List of usage examples for android.text TextPaint setShadowLayer
public void setShadowLayer(float radius, float dx, float dy, int shadowColor)
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private static int drawDescription(@NonNull Canvas canvas, @Nullable String description, int top, boolean isArticleRTL) { final int marginBottom = 5; final int maxHeight = 23; final int maxLines = 2; final float maxFontSize = 15.0f; final float minFontSize = 10.0f; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(description)) { return top - marginBottom; }//ww w . j a va 2 s .co m TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(); textPaint.setAntiAlias(true); textPaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); textPaint.setTextSize(maxFontSize); textPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); textPaint.setShadowLayer(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, Color.GRAY); StaticLayout textLayout = optimizeTextSize( new TextLayoutParams(description, textPaint, DESCRIPTION_WIDTH, SPACING_MULTIPLIER), maxHeight, maxLines, maxFontSize, minFontSize); int left = HORIZONTAL_PADDING; if (isArticleRTL) { left = WIDTH - HORIZONTAL_PADDING - textLayout.getWidth(); } top = top - marginBottom - textLayout.getHeight();; canvas.translate(left, top); textLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); return top; }
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private static void drawTitle(@NonNull Canvas canvas, @NonNull String title, int top, boolean isArticleRTL) { final int marginBottom = 0; final int maxHeight = 70; final int maxLines = 2; final float maxFontSize = 30.0f; final float spacingMultiplier = 0.7f; TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(); textPaint.setAntiAlias(true);//ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m textPaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); textPaint.setTextSize(maxFontSize); textPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); textPaint.setTypeface(SERIF); textPaint.setShadowLayer(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, Color.GRAY); StaticLayout textLayout = optimizeTextSize( new TextLayoutParams(title, textPaint, DESCRIPTION_WIDTH, spacingMultiplier), maxHeight, maxLines, maxFontSize, maxFontSize); int left = HORIZONTAL_PADDING; if (isArticleRTL) { left = WIDTH - HORIZONTAL_PADDING - textLayout.getWidth(); } int marginBottomTotal = marginBottom; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { // versions < 5.0 don't compensate for bottom margin correctly when line // spacing is less than 1.0, so we'll compensate ourselves final int marginBoost = 10; marginBottomTotal += marginBoost; } top = top - marginBottomTotal - textLayout.getHeight();; canvas.translate(left, top); textLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); }
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@NonNull private static Layout drawTextSnippet(@NonNull Canvas canvas, @NonNull CharSequence textSnippet) { final int top = TOP_PADDING; final int maxHeight = 225; final int maxLines = 5; final float maxFontSize = 195.0f; final float minFontSize = 32.0f; TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(); textPaint.setAntiAlias(true);//from w w w.jav a2 s.c o m textPaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); textPaint.setTextSize(maxFontSize); textPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); textPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); textPaint.setShadowLayer(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Color.GRAY); StaticLayout textLayout = optimizeTextSize( new TextLayoutParams(textSnippet, textPaint, TEXT_WIDTH, SPACING_MULTIPLIER), maxHeight, maxLines, maxFontSize, minFontSize);; int horizontalCenterOffset = top + (maxHeight - textLayout.getHeight()) / QUARTER; canvas.translate(HORIZONTAL_PADDING, horizontalCenterOffset); textLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); return textLayout; }
