List of usage examples for Paint setTextSize
public void setTextSize(float textSize)
From source
/** * Applies the specified text appearance resource to a paint, returning the * text color if one is set in the text appearance. * * @param p the paint to modify//from w w w.j a v a 2 s . co m * @param resId the resource ID of the text appearance * @return the text color, if available */ private ColorStateList applyTextAppearance(Paint p, int resId) { final TypedArray ta = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(null, R.styleable.TextAppearance, 0, resId); final String fontFamily = ta.getString(R.styleable.TextAppearance_android_fontFamily); if (fontFamily != null) { p.setTypeface(Typeface.create(fontFamily, 0)); } p.setTextSize(ta.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.TextAppearance_android_textSize, (int) p.getTextSize())); final ColorStateList textColor = ta.getColorStateList(R.styleable.TextAppearance_android_textColor); if (textColor != null) { final int enabledColor = textColor.getColorForState(ENABLED_STATE_SET, 0); p.setColor(enabledColor); } ta.recycle(); return textColor; }
From source
/** * Calculates the height of a given string at a specific text size. */// ww w .j a v a 2 s .c o m public static int calculateTextHeight(float textSizePx) { Paint p = new Paint(); p.setTextSize(textSizePx); Paint.FontMetrics fm = p.getFontMetrics(); return (int) Math.ceil(fm.bottom -; }
From source
private void init() { mSolidColor = 0;// w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m mSelectionDivider = new ColorDrawable(ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), R.color.colorAccent) & 0x00ffffff | (0x9f << 24)) /*getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.numberpicker_selection_divider)*/; mSelectionDividerHeight = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, UNSCALED_DEFAULT_SELECTION_DIVIDER_HEIGHT, getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); mSelectionDividersDistance = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, UNSCALED_DEFAULT_SELECTION_DIVIDERS_DISTANCE, getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); mMinHeight = SIZE_UNSPECIFIED; mMaxHeight = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 180, getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); if (mMinHeight != SIZE_UNSPECIFIED && mMaxHeight != SIZE_UNSPECIFIED && mMinHeight > mMaxHeight) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minHeight > maxHeight"); } mMinWidth = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 64, getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); mMaxWidth = SIZE_UNSPECIFIED; if (mMinWidth != SIZE_UNSPECIFIED && mMaxWidth != SIZE_UNSPECIFIED && mMinWidth > mMaxWidth) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minWidth > maxWidth"); } mComputeMaxWidth = (mMaxWidth == SIZE_UNSPECIFIED); mVirtualButtonPressedDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.item_background_holo_light); mPressedStateHelper = new PressedStateHelper(); setWillNotDraw(false); mInputText = new TextView(getContext()); addView(mInputText); mInputText.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mInputText.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER); mInputText.setSingleLine(true); mInputText.setBackgroundResource(0); mInputText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 18); ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()); mTouchSlop = configuration.getScaledTouchSlop(); mMinimumFlingVelocity = configuration.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity(); mMaximumFlingVelocity = configuration.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity() / SELECTOR_MAX_FLING_VELOCITY_ADJUSTMENT; mTextSize = (int) mInputText.getTextSize(); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize); paint.setTypeface(mInputText.getTypeface()); ColorStateList colors = mInputText.getTextColors(); int color = colors.getColorForState(ENABLED_STATE_SET, Color.WHITE); paint.setColor(color); mSelectorWheelPaint = paint; mFlingScroller = new Scroller(getContext(), null, true); mAdjustScroller = new Scroller(getContext(), new DecelerateInterpolator(2.5f)); updateInputTextView(); }
From source
public void drawHKIndex(Canvas canvas) { Paint paint = this.mPaint; paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); paint.setAntiAlias(true);//from w w w .ja v a 2s . c o m if (quoteData != null) { try { JSONArray jArr = quoteData.getJSONArray("data"); JSONObject jo = jArr.getJSONObject(0); double zrsp = jo.getDouble("zrsp"); double zjcj = jo.getDouble("zjcj"); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize * 2); setColor(paint, zjcj, zrsp); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(DX * 0.5f, DY * 2f); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zjcj, stockdigit), x, y, paint); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize); double zhangd = jo.getDouble("zd"); if (zhangd < 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceDown); } else if (zhangd > 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorpriceUp); } else { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceEqual); } canvas.translate(0, DY * 0.8f); String zhangdie = Utils.dataFormation(zhangd, stockdigit); if (zhangdie.equals("-")) canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); else canvas.drawText(zhangdie, x, y, paint); double zhangf = jo.getDouble("zf"); if (zhangf < 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceDown); } else if (zhangf > 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorpriceUp); } else { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceEqual); } canvas.translate(DX * 3.5f, 0); String zhangfu = Utils.dataFormation(zhangf * 100, stockdigit); if (zhangfu.equals("-")) canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); else canvas.drawText(zhangfu + "%", x, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.translate(-DX * 4f, DY * 1.2f); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("??", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(width / 2, -DY * 1); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zrsp, stockdigit), x - tips, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorStockName); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(Utils.getAmountFormat(jo.getDouble("cjje"), true), x - tips, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(0, -DY * 4); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); canvas.translate(width / 2, -DY * 3); double jrkp = jo.getDouble("jrkp"); setColor(paint, jrkp, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(jrkp, stockdigit), x - tips, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); double zg = jo.getDouble("zgcj"); setColor(paint, zg, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zg, stockdigit), x - tips, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); double zd = jo.getDouble("zdcj"); setColor(paint, zd, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zd, stockdigit), x - tips, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorStockName); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(jo.getDouble("amp") * 100, 1) + "%", x - tips, y, paint); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.toString()); } } else {//????? paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.translate(DX, DY * 2f); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize); canvas.translate(-DX / 2, DY * 0.8f); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(DX * 2.5f, 0); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(-DX * 3, DY * 1.2f); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("??", x, y, paint); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(width / 2, -DY * 4); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); } }
From source
public void drawIndex(Canvas canvas) { //canvas.restore(); Paint paint = this.mPaint; paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); paint.setAntiAlias(true);/*from w ww. j av a2s . com*/ if (quoteData != null) { try { JSONArray jArr = quoteData.getJSONArray("data"); JSONObject jo = jArr.getJSONObject(0); double zrsp = jo.getDouble("zrsp"); double zjcj = jo.getDouble("zjcj"); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize * 2); setColor(paint, zjcj, zrsp); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(DX * 0.5f, DY * 2f); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zjcj, stockdigit), x, y, paint); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize); double zhangd = jo.getDouble("zd"); if (zhangd < 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceDown); } else if (zhangd > 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorpriceUp); } else { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceEqual); } canvas.translate(0, DY * 0.8f); String zhangdie = Utils.dataFormation(zhangd, stockdigit); if (zhangdie.equals("-")) canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); else canvas.drawText(zhangdie, x, y, paint); double zhangf = jo.getDouble("zf"); if (zhangf < 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceDown); } else if (zhangf > 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorpriceUp); } else { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceEqual); } canvas.translate(DX * 3.5f, 0); String zhangfu = Utils.dataFormation(zhangf * 100, stockdigit); if (zhangfu.equals("-")) canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); else canvas.drawText(zhangfu + "%", x, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.translate(-DX * 3.5f, DY * 1.2f); //canvas.translate(-DX*0.5f, DY*2f); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("??", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("??", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(width / 2 - DX, -DY * 7); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.translate(0, 0); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zrsp, stockdigit), x, y, paint); canvas.translate(width / 2, -DY * 3); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); double jrkp = jo.getDouble("jrkp"); setColor(paint, jrkp, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(jrkp, stockdigit), x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); double zg = jo.getDouble("zgcj"); setColor(paint, zg, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zg, stockdigit), x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); double zd = jo.getDouble("zdcj"); setColor(paint, zd, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zd, stockdigit), x, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorStockName); canvas.translate(0, DY); double amp = jo.getDouble("amp"); if (amp == 0) canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); else canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(jo.getDouble("amp") * 100, 1) + "%", x, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorStockName); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(Utils.getAmountFormat(jo.getDouble("cjsl"), true), x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(Utils.getAmountFormat(jo.getDouble("cjje"), true), x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorpriceUp); canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(jo.getInt("zj")), x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceDown); canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(jo.getInt("dj")), x, y, paint); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.toString()); } } else {//????? paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.translate(DX, DY * 2f); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize); canvas.translate(-DX / 2, DY * 0.8f); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(DX * 2.5f, 0); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(-DX * 2.5f, DY * 1.2f); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("??", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("??", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(width / 2 - DX, -DY * 7); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); } }
From source
