List of usage examples for Typeface NORMAL
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private void updateTextStyle(TextView editText, EditorTextStyle editorTextStyle) { EditorControl tag;//from w ww. j a v a2 s .co m if (editText == null) { editText = (EditText) editorCore.getActiveView(); } EditorControl editorControl = editorCore.getControlTag(editText); if (isEditorTextStyleHeaders(editorTextStyle)) { if (editorCore.containsStyle(editorControl.editorTextStyles, editorTextStyle)) { editText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, NORMALTEXTSIZE); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(CONTENT, Typeface.NORMAL)); tag = reWriteTags(editorControl, EditorTextStyle.NORMAL); } else { editText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, getTextStyleFromStyle(editorTextStyle)); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(HEADING, Typeface.BOLD)); tag = reWriteTags(editorControl, editorTextStyle); } editText.setTag(tag); } }
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public void boldifyText(EditorControl tag, TextView editText, int textMode) { if (editorCore.containsStyle(tag.editorTextStyles, EditorTextStyle.BOLD)) { tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.BOLD, Op.Delete); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(textMode, Typeface.NORMAL)); } else if (editorCore.containsStyle(tag.editorTextStyles, EditorTextStyle.BOLDITALIC)) { tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.BOLDITALIC, Op.Delete); tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.ITALIC, Op.Insert); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(textMode, Typeface.ITALIC)); } else if (editorCore.containsStyle(tag.editorTextStyles, EditorTextStyle.ITALIC)) { tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.BOLDITALIC, Op.Insert); tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.ITALIC, Op.Delete); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(textMode, Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)); } else {/*from www .ja v a2s.c o m*/ tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.BOLD, Op.Insert); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(textMode, Typeface.BOLD)); } editText.setTag(tag); }
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public static void LoadMenuImage(final String url, MenuItem menuItem, String displayname, final boolean rounded, Resources resources, boolean fromCache) { final Resources mResources = resources; final WeakReference<MenuItem> menuItemImage = new WeakReference<MenuItem>(menuItem); final Handler uiHandler = new Handler(); final int FG_COLOR = 0xFFFAFAFA; final String name = displayname; if (fromCache) { Bitmap bitmap = ThumbnailsCacheManager.getBitmapFromDiskCache(url); if (bitmap != null) { if (rounded) { RoundedBitmapDrawable roundedBitmap = RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(mResources, bitmap); roundedBitmap.setCircular(true); menuItemImage.get().setIcon(roundedBitmap); } else { menuItemImage.get().setIcon(new BitmapDrawable(bitmap)); }//from w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m return; } } AsyncHttpURLConnection httpConnection = new AsyncHttpURLConnection("GET", url, "", new AsyncHttpURLConnection.AsyncHttpEvents() { @Override public void onHttpError(String errorMessage) { Log.d("LoadImage", errorMessage); } @Override public void onHttpComplete(String response) { int size = 96; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(size, size, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); final String trimmedName = name == null ? "" : name.trim(); drawTile(canvas, trimmedName, 0, 0, size, size); ThumbnailsCacheManager.addBitmapToCache(url, bitmap); onHttpComplete(bitmap); } @Override public void onHttpComplete(final Bitmap response) { if (menuItemImage != null && menuItemImage.get() != null) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (rounded) { RoundedBitmapDrawable roundedBitmap = RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory .create(mResources, response); roundedBitmap.setCircular(true); menuItemImage.get().setIcon(roundedBitmap); } else { menuItemImage.get().setIcon(new BitmapDrawable(response)); } } }); } } private boolean drawTile(Canvas canvas, String letter, int tileColor, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { letter = letter.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); Paint tilePaint = new Paint(), textPaint = new Paint(); tilePaint.setColor(tileColor); textPaint.setFlags(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); textPaint.setColor(FG_COLOR); textPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("sans-serif-light", Typeface.NORMAL)); textPaint.setTextSize((float) ((right - left) * 0.8)); Rect rect = new Rect(); canvas.drawRect(new Rect(left, top, right, bottom), tilePaint); textPaint.getTextBounds(letter, 0, 1, rect); float width = textPaint.measureText(letter); canvas.drawText(letter, (right + left) / 2 - width / 2, (top + bottom) / 2 + rect.height() / 2, textPaint); return true; } private boolean drawTile(Canvas canvas, String name, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { if (name != null) { final String letter = getFirstLetter(name); final int color = ThumbnailsCacheManager.getColorForName(name); drawTile(canvas, letter, color, left, top, right, bottom); return true; } return false; } }); httpConnection.setBitmap(); httpConnection.send(); }
