Example usage for android.graphics Path moveTo

List of usage examples for android.graphics Path moveTo


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Path moveTo.


public void moveTo(float x, float y) 

Source Link


Set the beginning of the next contour to the point (x,y).


From source file:android.support.transition.ArcMotion.java

public Path getPath(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY) {
    // Here's a little ascii art to show how this is calculated:
    // c---------- b
    //  \        / |
    //    \     d  |
    //      \  /   e
    //        a----f
    // This diagram assumes that the horizontal distance is less than the vertical
    // distance between The start point (a) and end point (b).
    // d is the midpoint between a and b. c is the center point of the circle with
    // This path is formed by assuming that start and end points are in
    // an arc on a circle. The end point is centered in the circle vertically
    // and start is a point on the circle.

    // Triangles bfa and bde form similar right triangles. The control points
    // for the cubic Bezier arc path are the midpoints between a and e and e and b.

    Path path = new Path();
    path.moveTo(startX, startY);

    float ex;/*w ww  .j a v a 2 s  .  c  o m*/
    float ey;
    float deltaX = endX - startX;
    float deltaY = endY - startY;

    // hypotenuse squared.
    float h2 = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;

    // Midpoint between start and end
    float dx = (startX + endX) / 2;
    float dy = (startY + endY) / 2;

    // Distance squared between end point and mid point is (1/2 hypotenuse)^2
    float midDist2 = h2 * 0.25f;

    float minimumArcDist2;

    boolean isMovingUpwards = startY > endY;

    if ((Math.abs(deltaX) < Math.abs(deltaY))) {
        // Similar triangles bfa and bde mean that (ab/fb = eb/bd)
        // Therefore, eb = ab * bd / fb
        // ab = hypotenuse
        // bd = hypotenuse/2
        // fb = deltaY
        float eDistY = Math.abs(h2 / (2 * deltaY));
        if (isMovingUpwards) {
            ey = endY + eDistY;
            ex = endX;
        } else {
            ey = startY + eDistY;
            ex = startX;

        minimumArcDist2 = midDist2 * mMinimumVerticalTangent * mMinimumVerticalTangent;
    } else {
        // Same as above, but flip X & Y and account for negative eDist
        float eDistX = h2 / (2 * deltaX);
        if (isMovingUpwards) {
            ex = startX + eDistX;
            ey = startY;
        } else {
            ex = endX - eDistX;
            ey = endY;

        minimumArcDist2 = midDist2 * mMinimumHorizontalTangent * mMinimumHorizontalTangent;
    float arcDistX = dx - ex;
    float arcDistY = dy - ey;
    float arcDist2 = arcDistX * arcDistX + arcDistY * arcDistY;

    float maximumArcDist2 = midDist2 * mMaximumTangent * mMaximumTangent;

    float newArcDistance2 = 0;
    if (arcDist2 < minimumArcDist2) {
        newArcDistance2 = minimumArcDist2;
    } else if (arcDist2 > maximumArcDist2) {
        newArcDistance2 = maximumArcDist2;
    if (newArcDistance2 != 0) {
        float ratio2 = newArcDistance2 / arcDist2;
        float ratio = (float) Math.sqrt(ratio2);
        ex = dx + (ratio * (ex - dx));
        ey = dy + (ratio * (ey - dy));
    float control1X = (startX + ex) / 2;
    float control1Y = (startY + ey) / 2;
    float control2X = (ex + endX) / 2;
    float control2Y = (ey + endY) / 2;
    path.cubicTo(control1X, control1Y, control2X, control2Y, endX, endY);
    return path;

From source file:com.github.jokar.rxupload.widget.ProgressDownloadView.java

private void makePathWhite() {

    if (mPathWhite == null) {
        mPathWhite = new Path();
    }//from w  w  w . j av  a 2s.  c  o  m

