Example usage for android.graphics Rect Rect

List of usage examples for android.graphics Rect Rect


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Rect Rect.


public Rect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) 

Source Link


Create a new rectangle with the specified coordinates.


From source file:app.umitems.greenclock.widget.sgv.StaggeredGridView.java

 * Handle the the release of a dragged view.
 * @param x The current x coordinate where the drag was released.
 * @param y The current y coordinate where the drag was released.
 */// ww  w.j a  v a  2 s. c om
private void handleDrop(int x, int y) {
    if (!mReorderHelper.hasReorderListener()) {

    if (mReorderHelper.isOverReorderingArea()) {
        // Store the location of the drag shadow at where dragging stopped
        // for animation if a reordering has just happened. Since the drag
        // shadow is drawn as a WindowManager view, its coordinates are
        // absolute. However, for views inside the grid, we need to operate
        // with coordinate values that's relative to this grid, so we need
        // to subtract the offset to absolute screen coordinates that have
        // been added to mWindowParams.
        final int left = mWindowParams.x - mOffsetToAbsoluteX;
        final int top = mWindowParams.y - mOffsetToAbsoluteY;

        mCachedDragViewRect = new Rect(left, top, left + mDragView.getWidth(), top + mDragView.getHeight());
        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
            final View view = getChildAt(0);
            final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
            if (lp.position > mReorderHelper.getDraggedChildPosition()) {
                // If the adapter position of the first child in view is
                // greater than the position of the original dragged child,
                // this means that the user has scrolled the child out of
                // view. Those off screen views would have been recycled. If
                // mFirstPosition is currently x, after the reordering
                // operation, the child[mFirstPosition] will be
                // at mFirstPosition-1. We want to adjust mFirstPosition so
                // that we render the view in the correct location after
                // reordering completes.
                // If the user has not scrolled the original dragged child
                // out of view, then the view has not been recycled and is
                // still in view.
                // When onLayout() gets called, we'll automatically fill in
                // the empty space that the child leaves behind from the
                // reordering operation.

        // Get the current scroll position so that after reordering
        // completes, we can restore the scroll position of mFirstPosition.
        mCurrentScrollState = getScrollState();

    final boolean reordered = mReorderHelper.handleDrop(new Point(x, y));
    if (reordered) {
    } else {

From source file:com.lifehackinnovations.siteaudit.FloorPlanActivity.java

private void readexcel() {
    WorkbookSettings ws = new WorkbookSettings();

    File file = new File(Tabs1.Siteslistlocation);
    long size = file.length();
    int sizeint = (int) size;
    ws.setInitialFileSize(sizeint);//from  w w w. java2  s  .com
    Workbook workbook = null;
    try {
        workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(file, ws);
    } catch (BiffException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    String[] sheets = workbook.getSheetNames();
    int sheetnum = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < sheets.length; r++) {
        try {
            if (sheets[r].equals(Tabs1.floorplanname)) {
                sheetnum = r;
                int worksheet = sheetnum;
                Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(worksheet);

                int startcolumn = 0;
                ArrayList<String> rectleft = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> recttop = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> rectright = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> rectbottom = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> type = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> tempsensorcount = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> percentsize = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> samscount = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> masterelcnumber = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> displaynumber = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> scaledx = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> scaledy = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> x = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> y = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> string = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> fontsize = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> fontcolor = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> metersperpixel = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> floorplannumber = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> elcdisplaynumber = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> tabnumber = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> tabitemnumber = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);

                ArrayList<String> textoffsetx = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);
                ArrayList<String> textoffsety = u.getcol(sheet, startcolumn++, 1);

                int numberofitems = rectleft.size();

                for (int t = 0; t < numberofitems; t++) {

                    // view.ITEMrect[t].left=u.i(rectleft.get(t));
                    // view.ITEMrect[t].top=u.i(rectleft.get(t));
                    // view.ITEMrect[t].right=u.i(rectleft.get(t));
                    // view.ITEMrect[t].bottom=u.i(rectleft.get(t));

                    view.ITEMrect[t] = new Rect(u.i(rectleft.get(t)), u.i(recttop.get(t)),
                            u.i(rectright.get(t)), u.i(rectbottom.get(t)));
                    view.ITEMtype[t] = u.i(type.get(t));
                    view.ITEMtempsensorcount[t] = u.i(tempsensorcount.get(t));
                    view.ITEMsizepercent[t] = u.i(percentsize.get(t));
                    view.ITEMsamscount[t] = u.i(samscount.get(t));
                    view.ITEMmasterelcnumber[t] = u.i(masterelcnumber.get(t));
                    view.ITEMdisplaynumber[t] = u.i(displaynumber.get(t));
                    view.SCALEDITEMx[t] = Float.parseFloat(scaledx.get(t));
                    view.SCALEDITEMy[t] = Float.parseFloat(scaledy.get(t));
                    view.ITEMx[t] = Float.parseFloat(x.get(t));
                    view.ITEMy[t] = Float.parseFloat(y.get(t));

