Example usage for android.graphics Path Path

List of usage examples for android.graphics Path Path


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Path Path.


public Path() 

Source Link


Create an empty path


From source file:com.astuetz.PagerSlidingTabStripCustom.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (isInEditMode() || tabCount == 0) {
        return;/*w w  w  . ja  va 2s .  co m*/

    final int height = getHeight();

    // draw indicator line


    // default: line below current tab
    View currentTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition);
    float lineLeft = currentTab.getLeft();
    float lineRight = currentTab.getRight();

    // if there is an offset, start interpolating left and right coordinates between current and next tab
    if (currentPositionOffset > 0f && currentPosition < tabCount - 1) {

        View nextTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition + 1);
        final float nextTabLeft = nextTab.getLeft();
        final float nextTabRight = nextTab.getRight();

        lineLeft = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabLeft + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineLeft);
        lineRight = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabRight + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineRight);
    canvas.drawRect(lineLeft, height - indicatorHeight, lineRight, height, rectPaint);

    //draw triangle 
    float bianchang = indicatorHeight + 10;
    float x1 = (lineRight + lineLeft) / 2;
    float y1 = height - bianchang;
    float x2 = x1 + bianchang * 2;
    float y2 = y1 + bianchang;
    float x3 = x1 - bianchang * 2;
    float y3 = y1 + bianchang;

    Path path = new Path();
    path.moveTo(x1, y1);
    path.lineTo(x2, y2);
    path.lineTo(x3, y3);
    canvas.drawPath(path, rectPaint);

    // draw underline   tabcontent


    canvas.drawRect(0, height - underlineHeight, tabsContainer.getWidth(), height, rectPaint);

    // draw divider tab

    for (int i = 0; i < tabCount - 1; i++) {
        View tab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(i);
        canvas.drawLine(tab.getRight(), dividerPadding, tab.getRight(), height - dividerPadding, dividerPaint);

From source file:net.networksaremadeofstring.rhybudd.RhybuddDock.java

private void drawGaugeNeedle(Canvas canvas, int count, int Scale) {
    float divisor = 360.0f / Scale;

    canvas.rotate((float) (divisor * count), 100, 100);

    //Inside/*from   w ww  .  j  a  va2  s. co  m*/
    Paint needleInsidePaint = new Paint();

    Paint needleEdgePaint = new Paint();

    canvas.drawOval(new RectF(95, 95, 105, 105), needleInsidePaint);
    canvas.drawOval(new RectF(95, 96, 105, 105), needleEdgePaint);

    Path needleInside = new Path();
    needleInside.moveTo(98, 98);
    needleInside.lineTo(100, 20);
    needleInside.lineTo(102, 102);
    canvas.drawPath(needleInside, needleInsidePaint);

    Path needleEdge = new Path();
    needleInside.moveTo(99, 99);
    needleInside.lineTo(99, 19);
    needleInside.lineTo(103, 103);

    canvas.drawPath(needleEdge, needleEdgePaint);

From source file:com.gx.appstore.lib.PagerSlidingTabStrip.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (isInEditMode() || tabCount == 0) {
        return;/*ww  w  . j a v a 2 s.c om*/

    final int height = getHeight();

    // draw indicator line


    // default: line below current tab
    View currentTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition);
    float lineLeft = currentTab.getLeft();
    float lineRight = currentTab.getRight();

    // if there is an offset, start interpolating left and right coordinates between current and next tab
    if (currentPositionOffset > 0f && currentPosition < tabCount - 1) {

        View nextTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition + 1);
        final float nextTabLeft = nextTab.getLeft();
        final float nextTabRight = nextTab.getRight();

        lineLeft = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabLeft + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineLeft);
        lineRight = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabRight + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineRight);

     x1 = lineLeft+(lineRight-lineLeft)/2;
     y1 = height - indicatorHeight;
     x2 = x1 + triangleWidth/2;
     y2 = height;
     x3 = x1 - triangleWidth/2;
     y3 = height
    Path path = new Path();
    float x1 = lineLeft + (lineRight - lineLeft) / 2;
    float y1 = height - indicatorHeight;

    int triangleWidth = 30;
    float x2 = x1 + triangleWidth / 2;
    float y2 = height;

    float x3 = x1 - triangleWidth / 2;
    float y3 = height;

    path.moveTo(x1, y1);
    path.lineTo(x2, y2);
    path.lineTo(x3, y3);
    path.lineTo(x1, y1);

