Java android.telephony SmsManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java android.telephony SmsManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for android.telephony SmsManager.

The text is from its open source code.


Whether content-disposition field should be expected in an MMS PDU (boolean type)
Received and read (TS 51.011 10.5.3 / 3GPP2 C.S0023 3.4.27).
Generic failure cause
Failed because radio was explicitly turned off
Failed because no pdu provided
Failed because service is currently unavailable


ArrayListdivideMessage(String text)
Divide a message text into several fragments, none bigger than the maximum SMS message size.
voiddownloadMultimediaMessage(Context context, String locationUrl, Uri contentUri, Bundle configOverrides, PendingIntent downloadedIntent)
Download an MMS message from carrier by a given location URL

Note: This method will never trigger an SMS disambiguation dialog.

Get the SmsManager associated with the default subscription id.
SmsManagergetSmsManagerForSubscriptionId(int subId)
Get the instance of the SmsManager associated with a particular subscription ID.
voidsendMultimediaMessage(Context context, Uri contentUri, String locationUrl, Bundle configOverrides, PendingIntent sentIntent)
Send an MMS message

Note: This method will never trigger an SMS disambiguation dialog.

voidsendMultipartTextMessage(String destinationAddress, String scAddress, ArrayList parts, ArrayList sentIntents, ArrayList deliveryIntents)
Send a multi-part text based SMS.
voidsendTextMessage(String destinationAddress, String scAddress, String text, PendingIntent sentIntent, PendingIntent deliveryIntent)
Send a text based SMS.