List of usage examples for android.text TextPaint measureText
public float measureText(String text)
From source
/** * Returns the original text if it fits in the specified width * given the properties of the specified Paint, * or, if it does not fit, a copy with ellipsis character added * at the specified edge or center.// w w w . j av a2s . c o m * If <code>preserveLength</code> is specified, the returned copy * will be padded with zero-width spaces to preserve the original * length and offsets instead of truncating. * If <code>callback</code> is non-null, it will be called to * report the start and end of the ellipsized range. * * @hide */ public static CharSequence ellipsize(CharSequence text, TextPaint paint, float avail, TruncateAt where, boolean preserveLength, EllipsizeCallback callback, TextDirectionHeuristic textDir, String ellipsis) { int len = text.length(); MeasuredText mt = MeasuredText.obtain(); try { float width = setPara(mt, paint, text, 0, text.length(), textDir); if (width <= avail) { if (callback != null) { callback.ellipsized(0, 0); } return text; } // XXX assumes ellipsis string does not require shaping and // is unaffected by style float ellipsiswid = paint.measureText(ellipsis); avail -= ellipsiswid; int left = 0; int right = len; if (avail < 0) { // it all goes } else if (where == TruncateAt.START) { right = len - mt.breakText(len, false, avail); } else if (where == TruncateAt.END || where == TruncateAt.END_SMALL) { left = mt.breakText(len, true, avail); } else { right = len - mt.breakText(len, false, avail / 2); avail -= mt.measure(right, len); left = mt.breakText(right, true, avail); } if (callback != null) { callback.ellipsized(left, right); } char[] buf = mt.mChars; Spanned sp = text instanceof Spanned ? (Spanned) text : null; int remaining = len - (right - left); if (preserveLength) { if (remaining > 0) { // else eliminate the ellipsis too buf[left++] = ellipsis.charAt(0); } for (int i = left; i < right; i++) { buf[i] = ZWNBS_CHAR; } String s = new String(buf, 0, len); if (sp == null) { return s; } SpannableString ss = new SpannableString(s); copySpansFrom(sp, 0, len, Object.class, ss, 0); return ss; } if (remaining == 0) { return ""; } if (sp == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(remaining + ellipsis.length()); sb.append(buf, 0, left); sb.append(ellipsis); sb.append(buf, right, len - right); return sb.toString(); } SpannableStringBuilder ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder(); ssb.append(text, 0, left); ssb.append(ellipsis); ssb.append(text, right, len); return ssb; } finally { MeasuredText.recycle(mt); } }
From source
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.one_expense); mDateFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat(this); mTimeFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getTimeFormat(this); setupToolbar();/*w ww . j ava 2s . c o m*/ mManager = getSupportLoaderManager(); //we enable it only after accountcursor has been loaded, preventing NPE when user clicks on it early configTypeButton(); mTypeButton.setEnabled(false); mCommentText = (EditText) findViewById(; mTitleText = (EditText) findViewById(; mReferenceNumberText = (EditText) findViewById(; mDateButton = (Button) findViewById(; mAttachPictureButton = (ImageView) findViewById(; mPictureViewContainer = (FrameLayout) findViewById(; mTimeButton = (Button) findViewById(; mPayeeLabel = (TextView) findViewById(; mPayeeText = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(; mTransferAmountText = (AmountEditText) findViewById(; mExchangeRate1Text = (AmountEditText) findViewById(; mExchangeRate1Text.setFractionDigits(EXCHANGE_RATE_FRACTION_DIGITS); mExchangeRate1Text.addTextChangedListener(new