List of usage examples for android.text TextPaint TextPaint
public TextPaint(Paint p)
From source
@CallSuper protected void onBufferDraw(Canvas canvas, final Paint paint) { if (mKeyboardChanged) { invalidateAllKeys();// w ww. java2 s .co m mKeyboardChanged = false; } canvas.getClipBounds(mDirtyRect); if (mKeyboard == null) return; final boolean drawKeyboardNameText = (mKeyboardNameTextSize > 1f) && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowKeyboardNameText(); final boolean drawHintText = (mHintTextSize > 1) && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowHintTextOnKeys(); final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor = false; // TODO: final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor = // AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomTextColorOnKeys(); final ColorStateList keyTextColor = useCustomKeyTextColor ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFF6666FF }) : mKeyTextColor; final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText && false; // TODO: final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText && final ColorStateList hintColor = useCustomHintColor ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFFFF6666 }) : mHintTextColor; // allow preferences to override theme settings for hint text position final boolean useCustomHintAlign = drawHintText && AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomHintAlign(); final int hintAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintAlign() : mHintLabelAlign; final int hintVAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintVAlign() : mHintLabelVAlign; final Drawable keyBackground = mKeyBackground; final Rect clipRegion = mClipRegion; final int kbdPaddingLeft = getPaddingLeft(); final int kbdPaddingTop = getPaddingTop(); final Keyboard.Key[] keys = mKeys; final Keyboard.Key invalidKey = mInvalidatedKey; boolean drawSingleKey = false; if (invalidKey != null && canvas.getClipBounds(clipRegion)) { // TODO we should use Rect.inset and Rect.contains here. // Is clipRegion completely contained within the invalidated key? if (invalidKey.x + kbdPaddingLeft - 1 <= clipRegion.left && invalidKey.y + kbdPaddingTop - 1 <= && invalidKey.x + invalidKey.width + kbdPaddingLeft + 1 >= clipRegion.right && invalidKey.y + invalidKey.height + kbdPaddingTop + 1 >= clipRegion.bottom) { drawSingleKey = true; } } for (Keyboard.Key keyBase : keys) { final AnyKeyboard.AnyKey key = (AnyKeyboard.AnyKey) keyBase; final boolean keyIsSpace = isSpaceKey(key); if (drawSingleKey && (invalidKey != key)) { continue; } if (!mDirtyRect.intersects(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop, key.x + key.width + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + key.height + kbdPaddingTop)) { continue; } int[] drawableState = key.getCurrentDrawableState(mDrawableStatesProvider); if (keyIsSpace) paint.setColor(mKeyboardNameTextColor); else paint.setColor(keyTextColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000)); keyBackground.setState(drawableState); // Switch the character to uppercase if shift is pressed CharSequence label = key.label == null ? null : adjustLabelToShiftState(key); final Rect bounds = keyBackground.getBounds(); if ((key.width != bounds.right) || (key.height != bounds.bottom)) { keyBackground.setBounds(0, 0, key.width, key.height); } canvas.translate(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop); keyBackground.draw(canvas); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) { Drawable iconToDraw = getIconToDrawForKey(key, false); if (iconToDraw != null/* && shouldDrawIcon */) { // // final boolean is9Patch = iconToDraw.getCurrent() instanceof NinePatchDrawable; // Special handing for the upper-right number hint icons final int drawableWidth; final int drawableHeight; final int drawableX; final int drawableY; drawableWidth = is9Patch ? key.width : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicWidth(); drawableHeight = is9Patch ? key.height : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicHeight(); drawableX = (key.width + mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right - drawableWidth) / 2; drawableY = (key.height + - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom - drawableHeight) / 2; canvas.translate(drawableX, drawableY); iconToDraw.setBounds(0, 0, drawableWidth, drawableHeight); iconToDraw.draw(canvas); canvas.translate(-drawableX, -drawableY); if (keyIsSpace && drawKeyboardNameText) { // now a little hack, I'll set the label now, so it get // drawn. label = mKeyboardName; } } else { // ho... no icon. // I'll try to guess the text label = guessLabelForKey(key.getPrimaryCode()); } } if (label != null) { // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use // small font. final FontMetrics fm; if (keyIsSpace) { paint.setTextSize(mKeyboardNameTextSize); paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); if (mKeyboardNameFM == null) mKeyboardNameFM = paint.getFontMetrics(); fm = mKeyboardNameFM; } else if (label.length() > 1 && key.getCodesCount() < 2) { setPaintForLabelText(paint); if (mLabelFM == null) mLabelFM = paint.getFontMetrics(); fm = mLabelFM; } else { setPaintToKeyText(paint); if (mTextFM == null) mTextFM = paint.getFontMetrics(); fm = mTextFM; } if (isLabelOfPictographic(label)) { paint.setTextSize(2f * paint.getTextSize()); } final float labelHeight =; // Draw a drop shadow for the text paint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, mShadowOffsetX, mShadowOffsetY, mShadowColor); final float textWidth = adjustTextSizeForLabel(paint, label, key.width); // the center of the drawable space, which is value used // previously for vertically // positioning the key label final float centerY = + ((key.height - - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom) / (keyIsSpace ? 