    //        canvas.drawPath(path, rectPaint);
    canvas.drawRect(lineLeft, height - indicatorHeight, lineRight, height, rectPaint);

    // draw underline

    canvas.drawRect(0, height - underlineHeight, tabsContainer.getWidth(), height, rectPaint);

    // draw divider

    for (int i = 0; i < tabCount - 1; i++) {
        View tab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(i);
        canvas.drawLine(tab.getRight(), dividerPadding, tab.getRight(), height - dividerPadding, dividerPaint);

From source file:wm.xmwei.ui.view.indicator.PagerSlidingTabIndicator.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (isInEditMode() || tabCount == 0) {
        return;// w  w w . ja va2 s.co  m

    final int height = getHeight();
    final int width = getWidth();

    // draw indicator line


    // default: line below current tab
    View currentTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition);
    float lineLeft = currentTab.getLeft();
    float lineRight = currentTab.getRight();

    // if there is an offset, start interpolating left and right coordinates between current and next tab
    if (currentPositionOffset > 0f && currentPosition < tabCount - 1) {

        View nextTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition + 1);
        final float nextTabLeft = nextTab.getLeft();
        final float nextTabRight = nextTab.getRight();

        lineLeft = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabLeft + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineLeft);
        lineRight = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabRight + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineRight);

    /*   canvas.drawRect(lineLeft, height - indicatorHeight, lineRight, height, rectPaint);*/

    float center = (lineLeft + lineRight) / 2;

    // ,??  
    // Path path = new Path();
    //path.moveTo(center,height - indicatorHeight);//   

    BigDecimal a = BigDecimal.valueOf(1.736);
    BigDecimal b = BigDecimal.valueOf(3);
    BigDecimal bigDecimal = a.divide(b, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
    float result = bigDecimal.floatValue() * indicatorHeight;

    //path.lineTo(center-result-2, height);  
    // path.lineTo(center+result+2, height);
    //path.close(); // ??  
    // canvas.drawPath(path, rectPaint);

    Path path2 = new Path();
    path2.moveTo(0, 0);//   
    path2.lineTo(0, height);
    path2.lineTo(center - result - 5, height);
    path2.lineTo(center, height - indicatorHeight);
    path2.lineTo(center + result + 5, height);
    path2.lineTo(tabsContainer.getWidth(), height);
    path2.lineTo(tabsContainer.getWidth(), 0);

    path2.close(); // ??  
    canvas.drawPath(path2, bgPaint);
    // draw underline

    canvas.drawRect(0, height - underlineHeight, tabsContainer.getWidth(), height, rectPaint);*/

    // draw divider

    /*   dividerPaint.setColor(dividerColor);
       for (int i = 0; i < tabCount - 1; i++) {
          View tab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(i);
          canvas.drawLine(tab.getRight(), dividerPadding, tab.getRight(), height - dividerPadding, dividerPaint);

From source file:com.jakewharton.android.viewpagerindicator.TitlePageIndicator.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    //Calculate views bounds
    ArrayList<RectF> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText);

    final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
    final int countMinusOne = count - 1;
    final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f;
    final int left = getLeft();
    final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding;
    final int width = getWidth();
    final int height = getHeight();
    final int right = left + width;
    final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding;

    int page = mCurrentPage;
    float offsetPercent;
    if (mCurrentOffset <= halfWidth) {
        offsetPercent = 1.0f * mCurrentOffset / width;
    } else {//from w  w w  .j  a v a2  s .com
        page += 1;
        offsetPercent = 1.0f * (width - mCurrentOffset) / width;
    final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE;

    //Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen
    RectF curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage);
    float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left;
    if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
        clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left);
    if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
        clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right);

