List of usage examples for android.os Message Message
public Message()
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/** * ?//www . j a va 2 s .c o m * */ private void consumeOldOrder(Purchase purchase, final int code, final int isEnd) { mHelper.consumeAsync(purchase, new IabHelper.OnConsumeFinishedListener() { public void onConsumeFinished(Purchase p, IabResult result) { BaseUtils.logDebug(TAG, "consumeOldOrder finished. Purchase: " + p + ", result: " + result); // if we were disposed of in the meantime, quit. if (mHelper == null) return; Message msg = null; if (result.isSuccess()) { BaseUtils.logDebug(TAG, "consumeOldOrder successful. Provisioning. Purchase.orderID=" + p.getOrderId()); // case 1000000://??? // case 1000002://?????2? if (GoogleBillingUtils.deletePurchase(p.getOrderId()) > 0) { if (code == 1000000 || code == 1000002) { // ???? msg = new Message(); msg.what = 103;//?? msg.obj = p; myHandler.sendMessage(msg); msg = new Message(); msg.what = 102;// msg.obj = p; msg.arg1 = code; myHandler.sendMessage(msg); } } else { BaseUtils.logError(TAG, "delete by orderid=" + p.getOrderId()); } } else { if (result.getResponse() == IabHelper.BILLING_RESPONSE_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_OWNED) { if (GoogleBillingUtils.deletePurchase(p.getOrderId()) > 0) { // ??? // msg = new Message(); // msg.what = 102;// // msg.obj = p; // myHandler.sendMessage(msg); } else { BaseUtils.logError(TAG, "delete by orderid=" + p.getOrderId()); } } } myHandler.sendEmptyMessage(98);//?? } }); }
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@Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) { switch (requestCode) { case CHECK_SD_WRITE_PERMISSION: if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { // permission was granted, yay! Do the contacts-related task you need to do. if (mSelectedChapters != null && mSelectedChapters.size() != 0) { int position = -1; List<Integer> positionList = new ArrayList<>(); ComicChapter Chapter = null; for (String volName : mSelectedChapters) { position = mComic.getChapterName().indexOf(volName); positionList.add(position); }/* ww w. j av a 2s .co m*/ //? Collections.sort(positionList); for (int i = 0; i < positionList.size(); i++) { position = positionList.get(i); Chapter = new ComicChapter(mComic.getTitle(), mComic.getCid(), mComic.getChapterId().get(position), mComic.getChapterName().get(position), mComic.getServerId()); Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = Constants.MSG_DOWNLOAD; msg.obj = Chapter; //??10ms mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, 10 * i); } mSelectedChapters = null; } //.nomedia try { CommonUtils.createNomediaIfAllow(getApplicationContext()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // permission denied, boo! Disable the functionality that depends on this permission. return; } break; } super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults); }
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public static void deleteAlertLine(long id) { CompanionAlertRec.removeFromDB(ZeoCompanionApplication.mDatabaseHandler, id); // inform the Main Activity so it can changes its menus; must be done via messaging if (MainActivity.instance != null) { Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = ZeoCompanionApplication.MESSAGE_MAIN_UPDATE_MENU; MainActivity.instance.mHandler.sendMessage(msg); }//from ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m }
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private void consume(Purchase purchase, final int code) { mHelper.consumeAsync(purchase, new IabHelper.OnConsumeFinishedListener() { public void onConsumeFinished(Purchase p, IabResult result) { BaseUtils.logDebug(TAG, "Consumption finished. Purchase: " + p + ", result: " + result); // if we were disposed of in the meantime, quit. if (mHelper == null) return; if (result.isFailure()) { BaseUtils.logError(TAG,// w w w.j ava2 s .co m "Error while consuming: " + IabHelper.getResponseDesc(result.getResponse())); if (code == -1) {// ?? if (result.getResponse() == IabHelper.BILLING_RESPONSE_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_OWNED) {// ? item not owned,?? // queryInventory(); myHandler.sendEmptyMessage(101); return; } //???? Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = 0; msg.obj = getResources() .getString(BaseUtils.getResourceValue("string", "oasisgames_sdk_pay_error_fail")); myHandler.sendMessage(msg); return; } } if (result.isSuccess()) { BaseUtils.logDebug(TAG, "Consumption successful. Provisioning. Purchase.orderID=" + p.getOrderId()); // case 1000000://??? // case 1000002://?????2? if (GoogleBillingUtils.deletePurchase(p.getOrderId()) > 0) {// ?? if (code == 1000000 || code == 1000002) { // ???? Message msg = new Message(); msg = new Message(); msg.what = 102;// msg.obj = p; msg.arg1 = code; myHandler.sendMessage(msg); } } else { BaseUtils.logError(TAG, "delete by orderid=" + p.getOrderId()); } } if (code == -1) {// ???? // launchPurchaseFlow(); // queryInventory(); if (isPageClose()) { isPageCloseHandler(); return; } myHandler.sendEmptyMessage(101); return; } Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = HANDLER_SUCECCES; msg.arg1 = code; myHandler.sendMessage(msg); BaseUtils.logDebug(TAG, "End consumption flow."); } }); }
