List of usage examples for Typeface SERIF
Typeface SERIF
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@Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == REQUEST_WORD_LIST_ACTIVITY) { if (resultCode == getActivity().RESULT_OK) { try { String strWord = data.getStringExtra("word"); //etWrite.setText(strWord); // Set a cursor position last //etWrite.setSelection(etWrite.getText().length()); } catch (Exception e) { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }//from w w 2 s . c o m } } else if (requestCode == REQUEST_PREFERENCE) { SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()); String res = pref.getString("display_list", Integer.toString(DISP_CHAR)); mDisplayType = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("fontsize_list", Integer.toString(12)); mTextFontSize = Integer.valueOf(res); //mTvSerial.setTextSize(mTextFontSize); res = pref.getString("typeface_list", Integer.toString(3)); switch (Integer.valueOf(res)) { case 0: mTextTypeface = Typeface.DEFAULT; break; case 1: mTextTypeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF; break; case 2: mTextTypeface = Typeface.SERIF; break; case 3: mTextTypeface = Typeface.MONOSPACE; break; } //mTvSerial.setTypeface(mTextTypeface); //etWrite.setTypeface(mTextTypeface); res = pref.getString("readlinefeedcode_list", Integer.toString(LINEFEED_CODE_CRLF)); mReadLinefeedCode = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("writelinefeedcode_list", Integer.toString(LINEFEED_CODE_CRLF)); mWriteLinefeedCode = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("email_edittext", ""); mEmailAddress = res; int intRes; res = pref.getString("baudrate_list", Integer.toString(57600)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mBaudrate != intRes) { mBaudrate = intRes; mSerial.setBaudrate(mBaudrate); } res = pref.getString("databits_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.DATA_BITS8)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mDataBits != intRes) { mDataBits = Integer.valueOf(res); mSerial.setDataBits(mDataBits); } res = pref.getString("parity_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.PARITY_NONE)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mParity != intRes) { mParity = intRes; mSerial.setParity(mParity); } res = pref.getString("stopbits_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.STOP_BITS1)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mStopBits != intRes) { mStopBits = intRes; mSerial.setStopBits(mStopBits); } res = pref.getString("flowcontrol_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.FLOW_CONTROL_OFF)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mFlowControl != intRes) { mFlowControl = intRes; if (mFlowControl == UartConfig.FLOW_CONTROL_ON) { mSerial.setDtrRts(true, true); } else { mSerial.setDtrRts(false, false); } } /* res = pref.getString("break_list", Integer.toString(FTDriver.FTDI_SET_NOBREAK)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res) << 14; if (mBreak != intRes) { mBreak = intRes; mSerial.setSerialPropertyBreak(mBreak, FTDriver.CH_A); mSerial.setSerialPropertyToChip(FTDriver.CH_A); } */ } }
From source
@Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == REQUEST_WORD_LIST_ACTIVITY) { if (resultCode == getActivity().RESULT_OK) { try { String strWord = data.getStringExtra("word"); //etWrite.setText(strWord); // Set a cursor position last //etWrite.setSelection(etWrite.getText().length()); } catch (Exception e) { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }/*from w w w .jav a 2 s.c o m*/ } } else if (requestCode == REQUEST_PREFERENCE) { SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()); String res = pref.getString("display_list", Integer.toString(DISP_CHAR)); mDisplayType = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("fontsize_list", Integer.toString(12)); mTextFontSize = Integer.valueOf(res); mTvSerial.setTextSize(mTextFontSize); res = pref.getString("typeface_list", Integer.toString(3)); switch (Integer.valueOf(res)) { case 0: mTextTypeface = Typeface.DEFAULT; break; case 1: mTextTypeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF; break; case 2: mTextTypeface = Typeface.SERIF; break; case 3: mTextTypeface = Typeface.MONOSPACE; break; } mTvSerial.setTypeface(mTextTypeface); // etWrite.setTypeface(mTextTypeface); res = pref.getString("readlinefeedcode_list", Integer.toString(LINEFEED_CODE_CRLF)); mReadLinefeedCode = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("writelinefeedcode_list", Integer.toString(LINEFEED_CODE_CRLF)); mWriteLinefeedCode = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("email_edittext", ""); mEmailAddress = res; int intRes; res = pref.getString("baudrate_list", Integer.toString(57600)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mBaudrate != intRes) { mBaudrate = intRes; mSerial.setBaudrate(mBaudrate); } res = pref.getString("databits_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.DATA_BITS8)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mDataBits != intRes) { mDataBits = Integer.valueOf(res); mSerial.setDataBits(mDataBits); } res = pref.getString("parity_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.PARITY_NONE)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mParity != intRes) { mParity = intRes; mSerial.setParity(mParity); } res = pref.getString("stopbits_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.STOP_BITS1)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mStopBits != intRes) { mStopBits = intRes; mSerial.setStopBits(mStopBits); } res = pref.getString("flowcontrol_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.FLOW_CONTROL_OFF)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mFlowControl != intRes) { mFlowControl = intRes; if (mFlowControl == UartConfig.FLOW_CONTROL_ON) { mSerial.setDtrRts(true, true); } else { mSerial.setDtrRts(false, false); } } /* res = pref.getString("break_list", Integer.toString(FTDriver.FTDI_SET_NOBREAK)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res) << 14; if (mBreak != intRes) { mBreak = intRes; mSerial.setSerialPropertyBreak(mBreak, FTDriver.CH_A); mSerial.setSerialPropertyToChip(FTDriver.CH_A); } */ } }
From source
private void drawTextOnBitmap(CompleteAlbum album, Bitmap bitmapHigh, int bitmapSize, float textHeight) { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmapHigh); canvas.drawARGB(0, 125, 125, 125);// w ww . ja v a2 s. c om Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); paint.setTypeface(Typeface.SERIF); paint.setSubpixelText(true); paint.setTextSize(textHeight); paint.setAntiAlias(true); String artist = album.getArtists().get(0).getName(); String shortenedText = new String(artist); int textLength = artist.length(); if (textLength > 18) { shortenedText = artist.substring(0, 15) + "..."; textLength = 18; } else if (textLength < 8) { while (shortenedText.length() < 8) { shortenedText = " " + shortenedText + " "; } } float pixelLength = paint.measureText(shortenedText); paint.setTextSize(textHeight * (bitmapSize * 2 / 3) / pixelLength); canvas.drawText(shortenedText, bitmapSize / 6, bitmapSize / 3, paint); shortenedText = album.getName(); textLength = album.getName().length(); if (textLength > 18) { shortenedText = album.getName().substring(0, 15) + "..."; textLength = 18; } else if (textLength < 8) { while (shortenedText.length() < 8) { shortenedText = " " + shortenedText + " "; } } paint.setTextSize(bitmapSize / 10f); pixelLength = paint.measureText(shortenedText); textHeight = textHeight * bitmapSize * 2f / 3f / pixelLength; paint.setTextSize(textHeight); canvas.drawText(shortenedText, bitmapSize / 6f, bitmapSize * 2 / 3f + textHeight, paint); }
From source
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override/*from www . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_qibla_direction); // registering for listeners Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); registerListeners(); // Checking if the GPS is on or off. If it was on the default location // will be set and if its on, appropriate Context context = getApplicationContext(); perfs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); perfs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); String gpsPerfKey = getString(R.string.gps_pref_key); TextView text1 = (TextView) findViewById(; TextView text2 = (TextView) findViewById(; Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/kufi.ttf"); tf = Typeface.create(tf, Typeface.BOLD); if ("fa".equals(Locale.getDefault().getLanguage())) { text1.setTypeface(tf); text2.setTypeface(tf); } else { text1.setTypeface(Typeface.SERIF); text2.setTypeface(Typeface.SERIF); } boolean isGPS = false; /* if(hasPermission( LOC_PERMS[0] )) { checkForGPSnShowQibla(); } else { requestLocationPermission(); } */ this.qiblaImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; this.compassImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; }
From source
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); _context = getApplicationContext();/*from w w w. j ava 2 s . c om*/ _activity = this; currentTime = new Time("Asia/Tokyo"); // exceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler(_context); // Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(exceptionHandler); // sharedPreference???, user_id?group_id?registration_id?? getUserData(); Window window = getWindow(); window.