    Path p = new Path();
    p.moveTo(getPaddingLeft(), mHeight / 2);
    p.lineTo(Math.max(getPaddingLeft(), mProgress * mWidth / 100), mHeight / 2 + calculateDeltaY());


From source file:com.github.jokar.rxupload.widget.ProgressDownloadView.java

 * MARK: Update drawings/*from   w  w  w.j ava 2 s . c  om*/

private void makePathBlack() {

    if (mPathBlack == null) {
        mPathBlack = new Path();

    Path p = new Path();
    p.moveTo(Math.max(getPaddingLeft(), mProgress * mWidth / 100), mHeight / 2 + calculateDeltaY());
    p.lineTo(mWidth, mHeight / 2);


From source file:com.frapim.windwatch.Notifier.java

private Path getArrowPath(float degrees) {
    Path path = new Path();
    int leftX = (mBigIconSize / 2) - (mArrowWidth / 2);
    int leftHeadX = leftX - mArrowWidth;
    int rightX = (mBigIconSize / 2) + (mArrowWidth / 2);
    int rightHeadX = rightX + mArrowWidth;
    path.moveTo(leftX, mArrowHeight); // bottom left
    path.lineTo(leftX, mArrowHeadHeight); // left, arrow head start
    path.lineTo(leftHeadX, mArrowHeadHeight); //  left, arrow head end 
    path.lineTo(mBigIconSize / 2, 0); // top
    path.lineTo(rightHeadX, mArrowHeadHeight); // right, arrow head end
    path.lineTo(rightX, mArrowHeadHeight); // right, arrow head start
    path.lineTo(rightX, mArrowHeight); // bottom right
    path.lineTo(leftX, mArrowHeight); // bottom left
    path.close();// www . ja  v  a  2 s.com
    Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix();
    translateMatrix.postTranslate(0, 30);
    RectF bounds = new RectF();
    path.computeBounds(bounds, true);
    Matrix rotateMatrix = new Matrix();
    rotateMatrix.postRotate(degrees, (bounds.right + bounds.left) / 2, (bounds.bottom + bounds.top) / 2);
    return path;

From source file:com.github.jokar.rxupload.widget.ProgressDownloadView.java

private void makePathBubble() {

    if (mPathBubble == null) {
        mPathBubble = new Path();
    }/*  ww  w . ja v  a 2  s .  c  o m*/

    int width = mBubbleWidth;
    int height = mBubbleHeight;
    int arrowWidth = width / 3;

    //Rect r = new Rect(Math.max(getPaddingLeft()-width/2-arrowWidth/4, mProgress*mWidth/100-width/2-arrowWidth/4), mHeight/2-height + calculatedeltaY(), Math.max(getPaddingLeft()+width/2-arrowWidth/4, mProgress*mWidth/100+width/2-arrowWidth/4), mHeight/2+height-height + calculatedeltaY());
    Rect r = new Rect((int) (Math.max(getPaddingLeft() - width / 2, mProgress * mWidth / 100 - width / 2)),
            (int) (mHeight / 2 - height + calculateDeltaY()),
            (int) (Math.max(getPaddingLeft() + width / 2, mProgress * mWidth / 100 + width / 2)),
            (int) (mHeight / 2 + height - height + calculateDeltaY()));
    int arrowHeight = (int) (arrowWidth / 1.5f);
    int radius = 8;

    Path path = new Path();

    // Down arrow
    path.moveTo(r.left + r.width() / 2 - arrowWidth / 2, r.top + r.height() - arrowHeight);
    bubbleAnchorX = r.left + r.width() / 2;
    bubbleAnchorY = r.top + r.height();
    path.lineTo(bubbleAnchorX, bubbleAnchorY);
    path.lineTo(r.left + r.width() / 2 + arrowWidth / 2, r.top + r.height() - arrowHeight);

    // Go to bottom-right
    path.lineTo(r.left + r.width() - radius, r.top + r.height() - arrowHeight);