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private void sendMessageToService(int what, Bundle b) { // Now that we have the service messenger, lets send our messenger Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = what;//from ww w .j a v a 2s . c o m /* * In case we would want to send extra data, we could use Bundles: * Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString("key", "hello world"); * msg.setData(b); */ if (b == null) { b = new Bundle(); IoTHandleData data = new IoTHandleData(); b.putParcelable(IoTServiceCommand.KEY_DATA, data); } b.putString(IoTServiceCommand.KEY_MSGID, IoTServiceCommand.generateMessageId(mCtx)); msg.setData(b); try { mServiceMessenger.send(msg); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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/** * ?/*from ww w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ * @param order */ private void setOrderDate(final ORDER_INFO order) { if (order.employer != null && order.employer.avatar != null && order.employer.avatar.thumb != null) { mImageLoader.displayImage(order.employer.avatar.thumb, mOrderEmployerAvatar, O2OMobile.options_head); } mOrderEmployerAvatar.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Intent intent = new Intent(D1_OrderActivity.this, F0_ProfileActivity.class); intent.putExtra(F0_ProfileActivity.USER_ID,; startActivity(intent); } }); if (order.employer != null && order.employer.nickname != null) { mOrderEmployerName.setText(order.employer.nickname); } if (order.created_at != null) { mOrderTime.setText(TimeUtil.timeAgo(order.created_at)); } if (order.order_sn != null) { mOrderSn.setText(order.order_sn); } if (order.service_type != null && order.service_type.title != null) { mOrderServiceType.setText(order.service_type.title); } if (order.appointment_time != null) { mOrderAppointmentTime.setText(order.appointment_time); } if (order.location != null && != null) { mOrderLocation.setText(; } if (order.offer_price != null) { mOrderPrice.setText(Utils.formatBalance(order.offer_price) + getString(R.string.yuan)); } if (order.content != null && order.content.text != null && !order.content.text.equals("")) { mOrderContentText.setText(order.content.text); } if (order.content != null && order.content.voice != null) { if (!order.content.voice.equals("")) { mOrderContentVoiceView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mOrderContentVoiceTime.setText(order.duration + "'"); LayoutParams layoutParams_icon = (LayoutParams) mOrderContentVoiceView.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams_icon.width = mWidthPixels / 6 + order.duration * 3; layoutParams_icon.height = mWidthPixels / 12; mOrderContentVoiceView.setLayoutParams(layoutParams_icon); } mOrderContentVoiceView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (mPlayer == null) { mOrderContentVoiceIcon.setImageResource(R.anim.voice_play_animation); mAnimationDrawable = (AnimationDrawable) mOrderContentVoiceIcon.getDrawable(); mAnimationDrawable.setOneShot(false); mAnimationDrawable.start(); Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = PLAY_VOICE; msg.obj = order; handler.sendMessage(msg); } else { mPlayer.release(); mPlayer = null; mAnimationDrawable.stop(); mOrderContentVoiceIcon.setImageResource(R.drawable.d8_btn_playing_2); } } }); } mOrderStatus.setText(StringUtils.getOrderStatusName(order.order_status)); }