    //Left views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage > 0) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            RectF bound = bounds.get(i);
            //Is left side is outside the screen
            if (bound.left < leftClip) {
                float w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
                clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the right view
                RectF rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    bound.left = rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding;
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
    //Right views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) {
            RectF bound = bounds.get(i);
            //If right side is outside the screen
            if (bound.right > rightClip) {
                float w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
                clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the left view
                RectF leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1);
                if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) {
                    bound.left = leftBound.right + mTitlePadding;
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;

    //Now draw views
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        //Get the title
        RectF bound = bounds.get(i);
        //Only if one side is visible
        if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) {
            final boolean currentPage = (i == page);
            //Only set bold if we are within bounds
            mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText);

            //Draw text as unselected
            canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom, mPaintText);

            //If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent));
                canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom, mPaintText);

    //Draw the footer line
    mPath = new Path();
    mPath.moveTo(0, height - mFooterLineHeight);
    mPath.lineTo(width, height - mFooterLineHeight);
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine);

    switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) {
    case Triangle:
        mPath = new Path();
        mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

    case Underline:
        if (!currentSelected) {

        RectF underlineBounds = bounds.get(page);
        mPath = new Path();
        mPath.moveTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding,
                height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding,
                height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight);

        mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent));
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

From source file:com.androtex.viewpagerindicator.TitlePageIndicator.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    //Calculate views bounds
    ArrayList<RectF> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText);

    final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
    final int countMinusOne = count - 1;
    final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f;
    final int left = getLeft();
    final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding;
    final int width = getWidth();
    final int height = getHeight();
    final int right = left + width;
    final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding;

    int page = mCurrentPage;
    float offsetPercent;
    if (mCurrentOffset <= halfWidth) {
        offsetPercent = 1.0f * mCurrentOffset / width;
    } else {/*w  w w .ja va 2  s. c om*/
        page += 1;
        offsetPercent = 1.0f * (width - mCurrentOffset) / width;
    final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE;

    //Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen
    RectF curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage);
    float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left;
    if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
        clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left);
    if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
        clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right);

    //Left views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage > 0) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            RectF bound = bounds.get(i);
            //Is left side is outside the screen
            if (bound.left < leftClip) {
                float w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
                clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the right view
                RectF rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    bound.left = rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding;
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
    //Right views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) {
            RectF bound = bounds.get(i);
            //If right side is outside the screen
            if (bound.right > rightClip) {
                float w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
                clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the left view
                RectF leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1);
                if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) {
                    bound.left = leftBound.right + mTitlePadding;
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;

    //Now draw views
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        //Get the title
        RectF bound = bounds.get(i);
        //Only if one side is visible
        if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) {
            final boolean currentPage = (i == page);
            //Only set bold if we are within bounds
            mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText);

            //Draw text as unselected
            canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding, mPaintText);

            //If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent));
                canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding, mPaintText);

    //Draw the footer line
    mPath = new Path();
    mPath.moveTo(0, height - mFooterLineHeight / 2f);
    mPath.lineTo(width, height - mFooterLineHeight / 2f);
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine);

    switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) {
    case Triangle:
        mPath = new Path();
        mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

    case Underline:
        if (!currentSelected) {

        RectF underlineBounds = bounds.get(page);
        mPath = new Path();
        mPath.moveTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding,
                height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding,
                height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight);

        mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent));
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

From source file:com.example.SmartBoard.DrawingView.java

public boolean drawPoint(float x, float y, int action, int color, String mode, int brushSize, String clientID) {

    mX = x;//from w  w w. j  a v a  2  s. c  o m
    mY = y;

    Path path = clientPaths.get(clientID);
    if (path == null) {
        path = new Path();
        clientPaths.put(clientID, path);
    drawPathRecv = path;

    setDrawPaintRecv(color, mode, brushSize);
    switch (action) {
    case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
        drawPathRecv.moveTo(x, y);
    case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
        drawPathRecv.lineTo(x, y);
    case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
        drawCanvas.drawPath(drawPathRecv, drawPaintSender);
    case CLEAR_SCREEN:
        //draw nothing

    return true;