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); // ?? WindowManager window_manager = getWindowManager(); Display display = window_manager.getDefaultDisplay(); Point point = new Point(); display.getSize(point); displayWidth = point.x; displayHeight = point.y; displayInch = getInch(); // ??4??????? textSize = 17 * (displayInch / 4); actionBar = getActionBar(); actionBar.setDisplayOptions(ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE, ActionBar.DISPLAY_USE_LOGO); actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(true); actionBar.setDisplayUseLogoEnabled(false); actionBar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false); actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(false); String title_text = ""; subGroupText = ""; groupText = groupName; if (displayInch < 4.7) { title_text = "<small><small><small>??: </small></small></small>"; resizeTitleSizeTooSmall(); } else if (displayInch >= 4.7 && displayInch < 5.5) { title_text = "<small><small>??: </small></small>"; resizeTitleSizeSmall(); } else if (displayInch >= 5.5 && displayInch < 6.5) { title_text = "<small>??: </small>"; resizeTitleSizeMiddle(); } else if (displayInch >= 6.5 && displayInch < 8) { title_text = "<small>??: </small>"; resizeTitleSizeLarge(); } else { title_text = "??: "; } String modify_group_text = title_text + "<font color=#FF0000>" + groupName + "</font>"; actionBar.setTitle(Html.fromHtml(modify_group_text)); Resources resources = _context.getResources(); int resourceId = resources.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android"); titleBarHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId); setContentView(R.layout.capture); returnBorrowHelpView = (ImageView) findViewById(; returnBorrowHelpView.setImageResource(R.drawable.return_borrow_help); returnBorrowHelpView.setTranslationY(displayHeight / 5 + titleBarHeight); returnBorrowHelpView.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(displayWidth, displayHeight / 5 + titleBarHeight, Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER)); registHelpView = (ImageView) findViewById(; registHelpView.setImageResource(R.drawable.regist_help); registHelpView.setTranslationY(displayHeight / 5 + titleBarHeight); registHelpView.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(displayWidth, displayHeight / 5 + titleBarHeight, Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER)); registHelpView.setVisibility(View.GONE); leftDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(; leftDrawer = (ListView) findViewById(; textView = (TextView) findViewById(; modeText = (TextView) findViewById(; modeText.setTextColor(Color.rgb(56, 234, 123)); modeText.setTextSize(textSize); modeText.setTypeface(Typeface.SERIF.MONOSPACE, Typeface.BOLD); strokeColor = Color.rgb(56, 234, 123); borrowReturnButton = (Button) findViewById(; registButton = (Button) findViewById(; returnHistoryButton = (Button) findViewById(; helpViewButton = (Button) findViewById(; registSelectShelfRelativeLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(; textViewLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; buttonLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; listViewLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; decisionButton = (Button) findViewById(; cancelButton = (Button) findViewById(; shelfListView = (ListView) findViewById(; tempTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; // bookListViewAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1); bookListViewAdapter = new BookListViewAdapter(_context, R.layout.book_list_row, this); bookRegistRelativeLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(; bookRegistLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; bookRegistListViewLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; bookRegistListView = (ListView) findViewById(; bookRegistTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; bookRegistCancelButton = (Button) findViewById(; registFlag = 0; int borrowReturnButton_width = displayWidth / 5 * 2; int borrowReturnButton_height = displayHeight / 10; int borrowReturnButton_x = ((displayWidth / 2) - borrowReturnButton_width) / 2; int borrowReturnButton_y = displayHeight / 2 + titleBarHeight; borrowReturnButton.setTranslationX(borrowReturnButton_x); borrowReturnButton.setTranslationY(borrowReturnButton_y); borrowReturnButton .setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(borrowReturnButton_width, borrowReturnButton_height)); borrowReturnButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(56, 234, 123)); borrowReturnButton.setText("??\n"); borrowReturnButton.setTextSize(textSize * 7 / 10); borrowReturnButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { arrayList.clear(); registFlag = 0; borrowReturnButton.setText("??\n"); borrowReturnButton.setEnabled(false); borrowReturnButton.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); borrowReturnButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(56, 234, 123)); registButton.setText("?