    // Bottom-right arc
    path.arcTo(new RectF(r.left + r.width() - 2 * radius, r.top + r.height() - arrowHeight - 2 * radius,
            r.left + r.width(), r.top + r.height() - arrowHeight), 90, -90);

    // Go to upper-right
    path.lineTo(r.left + r.width(), r.top + arrowHeight);

    // Upper-right arc
    path.arcTo(new RectF(r.left + r.width() - 2 * radius, r.top, r.right, r.top + 2 * radius), 0, -90);

    // Go to upper-left
    path.lineTo(r.left + radius, r.top);

    // Upper-left arc
    path.arcTo(new RectF(r.left, r.top, r.left + 2 * radius, r.top + 2 * radius), 270, -90);

    // Go to bottom-left
    path.lineTo(r.left, r.top + r.height() - arrowHeight - radius);

    // Bottom-left arc
    path.arcTo(new RectF(r.left, r.top + r.height() - arrowHeight - 2 * radius, r.left + 2 * radius,
            r.top + r.height() - arrowHeight), 180, -90);



From source file:chrisrenke.drawerarrowdrawable.DrawerArrowDrawable.java

public DrawerArrowDrawable(Resources resources, boolean rounded) {
    this.rounded = rounded;
    float density = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density;
    float strokeWidthPixel = STROKE_WIDTH_DP * density;
    halfStrokeWidthPixel = strokeWidthPixel / 2;

    linePaint = new Paint(SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG | ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    linePaint.setStrokeCap(rounded ? ROUND : BUTT);
    linePaint.setColor(BLACK);/*from w w w  . j a  v a 2 s  . com*/

    int dimen = (int) (DIMEN_DP * density);
    bounds = new Rect(0, 0, dimen, dimen);

    Path first, second;
    JoinedPath joinedA, joinedB;

    // Top
    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(5.042f, 20f);
    first.rCubicTo(8.125f, -16.317f, 39.753f, -27.851f, 55.49f, -2.765f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(60.531f, 17.235f);
    second.rCubicTo(11.301f, 18.015f, -3.699f, 46.083f, -23.725f, 43.456f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedA = new JoinedPath(first, second);

    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(64.959f, 20f);
    first.rCubicTo(4.457f, 16.75f, 1.512f, 37.982f, -22.557f, 42.699f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(42.402f, 62.699f);
    second.cubicTo(18.333f, 67.418f, 8.807f, 45.646f, 8.807f, 32.823f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedB = new JoinedPath(first, second);
    topLine = new BridgingLine(joinedA, joinedB);

    // Middle
    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(5.042f, 35f);
    first.cubicTo(5.042f, 20.333f, 18.625f, 6.791f, 35f, 6.791f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(35f, 6.791f);
    second.rCubicTo(16.083f, 0f, 26.853f, 16.702f, 26.853f, 28.209f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedA = new JoinedPath(first, second);

    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(64.959f, 35f);
    first.rCubicTo(0f, 10.926f, -8.709f, 26.416f, -29.958f, 26.416f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(35f, 61.416f);
    second.rCubicTo(-7.5f, 0f, -23.946f, -8.211f, -23.946f, -26.416f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedB = new JoinedPath(first, second);
    middleLine = new BridgingLine(joinedA, joinedB);

    // Bottom
    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(5.042f, 50f);
    first.cubicTo(2.5f, 43.312f, 0.013f, 26.546f, 9.475f, 17.346f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(9.475f, 17.346f);
    second.rCubicTo(9.462f, -9.2f, 24.188f, -10.353f, 27.326f, -8.245f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedA = new JoinedPath(first, second);

    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(64.959f, 50f);
    first.rCubicTo(-7.021f, 10.08f, -20.584f, 19.699f, -37.361f, 12.74f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(27.598f, 62.699f);
    second.rCubicTo(-15.723f, -6.521f, -18.8f, -23.543f, -18.8f, -25.642f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedB = new JoinedPath(first, second);
    bottomLine = new BridgingLine(joinedA, joinedB);

