Java android.telephony PhoneNumberUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java android.telephony PhoneNumberUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for android.telephony PhoneNumberUtils.

The text is from its open source code.


NANP formatting
Japanese formatting


booleancompare(String a, String b)
Compare phone numbers a and b, return true if they're identical enough for caller ID purposes.
StringconvertKeypadLettersToDigits(String input)
Translates any alphabetic letters (i.e.
StringextractNetworkPortion(String phoneNumber)
Extracts the network address portion and canonicalizes (filters out separators.) Network address portion is everything up to DTMF control digit separators (pause or wait), but without non-dialable characters.
StringformatNumber(String source, int defaultFormattingType)
Formats the given number with the given formatting type.
voidformatNumber(Editable text, int defaultFormattingType)
Formats a phone number in-place.
StringformatNumber(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso)
Format a phone number.
StringformatNumber(String source)
Breaks the given number down and formats it according to the rules for the country the number is from.
StringformatNumber(String phoneNumber, String phoneNumberE164, String defaultCountryIso)
Format the phone number only if the given number hasn't been formatted.
StringformatNumberToE164(String phoneNumber, String defaultCountryIso)
Formats the specified phoneNumber to the E.164 representation.
intgetFormatTypeForLocale(Locale locale)
Returns the phone number formatting type for the given locale.
StringgetNumberFromIntent(Intent intent, Context context)
Extracts the phone number from an Intent.
booleanisGlobalPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber)
booleanisVoiceMailNumber(String number)
isVoiceMailNumber: checks a given number against the voicemail number provided by the RIL and SIM card.
booleanisWellFormedSmsAddress(String address)
Return true iff the network portion of address is, as far as we can tell on the device, suitable for use as an SMS destination address.
StringnormalizeNumber(String phoneNumber)
Normalize a phone number by removing the characters other than digits.
StringstripSeparators(String phoneNumber)
Strips separators from a phone number string.