\n??"); registButton.setEnabled(true); registButton.setTextColor(Color.GRAY); registButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(170, 21, 38, 45)); modeText.setText("??"); modeText.setTextColor(Color.rgb(56, 234, 123)); returnBorrowHelpView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); registHelpView.setVisibility(View.GONE); strokeColor = Color.rgb(56, 234, 123); } }); int registButton_width = displayWidth / 5 * 2; int registButton_height = displayHeight / 10; int registButton_x = (displayWidth / 2) + ((displayWidth / 2) - registButton_width) / 2; int registButton_y = displayHeight / 2 + titleBarHeight; registButton.setTranslationX(registButton_x); registButton.setTranslationY(registButton_y); registButton.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(registButton_width, registButton_height)); registButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(170, 21, 38, 45)); registButton.setTextColor(Color.GRAY); registButton.setTextSize(textSize * 7 / 10); registButton.setText("?\n??"); registButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { arrayList.clear(); registFlag = 1; borrowReturnButton.setText("??\n??"); borrowReturnButton.setEnabled(true); borrowReturnButton.setTextColor(Color.GRAY); borrowReturnButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(170, 9, 54, 16)); registButton.setText("?\n"); registButton.setEnabled(false); registButton.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); registButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(62, 162, 229)); modeText.setText("?"); modeText.setTextColor(Color.rgb(62, 162, 229)); returnBorrowHelpView.setVisibility(View.GONE); registHelpView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); strokeColor = Color.rgb(62, 162, 229); } }); returnHistoryButton.setText("????"); returnHistoryButton.setTextSize(textSize * 7 / 10); returnHistoryButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { leftDrawerLayout.openDrawer(Gravity.RIGHT); // animateTranslationY(bookRegistRelativeLayout, displayHeight, displayHeight - displayHeight / 4 - titleBarHeight); } }); getReturnHistory(); getCurrentTime(); setHelpView(); setScanUnregisterBookView(); setBookRegistView(); arrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); tempRegistIsbn = ""; initBookRegistUrl = book_register_url + "?user_id=" + userId + "&group_id=" + groupId; initLendRegistUrl = lend_register_url + "?user_id=" + userId + "&group_id=" + groupId; initTemporaryLendRegistUrl = temporary_lend_register_url + "?user_id=" + userId + "&group_id=" + groupId; initCatalogRegistUrl = catalog_register_url + "?group_id=" + groupId + "&book_code="; initManuallyCatalogRegistUrl = manually_catalog_register_url + "?group_id=" + groupId + "&book_code="; getStatusUrl = get_status_url + "?group_id=" + groupId + "&user_id=" + userId; hasSurface = false; inactivityTimer = new InactivityTimer(this); bircleBeepManager = new BircleBeepManager(this); ambientLightManager = new AmbientLightManager(this); PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.preferences, false); toastText = ""; }
From source
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // This needs to be before super.onCreate, otherwise ActionbarSherlock // doesn't makes the background of the actionbar white when you're // in the dark theme. setTheme(((DictionaryApplication) getApplication()).getSelectedTheme().themeId); Log.d(LOG, "onCreate:" + this); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); // Don't auto-launch if this fails. prefs.edit().remove(C.DICT_FILE).commit(); setContentView(R.layout.dictionary_activity); application = (DictionaryApplication) getApplication(); theme = application.getSelectedTheme(); textColorFg = getResources().getColor(theme.tokenRowFgColor); final Intent intent = getIntent(); String intentAction = intent.getAction(); /**/*from ww w .j ava2 s . c om*/ * @author Dominik Kppl Querying the Intent * is the advanced query * Arguments: SearchManager.QUERY -> the phrase to search from * -> language in which the phrase is written to -> to which * language shall be translated */ if (intentAction != null && intentAction.equals("")) { String query = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY); String from = intent.getStringExtra("from"); if (from != null) from = from.toLowerCase(Locale.US); String to = intent.getStringExtra("to"); if (to != null) to = to.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (query != null) { getIntent().putExtra(C.SEARCH_TOKEN, query); } if (intent.getStringExtra(C.DICT_FILE) == null && (from != null || to != null)) { Log.d(LOG, "DictSearch: from: " + from + " to " + to); List<DictionaryInfo> dicts = application.getDictionariesOnDevice(null); for (DictionaryInfo info : dicts) { boolean hasFrom = from == null; boolean hasTo = to == null; for (IndexInfo index : info.indexInfos) { if (!hasFrom && index.shortName.toLowerCase(Locale.US).equals(from)) hasFrom = true; if (!hasTo && index.shortName.toLowerCase(Locale.US).equals(to)) hasTo = true; } if (hasFrom && hasTo) { if (from != null) { int which_index = 0; for (; which_index < info.indexInfos.size(); ++which_index) { if (info.indexInfos.get(which_index).shortName.toLowerCase(Locale.US).equals(from)) break; } intent.putExtra(C.INDEX_SHORT_NAME, info.indexInfos.get(which_index).shortName); } intent.putExtra(C.DICT_FILE, application.getPath(info.uncompressedFilename).toString()); break; } } } } /** * @author Dominik Kppl Querying the Intent Intent.ACTION_SEARCH is a * simple query Arguments follow from android standard (see * documentation) */ if (intentAction != null && intentAction.equals(Intent.ACTION_SEARCH)) { String query = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY); if (query != null) getIntent().putExtra(C.SEARCH_TOKEN, query); } /** * @author Dominik Kppl If no dictionary is chosen, use the default * dictionary specified in the preferences If this step does * fail (no default directory specified), show a toast and * abort. */ if (intent.getStringExtra(C.DICT_FILE) == null) { String dictfile = prefs.getString(getString(R.string.defaultDicKey), null); if (dictfile != null) intent.putExtra(C.DICT_FILE, application.getPath(dictfile).toString()); } String dictFilename = intent.getStringExtra(C.DICT_FILE); if (dictFilename == null) { Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.no_dict_file), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); startActivity(DictionaryManagerActivity.getLaunchIntent(getApplicationContext())); finish(); return; } if (dictFilename != null) dictFile = new File(dictFilename); ttsReady = false; textToSpeech = new TextToSpeech(getApplicationContext(), new OnInitListener() { @Override public void onInit(int status) { ttsReady = true; updateTTSLanguage(indexIndex); } }); try { final String name = application.getDictionaryName(dictFile.getName()); this.setTitle("QuickDic: " + name); dictRaf = new RandomAccessFile(dictFile, "r"); dictionary = new Dictionary(dictRaf); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG, "Unable to load dictionary.", e); if (dictRaf != null) { try { dictRaf.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { Log.e(LOG, "Unable to close dictRaf.", e1); } dictRaf = null; } Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.invalidDictionary, "", e.getMessage()), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); startActivity(DictionaryManagerActivity.getLaunchIntent(getApplicationContext())); finish(); return; } String targetIndex = intent.getStringExtra(C.INDEX_SHORT_NAME); if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.getString(C.INDEX_SHORT_NAME) != null) { targetIndex = savedInstanceState.getString(C.INDEX_SHORT_NAME); } indexIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dictionary.indices.size(); ++i) { if (dictionary.indices.get(i).shortName.equals(targetIndex)) { indexIndex = i; break; } } Log.d(LOG, "Loading index " + indexIndex); index = dictionary.indices.get(indexIndex); setListAdapter(new IndexAdapter(index)); // Pre-load the collators. new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); final long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { TransliteratorManager.init(new TransliteratorManager.Callback() { @Override public void onTransliteratorReady() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onSearchTextChange(searchView.getQuery().toString()); } }); } }); for (final Index index : dictionary.indices) { final String searchToken = index.sortedIndexEntries.get(0).token; final IndexEntry entry = index.findExact(searchToken); if (entry == null || !searchToken.equals(entry.token)) { Log.e(LOG, "Couldn't find token: " + searchToken + ", " + (entry == null ? "null" : entry.token)); } } indexPrepFinished = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(LOG, "Exception while prepping. This can happen if dictionary is closed while search is happening."); } Log.d(LOG, "Prepping indices took:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis)); } }).start(); String fontName = prefs.getString(getString(R.string.fontKey), "FreeSerif.otf.jpg"); if ("SYSTEM".equals(fontName)) { typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT; } else if ("SERIF".equals(fontName)) { typeface = Typeface.SERIF; } else if ("SANS_SERIF".equals(fontName)) { typeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF; } else if ("MONOSPACE".equals(fontName)) { typeface = Typeface.MONOSPACE; } else { if ("FreeSerif.ttf.jpg".equals(fontName)) { fontName = "FreeSerif.otf.jpg"; } try { typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), fontName); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(LOG, "Exception trying to use typeface, using default.", e); Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.fontFailure, e.getLocalizedMessage()), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } } if (typeface == null) { Log.w(LOG, "Unable to create typeface, using default."); typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT; } final String fontSize = prefs.getString(getString(R.string.fontSizeKey), "14"); try { fontSizeSp = Integer.parseInt(fontSize.