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/** * Generates a phone number shortcut icon. Adds an overlay describing the type of the phone * number, and if there is a photo also adds the call action icon. *///w ww. j ava 2 s . c om private Bitmap generatePhoneNumberIcon(Drawable photo, int phoneType, String phoneLabel, int actionResId) { final Resources r = mContext.getResources(); final float density = r.getDisplayMetrics().density; Bitmap phoneIcon = ((BitmapDrawable) r.getDrawableForDensity(actionResId, mIconDensity)).getBitmap(); Bitmap icon = generateQuickContactIcon(photo); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(icon); // Copy in the photo Paint photoPaint = new Paint(); photoPaint.setDither(true); photoPaint.setFilterBitmap(true); Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, mIconSize, mIconSize); // Create an overlay for the phone number type CharSequence overlay = Phone.getTypeLabel(r, phoneType, phoneLabel); if (overlay != null) { TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG); textPaint.setTextSize(r.getDimension(R.dimen.shortcut_overlay_text_size)); textPaint.setColor(r.getColor(R.color.textColorIconOverlay)); textPaint.setShadowLayer(4f, 0, 2f, r.getColor(R.color.textColorIconOverlayShadow)); final FontMetricsInt fmi = textPaint.getFontMetricsInt(); // First fill in a darker background around the text to be drawn final Paint workPaint = new Paint(); workPaint.setColor(mOverlayTextBackgroundColor); workPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); final int textPadding = r.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.shortcut_overlay_text_background_padding); final int textBandHeight = (fmi.descent - fmi.ascent) + textPadding * 2; dst.set(0, mIconSize - textBandHeight, mIconSize, mIconSize); canvas.drawRect(dst, workPaint); overlay = TextUtils.ellipsize(overlay, textPaint, mIconSize, TruncateAt.END); final float textWidth = textPaint.measureText(overlay, 0, overlay.length()); canvas.drawText(overlay, 0, overlay.length(), (mIconSize - textWidth) / 2, mIconSize - fmi.descent - textPadding, textPaint); } // Draw the phone action icon as an overlay Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, phoneIcon.getWidth(), phoneIcon.getHeight()); int iconWidth = icon.getWidth(); dst.set(iconWidth - ((int) (20 * density)), -1, iconWidth, ((int) (19 * density))); canvas.drawBitmap(phoneIcon, src, dst, photoPaint); canvas.setBitmap(null); return icon; }
From source
/** * Generates a phone number shortcut icon. Adds an overlay describing the type of the phone * number, and if there is a photo also adds the call action icon. *//*from w w w . jav a2 s . c om*/ private Bitmap generatePhoneNumberIcon(Drawable photo, int phoneType, String phoneLabel, int actionResId) { final Resources r = mContext.getResources(); final float density = r.getDisplayMetrics().density; Bitmap phoneIcon = ((BitmapDrawable) r.getDrawableForDensity(actionResId, mIconDensity)).getBitmap(); Bitmap icon = generateQuickContactIcon(photo); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(icon); // Copy in the photo Paint photoPaint = new Paint(); photoPaint.setDither(true); photoPaint.setFilterBitmap(true); Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, mIconSize, mIconSize); // Create an overlay for the phone number type CharSequence overlay = Phone.getTypeLabel(r, phoneType, phoneLabel); if (overlay != null) { TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG); textPaint.setTextSize(r.getDimension(R.dimen.shortcut_overlay_text_size)); textPaint.setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.textColorIconOverlay)); textPaint.setShadowLayer(4f, 0, 2f, ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.textColorIconOverlayShadow)); final FontMetricsInt fmi = textPaint.getFontMetricsInt(); // First fill in a darker background around the text to be drawn final Paint workPaint = new Paint(); workPaint.setColor(mOverlayTextBackgroundColor); workPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); final int textPadding = r.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.shortcut_overlay_text_background_padding); final int textBandHeight = (fmi.descent - fmi.ascent) + textPadding * 2; dst.set(0, mIconSize - textBandHeight, mIconSize, mIconSize); canvas.drawRect(dst, workPaint); overlay = TextUtils.ellipsize(overlay, textPaint, mIconSize, TruncateAt.END); final float textWidth = textPaint.measureText(overlay, 0, overlay.length()); canvas.drawText(overlay, 0, overlay.length(), (mIconSize - textWidth) / 2, mIconSize - fmi.descent - textPadding, textPaint); } // Draw the phone action icon as an overlay Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, phoneIcon.getWidth(), phoneIcon.getHeight()); int iconWidth = icon.getWidth(); dst.set(iconWidth - ((int) (20 * density)), -1, iconWidth, ((int) (19 * density))); canvas.drawBitmap(phoneIcon, src, dst, photoPaint); canvas.setBitmap(null); return icon; }
From source