LinkedExchangeRateTextWatchter(true)); mExchangeRate2Text = (AmountEditText) findViewById(; mExchangeRate2Text.setFractionDigits(EXCHANGE_RATE_FRACTION_DIGITS); mExchangeRate2Text.addTextChangedListener(new LinkedExchangeRateTextWatchter(false)); mPayeeAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.support_simple_spinner_dropdown_item, null, new String[] { KEY_PAYEE_NAME }, new int[] { }, 0); mPayeeText.setAdapter(mPayeeAdapter); mPayeeAdapter.setFilterQueryProvider(new FilterQueryProvider() { @SuppressLint("NewApi") public Cursor runQuery(CharSequence str) { if (str == null) { return null; } String search = Utils.esacapeSqlLikeExpression(Utils.normalize(str.toString())); //we accept the string at the beginning of a word String selection = KEY_PAYEE_NAME_NORMALIZED + " LIKE ? OR " + KEY_PAYEE_NAME_NORMALIZED + " LIKE ? OR " + KEY_PAYEE_NAME_NORMALIZED + " LIKE ?"; String[] selectArgs = { search + "%", "% " + search + "%", "%." + search + "%" }; return getContentResolver().query(TransactionProvider.PAYEES_URI, new String[] { KEY_ROWID, KEY_PAYEE_NAME, "(SELECT max(" + KEY_ROWID + ") FROM " + TABLE_TRANSACTIONS + " WHERE " + WHERE_NOT_SPLIT + " AND " + KEY_PAYEEID + " = " + TABLE_PAYEES + "." + KEY_ROWID + ")" }, selection, selectArgs, null); } }); mPayeeAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter(new CursorToStringConverter() { public CharSequence convertToString(Cursor cur) { return cur.getString(1); } }); mPayeeText.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { Cursor c = (Cursor) mPayeeAdapter.getItem(position); if (c.moveToPosition(position)) { mTransaction.updatePayeeWithId(c.getString(1), c.getLong(0)); if (mNewInstance && mTransaction != null && !(mTransaction instanceof Template || mTransaction instanceof SplitTransaction)) { //moveToPosition should not be necessary, //but has been reported to not be positioned correctly on samsung GT-I8190N if (!c.isNull(2)) { if (PrefKey.AUTO_FILL_HINT_SHOWN.getBoolean(false)) { if (PrefKey.AUTO_FILL.getBoolean(true)) { startAutoFill(c.getLong(2)); } } else { Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putLong(KEY_ROWID, c.getLong(2)); b.putInt(ConfirmationDialogFragment.KEY_TITLE, R.string.dialog_title_information); b.putString(ConfirmationDialogFragment.KEY_MESSAGE, getString(R.string.hint_auto_fill)); b.putInt(ConfirmationDialogFragment.KEY_COMMAND_POSITIVE,; b.putString(ConfirmationDialogFragment.KEY_PREFKEY, PrefKey.AUTO_FILL_HINT_SHOWN.getKey()); b.putInt(ConfirmationDialogFragment.KEY_POSITIVE_BUTTON_LABEL, R.string.yes); b.putInt(ConfirmationDialogFragment.KEY_NEGATIVE_BUTTON_LABEL,; ConfirmationDialogFragment.newInstance(b).show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "AUTO_FILL_HINT"); } } } } } }); mCategoryButton = (Button) findViewById(; mPlanButton = (Button) findViewById(; mMethodSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(; mAccountSpinner = new SpinnerHelper(findViewById(; mTransferAccountSpinner = new SpinnerHelper(findViewById(; mTransferAccountSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(this); mStatusSpinner = new SpinnerHelper(findViewById(; mReccurenceSpinner = new SpinnerHelper(findViewById(; mPlanToggleButton = (ToggleButton) findViewById(; TextPaint paint = mPlanToggleButton.getPaint(); int automatic = (int) paint.measureText(getString(R.string.plan_automatic)); int manual = (int) paint.measureText(getString(R.string.plan_manual)); mPlanToggleButton.setWidth((automatic > manual ? automatic : manual) + +mPlanToggleButton.getPaddingLeft() + mPlanToggleButton.getPaddingRight()); mRowId = Utils.getFromExtra(getIntent().getExtras(), KEY_ROWID, 0); //upon orientation change stored in instance state, since new