Example usage for android.graphics Typeface BOLD

List of usage examples for android.graphics Typeface BOLD


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Typeface BOLD.


int BOLD

To view the source code for android.graphics Typeface BOLD.

Click Source Link


From source file:com.android.contacts.common.list.ContactListItemView.java

 * Returns the text view for the data label, creating it if necessary.
 *//*from w w  w  .  ja va 2 s .  co  m*/
public TextView getLabelView() {
    if (mLabelView == null) {
        mLabelView = new TextView(getContext());
        mLabelView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));

        mLabelView.setTextAppearance(getContext(), R.style.TextAppearanceSmall);
        if (mPhotoPosition == PhotoPosition.LEFT) {
        } else {
            mLabelView.setTypeface(mLabelView.getTypeface(), Typeface.BOLD);
    return mLabelView;

From source file:com.esri.android.mapsapp.MapFragment.java

 * Shows the Routing result layout after successful routing
 * // w w  w  . jav a  2s .c o  m
 * @param time
 * @param distance

private void showRoutingResultLayout(double distance, double time) {

    // Remove the layours

    // Inflate the new layout from the xml file
    mSearchResult = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.routing_result, null);


    // Shorten the start and end location by finding the first comma if
    // present
    int index_from = mStartLocation.indexOf(",");
    int index_to = mEndLocation.indexOf(",");
    if (index_from != -1)
        mStartLocation = mStartLocation.substring(0, index_from);
    if (index_to != -1)
        mEndLocation = mEndLocation.substring(0, index_to);

    // Initialize the textvieww and display the text
    TextView tv_from = (TextView) mSearchResult.findViewById(R.id.tv_from);
    tv_from.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD);
    tv_from.setText(" " + mStartLocation);

    TextView tv_to = (TextView) mSearchResult.findViewById(R.id.tv_to);
    tv_to.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD);
    tv_to.setText(" " + mEndLocation);

    // Rounding off the values
    distance = Math.round(distance * 10.0) / 10.0;
    time = Math.round(time * 10.0) / 10.0;

    TextView tv_time = (TextView) mSearchResult.findViewById(R.id.tv_time);
    tv_time.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD);
    tv_time.setText(time + " mins");

    TextView tv_dist = (TextView) mSearchResult.findViewById(R.id.tv_dist);
    tv_dist.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD);
    tv_dist.setText(" (" + distance + " miles)");

    // Adding the layout

    // Setup the listener for the "Cancel" icon
    ImageView iv_cancel = (ImageView) mSearchResult.findViewById(R.id.imageView3);
    iv_cancel.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            // Remove the search result view
            // Add the default search box view
            // Remove all graphics from the map


    // Set up the listener for the "Show Directions" icon
    ImageView iv_directions = (ImageView) mSearchResult.findViewById(R.id.imageView2);
    iv_directions.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {

    // Add the compass after getting the height of the layout
    mSearchResult.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
        public void onGlobalLayout() {



From source file:org.getlantern.firetweet.provider.FiretweetDataProvider.java

private void showMentionsNotification(AccountPreferences pref, long position) {
    final long accountId = pref.getAccountId();
    final Context context = getContext();
    final Resources resources = context.getResources();
    final NotificationManager nm = getNotificationManager();
    final Expression selection;
    if (pref.isNotificationFollowingOnly()) {
        selection = Expression.and(Expression.equals(Statuses.ACCOUNT_ID, accountId),
                Expression.greaterThan(Statuses.STATUS_ID, position),
                Expression.equals(Statuses.IS_FOLLOWING, 1));
    } else {//from w  w w. j a v  a2s.com
        selection = Expression.and(Expression.equals(Statuses.ACCOUNT_ID, accountId),
                Expression.greaterThan(Statuses.STATUS_ID, position));
    final String filteredSelection = Utils.buildStatusFilterWhereClause(Mentions.TABLE_NAME, selection)
    final String[] userProjection = { Statuses.USER_ID, Statuses.USER_NAME, Statuses.USER_SCREEN_NAME };
    final String[] statusProjection = { Statuses.STATUS_ID, Statuses.USER_ID, Statuses.USER_NAME,
            Statuses.USER_SCREEN_NAME, Statuses.TEXT_UNESCAPED, Statuses.STATUS_TIMESTAMP };
    final Cursor statusCursor = mDatabaseWrapper.query(Mentions.TABLE_NAME, statusProjection, filteredSelection,
            null, null, null, Statuses.SORT_ORDER_TIMESTAMP_DESC);
    final Cursor userCursor = mDatabaseWrapper.query(Mentions.TABLE_NAME, userProjection, filteredSelection,
            null, Statuses.USER_ID, null, Statuses.SORT_ORDER_TIMESTAMP_DESC);
    try {
        final int usersCount = userCursor.getCount();
        final int statusesCount = statusCursor.getCount();
        if (statusesCount == 0 || usersCount == 0)
        final String accountName = Utils.getAccountName(context, accountId);
        final String accountScreenName = Utils.getAccountScreenName(context, accountId);
        final int idxStatusText = statusCursor.getColumnIndex(Statuses.TEXT_UNESCAPED),
                idxStatusId = statusCursor.getColumnIndex(Statuses.STATUS_ID),
                idxStatusTimestamp = statusCursor.getColumnIndex(Statuses.STATUS_TIMESTAMP),
                idxStatusUserName = statusCursor.getColumnIndex(Statuses.USER_NAME),
                idxStatusUserScreenName = statusCursor.getColumnIndex(Statuses.USER_SCREEN_NAME),
                idxUserName = userCursor.getColumnIndex(Statuses.USER_NAME),
                idxUserScreenName = userCursor.getColumnIndex(Statuses.USER_NAME),
                idxUserId = userCursor.getColumnIndex(Statuses.USER_NAME);

