Example usage for android.net Uri withAppendedPath

List of usage examples for android.net Uri withAppendedPath


In this page you can find the example usage for android.net Uri withAppendedPath.


public static Uri withAppendedPath(Uri baseUri, String pathSegment) 

Source Link


Creates a new Uri by appending an already-encoded path segment to a base Uri.


From source file:fr.jbteam.jabboid.core.ContactsListFragment.java

 * Decodes and scales a contact's image from a file pointed to by a Uri in the contact's data,
 * and returns the result as a Bitmap. The column that contains the Uri varies according to the
 * platform version./*from  w w  w . j  a  v  a  2  s. co  m*/
 * @param photoData For platforms prior to Android 3.0, provide the Contact._ID column value.
 *                  For Android 3.0 and later, provide the Contact.PHOTO_THUMBNAIL_URI value.
 * @param imageSize The desired target width and height of the output image in pixels.
 * @return A Bitmap containing the contact's image, resized to fit the provided image size. If
 * no thumbnail exists, returns null.
private Bitmap loadContactPhotoThumbnail(String photoData, int imageSize) {

    // Ensures the Fragment is still added to an activity. As this method is called in a
    // background thread, there's the possibility the Fragment is no longer attached and
    // added to an activity. If so, no need to spend resources loading the contact photo.
    if (!isAdded() || getActivity() == null) {
        return null;

    // Instantiates an AssetFileDescriptor. Given a content Uri pointing to an image file, the
    // ContentResolver can return an AssetFileDescriptor for the file.
    AssetFileDescriptor afd = null;

    // This "try" block catches an Exception if the file descriptor returned from the Contacts
    // Provider doesn't point to an existing file.
    try {
        Uri thumbUri;
        // If Android 3.0 or later, converts the Uri passed as a string to a Uri object.
        if (Utils.hasHoneycomb()) {
            thumbUri = Uri.parse(photoData);
        } else {
            // For versions prior to Android 3.0, appends the string argument to the content
            // Uri for the Contacts table.
            final Uri contactUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, photoData);

            // Appends the content Uri for the Contacts.Photo table to the previously
            // constructed contact Uri to yield a content URI for the thumbnail image
            thumbUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(contactUri, Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
        // Retrieves a file descriptor from the Contacts Provider. To learn more about this
        // feature, read the reference documentation for
        // ContentResolver#openAssetFileDescriptor.
        afd = getActivity().getContentResolver().openAssetFileDescriptor(thumbUri, "r");

        // Gets a FileDescriptor from the AssetFileDescriptor. A BitmapFactory object can
        // decode the contents of a file pointed to by a FileDescriptor into a Bitmap.
        FileDescriptor fileDescriptor = afd.getFileDescriptor();

        if (fileDescriptor != null) {
            // Decodes a Bitmap from the image pointed to by the FileDescriptor, and scales it
            // to the specified width and height
            return ImageLoader.decodeSampledBitmapFromDescriptor(fileDescriptor, imageSize, imageSize);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // If the file pointed to by the thumbnail URI doesn't exist, or the file can't be
        // opened in "read" mode, ContentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor throws a
        // FileNotFoundException.
        /*if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Contact photo thumbnail not found for contact " + photoData
                + ": " + e.toString());
    } finally {
        // If an AssetFileDescriptor was returned, try to close it
        if (afd != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Closing a file descriptor might cause an IOException if the file is
                // already closed. Nothing extra is needed to handle this.

