Example usage for android.speech.tts TextToSpeech.OnInitListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.speech.tts TextToSpeech.OnInitListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.speech.tts TextToSpeech.OnInitListener interface-usage.


From source file com.rvce.rvce8thmile.driver.TTSService.java

public class TTSService extends Service implements TextToSpeech.OnInitListener {

    Double latitude, longitude;
    private String str;
    String ans;
    GPSTracker gps;

From source file com.altcanvas.twitspeak.TwitSpeakActivity.java

public class TwitSpeakActivity extends Activity
        implements TextToSpeech.OnInitListener, TextToSpeech.OnUtteranceCompletedListener {
    private static final String TAG = "TwitSpeakActivity";

    private TextView twitBox = null;
    private ImageView settingsIcon = null;

From source file net.bible.service.device.speak.TextToSpeechController.java

 * <p>text-to-speech (TTS). Please note the following steps:</p>
 * <ol>
 * <li>Construct the TextToSpeech object.</li>
 * <li>Handle initialization callback in the onInit method.

From source file com.nbplus.vbroadlauncher.BaseActivity.java

 * Created by basagee on 2015. 6. 24..
public abstract class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements TextToSpeech.OnInitListener {
    private static final String TAG = BaseActivity.class.getSimpleName();

From source file com.rsamadhan.DomainListFragment.java

public class DomainListFragment extends Fragment implements TextToSpeech.OnInitListener {

    private TextToSpeech tts;
    private boolean isTTSSuccess;


From source file com.bellman.bible.service.device.speak.TextToSpeechController.java

 * <p>text-to-speech (TTS). Please note the following steps:</p>
 * <p>
 * <ol>
 * <li>Construct the TextToSpeech object.</li>
 * <li>Handle initialization callback in the onInit method.

From source file com.example.h156252.connected_cars.CarGrid.java

public class CarGrid extends AppCompatActivity implements TextToSpeech.OnInitListener {

    private final int REQ_CODE_SPEECH_INPUT = 100;
    private TextToSpeech tts;
    public String message_to_be_sent;
    public String receiver_id = "";

From source file com.abid_mujtaba.fetchheaders.MainActivity.java

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity implements ToggleMenu, TextToSpeech.OnInitListener {
    private LinearLayout scrollList;
    private Menu mMenu; // A handle to the Menu item

    private ArrayList<AccountFragment> mFragments = new ArrayList<AccountFragment>(); // Stores all fragments added to this activity

From source file com.eng.arab.translator.androidtranslator.ShowDetailsMonth.java

public class ShowDetailsMonth extends AppCompatActivity implements OnClickListener, TextToSpeech.OnInitListener {
    private static final String STATE_SRC_CARD_VISIBILITY = "SRC_CARD_VISIBILITY";
    private static final String STATE_SRC_TEXT = "SRC_TEXT";
    private int keyboard_flag = 0;

    private boolean editing = false;

From source file com.nbplus.vbroadlauncher.service.BroadcastChatHeadService.java

 * Created by basagee on 2015. 7. 14..
public class BroadcastChatHeadService extends Service
        implements TextToSpeech.OnInitListener, TextToSpeechHandler.OnUtteranceProgressListener,
        RealtimeBroadcastWebViewClient.OnRealtimeBroadcastWebViewListener {