        final CharSequence notificationTitle = resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.N_new_mentions,
                statusesCount, statusesCount);
        final String notificationContent;
        final String displayName = UserColorNameUtils.getUserNickname(context, userCursor.getLong(idxUserId),
                mNameFirst ? userCursor.getString(idxUserName) : userCursor.getString(idxUserScreenName));
        if (usersCount == 1) {
            notificationContent = context.getString(R.string.notification_mention, displayName);
        } else {
            notificationContent = context.getString(R.string.notification_mention_multiple, displayName,
                    usersCount - 1);

        // Add rich notification and get latest tweet timestamp
        long when = -1, statusId = -1;
        final InboxStyle style = new InboxStyle();
        for (int i = 0, j = Math.min(statusesCount, 5); statusCursor.moveToPosition(i) && i < j; i++) {
            if (when == -1) {
                when = statusCursor.getLong(idxStatusTimestamp);
            if (statusId == -1) {
                statusId = statusCursor.getLong(idxStatusId);
            final SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder();
            sb.append(UserColorNameUtils.getUserNickname(context, statusCursor.getLong(idxUserId),
                    mNameFirst ? statusCursor.getString(idxStatusUserName)
                            : statusCursor.getString(idxStatusUserScreenName)));
            sb.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, sb.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
            sb.append(' ');
        if (mNameFirst) {
        } else {
            style.setSummaryText("@" + accountScreenName);

        // Setup notification
        final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context);
        builder.setContentIntent(getContentIntent(context, AUTHORITY_MENTIONS, accountId));
        builder.setDeleteIntent(getDeleteIntent(context, AUTHORITY_MENTIONS, accountId, statusId));
        setNotificationPreferences(builder, pref, pref.getMentionsNotificationType());
        nm.notify("mentions_" + accountId, NOTIFICATION_ID_MENTIONS_TIMELINE, builder.build());
        Utils.sendPebbleNotification(context, notificationContent);
    } finally {

From source file:com.android.messaging.datamodel.BugleNotifications.java

 * buildBoldedMessage - build a formatted message where the title is bold, there's a
 * separator, then the message./*w w  w. jav  a 2s .  com*/
private static CharSequence buildBoldedMessage(final String title, final CharSequence message,
        final Uri attachmentUri, final String attachmentType, final int separatorId) {
    final Context context = Factory.get().getApplicationContext();
    final SpannableStringBuilder spanBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder();

    // Boldify the title (which is the sender's name)
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
        spanBuilder.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, title.length(),
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(message)) {
        if (spanBuilder.length() > 0) {
    if (attachmentUri != null) {
        if (spanBuilder.length() > 0) {
            final String separator = context.getString(R.string.notification_separator);
        spanBuilder.append(formatAttachmentTag(null, attachmentType));
    return spanBuilder;

From source file:com.concentriclivers.mms.com.android.mms.transaction.MessagingNotification.java

protected static CharSequence buildTickerMessage(Context context, String address, String subject, String body) {
    String displayAddress = Contact.get(address, true).getName();

    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(
            displayAddress == null ? "" : displayAddress.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' '));
    buf.append(':').append(' ');

    int offset = buf.length();
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(subject)) {
        subject = subject.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ');
        buf.append(subject);/*from w ww  .j  a  va2s  . co  m*/
        buf.append(' ');

    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(body)) {
        body = body.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ');

    SpannableString spanText = new SpannableString(buf.toString());
    spanText.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, offset, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

    return spanText;