    // If the decoding failed, returns null
    return null;

From source file:android.com.example.contactslist.ui.ContactsListFragment.java

 * Decodes and scales a contact's image from a file pointed to by a Uri in the contact's data,
 * and returns the result as a Bitmap. The column that contains the Uri varies according to the
 * platform version.//from  w  ww  .j a  v a  2  s .c  o  m
 * @param photoData For platforms prior to Android 3.0, provide the Contact._ID column value.
 *                  For Android 3.0 and later, provide the Contact.PHOTO_THUMBNAIL_URI value.
 * @param imageSize The desired target width and height of the output image in pixels.
 * @return A Bitmap containing the contact's image, resized to fit the provided image size. If
 * no thumbnail exists, returns null.
private Bitmap loadContactPhotoThumbnail(String photoData, int imageSize) {

    // Ensures the Fragment is still added to an activity. As this method is called in a
    // background thread, there's the possibility the Fragment is no longer attached and
    // added to an activity. If so, no need to spend resources loading the contact photo.
    if (!isAdded() || getActivity() == null) {
        return null;

    // Instantiates an AssetFileDescriptor. Given a content Uri pointing to an image file, the
    // ContentResolver can return an AssetFileDescriptor for the file.
    AssetFileDescriptor afd = null;

    // This "try" block catches an Exception if the file descriptor returned from the Contacts
    // Provider doesn't point to an existing file.
    try {
        Uri thumbUri;
        // If Android 3.0 or later, converts the Uri passed as a string to a Uri object.
        if (Utils.hasHoneycomb()) {
            thumbUri = Uri.parse(photoData);
        } else {
            // For versions prior to Android 3.0, appends the string argument to the content
            // Uri for the Contacts table.
            final Uri contactUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, photoData);

            // Appends the content Uri for the Contacts.Photo table to the previously
            // constructed contact Uri to yield a content URI for the thumbnail image
            thumbUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(contactUri, Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
        // Retrieves a file descriptor from the Contacts Provider. To learn more about this
        // feature, read the reference documentation for
        // ContentResolver#openAssetFileDescriptor.
        afd = getActivity().getContentResolver().openAssetFileDescriptor(thumbUri, "r");

        // Gets a FileDescriptor from the AssetFileDescriptor. A BitmapFactory object can
        // decode the contents of a file pointed to by a FileDescriptor into a Bitmap.
        FileDescriptor fileDescriptor = afd.getFileDescriptor();

        if (fileDescriptor != null) {
            // Decodes a Bitmap from the image pointed to by the FileDescriptor, and scales it
            // to the specified width and height
            return ImageLoader.decodeSampledBitmapFromDescriptor(fileDescriptor, imageSize, imageSize);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // If the file pointed to by the thumbnail URI doesn't exist, or the file can't be
        // opened in "read" mode, ContentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor throws a
        // FileNotFoundException.
        if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Contact photo thumbnail not found for contact " + photoData + ": " + e.toString());
    } finally {
        // If an AssetFileDescriptor was returned, try to close it
        if (afd != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Closing a file descriptor might cause an IOException if the file is
                // already closed. Nothing extra is needed to handle this.

    // If the decoding failed, returns null
    return null;

From source file:com.ichi2.anki.tests.ContentProviderTest.java

 * Test query to specific deck ID/*from w w  w .jav a 2  s. c  o  m*/
 * @throws Exception
public void testQueryCertainDeck() throws Exception {
    Collection col;
    col = CollectionHelper.getInstance().getCol(getContext());

    long deckId = mTestDeckIds[0];
    Uri deckUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(FlashCardsContract.Deck.CONTENT_ALL_URI, Long.toString(deckId));
    Cursor decksCursor = getContext().getContentResolver().query(deckUri, null, null, null, null);
    try {
        if (decksCursor == null || !decksCursor.moveToFirst()) {
            fail("No deck received. Should have delivered deck with id " + deckId);
        } else {
            long returnedDeckID = decksCursor
            String returnedDeckName = decksCursor

            JSONObject realDeck = col.getDecks().get(deckId);
            assertEquals("Check that received deck ID equals real deck ID", deckId, returnedDeckID);
            assertEquals("Check that received deck name equals real deck name", realDeck.getString("name"),
    } finally {

From source file:com.owncloud.android.datamodel.FileDataStorageManager.java

private boolean removeFolderInDb(OCFile folder) {
    Uri folder_uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(ProviderTableMeta.CONTENT_URI_DIR, "" + folder.getFileId()); // URI for recursive deletion
    String where = ProviderTableMeta.FILE_ACCOUNT_OWNER + "=?" + " AND " + ProviderTableMeta.FILE_PATH + "=?";
    String[] whereArgs = new String[] { mAccount.name, folder.getRemotePath() };
    int deleted = 0;
    if (getContentProviderClient() != null) {
        try {/*from   ww  w.jav  a2s.  c  o m*/
            deleted = getContentProviderClient().delete(folder_uri, where, whereArgs);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
    } else {
        deleted = getContentResolver().delete(folder_uri, where, whereArgs);
    return deleted > 0;

From source file:com.phonegap.ContactAccessorSdk3_4.java

 * Takes a JSON contact object and loops through the available phone numbers.  If the phone 
 * number has an id that is not equal to null the phone number will be updated in the database.
 * If the id is null then we treat it as a new phone number.
 * /* w  w  w .j a  v  a2s  .  c o  m*/
 * @param contact the contact to extract the phone numbers from
 * @param uri the base URI for this contact.
private void savePhoneNumbers(JSONObject contact, Uri uri) {
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    Uri phonesUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(uri, Contacts.People.Phones.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
    String id = null;

    try {
        JSONArray phones = contact.getJSONArray("phoneNumbers");
        if (phones != null && phones.length() > 0) {
            JSONObject phone;
            for (int i = 0; i < phones.length(); i++) {
                phone = phones.getJSONObject(i);
                id = getJsonString(phone, "id");
                values.put(Contacts.Phones.NUMBER, getJsonString(phone, "value"));
                values.put(Contacts.Phones.TYPE, getPhoneType(getJsonString(phone, "type")));
                if (id == null) {
                    Uri phoneUpdate = mApp.getContentResolver().insert(phonesUri, values);
                } else {
                    Uri newUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(phonesUri, id);
                    mApp.getContentResolver().update(newUri, values, null, null);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Could not save phones = " + e.getMessage());

From source file:br.com.mybaby.contatos.ContactsListFragment.java

 * Decodes and scales a contact's image from a file pointed to by a Uri in the contact's data,
 * and returns the result as a Bitmap. The column that contains the Uri varies according to the
 * platform version.//from   w w  w  .  j  a  v a 2  s  . c om
 * @param photoData For platforms prior to Android 3.0, provide the Contact._ID column value.
 *                  For Android 3.0 and later, provide the Contact.PHOTO_THUMBNAIL_URI value.
 * @param imageSize The desired target width and height of the output image in pixels.
 * @return A Bitmap containing the contact's image, resized to fit the provided image size. If
 * no thumbnail exists, returns null.
private Bitmap loadContactPhotoThumbnail(String photoData, int imageSize) {

    // Ensures the Fragment is still added to an activity. As this method is called in a
    // background thread, there's the possibility the Fragment is no longer attached and
    // added to an activity. If so, no need to spend resources loading the contact photo.
    if (!isAdded() || getActivity() == null) {
        return null;

    // Instantiates an AssetFileDescriptor. Given a content Uri pointing to an image file, the
    // ContentResolver can return an AssetFileDescriptor for the file.
    AssetFileDescriptor afd = null;

    // This "try" block catches an Exception if the file descriptor returned from the Contacts
    // Provider doesn't point to an existing file.
    try {
        Uri thumbUri;
        // If Android 3.0 or later, converts the Uri passed as a string to a Uri object.
        if (Util.hasHoneycomb()) {
            thumbUri = Uri.parse(photoData);
        } else {
            // For versions prior to Android 3.0, appends the string argument to the content
            // Uri for the Contacts table.
            final Uri contactUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, photoData);

            // Appends the content Uri for the Contacts.Photo table to the previously
            // constructed contact Uri to yield a content URI for the thumbnail image
            thumbUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(contactUri, Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
        // Retrieves a file descriptor from the Contacts Provider. To learn more about this
        // feature, read the reference documentation for
        // ContentResolver#openAssetFileDescriptor.
        afd = getActivity().getContentResolver().openAssetFileDescriptor(thumbUri, "r");

        // Gets a FileDescriptor from the AssetFileDescriptor. A BitmapFactory object can
        // decode the contents of a file pointed to by a FileDescriptor into a Bitmap.
        FileDescriptor fileDescriptor = afd.getFileDescriptor();

        if (fileDescriptor != null) {
            // Decodes a Bitmap from the image pointed to by the FileDescriptor, and scales it
            // to the specified width and height
            return ImageLoader.decodeSampledBitmapFromDescriptor(fileDescriptor, imageSize, imageSize);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // If the file pointed to by the thumbnail URI doesn't exist, or the file can't be
        // opened in "read" mode, ContentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor throws a
        // FileNotFoundException.
        if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Contact photo thumbnail not found for contact " + photoData + ": " + e.toString());
    } finally {
        // If an AssetFileDescriptor was returned, try to close it
        if (afd != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Closing a file descriptor might cause an IOException if the file is
                // already closed. Nothing extra is needed to handle this.

    // If the decoding failed, returns null
    return null;

From source file:nl.sogeti.android.gpstracker.viewer.LoggerMap.java

 * Retrieve the last point of the current track
 *///from  w ww .j av  a 2 s . c  om
private GeoPoint getLastTrackPoint() {
    Cursor waypoint = null;
    GeoPoint lastPoint = null;
    // First try the service which might have a cached version
    Location lastLoc = mLoggerServiceManager.getLastWaypoint();
    if (lastLoc != null) {
        int microLatitude = (int) (lastLoc.getLatitude() * 1E6d);
        int microLongitude = (int) (lastLoc.getLongitude() * 1E6d);
        lastPoint = new GeoPoint(microLatitude, microLongitude);

    // If nothing yet, try the content resolver and query the track
    if (lastPoint == null || lastPoint.getLatitudeE6() == 0 || lastPoint.getLongitudeE6() == 0) {
        try {
            ContentResolver resolver = this.getContentResolver();
            waypoint = resolver.query(Uri.withAppendedPath(Tracks.CONTENT_URI, mTrackId + "/waypoints"),
                    new String[] { Waypoints.LATITUDE, Waypoints.LONGITUDE,
                            "max(" + Waypoints.TABLE + "." + Waypoints._ID + ")" },
                    null, null, null);
            if (waypoint != null && waypoint.moveToLast()) {
                int microLatitude = (int) (waypoint.getDouble(0) * 1E6d);
                int microLongitude = (int) (waypoint.getDouble(1) * 1E6d);
                lastPoint = new GeoPoint(microLatitude, microLongitude);
        } finally {
            if (waypoint != null) {

    // If nothing yet, try the last generally known location
    if (lastPoint == null || lastPoint.getLatitudeE6() == 0 || lastPoint.getLongitudeE6() == 0) {
        lastPoint = getLastKnowGeopointLocation();
    return lastPoint;

From source file:org.opendatakit.survey.activities.MainMenuActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // android.os.Debug.waitForDebugger();
    submenuPage = getIntentExtras().getString("_sync_state");
    try {/* w w  w.j a  va 2 s  . c  om*/
        // ensure that we have a BackgroundTaskFragment...
        // create it programmatically because if we place it in the
        // layout XML, it will be recreated with each screen rotation
        // and we don't want that!!!
        mPropertyManager = new PropertyManager(this);