From source file:org.florescu.android.rangeseekbar.RangeSeekBar.java

private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    float barHeight;
    int thumbNormal = R.drawable.seek_thumb;
    int thumbPressed = R.drawable.seek_thumb_pressed;
    int thumbDisabled = R.drawable.seek_thumb_disabled;
    int thumbShadowColor;
    int defaultShadowColor = Color.argb(75, 0, 0, 0);
    int defaultShadowYOffset = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context, 2);
    int defaultShadowXOffset = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context, 0);
    int defaultShadowBlur = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context, 2);

    offset = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context, TEXT_LATERAL_PADDING_IN_DP);
    textSeperation = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context, DEFAULT_TEXT_SEPERATION_IN_DP);
    step = DEFAULT_STEP;//www.j  a  v a 2s . c o m
    snapTolerance = DEFAULT_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PERCENT / 100;
    minimumDistance = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_DISTANCE;
    increments = DEFAULT_INCREMENTS;
    incrementRanges = DEFAULT_INCREMENT_RANGES;

    if (attrs == null) {
        rangeType = DEFAULT_RANGE_TYPE;
        mInternalPad = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context, INITIAL_PADDING_IN_DP);
        barHeight = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context, LINE_HEIGHT_IN_DP);
        mActiveColor = ACTIVE_COLOR;
        mDefaultColor = Color.parseColor("#e5e8eb");
        mAlwaysActive = true;
        mShowTextAboveThumbs = true;
        mTextAboveThumbsColor = Color.WHITE;
        thumbShadowColor = defaultShadowColor;
        mThumbShadowXOffset = defaultShadowXOffset;
        mThumbShadowYOffset = defaultShadowYOffset;
        mThumbShadowBlur = defaultShadowBlur;
        mActivateOnDefaultValues = true;
    } else {
        TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.RangeSeekBar, 0, 0);
        try {
            switch (a.getInt(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_rangeType, 0)) {
            case 0:
                rangeType = RangeType.LINEAR;
            case 1:
                rangeType = RangeType.PREDEFINED;
            case 2:
                rangeType = RangeType.CUBIC;
                rangeType = RangeType.LINEAR;
                    extractNumericValueFromAttributes(a, R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_absoluteMinValue,
                    extractNumericValueFromAttributes(a, R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_absoluteMaxValue,
            mShowTextAboveThumbs = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_valuesAboveThumbs, true);
            mTextAboveThumbsColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_textAboveThumbsColor, Color.WHITE);
            mSingleThumb = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_singleThumb, false);
            mShowLabels = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_showLabels, true);
            mInternalPad = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context,
                    a.getInt(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_internalPadding, INITIAL_PADDING_IN_DP));
            barHeight = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context,
                    a.getInt(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_barHeight, LINE_HEIGHT_IN_DP));
            mActiveColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_activeColor, ACTIVE_COLOR);
            mDefaultColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_defaultColor, Color.parseColor("#e5e8eb"));
            mAlwaysActive = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_alwaysActive, true);
            customMinValueLabel = a.getString(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_minValueLabel);
            customMaxValueLabel = a.getString(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_maxValueLabel);

            Drawable normalDrawable = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_thumbNormal);
            if (normalDrawable != null) {
                thumbImage = BitmapUtil.drawableToBitmap(normalDrawable);
            Drawable disabledDrawable = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_thumbDisabled);
            if (disabledDrawable != null) {
                thumbDisabledImage = BitmapUtil.drawableToBitmap(disabledDrawable);
            Drawable pressedDrawable = a.getDrawable(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_thumbPressed);
            if (pressedDrawable != null) {
                thumbPressedImage = BitmapUtil.drawableToBitmap(pressedDrawable);
            mThumbShadow = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_thumbShadow, false);
            thumbShadowColor = a.getColor(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_thumbShadowColor, defaultShadowColor);
            mThumbShadowXOffset = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_thumbShadowXOffset,
            mThumbShadowYOffset = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_thumbShadowYOffset,
            mThumbShadowBlur = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_thumbShadowBlur,

            mActivateOnDefaultValues = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.RangeSeekBar_activateOnDefaultValues, true);
        } finally {