private void drawMarker(LatLng point, String str) { // Creating an instance of MarkerOptions MarkerOptions markerOptions = new MarkerOptions(); //IconGenerator tc = new IconGenerator(this); //Bitmap bmp = tc.makeIcon("hello"); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(this.getResources(), R.drawable.bubble_white);// get the image same as your EditText int h = bitmap.getHeight() * 2; int w = bitmap.getWidth() * 2; bitmap = convertToMutable(bitmap);// converting the bitmap to mutable Bitmap incrsize = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, w, h, false); Canvas cs = new Canvas(incrsize); Paint pt = new Paint(); pt.setColor(Color.BLACK);/* w w w . j a v a2 s. co m*/ //Typeface tf = Typeface.create("Helvetica",Typeface.BOLD); pt.setTypeface(Typeface.defaultFromStyle(Typeface.BOLD)); String iam = str.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); pt.setTextSize(25); cs.drawText(iam, 0, iam.length(), (h / 2) + 10, (w / 2) / 2, pt); //pt.setColor(Color.RED); //cs.drawText("this is praki", 0, 13, h / 2, w / 3, pt); // Setting latitude and longitude for the marker markerOptions.position(point).title(str).icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(incrsize)); // Adding marker on the Google Map map.addMarker(markerOptions); }
From source
public void drawQihuo(Canvas canvas) { //canvas.restore(); Paint paint = this.mPaint; paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); paint.setAntiAlias(true);/* w w w .j av a 2 m*/ if (quoteData != null) { try { JSONArray jArr = quoteData.getJSONArray("data"); JSONObject jo = jArr.getJSONObject(0); String str = ""; double zrsp = jo.getDouble("zrsp"); double zjcj = jo.getDouble("zjcj"); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize * 2); setColor(paint, zjcj, zrsp); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(DX, DY * 2f); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zjcj, stockdigit), x, y, paint); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize); double zhangd = jo.getDouble("zd"); if (zhangd < 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceDown); } else if (zhangd > 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorpriceUp); } else { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceEqual); } canvas.translate(-DX / 2, DY * 0.8f); String zhangdie = Utils.dataFormation(zhangd, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")); if (zhangdie.equals("-")) canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); else canvas.drawText(zhangdie, x, y, paint); double zhangf = jo.getDouble("zf"); if (zhangf < 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceDown); } else if (zhangf > 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorpriceUp); } else { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceEqual); } canvas.translate(DX * 2.5f, 0); String zhangfu = Utils.dataFormation(zhangf * 100, 1); if (zhangfu.equals("-") || zhangfu.equals("")) canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); else canvas.drawText(zhangfu + "%", x, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.translate(-DX * 3, DY * 1.2f); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(" ", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(width / 2, -DY * 2); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); double temp2 = jo.getDouble("sjw1"); setColor(paint, temp2, zrsp); str = Utils.dataFormation(temp2, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")); canvas.drawText(str, x - tips, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); temp2 = jo.getDouble("bjw1"); setColor(paint, temp2, zrsp); str = Utils.dataFormation(temp2, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")); canvas.drawText(str, x - tips, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorStockName); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(jo.getDouble("jrkc"), 0, jo.getInt("tp")), x - tips, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(0, -DY * 5); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("??", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(" ", x, y, paint); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); canvas.translate(width / 2, -DY * 5); double jrkp = jo.getDouble("jrkp"); setColor(paint, jrkp, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(jrkp, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")), x - tips, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); double zg = jo.getDouble("zgcj"); setColor(paint, zg, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zg, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")), x - tips, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); double zd = jo.getDouble("zdcj"); setColor(paint, zd, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zd, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")), x - tips, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorStockName); canvas.drawText(Utils.getAmountFormat(jo.getInt("ssl1"), false), x - tips, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(Utils.getAmountFormat(jo.getInt("bsl1"), false), x - tips, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorStockName); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(jo.getDouble("jrpc"), 0, jo.getInt("tp")), x - tips, y, paint); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.toString()); } } else {//????? paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.translate(DX, DY * 2f); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize); canvas.translate(-DX / 2, DY * 0.8f); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(DX * 2.5f, 0); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(-DX * 3, DY * 1.2f); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(" ", x, y, paint); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(width / 2, -DY * 5); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("??", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText(" ", x, y, paint); } }
From source