splitTransactions are immediately persisted to DB if (savedInstanceState != null) { mSavedInstance = true; mRowId = savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_ROWID); mPictureUri = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(KEY_PICTURE_URI); mPictureUriTemp = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(KEY_PICTURE_URI_TMP); setPicture(); mCalendar = (Calendar) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(KEY_CALENDAR); mLabel = savedInstanceState.getString(KEY_LABEL); if ((mCatId = savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_CATID)) == 0L) { mCatId = null; } if ((mMethodId = savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_METHODID)) == 0L) mMethodId = null; if ((mAccountId = savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_ACCOUNTID)) == 0L) { mAccountId = null; } else { //once user has selected account, we no longer want //the passed in KEY_CURRENCY to override it in onLoadFinished getIntent().removeExtra(KEY_CURRENCY); } if ((mTransferAccountId = savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_TRANSFER_ACCOUNT)) == 0L) mTransferAccountId = null; } mTemplateId = getIntent().getLongExtra(KEY_TEMPLATEID, 0); //were we called from a notification int notificationId = getIntent().getIntExtra(MyApplication.KEY_NOTIFICATION_ID, 0); if (notificationId > 0) { ((NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE)).cancel(notificationId); } CrStatusAdapter sAdapter = new CrStatusAdapter(this) { @Override public boolean isEnabled(int position) { //if the transaction is reconciled, the status can not be changed //otherwise only unreconciled and cleared can be set return mTransaction != null && mTransaction.crStatus != CrStatus.RECONCILED && position != CrStatus.RECONCILED.ordinal(); } }; mStatusSpinner.setAdapter(sAdapter); //1. fetch the transaction or create a new instance if (mRowId != 0 || mTemplateId != 0) { mNewInstance = false; int taskId; Serializable extra = null; Long objectId; if (mRowId != 0) { taskId = TaskExecutionFragment.TASK_INSTANTIATE_TRANSACTION; //if called with extra KEY_CLONE, we ask the task to clone, but no longer after orientation change extra = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(KEY_CLONE, false) && savedInstanceState == null; objectId = mRowId; } else { objectId = mTemplateId; //are we editing the template or instantiating a new one if ((mPlanInstanceId = getIntent().getLongExtra(KEY_INSTANCEID, 0)) != 0L) { taskId = TaskExecutionFragment.TASK_INSTANTIATE_TRANSACTION_FROM_TEMPLATE; mPlanInstanceDate = getIntent().getLongExtra(KEY_DATE, 0); mRecordTemplateWidget = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(AbstractWidget.EXTRA_START_FROM_WIDGET, false) && !ContribFeature.TEMPLATE_WIDGET.hasAccess(); } else { taskId = TaskExecutionFragment.TASK_INSTANTIATE_TEMPLATE; } } FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); if (fm.findFragmentByTag(ProtectionDelegate.ASYNC_TAG) == null) { startTaskExecution(taskId, new Long[] { objectId }, extra, R.string.progress_dialog_loading); } } else { mOperationType = getIntent().getIntExtra(MyApplication.KEY_OPERATION_TYPE, MyExpenses.TYPE_TRANSACTION); if (!isValidType(mOperationType)) { mOperationType = MyExpenses.TYPE_TRANSACTION; } if (mOperationType == MyExpenses.TYPE_SPLIT && !ContribFeature.SPLIT_TRANSACTION.hasAccess() && ContribFeature.SPLIT_TRANSACTION.usagesLeft() < 1) { Toast.makeText(this, ContribFeature.SPLIT_TRANSACTION.buildRequiresString(this), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); finish(); return; } final Long parentId = getIntent().getLongExtra(KEY_PARENTID, 0); final boolean isNewTemplate = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(KEY_NEW_TEMPLATE, false); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); View spinner = findViewById(; mOperationTypeSpinner = new SpinnerHelper(spinner); spinner.