From source file:com.xueyu.view.DrawerArrowDrawable.java

public DrawerArrowDrawable(Resources resources, boolean rounded) {
    this.rounded = rounded;
    float density = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density;
    float strokeWidthPixel = STROKE_WIDTH_DP * density;
    halfStrokeWidthPixel = strokeWidthPixel / 2;

    linePaint = new Paint(SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG | ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    linePaint.setStrokeCap(rounded ? ROUND : BUTT);
    linePaint.setColor(R.color.white);//  www . j a  va  2  s  .  co m

    int dimen = (int) (DIMEN_DP * density);
    bounds = new Rect(0, 0, dimen, dimen);

    Path first, second;
    JoinedPath joinedA, joinedB;

    // Top
    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(5.042f, 20f);
    first.rCubicTo(8.125f, -16.317f, 39.753f, -27.851f, 55.49f, -2.765f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(60.531f, 17.235f);
    second.rCubicTo(11.301f, 18.015f, -3.699f, 46.083f, -23.725f, 43.456f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedA = new JoinedPath(first, second);

    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(64.959f, 20f);
    first.rCubicTo(4.457f, 16.75f, 1.512f, 37.982f, -22.557f, 42.699f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(42.402f, 62.699f);
    second.cubicTo(18.333f, 67.418f, 8.807f, 45.646f, 8.807f, 32.823f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedB = new JoinedPath(first, second);
    topLine = new BridgingLine(joinedA, joinedB);

    // Middle
    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(5.042f, 35f);
    first.cubicTo(5.042f, 20.333f, 18.625f, 6.791f, 35f, 6.791f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(35f, 6.791f);
    second.rCubicTo(16.083f, 0f, 26.853f, 16.702f, 26.853f, 28.209f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedA = new JoinedPath(first, second);

    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(64.959f, 35f);
    first.rCubicTo(0f, 10.926f, -8.709f, 26.416f, -29.958f, 26.416f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(35f, 61.416f);
    second.rCubicTo(-7.5f, 0f, -23.946f, -8.211f, -23.946f, -26.416f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedB = new JoinedPath(first, second);
    middleLine = new BridgingLine(joinedA, joinedB);

    // Bottom
    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(5.042f, 50f);
    first.cubicTo(2.5f, 43.312f, 0.013f, 26.546f, 9.475f, 17.346f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(9.475f, 17.346f);
    second.rCubicTo(9.462f, -9.2f, 24.188f, -10.353f, 27.326f, -8.245f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedA = new JoinedPath(first, second);

    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(64.959f, 50f);
    first.rCubicTo(-7.021f, 10.08f, -20.584f, 19.699f, -37.361f, 12.74f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(27.598f, 62.699f);
    second.rCubicTo(-15.723f, -6.521f, -18.8f, -23.543f, -18.8f, -25.642f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedB = new JoinedPath(first, second);
    bottomLine = new BridgingLine(joinedA, joinedB);

From source file:com.example.nouri.playground.drawable.ArrowDrawable.java

public ArrowDrawable(Resources resources, boolean rounded) {
    this.rounded = rounded;
    float density = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density;
    float strokeWidthPixel = STROKE_WIDTH_DP * density;
    halfStrokeWidthPixel = strokeWidthPixel / 2;

    linePaint = new Paint(SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG | ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    linePaint.setStrokeCap(rounded ? ROUND : BUTT);
    linePaint.setColor(BLACK);/*w  w w  .  j  a va 2  s.  c  o m*/

    int dimen = (int) (DIMEN_DP * density);
    bounds = new Rect(0, 0, dimen, dimen);

    Path first, second;
    JoinedPath joinedA, joinedB;

    // Top
    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(5.042f, 20f);
    first.rCubicTo(8.125f, -16.317f, 39.753f, -27.851f, 55.49f, -2.765f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(60.531f, 17.235f);
    second.rCubicTo(11.301f, 18.015f, -3.699f, 46.083f, -23.725f, 43.456f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedA = new JoinedPath(first, second);