3 : 2));// the label on the space is a bit higher // the X coordinate for the center of the main label text is // unaffected by the hints final float textX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2; final float textY; // Some devices (mostly pre-Honeycomb, have issues with RTL text // drawing. // Of course, there is no issue with a single character :) // so, we'll use the RTL secured drawing (via StaticLayout) for // labels. if (label.length() > 1 && !AnyApplication.getConfig().workaround_alwaysUseDrawText()) { // calculate Y coordinate of top of text based on center // location textY = centerY - ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2); canvas.translate(textX, textY); // RTL fix. But it costs, let do it when in need (more than // 1 character) StaticLayout labelText = new StaticLayout(label, new TextPaint(paint), (int) textWidth, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); labelText.draw(canvas); } else { // to get Y coordinate of baseline from center of text, // first add half the height (to get to // bottom of text), then subtract the part below the // baseline. Note that is negative. textY = centerY + ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2); canvas.translate(textX, textY); canvas.drawText(label, 0, label.length(), 0, 0, paint); } canvas.translate(-textX, -textY); // (-) // Turn off drop shadow paint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (drawHintText) { if ((key.popupCharacters != null && key.popupCharacters.length() > 0) || (key.popupResId != 0) || (key.longPressCode != 0)) { Align oldAlign = paint.getTextAlign(); String hintText = null; if (key.hintLabel != null && key.hintLabel.length() > 0) { hintText = key.hintLabel.toString(); // it is the responsibility of the keyboard layout // designer to ensure that they do // not put too many characters in the hint label... } else if (key.longPressCode != 0) { if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(key.longPressCode)) hintText = Character.toString((char) key.longPressCode); } else if (key.popupCharacters != null) { final String hintString = key.popupCharacters.toString(); final int hintLength = hintString.length(); if (hintLength <= 3) hintText = hintString; } // if hintText is still null, it means it didn't fit one of // the above // cases, so we should provide the hint using the default if (hintText == null) { if (mHintOverflowLabel != null) hintText = mHintOverflowLabel; else { // theme does not provide a defaultHintLabel // use if hints are above, ... if hints are // below // (to avoid being too close to main label/icon) if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP) hintText = ""; else hintText = "..."; } } if (mKeyboard.isShifted()) hintText = hintText.toUpperCase(getKeyboard().getLocale()); // now draw hint paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); paint.setColor(hintColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000)); paint.setTextSize(mHintTextSize); // get the hint text font metrics so that we know the size // of the hint when // we try to position the main label (to try to make sure // they don't overlap) if (mHintTextFM == null) { mHintTextFM = paint.getFontMetrics(); } final float hintX; final float hintY; // the (float) 0.5 value is added or subtracted to just give // a little more room // in case the theme designer didn't account for the hint // label location if (hintAlign == Gravity.START) { // left paint.setTextAlign(Align.LEFT); hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + 0.5f; } else if (hintAlign == Gravity.CENTER) { // center paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2; } else { // right paint.setTextAlign(Align.RIGHT); hintX = key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right - 0.5f; } if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP) { // above hintY = - + 0.5f; } else { // below hintY = key.height - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom - mHintTextFM.bottom - 0.5f; } canvas.drawText(hintText, hintX, hintY, paint); paint.setTextAlign(oldAlign); } } canvas.translate(-key.x - kbdPaddingLeft, -key.y - kbdPaddingTop); } mInvalidatedKey = null; mDirtyRect.setEmpty(); }
From source
