List of usage examples for android.text Html fromHtml
@Deprecated public static Spanned fromHtml(String source)
From source
public static void showUrlFailedDialog(final Activity activity, final String errMsg, final String url, final String sample) { if (activity == null) { Log.e(null, "No activity for error message " + errMsg); return;//from w w w .ja va2 s . c o m } activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (activity.isFinishing()) { return; } String s = activity.getResources().getString(R.string.torrent_url_add_failed, url, sample); Spanned msg = Html.fromHtml(s); Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity).setMessage(msg).setCancelable(true) .setNegativeButton(android.R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { } }).setNeutralButton(R.string.torrent_url_add_failed_openurl, new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url)); activity.startActivity(intent); } });; } }); }
From source
private void setupTextDisplay(final View header) { final TextView titleView = (TextView) header.findViewById(; if (playlistName != null) { titleView.setText(playlistName); } else if (podcastName != null) { Collections.reverse(entries); titleView.setText(podcastName);//from w w w .j av a 2s. co m titleView.setPadding(0, 6, 4, 8); } else if (name != null) { titleView.setText(name); if (artistInfo != null) { titleView.setPadding(0, 6, 4, 8); } } else if (share != null) { titleView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } int songCount = 0; Set<String> artists = new HashSet<String>(); Set<Integer> years = new HashSet<Integer>(); totalDuration = 0; for (Entry entry : entries) { if (!entry.isDirectory()) { songCount++; if (entry.getArtist() != null) { artists.add(entry.getArtist()); } if (entry.getYear() != null) { years.add(entry.getYear()); } Integer duration = entry.getDuration(); if (duration != null) { totalDuration += duration; } } } String artistName = ""; bookDescription = "Could not collect any info about the book at this time"; try { artistName = artists.iterator().next(); String endpoint = "getBookDirectory"; if (Util.isTagBrowsing(context)) { endpoint = "getBook"; } SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getPreferences(context); String url = Util.getRestUrl(context, endpoint) + "&id=" + directory.getId() + "&f=json"; Log.w("GetInfo", url); String artist, title; int year = 0; artist = title = ""; try { artist = artists.iterator().next(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w("GetInfoArtist", e.toString()); } try { title = titleView.getText().toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w("GetInfoTitle", e.toString()); } try { year = years.iterator().next(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w("GetInfoYear", e.toString()); } BookInfoAPIParams params = new BookInfoAPIParams(url, artist, title, year); bookInfo = new BookInfoAPI(context).execute(params).get(); bookDescription = bookInfo[0]; bookReader = bookInfo[1]; } catch (Exception e) { Log.w("GetInfoError", e.toString()); } if (bookDescription.equals("noInfo")) { bookDescription = "The server has no description for this book"; } final TextView artistView = (TextView) header.findViewById(; if (podcastDescription != null || artistInfo != null || bookDescription != null) { artistView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); String text = ""; if (bookDescription != null) { text = bookDescription; } if (podcastDescription != null) { text = podcastDescription; } if (artistInfo != null) { text = artistInfo.getBiography(); } Spanned spanned = null; if (text != null) { String newText = ""; try { if (!artistName.equals("")) { newText += "<b>" + context.getResources().getString(R.string.main_artist) + "</b>: " + artistName + "<br/>"; } } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (totalDuration > 0) { newText += "<b>" + context.getResources().getString(R.string.album_book_reader) + "</b>: " + bookReader + "<br/>"; } } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (totalDuration > 0) { newText += "<b>" + context.getResources().getString(R.string.album_book_length) + "</b>: " + Util.formatDuration(totalDuration) + "<br/>"; } } catch (Exception e) { } try { newText += text + "<br/>"; } catch (Exception e) { } spanned = Html.fromHtml(newText); } artistView.setText(spanned); artistView.setSingleLine(false); final int minLines = context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.TextDescriptionLength); artistView.setLines(minLines); artistView.setTextAppearance(context,; final Spanned spannedText = spanned; artistView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (artistView.getMaxLines() == minLines) { // Use LeadingMarginSpan2 to try to make text flow around image Display display = context.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); ImageView coverArtView = (ImageView) header.findViewById(; coverArtView.measure(display.getWidth(), display.getHeight()); int height, width; ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams vlp = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) coverArtView .getLayoutParams(); if (coverArtView.getDrawable() != null) { height = coverArtView.getMeasuredHeight() + coverArtView.getPaddingBottom(); width = coverArtView.getWidth() + coverArtView.getPaddingRight(); } else { height = coverArtView.getHeight(); width = coverArtView.getWidth() + coverArtView.getPaddingRight(); } float textLineHeight = artistView.getPaint().getTextSize(); int lines = (int) Math.ceil(height / textLineHeight) + 1; SpannableString ss = new SpannableString(spannedText); ss.setSpan(new MyLeadingMarginSpan2(lines, width), 0, ss.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); View linearLayout = header.findViewById(; RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) linearLayout .getLayoutParams(); int[] rules = params.getRules(); rules[RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF] = 0; params.leftMargin = vlp.rightMargin; artistView.setText(ss); artistView.setMaxLines(100); vlp = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) titleView.getLayoutParams(); vlp.leftMargin = width; } else { artistView.setMaxLines(minLines); } } }); artistView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); } else if (topTracks) { artistView.setText(R.string.menu_top_tracks); artistView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if (showAll) { artistView.setText(R.string.menu_show_all); artistView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if (artists.size() == 1) { String artistText = artists.iterator().next(); if (years.size() == 1) { artistText += " - " + years.iterator().next(); } artistView.setText(artistText); artistView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { artistView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } TextView songCountView = (TextView) header.findViewById(; TextView songLengthView = (TextView) header.findViewById(; if (podcastDescription != null || artistInfo != null) { songCountView.setVisibility(View.GONE); songLengthView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { String s = context.getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.select_album_n_songs, songCount, songCount); songCountView.setVisibility(View.GONE); songLengthView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }
From source
/** * Check for failed messages and post notifications as needed. * TODO: Rewrite this as a NotificationState. *///from w w w .ja v a2 s . co m public static void checkFailedMessages() { final DatabaseWrapper db = DataModel.get().getDatabase(); final Cursor messageDataCursor = db.query(DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE, MessageData.getProjection(), FailedMessageQuery.FAILED_MESSAGES_WHERE_CLAUSE, null /*selectionArgs*/, null /*groupBy*/, null /*having*/, FailedMessageQuery.FAILED_ORDER_BY); try { final Context context = Factory.get().getApplicationContext(); final Resources resources = context.getResources(); final NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(context); if (messageDataCursor != null) { final MessageData messageData = new MessageData(); final HashSet<String> conversationsWithFailedMessages = new HashSet<String>(); // track row ids in case we want to display something that requires this // information final ArrayList<Integer> failedMessages = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int cursorPosition = -1; final long when = 0; messageDataCursor.moveToPosition(-1); while (messageDataCursor.moveToNext()) { messageData.bind(messageDataCursor); final String conversationId = messageData.getConversationId(); if (DataModel.get().isNewMessageObservable(conversationId)) { // Don't post a system notification for an observable conversation // because we already show an angry red annotation in the conversation // itself or in the conversation preview snippet. continue; } cursorPosition = messageDataCursor.getPosition(); failedMessages.add(cursorPosition); conversationsWithFailedMessages.add(conversationId); } if (LogUtil.isLoggable(TAG, LogUtil.DEBUG)) { LogUtil.d(TAG, "Found " + failedMessages.size() + " failed messages"); } if (failedMessages.size() > 0) { final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context); CharSequence line1; CharSequence line2; final boolean isRichContent = false; ConversationIdSet conversationIds = null; PendingIntent destinationIntent; if (failedMessages.size() == 1) { messageDataCursor.moveToPosition(cursorPosition); messageData.bind(messageDataCursor); final String conversationId = messageData.getConversationId(); // We have a single conversation, go directly to that conversation. destinationIntent = UIIntents.get().getPendingIntentForConversationActivity(context, conversationId, null /*draft*/); conversationIds = ConversationIdSet.createSet(conversationId); final String failedMessgeSnippet = messageData.getMessageText(); int failureStringId; if (messageData.getStatus() == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_INCOMING_DOWNLOAD_FAILED) { failureStringId = R.string.notification_download_failures_line1_singular; } else { failureStringId = R.string.notification_send_failures_line1_singular; } line1 = resources.getString(failureStringId); line2 = failedMessgeSnippet; // Set rich text for non-SMS messages or MMS push notification messages // which we generate locally with rich text // TODO- fix this // if (messageData.isMmsInd()) { // isRichContent = true; // } } else { // We have notifications for multiple conversation, go to the conversation // list. destinationIntent = UIIntents.get().getPendingIntentForConversationListActivity(context); int line1StringId; int line2PluralsId; if (messageData.getStatus() == MessageData.BUGLE_STATUS_INCOMING_DOWNLOAD_FAILED) { line1StringId = R.string.notification_download_failures_line1_plural; line2PluralsId = R.plurals.notification_download_failures; } else { line1StringId = R.string.notification_send_failures_line1_plural; line2PluralsId = R.plurals.notification_send_failures; } line1 = resources.getString(line1StringId); line2 = resources.getQuantityString(line2PluralsId, conversationsWithFailedMessages.size(), failedMessages.size(), conversationsWithFailedMessages.size()); } line1 = applyWarningTextColor(context, line1); line2 = applyWarningTextColor(context, line2); final PendingIntent pendingIntentForDelete = UIIntents.get() .getPendingIntentForClearingNotifications(context, BugleNotifications.UPDATE_ERRORS, conversationIds, 0); builder.setContentTitle(line1).setTicker(line1) .setWhen(when > 0 ? when : System.currentTimeMillis()) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_failed_light).setDeleteIntent(pendingIntentForDelete) .setContentIntent(destinationIntent) .setSound(UriUtil.getUriForResourceId(context, R.raw.message_failure)); if (isRichContent && !TextUtils.isEmpty(line2)) { final NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle(builder); if (line2 != null) { inboxStyle.addLine(Html.fromHtml(line2.toString())); } builder.setStyle(inboxStyle); } else { builder.setContentText(line2); } if (builder != null) { notificationManager.notify(BugleNotifications .buildNotificationTag(PendingIntentConstants.MSG_SEND_ERROR, null), PendingIntentConstants.MSG_SEND_ERROR,; } } else { notificationManager.cancel( BugleNotifications.buildNotificationTag(PendingIntentConstants.MSG_SEND_ERROR, null), PendingIntentConstants.MSG_SEND_ERROR); } } } finally { if (messageDataCursor != null) { messageDataCursor.close(); } } }
From source