From source file:es.usc.citius.servando.calendula.fragments.ScheduleImportFragment.java

void checkSelectedDays(View rootView, boolean[] days) {

    Log.d(TAG, "Checking selected days: " + Arrays.toString(days));
    schedule.setDays(days);//from   www  .  j a  v a 2 s . co m

    TextView mo = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_mo));
    TextView tu = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_tu));
    TextView we = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_we));
    TextView th = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_th));
    TextView fr = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_fr));
    TextView sa = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_sa));
    TextView su = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_su));

    TextView[] daysTvs = new TextView[] { mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa, su };

    for (int i = 0; i < daysTvs.length; i++) {
        boolean isSelected = days[i];

        StateListDrawable sld = (StateListDrawable) daysTvs[i].getBackground();
        GradientDrawable shape = (GradientDrawable) sld.getCurrent();
        shape.setColor(isSelected ? color : Color.WHITE);

        daysTvs[i].setTextColor(isSelected ? Color.WHITE : color);
        daysTvs[i].setTypeface(null, isSelected ? Typeface.BOLD : Typeface.NORMAL);


From source file:es.usc.citius.servando.calendula.fragments.ScheduleTimetableFragment.java

void checkSelectedDays(View rootView, boolean[] days) {

    Log.d(TAG, "Checking selected days: " + Arrays.toString(days));
    schedule.setDays(days);/*  w w w. j ava  2 s  .  c om*/

    TextView mo = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_mo));
    TextView tu = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_tu));
    TextView we = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_we));
    TextView th = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_th));
    TextView fr = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_fr));
    TextView sa = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_sa));
    TextView su = ((TextView) rootView.findViewById(R.id.day_su));

    TextView[] daysTvs = new TextView[] { mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa, su };

    for (int i = 0; i < daysTvs.length; i++) {
        boolean isSelected = days[i];

        StateListDrawable sld = (StateListDrawable) daysTvs[i].getBackground();
        GradientDrawable shape = (GradientDrawable) sld.getCurrent();
        shape.setColor(isSelected ? color : Color.WHITE);
        daysTvs[i].setTypeface(null, isSelected ? Typeface.BOLD : Typeface.NORMAL);
        daysTvs[i].setTextColor(isSelected ? Color.WHITE : Color.BLACK);

From source file:com.wanikani.androidnotifier.ItemsFragment.java

 * Internal implementation of the {@link #selectLevel(Filter, int, boolean)}
 * logic. This gets called when it is certain that we are being called
 * by the correct filter, or no filter is involved, so checks are skipped.
 * In addition, this method may be called also to <i>unselect</i> a level.
 * @param row the level row on which to act. This parameter may be <code>null</code>,
 *  if the label is not visible. Calling the method is still important, to
 *  show the levels list, if hidden//from w w w .ja  va  2s  .  c  o  m
 * @param select <code>true</code> if the level should be selected.
 *    Otherwise it is unselected
 * @param spin <code>true</code> if the spinner should be displayed.
 *    Otherwise it is hidden. Makes sense only if <code>select</code>
 *  is <code>true</code> too
private void selectLevel(View row, boolean select, boolean spin) {
    TextView tw;
    View sw;

    selectOtherFilter(false, false);

    if (row == null)

    tw = (TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.tgr_level);
    sw = row.findViewById(R.id.pb_level);
    if (spin) {
    } else {
    if (select) {
        tw.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD);
    } else {
        tw.setTypeface(null, Typeface.NORMAL);

From source file:org.telegram.ui.ArticleViewer.java

private TextPaint getTextPaint(TLRPC.RichText parentRichText, TLRPC.RichText richText,
        TLRPC.PageBlock parentBlock) {/*from   ww w.  j av  a2 s.  c o  m*/
    int flags = getTextFlags(richText);
    HashMap<Integer, TextPaint> currentMap = null;
    int textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
    int textColor = 0xffff0000;