private TextPaint getTextPaint(TLRPC.RichText parentRichText, TLRPC.RichText richText, TLRPC.PageBlock parentBlock) {//from www . j a v a 2 s .com int flags = getTextFlags(richText); HashMap<Integer, TextPaint> currentMap = null; int textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); int textColor = 0xffff0000; if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockPhoto) { currentMap = captionTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff838c96; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockTitle) { currentMap = titleTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(24); textColor = 0xff000000; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockAuthorDate) { currentMap = authorTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff838c96; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockFooter) { currentMap = footerTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff838c96; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSubtitle) { currentMap = subtitleTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(21); textColor = 0xff000000; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockHeader) { currentMap = headerTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(21); textColor = 0xff000000; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSubheader) { currentMap = subheaderTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(18); textColor = 0xff000000; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockBlockquote || parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockPullquote) { if (parentBlock.text == parentRichText) { currentMap = quoteTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(15); textColor = 0xff000000; } else if (parentBlock.caption == parentRichText) { currentMap = subquoteTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff838c96; } } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockPreformatted) { currentMap = preformattedTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff000000; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockParagraph) { if (parentBlock.caption == parentRichText) { currentMap = embedPostCaptionTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff838c96; } else { currentMap = paragraphTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(16); textColor = 0xff000000; } } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockList) { currentMap = listTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(15); textColor = 0xff000000; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockEmbed) { currentMap = embedTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff838c96; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSlideshow) { currentMap = slideshowTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff838c96; } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockEmbedPost) { if (richText != null) { currentMap = embedPostTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff000000; } } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockVideo) { currentMap = videoTextPaints; textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14); textColor = 0xff000000; } if (currentMap == null) { if (errorTextPaint == null) { errorTextPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); errorTextPaint.setColor(0xffff0000); } errorTextPaint.setTextSize(AndroidUtilities.dp(14)); return errorTextPaint; } TextPaint paint = currentMap.get(flags); if (paint == null) { paint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MONO) != 0) { paint.setTypeface(AndroidUtilities.getTypeface("fonts/rmono.ttf")); } else { if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockTitle || parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockHeader || parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSubtitle || parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSubheader) { if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MEDIUM) != 0 && (flags & TEXT_FLAG_ITALIC) != 0) { paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("serif", Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)); } else if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MEDIUM) != 0) { paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("serif", Typeface.BOLD)); } else if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_ITALIC) != 0) { paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("serif", Typeface.ITALIC)); } else { paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("serif", Typeface.NORMAL)); } } else { if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MEDIUM) != 0 && (flags & TEXT_FLAG_ITALIC) != 0) { paint.setTypeface(AndroidUtilities.getTypeface("fonts/rmediumitalic.ttf")); } else if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MEDIUM) != 0) { paint.setTypeface(AndroidUtilities.getTypeface("fonts/rmedium.ttf")); } else if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_ITALIC) != 0) { paint.setTypeface(AndroidUtilities.getTypeface("fonts/ritalic.ttf")); } } } if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_STRIKE) != 0) { paint.setFlags(paint.getFlags() | TextPaint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG); } if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_UNDERLINE) != 0) { paint.setFlags(paint.getFlags() | TextPaint.UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG); } if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_URL) != 0) { textColor = 0xff4d83b3; } paint.setColor(textColor); currentMap.put(flags, paint); } paint.setTextSize(textSize); return paint; }
From source