/** Update the list of card templates for current note type */ private void updateCards(JSONObject model) { try {//from w ww.j a v a 2 s .com JSONArray tmpls = model.getJSONArray("tmpls"); String cardsList = ""; // Build comma separated list of card names for (int i = 0; i < tmpls.length(); i++) { String name = tmpls.getJSONObject(i).optString("name"); // If more than one card then make currently selected card underlined if (!mAddNote && tmpls.length() > 1 && model == mEditorNote.model() && mCurrentEditedCard.template().optString("name").equals(name)) { name = "<u>" + name + "</u>"; } cardsList += name; if (i < tmpls.length() - 1) { cardsList += ", "; } } // Make cards list red if the number of cards is being reduced if (!mAddNote && tmpls.length() < mEditorNote.model().getJSONArray("tmpls").length()) { cardsList = "<font color='red'>" + cardsList + "</font>"; } mCardsButton.setText(Html.fromHtml(getResources().getString(R.string.CardEditorCards, cardsList))); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
From source
public void setLook(String title, final String humanTextRow, final int dialogIdObjectItemList, final long object_id) { int resource = getResources().getIdentifier("dialog_look_" + dialogIdObjectItemList, "layout", mainActivity.getPackageName()); LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(mainActivity.context); final View dialog_layout = inflater.inflate(resource, null); if (object_id != -1) { dev.clear();//w ww.j a v a 2s . c o m dev = mainActivity.katbagHandler.selectDevelopForId(object_id); } spinner_drawing_1 = (Spinner) dialog_layout.findViewById(; spinner_drawing_2 = (Spinner) dialog_layout.findViewById(; spinnerList.clear(); drawing1List.clear(); spinnerList = mainActivity.katbagHandler.selectDevelopAllDrawing(id_app); if (spinnerList.size() == 0) { KatbagUtilities.message(mainActivity.context, getString(R.string.develop_message_not_drawing)); return; } for (int i = 0; i < spinnerList.size(); i++) { drawing1List.add(getString(R.string.drawings_row_name) + " " + spinnerList.get(i)); } ArrayAdapter<String> arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(mainActivity.context, R.layout.simple_spinner_item_custom, drawing1List); arrayAdapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item_custom); spinner_drawing_1.setAdapter(arrayAdapter); switch (dialogIdObjectItemList) { case 0: if (object_id == -1) { } else { for (int i = 0; i < spinnerList.size(); i++) { if (spinnerList.get(i).contentEquals(dev.get(3))) { spinner_drawing_1.setSelection(i); break; } } } break; case 1: if (object_id == -1) { } else { for (int i = 0; i < spinnerList.size(); i++) { if (spinnerList.get(i).contentEquals(dev.get(3))) { spinner_drawing_1.setSelection(i); break; } } } break; case 2: spinner_drawing_2.setAdapter(arrayAdapter); if (object_id == -1) { if (spinnerList.size() > 1) { spinner_drawing_2.setSelection(1); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < spinnerList.size(); i++) { if (spinnerList.get(i).contentEquals(dev.get(3))) { spinner_drawing_1.setSelection(i); break; } } for (int i = 0; i < spinnerList.size(); i++) { if (spinnerList.get(i).contentEquals(dev.get(4))) { spinner_drawing_2.setSelection(i); break; } } } break; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mainActivity.context); builder.setView(dialog_layout); builder.setTitle(Html.fromHtml(title)); builder.setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.dialog_button_cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // :) } }); builder.setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.dialog_button_ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { drawingText_1 = spinner_drawing_1.getSelectedItem().toString(); drawingId_1 = spinnerList.get(spinner_drawing_1.getSelectedItemPosition()); switch (dialogIdObjectItemList) { case 0: if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "look", String.format(humanTextRow, drawingText_1), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type look drawingId_1, // id of drawing selected "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "look", String.format(humanTextRow, drawingText_1), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type look drawingId_1, // id of drawing selected "", "", "", "", "", ""); } break; case 1: if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "look", String.format(humanTextRow, drawingText_1), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type look drawingId_1, // id of drawing selected "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "look", String.format(humanTextRow, drawingText_1), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type look drawingId_1, // id of drawing selected "", "", "", "", "", ""); } break; case 2: // validate field if (spinner_drawing_1.getSelectedItemPosition() == spinner_drawing_2 .getSelectedItemPosition()) { KatbagUtilities.message(mainActivity.context, getString(R.string.develop_message_not_different)); return; } drawingText_2 = spinner_drawing_2.getSelectedItem().toString(); drawingId_2 = spinnerList.get(spinner_drawing_2.getSelectedItemPosition()); if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "look", String.format(humanTextRow, drawingText_1, drawingText_2), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type look drawingId_1, // id of first drawing selected drawingId_2, // id of second drawing selected "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "look", String.format(humanTextRow, drawingText_1, drawingText_2), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type look drawingId_1, // id of first drawing selected drawingId_2, // id of second drawing selected "", "", "", "", ""); } break; } loadListView(); } });; }
From source
public cgCacheWrap parseCache(String page, int reason) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(page)) { Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: No page given"); return null; }//from w ww . j av a 2 s . c o m final cgCacheWrap caches = new cgCacheWrap(); final cgCache cache = new cgCache(); if (page.contains("Cache is Unpublished")) { caches.error = "cache was unpublished"; return caches; } if (page.contains("Sorry, the owner of this listing has made it viewable to Premium Members only.")) { caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only"; return caches; } if (page.contains("has chosen to make this cache listing visible to Premium Members only.")) { caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only"; return caches; } cache.disabled = page.contains("<li>This cache is temporarily unavailable."); cache.archived = page.contains("<li>This cache has been archived,"); cache.members = page.contains("<p class=\"Warning\">This is a Premium Member Only cache.</p>"); cache.reason = reason; // cache geocode try { final Matcher matcherGeocode = patternGeocode.matcher(page); if (matcherGeocode.find() && matcherGeocode.groupCount() > 0) { cache.geocode = getMatch(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache geocode Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache geocode"); } // cache id try { final Matcher matcherCacheId = patternCacheId.matcher(page); if (matcherCacheId.find() && matcherCacheId.groupCount() > 0) { cache.cacheId = getMatch(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache id Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache id"); } // cache guid try { final Matcher matcherCacheGuid = patternCacheGuid.matcher(page); if (matcherCacheGuid.find() && matcherCacheGuid.groupCount() > 0) { cache.guid = getMatch(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache guid Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache guid"); } // name try { final Matcher matcherName = patternName.matcher(page); if (matcherName.find() && matcherName.groupCount() > 0) { = Html.fromHtml(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache name Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache name"); } // owner real name try { final Matcher matcherOwnerReal = patternOwnerReal.matcher(page); if (matcherOwnerReal.find() && matcherOwnerReal.groupCount() > 0) { cache.ownerReal = URLDecoder.decode(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse owner real name Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner real name"); } final String username = settings.getUsername(); if (cache.ownerReal != null && username != null && cache.ownerReal.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) { cache.own = true; } int pos = -1; String tableInside = page; pos = tableInside.indexOf("id=\"cacheDetails\""); if (pos == -1) { Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"cacheDetails\" not found on page"); return null; } tableInside = tableInside.substring(pos); pos = tableInside.indexOf("<div class=\"CacheInformationTable\""); if (pos == -1) { Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"CacheInformationTable\" not found on page"); return null; } tableInside = tableInside.substring(0, pos); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableInside)) { // cache terrain try { final Matcher matcherTerrain = patternTerrain.matcher(tableInside); if (matcherTerrain.find() && matcherTerrain.groupCount() > 0) { cache.terrain = new Float( Pattern.compile("_").matcher(".")); } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse terrain Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache terrain"); } // cache difficulty try { final Matcher matcherDifficulty = patternDifficulty.matcher(tableInside); if (matcherDifficulty.find() && matcherDifficulty.groupCount() > 0) { cache.difficulty = new Float( Pattern.compile("_").matcher(".")); } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse difficulty Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache difficulty"); } // owner try { final Matcher matcherOwner = patternOwner.matcher(tableInside); if (matcherOwner.find() && matcherOwner.groupCount() > 0) { cache.owner = Html.fromHtml(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse owner Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner"); } // hidden try { final Matcher matcherHidden = patternHidden.matcher(tableInside); if (matcherHidden.find() && matcherHidden.groupCount() > 0) { cache.hidden = parseGcCustomDate(; } } catch (ParseException e) { // failed to parse cache hidden date Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hidden date"); } if (cache.hidden == null) { // event date try { final Matcher matcherHiddenEvent = patternHiddenEvent.matcher(tableInside); if (matcherHiddenEvent.find() && matcherHiddenEvent.groupCount() > 0) { cache.hidden = parseGcCustomDate(; } } catch (ParseException e) { // failed to parse cache event date Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache event date"); } } // favourite try { final Matcher matcherFavourite = patternFavourite.matcher(tableInside); if (matcherFavourite.find() && matcherFavourite.groupCount() > 0) { cache.favouriteCnt = Integer.parseInt(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse favourite count Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse favourite count"); } // cache size try { final Matcher matcherSize = patternSize.matcher(tableInside); if (matcherSize.find() && matcherSize.groupCount() > 0) { cache.size = CacheSize.FIND_BY_ID.get(getMatch(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse size Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache size"); } } // cache found cache.found = patternFound.matcher(page).find() || patternFoundAlternative.matcher(page).find(); // cache type try { final Matcher matcherType = patternType.matcher(page); if (matcherType.find() && matcherType.groupCount() > 0) { cache.type = cacheTypes.get(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse type Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache type"); } // on watchlist try { final Matcher matcher = patternOnWatchlist.matcher(page); cache.onWatchlist = matcher.find(); } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse watchlist state Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse watchlist state"); } // latitude and logitude try { final Matcher matcherLatLon = patternLatLon.matcher(page); if (matcherLatLon.find() && matcherLatLon.groupCount() > 0) { cache.latlon = getMatch(; // first is <b> Map<String, Object> tmp = cgBase.parseLatlon(cache.latlon); if (tmp.size() > 0) { cache.coords = new Geopoint((Double) tmp.get("latitude"), (Double) tmp.get("longitude")); cache.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString"); cache.