worldUpdated(); if (Log.isLoggable("Wa-Tor", Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v("Wa-Tor", "WorldUpdateNotifierThread: Notifying observers took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startUpdate) + " ms"); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (lastUpdateFinished > 0 && drawingAverageTime != null) { drawingAverageTime.add(now - lastUpdateFinished); if (Log.isLoggable("Wa-Tor", Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v("Wa-Tor", "WorldUpdateNotifierThread: Time delta since last redraw " + (now - lastUpdateFinished) + " ms"); } } lastUpdateFinished = now; if (Log.isLoggable("Wa-Tor", Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v("Wa-Tor", "WorldUpdateNotifierThread: Waiting for next update"); } synchronized (this) { wait(); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (Log.isLoggable("Wa-Tor", Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d("Wa-Tor", "World update notifier thread got interrupted"); } synchronized (this) { worldUpdateNotifierThread = null; } } if (Log.isLoggable("Wa-Tor", Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d("Wa-Tor", "Exiting world update notifier thread"); } } }; worldUpdateNotifierThread.start(); desiredFpsSlider.setValue(simulatorRunnable.getTargetFps()); startSimulatorThread(); synchronized (this) { if (drawerLayout.isDrawerVisible(GravityCompat.START)) { currentSimFps = (TextView) findViewById(; currentDrawFps = (TextView) findViewById(; } } }
From source
/** * Remove any characters after the last valid chip. *//*from w ww . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ // Visible for testing. /* package */void sanitizeEnd() { // Don't sanitize while we are waiting for pending chips to complete. if (mPendingChipsCount > 0) return; // Find the last chip; eliminate any commit characters after it. final DrawableRecipientChip[] chips = getSortedRecipients(); final Spannable spannable = getSpannable(); if (chips != null && chips.length > 0) { int end; mMoreChip = getMoreChip(); if (mMoreChip != null) end = spannable.getSpanEnd(mMoreChip); else end = getSpannable().getSpanEnd(getLastChip()); final Editable editable = getText(); final int length = editable.length(); if (length > end) { // See what characters occur after that and eliminate them. if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) Log.d(TAG, "There were extra characters after the last tokenizable entry." + editable); editable.delete(end + 1, length); } } }
From source
private static final void addSmsNotificationInfos(Context context, Set<Long> threads, SortedSet<NotificationInfo> notificationSet) { ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(context, resolver, Sms.CONTENT_URI, SMS_STATUS_PROJECTION, NEW_INCOMING_SM_CONSTRAINT, null, Sms.DATE + " desc"); if (cursor == null) { return;/*from www .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ } try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { String address = cursor.getString(COLUMN_SMS_ADDRESS); if (MessageUtils.isWapPushNumber(address)) { String[] mAddresses = address.split(":"); address = mAddresses[context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.wap_push_address_index)]; } Contact contact = Contact.get(address, false); if (contact.getSendToVoicemail()) { // don't notify, skip this one continue; } String message = cursor.getString(COLUMN_SMS_BODY); long threadId = cursor.getLong(COLUMN_SMS_THREAD_ID); long timeMillis = cursor.getLong(COLUMN_SMS_DATE); int subId = cursor.getInt(COLUMN_SMS_SUB_ID); String msgId = cursor.getString(COLUMN_SMS_ID); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.d(TAG, "addSmsNotificationInfos: count=" + cursor.getCount() + ", addr=" + address + ", thread_id=" + threadId); } NotificationInfo info = getNewMessageNotificationInfo(context, true /* isSms */, address, message, null /* subject */, threadId, subId, timeMillis, null /* attachmentBitmap */, contact, WorkingMessage.TEXT); if (MessageUtils.isMailboxMode()) { info.mClickIntent.setData(Uri.withAppendedPath(Sms.CONTENT_URI, msgId)); } notificationSet.add(info); threads.add(threadId); threads.add(cursor.getLong(COLUMN_SMS_THREAD_ID)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } }
From source