    Resources resources = getResources();
    int px = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 18, resources.getDisplayMetrics());

    if (thumbImage == null) {
        thumbImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(px, px, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        Drawable thumbDrawableNormal = getResources().getDrawable(thumbNormal);
        thumbDrawableNormal.setBounds(0, 0, px, px);
        thumbDrawableNormal.draw(new Canvas(thumbImage));
    if (thumbPressedImage == null) {
        Drawable thumbDrawablePressed = getResources().getDrawable(thumbPressed);
        thumbDrawablePressed.setBounds(0, 0, px, px);
        thumbPressedImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(px, px, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        thumbDrawablePressed.draw(new Canvas(thumbPressedImage));
    if (thumbDisabledImage == null) {
        Drawable thumbDrawableDisabled = getResources().getDrawable(thumbDisabled);
        thumbDrawableDisabled.setBounds(0, 0, px, px);
        thumbDisabledImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(px, px, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        thumbDrawableDisabled.draw(new Canvas(thumbDisabledImage));

    mThumbHalfWidth = 0.5f * thumbImage.getWidth();
    mThumbHalfHeight = 0.5f * thumbImage.getHeight();


    mTextSize = PixelUtil.spToPx(context, DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE_IN_SP);
    mDistanceToTop = PixelUtil.dpToPx(context, DEFAULT_TEXT_DISTANCE_TO_TOP_IN_DP);
    mTextOffset = !mShowTextAboveThumbs ? 0
            : this.mTextSize + PixelUtil.dpToPx(context, DEFAULT_TEXT_DISTANCE_TO_BUTTON_IN_DP)
                    + this.mDistanceToTop;

    mRect = new RectF(padding, mTextOffset + mThumbHalfHeight - barHeight / 2, getWidth() - padding,
            mTextOffset + mThumbHalfHeight + barHeight / 2);

    // make RangeSeekBar focusable. This solves focus handling issues in case EditText widgets are being used along with the RangeSeekBar within ScrollViews.
    mScaledTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()).getScaledTouchSlop();

    if (mThumbShadow) {
        // We need to remove hardware acceleration in order to blur the shadow
        setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null);
        shadowPaint.setMaskFilter(new BlurMaskFilter(mThumbShadowBlur, BlurMaskFilter.Blur.NORMAL));
        mThumbShadowPath = new Path();
        mThumbShadowPath.addCircle(0, 0, mThumbHalfHeight, Path.Direction.CW);

From source file:org.onebusaway.android.map.googlemapsv2.StopOverlay.java

 * Creates a bus stop icon with the given direction arrow, or without a direction arrow if
 * the direction is NO_DIRECTION// www.jav  a 2 s .  c o m
 * @param direction Bus stop direction, obtained from ObaStop.getDirection() and defined in
 *                  constants in this class, or NO_DIRECTION if the stop icon shouldn't have a
 *                  direction arrow
 * @return a bus stop icon bitmap with the arrow pointing the given direction, or with no arrow
 * if direction is NO_DIRECTION
private static Bitmap createBusStopIcon(String direction) throws NullPointerException {
    if (direction == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(direction);

    Resources r = Application.get().getResources();
    Context context = Application.get();

    Float directionAngle = null; // 0-360 degrees
    Bitmap bm;
    Canvas c;
    Drawable shape;
    Float rotationX = null, rotationY = null; // Point around which to rotate the arrow