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString"); cache.reliableLatLon = true; } tmp = null; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache coordinates"); } // cache location try { final Matcher matcherLocation = patternLocation.matcher(page); if (matcherLocation.find() && matcherLocation.groupCount() > 0) { cache.location = getMatch(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse location Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache location"); } // cache hint try { final Matcher matcherHint = patternHint.matcher(page); if (matcherHint.find() && != null) { // replace linebreak and paragraph tags String hint = Pattern.compile("<(br|p)[^>]*>").matcher("\n"); if (hint != null) { cache.hint = hint.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("</p>"), "").trim(); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse hint Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hint"); } checkFields(cache); /* * // short info debug * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "gc-code: " + cache.geocode); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "id: " + cache.cacheid); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "guid: " + cache.guid); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "name: " +; * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "terrain: " + cache.terrain); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "difficulty: " + cache.difficulty); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "owner: " + cache.owner); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "owner (real): " + cache.ownerReal); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "hidden: " + dateOutShort.format(cache.hidden)); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "favorite: " + cache.favouriteCnt); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "size: " + cache.size); * if (cache.found) { * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "found!"); * } else { * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "not found"); * } * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "type: " + cache.type); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "latitude: " + String.format("%.6f", cache.latitude)); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "longitude: " + String.format("%.6f", cache.longitude)); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "location: " + cache.location); * Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "hint: " + cache.hint); */ // cache personal note try { final Matcher matcherPersonalNote = patternPersonalNote.matcher(page); if (matcherPersonalNote.find() && matcherPersonalNote.groupCount() > 0) { cache.personalNote = getMatch(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache personal note Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache personal note"); } // cache short description try { final Matcher matcherDescShort = patternDescShort.matcher(page); if (matcherDescShort.find() && matcherDescShort.groupCount() > 0) { cache.shortdesc = getMatch(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse short description Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache short description"); } // cache description try { final Matcher matcherDesc = patternDesc.matcher(page); if (matcherDesc.find() && matcherDesc.groupCount() > 0) { cache.description = getMatch(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse short description Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache description"); } // cache attributes try { final Matcher matcherAttributes = patternAttributes.matcher(page); if (matcherAttributes.find() && matcherAttributes.groupCount() > 0) { final String attributesPre =; final Matcher matcherAttributesInside = patternAttributesInside.matcher(attributesPre); while (matcherAttributesInside.find()) { if (matcherAttributesInside.groupCount() > 1 &&"blank") != true) { if (cache.attributes == null) { cache.attributes = new ArrayList<String>(); } // by default, use the tooltip of the attribute String attribute =; // if the image name can be recognized, use the image name as attribute String imageName =; if (imageName.length() > 0) { int start = imageName.lastIndexOf('/'); int end = imageName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) { attribute = imageName.substring(start + 1, end).replace('-', '_').toLowerCase(); } } cache.attributes.add(attribute); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache attributes Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache attributes"); } // cache spoilers try { final Matcher matcherSpoilers = patternSpoilers.matcher(page); if (matcherSpoilers.find()) { final Matcher matcherSpoilersInside = patternSpoilersInside.matcher(; while (matcherSpoilersInside.find()) { final cgImage spoiler = new cgImage(); spoiler.url =; if ( != null) { spoiler.title =; } if ( != null) { spoiler.description =; } if (cache.spoilers == null) { cache.spoilers = new ArrayList<cgImage>(); } cache.spoilers.add(spoiler); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache spoilers Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache spoilers"); } // cache inventory try { cache.inventoryItems = 0; final Matcher matcherInventory = patternInventory.matcher(page); if (matcherInventory.find()) { if (cache.inventory == null) { cache.inventory = new ArrayList<cgTrackable>(); } if (matcherInventory.groupCount() > 1) { final String inventoryPre =; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(inventoryPre)) { final Matcher matcherInventoryInside = patternInventoryInside.matcher(inventoryPre); while (matcherInventoryInside.find()) { if (matcherInventoryInside.groupCount() > 0) { final cgTrackable inventoryItem = new cgTrackable(); inventoryItem.guid =; =; cache.inventory.add(inventoryItem); cache.inventoryItems++; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache inventory Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache inventory (2)"); } // cache logs counts try { final Matcher matcherLogCounts = patternCountLogs.matcher(page); if (matcherLogCounts.find()) { final Matcher matcherLog = patternCountLog.matcher(; while (matcherLog.find()) { String typeStr =; String countStr ="[.,]", ""); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(typeStr) && logTypes.containsKey(typeStr.toLowerCase()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(countStr)) { cache.logCounts.put(logTypes.get(typeStr.toLowerCase()), Integer.parseInt(countStr)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse logs Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache log count"); } // cache logs loadLogsFromDetails(page, cache); int wpBegin = 0; int wpEnd = 0; wpBegin = page.indexOf("<table class=\"Table\" id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Waypoints\">"); if (wpBegin != -1) { // parse waypoints final Pattern patternWpType = Pattern.compile("\\/wpttypes\\/sm\\/(.+)\\.jpg", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon = Pattern .compile(">([^<]*<[^>]+>)?([^<]+)(<[^>]+>[^<]*)?<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternWpName = Pattern.compile(">[^<]*<a[^>]+>([^<]*)<\\/a>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternWpNote = Pattern.compile("colspan=\"6\">(.*)<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); String wpList = page.substring(wpBegin); wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</p>"); if (wpEnd > -1 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) { wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd); } if (!wpList.contains("No additional waypoints to display.")) { wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</table>"); wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd); wpBegin = wpList.indexOf("<tbody>"); wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</tbody>"); if (wpBegin >= 0 && wpEnd >= 0 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) { wpList = wpList.substring(wpBegin + 7, wpEnd); } final String[] wpItems = wpList.split("<tr"); String[] wp; for (int j = 1; j < wpItems.length; j++) { final cgWaypoint waypoint = new cgWaypoint(); wp = wpItems[j].split("<td"); // waypoint type try { final Matcher matcherWpType = patternWpType.matcher(wp[3]); if (matcherWpType.find() && matcherWpType.groupCount() > 0) { waypoint.type =; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse type Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint type"); } // waypoint prefix try { final Matcher matcherWpPrefix = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[4]); if (matcherWpPrefix.find() && matcherWpPrefix.groupCount() > 1) { waypoint.setPrefix(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse prefix Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint prefix"); } // waypoint lookup try { final Matcher matcherWpLookup = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[5]); if (matcherWpLookup.find() && matcherWpLookup.groupCount() > 1) { waypoint.lookup =; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse lookup Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint lookup"); } // waypoint name try { final Matcher matcherWpName = patternWpName.matcher(wp[6]); while (matcherWpName.find()) { if (matcherWpName.groupCount() > 0) { =; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank( { =; } } if (matcherWpName.find() && matcherWpName.groupCount() > 0) { =; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse name Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint name"); } // waypoint latitude and logitude try { final Matcher matcherWpLatLon = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[7]); if (matcherWpLatLon.find() && matcherWpLatLon.groupCount() > 1) { waypoint.latlon = Html.fromHtml(; final Map<String, Object> tmp = cgBase.parseLatlon(waypoint.latlon); if (tmp.size() > 0) { waypoint.coords = new Geopoint((Double) tmp.get("latitude"), (Double) tmp.get("longitude")); waypoint.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString"); waypoint.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString"); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint coordinates"); } j++; if (wpItems.length > j) { wp = wpItems[j].split("<td"); } // waypoint note try { final Matcher matcherWpNote = patternWpNote.matcher(wp[3]); if (matcherWpNote.find() && matcherWpNote.groupCount() > 0) { waypoint.note =; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse note Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint note"); } if (cache.waypoints == null) { cache.waypoints = new ArrayList<cgWaypoint>(); } cache.waypoints.add(waypoint); } } } if (cache.coords != null) { cache.elevation = getElevation(cache.coords); } final cgRating rating = getRating(cache.guid, cache.geocode); if (rating != null) { cache.rating = rating.rating; cache.votes = rating.votes; cache.myVote = rating.myVote; } cache.updated = System.currentTimeMillis(); cache.detailedUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); cache.detailed = true; caches.cacheList.add(cache); return caches; }
From source
