List of usage examples for android.os Environment getExternalStoragePublicDirectory
public static File getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(String type)
From source
/** Create a File for saving an image or video */ private static File getOutputMediaFile() { // To be safe, you should check that the SDCard is mounted // using Environment.getExternalStorageState() before doing this. File mediaStorageDir = new File( Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), "FoodBook"); // This location works best if you want the created images to be shared // between applications and persist after your app has been uninstalled. // Create the storage directory if it does not exist if (!mediaStorageDir.exists()) { if (!mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()) { Log.d("FoodBook", "failed to create directory"); return null; }// ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m } // Create a media file name String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date()); File mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator + "IMG_" + timeStamp + ".jpg"); return mediaFile; }
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/** Create a File for saving an image or video */ public static File getOutputMediaFile(int type) { if (!Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) return null; File mediaStorageDir = new File( Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), "MacauFood"); // This location works best if you want the created images to be shared // between applications and persist after your app has been uninstalled. // Create the storage directory if it does not exist if (!mediaStorageDir.exists()) { if (!mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()) { Log.d("MacauFood", "failed to create directory"); return null; }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s.c om } // Create a media file name String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date()); File mediaFile; if (type == MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) { mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator + "IMG_" + timeStamp + ".jpg"); } else if (type == MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator + "VID_" + timeStamp + ".mp4"); } else { return null; } return mediaFile; }
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/** * Get the External Downloads Directory to * store the Selfies.// w w w . ja va 2s . c om * * @param ghostmyselfieName */ public static File getGhostMySelfieStorageDir(String ghostmyselfieName) { //Check to see if external SDCard is mounted or not. if (isExternalStorageWritable()) { // Create a path where we will place our selfie in the // user's public Downloads directory. Note that you should be // careful about what you place here, since the user often // manages these files. final File path = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS); final File file = new File(path, ghostmyselfieName); // Make sure the Downloads directory exists. path.mkdirs(); return file; } else { return null; } }
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public static File getAlbumDir() { if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) { File dir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES); File storageDir = new File(dir, "MyAlbum"); if (!storageDir.mkdirs()) { if (!storageDir.exists()) { return null; }/*from w w w . jav a 2s . c o m*/ } return storageDir; } else { return null; } }
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/** Create a File for saving an image or video specific to an app name */ public static File getOutputMediaFile(int type, String optionalAppName) { // To be safe, you should check that the SDCard is mounted // using Environment.getExternalStorageState() before doing this. String appname = "CameraApp"; if (optionalAppName != null && !optionalAppName.isEmpty()) { appname = optionalAppName;//ww w.ja va2 s .co m } File mediaStorageDir = new File( Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), appname); // This location works best if you want the created images to be shared // between applications and persist after your app has been uninstalled. // Create the storage directory if it does not exist if (!mediaStorageDir.exists()) { if (!mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()) { Log.d("MyCameraApp", "failed to create directory"); return null; } } // Create a media file name String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date()); File mediaFile; if (type == MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) { mediaFile = new File( mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator + "IMG_" + appname + timeStamp + ".jpg"); } else if (type == MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { mediaFile = new File( mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator + "VID_" + appname + timeStamp + ".mp4"); } else { return null; } //USAGE: // fileUri = Helpers.getOutputMediaFileUri( // MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE, // Helpers.getApplicationName(this) // ); // create a file to save the image return mediaFile; }
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public static File createTmpFile(Context context) throws IOException { File dir = null;/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ if (TextUtils.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState(), Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) { dir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM); if (!dir.exists()) { dir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM + "/Camera"); if (!dir.exists()) { dir = getCacheDirectory(context, true); } } } else { dir = getCacheDirectory(context, true); } return File.createTempFile(JPEG_FILE_PREFIX, JPEG_FILE_SUFFIX, dir); }
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/** * Create a File for saving an image or video *///from w w w . j av a 2 s . c om @SuppressLint("SimpleDateFormat") public static File getOutputMediaFile(int type, Context context) { // Create a media file name String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date()); File mediaFile = null; if (type == MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) { File mediaStorageDir = new File( Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), "StoryCapture"); if (!mediaStorageDir.exists()) { if (!mediaStorageDir.mkdirs()) { Log.d("StoryCapture", "failed to create directory"); return null; } } mediaFile = new File(mediaStorageDir.getPath() + File.separator + "IMG_" + timeStamp + ".jpg"); } else if (type == MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { String fileName = "AUDIO_" + timeStamp + ".3gp"; mediaFile = new File(context.getFilesDir(), fileName); } return mediaFile; }
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public static File getAlbumStorageDir() { // Get the directory for the user's public pictures directory. File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES), FOLDER); return file;// ww w . java 2 s .c o m }
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public static Uri getLocalBitmapUri(ImageView imageView) { // Extract Bitmap from ImageView drawable Drawable drawable = imageView.getDrawable(); Bitmap bmp = null;// w ww . j av a 2 s. c o m if (drawable instanceof BitmapDrawable) { bmp = ((BitmapDrawable) imageView.getDrawable()).getBitmap(); } else { return null; } // Store image to default external storage directory Uri bmpUri = null; try { File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS), "share_image_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".png"); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90, out); out.close(); bmpUri = Uri.fromFile(file); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return bmpUri; }
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/** * Creates a thumbnail file starting from an image/video file * * @param original_file original file path * @param video true if the file is a video. false if the file is a picture * @return a file/*ww w.ja v a2 s. co m*/ */ private static File generateThumbnailFileForFile(File original_file, boolean video) { // Create an image file name try { String imageFileName = "thumb" + original_file.getName(); Log.d(TAG, original_file.getName()); File storageDir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory( video ? Environment.DIRECTORY_MOVIES : Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES); return File.createTempFile(imageFileName, /* prefix */ THUMB_FORMAT_EXTENSION, /* suffix */ storageDir /* directory */ ); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Error", e); } return null; }