Example usage for Java android.net.wifi WifiManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION Broadcast intent action indicating that Wi-Fi has been enabled, disabled, enabling, disabling, or unknown. |
String | EXTRA_WIFI_STATE The lookup key for an int that indicates whether Wi-Fi is enabled, disabled, enabling, disabling, or unknown. |
int | WIFI_STATE_DISABLING Wi-Fi is currently being disabled. |
int | WIFI_STATE_DISABLED Wi-Fi is disabled. |
int | WIFI_STATE_ENABLING Wi-Fi is currently being enabled. |
int | WIFI_STATE_ENABLED Wi-Fi is enabled. |
int | WIFI_STATE_UNKNOWN Wi-Fi is in an unknown state. |
String | SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION Broadcast intent action indicating that a connection to the supplicant has been established (and it is now possible to perform Wi-Fi operations) or the connection to the supplicant has been lost. |
String | EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTED The lookup key for a boolean that indicates whether a connection to the supplicant daemon has been gained or lost. |
String | NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION Broadcast intent action indicating that the state of Wi-Fi connectivity has changed. |
String | EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO The lookup key for a android.net.NetworkInfo object associated with the Wi-Fi network. |
String | EXTRA_WIFI_INFO The lookup key for a android.net.wifi.WifiInfo object giving the information about the access point to which we are connected. |
String | SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION Broadcast intent action indicating that the state of establishing a connection to an access point has changed.One extra provides the new SupplicantState . |
String | SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION An access point scan has completed, and results are available. |
String | RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION The RSSI (signal strength) has changed. |
String | EXTRA_NEW_RSSI The lookup key for an int giving the new RSSI in dBm. |
String | ACTION_PICK_WIFI_NETWORK Activity Action: Pick a Wi-Fi network to connect to. |
int | WIFI_MODE_FULL In this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active, and will behave normally, i.e., it will attempt to automatically establish a connection to a remembered access point that is within range, and will do periodic scans if there are remembered access points but none are in range. |
int | WIFI_MODE_SCAN_ONLY In this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active, but the only operation that will be supported is initiation of scans, and the subsequent reporting of scan results. |
int | WIFI_MODE_FULL_HIGH_PERF In this Wi-Fi lock mode, Wi-Fi will be kept active as in mode #WIFI_MODE_FULL but it operates at high performance with minimum packet loss and low packet latency even when the device screen is off. |
int | addNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) Add a new network description to the set of configured networks. |
int | calculateSignalLevel(int rssi, int numLevels) Calculates the level of the signal. |
MulticastLock | createMulticastLock(String tag) Create a new MulticastLock |
WifiLock | createWifiLock(int lockType, String tag) Creates a new WifiLock. |
WifiLock | createWifiLock(String tag) Creates a new WifiLock. |
boolean | disableNetwork(int netId) Disable a configured network. |
boolean | disconnect() Disassociate from the currently active access point. |
boolean | enableNetwork(int netId, boolean attemptConnect) Allow a previously configured network to be associated with. |
Class> | getClass() Returns the runtime class of this Object . |
List | getConfiguredNetworks() Return a list of all the networks configured for the current foreground user. |
WifiInfo | getConnectionInfo() Return dynamic information about the current Wi-Fi connection, if any is active. |
DhcpInfo | getDhcpInfo() Return the DHCP-assigned addresses from the last successful DHCP request, if any. |
List | getScanResults() Return the results of the latest access point scan. |
int | getWifiState() Gets the Wi-Fi enabled state. |
boolean | isWifiEnabled() Return whether Wi-Fi is enabled or disabled. |
boolean | reconnect() Reconnect to the currently active access point, if we are currently disconnected. |
boolean | removeNetwork(int netId) Remove the specified network from the list of configured networks. |
boolean | saveConfiguration() Tell the device to persist the current list of configured networks. |
boolean | setWifiEnabled(boolean enabled) Enable or disable Wi-Fi. |
boolean | startScan() Request a scan for access points. |
String | toString() Returns a string representation of the object. |
int | updateNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) Update the network description of an existing configured network. |