/** * Parse a trackable HTML description into a Trackable object * * @param page// w w 2 s . c o m * the HTML page to parse, already processed through {@link TextUtils#replaceWhitespace} * @return the parsed trackable, or null if none could be parsed */ static Trackable parseTrackable(final String page, final String possibleTrackingcode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(page)) { Log.e("GCParser.parseTrackable: No page given"); return null; } if (page.contains(GCConstants.ERROR_TB_DOES_NOT_EXIST) || page.contains(GCConstants.ERROR_TB_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW) || page.contains(GCConstants.ERROR_TB_ELEMENT_EXCEPTION)) { return null; } final Trackable trackable = new Trackable(); // trackable geocode trackable.setGeocode(TextUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_GEOCODE, true, StringUtils.upperCase(possibleTrackingcode))); if (trackable.getGeocode() == null) { Log.e("GCParser.parseTrackable: could not figure out trackable geocode"); return null; } // trackable id trackable.setGuid(TextUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_GUID, true, trackable.getGuid())); // trackable icon trackable.setIconUrl( TextUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_ICON, true, trackable.getIconUrl())); // trackable name trackable.setName( Html.fromHtml(TextUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_NAME, true, "")).toString()); // trackable type if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(trackable.getName())) { trackable.setType( TextUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_TYPE, true, trackable.getType())); } // trackable owner name try { final MatcherWrapper matcherOwner = new MatcherWrapper(GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_OWNER, page); if (matcherOwner.find() && matcherOwner.groupCount() > 0) { trackable.setOwnerGuid(; trackable.setOwner(; } } catch (final RuntimeException e) { // failed to parse trackable owner name Log.w("GCParser.parseTrackable: Failed to parse trackable owner name"); } // trackable origin trackable.setOrigin( TextUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_ORIGIN, true, trackable.getOrigin())); // trackable spotted try { final MatcherWrapper matcherSpottedCache = new MatcherWrapper( GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_SPOTTEDCACHE, page); if (matcherSpottedCache.find() && matcherSpottedCache.groupCount() > 0) { trackable.setSpottedGuid(; trackable.setSpottedName(; trackable.setSpottedType(Trackable.SPOTTED_CACHE); } final MatcherWrapper matcherSpottedUser = new MatcherWrapper(GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_SPOTTEDUSER, page); if (matcherSpottedUser.find() && matcherSpottedUser.groupCount() > 0) { trackable.setSpottedGuid(; trackable.setSpottedName(; trackable.setSpottedType(Trackable.SPOTTED_USER); } if (TextUtils.matches(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_SPOTTEDUNKNOWN)) { trackable.setSpottedType(Trackable.SPOTTED_UNKNOWN); } if (TextUtils.matches(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_SPOTTEDOWNER)) { trackable.setSpottedType(Trackable.SPOTTED_OWNER); } } catch (final RuntimeException e) { // failed to parse trackable last known place Log.w("GCParser.parseTrackable: Failed to parse trackable last known place"); } // released date - can be missing on the page final String releaseString = TextUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_RELEASES, false, null); if (releaseString != null) { try { trackable.setReleased(dateTbIn1.parse(releaseString)); } catch (ParseException e) { if (trackable.getReleased() == null) { try { trackable.setReleased(dateTbIn2.parse(releaseString)); } catch (ParseException e1) { Log.e("Could not parse trackable release " + releaseString); } } } } // trackable distance final String distance = TextUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_DISTANCE, false, null); if (null != distance) { try { trackable.setDistance(DistanceParser.parseDistance(distance, !Settings.isUseImperialUnits())); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { Log.e("GCParser.parseTrackable: Failed to parse distance", e); } } // trackable goal trackable.setGoal(convertLinks( TextUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_GOAL, true, trackable.getGoal()))); // trackable details & image try { final MatcherWrapper matcherDetailsImage = new MatcherWrapper( GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_DETAILSIMAGE, page); if (matcherDetailsImage.find() && matcherDetailsImage.groupCount() > 0) { final String image = StringUtils.trim(; final String details = StringUtils.trim(; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(image)) { trackable.setImage(image); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(details) && !StringUtils.equals(details, "No additional details available.")) { trackable.setDetails(convertLinks(details)); } } } catch (final RuntimeException e) { // failed to parse trackable details & image Log.w("GCParser.parseTrackable: Failed to parse trackable details & image"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(trackable.getDetails()) && page.contains(GCConstants.ERROR_TB_NOT_ACTIVATED)) { trackable.setDetails(CgeoApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.trackable_not_activated)); } // trackable logs try { final MatcherWrapper matcherLogs = new MatcherWrapper(GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_LOG, page); /* * 1. Type (image) * 2. Date * 3. Author * 4. Cache-GUID * 5. <ignored> (strike-through property for ancient caches) * 6. Cache-name * 7. Log text */ while (matcherLogs.find()) { long date = 0; try { date = GCLogin.parseGcCustomDate(; } catch (final ParseException e) { } final LogEntry logDone = new LogEntry(Html.fromHtml(, date, LogType.getByIconName(,; if ( != null && != null) { logDone.cacheGuid =; logDone.cacheName =; } // Apply the pattern for images in a trackable log entry against each full log (group(0)) final String logEntry =; final MatcherWrapper matcherLogImages = new MatcherWrapper(GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_LOG_IMAGES, logEntry); /* * 1. Image URL * 2. Image title */ while (matcherLogImages.find()) { final Image logImage = new Image(,; logDone.addLogImage(logImage); } trackable.getLogs().add(logDone); } } catch (final Exception e) { // failed to parse logs Log.w("GCParser.parseCache: Failed to parse cache logs", e); } // tracking code if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(trackable.getGeocode(), possibleTrackingcode)) { trackable.setTrackingcode(possibleTrackingcode); } if (CgeoApplication.getInstance() != null) { DataStore.saveTrackable(trackable); } return trackable; }
From source
public cgCacheWrap parseCache(String page, int reason) { if (page == null || page.length() == 0) { Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: No page given"); return null; }/*from w w w . j av a 2 m*/ final Pattern patternGeocode = Pattern.compile( "<meta name=\"og:url\" content=\"[^\"]+/(GC[0-9A-Z]+)\"[^>]*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternCacheId = Pattern.compile("/seek/log\\.aspx\\?ID=(\\d+)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternCacheGuid = Pattern.compile( "<link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"[^\"]*/datastore/rss_galleryimages\\.ashx\\?guid=([0-9a-z\\-]+)\"[^>]*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternType = Pattern.compile( "<img src=\"[^\"]*/WptTypes/\\d+\\.gif\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\" (title=\"[^\"]*\" )?width=\"32\" height=\"32\"[^>]*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternName = Pattern.compile( "<h2[^>]*>[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_CacheName\">([^<]+)<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/h2>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternSize = Pattern.compile( "<div class=\"CacheSize[^\"]*\">[^<]*<p[^>]*>[^S]*Size[^:]*:[^<]*<span[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/icons/container/[a-z_]+\\.gif\" alt=\"Size: ([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>[^<]*<small>[^<]*</small>[^<]*</span>[^<]*</p>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternDifficulty = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxLegendScale\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/stars/stars([0-9_]+)\\.gif\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternTerrain = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Localize6\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/stars/stars([0-9_]+)\\.gif\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternOwner = Pattern.compile( "<span class=\"minorCacheDetails\">[^\\w]*An?([^\\w]*Event)?[^\\w]*cache[^\\w]*by[^<]*<a href=\"[^\"]+\">([^<]+)</a>[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternOwnerReal = Pattern.compile( "<a id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxFindLinksHiddenByThisUser\" href=\"[^\"]*/seek/nearest\\.aspx\\?u=*([^\"]+)\">[^<]+</a>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternHidden = Pattern.compile( "<span[^>]*>[^\\w]*Hidden[^:]*:[^\\d]*((\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+))[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternHiddenEvent = Pattern.compile( "<span[^>]*>[^\\w]*Event[^\\w]*Date[^:]*:[^\\w]*[a-zA-Z]+,[^\\d]*((\\d+)[^\\w]*(\\w+)[^\\d]*(\\d+))[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternFavourite = Pattern.compile( "<a id=\"uxFavContainerLink\"[^>]*>[^<]*<div[^<]*<span class=\"favorite-value\">[^\\d]*([0-9]+)[^\\d^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternFound = Pattern.compile( "<p>[^<]*<a id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_hlFoundItLog\"[^<]*<img src=\".*/images/stockholm/16x16/check\\.gif\"[^>]*>[^<]*</a>[^<]*</p>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternLatLon = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_LatLon\"[^>]*>(<b>)?([^<]*)(<\\/b>)?<\\/span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternLocation = Pattern.compile("<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Location\"[^>]*>In ([^<]*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternHint = Pattern.compile( "<p>([^<]*<strong>)?[^\\w]*Additional Hints([^<]*<\\/strong>)?[^\\(]*\\(<a[^>]+>Encrypt</a>\\)[^<]*<\\/p>[^<]*<div id=\"div_hint\"[^>]*>(.*)</div>[^<]*<div id=[\\'|\"]dk[\\'|\"]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternDescShort = Pattern.compile( "<div class=\"UserSuppliedContent\">[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_ShortDescription\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>).)*)</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternDesc = Pattern.compile( "<div class=\"UserSuppliedContent\">[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_LongDescription\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>).)*)</span>[^<]*</div>[^<]*<p>[^<]*</p>[^<]*<p>[^<]*<strong>[^\\w]*Additional Hints</strong>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternCountLogs = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_lblFindCounts\"><p>(.*)<\\/p><\\/span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternCountLog = Pattern.compile( " src=\"\\/images\\/icons\\/([^\\.]*).gif\" alt=\"[^\"]*\" title=\"[^\"]*\" />([0-9]*)[^0-9]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternLogs = Pattern.compile( "<table class=\"LogsTable[^\"]*\"[^>]*>[^<]*<tr>(.*)</tr>[^<]*</table>[^<]*<p", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternLog = Pattern.compile( "<td[^>]*>[^<]*<strong>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/icons/([^\\.]+)\\.[a-z]{2,5}\"[^>]*> ([a-zA-Z]+) (\\d+)(, (\\d+))? by <a href=[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>[<^]*</strong>([^\\(]*\\((\\d+) found\\))?(<br[^>]*>)+((?:(?!<small>).)*)(<br[^>]*>)+<small>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternAttributes = Pattern.compile( "<h3 class=\"WidgetHeader\">[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^\\w]*Attributes[^<]*</h3>[^<]*<div class=\"WidgetBody\">(([^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>)+)[^<]*<p", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternAttributesInside = Pattern.compile("[^<]*<img src=\"([^\"]+)\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternSpoilers = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Images\">((<a href=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^<]*<span>[^>]+</span>[^<]*</a>[^<]*<br[^>]*>([^<]*(<br[^>]*>)+)?)+)[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternSpoilersInside = Pattern.compile( "[^<]*<a href=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^<]*<span>([^>]+)</span>[^<]*</a>[^<]*<br[^>]*>(([^<]*)(<br[^<]*>)+)?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternInventory = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxTravelBugList_uxInventoryLabel\">[^\\w]*Inventory[^<]*</span>[^<]*</h3>[^<]*<div class=\"WidgetBody\">([^<]*<ul>(([^<]*<li>[^<]*<a href=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<span>[^<]+<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/a>[^<]*<\\/li>)+)[^<]*<\\/ul>)?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternInventoryInside = Pattern.compile( "[^<]*<li>[^<]*<a href=\"[a-z0-9\\-\\_\\.\\?\\/\\:\\@]*\\/track\\/details\\.aspx\\?guid=([0-9a-z\\-]+)[^\"]*\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<span>([^<]+)<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/a>[^<]*<\\/li>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final cgCacheWrap caches = new cgCacheWrap(); final cgCache cache = new cgCache(); if (page.indexOf("Cache is Unpublished") > -1) { caches.error = "cache was unpublished"; return caches; } if (page.indexOf("Sorry, the owner of this listing has made it viewable to Premium Members only.") != -1) { caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only"; return caches; } if (page.indexOf("has chosen to make this cache listing visible to Premium Members only.") != -1) { caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only"; return caches; } if (page.indexOf("<li>This cache is temporarily unavailable.") != -1) { cache.disabled = true; } else { cache.disabled = false; } if (page.indexOf("<li>This cache has been archived,") != -1) { cache.archived = true; } else { cache.archived = false; } if (page.indexOf("<p class=\"Warning\">This is a Premium Member Only cache.