List of usage examples for Color WHITE
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@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.mdlive_choose_provider_details); // Determine the Provider mode and set local flag final SharedPreferences sharedpreferences = getSharedPreferences( PreferenceConstants.MDLIVE_USER_PREFERENCES, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String providerMode = sharedpreferences.getString(PreferenceConstants.PROVIDER_MODE, ""); if (providerMode != null && providerMode.length() > 0 && providerMode.equalsIgnoreCase(MDLiveConfig.PROVIDERTYPE_CIGNACOACH) && MDLiveConfig.CIGNACOACH_ENABLED) { isCignaCoachUser = true;/*from w w w. jav a 2s . c o m*/ viewsVisibility = View.GONE; setContentView(R.layout.mdlive_choose_provider_details_hc); } else { setContentView(R.layout.mdlive_choose_provider_details); } clearMinimizedTime(); this.setTitle(getString(R.string.mdl_doctor_details)); try { setDrawerLayout((DrawerLayout) findViewById(; final Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; if (toolbar != null) { setSupportActionBar(toolbar); elevateToolbar(toolbar); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ((ImageView) findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; if (isCignaCoachUser) ((TextView) findViewById(; else ((TextView) findViewById(; ((TextView) findViewById(; Initialization(); getPreferenceDetails(); //Service call Method loadProviderDetails(AppointmentDate); if (savedInstanceState == null) { getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .add(, NavigationDrawerFragment.newInstance(), LEFT_MENU) .commit(); getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .add(, NotificationFragment.newInstance(), RIGHT_MENU).commit(); } //Enable or disable Request Appointment Button }
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/** * *///w w w .j av a 2 s.c o m @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (Util.LOG_ENABLED) { Utils.appendLog(TAG, "protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)"); } // load the model if (savedInstanceState == null) { if (Util.LOG_ENABLED) { Utils.appendLog(TAG, "if (savedInstanceState == null)"); } mainActivityModel = new MainActivityModel(); } else { if (Util.LOG_ENABLED) { Utils.appendLog(TAG, "if (savedInstanceState != null)"); } mainActivityModel = DataContext.getInstance().getMainActivityModel(); // if coming from background and kill the app, restart the model if (mainActivityModel == null) { mainActivityModel = new MainActivityModel(); } } DataContext.getInstance().setContext(getApplicationContext()); String licenseKey = DataContext.getInstance().getLicenseKey(); // load the controller instance acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance = AcuantAndroidMobileSDKController.getInstance(this, licenseKey); if (!Util.isTablet(this)) { acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance .setPdf417BarcodeImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.barcode)); } acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setWebServiceListener(this); acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setCloudUrl(""); acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setWatermarkText("Powered By Acuant", 0, 0, 30, 0); DisplayMetrics metrics = this.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(displaymetrics); int height = displaymetrics.heightPixels; int width = displaymetrics.widthPixels; int minLength = (int) (Math.min(width, height) * 0.9); int maxLength = (int) (minLength * 1.5); int left = minLength / 2 - 50; int top = maxLength / 2 - 100; Paint textPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG); