Java android.location Address fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java android.location Address fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for android.location Address.

The text is from its open source code.


Address(Locale locale)
Constructs a new Address object set to the given Locale and with all other fields initialized to null or false.


StringgetAddressLine(int index)
Returns a line of the address numbered by the given index (starting at 0), or null if no such line is present.
Returns the administrative area name of the address, for example, "CA", or null if it is unknown
Returns the country code of the address, for example "US", or null if it is unknown.
Returns the localized country name of the address, for example "Iceland", or null if it is unknown.
Returns the feature name of the address, for example, "Golden Gate Bridge", or null if it is unknown
Returns the latitude of the address if known.
Returns the locality of the address, for example "Mountain View", or null if it is unknown.
Returns the longitude of the address if known.
Returns the largest index currently in use to specify an address line.
Returns the phone number of the address if known, or null if it is unknown.
Returns the postal code of the address, for example "94110", or null if it is unknown.
Returns the sub-administrative area name of the address, for example, "Santa Clara County", or null if it is unknown
Returns the sub-locality of the address, or null if it is unknown.
Returns the sub-thoroughfare name of the address, which may be null.
Returns the thoroughfare name of the address, for example, "1600 Ampitheater Parkway", which may be null
Returns the public URL for the address if known, or null if it is unknown.
voidsetAddressLine(int index, String line)
Sets the line of the address numbered by index (starting at 0) to the given String, which may be null.
voidsetAdminArea(String adminArea)
Sets the administrative area name of the address to the given String, which may be null
voidsetCountryCode(String countryCode)
Sets the country code of the address to the given String, which may be null.
voidsetCountryName(String countryName)
Sets the country name of the address to the given String, which may be null.
voidsetFeatureName(String featureName)
Sets the feature name of the address to the given String, which may be null
voidsetLatitude(double latitude)
Sets the latitude associated with this address.
voidsetLocality(String locality)
Sets the locality of the address to the given String, which may be null.
voidsetLongitude(double longitude)
Sets the longitude associated with this address.
voidsetPostalCode(String postalCode)
Sets the postal code of the address to the given String, which may be null.
voidsetSubAdminArea(String subAdminArea)
Sets the sub-administrative area name of the address to the given String, which may be null
voidsetSubLocality(String sublocality)
Sets the sub-locality of the address to the given String, which may be null.
voidsetThoroughfare(String thoroughfare)
Sets the thoroughfare name of the address, which may be null.