</p>") != -1) { cache.members = true; } else { cache.members = false; } cache.reason = reason; // cache geocode try { final Matcher matcherGeocode = patternGeocode.matcher(page); while (matcherGeocode.find()) { if (matcherGeocode.groupCount() > 0) { cache.geocode = (String); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache geocode Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache geocode"); } // cache id try { final Matcher matcherCacheId = patternCacheId.matcher(page); while (matcherCacheId.find()) { if (matcherCacheId.groupCount() > 0) { cache.cacheid = (String); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache id Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache id"); } // cache guid try { final Matcher matcherCacheGuid = patternCacheGuid.matcher(page); while (matcherCacheGuid.find()) { if (matcherCacheGuid.groupCount() > 0) { cache.guid = (String); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache guid Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache guid"); } // name try { final Matcher matcherName = patternName.matcher(page); while (matcherName.find()) { if (matcherName.groupCount() > 0) { = Html.fromHtml(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache name Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache name"); } // owner real name try { final Matcher matcherOwnerReal = patternOwnerReal.matcher(page); while (matcherOwnerReal.find()) { if (matcherOwnerReal.groupCount() > 0) { cache.ownerReal = URLDecoder.decode(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse owner real name Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner real name"); } final String username = settings.getUsername(); if (cache.ownerReal != null && username != null && cache.ownerReal.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) { cache.own = true; } int pos = -1; String tableInside = page; pos = tableInside.indexOf("id=\"cacheDetails\""); if (pos == -1) { Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"cacheDetails\" not found on page"); return null; } tableInside = tableInside.substring(pos); pos = tableInside.indexOf("<div class=\"CacheInformationTable\""); if (pos == -1) { Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"CacheInformationTable\" not found on page"); return null; } tableInside = tableInside.substring(0, pos); if (tableInside != null && tableInside.length() > 0) { // cache terrain try { final Matcher matcherTerrain = patternTerrain.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherTerrain.find()) { if (matcherTerrain.groupCount() > 0) { cache.terrain = new Float( Pattern.compile("_").matcher(".")); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse terrain Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache terrain"); } // cache difficulty try { final Matcher matcherDifficulty = patternDifficulty.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherDifficulty.find()) { if (matcherDifficulty.groupCount() > 0) { cache.difficulty = new Float( Pattern.compile("_").matcher(".")); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse difficulty Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache difficulty"); } // owner try { final Matcher matcherOwner = patternOwner.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherOwner.find()) { if (matcherOwner.groupCount() > 0) { cache.owner = Html.fromHtml(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse owner Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner"); } // hidden try { final Matcher matcherHidden = patternHidden.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherHidden.find()) { if (matcherHidden.groupCount() > 0) { cache.hidden = dateIn.parse(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache hidden date Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hidden date"); } if (cache.hidden == null) { // event date try { final Matcher matcherHiddenEvent = patternHiddenEvent.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherHiddenEvent.find()) { if (matcherHiddenEvent.groupCount() > 0) { cache.hidden = dateEvIn.parse(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache event date Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache event date"); } } // favourite try { final Matcher matcherFavourite = patternFavourite.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherFavourite.find()) { if (matcherFavourite.groupCount() > 0) { cache.favouriteCnt = Integer.parseInt(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse favourite count Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse favourite count"); } // cache size try { final Matcher matcherSize = patternSize.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherSize.find()) { if (matcherSize.groupCount() > 0) { cache.size =; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse size Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache size"); } } // cache found try { final Matcher matcherFound = patternFound.matcher(page); while (matcherFound.find()) { if ( != null && > 0) { cache.found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse found Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse found"); } // cache type try { final Matcher matcherType = patternType.matcher(page); while (matcherType.find()) { if (matcherType.groupCount() > 0) { cache.type = cacheTypes.get(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse type Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache type"); } // latitude and logitude try { final Matcher matcherLatLon = patternLatLon.matcher(page); while (matcherLatLon.find()) { if (matcherLatLon.groupCount() > 0) { cache.latlon =; // first is <b> HashMap<String, Object> tmp = this.parseLatlon(cache.latlon); if (tmp.size() > 0) { cache.latitude = (Double) tmp.get("latitude"); cache.longitude = (Double) tmp.get("longitude"); cache.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString"); cache.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString"); cache.reliableLatLon = true; } tmp = null; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache coordinates"); } // cache location try { final Matcher matcherLocation = patternLocation.matcher(page); while (matcherLocation.find()) { if (matcherLocation.groupCount() > 0) { cache.location =; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse location Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache location"); } // cache hint try { final Matcher matcherHint = patternHint.matcher(page); while (matcherHint.find()) { if (matcherHint.groupCount() > 2 && != null) { // replace linebreak and paragraph tags String hint = Pattern.compile("<(br|p)[^>]*>").matcher("\n"); if (hint != null) { cache.hint = hint.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("</p>"), "").trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse hint Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hint"); } /* // short info debug Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "gc-code: " + cache.geocode); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "id: " + cache.cacheid); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "guid: " + cache.guid); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "name: " +; Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "terrain: " + cache.terrain); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "difficulty: " + cache.difficulty); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "owner: " + cache.owner); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "owner (real): " + cache.ownerReal); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "hidden: " + dateOutShort.format(cache.hidden)); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "favorite: " + cache.favouriteCnt); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "size: " + cache.size); if (cache.found) { Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "found!"); } else { Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "not found"); } Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "type: " + cache.type); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "latitude: " + String.format("%.6f", cache.latitude)); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "longitude: " + String.format("%.6f", cache.longitude)); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "location: " + cache.location); Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "hint: " + cache.hint); */ // cache short description try { final Matcher matcherDescShort = patternDescShort.matcher(page); while (matcherDescShort.find()) { if (matcherDescShort.groupCount() > 0) { cache.shortdesc =; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse short description Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache short description"); } // cache description try { final Matcher matcherDesc = patternDesc.matcher(page); while (matcherDesc.find()) { if (matcherDesc.groupCount() > 0) { cache.description =; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse short description Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache description"); } // cache attributes try { final Matcher matcherAttributes = patternAttributes.matcher(page); while (matcherAttributes.find()) { if (matcherAttributes.groupCount() > 0) { final String attributesPre =; final Matcher matcherAttributesInside = patternAttributesInside.matcher(attributesPre); while (matcherAttributesInside.find()) { if (matcherAttributesInside.groupCount() > 1 &&"blank") != true) { if (cache.attributes == null) { cache.attributes = new ArrayList<String>(); } // by default, use the tooltip of the attribute String attribute =; // if the image name can be recognized, use the image name as attribute String imageName =; if (imageName.length() > 0) { int start = imageName.lastIndexOf('/'); int end = imageName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) { attribute = imageName.substring(start + 1, end).replace('-', '_'); } } cache.attributes.add(attribute); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache attributes Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache attributes"); } // cache spoilers try { final Matcher matcherSpoilers = patternSpoilers.matcher(page); while (matcherSpoilers.find()) { if (matcherSpoilers.groupCount() > 0) { final String spoilersPre =; final Matcher matcherSpoilersInside = patternSpoilersInside.matcher(spoilersPre); while (matcherSpoilersInside.find()) { if (matcherSpoilersInside.groupCount() > 0) { final cgSpoiler spoiler = new cgSpoiler(); spoiler.url =; if ( != null) { spoiler.title =; } if ( != null) { spoiler.description =; } if (cache.spoilers == null) { cache.spoilers = new ArrayList<cgSpoiler>(); } cache.spoilers.add(spoiler); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache spoilers Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache spoilers"); } // cache inventory try { cache.inventoryItems = 0; final Matcher matcherInventory = patternInventory.matcher(page); while (matcherInventory.find()) { if (cache.inventory == null) { cache.inventory = new ArrayList<cgTrackable>(); } if (matcherInventory.groupCount() > 1) { final String inventoryPre =; if (inventoryPre != null && inventoryPre.length() > 0) { final Matcher matcherInventoryInside = patternInventoryInside.matcher(inventoryPre); while (matcherInventoryInside.find()) { if (matcherInventoryInside.groupCount() > 0) { final cgTrackable inventoryItem = new cgTrackable(); inventoryItem.guid =; =; cache.inventory.add(inventoryItem); cache.inventoryItems++; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache inventory Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache inventory (2)"); } // cache logs counts try { final Matcher matcherLogCounts = patternCountLogs.matcher(page); while (matcherLogCounts.find()) { if (matcherLogCounts.groupCount() > 0) { final String[] logs ="<img"); final int logsCnt = logs.length; for (int k = 1; k < logsCnt; k++) { Integer type = null; Integer count = null; final Matcher matcherLog = patternCountLog.matcher(logs[k]); if (matcherLog.find()) { String typeStr =; String countStr =; if (typeStr != null && typeStr.length() > 0) { if (logTypes.containsKey(typeStr.toLowerCase()) == true) { type = logTypes.get(typeStr.toLowerCase()); } } if (countStr != null && countStr.length() > 0) { count = Integer.parseInt(countStr); } if (type != null && count != null) { cache.logCounts.put(type, count); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse logs Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache log count"); } // cache logs try { final Matcher matcherLogs = patternLogs.matcher(page); while (matcherLogs.find()) { if (matcherLogs.groupCount() > 0) { final String[] logs ="</tr><tr>"); final int logsCnt = logs.length; for (int k = 0; k < logsCnt; k++) { final Matcher matcherLog = patternLog.matcher(logs[k]); if (matcherLog.find()) { final cgLog logDone = new cgLog(); String logTmp =; int day = -1; try { day = Integer.parseInt(; } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "Failed to parse logs date (day): " + e.toString()); } int month = -1; // January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December if ("January")) { month = 0; } else if ("February")) { month = 1; } else if ("March")) { month = 2; } else if ("April")) { month = 3; } else if ("May")) { month = 4; } else if ("June")) { month = 5; } else if ("July")) { month = 6; } else if ("August")) { month = 7; } else if ("September")) { month = 8; } else if ("October")) { month = 9; } else if ("November")) { month = 10; } else if ("December")) { month = 11; } else { Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "Failed to parse logs date (month)."); } int year = -1; final String yearPre =; if (yearPre == null) { Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); year = date.get(Calendar.YEAR); } else { try { year = Integer.parseInt(; } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "Failed to parse logs date (year): " + e.toString()); } } long logDate; if (year > 0 && month >= 0 && day > 0) { Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); date.set(year, month, day, 12, 0, 0); logDate = date.getTimeInMillis(); logDate = (long) (Math.ceil(logDate / 1000)) * 1000; } else { logDate = 0; } if (logTypes.containsKey( == true) { logDone.type = logTypes.get(; } else { logDone.type = logTypes.get("icon_note"); } = Html.fromHtml(; = logDate; if ( != null) { logDone.found = new Integer(; } logDone.log = logTmp; if (cache.logs == null) { cache.logs = new ArrayList<cgLog>(); } cache.logs.add(logDone); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse logs Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache logs"); } int wpBegin = 0; int wpEnd = 0; wpBegin = page.indexOf("<table class=\"Table\" id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Waypoints\">"); if (wpBegin != -1) { // parse waypoints final Pattern patternWpType = Pattern.compile("\\/wpttypes\\/sm\\/(.+)\\.jpg", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon = Pattern .compile(">([^<]*<[^>]+>)?([^<]+)(<[^>]+>[^<]*)?<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternWpName = Pattern.compile(">[^<]*<a[^>]+>([^<]*)<\\/a>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternWpNote = Pattern.compile("colspan=\"6\">(.*)<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); String wpList = page.substring(wpBegin); wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</p>"); if (wpEnd > -1 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) { wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd); } if (wpList.indexOf("No additional waypoints to display.") == -1) { wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</table>"); wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd); wpBegin = wpList.indexOf("<tbody>"); wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</tbody>"); if (wpBegin >= 0 && wpEnd >= 0 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) { wpList = wpList.substring(wpBegin + 7, wpEnd); } final String[] wpItems = wpList.split("<tr"); String[] wp; for (int j = 1; j < wpItems.length; j++) { final cgWaypoint waypoint = new cgWaypoint(); wp = wpItems[j].split("<td"); // waypoint type try { final Matcher matcherWpType = patternWpType.matcher(wp[3]); while (matcherWpType.find()) { if (matcherWpType.groupCount() > 0) { waypoint.type =; if (waypoint.type != null) { waypoint.type = waypoint.type.trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse type Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint type"); } // waypoint prefix try { final Matcher matcherWpPrefix = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[4]); while (matcherWpPrefix.find()) { if (matcherWpPrefix.groupCount() > 1) { waypoint.prefix =; if (waypoint.prefix != null) { waypoint.prefix = waypoint.prefix.trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse prefix Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint prefix"); } // waypoint lookup try { final Matcher matcherWpLookup = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[5]); while (matcherWpLookup.find()) { if (matcherWpLookup.groupCount() > 1) { waypoint.lookup =; if (waypoint.lookup != null) { waypoint.lookup = waypoint.lookup.trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse lookup Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint lookup"); } // waypoint name try { final Matcher matcherWpName = patternWpName.matcher(wp[6]); while (matcherWpName.find()) { if (matcherWpName.groupCount() > 0) { =; if ( != null) { =; } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse name Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint name"); } // waypoint latitude and logitude try { final Matcher matcherWpLatLon = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[7]); while (matcherWpLatLon.find()) { if (matcherWpLatLon.groupCount() > 1) { waypoint.latlon = Html.fromHtml(; final HashMap<String, Object> tmp = this.parseLatlon(waypoint.latlon); if (tmp.size() > 0) { waypoint.latitude = (Double) tmp.get("latitude"); waypoint.longitude = (Double) tmp.get("longitude"); waypoint.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString"); waypoint.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint coordinates"); } j++; if (wpItems.length > j) { wp = wpItems[j].split("<td"); } // waypoint note try { final Matcher matcherWpNote = patternWpNote.matcher(wp[3]); while (matcherWpNote.find()) { if (matcherWpNote.groupCount() > 0) { waypoint.note =; if (waypoint.note != null) { waypoint.note = waypoint.note.trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse note Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint note"); } if (cache.waypoints == null) cache.waypoints = new ArrayList<cgWaypoint>(); cache.waypoints.add(waypoint); } } } if (cache.latitude != null && cache.longitude != null) { cache.elevation = getElevation(cache.latitude, cache.longitude); } final cgRating rating = getRating(cache.guid, cache.geocode); if (rating != null) { cache.rating = rating.rating; cache.votes = rating.votes; cache.myVote = rating.myVote; } cache.updated = System.currentTimeMillis(); cache.detailedUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); cache.detailed = true; caches.cacheList.add(cache); return caches; }
From source
public void setControl(String title, final String humanTextRow, final int dialogIdObjectItemList, final long object_id) { int resource = 0; View dialog_layout = null;/*from w w w. j a va 2 s . c om*/ resource = getResources().getIdentifier("dialog_control_" + dialogIdObjectItemList, "layout", mainActivity.getPackageName()); LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(mainActivity.context); dialog_layout = inflater.inflate(resource, null); if (object_id != -1) { dev.clear(); dev = mainActivity.katbagHandler.selectDevelopForId(object_id); } switch (dialogIdObjectItemList) { case 0: editN = (EditText) dialog_layout.findViewById(; if (object_id == -1) { editN.setText(getString(R.string.develop_edittext_number_default_value)); } else { editN.setText(dev.get(3)); } editN.setSelection(editN.getText().length()); break; case 1: editN = (EditText) dialog_layout.findViewById(; if (object_id == -1) { editN.setText(getString(R.string.develop_edittext_number_default_value)); } else { editN.setText(dev.get(3)); } editN.setSelection(editN.getText().length()); break; case 2: editN = (EditText) dialog_layout.findViewById(; if (object_id == -1) { editN.setText(getString(R.string.develop_edittext_number_default_value)); } else { editN.setText(dev.get(3)); } editN.setSelection(editN.getText().length()); break; case 3: editN = (EditText) dialog_layout.findViewById(; if (object_id == -1) { editN.setText(getString(R.string.develop_edittext_number_default_value)); } else { editN.setText(dev.get(3)); } editN.setSelection(editN.getText().length()); break; case 4: editN = (EditText) dialog_layout.findViewById(; if (object_id == -1) { editN.setText(getString(R.string.develop_edittext_number_default_value)); } else { editN.setText(dev.get(3)); } editN.setSelection(editN.getText().length()); break; case 5: editN = (EditText) dialog_layout.findViewById(; if (object_id == -1) { editN.setText(getString(R.string.develop_edittext_number_default_string)); } else { editN.setText(dev.get(3)); } editN.setSelection(editN.getText().length()); break; case 6: editN = (EditText) dialog_layout.findViewById(; if (object_id == -1) { editN.setText(getString(R.string.develop_edittext_number_default_value)); } else { editN.setText(dev.get(3)); } editN.setSelection(editN.getText().length()); break; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mainActivity.context); builder.setView(dialog_layout); builder.setTitle(Html.fromHtml(title)); builder.setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.dialog_button_cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // :) } }); builder.setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.dialog_button_ok), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { switch (dialogIdObjectItemList) { case 0: // validate field if (editN.getText().toString().contentEquals("")) { KatbagUtilities.message(mainActivity.context, getString(R.string.develop_message_empty_n)); return; } if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", ""); } break; case 1: // validate field if (editN.getText().toString().contentEquals("")) { KatbagUtilities.message(mainActivity.context, getString(R.string.develop_message_empty_n)); return; } if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", ""); } break; case 2: // validate field if (editN.getText().toString().contentEquals("")) { KatbagUtilities.message(mainActivity.context, getString(R.string.develop_message_empty_n)); return; } if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", ""); } break; case 3: // validate field if (editN.getText().toString().contentEquals("")) { KatbagUtilities.message(mainActivity.context, getString(R.string.develop_message_empty_n)); return; } if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", ""); } break; case 4: // validate field if (editN.getText().toString().contentEquals("")) { KatbagUtilities.message(mainActivity.context, getString(R.string.develop_message_empty_n)); return; } if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", ""); } break; case 5: // validate field if (editN.getText().toString().contentEquals("")) { KatbagUtilities.message(mainActivity.context, getString(R.string.develop_message_empty_n)); return; } if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", ""); } break; case 6: // validate field if (editN.getText().toString().contentEquals("")) { KatbagUtilities.message(mainActivity.context, getString(R.string.develop_message_empty_n)); return; } if (object_id == -1) { mainActivity.katbagHandler.insertDevelop(id_app, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0); } else { mainActivity.katbagHandler.updateDevelop(object_id, "control", String.format(humanTextRow, editN.getText().toString()), // row text String.valueOf(dialogIdObjectItemList), // first parameter is the type control editN.getText().toString(), // n "", "", "", "", "", ""); } break; } loadListView(); } });; }
From source