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/** * ??//from w w w .j a va 2 s . c o m */ private void check(final Purchase purchase) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Message msg = new Message(); int res = -1; try { res = HttpService.instance().checkPurchaseForGoogle(purchase, GoogleBillingUtils.SEPARATE); switch (res) { case 1000000://??? case 1000002://?????2? case 1000006://?Google?? case 1000001://sign????? BaseUtils.logDebug(TAG, "Code=" + res + "; Start consume." + purchase.toString()); msg.what = 100; msg.arg1 = res; msg.obj = purchase; myHandler.sendMessage(msg); break; case 1000100:// case 1000004://ProductID?BUG checkAndAddPurchase(purchase); myHandler.sendEmptyMessage(HANDLER_FAIL); break; case 1000003://??-Google? case 1000005://???? default: msg.what = HANDLER_EXCEPTION; msg.obj = purchase; myHandler.sendMessage(msg);// retry break; } } catch (OasisSdkException e) {// oas?2??? msg.what = HANDLER_EXCEPTION; msg.obj = purchase; myHandler.sendMessage(msg);// retry } finally { try { String[] info = purchase.getDeveloperPayload().split(GoogleBillingUtils.SEPARATE); // ?Mdata??? List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>(); parameters.add("\"uid\":\"" + info[0] + "\""); parameters.add("\"roleid\":\"" + info[2] + "\""); parameters.add("\"serverid\":\"" + info[1] + "\""); if (info.length >= 6 && ("android".equalsIgnoreCase(info[5]) || "all".equalsIgnoreCase(info[5]) || "test".equalsIgnoreCase(info[5]))) parameters.add("\"servertype\":\"" + info[5] + "\""); else parameters.add("\"servertype\":\"\""); parameters.add("\"product_id\":\"" + purchase.getSku() + "\""); parameters.add("\"payment_channal\":\"mob_google\""); String re = info[4]; if (re != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(re)) { String[] rev = re.split("_"); parameters.add("\"cost\":\"" + (rev.length > 0 ? rev[0] : "") + "\""); parameters.add("\"currency\":\"" + (rev.length > 1 ? rev[1] : "") + "\""); } else { parameters.add("\"cost\":\"\""); parameters.add("\"currency\":\"\""); } parameters.add("\"value\":\"\""); if (info.length >= 7) parameters.add("\"oas_order_id\":\"" + info[6] + "\""); else parameters.add("\"oas_order_id\":\"\""); parameters.add("\"third_party_orderid\":\"" + purchase.getOrderId() + "\""); parameters.add("\"result_code\":\"" + res + "\""); parameters.add("\"isreport\":\"" + (PhoneInfo.instance().isTrackAble() ? "Y" : "N") + "\""); List<String> status = new ArrayList<String>(); status.add("\"event_type\":\"order\""); ReportUtils.add(ReportUtils.DEFAULTEVENT_ORDER_REPORTED, parameters, status); } catch (Exception e) { BaseUtils.logError(TAG, "Google play billing send mdata fail."); } } } }).start(); // * 1000001:??key // * 1000002:?? // * 1000003:??-Google? // * 1000004ProductID?BUG // * 1000005:???? // * 1000100: }
From source
/** open new browser */ public void newWindow(String url) { if ("".equals(url) || url == null) { return;//from w w w . j av a 2 } Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = HANDLE_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW; msg.obj = url; if (mHandler != null) mHandler.sendMessage(msg); }
From source
/** * JavaScript call back method/*from w ww . j av a2s . c om*/ * remove child browser */ public void removeChildBrowser() { DebugLog.d(TAG, "removeChildBrowser()"); Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = HANDLE_CLOSE_CHILD_BROWSER; mHandler.sendMessage(msg); }
From source
private void delayedCapture(int delayInterval) { initializeSoundPlayers(/*from www .j ava2s.c o m*/ ApplicationScreen.getAppResources().openRawResourceFd(R.raw.plugin_capture_selftimer_countdown), ApplicationScreen.getAppResources() .openRawResourceFd(R.raw.plugin_capture_selftimer_finalcountdown)); countdownHandler.removeCallbacks(flashOff); finalcountdownHandler.removeCallbacks(flashBlink); timer = new CountDownTimer(delayInterval * 1000 + 500, 1000) { public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { countdownView.setRotation(90 - MainScreen.getOrientation()); countdownView.setText(String.valueOf(millisUntilFinished / 1000)); countdownView.clearAnimation(); countdownLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); countdownView.startAnimation(countdownAnimation); if (!delayedCaptureFlashPrefCommon && !delayedCaptureSoundPrefCommon) return; TickEverySecond((millisUntilFinished / 1000 <= 1) ? true : false); if (delayedCaptureFlashPrefCommon) { if (millisUntilFinished > 1000) { try { flashModeBackUp = CameraController.getFlashMode(); CameraController.setCameraFlashMode(CameraParameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e("Self-timer", "Torch exception: " + e.getMessage()); } countdownHandler.postDelayed(flashOff, 50); } } } public void onFinish() { countdownView.clearAnimation(); countdownLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE); countdownHandler.removeCallbacks(flashOff); finalcountdownHandler.removeCallbacks(flashBlink); if (delayedCaptureFlashPrefCommon) if (CameraController.getSupportedFlashModes() != null) CameraController.setCameraFlashMode(flashModeBackUp); Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = ApplicationInterface.MSG_DELAYED_CAPTURE; ApplicationScreen.getMessageHandler().sendMessage(msg); timer = null; } }; timer.start(); }