List of usage examples for PdfDocument finishPage
public void finishPage(Page page)
From source
void makePDF(CalculationResult res) { PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); PdfDocument.PageInfo inf = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(400, 800, 1).create(); PdfDocument.Page page = doc.startPage(inf); Canvas canvas = page.getCanvas(); //canvas.drawARGB(155, 253, 255, 253); canvas.drawARGB(255, 255, 255, 255); Paint p = new Paint(); p.setTypeface(Utility.getNazaninFont()); p.setTextSize(25);//w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m p.setAntiAlias(true); int y = 20; Drawable d = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.abfa); d.setBounds(100, 10, 300, 210); d.draw(canvas); p.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); y += 210; canvas.drawText(" ? ", 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText(" ", 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText(" ", 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText(":" + Utility.NowDate(), 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText("___________________________", 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText(" :" + res.CustomerNumber, 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText(" :" + res.Title, 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText(" :" + Seprate3(res.BillAmount), 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText(" :" + Seprate3(res.PreviousDebt), 200, y, p); y += 40; Paint p1 = new Paint(); p1.setTypeface(Utility.getNazaninFont()); p1.setARGB(255, 0, 0, 0); p1.setAntiAlias(true); p1.setStrokeWidth(40); p1.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); canvas.drawLine(10, y, 390, y, p1); p.setARGB(255, 255, 255, 255); canvas.drawText(" :" + Seprate3(res.TotalAmount) + " ", 200, y, p); p.setARGB(255, 0, 0, 0); y += 40; canvas.drawText("__________________________", 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText(" :" + res.BillIdentifier, 200, y, p); y += 40; canvas.drawText(" :" + res.PaymentIdentifier, 200, y, p); doc.finishPage(page); //File file = new File(getCacheDir()+ "/billing.png"); File file = new File("/sdcard/billing.pdf"); FileOutputStream outfile; try { outfile = new FileOutputStream(file); //bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, outfile); doc.writeTo(outfile); doc.close(); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW); //intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), "image/*"); intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), "application/pdf"); startActivity(intent); //new RetrieveFeedTask().execute(bmp); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e("error", ex.toString()); new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage( " ? pdf ? \n ") .show(); } }
From source
private void export(int csvpdf, LocalDate from, LocalDate to) throws IOException { File outputDir = getActivity().getCacheDir(); if (!outputDir.exists()) outputDir.mkdirs();/*from w w w. j a va 2s . c o m*/ File outputFile = new File(outputDir, mTimes.getName().replace(" ", "_") + (csvpdf == 0 ? ".csv" : ".pdf")); if (outputDir.exists()) outputFile.delete(); FileOutputStream outputStream; outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); if (csvpdf == 0) { outputStream.write("Date;Fajr;Shuruq;Dhuhr;Asr;Maghrib;Ishaa\n".getBytes()); do { outputStream.write((from.toString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ";").getBytes()); outputStream.write((mTimes.getTime(from, 0) + ";").getBytes()); outputStream.write((mTimes.getTime(from, 1) + ";").getBytes()); outputStream.write((mTimes.getTime(from, 2) + ";").getBytes()); outputStream.write((mTimes.getTime(from, 3) + ";").getBytes()); outputStream.write((mTimes.getTime(from, 4) + ";").getBytes()); outputStream.write((mTimes.getTime(from, 5) + "\n").getBytes()); } while (!(from = from.plusDays(1)).isAfter(to)); outputStream.close(); } else { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(); PdfDocument.PageInfo pageInfo = null; int pw = 595; int ph = 842; pageInfo = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(pw, ph, 1).create(); PdfDocument.Page page = document.startPage(pageInfo); Drawable launcher = Drawable.createFromStream(getActivity().getAssets().open("pdf/launcher.png"), null); Drawable qr = Drawable.createFromStream(getActivity().getAssets().open("pdf/qrcode.png"), null); Drawable badge = Drawable.createFromStream( getActivity().getAssets().open("pdf/badge_" + Prefs.getLanguage() + ".png"), null); launcher.setBounds(30, 30, 30 + 65, 30 + 65); qr.setBounds(pw - 30 - 65, 30 + 65 + 5, pw - 30, 30 + 65 + 5 + 65); int w = 100; int h = w * badge.getIntrinsicHeight() / badge.getIntrinsicWidth(); badge.setBounds(pw - 30 - w, 30 + (60 / 2 - h / 2), pw - 30, 30 + (60 / 2 - h / 2) + h); Canvas canvas = page.getCanvas(); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setARGB(255, 0, 0, 