List of usage examples for Rect offset
public void offset(int dx, int dy)
From source
/** * NOTE This method is borrowed from {@link ScrollView}. *//* w ww. j a va 2s. com*/ @Override public boolean requestChildRectangleOnScreen(View child, Rect rectangle, boolean immediate) { // offset into coordinate space of this scroll view rectangle.offset(child.getLeft() - child.getScrollX(), child.getTop() - child.getScrollY()); return scrollToChildRect(rectangle, immediate); }
From source
/** * Returns a new bitmap to be used as the object outline, e.g. to visualize the drop location. * Responsibility for the bitmap is transferred to the caller. */// w w w . j a v a 2 s.c o m private Bitmap createDragOutline(Bitmap orig, Canvas canvas, int padding, int w, int h, boolean clipAlpha) { final int outlineColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.outline_color); final Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); canvas.setBitmap(b); Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, orig.getWidth(), orig.getHeight()); float scaleFactor = Math.min((w - padding) / (float) orig.getWidth(), (h - padding) / (float) orig.getHeight()); int scaledWidth = (int) (scaleFactor * orig.getWidth()); int scaledHeight = (int) (scaleFactor * orig.getHeight()); Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight); // center the image dst.offset((w - scaledWidth) / 2, (h - scaledHeight) / 2); canvas.drawBitmap(orig, src, dst, null); mOutlineHelper.applyMediumExpensiveOutlineWithBlur(b, canvas, outlineColor, outlineColor, clipAlpha); canvas.setBitmap(null); return b; }
From source
/** * Returns a new bitmap to be used as the object outline, e.g. to visualize the drop location. * Responsibility for the bitmap is transferred to the caller. */// w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m private Bitmap createDragOutline(Bitmap orig, int padding, int w, int h, boolean clipAlpha) { final int outlineColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.outline_color); final Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mCanvas.setBitmap(b); Rect src = new Rect(0, 0, orig.getWidth(), orig.getHeight()); float scaleFactor = Math.min((w - padding) / (float) orig.getWidth(), (h - padding) / (float) orig.getHeight()); int scaledWidth = (int) (scaleFactor * orig.getWidth()); int scaledHeight = (int) (scaleFactor * orig.getHeight()); Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, scaledWidth, scaledHeight); // center the image dst.offset((w - scaledWidth) / 2, (h - scaledHeight) / 2); mCanvas.drawBitmap(orig, src, dst, null); mOutlineHelper.applyExpensiveOutlineWithBlur(b, mCanvas, outlineColor, outlineColor, clipAlpha); mCanvas.setBitmap(null); return b; }
From source
@Override protected void onFocusChanged(boolean gainFocus, int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { super.onFocusChanged(gainFocus, direction, previouslyFocusedRect); if (gainFocus && mSelectedPosition < 0 && !isInTouchMode()) { if (!mIsAttached && mAdapter != null) { // Data may have changed while we were detached and it's valid // to change focus while detached. Refresh so we don't die. mDataChanged = true;// w w w. ja va2 s . c om mOldItemCount = mItemCount; mItemCount = mAdapter.getCount(); } resurrectSelection(); } final ListAdapter adapter = mAdapter; int closetChildIndex = INVALID_POSITION; int closestChildStart = 0; if (adapter != null && gainFocus && previouslyFocusedRect != null) { previouslyFocusedRect.offset(getScrollX(), getScrollY()); // Don't cache the result of getChildCount or mFirstPosition here, // it could change in layoutChildren. if (adapter.getCount() < getChildCount() + mFirstPosition) { mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_NORMAL; layoutChildren(); } // Figure out which item should be selected based on previously // focused rect. Rect otherRect = mTempRect; int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; final int childCount = getChildCount(); final int firstPosition = mFirstPosition; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { // Only consider selectable views if (!adapter.isEnabled(firstPosition + i)) { continue; } View other = getChildAt(i); other.getDrawingRect(otherRect); offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(other, otherRect); int distance = getDistance(previouslyFocusedRect, otherRect, direction); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; closetChildIndex = i; closestChildStart = (mIsVertical ? other.getTop() : other.getLeft()); } } } if (closetChildIndex >= 0) { setSelectionFromOffset(closetChildIndex + mFirstPosition, closestChildStart); } else { requestLayout(); } }
From source