                    view.ITEMstring[t] = string.get(t);
                    view.ITEMfontsize[t] = u.i(fontsize.get(t));
                    view.ITEMfontcolor[t] = u.i(fontcolor.get(t));

                    view.ITEMmetersperpixel[t] = Float.parseFloat(metersperpixel.get(t));
                    view.ITEMfloorplannumber[t] = u.i(floorplannumber.get(t));

                    view.ELCdisplaynumber[t] = u.i(elcdisplaynumber.get(t));

                    view.ITEMLINKtabnumber[t] = u.i(tabnumber.get(t));
                    view.ITEMLINKtabitemnumber[t] = u.i(tabitemnumber.get(t));

                    view.ITEMtextoffsetx[t] = u.i(textoffsetx.get(t));
                    view.ITEMtextoffsetx[t] = u.i(textoffsety.get(t));

                    Log.d("item found", u.s((int) view.ITEMx[t]));

                view.i = numberofitems;

                int i = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < numberofitems; i++) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    resizeiconsseekbar.setProgress(view.ITEMsizepercent[i - 1]);
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {



From source file:self.philbrown.droidQuery.Ajax.java

 * Parses the HTTP response as a Bitmap//from w w w  . j  a  va  2s  .  c  o  m
 * @param stream the response to parse
 * @return a Bitmap response
private Bitmap parseImage(InputStream stream) throws IllegalStateException, IOException {
    BitmapFactory.Options opt = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    opt.inSampleSize = 1;
    opt.inPurgeable = true;
    opt.inInputShareable = false;
    if (options.imageWidth() >= 0)
        opt.outWidth = options.imageWidth();
    if (options.imageHeight() >= 0)
        opt.outHeight = options.imageHeight();
    WeakReference<Bitmap> bitmap = new WeakReference<Bitmap>(
            BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream, new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), opt));

    if (bitmap == null || bitmap.get() == null) {
        return null;

    if (bitmap.get().isRecycled()) {
        return null;

    return bitmap.get();

From source file:com.example.SmartBoard.DrawingView.java

public void onDrawText(Canvas canvas) {

    if (finished) {

        Bitmap bm = textToBitmap(textBoxData, drawPaint.getColor(), textPosX, textPosY, textViewSize);

        // create a rectangle to define the boundary

        Rect region = new Rect((int) textPosX - 5, (int) textPosY - 5, (int) textPosX + bm.getWidth() + 5,
                (int) textPosY + bm.getHeight() + 5);

        JSONObject textJson = new JSONObject();
        try {//from w  w w .  j  av  a  2s.  c  o m

            String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            textJson.put("type", "Text");
            textJson.put("id", key);
            textJson.put("clientId", client.getClientId());
            textJson.put("x", textPosX);
            textJson.put("y", textPosY);
            textJson.put("region", region.flattenToString());
            textJson.put("color", drawPaint.getColor());
            textJson.put("size", textViewSize);
            textJson.put("textBitmap", mqtt.bitmapToString(bm));
            textJson.put("text", textBoxData);
            // objectDrawables.put(key, textJson);
            textObjects.put(key, textJson);
        } catch (JSONException e) {

        finished = false;
        placed = true;



From source file:de.madvertise.android.sdk.MadvertiseView.java

 * Draw the ad background for a text banner
 * @param canvas//www .  j  a v  a  2  s.c  o  m
 * @param rectangle
 * @param backgroundColor
 * @param mTextColor
private void drawTextBannerBackground(final Canvas canvas, final Rect rectangle, final int backgroundColor,
        int shineColor) {
    Paint paint = new Paint();
    canvas.drawRect(rectangle, paint);

    int upperColor = Color.argb(GRADIENT_TOP_ALPHA, Color.red(shineColor), Color.green(shineColor),
    int[] gradientColors = { upperColor, shineColor };
    GradientDrawable gradientDrawable = new GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM,

    int stop = (int) (rectangle.height() * GRADIENT_STOP) + rectangle.top;
    gradientDrawable.setBounds(rectangle.left, rectangle.top, rectangle.right, stop);

    Rect shadowRect = new Rect(rectangle.left, stop, rectangle.right, rectangle.bottom);
    Paint shadowPaint = new Paint();
    canvas.drawRect(shadowRect, shadowPaint);

From source file:com.breakout.main.GameState.java

 * Renders debug features./*from w w  w  . j ava 2  s .com*/
 * <p>
 * This function is allowed to violate the "don't allocate objects" rule.
void drawDebugStuff() {

    // Draw a red outline rectangle around the ball.  This shows the area that was
    // examined for collisions during the "coarse" pass.