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { fontSizeSp = 14; } // ContextMenu. registerForContextMenu(getListView()); // Cache some prefs. wordList = application.getWordListFile(); saveOnlyFirstSubentry = prefs.getBoolean(getString(R.string.saveOnlyFirstSubentryKey), false); clickOpensContextMenu = prefs.getBoolean(getString(R.string.clickOpensContextMenuKey), false); Log.d(LOG, "wordList=" + wordList + ", saveOnlyFirstSubentry=" + saveOnlyFirstSubentry); onCreateSetupActionBarAndSearchView(); // Set the search text from the intent, then the saved state. String text = getIntent().getStringExtra(C.SEARCH_TOKEN); if (savedInstanceState != null) { text = savedInstanceState.getString(C.SEARCH_TOKEN); } if (text == null) { text = ""; } setSearchText(text, true); Log.d(LOG, "Trying to restore searchText=" + text); setDictionaryPrefs(this, dictFile, index.shortName, searchView.getQuery().toString()); updateLangButton(); searchView.requestFocus(); // // getListView().setCacheColorHint(0); }
From source
@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == REQUEST_WORD_LIST_ACTIVITY) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { try { String strWord = data.getStringExtra("word"); etWrite.setText(strWord); // Set a cursor position last etWrite.setSelection(etWrite.getText().length()); } catch (Exception e) { Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }/*w w w. j a v a 2s . co m*/ } } else if (requestCode == REQUEST_PREFERENCE) { SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); String res = pref.getString("display_list", Integer.toString(DISP_CHAR)); mDisplayType = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("fontsize_list", Integer.toString(12)); mTextFontSize = Integer.valueOf(res); mTvSerial.setTextSize(mTextFontSize); res = pref.getString("typeface_list", Integer.toString(3)); switch (Integer.valueOf(res)) { case 0: mTextTypeface = Typeface.DEFAULT; break; case 1: mTextTypeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF; break; case 2: mTextTypeface = Typeface.SERIF; break; case 3: mTextTypeface = Typeface.MONOSPACE; break; } mTvSerial.setTypeface(mTextTypeface); etWrite.setTypeface(mTextTypeface); res = pref.getString("readlinefeedcode_list", Integer.toString(LINEFEED_CODE_CRLF)); mReadLinefeedCode = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("writelinefeedcode_list", Integer.toString(LINEFEED_CODE_CRLF)); mWriteLinefeedCode = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("email_edittext", ""); mEmailAddress = res; int intRes; res = pref.getString("baudrate_list", Integer.toString(9600)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mBaudrate != intRes) { mBaudrate = intRes; mSerial.setBaudrate(mBaudrate); } res = pref.getString("databits_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.DATA_BITS8)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mDataBits != intRes) { mDataBits = Integer.valueOf(res); mSerial.setDataBits(mDataBits); } res = pref.getString("parity_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.PARITY_NONE)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mParity != intRes) { mParity = intRes; mSerial.setParity(mParity); } res = pref.getString("stopbits_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.STOP_BITS1)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mStopBits != intRes) { mStopBits = intRes; mSerial.setStopBits(mStopBits); } res = pref.getString("flowcontrol_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.FLOW_CONTROL_OFF)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); if (mFlowControl != intRes) { mFlowControl = intRes; if (mFlowControl == UartConfig.FLOW_CONTROL_ON) { mSerial.setDtrRts(true, true); } else { mSerial.setDtrRts(false, false); } } /* res = pref.getString("break_list", Integer.toString(FTDriver.FTDI_SET_NOBREAK)); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res) << 14; if (mBreak != intRes) { mBreak = intRes; mSerial.setSerialPropertyBreak(mBreak, FTDriver.CH_A); mSerial.setSerialPropertyToChip(FTDriver.CH_A); } */ res = pref.getString("play_interval", "3"); intRes = Integer.valueOf(res); mPlayIntervalSeconds = intRes; } }
From source
public void retreiveSavedOptions() { switchofallmenus = true;// w w w . j a v a2s .c o m spinner.