From source
private static Typeface getFrequencyFont() { if (frequencyFont == null) { frequencyFont = Typeface.create("sans-serif-light", Typeface.NORMAL); }//from ww w .j a v a2 s .co m return frequencyFont; }
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public void italicizeText(EditorControl tag, TextView editText, int textMode) { if (editorCore.containsStyle(tag.editorTextStyles, EditorTextStyle.ITALIC)) { tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.ITALIC, Op.Delete); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(textMode, Typeface.NORMAL)); } else if (editorCore.containsStyle(tag.editorTextStyles, EditorTextStyle.BOLDITALIC)) { tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.BOLDITALIC, Op.Delete); tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.BOLD, Op.Insert); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(textMode, Typeface.BOLD)); } else if (editorCore.containsStyle(tag.editorTextStyles, EditorTextStyle.BOLD)) { tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.BOLDITALIC, Op.Insert); tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.BOLD, Op.Delete); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(textMode, Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC)); } else {//from ww w. ja va2 m tag = editorCore.updateTagStyle(tag, EditorTextStyle.ITALIC, Op.Insert); editText.setTypeface(getTypeface(textMode, Typeface.ITALIC)); } editText.setTag(tag); }
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public void setTypeface(final String typeface) { Typeface tempTypeface;/* www . j a v a2 s.c om*/ try { if (isInEditMode()) return; tempTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(), typeface); } catch (Exception e) { tempTypeface = Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.NORMAL); } setTypeface(tempTypeface); }
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public static FontDesc getFontStyle(final Context context, final HashMap<String, Object> d) { FontDesc desc = new FontDesc(); if (d == null) { desc.setDefaults(context);/*from ww w.j av a 2 s .com*/ return desc; } String fontSize = null; if (d.containsKey("size")) { fontSize = TiConvert.toString(d, "size"); } float[] result = new float[2]; getSizeAndUnits(fontSize, result); desc.sizeUnit = (int) result[0]; desc.size = result[1]; String fontWeight = null; String fontStyle = null; if (d.containsKey("weight")) { fontWeight = TiConvert.toString(d, "weight"); } if (d.containsKey("style")) { fontStyle = TiConvert.toString(d, "style"); } = toTypefaceStyle(fontWeight, fontStyle); String fontFamily = null; if (d.containsKey("family")) { fontFamily = TiConvert.toString(d, "family"); } if (fontWeight != null && == Typeface.NORMAL && fontWeight != "normal") { desc.typeface = toTypeface(context, fontFamily, fontWeight); } else { desc.typeface = toTypeface(context, fontFamily, null); } return desc; }
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/** * @param context - context used to get time format string resource * @param showAmPm - include the am/pm string if true * @return format string for 12 hours mode time *//* w ww . j a va2s . c o m*/ public static CharSequence get12ModeFormat(Context context, boolean showAmPm) { String pattern = DateFormat.getBestDateTimePattern(Locale.getDefault(), "hma"); if (!showAmPm) { pattern = pattern.replaceAll("a", "").trim(); } // Replace spaces with "Hair Space" pattern = pattern.replaceAll(" ", "\u200A"); // Build a spannable so that the am/pm will be formatted int amPmPos = pattern.indexOf('a'); if (amPmPos == -1) { return pattern; } final Resources resources = context.getResources(); final float amPmProportion = resources.getFraction(R.fraction.ampm_font_size_scale, 1, 1); final Spannable sp = new SpannableString(pattern); sp.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(amPmProportion), amPmPos, amPmPos + 1, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); sp.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.NORMAL), amPmPos, amPmPos + 1, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); sp.setSpan(new TypefaceSpan("sans-serif"), amPmPos, amPmPos + 1, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); // Make the font smaller for locales with long am/pm strings. if (Utils.isAmPmStringLong()) { final float proportion = resources.getFraction(R.fraction.reduced_clock_font_size_scale, 1, 1); sp.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(proportion), 0, pattern.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } return sp; }
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public void setTypeface(final String typeface) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(typeface)) return;//from w w w .j av a 2 s. c om Typeface tempTypeface; try { tempTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getContext().getAssets(), typeface); } catch (Exception e) { tempTypeface = Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.NORMAL); e.printStackTrace(); } setTypeface(tempTypeface); }
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private void setBadgeTypeface() { mBadgePaint .setTypeface(mIsBadgeUseTypeface ? mTypeface : Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.NORMAL)); }