@Override protected void onFocusChanged(boolean gainFocus, int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { super.onFocusChanged(gainFocus, direction, previouslyFocusedRect); if (gainFocus && mSelectedPosition < 0 && !isInTouchMode()) { if (!mIsAttached && mAdapter != null) { // Data may have changed while we were detached and it's valid // to change focus while detached. Refresh so we don't die. mDataChanged = true;/*from w w w. j ava 2s .com*/ mOldItemCount = mItemCount; mItemCount = mAdapter.getCount(); } resurrectSelection(); } final ListAdapter adapter = mAdapter; int closetChildIndex = INVALID_POSITION; int closestChildStart = 0; if (adapter != null && gainFocus && previouslyFocusedRect != null) { previouslyFocusedRect.offset(getScrollX(), getScrollY()); // Don't cache the result of getChildCount or mFirstPosition here, // it could change in layoutChildren. if (adapter.getCount() < getChildCount() + mFirstPosition) { mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_NORMAL; layoutChildren(); } // Figure out which item should be selected based on previously // focused rect. Rect otherRect = mTempRect; int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; final int childCount = getChildCount(); final int firstPosition = mFirstPosition; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { // Only consider selectable views if (!adapter.isEnabled(firstPosition + i)) { continue; } View other = getChildAt(i); other.getDrawingRect(otherRect); offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(other, otherRect); int distance = getDistance(previouslyFocusedRect, otherRect, direction); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; closetChildIndex = i; closestChildStart = getChildStartEdge(other); } } } if (closetChildIndex >= 0) { setSelectionFromOffset(closetChildIndex + mFirstPosition, closestChildStart); } else { requestLayout(); } }
From source
@Override public View createView(Context context) { actionBar.setBackButtonImage(R.drawable.ic_ab_back); actionBar.setAllowOverlayTitle(true); actionBar.setActionBarMenuOnItemClick(new ActionBar.ActionBarMenuOnItemClick() { private boolean onIdentityDone(Runnable finishRunnable, ErrorRunnable errorRunnable) { if (!uploadingDocuments.isEmpty() || checkFieldsForError()) { return false; }/* www .ja v a 2 s. c om*/ if (allowNonLatinName) { allowNonLatinName = false; boolean error = false; for (int a = 0; a < nonLatinNames.length; a++) { if (nonLatinNames[a]) { inputFields[a].setErrorText(LocaleController.getString("PassportUseLatinOnly", R.string.PassportUseLatinOnly)); if (!error) { error = true; String firstName = nonLatinNames[0] ? getTranslitString( inputExtraFields[FIELD_NATIVE_NAME].getText().toString()) : inputFields[FIELD_NAME].getText().toString(); String middleName = nonLatinNames[1] ? getTranslitString( inputExtraFields[FIELD_NATIVE_MIDNAME].getText().toString()) : inputFields[FIELD_MIDNAME].getText().toString(); String lastName = nonLatinNames[2] ? getTranslitString( inputExtraFields[FIELD_NATIVE_SURNAME].getText().toString()) : inputFields[FIELD_SURNAME].getText().toString(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(firstName) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(middleName) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(lastName)) { int num = a; AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.formatString("PassportNameCheckAlert", R.string.PassportNameCheckAlert, firstName, middleName, lastName)); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("Done", R.string.Done), (dialogInterface, i) -> { inputFields[FIELD_NAME].setText(firstName); inputFields[FIELD_MIDNAME].setText(middleName); inputFields[FIELD_SURNAME].setText(lastName); showEditDoneProgress(true, true); onIdentityDone(finishRunnable, errorRunnable); }); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Edit", R.string.Edit), (dialogInterface, i) -> onFieldError(inputFields[num])); showDialog(builder.create()); } else { onFieldError(inputFields[a]); } } } } if (error) { return false; } } if (isHasNotAnyChanges()) { finishFragment(); return false; } JSONObject json = null; JSONObject documentsJson = null; try { if (!documentOnly) { HashMap<String, String> valuesToSave = new HashMap<>(currentValues); if (currentType.native_names) { if (nativeInfoCell.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { valuesToSave.put("first_name_native", inputExtraFields[FIELD_NATIVE_NAME].getText().toString()); valuesToSave.put("middle_name_native", inputExtraFields[FIELD_NATIVE_MIDNAME].getText().toString()); valuesToSave.put("last_name_native", inputExtraFields[FIELD_NATIVE_SURNAME].getText().toString()); } else { valuesToSave.put("first_name_native", inputFields[FIELD_NATIVE_NAME].getText().toString()); valuesToSave.put("middle_name_native", inputFields[FIELD_NATIVE_MIDNAME].getText().toString()); valuesToSave.put("last_name_native", inputFields[FIELD_NATIVE_SURNAME].getText().toString()); } } valuesToSave.put("first_name", inputFields[FIELD_NAME].getText().toString()); valuesToSave.put("middle_name", inputFields[FIELD_MIDNAME].getText().toString()); valuesToSave.put("last_name", inputFields[FIELD_SURNAME].getText().toString()); valuesToSave.put("birth_date", inputFields[FIELD_BIRTHDAY].getText().toString()); valuesToSave.put("gender", currentGender); valuesToSave.put("country_code", currentCitizeship); valuesToSave.put("residence_country_code", currentResidence); json = new JSONObject(); ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(valuesToSave.