@CallSuper protected void onBufferDraw(Canvas canvas, final Paint paint) { if (mKeyboardChanged) { invalidateAllKeys();// w w w.j a v a2 s .c om mKeyboardChanged = false; } canvas.getClipBounds(mDirtyRect); if (mKeyboard == null) return; final boolean drawKeyboardNameText = (mKeyboardNameTextSize > 1f) && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowKeyboardNameText(); final boolean drawHintText = (mHintTextSize > 1) && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowHintTextOnKeys(); final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor = false; // TODO: final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor = // AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomTextColorOnKeys(); final ColorStateList keyTextColor = useCustomKeyTextColor ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFF6666FF }) : mKeyTextColor; final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText && false; // TODO: final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText && final ColorStateList hintColor = useCustomHintColor ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFFFF6666 }) : mHintTextColor; // allow preferences to override theme settings for hint text position final boolean useCustomHintAlign = drawHintText && AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomHintAlign(); final int hintAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintAlign() : mHintLabelAlign; final int hintVAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintVAlign() : mHintLabelVAlign; final Drawable keyBackground = mKeyBackground; final Rect clipRegion = mClipRegion; final int kbdPaddingLeft = getPaddingLeft(); final int kbdPaddingTop = getPaddingTop(); final Key[] keys = mKeys; final Key invalidKey = mInvalidatedKey; boolean drawSingleKey = false; if (invalidKey != null && canvas.getClipBounds(clipRegion)) { // TODO we should use Rect.inset and Rect.contains here. // Is clipRegion completely contained within the invalidated key? if (invalidKey.x + kbdPaddingLeft - 1 <= clipRegion.left && invalidKey.y + kbdPaddingTop - 1 <= && invalidKey.x + invalidKey.width + kbdPaddingLeft + 1 >= clipRegion.right && invalidKey.y + invalidKey.height + kbdPaddingTop + 1 >= clipRegion.bottom) { drawSingleKey = true; } } for (Key keyBase : keys) { final AnyKey key = (AnyKey) keyBase; final boolean keyIsSpace = isSpaceKey(key); if (drawSingleKey && (invalidKey != key)) { continue; } if (!mDirtyRect.intersects(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop, key.x + key.width + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + key.height + kbdPaddingTop)) { continue; } int[] drawableState = key.getCurrentDrawableState(mDrawableStatesProvider); if (keyIsSpace) paint.setColor(mKeyboardNameTextColor); else paint.setColor(keyTextColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000)); keyBackground.setState(drawableState); // Switch the character to uppercase if shift is pressed CharSequence label = key.label == null ? null : adjustLabelToShiftState(key); final Rect bounds = keyBackground.getBounds(); if ((key.width != bounds.right) || (key.height != bounds.bottom)) { keyBackground.setBounds(0, 0, key.width, key.height); } canvas.translate(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop); keyBackground.draw(canvas); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) { Drawable iconToDraw = getIconToDrawForKey(key, false); if (iconToDraw != null/* && shouldDrawIcon */) { // // final boolean is9Patch = iconToDraw.getCurrent() instanceof NinePatchDrawable; // Special handing for the upper-right number hint icons final int drawableWidth; final int drawableHeight; final int drawableX; final int drawableY; drawableWidth = is9Patch ? key.width : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicWidth(); drawableHeight = is9Patch ? key.height : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicHeight(); drawableX = (key.width + mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right - drawableWidth) / 2; drawableY = (key.height + - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom - drawableHeight) / 2; canvas.translate(drawableX, drawableY); iconToDraw.setBounds(0, 0, drawableWidth, drawableHeight); iconToDraw.draw(canvas); canvas.translate(-drawableX, -drawableY); if (keyIsSpace && drawKeyboardNameText) { // now a little hack, I'll set the label now, so it get // drawn. label = mKeyboardName; } } else { // ho... no icon. // I'll try to guess the text label = guessLabelForKey(key.getPrimaryCode()); } } if (label != null) { // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use // small font. final FontMetrics fm; if (keyIsSpace) { paint.setTextSize(mKeyboardNameTextSize); paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); if (mKeyboardNameFontMetrics == null) mKeyboardNameFontMetrics = paint.getFontMetrics(); fm = mKeyboardNameFontMetrics; } else if (label.length() > 1 && key.getCodesCount() < 2) { setPaintForLabelText(paint); if (mLabelFontMetrics == null) mLabelFontMetrics = paint.getFontMetrics(); fm = mLabelFontMetrics; } else { setPaintToKeyText(paint); if (mTextFontMetrics == null) mTextFontMetrics = paint.getFontMetrics(); fm = mTextFontMetrics; } if (isLabelOfPictographic(label)) { paint.setTextSize(2f * paint.getTextSize()); } final float labelHeight =; // Draw a drop shadow for the text paint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, mShadowOffsetX, mShadowOffsetY, mShadowColor); final float textWidth = adjustTextSizeForLabel(paint, label, key.width); // the center of the drawable space, which is value used // previously for vertically // positioning the key label final float centerY = + ((key.height - - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom) / (keyIsSpace ? 