0); paint.setTextSize(10); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); canvas.drawText("com.metinkale.prayer", pw - 30 - w / 2, 30 + (60 / 2 - h / 2) + h + 10, paint); launcher.draw(canvas); qr.draw(canvas); badge.draw(canvas); paint.setARGB(255, 61, 184, 230); canvas.drawRect(30, 30 + 60, pw - 30, 30 + 60 + 5, paint); if (mTimes.getSource().resId != 0) { Drawable source = getResources().getDrawable(mTimes.getSource().resId); h = 65; w = h * source.getIntrinsicWidth() / source.getIntrinsicHeight(); source.setBounds(30, 30 + 65 + 5, 30 + w, 30 + 65 + 5 + h); source.draw(canvas); } paint.setARGB(255, 0, 0, 0); paint.setTextSize(40); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.drawText(getText(R.string.appName).toString(), 30 + 65 + 5, 30 + 50, paint); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); paint.setFakeBoldText(true); canvas.drawText(mTimes.getName(), pw / 2.0f, 30 + 65 + 50, paint); paint.setTextSize(12); int y = 30 + 65 + 5 + 65 + 30; int p = 30; int cw = (pw - p - p) / 7; canvas.drawText(getString(, 30 + (0.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText(Vakit.IMSAK.getString(), 30 + (1.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText(Vakit.GUNES.getString(), 30 + (2.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText(Vakit.OGLE.getString(), 30 + (3.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText(Vakit.IKINDI.getString(), 30 + (4.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText(Vakit.AKSAM.getString(), 30 + (5.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText(Vakit.YATSI.getString(), 30 + (6.5f * cw), y, paint); paint.setFakeBoldText(false); do { y += 20; canvas.drawText((from.toString("dd.MM.yyyy")), 30 + (0.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText((mTimes.getTime(from, 0)), 30 + (1.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText((mTimes.getTime(from, 1)), 30 + (2.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText((mTimes.getTime(from, 2)), 30 + (3.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText((mTimes.getTime(from, 3)), 30 + (4.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText((mTimes.getTime(from, 4)), 30 + (5.5f * cw), y, paint); canvas.drawText((mTimes.getTime(from, 5)), 30 + (6.5f * cw), y, paint); } while (!(from = from.plusDays(1)).isAfter(to)); document.finishPage(page); document.writeTo(outputStream); // close the document document.close(); } else { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), R.string.versionNotSupported, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } Intent shareIntent = new Intent(); shareIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND); shareIntent.setType(csvpdf == 0 ? "text/csv" : "application/pdf"); Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(getActivity(), "com.metinkale.prayer.fileprovider", outputFile); shareIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(shareIntent, getResources().getText(R.string.export))); }
From source
public PdfDocument createDocument() { //create new document PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(); // crate a page description PdfDocument.PageInfo pageInfo = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(A4_WIDTH, A4_HEIGHT, 1).create(); // start a page PdfDocument.Page page = document.startPage(pageInfo); can = page.getCanvas();//w w w .j a v a 2 s . c om Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setStrokeWidth(0.5f); paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); can.drawRect(1, 1, 594, 395, paint); /** * Page one Text Fields */ drawText("Job Reference:", 9, 21, FONT14, carlitoBold); drawText("Date:", 354, 21, FONT14, carlitoBold); drawText("Time:", 473, 21, FONT14, carlitoBold); drawText("Location:", 9, 48, FONT14, carlitoBold); drawText("Task:", 261, 48, FONT14, carlitoBold); paint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 1.5f, 1 }, 0)); can.drawLine(85, 36, 350, 36, paint); can.drawLine(386, 36, 468, 36, paint); can.drawLine(506, 36, 585, 36, paint); can.drawLine(59, 60, 256, 60, paint); can.drawLine(291, 60, 585, 60, paint); if (mEditTextValues[0] != null) { drawText(mEditTextValues[0], 98, 19, FONT14, roboto); } if (mEditTextValues[1] != null) { drawText(mEditTextValues[1], 65, 44, FONT14, roboto); } if (mEditTextValues[2] != null) { drawText(mEditTextValues[2], 297, 44, FONT14, roboto); } drawText(mDateString, 390, 19, FONT14, roboto); drawText(mTimeString, 509, 19, FONT14, roboto); /** * Section One (Stop, step back...) */ drawHeader1(8, 69, 202, "Stop, step back and think", 1); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth(0.35f); paint.setPathEffect(null); int left, top; //draw left boxes left = 177; top = 108; for (int x = 0; x < mCheckBoxSectionOne.size(); x++) { Take5Data.CheckValue isYes = mCheckBoxSectionOne.get(x).getCheckValue(); float topLoc = top + (x * 33); if (x < 1) { //allowing for different 1st row size drawBox(left, topLoc, paint, true, isYes); } else { float newTop = topLoc - 6; if (x < 