    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(64.959f, 20f);
    first.rCubicTo(4.457f, 16.75f, 1.512f, 37.982f, -22.557f, 42.699f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(42.402f, 62.699f);
    second.cubicTo(18.333f, 67.418f, 8.807f, 45.646f, 8.807f, 32.823f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedB = new JoinedPath(first, second);
    topLine = new BridgingLine(joinedA, joinedB);

    // Middle
    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(5.042f, 35f);
    first.cubicTo(5.042f, 20.333f, 18.625f, 6.791f, 35f, 6.791f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(35f, 6.791f);
    second.rCubicTo(16.083f, 0f, 26.853f, 16.702f, 26.853f, 28.209f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedA = new JoinedPath(first, second);

    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(64.959f, 35f);
    first.rCubicTo(0f, 10.926f, -8.709f, 26.416f, -29.958f, 26.416f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(35f, 61.416f);
    second.rCubicTo(-7.5f, 0f, -23.946f, -8.211f, -23.946f, -26.416f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedB = new JoinedPath(first, second);
    middleLine = new BridgingLine(joinedA, joinedB);

    // Bottom
    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(5.042f, 50f);
    first.cubicTo(2.5f, 43.312f, 0.013f, 26.546f, 9.475f, 17.346f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(9.475f, 17.346f);
    second.rCubicTo(9.462f, -9.2f, 24.188f, -10.353f, 27.326f, -8.245f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedA = new JoinedPath(first, second);

    first = new Path();
    first.moveTo(64.959f, 50f);
    first.rCubicTo(-7.021f, 10.08f, -20.584f, 19.699f, -37.361f, 12.74f);
    second = new Path();
    second.moveTo(27.598f, 62.699f);
    second.rCubicTo(-15.723f, -6.521f, -18.8f, -23.543f, -18.8f, -25.642f);
    scalePath(first, density);
    scalePath(second, density);
    joinedB = new JoinedPath(first, second);
    bottomLine = new BridgingLine(joinedA, joinedB);

From source file:net.networksaremadeofstring.rhybudd.RhybuddDock.java

private void drawGaugeNeedle(Canvas canvas, int count, int Scale) {
    float divisor = 360.0f / Scale;

    canvas.rotate((float) (divisor * count), 100, 100);

    //Inside/*ww  w .j  a  va  2  s. c o  m*/
    Paint needleInsidePaint = new Paint();

    Paint needleEdgePaint = new Paint();

    canvas.drawOval(new RectF(95, 95, 105, 105), needleInsidePaint);
    canvas.drawOval(new RectF(95, 96, 105, 105), needleEdgePaint);

    Path needleInside = new Path();
    needleInside.moveTo(98, 98);
    needleInside.lineTo(100, 20);
    needleInside.lineTo(102, 102);
    canvas.drawPath(needleInside, needleInsidePaint);

    Path needleEdge = new Path();
    needleInside.moveTo(99, 99);
    needleInside.lineTo(99, 19);
    needleInside.lineTo(103, 103);

    canvas.drawPath(needleEdge, needleEdgePaint);

From source file:com.semfapp.adamdilger.semf.Take5PdfDocument.java

 * Draw checkbox/*from   w  w  w.  ja va 2 s.co  m*/
 * @param xLoc left location
 * @param yLoc top location
 * @param paint Paint object
private void drawCheck(float xLoc, float yLoc, Paint paint) {
    float x1[] = { 2.3f, 6f, 11.5f };
    float y1[] = { 8f, 11f, 2.2f };
    Path path = new Path();
    path.moveTo(xLoc + x1[0], yLoc + y1[0]);
    path.lineTo(xLoc + x1[1], yLoc + y1[1]);
    path.lineTo(xLoc + x1[2], yLoc + y1[2]);
    can.drawPath(path, paint);