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys, (key1, key2) -> { int val1 = getFieldCost(key1); int val2 = getFieldCost(key2); if (val1 < val2) { return -1; } else if (val1 > val2) { return 1; } return 0; }); for (int a = 0, size = keys.size(); a < size; a++) { String key = keys.get(a); json.put(key, valuesToSave.get(key)); } } if (currentDocumentsType != null) { HashMap<String, String> valuesToSave = new HashMap<>(currentDocumentValues); valuesToSave.put("document_no", inputFields[FIELD_CARDNUMBER].getText().toString()); if (currentExpireDate[0] != 0) { valuesToSave.put("expiry_date", String.format(Locale.US, "%02d.%02d.%d", currentExpireDate[2], currentExpireDate[1], currentExpireDate[0])); } else { valuesToSave.put("expiry_date", ""); } documentsJson = new JSONObject(); ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(valuesToSave.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys, (key1, key2) -> { int val1 = getFieldCost(key1); int val2 = getFieldCost(key2); if (val1 < val2) { return -1; } else if (val1 > val2) { return 1; } return 0; }); for (int a = 0, size = keys.size(); a < size; a++) { String key = keys.get(a); documentsJson.put(key, valuesToSave.get(key)); } } } catch (Exception ignore) { } if (fieldsErrors != null) { fieldsErrors.clear(); } if (documentsErrors != null) { documentsErrors.clear(); } delegate.saveValue(currentType, null, json != null ? json.toString() : null, currentDocumentsType, documentsJson != null ? documentsJson.toString() : null, null, selfieDocument, translationDocuments, frontDocument, reverseLayout != null && reverseLayout.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE ? reverseDocument : null, finishRunnable, errorRunnable); return true; } @Override public void onItemClick(int id) { if (id == -1) { if (checkDiscard()) { return; } if (currentActivityType == TYPE_REQUEST || currentActivityType == TYPE_PASSWORD) { callCallback(false); } finishFragment(); } else if (id == info_item) { if (getParentActivity() == null) { return; } final TextView message = new TextView(getParentActivity()); String str2 = LocaleController.getString("PassportInfo2", R.string.PassportInfo2); SpannableStringBuilder spanned = new SpannableStringBuilder(str2); int index1 = str2.indexOf('*'); int index2 = str2.lastIndexOf('*'); if (index1 != -1 && index2 != -1) { spanned.replace(index2, index2 + 1, ""); spanned.replace(index1, index1 + 1, ""); spanned.setSpan(new URLSpanNoUnderline( LocaleController.getString("PassportInfoUrl", R.string.PassportInfoUrl)) { @Override public void onClick(View widget) { dismissCurrentDialig(); super.onClick(widget); } }, index1, index2 - 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } message.setText(spanned); message.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 16); message.setLinkTextColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextLink)); message.setHighlightColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogLinkSelection)); message.setPadding(AndroidUtilities.dp(23), 0, AndroidUtilities.dp(23), 0); message.setMovementMethod(new AndroidUtilities.LinkMovementMethodMy()); message.setTextColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_dialogTextBlack)); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setView(message); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("PassportInfoTitle", R.string.PassportInfoTitle)); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Close", R.string.Close), null); showDialog(builder.create()); } else if (id == done_button) { if (currentActivityType == TYPE_PASSWORD) { onPasswordDone(false); return; } if (currentActivityType == TYPE_PHONE_VERIFICATION) { views[currentViewNum].onNextPressed(); } else { final Runnable finishRunnable = () -> finishFragment(); final ErrorRunnable errorRunnable = new ErrorRunnable() { @Override public void onError(String error, String text) { if ("PHONE_VERIFICATION_NEEDED".equals(error)) { startPhoneVerification(true, text, finishRunnable, this, delegate); } else { showEditDoneProgress(true, false); } } }; if (currentActivityType == TYPE_EMAIL) { String value; if (useCurrentValue) { value = currentEmail; } else { if (checkFieldsForError()) { return; } value = inputFields[FIELD_EMAIL].getText().toString(); } delegate.saveValue(currentType, value, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, finishRunnable, errorRunnable); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_PHONE) { String value; if (useCurrentValue) { value = UserConfig.getInstance(currentAccount).getCurrentUser().phone; } else { if (checkFieldsForError()) { return; } value = inputFields[FIELD_PHONECODE].getText().toString() + inputFields[FIELD_PHONE].getText().toString(); } delegate.saveValue(currentType, value, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, finishRunnable, errorRunnable); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_ADDRESS) { if (!uploadingDocuments.isEmpty() || checkFieldsForError()) { return; } if (isHasNotAnyChanges()) { finishFragment(); return; } JSONObject json = null; try { if (!documentOnly) { json = new JSONObject(); json.put("street_line1", inputFields[FIELD_STREET1].getText().toString()); json.put("street_line2", inputFields[FIELD_STREET2].getText().toString()); json.put("post_code", inputFields[FIELD_POSTCODE].getText().toString()); json.put("city", inputFields[FIELD_CITY].getText().toString()); json.put("state", inputFields[FIELD_STATE].getText().toString()); json.put("country_code", currentCitizeship); } } catch (Exception ignore) { } if (fieldsErrors != null) { fieldsErrors.clear(); } if (documentsErrors != null) { documentsErrors.clear(); } delegate.saveValue(currentType, null, json != null ? json.toString() : null, currentDocumentsType, null, documents, selfieDocument, translationDocuments, null, null, finishRunnable, errorRunnable); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_IDENTITY) { if (!onIdentityDone(finishRunnable, errorRunnable)) { return; } } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION) { final TLRPC.TL_account_verifyEmail req = new TLRPC.TL_account_verifyEmail(); = currentValues.get("email"); req.code = inputFields[FIELD_EMAIL].getText().toString(); int reqId = ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).sendRequest(req, (response, error) -> AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(() -> { if (error == null) { delegate.saveValue(currentType, currentValues.get("email"), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, finishRunnable, errorRunnable); } else { AlertsCreator.processError(currentAccount, error, PassportActivity.this, req); errorRunnable.onError(null, null); } })); ConnectionsManager.getInstance(currentAccount).bindRequestToGuid(reqId, classGuid); } showEditDoneProgress(true, true); } } } }); if (currentActivityType == TYPE_PHONE_VERIFICATION) { fragmentView = scrollView = new ScrollView(context) { @Override protected boolean onRequestFocusInDescendants(int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { return false; } @Override public boolean requestChildRectangleOnScreen(View child, Rect rectangle, boolean immediate) { if (currentViewNum == 1 || currentViewNum == 2 || currentViewNum == 4) { rectangle.bottom += AndroidUtilities.dp(40); } return super.requestChildRectangleOnScreen(child, rectangle, immediate); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { scrollHeight = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec) - AndroidUtilities.dp(30); super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } }; scrollView.setFillViewport(true); AndroidUtilities.setScrollViewEdgeEffectColor(scrollView, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_actionBarDefault)); } else { fragmentView = new FrameLayout(context); FrameLayout frameLayout = (FrameLayout) fragmentView; fragmentView.setBackgroundColor(Theme.getColor(Theme.key_windowBackgroundGray)); scrollView = new ScrollView(context) { @Override protected boolean onRequestFocusInDescendants(int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) { return false; } @Override public boolean requestChildRectangleOnScreen(View child, Rect rectangle, boolean immediate) { rectangle.offset(child.getLeft() - child.getScrollX(), child.getTop() - child.getScrollY()); += AndroidUtilities.dp(20); rectangle.bottom += AndroidUtilities.dp(50); return super.requestChildRectangleOnScreen(child, rectangle, immediate); } }; scrollView.setFillViewport(true); AndroidUtilities.setScrollViewEdgeEffectColor(scrollView, Theme.getColor(Theme.key_actionBarDefault)); frameLayout.addView(scrollView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.TOP, 0, 0, 0, currentActivityType == TYPE_REQUEST ? 48 : 0)); linearLayout2 = new LinearLayout(context); linearLayout2.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); scrollView.addView(linearLayout2, new ScrollView.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); } if (currentActivityType != TYPE_REQUEST && currentActivityType != TYPE_MANAGE) { ActionBarMenu menu = actionBar.createMenu(); doneItem = menu.addItemWithWidth(done_button, R.drawable.ic_done, AndroidUtilities.dp(56)); progressView = new ContextProgressView(context, 1); progressView.setAlpha(0.0f); progressView.setScaleX(0.1f); progressView.setScaleY(0.1f); progressView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); doneItem.addView(progressView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT)); if (currentActivityType == TYPE_IDENTITY || currentActivityType == TYPE_ADDRESS) { if (chatAttachAlert != null) { try { if (chatAttachAlert.isShowing()) { chatAttachAlert.dismiss(); } } catch (Exception ignore) { } chatAttachAlert.onDestroy(); chatAttachAlert = null; } } } if (currentActivityType == TYPE_PASSWORD) { createPasswordInterface(context); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_REQUEST) { createRequestInterface(context); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_IDENTITY) { createIdentityInterface(context); fillInitialValues(); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_ADDRESS) { createAddressInterface(context); fillInitialValues(); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_PHONE) { createPhoneInterface(context); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_EMAIL) { createEmailInterface(context); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION) { createEmailVerificationInterface(context); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_PHONE_VERIFICATION) { createPhoneVerificationInterface(context); } else if (currentActivityType == TYPE_MANAGE) { createManageInterface(context); } return fragmentView; }