Example usage for Java android.location Address fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
Address(Locale locale) Constructs a new Address object set to the given Locale and with all other fields initialized to null or false. |
String | getAddressLine(int index) Returns a line of the address numbered by the given index (starting at 0), or null if no such line is present. |
String | getAdminArea() Returns the administrative area name of the address, for example, "CA", or null if it is unknown |
String | getCountryCode() Returns the country code of the address, for example "US", or null if it is unknown. |
String | getCountryName() Returns the localized country name of the address, for example "Iceland", or null if it is unknown. |
String | getFeatureName() Returns the feature name of the address, for example, "Golden Gate Bridge", or null if it is unknown |
double | getLatitude() Returns the latitude of the address if known. |
String | getLocality() Returns the locality of the address, for example "Mountain View", or null if it is unknown. |
double | getLongitude() Returns the longitude of the address if known. |
int | getMaxAddressLineIndex() Returns the largest index currently in use to specify an address line. |
String | getPhone() Returns the phone number of the address if known, or null if it is unknown. |
String | getPostalCode() Returns the postal code of the address, for example "94110", or null if it is unknown. |
String | getSubAdminArea() Returns the sub-administrative area name of the address, for example, "Santa Clara County", or null if it is unknown |
String | getSubLocality() Returns the sub-locality of the address, or null if it is unknown. |
String | getSubThoroughfare() Returns the sub-thoroughfare name of the address, which may be null. |
String | getThoroughfare() Returns the thoroughfare name of the address, for example, "1600 Ampitheater Parkway", which may be null |
String | getUrl() Returns the public URL for the address if known, or null if it is unknown. |
void | setAddressLine(int index, String line) Sets the line of the address numbered by index (starting at 0) to the given String, which may be null. |
void | setAdminArea(String adminArea) Sets the administrative area name of the address to the given String, which may be null |
void | setCountryCode(String countryCode) Sets the country code of the address to the given String, which may be null. |
void | setCountryName(String countryName) Sets the country name of the address to the given String, which may be null. |
void | setFeatureName(String featureName) Sets the feature name of the address to the given String, which may be null |
void | setLatitude(double latitude) Sets the latitude associated with this address. |
void | setLocality(String locality) Sets the locality of the address to the given String, which may be null. |
void | setLongitude(double longitude) Sets the longitude associated with this address. |
void | setPostalCode(String postalCode) Sets the postal code of the address to the given String, which may be null. |
void | setSubAdminArea(String subAdminArea) Sets the sub-administrative area name of the address to the given String, which may be null |
void | setSubLocality(String sublocality) Sets the sub-locality of the address to the given String, which may be null. |
void | setThoroughfare(String thoroughfare) Sets the thoroughfare name of the address, which may be null. |