    // Draw the entire message texture so we can see what it looks like.
    if (true) {
        int textureWidth = mTextRes.getTextureWidth();
        int textureHeight = mTextRes.getTextureHeight();
        float scale = (ARENA_WIDTH * STATUS_MESSAGE_WIDTH_PERC) / textureWidth;

        // Draw an orange rect around the texture.
        OutlineAlignedRect outline = new OutlineAlignedRect();
        outline.setPosition(ARENA_WIDTH / 2, ARENA_HEIGHT / 2);
        outline.setScale(textureWidth * scale + 2, textureHeight * scale + 2);
        outline.setColor(1.0f, 0.65f, 0.0f);

        // Draw the full texture.  Note you can set the background to opaque white in
        // TextResources to see what the drop shadow looks like.
        Rect boundsRect = new Rect(0, 0, textureWidth, textureHeight);
        TexturedAlignedRect msgBox = mGameStatusMessages;
        msgBox.setScale(textureWidth * scale, textureHeight * scale);

        // Draw a rectangle around each individual text item.  We draw a different one each
        // time to get a flicker effect, so it doesn't fully obscure the text.
        if (true) {
            outline.setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            int stringNum = mDebugFramedString;
            mDebugFramedString = (mDebugFramedString + 1) % TextResources.getNumStrings();
            boundsRect = mTextRes.getTextureRect(stringNum);
            // The bounds rect is in bitmap coordinates, with (0,0) in the top left.  Translate
            // it to an offset from the center of the bitmap, and find the center of the rect.
            float boundsCenterX = boundsRect.exactCenterX() - (textureWidth / 2);
            float boundsCenterY = boundsRect.exactCenterY() - (textureHeight / 2);
            // Now scale it to arena coordinates, using the same scale factor we used to
            // draw the texture with all the messages, and translate it to the center of
            // the arena.  We need to invert Y to match GL conventions.
            boundsCenterX = ARENA_WIDTH / 2 + (boundsCenterX * scale);
            boundsCenterY = ARENA_HEIGHT / 2 - (boundsCenterY * scale);
            // Set the values and draw the rect.
            outline.setPosition(boundsCenterX, boundsCenterY);
            outline.setScale(boundsRect.width() * scale, boundsRect.height() * scale);

From source file:com.lifehackinnovations.siteaudit.FloorPlanActivity.java

private void readdb() {

    String dbtablename = "floorplan";

    int startcolumn = 1;

    Log.d("reading from db started", "true");
    Tabs1.db.showtableslog();/*w  ww.jav a2  s .co  m*/

    ArrayList<String> rectleft = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> recttop = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> rectright = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> rectbottom = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,
    ArrayList<String> type = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> tempsensorcount = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,
    ArrayList<String> percentsize = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,
    ArrayList<String> samscount = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> masterelcnumber = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,
    ArrayList<String> displaynumber = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,
    ArrayList<String> scaledx = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> scaledy = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> x = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> y = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> string = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> fontsize = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> fontcolor = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> metersperpixel = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,
    ArrayList<String> floorplannumber = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,
    ArrayList<String> elcdisplaynum = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,

    ArrayList<String> tabnumber = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++, Tabs1.db.KEY_FLOORPLAN_TITLES);
    ArrayList<String> tabitemnumber = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,

    ArrayList<String> textoffsetx = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,
    ArrayList<String> textoffsety = Tabs1.db.getcolumn(dbtablename, startcolumn++,

    int numberofitems = rectleft.size();

    for (int t = 0; t < numberofitems; t++) {
        try {
            // view.ITEMrect[t].left=u.i(rectleft.get(t));
            // view.ITEMrect[t].top=u.i(rectleft.get(t));
            // view.ITEMrect[t].right=u.i(rectleft.get(t));
            // view.ITEMrect[t].bottom=u.i(rectleft.get(t));