public CacheWrap parseCache(String page, int reason) { if (page == null || page.length() == 0) { Log.e(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: No page given"); return null; }/* ww w . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ final Pattern patternGeocode = Pattern.compile( "<meta name=\"og:url\" content=\"[^\"]+/(GC[0-9A-Z]+)\"[^>]*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternCacheId = Pattern.compile("/seek/log\\.aspx\\?ID=(\\d+)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternCacheGuid = Pattern.compile( "<link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"[^\"]*/datastore/rss_galleryimages\\.ashx\\?guid=([0-9a-z\\-]+)\"[^>]*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternType = Pattern.compile( "<img src=\"[^\"]*/WptTypes/\\d+\\.gif\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\" (title=\"[^\"]*\" )?width=\"32\" height=\"32\"[^>]*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternName = Pattern.compile( "<h2[^>]*>[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_CacheName\">([^<]+)<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/h2>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternSize = Pattern.compile( "<div class=\"CacheSize[^\"]*\">[^<]*<p[^>]*>[^S]*Size[^:]*:[^<]*<span[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/icons/container/[a-z_]+\\.gif\" alt=\"Size: ([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>[^<]*<small>[^<]*</small>[^<]*</span>[^<]*</p>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternDifficulty = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxLegendScale\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/stars/stars([0-9_]+)\\.gif\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternTerrain = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Localize6\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/stars/stars([0-9_]+)\\.gif\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternOwner = Pattern.compile( "<span class=\"minorCacheDetails\">[^\\w]*An?([^\\w]*Event)?[^\\w]*cache[^\\w]*by[^<]*<a href=\"[^\"]+\">([^<]+)</a>[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternOwnerReal = Pattern.compile( "<a id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxFindLinksHiddenByThisUser\" href=\"[^\"]*/seek/nearest\\.aspx\\?u=*([^\"]+)\">[^<]+</a>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternHidden = Pattern.compile( "<span[^>]*>[^\\w]*Hidden[^:]*:[^\\d]*((\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+))[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternHiddenEvent = Pattern.compile( "<span[^>]*>[^\\w]*Event[^\\w]*Date[^:]*:[^\\w]*[a-zA-Z]+,[^\\d]*((\\d+)[^\\w]*(\\w+)[^\\d]*(\\d+))[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternFavourite = Pattern.compile( "<a id=\"uxFavContainerLink\"[^>]*>[^<]*<div[^<]*<span class=\"favorite-value\">[^\\d]*([0-9]+)[^\\d^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternFound = Pattern.compile( "<p>[^<]*<a id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_hlFoundItLog\"[^<]*<img src=\".*/images/stockholm/16x16/check\\.gif\"[^>]*>[^<]*</a>[^<]*</p>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternLatLon = Pattern.compile("<span id=\"uxLatLon\"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\\/span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternLocation = Pattern.compile("<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Location\"[^>]*>In ([^<]*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternHint = Pattern.compile( "<p>([^<]*<strong>)?[^\\w]*Additional Hints([^<]*<\\/strong>)?[^\\(]*\\(<a[^>]+>Encrypt</a>\\)[^<]*<\\/p>[^<]*<div id=\"div_hint\"[^>]*>(.*)</div>[^<]*<div id=[\\'|\"]dk[\\'|\"]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternDescShort = Pattern.compile( "<div class=\"UserSuppliedContent\">[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_ShortDescription\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>).)*)</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternDesc = Pattern.compile( "<div class=\"UserSuppliedContent\">[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_LongDescription\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>).)*)</span>[^<]*</div>[^<]*<p>[^<]*</p>[^<]*<p>[^<]*<strong>[^\\w]*Additional Hints</strong>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternCountLogs = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_lblFindCounts\"><p>(.*)<\\/p><\\/span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternCountLog = Pattern.compile( " src=\"\\/images\\/icons\\/([^\\.]*).gif\" alt=\"[^\"]*\" title=\"[^\"]*\" />([0-9]*)[^0-9]+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); // final Pattern patternLogs = Pattern.compile("<table class=\"LogsTable[^\"]*\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</table>).)*)</table>[^<]*<p", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternLogs = Pattern.compile("<table class=\"LogsTable[^\"]*\"[^>]*>(.*)</table>[^<]*<p", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); /* * <tr> * <td class="Nothing"> * <div class="FloatLeft LogDisplayLeft"> * <p class="logOwnerProfileName"> * <strong><a href="/profile/?guid=96c94662-f2c9-450a-99ef-4c034dcde72b" id="184034162"></a></strong> * </p> * <p class="logOwnerBadge"><img src='/images/icons/prem_user.gif' title='Premium Member' /> Premium Member</p> * <p class="logOwnerAvatar"><a href="/profile/?guid=96c94662-f2c9-450a-99ef-4c034dcde72b"><img src="/images/default_avatar.jpg" height='48' width='48' /></a></p> * <p class="logOwnerStats"> * <img src="/images/icons/icon_smile.png" title="Caches Found" /> 567</div> * <div class="FloatLeft LogDisplayRight"> * <div class="HalfLeft LogType"> * <strong><img src="" alt="Found it" title="Found it" /> Found it</strong> * </div> * <div class="HalfRight AlignRight"> * <span class="minorDetails LogDate">09/03/2011</span> * </div> * <div class="Clear LogContent"> * <p class="LogText">13:29 diky za kes!</p> * <div class="AlignRight"> * <small><a href="log.aspx?LUID=8da01276-7881-4ec9-8d23-8938d7f2984e" title="View Log">View Log</a></small> * </div></div></div> * </td> * </tr> */ final Pattern patternLogUser = Pattern.compile( "<p class=\"logOwnerProfileName\">[^<]*<strong>[^<]*<a[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>[^<]*</strong>[^<]*</p>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternLogFounds = Pattern.compile( "<p class=\"logOwnerStats\"><img[^>]*>[^\\d]*(\\d+)[^<]*</div>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternLogIcon = Pattern.compile( "<strong>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/icons/([^\"]+)\\.gif\"[^>]*>[^<]+</strong>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternLogDate = Pattern.compile( "<span class=\"minorDetails LogDate\">([0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+)[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternLogText = Pattern.compile("<p class=\"LogText\">((?:(?!</p>).)*)</p>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Pattern patternAttributes = Pattern.compile( "<h3 class=\"WidgetHeader\">[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^\\w]*Attributes[^<]*</h3>[^<]*<div class=\"WidgetBody\">(([^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>)+)[^<]*<p", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternAttributesInside = Pattern.compile("[^<]*<img src=\"([^\"]+)\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternSpoilers = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Images\">((<a href=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^<]*<span>[^>]+</span>[^<]*</a>[^<]*<br[^>]*>([^<]*(<br[^>]*>)+)?)+)[^<]*</span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternSpoilersInside = Pattern.compile( "[^<]*<a href=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^<]*<span>([^>]+)</span>[^<]*</a>[^<]*<br[^>]*>(([^<]*)(<br[^<]*>)+)?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternInventory = Pattern.compile( "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxTravelBugList_uxInventoryLabel\">[^\\w]*Inventory[^<]*</span>[^<]*</h3>[^<]*<div class=\"WidgetBody\">([^<]*<ul>(([^<]*<li>[^<]*<a href=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<span>[^<]+<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/a>[^<]*<\\/li>)+)[^<]*<\\/ul>)?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternInventoryInside = Pattern.compile( "[^<]*<li>[^<]*<a href=\"[a-z0-9\\-\\_\\.\\?\\/\\:\\@]*\\/track\\/details\\.aspx\\?guid=([0-9a-z\\-]+)[^\"]*\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<span>([^<]+)<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/a>[^<]*<\\/li>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final CacheWrap caches = new CacheWrap(); final Cache cache = new Cache(); if (page.indexOf("Cache is Unpublished") > -1) { caches.error = "cache was unpublished"; return caches; } if (page.indexOf("Sorry, the owner of this listing has made it viewable to Premium Members only.") != -1) { caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only"; return caches; } if (page.indexOf("has chosen to make this cache listing visible to Premium Members only.") != -1) { caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only"; return caches; } if (page.indexOf("<li>This cache is temporarily unavailable.") != -1) { cache.disabled = true; } else { cache.disabled = false; } if (page.indexOf("<li>This cache has been archived,") != -1) { cache.archived = true; } else { cache.archived = false; } if (page.indexOf("<p class=\"Warning\">This is a Premium Member Only cache.</p>") != -1) { cache.members = true; } else { cache.members = false; } cache.reason = reason; // cache geocode try { final Matcher matcherGeocode = patternGeocode.matcher(page); while (matcherGeocode.find()) { if (matcherGeocode.groupCount() > 0) { cache.geocode = (String); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache geocode Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache geocode"); } // cache id try { final Matcher matcherCacheId = patternCacheId.matcher(page); while (matcherCacheId.find()) { if (matcherCacheId.groupCount() > 0) { cache.cacheid = (String); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache id Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache id"); } // cache guid try { final Matcher matcherCacheGuid = patternCacheGuid.matcher(page); while (matcherCacheGuid.find()) { if (matcherCacheGuid.groupCount() > 0) { cache.guid = (String); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache guid Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache guid"); } // name try { final Matcher matcherName = patternName.matcher(page); while (matcherName.find()) { if (matcherName.groupCount() > 0) { = Html.fromHtml(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache name Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache name"); } // owner real name try { final Matcher matcherOwnerReal = patternOwnerReal.matcher(page); while (matcherOwnerReal.find()) { if (matcherOwnerReal.groupCount() > 0) { cache.ownerReal = URLDecoder.decode(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse owner real name Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner real name"); } final String username = settings.getUsername(); if (cache.ownerReal != null && username != null && cache.ownerReal.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) { cache.own = true; } int pos = -1; String tableInside = page; pos = tableInside.indexOf("id=\"cacheDetails\""); if (pos == -1) { Log.e(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"cacheDetails\" not found on page"); return null; } tableInside = tableInside.substring(pos); pos = tableInside.indexOf("<div class=\"CacheInformationTable\""); if (pos == -1) { Log.e(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"CacheInformationTable\" not found on page"); return null; } tableInside = tableInside.substring(0, pos); if (tableInside != null && tableInside.length() > 0) { // cache terrain try { final Matcher matcherTerrain = patternTerrain.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherTerrain.find()) { if (matcherTerrain.groupCount() > 0) { cache.terrain = new Float( Pattern.compile("_").matcher(".")); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse terrain Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache terrain"); } // cache difficulty try { final Matcher matcherDifficulty = patternDifficulty.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherDifficulty.find()) { if (matcherDifficulty.groupCount() > 0) { cache.difficulty = new Float( Pattern.compile("_").matcher(".")); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse difficulty Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache difficulty"); } // owner try { final Matcher matcherOwner = patternOwner.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherOwner.find()) { if (matcherOwner.groupCount() > 0) { cache.owner = Html.fromHtml(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse owner Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner"); } // hidden try { final Matcher matcherHidden = patternHidden.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherHidden.find()) { if (matcherHidden.groupCount() > 0) { cache.hidden = dateIn.parse(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache hidden date Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hidden date"); } if (cache.hidden == null) { // event date try { final Matcher matcherHiddenEvent = patternHiddenEvent.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherHiddenEvent.find()) { if (matcherHiddenEvent.groupCount() > 0) { cache.hidden = dateEvIn.parse(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache event date Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache event date"); } } // favourite try { final Matcher matcherFavourite = patternFavourite.