public void drawPrice(Canvas canvas) { //canvas.restore(); Paint paint = this.mPaint; paint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); paint.setAntiAlias(true);/*from w w w .j a v a2s . c o m*/ if (quoteData != null) { try { JSONArray jArr = quoteData.getJSONArray("data"); JSONObject jo = jArr.getJSONObject(0); String str = ""; double zrsp = jo.getDouble("zrsp"); double zjcj = jo.getDouble("zjcj"); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize * 2); setColor(paint, zjcj, zrsp); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(DX, DY * 2f); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zjcj, stockdigit), x, y, paint); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize); double zhangd = jo.getDouble("zd"); if (zhangd < 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceDown); } else if (zhangd > 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorpriceUp); } else { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceEqual); } canvas.translate(-DX / 2, DY * 0.8f); String zhangdie = Utils.dataFormation(zhangd, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")); if (zhangdie.equals("-")) canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); else canvas.drawText(zhangdie, x, y, paint); double zhangf = jo.getDouble("zf"); if (zhangf < 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceDown); } else if (zhangf > 0) { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorpriceUp); } else { paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorPriceEqual); } canvas.translate(DX * 2.5f, 0); //String zhangfu = Utils.dataFormation(zhangf*100, stockdigit); //?????2? String zhangfu = Utils.dataFormation(zhangf * 100, 1, jo.getInt("tp")); if (zhangfu.equals("-") || zhangfu.equals("")) canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); else canvas.drawText(zhangfu + "%", x, y, paint); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.translate(-DX * 3, DY * 1.2f); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(DX * 2, -DY * 4); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { double temp2 = jo.getDouble("sjw" + i); setColor(paint, temp2, zrsp); str = Utils.dataFormation(temp2, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")); canvas.drawText(str, x, y, paint); if (i != 5) canvas.translate(0, DY); } paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorStockName); canvas.translate(width / 2 - DX * 2, -DY * 4); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); canvas.drawText(Utils.getAmountFormat(jo.getInt("ssl" + i), false), x - tips, y, paint); if (i != 5) canvas.translate(0, DY); } paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(0, -DY * 7); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); //paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); canvas.translate(DX * 2, -DY * 7); double jrkp = jo.getDouble("jrkp"); setColor(paint, jrkp, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(jrkp, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")), x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); double zg = jo.getDouble("zgcj"); setColor(paint, zg, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zg, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")), x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); double zd = jo.getDouble("zdcj"); setColor(paint, zd, zrsp); canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zd, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")), x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { double temp2 = jo.getDouble("bjw" + i); setColor(paint, temp2, zrsp); str = Utils.dataFormation(temp2, stockdigit, jo.getInt("tp")); canvas.drawText(str, x, y, paint); if (i != 5) canvas.translate(0, DY); } paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorStockName); canvas.translate(width / 2 - DX * 2, -DY * 4); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); canvas.drawText(Utils.getAmountFormat(jo.getInt("bsl" + i), false), x - tips, y, paint); if (i != 5) canvas.translate(0, DY); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.toString()); } } else {//????? paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); paint.setColor(GlobalColor.colorLabelName); canvas.translate(DX, DY * 2f); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setTextSize(mTextSize); canvas.translate(-DX / 2, DY * 0.8f); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(DX * 2.5f, 0); canvas.drawText("-", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(-DX * 3, DY * 1.2f); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("?", x, y, paint); paint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); canvas.translate(width / 2, -DY * 7); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); canvas.translate(0, DY); canvas.drawText("", x, y, paint); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void setTextViewFontSize() { TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; // At this point tv.getWidth(), tv.getLineCount() will return 0 Paint mTestPaint = new Paint(); mTestPaint.setTextSize(tv.getTextSize()); mTestPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); final String text = "Peak:XXXXX.XHz(AX#+XX) -XXX.XdB"; Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); // pixels left float px = display.getWidth() - getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.textview_RMS_layout_width) - 5; float fs = tv.getTextSize(); // size in pixel while (mTestPaint.measureText(text) > px && fs > 5) { fs -= 0.5;/* w ww . j a va2 s .c o m*/ mTestPaint.setTextSize(fs); } ((TextView) findViewById( / DPRatio); ((TextView) findViewById( / DPRatio); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void setTextViewFontSize() { TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; // At this point tv.getWidth(), tv.getLineCount() will return 0 Paint mTestPaint = new Paint(); mTestPaint.setTextSize(tv.getTextSize()); mTestPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); final String text = getString(R.string.textview_peak_text); Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); // pixels left float px = display.getWidth() - getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.textview_RMS_layout_width) - 5; float fs = tv.getTextSize(); // size in pixel while (mTestPaint.measureText(text) > px && fs > 5) { fs -= 0.5;/*from ww w .j a v a 2 m*/ mTestPaint.setTextSize(fs); } ((TextView) findViewById( / DPRatio); ((TextView) findViewById( / DPRatio); }