        // must be at the beginning of any activity that can be called from an
        // external intent
        Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
        Uri formUri = null;
        if (uri != null) {
            // initialize to the URI, then we will customize further based upon the
            // savedInstanceState...
            final Uri uriFormsProvider = FormsProviderAPI.CONTENT_URI;
            final Uri uriWebView = UrlUtils.getWebViewContentUri(this);
            if (uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase(uriFormsProvider.getScheme())
                    && uri.getAuthority().equalsIgnoreCase(uriFormsProvider.getAuthority())) {
                List<String> segments = uri.getPathSegments();
                if (segments != null && segments.size() == 1) {
                    String appName = segments.get(0);
                } else if (segments != null && segments.size() >= 2) {
                    String appName = segments.get(0);
                    String tableId = segments.get(1);
                    String formId = (segments.size() > 2) ? segments.get(2) : null;
                    formUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Uri.withAppendedPath(
                            Uri.withAppendedPath(FormsProviderAPI.CONTENT_URI, appName), tableId), formId);
                } else {
                    createErrorDialog(getString(R.string.invalid_uri_expecting_n_segments, uri.toString(), 2),
            } else if (uri.getScheme().equals(uriWebView.getScheme())
                    && uri.getAuthority().equals(uriWebView.getAuthority())
                    && uri.getPort() == uriWebView.getPort()) {
                List<String> segments = uri.getPathSegments();
                if (segments != null && segments.size() == 1) {
                    String appName = segments.get(0);
                } else {
                    createErrorDialog(getString(R.string.invalid_uri_expecting_one_segment, uri.toString()),

            } else {
                createErrorDialog(getString(R.string.unrecognized_uri, uri.toString(), uriWebView.toString(),
                        uriFormsProvider.toString()), EXIT);

        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            // if appName is explicitly set, use it...
                    ? savedInstanceState.getString(IntentConsts.INTENT_KEY_APP_NAME)
                    : getAppName());

            if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(CONFLICT_TABLES)) {
                mConflictTables = savedInstanceState.getBundle(CONFLICT_TABLES);

        try {
            String appName = getAppName();
            if (appName != null && appName.length() != 0) {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            createErrorDialog(e.getMessage(), EXIT);

        WebLogger.getLogger(getAppName()).i(t, "Starting up, creating directories");

        if (savedInstanceState != null) {
            // if we are restoring, assume that initialization has already occurred.

            dispatchStringWaitingForData = savedInstanceState.containsKey(DISPATCH_STRING_WAITING_FOR_DATA)
                    ? savedInstanceState.getString(DISPATCH_STRING_WAITING_FOR_DATA)
                    : null;
            actionWaitingForData = savedInstanceState.containsKey(ACTION_WAITING_FOR_DATA)
                    ? savedInstanceState.getString(ACTION_WAITING_FOR_DATA)
                    : null;

            currentFragment = ScreenList.valueOf(savedInstanceState.containsKey(CURRENT_FRAGMENT)
                    ? savedInstanceState.getString(CURRENT_FRAGMENT)
                    : currentFragment.name());

            if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(FORM_URI)) {
                FormIdStruct newForm = FormIdStruct.retrieveFormIdStruct(getContentResolver(),
                if (newForm != null) {
                    savedInstanceState.containsKey(INSTANCE_ID) ? savedInstanceState.getString(INSTANCE_ID)
                            : getInstanceId());
                    ? savedInstanceState.getString(UPLOAD_TABLE_ID)
                    : getUploadTableId());

            String tmpScreenPath = savedInstanceState.containsKey(SCREEN_PATH)
                    ? savedInstanceState.getString(SCREEN_PATH)
                    : getScreenPath();
            String tmpControllerState = savedInstanceState.containsKey(CONTROLLER_STATE)
                    ? savedInstanceState.getString(CONTROLLER_STATE)
                    : getControllerState();
            setSectionScreenState(tmpScreenPath, tmpControllerState);