    if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockPhoto) {
        currentMap = captionTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
        textColor = 0xff838c96;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockTitle) {
        currentMap = titleTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(24);
        textColor = 0xff000000;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockAuthorDate) {
        currentMap = authorTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
        textColor = 0xff838c96;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockFooter) {
        currentMap = footerTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
        textColor = 0xff838c96;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSubtitle) {
        currentMap = subtitleTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(21);
        textColor = 0xff000000;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockHeader) {
        currentMap = headerTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(21);
        textColor = 0xff000000;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSubheader) {
        currentMap = subheaderTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(18);
        textColor = 0xff000000;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockBlockquote
            || parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockPullquote) {
        if (parentBlock.text == parentRichText) {
            currentMap = quoteTextPaints;
            textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(15);
            textColor = 0xff000000;
        } else if (parentBlock.caption == parentRichText) {
            currentMap = subquoteTextPaints;
            textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
            textColor = 0xff838c96;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockPreformatted) {
        currentMap = preformattedTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
        textColor = 0xff000000;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockParagraph) {
        if (parentBlock.caption == parentRichText) {
            currentMap = embedPostCaptionTextPaints;
            textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
            textColor = 0xff838c96;
        } else {
            currentMap = paragraphTextPaints;
            textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(16);
            textColor = 0xff000000;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockList) {
        currentMap = listTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(15);
        textColor = 0xff000000;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockEmbed) {
        currentMap = embedTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
        textColor = 0xff838c96;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSlideshow) {
        currentMap = slideshowTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
        textColor = 0xff838c96;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockEmbedPost) {
        if (richText != null) {
            currentMap = embedPostTextPaints;
            textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
            textColor = 0xff000000;
    } else if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockVideo) {
        currentMap = videoTextPaints;
        textSize = AndroidUtilities.dp(14);
        textColor = 0xff000000;
    if (currentMap == null) {
        if (errorTextPaint == null) {
            errorTextPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
        return errorTextPaint;
    TextPaint paint = currentMap.get(flags);
    if (paint == null) {
        paint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
        if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MONO) != 0) {
        } else {
            if (parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockTitle
                    || parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockHeader
                    || parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSubtitle
                    || parentBlock instanceof TLRPC.TL_pageBlockSubheader) {
                if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MEDIUM) != 0 && (flags & TEXT_FLAG_ITALIC) != 0) {
                    paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("serif", Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC));
                } else if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MEDIUM) != 0) {
                    paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("serif", Typeface.BOLD));
                } else if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_ITALIC) != 0) {
                    paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("serif", Typeface.ITALIC));
                } else {
                    paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("serif", Typeface.NORMAL));
            } else {
                if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MEDIUM) != 0 && (flags & TEXT_FLAG_ITALIC) != 0) {
                } else if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_MEDIUM) != 0) {
                } else if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_ITALIC) != 0) {
        if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_STRIKE) != 0) {
            paint.setFlags(paint.getFlags() | TextPaint.STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG);
        if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_UNDERLINE) != 0) {
            paint.setFlags(paint.getFlags() | TextPaint.UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG);
        if ((flags & TEXT_FLAG_URL) != 0) {
            textColor = 0xff4d83b3;
        currentMap.put(flags, paint);
    return paint;

