List of usage examples for android.util Log DEBUG
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/** * This will save battery//w w w . java 2 s . com */ @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); mSensorManager.unregisterListener(this); if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "Unregistered for sensor events"); } }
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private static final Bitmap getLargeProjectIcon(final Context context, final String projectName) { final Bitmap projectIconBitmap; try {/*w w w .j a v a2s . com*/ return (projectIconBitmap = Monitor.getClientStatus().getProjectIconByName(projectName)) != null ? Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(projectIconBitmap, projectIconBitmap.getWidth() << 1, projectIconBitmap.getHeight() << 1, false) : BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.ic_stat_notify_boinc_normal); } catch (Exception e) { if (Log.isLoggable(Logging.TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(Logging.TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } return BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.ic_stat_notify_boinc_normal); } }
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/** * Initialize Popdeem SDK/*from w w w . j a va2 s . com*/ * * @param application Application context * @param enviroment Popdeem enviroment PD_PROD_API_ENDPOINT, PD_STAGING_API_ENDPOINT * */ public static void initializeSDK(@NonNull final Application application, String enviroment) { application.registerReceiver(mLoggedInBroadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(PD_LOGGED_IN_RECEIVER_FILTER)); PDAPIConfig.PD_API_ENDPOINT = enviroment; sApplication = application; // Register Activity Lifecycle Callbacks application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(PD_ACTIVITY_LIFECYCLE_CALLBACKS); // Init Realm PDRealmUtils.initRealmDB(application); TwitterAuthConfig authConfig = PDSocialUtils.getTwitterAuthConfig(application.getApplicationContext()); TwitterConfig config = new TwitterConfig.Builder(application).logger(new DefaultLogger(Log.DEBUG)) .twitterAuthConfig(authConfig).debug(true).build(); Twitter.initialize(config); // Get Popdeem API Key getPopdeemAPIKey(); FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize(application, new FacebookSdk.InitializeCallback() { @Override public void onInitialized() { Log.i("Facebook", "onInitialized: Facebook initialized"); } }); sdkInitialized = true; PDAPIClient.instance().getCustomer(new PDAPICallback<JsonObject>() { @Override public void success(JsonObject jsonObject) { Log.i("JsonObject", "success: "); if (jsonObject.has("customer")) { JsonObject customer = jsonObject.getAsJsonObject("customer"); PDRealmCustomer realmCustomer = PDRealmCustomer.fromJson(customer); Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance(); realm.beginTransaction(); RealmResults<PDRealmCustomer> results = realm.where(PDRealmCustomer.class).findAll(); results.deleteAllFromRealm(); realm.copyToRealm(realmCustomer); realm.commitTransaction(); realm.close(); initFromCustomer(application); } } @Override public void failure(int statusCode, Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); initFromCustomer(application); } }); // Get UID for Non Social login if (PDUniqueIdentifierUtils.getUID() == null) { PDUniqueIdentifierUtils.createUID(application, new PDUniqueIdentifierUtils.PDUIDCallback() { @Override public void success(String uid) { PDRealmNonSocialUID uidReam = new PDRealmNonSocialUID(); // uidReam.setId(0); uidReam.setRegistered(false); uidReam.setUid(uid); Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance(); realm.beginTransaction(); realm.copyToRealmOrUpdate(uidReam); realm.commitTransaction(); realm.close(); registerNonSocialUser(); } @Override public void failure(String message) { PDLog.d(PDUniqueIdentifierUtils.class, "failed to create uid: " + message); } }); } // Init GCM PDFirebaseMessagingService.initGCM(application, new PDGCMUtils.PDGCMRegistrationCallback() { @Override public void success(String registrationToken) { PDLog.d(PDGCMUtils.class, "Init GCM success. Registration token: " + registrationToken); registerNonSocialUser(); } @Override public void failure(String message) { PDLog.d(PDGCMUtils.class, "Init GCM failure: " + message); } }); }
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@Override public Socket createLayeredSocket(final Socket socket, final String target, final int port, final HttpContext context) throws IOException { final SSLSocket sslsock = (SSLSocket) socketfactory.createSocket(socket, target, port, true); if (supportedProtocols != null) { sslsock.setEnabledProtocols(supportedProtocols); }//from ww w.j ava 2 s . c om if (supportedCipherSuites != null) { sslsock.setEnabledCipherSuites(supportedCipherSuites); } prepareSocket(sslsock); // Android specific code to enable SNI if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { if (socketfactory instanceof SSLCertificateSocketFactory) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "Enabling SNI for " + target); } ((SSLCertificateSocketFactory) socketfactory).setHostname(sslsock, target); } } // End of Android specific code sslsock.startHandshake(); verifyHostname(sslsock, target, context); return sslsock; }
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@Override public KeloudClient removeClientFor(KeloudAccount account) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log_OC.d(TAG, "removeClientFor starting "); }//from w w w. j av a2s . c o m if (account == null) { return null; } KeloudClient client = null; String accountName = account.getName(); if (accountName != null) { client = mClientsWithKnownUsername.remove(accountName); if (client != null) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log_OC.v(TAG, "Removed client for account " + accountName); } return client; } else { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log_OC.v(TAG, "No client tracked for account " + accountName); } } } mClientsWithUnknownUsername.clear(); if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log_OC.d(TAG, "removeClientFor finishing "); } return null; }