3 : 2));// the label on the space is a bit higher // the X coordinate for the center of the main label text is // unaffected by the hints final float textX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2; final float textY; // Some devices (mostly pre-Honeycomb, have issues with RTL text // drawing. // Of course, there is no issue with a single character :) // so, we'll use the RTL secured drawing (via StaticLayout) for // labels. if (label.length() > 1 && !AnyApplication.getConfig().workaround_alwaysUseDrawText()) { // calculate Y coordinate of top of text based on center // location textY = centerY - ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2); canvas.translate(textX, textY); // RTL fix. But it costs, let do it when in need (more than // 1 character) StaticLayout labelText = new StaticLayout(label, new TextPaint(paint), (int) textWidth, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); labelText.draw(canvas); } else { // to get Y coordinate of baseline from center of text, // first add half the height (to get to // bottom of text), then subtract the part below the // baseline. Note that is negative. textY = centerY + ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2); canvas.translate(textX, textY); canvas.drawText(label, 0, label.length(), 0, 0, paint); } canvas.translate(-textX, -textY); // (-) // Turn off drop shadow paint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (drawHintText) { if ((key.popupCharacters != null && key.popupCharacters.length() > 0) || (key.popupResId != 0) || (key.longPressCode != 0)) { Align oldAlign = paint.getTextAlign(); String hintText = null; if (key.hintLabel != null && key.hintLabel.length() > 0) { hintText = key.hintLabel.toString(); // it is the responsibility of the keyboard layout // designer to ensure that they do // not put too many characters in the hint label... } else if (key.longPressCode != 0) { if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(key.longPressCode)) hintText = Character.toString((char) key.longPressCode); } else if (key.popupCharacters != null) { final String hintString = key.popupCharacters.toString(); final int hintLength = hintString.length(); if (hintLength <= 3) hintText = hintString; } // if hintText is still null, it means it didn't fit one of // the above // cases, so we should provide the hint using the default if (hintText == null) { if (mHintOverflowLabel != null) hintText = mHintOverflowLabel; else { // theme does not provide a defaultHintLabel // use if hints are above, ... if hints are // below // (to avoid being too close to main label/icon) if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP) hintText = ""; else hintText = "..."; } } if (mKeyboard.isShifted()) hintText = hintText.toUpperCase(getKeyboard().getLocale()); // now draw hint paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); paint.setColor(hintColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000)); paint.setTextSize(mHintTextSize); // get the hint text font metrics so that we know the size // of the hint when // we try to position the main label (to try to make sure // they don't overlap) if (mHintTextFontMetrics == null) { mHintTextFontMetrics = paint.getFontMetrics(); } final float hintX; final float hintY; // the (float) 0.5 value is added or subtracted to just give // a little more room // in case the theme designer didn't account for the hint // label location if (hintAlign == Gravity.START) { // left paint.setTextAlign(Align.LEFT); hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + 0.5f; } else if (hintAlign == Gravity.CENTER) { // center paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2; } else { // right paint.setTextAlign(Align.RIGHT); hintX = key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right - 0.5f; } if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP) { // above hintY = - + 0.5f; } else { // below hintY = key.height - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom - mHintTextFontMetrics.bottom - 0.5f; } canvas.drawText(hintText, hintX, hintY, paint); paint.setTextAlign(oldAlign); } } canvas.translate(-key.x - kbdPaddingLeft, -key.y - kbdPaddingTop); } mInvalidatedKey = null; mDirtyRect.setEmpty(); }
From source
