Example usage for android.os Parcel readString

List of usage examples for android.os Parcel readString


In this page you can find the example usage for android.os Parcel readString.


public final String readString() 

Source Link


Read a string value from the parcel at the current dataPosition().


From source file:com.chuhan.privatecalc.fragment.os.BackStackState.java

public BackStackState(Parcel in) {
    mOps = in.createIntArray();//from  w  w  w .j  ava 2s.  c o  m
    mTransition = in.readInt();
    mTransitionStyle = in.readInt();
    mName = in.readString();
    mIndex = in.readInt();
    mBreadCrumbTitleRes = in.readInt();
    mBreadCrumbTitleText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
    mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = in.readInt();
    mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);

From source file:com.frodo.github.bean.dto.response.Repo.java

protected Repo(Parcel in) {
    super(in);/* ww w. ja va 2s  . c  om*/
    this.fork = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.isPrivate = in.readByte() != 0;
    long tmpCreated_at = in.readLong();
    this.created_at = tmpCreated_at == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpCreated_at);
    long tmpPushed_at = in.readLong();
    this.pushed_at = tmpPushed_at == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpPushed_at);
    long tmpUpdated_at = in.readLong();
    this.updated_at = tmpUpdated_at == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpUpdated_at);
    this.forks_count = in.readInt();
    this.id = in.readLong();
    this.parent = in.readParcelable(Repo.class.getClassLoader());
    this.source = in.readParcelable(Repo.class.getClassLoader());
    this.clone_url = in.readString();
    this.description = in.readString();
    this.homepage = in.readString();
    this.forks_url = in.readString();
    this.git_url = in.readString();
    this.contents_url = in.readString();
    this.language = in.readString();
    this.default_branch = in.readString();
    this.mirror_url = in.readString();
    this.name = in.readString();
    this.full_name = in.readString();
    this.ssh_url = in.readString();
    this.svn_url = in.readString();
    this.owner = in.readParcelable(User.class.getClassLoader());
    this.stargazers_count = in.readInt();
    this.subscribers_count = in.readInt();
    this.network_count = in.readInt();
    this.watchers_count = in.readInt();
    this.size = in.readInt();
    this.open_issues_count = in.readInt();
    this.has_issues = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.has_downloads = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.has_wiki = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.permissions = in.readParcelable(Permissions.class.getClassLoader());
    this.license = in.readParcelable(License.class.getClassLoader());
    this.branches = in.createTypedArrayList(Branch.CREATOR);
    this.archive_url = in.readString();

From source file:com.facebook.AccessToken.java

AccessToken(Parcel parcel) {
    this.expires = new Date(parcel.readLong());
    ArrayList<String> permissionsList = new ArrayList<>();
    this.permissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(permissionsList));
    permissionsList.clear();//  w w w.  j a va2s  .  c  o  m
    this.declinedPermissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(permissionsList));
    this.token = parcel.readString();
    this.source = AccessTokenSource.valueOf(parcel.readString());
    this.lastRefresh = new Date(parcel.readLong());
    this.applicationId = parcel.readString();
    this.userId = parcel.readString();