From source file:org.getlantern.firetweet.provider.FiretweetDataProvider.java

private void showMessagesNotification(AccountPreferences pref, StringLongPair[] pairs,
        ContentValues[] valuesArray) {//www .  ja  v  a  2s. c om
    final long accountId = pref.getAccountId();
    final long prevOldestId = mReadStateManager.getPosition(TAG_OLDEST_MESSAGES, String.valueOf(accountId));
    long oldestId = -1;
    for (final ContentValues contentValues : valuesArray) {
        final long messageId = contentValues.getAsLong(DirectMessages.MESSAGE_ID);
        oldestId = oldestId < 0 ? messageId : Math.min(oldestId, messageId);
        if (messageId <= prevOldestId)
    mReadStateManager.setPosition(TAG_OLDEST_MESSAGES, String.valueOf(accountId), oldestId, false);
    final Context context = getContext();
    final Resources resources = context.getResources();
    final NotificationManager nm = getNotificationManager();
    final ArrayList<Expression> orExpressions = new ArrayList<>();
    final String prefix = accountId + "-";
    final int prefixLength = prefix.length();
    final Set<Long> senderIds = new CompactHashSet<>();
    for (StringLongPair pair : pairs) {
        final String key = pair.getKey();
        if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
            final long senderId = Long.parseLong(key.substring(prefixLength));
            final Expression expression = Expression.and(Expression.equals(DirectMessages.SENDER_ID, senderId),
                    Expression.greaterThan(DirectMessages.MESSAGE_ID, pair.getValue()));
            .add(Expression.notIn(new Column(DirectMessages.SENDER_ID), new RawItemArray(senderIds.toArray())));
    final Expression selection = Expression.and(Expression.equals(DirectMessages.ACCOUNT_ID, accountId),
            Expression.greaterThan(DirectMessages.MESSAGE_ID, prevOldestId),
            Expression.or(orExpressions.toArray(new Expression[orExpressions.size()])));
    final String filteredSelection = selection.getSQL();
    final String[] userProjection = { DirectMessages.SENDER_ID, DirectMessages.SENDER_NAME,
            DirectMessages.SENDER_SCREEN_NAME };
    final String[] messageProjection = { DirectMessages.MESSAGE_ID, DirectMessages.SENDER_ID,
            DirectMessages.SENDER_NAME, DirectMessages.SENDER_SCREEN_NAME, DirectMessages.TEXT_UNESCAPED,
            DirectMessages.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP };
    final Cursor messageCursor = mDatabaseWrapper.query(DirectMessages.Inbox.TABLE_NAME, messageProjection,
            filteredSelection, null, null, null, DirectMessages.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
    final Cursor userCursor = mDatabaseWrapper.query(DirectMessages.Inbox.TABLE_NAME, userProjection,
            filteredSelection, null, DirectMessages.SENDER_ID, null, DirectMessages.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
    try {
        final int usersCount = userCursor.getCount();
        final int messagesCount = messageCursor.getCount();
        if (messagesCount == 0 || usersCount == 0)
        final String accountName = Utils.getAccountName(context, accountId);
        final String accountScreenName = Utils.getAccountScreenName(context, accountId);
        final int idxMessageText = messageCursor.getColumnIndex(DirectMessages.TEXT_UNESCAPED),
                idxMessageTimestamp = messageCursor.getColumnIndex(DirectMessages.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP),
                idxMessageId = messageCursor.getColumnIndex(DirectMessages.MESSAGE_ID),
                idxMessageUserId = messageCursor.getColumnIndex(DirectMessages.SENDER_ID),
                idxMessageUserName = messageCursor.getColumnIndex(DirectMessages.SENDER_NAME),
                idxMessageUserScreenName = messageCursor.getColumnIndex(DirectMessages.SENDER_SCREEN_NAME),
                idxUserName = userCursor.getColumnIndex(DirectMessages.SENDER_NAME),
                idxUserScreenName = userCursor.getColumnIndex(DirectMessages.SENDER_NAME),
                idxUserId = userCursor.getColumnIndex(DirectMessages.SENDER_NAME);

        final CharSequence notificationTitle = resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.N_new_messages,
                messagesCount, messagesCount);
        final String notificationContent;
        final String displayName = UserColorNameUtils.getUserNickname(context, userCursor.getLong(idxUserId),
                mNameFirst ? userCursor.getString(idxUserName) : userCursor.getString(idxUserScreenName));
        if (usersCount == 1) {
            if (messagesCount == 1) {
                notificationContent = context.getString(R.string.notification_direct_message, displayName);
            } else {
                notificationContent = context.getString(R.string.notification_direct_message_multiple_messages,
                        displayName, messagesCount);
        } else {
            notificationContent = context.getString(R.string.notification_direct_message_multiple_users,
                    displayName, usersCount - 1, messagesCount);

        final LongSparseArray<Long> idsMap = new LongSparseArray<>();
        // Add rich notification and get latest tweet timestamp
        long when = -1;
        final InboxStyle style = new InboxStyle();
        for (int i = 0; messageCursor.moveToPosition(i) && i < messagesCount; i++) {
            if (when < 0) {
                when = messageCursor.getLong(idxMessageTimestamp);
            if (i < 5) {
                final SpannableStringBuilder sb = new SpannableStringBuilder();
                sb.append(UserColorNameUtils.getUserNickname(context, messageCursor.getLong(idxUserId),
                        mNameFirst ? messageCursor.getString(idxMessageUserName)
                                : messageCursor.getString(idxMessageUserScreenName)));
                sb.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, sb.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
                sb.append(' ');
            final long userId = messageCursor.getLong(idxMessageUserId);
            final long messageId = messageCursor.getLong(idxMessageId);
            idsMap.put(userId, Math.max(idsMap.get(userId, -1L), messageId));
        if (mNameFirst) {
        } else {
            style.setSummaryText("@" + accountScreenName);
        final StringLongPair[] positions = new StringLongPair[idsMap.size()];
        for (int i = 0, j = idsMap.size(); i < j; i++) {
            positions[i] = new StringLongPair(String.valueOf(idsMap.keyAt(i)), idsMap.valueAt(i));

        // Setup notification
        final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context);
        builder.setContentIntent(getContentIntent(context, AUTHORITY_DIRECT_MESSAGES, accountId));
        builder.setContentIntent(getDeleteIntent(context, AUTHORITY_DIRECT_MESSAGES, accountId, positions));
        setNotificationPreferences(builder, pref, pref.getDirectMessagesNotificationType());
        nm.notify("messages_" + accountId, NOTIFICATION_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES, builder.build());
        Utils.sendPebbleNotification(context, notificationContent);
    } finally {