private StaticLayout createLayoutForText(CharSequence plainText, TLRPC.RichText richText, int width, TLRPC.PageBlock parentBlock) {/* ww w .jav a 2 s .c o m*/ if (plainText == null && (richText == null || richText instanceof TLRPC.TL_textEmpty)) { return null; } if (quoteLinePaint == null) { quoteLinePaint = new Paint(); quoteLinePaint.setColor(0xff000000); preformattedBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); preformattedBackgroundPaint.setColor(0xfff5f8fc); urlPaint = new Paint(); urlPaint.setColor(0x3362a9e3); } CharSequence text; if (plainText != null) { text = plainText; } else { text = getText(richText, richText, parentBlock); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { return null; } TextPaint paint; if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockEmbedPost && richText == null) { if ( == plainText) { if (embedPostAuthorPaint == null) { embedPostAuthorPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); embedPostAuthorPaint.setColor(0xff000000); } embedPostAuthorPaint.setTextSize(AndroidUtilities.dp(15)); paint = embedPostAuthorPaint; } else { if (embedPostDatePaint == null) { embedPostDatePaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); embedPostDatePaint.setColor(0xff8f97a0); } embedPostDatePaint.setTextSize(AndroidUtilities.dp(14)); paint = embedPostDatePaint; } } else { paint = getTextPaint(richText, richText, parentBlock); } if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockPullquote) { return new StaticLayout(text, paint, width, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); } else { return new StaticLayout(text, paint, width, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, AndroidUtilities.dp(4), false); } }
From source
/** * Return the layout for a numbered event. Create it if not already existing *//*ww w . j a v a2 s . c om*/ private StaticLayout getEventLayout(StaticLayout[] layouts, int i, Event event, Paint paint, Rect r) { if (i < 0 || i >= layouts.length) { return null; } StaticLayout layout = layouts[i]; // Check if we have already initialized the StaticLayout and that // the width hasn't changed (due to vertical resizing which causes // re-layout of events at min height) if (layout == null || r.width() != layout.getWidth()) { SpannableStringBuilder bob = new SpannableStringBuilder(); if (event.title != null) { // MAX - 1 since we add a space bob.append(drawTextSanitizer(event.title.toString(), MAX_EVENT_TEXT_LEN - 1)); bob.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, bob.length(), 0); bob.append(' '); } if (event.location != null) { bob.append(drawTextSanitizer(event.location.toString(), MAX_EVENT_TEXT_LEN - bob.length())); } paint.setColor(mEventTextColor); // Leave a one pixel boundary on the left and right of the rectangle for the event layout = new StaticLayout(bob, 0, bob.length(), new TextPaint(paint), r.width(), Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, true, null, r.width()); layouts[i] = layout; } layout.getPaint().setAlpha(mEventsAlpha); return layout; }
From source
private void onBufferDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (mKeyboardChanged) { invalidateAllKeys();/*from w w w . j ava2 s . co m*/ mKeyboardChanged = false; } canvas.getClipBounds(mDirtyRect); if (mKeyboard == null) return; final boolean drawKeyboardNameText = (mKeyboardNameTextSize > 1f) && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowKeyboardNameText(); final boolean drawHintText = (mHintTextSize > 1) && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowHintTextOnKeys(); // TODO: calls to AnyApplication.getConfig().getXXXXX() functions are // not yet implemented, // but need to when allowing preferences to override theme settings of // these values // right now just using what should be the default values for these // unimplemented preferences final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor = false; // TODO: final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor = // AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomTextColorOnKeys(); final ColorStateList keyTextColor = useCustomKeyTextColor ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFF6666FF }) : mKeyTextColor; // TODO: ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomKeyTextColorOnKeys() : // mKeyTextColor; final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText && false; // TODO: final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText && // AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomHintColorOnKeys(); final ColorStateList hintColor = useCustomHintColor ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFFFF6666 }) : mHintTextColor; // TODO: ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintColorOnKeys() : // mHintTextColor; // allow preferences to override theme settings for hint text position final boolean useCustomHintAlign = drawHintText && AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomHintAlign(); final int hintAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintAlign() : mHintLabelAlign; final int hintVAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintVAlign() : mHintLabelVAlign; final Paint paint = mPaint; final Drawable keyBackground = mKeyBackground; final Rect clipRegion = mClipRegion; final int kbdPaddingLeft = getPaddingLeft(); final int kbdPaddingTop = getPaddingTop(); final Key[] keys = mKeys; final Key invalidKey = mInvalidatedKey; boolean drawSingleKey = false; if (invalidKey != null && canvas.getClipBounds(clipRegion)) { // TODO we should use Rect.inset and Rect.contains here. // Is clipRegion completely contained within the invalidated key? if (invalidKey.x + kbdPaddingLeft - 1 <= clipRegion.left && invalidKey.y + kbdPaddingTop - 1 <= && invalidKey.x + invalidKey.width + kbdPaddingLeft + 1 >= clipRegion.right && invalidKey.y + invalidKey.height + kbdPaddingTop + 1 >= clipRegion.bottom) { drawSingleKey = true; } } final int keyCount = keys.length; for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) { final AnyKey key = (AnyKey) keys[i]; final boolean keyIsSpace = isSpaceKey(key); if (drawSingleKey && (invalidKey != key)) { continue; } if (!mDirtyRect.intersects(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop, key.x + key.width + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + key.height + kbdPaddingTop)) { continue; } int[] drawableState = key.getCurrentDrawableState(mDrawableStatesProvider); if (keyIsSpace) paint.setColor(mKeyboardNameTextColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000)); else paint.setColor(keyTextColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000)); keyBackground.setState(drawableState); // Switch the character to uppercase if shift is pressed CharSequence label = key.label == null ? null : adjustCase(key).toString(); final Rect bounds = keyBackground.getBounds(); if ((key.width != bounds.right) || (key.height != bounds.bottom)) { keyBackground.setBounds(0, 0, key.width, key.height); } canvas.translate(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop); keyBackground.draw(canvas); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) { Drawable iconToDraw = getIconToDrawForKey(key, false); if (iconToDraw != null/* && shouldDrawIcon */) { // // final boolean is9Patch = iconToDraw.getCurrent() instanceof NinePatchDrawable; // Special handing for the upper-right number hint icons final int drawableWidth; final int drawableHeight; final int drawableX; final int drawableY; drawableWidth = is9Patch ? key.width : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicWidth(); drawableHeight = is9Patch ? key.height : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicHeight(); drawableX = (key.width + mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right - drawableWidth) / 2; drawableY = (key.height + - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom - drawableHeight) / 2; canvas.translate(drawableX, drawableY); iconToDraw.setBounds(0, 0, drawableWidth, drawableHeight); iconToDraw.draw(canvas); canvas.translate(-drawableX, -drawableY); if (keyIsSpace && drawKeyboardNameText) { // now a little hack, I'll set the label now, so it get // drawn. label = mKeyboardName; } } else { // ho... no icon. // I'll try to guess the text label = guessLabelForKey([0]); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) { Log.w(TAG, "That's unfortunate, for key " +[0] + " at (" + key.x + ", " + key.y + ") there is no icon nor label. Action ID is " + mKeyboardActionType); } } } if (label != null) { // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use // small font. final FontMetrics fm; if (keyIsSpace) { paint.setTextSize(mKeyboardNameTextSize); paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); if (mKeyboardNameFM == null) mKeyboardNameFM = paint.getFontMetrics(); fm = mKeyboardNameFM; } else if (label.length() > 1 && < 2) { paint.setTextSize(mLabelTextSize); paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); if (mLabelFM == null) mLabelFM = paint.getFontMetrics(); fm = mLabelFM; } else { fm = setPaintToKeyText(paint); } final float labelHeight =; // Draw a drop shadow for the text paint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, mShadowOffsetX, mShadowOffsetY, mShadowColor); // (+)This is the trick to get RTL/LTR text correct // no matter what: StaticLayout // this should be in the top left corner of the key float textWidth = paint.measureText(label, 0, label.length()); // I'm going to try something if the key is too small for the // text: // 1) divide the text size by 1.5 // 2) if still too large, divide by 2.5 // 3) show no text if (textWidth > key.width) { Log.d(TAG, "Label '" + label + "' is too large for the key. Reducing by 1.5."); paint.setTextSize(mKeyTextSize / 1.5f); textWidth = paint.measureText(label, 0, label.length()); if (textWidth > key.width) { Log.d(TAG, "Label '" + label + "' is too large for the key. Reducing by 2.5."); paint.setTextSize(mKeyTextSize / 2.5f); textWidth = paint.measureText(label, 0, label.length()); if (textWidth > key.width) { Log.d(TAG, "Label '" + label + "' is too large for the key. Showing no text."); paint.setTextSize(0f); textWidth = paint.measureText(label, 0, label.length()); } } } // the center of the drawable space, which is value used // previously for vertically // positioning the key label final float centerY = + ((key.height - - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom) / (keyIsSpace ? 3 : 2));// the label on the space is a bit higher // the X coordinate for the center of the main label text is // unaffected by the hints final float centerX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2; final float textX = centerX; final float textY; // Some devices (mostly pre-Honeycomb, have issues with RTL text // drawing. // Of course, there is no issue with a single character :) // so, we'll use the RTL secured drawing (via StaticLayout) for // labels. if (label.length() > 1 && !AnyApplication.getConfig().workaround_alwaysUseDrawText()) { // calculate Y coordinate of top of text based on center // location textY = centerY - ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2); canvas.translate(textX, textY); Log.d(TAG, "Using RTL fix for key draw '" + label + "'"); // RTL