    Paint arrowPaintFill = new Paint();

    if (direction.equals(NO_DIRECTION)) {
        // Don't draw the arrow
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(mPx, mPx, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
    } else if (direction.equals(NORTH)) {
        directionAngle = 0f;
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(mPx, (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, (int) mBuffer, mPx, bm.getHeight());
        // Shade with darkest color at tip of arrow
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth() / 2, 0, bm.getWidth() / 2, mArrowHeightPx,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // For NORTH, no rotation occurs - use center of image anyway so we have some value
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(NORTH_WEST)) {
        directionAngle = 315f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 315 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds((int) mBuffer, (int) mBuffer, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
        // Shade with darkest color at tip of arrow
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, 0, mBuffer, mBuffer, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary),
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // Rotate around below coordinates (trial and error)
        rotationX = mPx / 2f + mBuffer / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f - mBuffer / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(WEST)) {
        directionAngle = 0f; // Arrow is drawn pointing West, so no rotation
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), mPx, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds((int) mBuffer, 0, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, bm.getHeight() / 2, mArrowHeightPx, bm.getHeight() / 2,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // For WEST
        rotationX = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(SOUTH_WEST)) {
        directionAngle = 225f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 225 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds((int) mBuffer, 0, bm.getWidth(), mPx);
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, bm.getHeight(), mBuffer, bm.getHeight() - mBuffer,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // Rotate around below coordinates (trial and error)
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f - mBuffer / 4f;
        rotationY = mPx / 2f + mBuffer / 4f;
    } else if (direction.equals(SOUTH)) {
        directionAngle = 180f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 180 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(mPx, (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, bm.getWidth(), (int) (bm.getHeight() - mBuffer));
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth() / 2, bm.getHeight(), bm.getWidth() / 2,
                bm.getHeight() - mArrowHeightPx, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary),
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(SOUTH_EAST)) {
        directionAngle = 135f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 135 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, mPx, mPx);
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight(), bm.getWidth() - mBuffer,
                bm.getHeight() - mBuffer, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent),
        // Rotate around below coordinates (trial and error)
        rotationX = (mPx + mBuffer / 2) / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(EAST)) {
        directionAngle = 180f; // Arrow is drawn pointing West, so rotate 180
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), mPx, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, mPx, bm.getHeight());
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight() / 2,
                bm.getWidth() - mArrowHeightPx, bm.getHeight() / 2, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary),
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(NORTH_EAST)) {
        directionAngle = 45f; // Arrow is drawn pointing N, so rotate 45 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, (int) mBuffer, mPx, bm.getHeight());
        // Shade with darkest color at tip of arrow
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth(), 0, bm.getWidth() - mBuffer, mBuffer,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // Rotate around middle of circle
        rotationX = (float) mPx / 2;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() - (float) mPx / 2;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(direction);


    if (direction.equals(NO_DIRECTION)) {
        // Everything after this point is for drawing the arrow image, so return the bitmap as-is for no arrow
        return bm;

     * Draw the arrow - all dimensions should be relative to px so the arrow is drawn the same
     * size for all orientations
    // Height of the cutout in the bottom of the triangle that makes it an arrow (0=triangle)
    final float CUTOUT_HEIGHT = mPx / 12;
    Path path = new Path();
    float x1 = 0, y1 = 0; // Tip of arrow
    float x2 = 0, y2 = 0; // lower left
    float x3 = 0, y3 = 0; // cutout in arrow bottom
    float x4 = 0, y4 = 0; // lower right

    if (direction.equals(NORTH) || direction.equals(SOUTH) || direction.equals(NORTH_EAST)
            || direction.equals(SOUTH_EAST) || direction.equals(NORTH_WEST) || direction.equals(SOUTH_WEST)) {
        // Arrow is drawn pointing NORTH
        // Tip of arrow
        x1 = mPx / 2;
        y1 = 0;

        // lower left
        x2 = (mPx / 2) - (mArrowWidthPx / 2);
        y2 = mArrowHeightPx;

        // cutout in arrow bottom
        x3 = mPx / 2;
        y3 = mArrowHeightPx - CUTOUT_HEIGHT;

        // lower right
        x4 = (mPx / 2) + (mArrowWidthPx / 2);
        y4 = mArrowHeightPx;
    } else if (direction.equals(EAST) || direction.equals(WEST)) {
        // Arrow is drawn pointing WEST
        // Tip of arrow
        x1 = 0;
        y1 = mPx / 2;