/** * Generates a phone number shortcut icon. Adds an overlay describing the type of the phone * number, and if there is a photo also adds the call action icon. */// w ww .j ava 2 s . c o m private Bitmap generatePhoneNumberIcon(Drawable photo, int phoneType, String phoneLabel, int actionResId) { final Resources r = mContext.getResources(); final float density = r.getDisplayMetrics().density; final Drawable phoneDrawable = r.getDrawableForDensity(actionResId, mIconDensity); // These icons have the same height and width so either is fine for the size. final Bitmap phoneIcon = BitmapUtil.drawableToBitmap(phoneDrawable, phoneDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); Bitmap icon = generateQuickContactIcon(photo); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(icon); // Copy in the photo Paint photoPaint = new Paint(); photoPaint.setDither(true); photoPaint.setFilterBitmap(true); Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, mIconSize, mIconSize); // Create an overlay for the phone number type if we're pre-O. O created shortcuts have the // app badge which overlaps the type overlay. CharSequence overlay = Phone.getTypeLabel(r, phoneType, phoneLabel); if (!BuildCompat.isAtLeastO() && overlay != null) { TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG); textPaint.setTextSize(r.getDimension(R.dimen.shortcut_overlay_text_size)); textPaint.setColor(r.getColor(R.color.textColorIconOverlay)); textPaint.setShadowLayer(4f, 0, 2f, r.getColor(R.color.textColorIconOverlayShadow)); final FontMetricsInt fmi = textPaint.getFontMetricsInt(); // First fill in a darker background around the text to be drawn final Paint workPaint = new Paint(); workPaint.setColor(mOverlayTextBackgroundColor); workPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); final int textPadding = r.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.shortcut_overlay_text_background_padding); final int textBandHeight = (fmi.descent - fmi.ascent) + textPadding * 2; dst.set(0, mIconSize - textBandHeight, mIconSize, mIconSize); canvas.drawRect(dst, workPaint); overlay = TextUtils.ellipsize(overlay, textPaint, mIconSize, TruncateAt.END); final float textWidth = textPaint.measureText(overlay, 0, overlay.length()); canvas.drawText(overlay, 0, overlay.length(), (mIconSize - textWidth) / 2, mIconSize - fmi.descent - textPadding, textPaint); } // Draw the phone action icon as an overlay int iconWidth = icon.getWidth(); if (BuildCompat.isAtLeastO()) { // On O we need to calculate where the phone icon goes slightly differently. The whole // canvas area is 108dp, a centered circle with a diameter of 66dp is the "safe zone". // So we start the drawing the phone icon at // 108dp - 21 dp (distance from right edge of safe zone to the edge of the canvas) // - 24 dp (size of the phone icon) on the x axis (left) // The y axis is simply 21dp for the distance to the safe zone (top). // See go/o-icons-eng for more details and a handy picture. final int left = (int) (mIconSize - (45 * density)); final int top = (int) (21 * density); canvas.drawBitmap(phoneIcon, left, top, photoPaint); } else { dst.set(iconWidth - ((int) (20 * density)), -1, iconWidth, ((int) (19 * density))); canvas.drawBitmap(phoneIcon, null, dst, photoPaint); } canvas.setBitmap(null); return icon; }
From source
public Bitmap drawMultilineTextToBitmap(Context gContext, Bitmap bitmap, String gText) { // prepare canvas Resources resources = gContext.getResources(); float scale = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density; //Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, gResId); bitmapConfig = bitmap.getConfig(); // set default bitmap config if none if (bitmapConfig == null) { bitmapConfig =; }/*w w w.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ // resource bitmaps are imutable, // so we need to convert it to mutable one bitmap = bitmap.copy(bitmapConfig, true); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); // new antialiased Paint TextPaint paint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); // text color - #3D3D3D paint.setColor(Color.rgb(61, 61, 61)); // text size in pixels paint.setTextSize((int) (20 * scale)); // text shadow paint.setShadowLayer(1f, 0f, 1f, Color.WHITE); //canvas.drawText("This is", 100, 100, paint); //canvas.drawText("multi-line", 100, 150, paint); //canvas.drawText("text", 100, 200, paint); // set text width to canvas width minus 16dp padding int textWidth = canvas.getWidth() - (int) (16 * scale); // init StaticLayout for text StaticLayout textLayout = new StaticLayout(gText, paint, textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0.0f, false); // get height of multiline text int textHeight = textLayout.getHeight(); // get position of text's top left corner float x = (bitmap.getWidth() - textWidth) / 2; float y = bitmap.getHeight() - textHeight; // draw text to the Canvas center; canvas.translate(x, y); textLayout.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); return bitmap; }