fix. But it costs, let do it when in need (more than // 1 character) StaticLayout labelText = new StaticLayout(label, new TextPaint(paint), (int) textWidth, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); labelText.draw(canvas); } else { // to get Y coordinate of baseline from center of text, // first add half the height (to get to // bottom of text), then subtract the part below the // baseline. Note that is negative. textY = centerY + ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2); canvas.translate(textX, textY); canvas.drawText(label, 0, label.length(), 0, 0, paint); } canvas.translate(-textX, -textY); // (-) // Turn off drop shadow paint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (drawHintText) { if ((key.popupCharacters != null && key.popupCharacters.length() > 0) || (key.popupResId != 0) || (key.longPressCode != 0)) { Paint.Align oldAlign = paint.getTextAlign(); String hintText = null; if (key.hintLabel != null && key.hintLabel.length() > 0) { hintText = key.hintLabel.toString(); // it is the responsibility of the keyboard layout // designer to ensure that they do // not put too many characters in the hint label... } else if (key.longPressCode != 0) { if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(key.longPressCode)) hintText = Character.toString((char) key.longPressCode); } else if (key.popupCharacters != null) { final String hintString = key.popupCharacters.toString(); final int hintLength = hintString.length(); if (hintLength <= 3) hintText = hintString; } // if hintText is still null, it means it didn't fit one of // the above // cases, so we should provide the hint using the default if (hintText == null) { if (mHintOverflowLabel != null) hintText = mHintOverflowLabel.toString(); else { // theme does not provide a defaultHintLabel // use if hints are above, ... if hints are // below // (to avoid being too close to main label/icon) if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP) hintText = ""; else hintText = "..."; } } if (mKeyboard.isShifted()) hintText = hintText.toUpperCase(); // now draw hint paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); paint.setColor(hintColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000)); paint.setTextSize(mHintTextSize); // get the hint text font metrics so that we know the size // of the hint when // we try to position the main label (to try to make sure // they don't overlap) if (mHintTextFM == null) { mHintTextFM = paint.getFontMetrics(); } final float hintX; final float hintY; // the (float) 0.5 value is added or subtracted to just give // a little more room // in case the theme designer didn't account for the hint // label location if (hintAlign == Gravity.LEFT) { // left paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + (float) 0.5; } else if (hintAlign == Gravity.CENTER) { // center paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2; } else { // right paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); hintX = key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right - (float) 0.5; } if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP) { // above hintY = - + (float) 0.5; } else { // below hintY = key.height - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom - mHintTextFM.bottom - (float) 0.5; } canvas.drawText(hintText, hintX, hintY, paint); paint.setTextAlign(oldAlign); } } canvas.translate(-key.x - kbdPaddingLeft, -key.y - kbdPaddingTop); } mInvalidatedKey = null; // Overlay a dark rectangle to dim the keyboard if (mMiniKeyboard != null && mMiniKeyboardVisible) { paint.setColor((int) (mBackgroundDimAmount * 0xFF) << 24); canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), paint); } if (FeaturesSet.DEBUG_LOG) { if (mShowTouchPoints) { for (PointerTracker tracker : mPointerTrackers) { int startX = tracker.getStartX(); int startY = tracker.getStartY(); int lastX = tracker.getLastX(); int lastY = tracker.getLastY(); paint.setAlpha(128); paint.setColor(0xFFFF0000); canvas.drawCircle(startX, startY, 3, paint); canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, lastX, lastY, paint); paint.setColor(0xFF0000FF); canvas.drawCircle(lastX, lastY, 3, paint); paint.setColor(0xFF00FF00); canvas.drawCircle((startX + lastX) / 2, (startY + lastY) / 2, 2, paint); } } } mDrawPending = false; mDirtyRect.setEmpty(); }
From source
private MoreImageSpan createMoreSpan(final int count) { final String moreText = String.format(mMoreItem.getText().toString(), count); final TextPaint morePaint = new TextPaint(getPaint()); morePaint.setTextSize(mMoreItem.getTextSize()); morePaint.setColor(mMoreItem.getCurrentTextColor()); final int width = (int) morePaint.measureText(moreText) + mMoreItem.getPaddingLeft() + mMoreItem.getPaddingRight(); final int height = getLineHeight(); final Bitmap drawable = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(drawable); int adjustedHeight = height; final Layout layout = getLayout(); if (layout != null) adjustedHeight -= layout.getLineDescent(0); canvas.drawText(moreText, 0, moreText.length(), 0, adjustedHeight, morePaint); final Drawable result = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), drawable); result.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); return new MoreImageSpan(result); }