        // lower left
        x2 = mArrowHeightPx;
        y2 = (mPx / 2) - (mArrowWidthPx / 2);

        // cutout in arrow bottom
        x3 = mArrowHeightPx - CUTOUT_HEIGHT;
        y3 = mPx / 2;

        // lower right
        x4 = mArrowHeightPx;
        y4 = (mPx / 2) + (mArrowWidthPx / 2);

    path.moveTo(x1, y1);
    path.lineTo(x2, y2);
    path.lineTo(x3, y3);
    path.lineTo(x4, y4);
    path.lineTo(x1, y1);

    // Rotate arrow around (rotationX, rotationY) point
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.postRotate(directionAngle, rotationX, rotationY);

    c.drawPath(path, arrowPaintFill);
    c.drawPath(path, mArrowPaintStroke);

    return bm;

From source file:com.viewpagerindicator.TitlePageIndicatorEx1.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    //Calculate views bounds
    ArrayList<RectF> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText);

    final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
    final int countMinusOne = count - 1;
    final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f;
    final int left = getLeft();
    final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding;
    final int width = getWidth();
    final int height = getHeight();
    final int right = left + width;
    final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding;

    int page = mCurrentPage;
    //        int page = mSelectedPage;
    float offsetPercent;
    //        Log.d("xx", "page: "+mCurrentPage+", offset: "+mCurrentOffset+", halfwidth: "+halfWidth);

    if (mCurrentOffset <= halfWidth) {
        offsetPercent = 1.0f * mCurrentOffset / width;
    } else {/* w  w  w. ja  v  a  2s  . c o m*/
        page += 1;
        offsetPercent = 1.0f * (width - mCurrentOffset) / width;
    final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE;

    //Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen
    RectF curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage);
    float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left;
    //        if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) {
    //            //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
    //            clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left);
    //        }
    //        if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) {
    //            //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
    //            clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right);
    //        }
    //        //Left views starting from the current position
    //        if (mCurrentPage > 0) {
    //            for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    //                RectF bound = bounds.get(i);
    //                //Is left side is outside the screen
    //                if (bound.left < leftClip) {
    //                    float w = bound.right - bound.left;
    //                    //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
    //                    clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left);
    //                    //Except if there's an intersection with the right view
    //                    RectF rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
    //                    //Intersection
    //                    if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
    //                        bound.left = rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding;
    //                        bound.right = bound.left + w;
    //                    }
    //                }
    //            }
    //        }
    //        //Right views starting from the current position
    //        if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) {
    //            for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1 ; i < count; i++) {
    //                RectF bound = bounds.get(i);
    //                //If right side is outside the screen
    //                if (bound.right > rightClip) {
    //                    float w = bound.right - bound.left;
    //                    //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
    //                    clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right);
    //                    //Except if there's an intersection with the left view
    //                    RectF leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1);
    //                    //Intersection
    //                    if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) {
    //                        bound.left = leftBound.right + mTitlePadding;
    //                        bound.right = bound.left + w;
    //                    }
    //                }
    //            }
    //        }

    //Now draw views
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        //Get the title
        RectF bound = bounds.get(i);
        //Only if one side is visible
        if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) {
            final boolean currentPage = (i == page);
            //Only set bold if we are within bounds
            mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText);

            //Draw text as unselected
            canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding, mPaintText);

            //If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent));
                canvas.drawText(mTitleProvider.getTitle(i), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding, mPaintText);


    //Draw the footer line
    mPath = new Path();
    mPath.moveTo(0, height - mFooterLineHeight / 2f);
    mPath.lineTo(width, height - mFooterLineHeight / 2f);
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine);

    switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) {
    case Triangle:
        mPath = new Path();
        mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - mFooterIndicatorHeight, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

    case Underline:
        if (!currentSelected) {

        RectF underlineBounds = bounds.get(page);
        mPath = new Path();
        mPath.moveTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding, height - mFooterLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding,
                height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding,
                height - mFooterLineHeight - mFooterIndicatorHeight);

        //                mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int)(0xFF * selectedPercent));
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);
        //                mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha(0xFF);