List of usage examples for android.text Editable subSequence
CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end);
From source
private void performComputeChipsLocked(Editable s) { // If we are removing skip chip creation code if (mLockEdit) { return;//w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m } // Check if we need to create a new chip mLockEdit = true; try { String text = s.toString(); int textLength = text.length(); boolean isCreateChip = false; boolean nextIsTag = false; if (textLength > 0) { String lastChar = text.substring(textLength - 1); if (lastChar.charAt(0) != VALID_TAGS.charAt(1) || mSupportsUserTags) { isCreateChip = NON_UNICODE_CHAR_PATTERN.matcher(lastChar).matches(); nextIsTag = VALID_TAGS.contains(lastChar); } } if (isCreateChip || nextIsTag) { createChip(s, nextIsTag); notifyComputeTagEnded(); } else if (mTriggerTagCreationThreshold > 0) { int start = mTagList.size(); String tagText = s.subSequence(start, textLength).toString().trim(); if (tagText.length() >= CREATE_CHIP_LENGTH_THRESHOLD) { mHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_CREATE_CHIP); mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_CREATE_CHIP), mTriggerTagCreationThreshold); } } } finally { mLockEdit = false; } }
From source
private void jsonSendDataJsonCallback() { // TODO send callback Json if (mUexBaseObj != null) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); try {// ww w . j av a 2s . c om Editable editable = mEditText.getText(); jsonObject.put(EChatKeyboardUtils.CHATKEYBOARD_PARAMS_JSON_KEY_EMOJICONS_TEXT, editable.toString()); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); ForegroundColorSpan[] spans = editable.getSpans(0, editable.length(), ForegroundColorSpan.class); for (ForegroundColorSpan span : spans) { JSONObject insertObj = new JSONObject(); int spanStart = editable.getSpanStart(span); int spanEnd = editable.getSpanEnd(span); String insertText = editable.subSequence(spanStart, spanEnd).toString(); String insertTextColor = "#" + Integer.toHexString(span.getForegroundColor()).substring(2); insertObj.put(EChatKeyboardUtils.CHATKEYBOARD_PARAMS_JSON_KEY_START, spanStart); insertObj.put(EChatKeyboardUtils.CHATKEYBOARD_PARAMS_JSON_KEY_END, spanEnd); insertObj.put(EChatKeyboardUtils.CHATKEYBOARD_PARAMS_JSON_KEY_INSERTTEXT, insertText); insertObj.put(EChatKeyboardUtils.CHATKEYBOARD_PARAMS_JSON_KEY_INSERTTEXTCOLOR, insertTextColor); array.put(insertObj); } jsonObject.put(EChatKeyboardUtils.CHATKEYBOARD_PARAMS_JSON_KEY_INSERTTEXTS, array); String js = EUExChatKeyboard.SCRIPT_HEADER + "if(" + EChatKeyboardUtils.CHATKEYBOARD_FUN_ON_COMMIT_JSON + "){" + EChatKeyboardUtils.CHATKEYBOARD_FUN_ON_COMMIT_JSON + "(" + jsonObject.toString() + ");}"; mUexBaseObj.onCallback(js); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
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void createMoreChipPlainText() { // Take the first <= CHIP_LIMIT addresses and get to the end of the second one. final Editable text = getText(); int start = 0; int end = start; for (int i = 0; i < CHIP_LIMIT; i++) { end = movePastTerminators(mTokenizer.findTokenEnd(text, start)); start = end; // move to the next token and get its end. }//w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m // Now, count total addresses. start = 0; final int tokenCount = countTokens(text); final MoreImageSpan moreSpan = createMoreSpan(tokenCount - CHIP_LIMIT); final SpannableString chipText = new SpannableString(text.subSequence(end, text.length())); chipText.setSpan(moreSpan, 0, chipText.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); text.replace(end, text.length(), chipText); mMoreChip = moreSpan; }
From source
/** * Create the more chip. The more chip is text that replaces any chips that do not fit in the pre-defined available * space when the RecipientEditTextView loses focus. *///from w w w . ja v a2 s . co m // Visible for testing. /* package */void createMoreChip() { if (mNoChips) { createMoreChipPlainText(); return; } if (!mShouldShrink) return; final ImageSpan[] tempMore = getSpannable().getSpans(0, getText().length(), MoreImageSpan.class); if (tempMore.length > 0) getSpannable().removeSpan(tempMore[0]); final DrawableRecipientChip[] recipients = getSortedRecipients(); if (recipients == null || recipients.length <= CHIP_LIMIT) { mMoreChip = null; return; } final Spannable spannable = getSpannable(); final int numRecipients = recipients.length; final int overage = numRecipients - CHIP_LIMIT; final MoreImageSpan moreSpan = createMoreSpan(overage); mRemovedSpans = new ArrayList<DrawableRecipientChip>(); int totalReplaceStart = 0; int totalReplaceEnd = 0; final Editable text = getText(); for (int i = numRecipients - overage; i < recipients.length; i++) { mRemovedSpans.add(recipients[i]); if (i == numRecipients - overage) totalReplaceStart = spannable.getSpanStart(recipients[i]); if (i == recipients.length - 1) totalReplaceEnd = spannable.getSpanEnd(recipients[i]); if (mTemporaryRecipients == null || !mTemporaryRecipients.contains(recipients[i])) { final int spanStart = spannable.getSpanStart(recipients[i]); final int spanEnd = spannable.getSpanEnd(recipients[i]); recipients[i].setOriginalText(text.toString().substring(spanStart, spanEnd)); } spannable.removeSpan(recipients[i]); } if (totalReplaceEnd < text.length()) totalReplaceEnd = text.length(); final int end = Math.max(totalReplaceStart, totalReplaceEnd); final int start = Math.min(totalReplaceStart, totalReplaceEnd); final SpannableString chipText = new SpannableString(text.subSequence(start, end)); chipText.setSpan(moreSpan, 0, chipText.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); text.replace(start, end, chipText); mMoreChip = moreSpan; // If adding the +more chip goes over the limit, resize accordingly. if (!isPhoneQuery() && getLineCount() > mMaxLines) setMaxLines(getLineCount()); }