3) { drawBox(left, newTop, paint, false, isYes); } else { drawBox(left, newTop, paint, true, isYes); } } } DashPathEffect pathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 1, 1.5f }, 0); drawText(mCheckBoxSectionOne.get(0).getHeading(), 13, 113, FONT12, carlitoBold); for (int x = 1; x < mCheckBoxSectionOne.size(); x++) { int height = 132 + ((x - 1) * 33); drawText(mCheckBoxSectionOne.get(x).getHeading(), 13, height, FONT12, carlitoBold); paint.setPathEffect(pathEffect); can.drawLine(10, height - 6, 222, height - 6, paint); paint.setPathEffect(null); } /** * Section Two (Identidy the Hazards...) */ drawHeader1(230, 69, 345, "Identify the hazard(s)", 2); //draw right boxes left = 542; top = 104; for (int x = 0; x < mCheckBoxSectionTwo.size(); x++) { float topLoc = top + (x * 20.7f); Take5Data.CheckValue isYes = mCheckBoxSectionTwo.get(x).getCheckValue(); drawBox(left, topLoc, paint, false, isYes); } for (int x = 0; x < mCheckBoxSectionTwo.size(); x++) { float height = 105 + (x * 20.7f); drawText(mCheckBoxSectionTwo.get(x).getHeading(), 238, height + 3, FONT12, carlitoBold); if (x > 0) { paint.setPathEffect(pathEffect); can.drawLine(238, height - 4, 581, height - 4, paint); paint.setPathEffect(null); } } /** * draw section 3,4,5 (including checkboxes) */ drawSmallCircle(8, 331, "Assess the level of risk", 3); drawSmallCircle(202, 331, "Control the hazards", 4); drawSmallCircle(398, 331, "Proceed safely", 5); /** * Draw Page Two */ int xLoc = 7; int yLoc = 420; int height; int width = 565; int RADIUS = 14; float INNER_RADIUS = 13; int centre = yLoc + 7 + RADIUS; width = xLoc + width; int middle = width - 340; can.drawRect(1, 420, 594, 420 + 395, paint); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); paint.setTypeface(impact); paint.setTextSize(12); can.drawCircle(xLoc + RADIUS, centre, RADIUS, paint); can.drawRect(xLoc + RADIUS, centre - RADIUS, width, centre + RADIUS, paint); can.drawCircle(width, centre, RADIUS, paint); paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); can.drawCircle(xLoc + RADIUS, centre, INNER_RADIUS, paint); can.drawCircle(width, centre, INNER_RADIUS, paint); can.drawRect(middle, centre - INNER_RADIUS, width, centre + INNER_RADIUS, paint); paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); can.drawCircle(middle, centre, RADIUS, paint); paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); can.drawText("SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS)", xLoc + 31, centre + 5, paint); paint.setTextSize(16); paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); can.drawText(String.valueOf(4), xLoc + RADIUS - 4, centre + 6, paint); height = 50; drawText("What are the hazards and risks?", 25, yLoc + height, FONT12, carlitoBold); drawText("Risk\nRating", 267, yLoc + 47, FONT12, carlitoBold); drawText("How will hazards and risks be controlled?", 319, yLoc + height, FONT12, carlitoBold); paint.setPathEffect(pathEffect); can.drawLine(262, yLoc + 45, 262, yLoc + 320, paint); can.drawLine(302, yLoc + 45, 302, yLoc + 320, paint); paint.setPathEffect(null); float currentItemHeight = yLoc + 75; float padding = 5; for (int x = 0; x < mRiskElements.size(); x++) { int textHeight = (int) currentItemHeight; float totalItemHeight = drawRiskElement(textHeight, mRiskElements.get(x)); currentItemHeight += totalItemHeight + padding; } paint.setPathEffect(pathEffect); height = yLoc + 350; drawText("Name/s:", 12, height, FONT12, carlitoBold); drawText(mEditTextValues[3], 55, height - 3, FONT14, roboto); paint.setPathEffect(pathEffect); can.drawLine(50, height + 12, 580, height + 12, paint); paint.setPathEffect(null); height = yLoc + 372; drawText("Signatures:", 12, height, FONT12, carlitoBold); drawText("Date:", 468, height, FONT12, carlitoBold); drawText(mDateString, 497, height - 3, FONT14, roboto); paint.setPathEffect(pathEffect); can.drawLine(60, height + 12, 464, height + 12, paint); can.drawLine(492, height + 12, 580, height + 12, paint); paint.setPathEffect(null); // finish the page document.finishPage(page); int imagePageCount = 2; for (Take5RiskElement risk : mRiskElements) { if (risk.imagePath != null) { // crate a page description PdfDocument.PageInfo pageInfo1 = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(A4_WIDTH, A4_HEIGHT, imagePageCount).create(); PdfDocument.Page imagePage = document.startPage(pageInfo1); Canvas canvas = imagePage.getCanvas(); try { Bitmap original = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(risk.imagePath); Bitmap b = resize(original, canvas.getWidth() - 100, canvas.getHeight() - 100); canvas.drawBitmap(b, 50, 60, new Paint()); // canvas.drawText(risk.getOne(), 50, 40, new Paint()); Path textPath = new Path(); textPath.moveTo(50, 50); textPath.lineTo(canvas.getWidth() - 100, 50); canvas.drawTextOnPath(risk.getOne(), textPath, 0, 0, new Paint()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } document.finishPage(imagePage); imagePageCount++; new File(risk.imagePath).delete(); } } // add more pages return document; }