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@Override public OwnCloudClient removeClientFor(OwnCloudAccount account) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log_OC.d(TAG, "removeClientFor starting "); }//w ww . ja v m if (account == null) { return null; } OwnCloudClient client = null; String accountName = account.getName(); if (accountName != null) { client = mClientsWithKnownUsername.remove(accountName); if (client != null) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log_OC.v(TAG, "Removed client for account " + accountName); } return client; } else { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log_OC.v(TAG, "No client tracked for account " + accountName); } } } mClientsWithUnknownUsername.clear(); if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log_OC.d(TAG, "removeClientFor finishing "); } return null; }
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@Override public void onTemperatureReading(ThermaSensor sensor, SensorReading<Float> reading) { Message m = mHandler.obtainMessage(MessageConstants.MESSAGE_THERMA_TEMPERATURE); m.getData().putFloat(MessageConstants.FLOAT_VALUE_KEY, reading.getValue()); final Context thiscontext = this.getActivity(); final String serialnumOne = sensor.getSerialNumber(); final String serialnum = serialnumOne.replaceAll("[^\\u0000-\\uFFFF]", ""); final String scan = Float.toString(reading.getValue()); String json = "temperature;" + serialnum + ";" + scan; // POST to variable dashboard Ion.getDefault(thiscontext).getConscryptMiddleware().enable(false); Ion.with(thiscontext).load(/*w ww .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ "[payload]=" + json) .setLogging("MyLogs", Log.DEBUG).asString().withResponse() .setCallback(new FutureCallback<Response<String>>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, Response<String> result) { if (e == null) { Log.i(TAG, "ION SENT MESSAGE WITH RESULT CODE: " + result.toString()); } else { Log.i(TAG, "ION SENT MESSAGE WITH EXCEPTION"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }); m.sendToTarget(); }
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@Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences prefs, String key) { LogUtils.log(this, Log.DEBUG, "A shared preference changed: %s", key); mKeyboardEventManager.reloadPreferences(this); }
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@Override public void onClimaLightUpdate(ClimaSensor clima, SensorReading<Float> lightLevel) { Message m = mHandler.obtainMessage(MessageConstants.MESSAGE_CLIMA_LIGHT); m.getData().putFloat(MessageConstants.FLOAT_VALUE_KEY, lightLevel.getValue()); // convert the UTF final Context thiscontext = this.getActivity(); final DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); final String serialnumOne = clima.getSerialNumber(); final String serialnum = serialnumOne.replaceAll("[^\\u0000-\\uFFFF]", ""); final String scann = formatter.format(lightLevel.getValue()); String json = "light;" + serialnum + ";" + scann; // POST to variable dashboard Ion.getDefault(thiscontext).getConscryptMiddleware().enable(false); Ion.with(thiscontext).load(/*ww w. ja va2s. c o m*/ "[payload]=" + json) .setLogging("MyLogs", Log.DEBUG).asString().withResponse() .setCallback(new FutureCallback<Response<String>>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, Response<String> result) { if (e == null) { Log.i(TAG, "ION SENT MESSAGE WITH RESULT CODE: " + result.toString()); } else { Log.i(TAG, "ION SENT MESSAGE WITH EXCEPTION"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }); m.sendToTarget(); }
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/** * This will be called by the static UiUpdater whenever the service has * changed state in a way that requires us to update our UI. We can't use * any myLog.l() calls in this function, because that will trigger an * endless loop of UI updates./* w w w. j a v a 2 s . com*/ */ public void updateUi() { myLog.l(Log.DEBUG, "Updating UI", true); WifiManager wifiMgr = (WifiManager) mActivity.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); int wifiState = wifiMgr.getWifiState(); WifiInfo info = wifiMgr.getConnectionInfo(); String wifiId = info != null ? info.getSSID() : null; boolean isWifiReady = FTPServerService.isWifiEnabled(); setText(, isWifiReady ? wifiId : getString(R.string.no_wifi_hint)); ImageView wifiImg = (ImageView) mRootView.findViewById(; wifiImg.setImageResource(isWifiReady ? R.drawable.wifi_state4 : R.drawable.wifi_state0); boolean running = FTPServerService.isRunning(); if (running) { myLog.l(Log.DEBUG, "updateUi: server is running", true); // Put correct text in start/stop button // Fill in wifi status and address InetAddress address = FTPServerService.getWifiIp(); if (address != null) { String port = ":" + FTPServerService.getPort(); ipText.setText( "ftp://" + address.getHostAddress() + (FTPServerService.getPort() == 21 ? "" : port)); } else { // could not get IP address, stop the service Context context = mActivity.getApplicationContext(); Intent intent = new Intent(context, FTPServerService.class); context.stopService(intent); ipText.setText(""); } } startStopButton.setEnabled(isWifiReady); TextView startStopButtonText = (TextView) mRootView.findViewById(; if (isWifiReady) { startStopButtonText.setText(running ? R.string.stop_server : R.string.start_server); startStopButtonText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( running ? R.drawable.disconnect : R.drawable.connect, 0, 0, 0); startStopButtonText.setTextColor(running ? getResources().getColor(R.color.remote_disconnect_text) : getResources().getColor(R.color.remote_connect_text)); } else { if (FTPServerService.isRunning()) { Context context = mActivity.getApplicationContext(); Intent intent = new Intent(context, FTPServerService.class); context.stopService(intent); } startStopButtonText.setText(R.string.no_wifi); startStopButtonText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); startStopButtonText.setTextColor(Color.GRAY); } ipText.setVisibility(running ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); instructionText.setVisibility(running ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); instructionTextPre.setVisibility(running ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); }