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); String eins = ""; new AsyncTask<String, Void, String>() { @Override protected String doInBackground(String... urlStr) { // do stuff on non-UI thread settingsload.reloadSelectedBook(); wordsperminute = settingsload.getWordsPerMinute(); segmenterObject.minblocksize = settingsload.getMinBlockSize(); segmenterObject.maxblocksize = settingsload.getMaxBlockSize(); segmenterObject.textcolor = settingsload.getTextColor(); segmenterObject.emphasiscolor = settingsload.getFocusColor(); segmenterObject.backgroundcolor = settingsload.getBackgroundColor(); segmenterObject.maxcharactersperline = settingsload.getMaxBlockSize(); segmenterObject.loadPreviewcolorString(); int actual = settingsload.getGlobalPosition(); segmenterObject.globalposition = actual; segmenterObject.globalpositionbefore = actual; //Load Content String text = settingsload.getTexttoRead() + ""; String textdefault = getString(R.string.support_standarttext); Log.i("fullscreen", "text is: " + text); segmenterObject.loadTexttoRead(textdefault); if (text.equals("standarttext")) { segmenterObject.loadTexttoRead(textdefault); segmenterObject.globalposition = 0; segmenterObject.emphasiscolor = Color.parseColor("#ffee00"); segmenterObject.textcolor = Color.parseColor("#ffffff"); } else { segmenterObject.loadTexttoRead(text); } if (text.length() > 16) { } else { //it is importanted that the default text is already segmentable. } Log.i("fullscreen 2", " real text is: " + segmenterObject.texttoread); segmenterObject.loadallprehtmls(); String out = ""; return out; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(String htmlCode) { // do stuff on UI thread with the html contentView.setTextSize(settingsload.getFontSize()); contentView.setBackgroundColor(settingsload.getBackgroundColor()); String parole = settingsload.getOrientationMode(); Log.i("Fullscreen", "orientation loading" + parole); if (parole.equals("1")) { setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE); } else if (parole.equals("2")) { setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_PORTRAIT); } else if (parole.equals("0")) { setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR); } parole = settingsload.getFontName(); Log.i("Fullscreen", "orientation loading" + parole); if (parole.equals("sans")) { contentView.setTypeface(Typeface.SANS_SERIF); } else if (parole.equals("serif")) { contentView.setTypeface(Typeface.SERIF); } else if (parole.equals("mono")) { contentView.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); } spinner.setVisibility(View.GONE); switchofallmenus = false; previousButtonClicked(null); nextButtonClicked(null); } }.execute(eins); //Line Spacing... // contentView.setLineSpacing(0,(float) 1.28); //actual = retrieveNumber("maxlinelength"); //settingsload.adjustGlobalPositionToPercentage(settingsload.getGlobalPositionSeekbarValue()); //Log.i("fullscreen", "globalposition:" + actual); // get the seekbar etc right... // startdialog(); }
From source
/** * // w w w . j av a 2s . c o m * @param tag */ private void fillTagFlowView(String tag) { String[] tags = tag.split(";"); List<String> ll = Arrays.asList(tags); if (ll != null && ll.size() > 0) { MarginLayoutParams lp = new MarginLayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); lp.leftMargin = 5; lp.rightMargin = 5; lp.topMargin = 5; lp.bottomMargin = 5; for (int i = 0, cun = ll.size(); i < cun; i++) { TextView tview = new TextView(this); tview.setText(ll.get(i).toString().trim()); tview.setTextSize(CommUtil.px2sp(self, CommUtil.getFloatValue(self, R.dimen.main_tiny_text))); tview.setTextColor(Color.parseColor(getRanColor().get(new Random().nextInt(10)))); tview.setTypeface(Typeface.SERIF); tview.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.home_tag_text_corner); tagFlowLayout.addView(tview, lp); } } }
From source
void loadDefaultSettingValues() { SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()); String res = pref.getString("display_list", Integer.toString(DISP_CHAR)); mDisplayType = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("fontsize_list", Integer.toString(12)); mTextFontSize = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("typeface_list", Integer.toString(3)); switch (Integer.valueOf(res)) { case 0://w w w . j a v a 2 s .co m mTextTypeface = Typeface.DEFAULT; break; case 1: mTextTypeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF; break; case 2: mTextTypeface = Typeface.SERIF; break; case 3: mTextTypeface = Typeface.MONOSPACE; break; } mTvSerial.setTypeface(mTextTypeface); //etWrite.setTypeface(mTextTypeface); res = pref.getString("readlinefeedcode_list", Integer.toString(LINEFEED_CODE_CRLF)); mReadLinefeedCode = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("writelinefeedcode_list", Integer.toString(LINEFEED_CODE_CRLF)); mWriteLinefeedCode = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("email_edittext", ""); mEmailAddress = res; res = pref.getString("baudrate_list", Integer.toString(57600)); mBaudrate = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("databits_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.DATA_BITS8)); mDataBits = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("parity_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.PARITY_NONE)); mParity = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("stopbits_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.STOP_BITS1)); mStopBits = Integer.valueOf(res); res = pref.getString("flowcontrol_list", Integer.toString(UartConfig.FLOW_CONTROL_OFF)); mFlowControl = Integer.valueOf(res); }