                    ? savedInstanceState.getString(AUXILLARY_HASH)
                    : getAuxillaryHash());

            if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(SESSION_VARIABLES)) {
                sessionVariables = savedInstanceState.getBundle(SESSION_VARIABLES);

            if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(SECTION_STATE_SCREEN_HISTORY)) {
                sectionStateScreenHistory = savedInstanceState

            if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(QUEUED_ACTIONS)) {
                String[] actionOutcomesArray = savedInstanceState.getStringArray(QUEUED_ACTIONS);

            if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.containsKey(RESPONSE_JSON)) {
                String[] pendingResponseJSON = savedInstanceState.getStringArray(RESPONSE_JSON);
        } else if (formUri != null) {
            // request specifies a specific formUri -- try to open that
            FormIdStruct newForm = FormIdStruct.retrieveFormIdStruct(getContentResolver(), formUri);
            if (newForm == null) {
                // can't find it -- launch the initialization dialog to hopefully
                // discover it.
                WebLogger.getLogger(getAppName()).i(t, "onCreate -- calling setRunInitializationTask");
                ((Survey) getApplication()).setRunInitializationTask(getAppName());
                currentFragment = ScreenList.WEBKIT;
            } else {
                transitionToFormHelper(uri, newForm);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        createErrorDialog(e.getMessage(), EXIT);
    } finally {

        ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();

From source file:edu.umbc.cs.ebiquity.mithril.parserapp.contentparsers.contacts.ContactsListFragment.java

public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {

    // If this is the loader for finding contacts in the Contacts Provider
    // (the only one supported)
    if (id == ContactsQuery.QUERY_ID) {
        // There are two types of searches, one which displays all contacts and
        // one which filters contacts by a search query. If mSearchTerm is set
        // then a search query has been entered and the latter should be used.

        if (mSearchTerm == null) {
            // Since there's no search string, use the content URI that searches the entire
            // Contacts table
        } else {//from  w ww.  ja v a2 s .co  m
            // Since there's a search string, use the special content Uri that searches the
            // Contacts table. The URI consists of a base Uri and the search string.
            setContentUri(Uri.withAppendedPath(ContactsQuery.FILTER_URI, Uri.encode(mSearchTerm)));

        //           if(ParserApplication.isContactsAccessPolicyAllowed()){

        // Returns a new CursorLoader for querying the Contacts table. No arguments are used
        // for the selection clause. The search string is either encoded onto the content URI,
        // or no contacts search string is used. The other search criteria are constants. See
        // the ContactsQuery interface.
        return new CursorLoader(getActivity(), getContentUri(), ContactsQuery.PROJECTION,
                ContactsQuery.SELECTION, null, ContactsQuery.SORT_ORDER);
        //           }
        //           else {
        //               /**
        //                * If you return null here then the access to the content is actually blocked!
        //                */
        //               return null;
        //           }

    //        Log.e(TAG, "onCreateLoader - incorrect ID provided (" + id + ")");
    return null;

From source file:org.opendatakit.survey.android.activities.MainMenuActivity.java

public FrameworkFormPathInfo getFrameworkFormPathInfo() {

    // Find the formPath for the default form with the most recent
    // version...
    Cursor c = null;/*from w w w.jav  a 2s .com*/
    String formPath = null;
    Long lastModified = null;

    try {
        // the default form is named 'default' ...
        String selection = FormsColumns.FORM_ID + "=?";
        String[] selectionArgs = { FormsColumns.COMMON_BASE_FORM_ID };
        // use the most recently created of the matches
        // (in case DB corrupted)
        String orderBy = FormsColumns.FORM_VERSION + " DESC";
        c = getContentResolver().query(Uri.withAppendedPath(FormsProviderAPI.CONTENT_URI, appName), null,
                selection, selectionArgs, orderBy);

        if (c != null && c.getCount() > 0) {
            // we found a match...
            formPath = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().getIndexAsString(c, c.getColumnIndex(FormsColumns.FORM_PATH));
            lastModified = ODKDatabaseUtils.get().getIndexAsType(c, Long.class,
    } finally {
        if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) {

    if (formPath == null) {
        return null;
    } else {
        return new FrameworkFormPathInfo(formPath, lastModified);