From source file:com.vk.sdk.api.model.VKApiUserFull.java

public VKApiUserFull(Parcel in) {
    super(in);//  w w  w.  jav a 2s  .  c om
    this.activity = in.readString();
    this.status_audio = in.readParcelable(VKApiAudio.class.getClassLoader());
    this.bdate = in.readString();
    this.city = in.readParcelable(VKApiCity.class.getClassLoader());
    this.country = in.readParcelable(VKApiCountry.class.getClassLoader());
    this.last_seen = in.readLong();
    this.universities = in.readParcelable(VKList.class.getClassLoader());
    this.schools = in.readParcelable(VKList.class.getClassLoader());
    this.smoking = in.readInt();
    this.alcohol = in.readInt();
    this.political = in.readInt();
    this.life_main = in.readInt();
    this.people_main = in.readInt();
    this.inspired_by = in.readString();
    this.langs = in.createStringArray();
    this.religion = in.readString();
    this.facebook = in.readString();
    this.facebook_name = in.readString();
    this.livejournal = in.readString();
    this.skype = in.readString();
    this.site = in.readString();
    this.twitter = in.readString();
    this.instagram = in.readString();
    this.mobile_phone = in.readString();
    this.home_phone = in.readString();
    this.screen_name = in.readString();
    this.activities = in.readString();
    this.interests = in.readString();
    this.movies = in.readString();
    this.tv = in.readString();
    this.books = in.readString();
    this.games = in.readString();
    this.about = in.readString();
    this.quotes = in.readString();
    this.can_post = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.can_see_all_posts = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.can_write_private_message = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.wall_comments = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.is_banned = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.is_deleted = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.wall_default_owner = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.verified = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.sex = in.readInt();
    this.counters = in.readParcelable(Counters.class.getClassLoader());
    this.occupation = in.readParcelable(Occupation.class.getClassLoader());
    this.relation = in.readInt();
    this.relatives = in.readParcelable(VKList.class.getClassLoader());
    this.blacklisted_by_me = in.readByte() != 0;

From source file:com.tct.mail.providers.Attachment.java

public Attachment(Parcel in) {
    name = in.readString();
    size = in.readInt();/*from ww w. j  a va 2 s .  co  m*/
    uri = in.readParcelable(null);
    contentType = in.readString();
    state = in.readInt();
    destination = in.readInt();
    downloadedSize = in.readInt();
    contentUri = in.readParcelable(null);
    thumbnailUri = in.readParcelable(null);
    previewIntentUri = in.readParcelable(null);
    providerData = in.readString();
    supportsDownloadAgain = in.readInt() == 1;
    type = in.readInt();
    flags = in.readInt();
    //TS: wenggangjin 2014-12-10 EMAIL BUGFIX_852100 MOD_S
    contentId = in.readString();
    //TS: wenggangjin 2014-12-10 EMAIL BUGFIX_852100 MOD_E
    //TS: zhonghua.tuo 2015-3-3 EMAIL BUGFIX_936728 ADD_S
    realUri = in.readParcelable(null);
    //TS: zhonghua.tuo 2015-3-3 EMAIL BUGFIX_936728 ADD_E
    // TS: Gantao 2015-09-19 EMAIL BUGFIX_570084 ADD_S
    isInline = in.readInt();
    // TS: Gantao 2015-09-19 EMAIL BUGFIX_570084 ADD_E

From source file:com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account.java

 * Supports Parcelable//from  ww  w  . j a  va 2  s.  co  m
public Account(Parcel in) {
    mBaseUri = Account.CONTENT_URI;
    mId = in.readLong();
    mDisplayName = in.readString();
    mEmailAddress = in.readString();
    mSyncKey = in.readString();
    mSyncLookback = in.readInt();
    mSyncInterval = in.readInt();
    mHostAuthKeyRecv = in.readLong();
    mHostAuthKeySend = in.readLong();
    mFlags = in.readInt();
    /* mCompatibilityUuid = */ in.readString();
    mSenderName = in.readString();
    mRingtoneUri = in.readString();
    mProtocolVersion = in.readString();
    /* mNewMessageCount = */ in.readInt();
    mSecuritySyncKey = in.readString();
    mSignature = in.readString();
    mPolicyKey = in.readLong();

    mHostAuthRecv = null;
    if (in.readByte() == 1) {
        mHostAuthRecv = new HostAuth(in);

    mHostAuthSend = null;
    if (in.readByte() == 1) {
        mHostAuthSend = new HostAuth(in);

From source file:com.echopf.ECHODataObject.java

protected ECHODataObject(Parcel in) {
    this(in.readString(), in.readString(), in.readString());

    try {// w w w. ja  v  a  2s . co  m
        String strData = in.readString();
        if (!strData.isEmpty())
            copyData(new JSONObject(strData));

        String strNewACL = in.readString();
        if (!strNewACL.isEmpty())
            newACL = new ECHOACLObject(new JSONObject());

        String strCurrentACL = in.readString();
        if (!strCurrentACL.isEmpty())
            currentACL = new ECHOACLObject(new JSONObject(strCurrentACL));