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherFavourite.find()) { if (matcherFavourite.groupCount() > 0) { cache.favouriteCnt = Integer.parseInt(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse favourite count Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse favourite count"); } // cache size try { final Matcher matcherSize = patternSize.matcher(tableInside); while (matcherSize.find()) { if (matcherSize.groupCount() > 0) { cache.size =; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse size Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache size"); } } // cache found try { final Matcher matcherFound = patternFound.matcher(page); while (matcherFound.find()) { if ( != null && > 0) { cache.found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse found Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse found"); } // cache type try { final Matcher matcherType = patternType.matcher(page); while (matcherType.find()) { if (matcherType.groupCount() > 0) { cache.type = cacheTypes.get(; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse type Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache type"); } // latitude and logitude try { final Matcher matcherLatLon = patternLatLon.matcher(page); while (matcherLatLon.find()) { if (matcherLatLon.groupCount() > 0) { cache.latlon =; HashMap<String, Object> tmp = this.parseLatlon(cache.latlon); if (tmp.size() > 0) { cache.latitude = (Double) tmp.get("latitude"); cache.longitude = (Double) tmp.get("longitude"); cache.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString"); cache.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString"); cache.reliableLatLon = true; } tmp = null; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache coordinates"); } // cache location try { final Matcher matcherLocation = patternLocation.matcher(page); while (matcherLocation.find()) { if (matcherLocation.groupCount() > 0) { cache.location =; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse location Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache location"); } // cache hint try { final Matcher matcherHint = patternHint.matcher(page); while (matcherHint.find()) { if (matcherHint.groupCount() > 2 && != null) { // replace linebreak and paragraph tags String hint = Pattern.compile("<(br|p)[^>]*>").matcher("\n"); if (hint != null) { cache.hint = hint.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("</p>"), "").trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse hint Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hint"); } // cache short description try { final Matcher matcherDescShort = patternDescShort.matcher(page); while (matcherDescShort.find()) { if (matcherDescShort.groupCount() > 0) { cache.shortdesc =; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse short description Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache short description"); } // cache description try { final Matcher matcherDesc = patternDesc.matcher(page); while (matcherDesc.find()) { if (matcherDesc.groupCount() > 0) { cache.description =; } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse short description Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache description"); } // cache attributes try { final Matcher matcherAttributes = patternAttributes.matcher(page); while (matcherAttributes.find()) { if (matcherAttributes.groupCount() > 0) { final String attributesPre =; final Matcher matcherAttributesInside = patternAttributesInside.matcher(attributesPre); while (matcherAttributesInside.find()) { if (matcherAttributesInside.groupCount() > 1 &&"blank") != true) { if (cache.attributes == null) { cache.attributes = new ArrayList<String>(); } // by default, use the tooltip of the attribute String attribute =; // if the image name can be recognized, use the image name as attribute String imageName =; if (imageName.length() > 0) { int start = imageName.lastIndexOf('/'); int end = imageName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) { attribute = imageName.substring(start + 1, end).replace('-', '_'); } } cache.attributes.add(attribute); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache attributes Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache attributes"); } // cache spoilers try { final Matcher matcherSpoilers = patternSpoilers.matcher(page); while (matcherSpoilers.find()) { if (matcherSpoilers.groupCount() > 0) { final String spoilersPre =; final Matcher matcherSpoilersInside = patternSpoilersInside.matcher(spoilersPre); while (matcherSpoilersInside.find()) { if (matcherSpoilersInside.groupCount() > 0) { final Spoiler spoiler = new Spoiler(); spoiler.url =; if ( != null) { spoiler.title =; } if ( != null) { spoiler.description =; } if (cache.spoilers == null) { cache.spoilers = new ArrayList<Spoiler>(); } cache.spoilers.add(spoiler); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache spoilers Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache spoilers"); } // cache inventory try { cache.inventoryItems = 0; final Matcher matcherInventory = patternInventory.matcher(page); while (matcherInventory.find()) { if (cache.inventory == null) { cache.inventory = new ArrayList<Trackable>(); } if (matcherInventory.groupCount() > 1) { final String inventoryPre =; if (inventoryPre != null && inventoryPre.length() > 0) { final Matcher matcherInventoryInside = patternInventoryInside.matcher(inventoryPre); while (matcherInventoryInside.find()) { if (matcherInventoryInside.groupCount() > 0) { final Trackable inventoryItem = new Trackable(); inventoryItem.guid =; =; cache.inventory.add(inventoryItem); cache.inventoryItems++; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache inventory Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache inventory (2)"); } // cache logs counts try { final Matcher matcherLogCounts = patternCountLogs.matcher(page); while (matcherLogCounts.find()) { if (matcherLogCounts.groupCount() > 0) { final String[] logs ="<img"); final int logsCnt = logs.length; for (int k = 1; k < logsCnt; k++) { Integer type = null; Integer count = null; final Matcher matcherLog = patternCountLog.matcher(logs[k]); if (matcherLog.find()) { String typeStr =; String countStr =; if (typeStr != null && typeStr.length() > 0) { if (logTypes.containsKey(typeStr.toLowerCase()) == true) { type = logTypes.get(typeStr.toLowerCase()); } } if (countStr != null && countStr.length() > 0) { count = Integer.parseInt(countStr); } if (type != null && count != null) { cache.logCounts.put(type, count); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse logs Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache log count"); } // cache logs try { final Matcher matcherLogs = patternLogs.matcher(page); while (matcherLogs.find()) { Log.d(">>>>", "cnt: " + matcherLogs.groupCount()); if (matcherLogs.groupCount() > 0) { final String[] logs ="</tr><tr>"); final int logsCnt = logs.length; for (int k = 0; k < logsCnt; k++) { final CacheLog logDone = new CacheLog(); Matcher matcher; matcher = patternLogUser.matcher(logs[k]); if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) { =; = Html.fromHtml(; } matcher = patternLogFounds.matcher(logs[k]); if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) { try { logDone.found = Integer.parseInt(; } catch (Exception e) { // NaN } } matcher = patternLogIcon.matcher(logs[k]); if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) { if (logTypes.containsKey( == true) { logDone.type = logTypes.get(; } else { logDone.type = logTypes.get("icon_note"); } } matcher = patternLogDate.matcher(logs[k]); if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) { Date logDate = dateLogIn.parse(; if (logDate != null) { = logDate.getTime(); } } matcher = patternLogText.matcher(logs[k]); if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) { logDone.log =; } if (cache.logs == null) { cache.logs = new ArrayList<CacheLog>(); } cache.logs.add(logDone); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse logs Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache logs"); } int wpBegin = 0; int wpEnd = 0; wpBegin = page.indexOf("<table class=\"Table\" id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Waypoints\">"); if (wpBegin != -1) { // parse waypoints final Pattern patternWpType = Pattern.compile("\\/wpttypes\\/sm\\/(.+)\\.jpg", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon = Pattern .compile(">([^<]*<[^>]+>)?([^<]+)(<[^>]+>[^<]*)?<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternWpName = Pattern.compile(">[^<]*<a[^>]+>([^<]*)<\\/a>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); final Pattern patternWpNote = Pattern.compile("colspan=\"6\">(.*)<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); String wpList = page.substring(wpBegin); wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</p>"); if (wpEnd > -1 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) { wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd); } if (wpList.indexOf("No additional waypoints to display.") == -1) { wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</table>"); wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd); wpBegin = wpList.indexOf("<tbody>"); wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</tbody>"); if (wpBegin >= 0 && wpEnd >= 0 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) { wpList = wpList.substring(wpBegin + 7, wpEnd); } final String[] wpItems = wpList.split("<tr"); String[] wp; for (int j = 1; j < wpItems.length; j++) { final Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint(); wp = wpItems[j].split("<td"); // waypoint type try { final Matcher matcherWpType = patternWpType.matcher(wp[3]); while (matcherWpType.find()) { if (matcherWpType.groupCount() > 0) { waypoint.type =; if (waypoint.type != null) { waypoint.type = waypoint.type.trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse type Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint type"); } // waypoint prefix try { final Matcher matcherWpPrefix = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[4]); while (matcherWpPrefix.find()) { if (matcherWpPrefix.groupCount() > 1) { waypoint.prefix =; if (waypoint.prefix != null) { waypoint.prefix = waypoint.prefix.trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse prefix Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint prefix"); } // waypoint lookup try { final Matcher matcherWpLookup = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[5]); while (matcherWpLookup.find()) { if (matcherWpLookup.groupCount() > 1) { waypoint.lookup =; if (waypoint.lookup != null) { waypoint.lookup = waypoint.lookup.trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse lookup Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint lookup"); } // waypoint name try { final Matcher matcherWpName = patternWpName.matcher(wp[6]); while (matcherWpName.find()) { if (matcherWpName.groupCount() > 0) { =; if ( != null) { =; } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse name Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint name"); } // waypoint latitude and logitude try { final Matcher matcherWpLatLon = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[7]); while (matcherWpLatLon.find()) { if (matcherWpLatLon.groupCount() > 1) { waypoint.latlon = Html.fromHtml(; final HashMap<String, Object> tmp = this.parseLatlon(waypoint.latlon); if (tmp.size() > 0) { waypoint.latitude = (Double) tmp.get("latitude"); waypoint.longitude = (Double) tmp.get("longitude"); waypoint.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString"); waypoint.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint coordinates"); } j++; if (wpItems.length > j) { wp = wpItems[j].split("<td"); } // waypoint note try { final Matcher matcherWpNote = patternWpNote.matcher(wp[3]); while (matcherWpNote.find()) { if (matcherWpNote.groupCount() > 0) { waypoint.note =; if (waypoint.note != null) { waypoint.note = waypoint.note.trim(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse note Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint note"); } if (cache.waypoints == null) cache.waypoints = new ArrayList<Waypoint>(); cache.waypoints.add(waypoint); } } } if (cache.latitude != null && cache.longitude != null) { cache.elevation = getElevation(cache.latitude, cache.longitude); } cache.updated = System.currentTimeMillis(); cache.detailedUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); cache.detailed = true; caches.cacheList.add(cache); return caches; }