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); List<Integer> allowedOperationTypes = new ArrayList<>(); allowedOperationTypes.add(MyExpenses.TYPE_TRANSACTION); allowedOperationTypes.add(MyExpenses.TYPE_TRANSFER); if (!isNewTemplate && parentId == 0) { allowedOperationTypes.add(MyExpenses.TYPE_SPLIT); } mOperationTypeAdapter = new OperationTypeAdapter(this, allowedOperationTypes, isNewTemplate, parentId != 0); mOperationTypeSpinner.setAdapter(mOperationTypeAdapter); resetOperationType(); mOperationTypeSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(this); Long accountId = getIntent().getLongExtra(KEY_ACCOUNTID, 0); if (isNewTemplate) { mTransaction = Template.getTypedNewInstance(mOperationType, accountId); } else { switch (mOperationType) { case MyExpenses.TYPE_TRANSACTION: if (accountId == 0L) { accountId = MyApplication.getInstance().getSettings() .getLong(PREFKEY_TRANSACTION_LAST_ACCOUNT_FROM_WIDGET, 0L); } mTransaction = parentId == 0L ? Transaction.getNewInstance(accountId) : SplitPartCategory.getNewInstance(accountId, parentId); break; case MyExpenses.TYPE_TRANSFER: Long transfer_account = 0L; if (accountId == 0L) { accountId = MyApplication.getInstance().getSettings() .getLong(PREFKEY_TRANSFER_LAST_ACCOUNT_FROM_WIDGET, 0L); transfer_account = MyApplication.getInstance().getSettings() .getLong(PREFKEY_TRANSFER_LAST_TRANSFER_ACCOUNT_FROM_WIDGET, 0L); } mTransaction = parentId == 0L ? Transfer.getNewInstance(accountId, transfer_account) : SplitPartTransfer.getNewInstance(accountId, parentId, transfer_account); break; case MyExpenses.TYPE_SPLIT: if (accountId == 0L) { accountId = MyApplication.getInstance().getSettings() .getLong(PREFKEY_SPLIT_LAST_ACCOUNT_FROM_WIDGET, 0L); } mTransaction = SplitTransaction.getNewInstance(accountId); //Split transactions are returned persisted to db and already have an id if (mTransaction != null) { mRowId = mTransaction.getId(); } break; } } if (mTransaction == null) { String errMsg = "Error instantiating transaction for account " + accountId; IllegalStateException(errMsg), "Extras", getIntent().getExtras().toString()); Toast.makeText(this, errMsg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); finish(); return; } if (!mSavedInstance) { //processing data from user switching operation type Transaction cached = (Transaction) getIntent().getSerializableExtra(KEY_CACHED_DATA); if (cached != null) { mTransaction.accountId = cached.accountId; mCalendar.setTime(cached.getDate()); mPictureUri = getIntent().getParcelableExtra(KEY_CACHED_PICTURE_URI); setPicture(); mTransaction.methodId = cached.methodId; } } setup(); } }
From source
private MoreImageSpan createMoreSpan(final int count) { final String moreText = String.format(mMoreItem.getText().toString(), count); final TextPaint morePaint = new TextPaint(getPaint()); morePaint.setTextSize(mMoreItem.getTextSize()); morePaint.setColor(mMoreItem.getCurrentTextColor()); final int width = (int) morePaint.measureText(moreText) + mMoreItem.getPaddingLeft() + mMoreItem.getPaddingRight(); final int height = getLineHeight(); final Bitmap drawable = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(drawable); int adjustedHeight = height; final Layout layout = getLayout(); if (layout != null) adjustedHeight -= layout.getLineDescent(0); canvas.drawText(moreText, 0, moreText.length(), 0, adjustedHeight, morePaint); final Drawable result = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), drawable); result.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); return new MoreImageSpan(result); }