    } catch (JSONException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    String strMultipart = in.readString();
    if (!strMultipart.isEmpty())
        multipart = new Boolean(strMultipart);

From source file:com.owncloud.android.datamodel.OCFile.java

 * Reconstruct from parcel//from www. j  a  v  a2 s .c  o  m
 * @param source The source parcel
private OCFile(Parcel source) {
    mId = source.readLong();
    mParentId = source.readLong();
    mLength = source.readLong();
    mCreationTimestamp = source.readLong();
    mModifiedTimestamp = source.readLong();
    mModifiedTimestampAtLastSyncForData = source.readLong();
    mRemotePath = source.readString();
    mLocalPath = source.readString();
    mMimeType = source.readString();
    try {
        mAvailableOfflineStatus = AvailableOfflineStatus.valueOf(source.readString());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
        mAvailableOfflineStatus = AvailableOfflineStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE_OFFLINE;
    mLastSyncDateForProperties = source.readLong();
    mLastSyncDateForData = source.readLong();
    mEtag = source.readString();
    mTreeEtag = source.readString();
    mSharedByLink = source.readInt() == 1;
    mPermissions = source.readString();
    mRemoteId = source.readString();
    mNeedsUpdateThumbnail = source.readInt() == 1;
    mIsDownloading = source.readInt() == 1;
    mEtagInConflict = source.readString();
    mSharedWithSharee = source.readInt() == 1;
    mPrivateLink = source.readString();


From source file:com.bravo.ecm.service.ScannedFile.java

public void readFromParcel(Parcel parcel) {
    pathname = parcel.readString();
    ean = parcel.readString();/* ww  w .j  a  va2  s  . c  o m*/
    publisher = parcel.readString();

    try {
        long date = parcel.readLong();
        publishedDate = new Date(date);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        publishedDate = null;

    int size = parcel.readInt();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        String first = parcel.readString();
        String last = parcel.readString();
        addContributor(first, last);

    try {
        lastAccessedDate = new Date((new File(pathname)).lastModified());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        lastAccessedDate = null;
    try {
        long date = parcel.readLong();
        createdDate = new Date(date);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        createdDate = null;
    int idx = pathname.lastIndexOf('.');
    String ext = pathname.substring(idx + 1).toLowerCase();
    if (ext.equals("html")) {
        ext = "htm";
    if (type.equals("zip"))
        type = "fb2";
    type = ext;

From source file:com.orbar.pxdemo.Model.FiveZeroZeroImageBean.java

public FiveZeroZeroImageBean(Parcel source) {
    Log.v(TAG, "ParcelData(Parcel source): time to put back parcel data");

    id = source.readInt();//from   www.ja v  a2s .c o m
    userId = source.readInt();
    name = source.readString();
    description = source.readString();
    camera = source.readString();
    lens = source.readString();
    focalLength = source.readString();
    iso = source.readString();
    shutterSpeed = source.readString();
    aperture = source.readString();
    timesViewed = source.readInt();
    rating = source.readFloat();
    status = source.readInt();
    createdAt = source.readString();
    category = source.readInt();
    location = source.readString();
    privacy = source.readByte() == 1;
    latitude = source.readString();
    longitude = source.readString();
    takenAt = source.readString();
    hiResUploaded = source.readInt();
    forSale = source.readByte() == 1;
    width = source.readInt();
    height = source.readInt();
    votesCount = source.readInt();
    favoritesCount = source.readInt();
    commentsCount = source.readInt();
    nsfw = source.readByte() == 1;
    salesCount = source.readInt();
    highestRating = source.readFloat();
    highestRatingDate = source.readString();
    licenseType = source.readInt();
    imageUrl = source.readString();
    storeDownload = source.readByte() == 1;
    storePrint = source.readByte() == 1;
    voted = source.readByte() == 1;
    favorited = source.readByte() == 1;
    purchased = source.readByte() == 1;

    userBean = (FiveZeroZeroUserBean) source.readParcelable(FiveZeroZeroUserBean.class.getClassLoader());