Example usage for android.text TextPaint getTextWidths

List of usage examples for android.text TextPaint getTextWidths


In this page you can find the example usage for android.text TextPaint getTextWidths.


public int getTextWidths(String text, float[] widths) 

Source Link


Return the advance widths for the characters in the string.


From source file:com.android.ex.chips.RecipientEditTextView.java

private Bitmap createSelectedChip(final RecipientEntry contact, final TextPaint paint) {
    // Ellipsize the text so that it takes AT MOST the entire width of the
    // autocomplete text entry area. Make sure to leave space for padding
    // on the sides.
    final int height = (int) mChipHeight;
    final int deleteWidth = height;
    final float[] widths = new float[1];
    paint.getTextWidths(" ", widths);
    final String createChipDisplayText = createChipDisplayText(contact);
    final float calculateAvailableWidth = calculateAvailableWidth();
    final CharSequence ellipsizedText = ellipsizeText(createChipDisplayText, paint,
            calculateAvailableWidth - deleteWidth - widths[0]);
    // Make sure there is a minimum chip width so the user can ALWAYS
    // tap a chip without difficulty.
    final int width = Math.max(deleteWidth * 2,
            (int) Math.floor(paint.measureText(ellipsizedText, 0, ellipsizedText.length())) + mChipPadding * 2
                    + deleteWidth);/*ww  w.  j  av a  2 s . c  o m*/
    // Create the background of the chip.
    final Bitmap tmpBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(tmpBitmap);
    if (mChipBackgroundPressed != null) {
        mChipBackgroundPressed.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
        // Vertically center the text in the chip.
        canvas.drawText(ellipsizedText, 0, ellipsizedText.length(), mChipPadding,
                getTextYOffset((String) ellipsizedText, paint, height), paint);
        // Make the delete a square.
        final Rect backgroundPadding = new Rect();
        mChipDelete.setBounds(width - deleteWidth + backgroundPadding.left, 0 + backgroundPadding.top,
                width - backgroundPadding.right, height - backgroundPadding.bottom);
    } else
        Log.w(TAG, "Unable to draw a background for the chips as it was never set");
    return tmpBitmap;

From source file:com.android.ex.chips.RecipientEditTextView.java

private Bitmap createUnselectedChip(final RecipientEntry contact, final TextPaint paint,
        final boolean leaveBlankIconSpacer) {
    // Ellipsize the text so that it takes AT MOST the entire width of the
    // autocomplete text entry area. Make sure to leave space for padding
    // on the sides.
    final int height = (int) mChipHeight;
    int iconWidth = height;
    final float[] widths = new float[1];
    paint.getTextWidths(" ", widths);
    final float availableWidth = calculateAvailableWidth();
    final String chipDisplayText = createChipDisplayText(contact);
    final CharSequence ellipsizedText = ellipsizeText(chipDisplayText, paint,
            availableWidth - iconWidth - widths[0]);
    // Make sure there is a minimum chip width so the user can ALWAYS
    // tap a chip without difficulty.
    final int width = Math.max(iconWidth * 2,
            (int) Math.floor(paint.measureText(ellipsizedText, 0, ellipsizedText.length())) + mChipPadding * 2
                    + iconWidth);//w  w w  . j  av  a2 s  . com
    // Create the background of the chip.
    final Bitmap tmpBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(tmpBitmap);
    final Drawable background = getChipBackground(contact);
    if (background != null) {
        background.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
        // Don't draw photos for recipients that have been typed in OR generated on the fly.
        final long contactId = contact.getContactId();
        final boolean drawPhotos = isPhoneQuery() ? contactId != RecipientEntry.INVALID_CONTACT
                : contactId != RecipientEntry.INVALID_CONTACT && contactId != RecipientEntry.GENERATED_CONTACT
                        && !TextUtils.isEmpty(contact.getDisplayName());
        if (drawPhotos) {
            byte[] photoBytes = contact.getPhotoBytes();
            // There may not be a photo yet if anything but the first contact address
            // was selected.
            if (photoBytes == null && contact.getPhotoThumbnailUri() != null) {
                // TODO: cache this in the recipient entry?
                getAdapter().fetchPhoto(contact, contact.getPhotoThumbnailUri());
                photoBytes = contact.getPhotoBytes();
            Bitmap photo;
            if (photoBytes != null)
                photo = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(photoBytes, 0, photoBytes.length);
            else // TODO: can the scaled down default photo be cached?
                photo = mDefaultContactPhoto;
            // Draw the photo on the left side.
            if (photo != null) {
                final RectF src = new RectF(0, 0, photo.getWidth(), photo.getHeight());
                final Rect backgroundPadding = new Rect();
                final RectF dst = new RectF(width - iconWidth + backgroundPadding.left,
                        0 + backgroundPadding.top, width - backgroundPadding.right,
                        height - backgroundPadding.bottom);
                final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
                matrix.setRectToRect(src, dst, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL);
                canvas.drawBitmap(photo, matrix, paint);
        } else if (!leaveBlankIconSpacer || isPhoneQuery())
            iconWidth = 0;
        paint.setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), android.R.color.black));
        // Vertically center the text in the chip.
        canvas.drawText(ellipsizedText, 0, ellipsizedText.length(), mChipPadding,
                getTextYOffset((String) ellipsizedText, paint, height), paint);
    } else
        Log.w(TAG, "Unable to draw a background for the chips as it was never set");
    return tmpBitmap;