            view.ITEMrect[t] = new Rect(u.i(rectleft.get(t)), u.i(recttop.get(t)), u.i(rectright.get(t)),
            view.ITEMtype[t] = u.i(type.get(t));
            view.ITEMtempsensorcount[t] = u.i(tempsensorcount.get(t));
            view.ITEMsizepercent[t] = u.i(percentsize.get(t));
            view.ITEMsamscount[t] = u.i(samscount.get(t));
            view.ITEMmasterelcnumber[t] = u.i(masterelcnumber.get(t));
            view.ITEMdisplaynumber[t] = u.i(displaynumber.get(t));

            view.SCALEDITEMx[t] = Float.parseFloat(scaledx.get(t));
            view.SCALEDITEMy[t] = Float.parseFloat(scaledy.get(t));
            view.ITEMx[t] = Float.parseFloat(x.get(t));
            System.out.println("t=" + t);
            view.ITEMy[t] = Float.parseFloat(y.get(t));

            view.ITEMstring[t] = string.get(t);

            try {
                view.ITEMfontsize[t] = u.i(fontsize.get(t));
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                view.ITEMfontsize[t] = view.defaulttextsize;
            view.ITEMfontcolor[t] = u.i(fontcolor.get(t));

            view.ITEMmetersperpixel[t] = Float.parseFloat(metersperpixel.get(t));

            view.ITEMfloorplannumber[t] = u.i(floorplannumber.get(t));

            view.ELCdisplaynumber[t] = u.i(elcdisplaynum.get(t));

            view.ITEMLINKtabnumber[t] = u.i(tabnumber.get(t));
            view.ITEMLINKtabitemnumber[t] = u.i(tabitemnumber.get(t));

            view.ITEMtextoffsetx[t] = u.i(textoffsetx.get(t));
            view.ITEMtextoffsety[t] = u.i(textoffsety.get(t));

            Log.d("item found", u.s((int) view.ITEMx[t]));
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            System.out.println("couldn't find item t=" + t);

    view.i = numberofitems;
    Log.d("i on readdb", u.s(view.i));

    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numberofitems; i++) {
    for (i = 0; i < numberofitems; i++) {
        view.commenceresizeofitem(i, false);

From source file:com.bizcom.vc.widget.cus.SubsamplingScaleImageView.java

 * Once source image and view dimensions are known, creates a map of sample
 * size to tile grid./*from w  ww.ja  v a2 s  . c om*/
private void initialiseTileMap(Point maxTileDimensions) {
    this.tileMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<Tile>>();
    int sampleSize = fullImageSampleSize;
    int xTiles = 1;
    int yTiles = 1;
    while (true) {
        int sTileWidth = sWidth() / xTiles;
        int sTileHeight = sHeight() / yTiles;
        int subTileWidth = sTileWidth / sampleSize;
        int subTileHeight = sTileHeight / sampleSize;
        while (subTileWidth > maxTileDimensions.x
                || (subTileWidth > getWidth() * 1.25 && sampleSize < fullImageSampleSize)) {
            xTiles += 1;
            sTileWidth = sWidth() / xTiles;
            subTileWidth = sTileWidth / sampleSize;
        while (subTileHeight > maxTileDimensions.y
                || (subTileHeight > getHeight() * 1.25 && sampleSize < fullImageSampleSize)) {
            yTiles += 1;
            sTileHeight = sHeight() / yTiles;
            subTileHeight = sTileHeight / sampleSize;
        List<Tile> tileGrid = new ArrayList<Tile>(xTiles * yTiles);
        for (int x = 0; x < xTiles; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < yTiles; y++) {
                Tile tile = new Tile();
                tile.sampleSize = sampleSize;
                tile.visible = sampleSize == fullImageSampleSize;
                tile.sRect = new Rect(x * sTileWidth, y * sTileHeight, (x + 1) * sTileWidth,
                        (y + 1) * sTileHeight);
        tileMap.put(sampleSize, tileGrid);
        if (sampleSize == 1) {
        } else {
            sampleSize /= 2;

From source file:com.VVTeam.ManHood.Fragment.HistogramFragment.java

private Bitmap makeSnapshot() {

    Bitmap bm = contentRelative.getDrawingCache();

    int width = bm.getWidth();
    int height = bm.getHeight();

    Bitmap background = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.histogram_bg);
    Bitmap logo = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.manhoodlogo);

    Bitmap cs = null;/*from  w  w w  . ja  va 2s.  c  o m*/

    cs = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

    Canvas comboImage = new Canvas(cs);

    Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, background.getWidth() - 1, background.getHeight() - 1);
    Rect dest = new Rect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
    comboImage.drawBitmap(background, src, dest, null);
    comboImage.drawBitmap(bm, 0f, 0f, null);
    comboImage.drawBitmap(logo, 7.0f, height - logo.getHeight() - 4.0f, null);

    return cs;