public void bindChat(long chatId) { log("bind " + this + " " + chatId); mLastChatId = chatId;// ww w . j a va 2s . c om Uri contactUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, chatId); Cursor c = mNewChatActivity.getContentResolver().query(contactUri, CHAT_PROJECTION, null, null, null); if (c == null) return; if (!c.moveToFirst()) { if (Log.isLoggable(ImApp.LOG_TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { log("Failed to query chat: " + chatId); } mLastChatId = -1; c.close(); } else { updateSessionInfo(c); if (mRemoteAvatar == null) { try { mRemoteAvatar = DatabaseUtils.getAvatarFromCursor(c, AVATAR_COLUMN, ImApp.DEFAULT_AVATAR_WIDTH, ImApp.DEFAULT_AVATAR_HEIGHT); } catch (Exception e) { } if (mRemoteAvatar == null) { mRemoteAvatar = new RoundedAvatarDrawable( BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.avatar_unknown)); } updatePresenceDisplay(); } c.close(); mCurrentChatSession = getChatSession(); if (mCurrentChatSession == null) mCurrentChatSession = createChatSession(); if (mCurrentChatSession != null) { isServiceUp = true; } updateChat(); } }
From source
private static byte[] m107a(PackageInfo packageInfo, byte[]... bArr) { try {//ww w .ja va2 s. c o m CertificateFactory instance = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509"); if (packageInfo.signatures.length != 1) { Log.w("GooglePlayServicesUtil", "Package has more than one signature."); return null; } try { try { ((X509Certificate) instance .generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(packageInfo.signatures[0].toByteArray()))) .checkValidity(); byte[] toByteArray = packageInfo.signatures[0].toByteArray(); for (byte[] bArr2 : bArr) { if (Arrays.equals(bArr2, toByteArray)) { return bArr2; } } if (Log.isLoggable("GooglePlayServicesUtil", 2)) { Log.v("GooglePlayServicesUtil", "Signature not valid. Found: \n" + Base64.encodeToString(toByteArray, 0)); } return null; } catch (CertificateExpiredException e) { Log.w("GooglePlayServicesUtil", "Certificate has expired."); return null; } catch (CertificateNotYetValidException e2) { Log.w("GooglePlayServicesUtil", "Certificate is not yet valid."); return null; } } catch (CertificateException e3) { Log.w("GooglePlayServicesUtil", "Could not generate certificate."); return null; } } catch (CertificateException e4) { Log.w("GooglePlayServicesUtil", "Could not get certificate instance."); return null; } }
From source
public void bindInvitation(long invitationId) { Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Imps.Invitation.CONTENT_URI, invitationId); ContentResolver cr = mNewChatActivity.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = cr.query(uri, INVITATION_PROJECT, null, null, null); try {// w w w. j av a 2s. co m if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { if (Log.isLoggable(ImApp.LOG_TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { log("Failed to query invitation: " + invitationId); } // mNewChatActivity.finish(); } else { setViewType(VIEW_TYPE_INVITATION); mInvitationId = cursor.getLong(INVITATION_ID_COLUMN); mProviderId = cursor.getLong(INVITATION_PROVIDER_COLUMN); String sender = cursor.getString(INVITATION_SENDER_COLUMN); TextView mInvitationText = (TextView) findViewById(; mInvitationText.setText(mContext.getString(R.string.invitation_prompt, sender)); // mNewChatActivity.setTitle(mContext.getString(R.string.chat_with, sender)); } } finally { cursor.close(); } }
From source
public static boolean m111b(PackageManager packageManager, String str) { try {/*w ww .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ return m105a(packageManager, packageManager.getPackageInfo(str, 64)); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { if (Log.isLoggable("GooglePlayServicesUtil", 3)) { Log.d("GooglePlayServicesUtil", "Package manager can't find package " + str + ", defaulting to false"); } return false; } }
From source
private synchronized void startQuery(long chatId) { if (mQueryHandler == null) { mQueryHandler = new QueryHandler(mContext); } else {//from ww w. j a v a 2 s. c om // Cancel any pending queries mQueryHandler.cancelOperation(QUERY_TOKEN); } Uri uri = Imps.Messages.getContentUriByThreadId(chatId); if (Log.isLoggable(ImApp.LOG_TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { log("queryCursor: uri=" + uri); } mQueryHandler.startQuery(QUERY_TOKEN, null, uri, null, null /* selection */, null /* selection args */, "date"); }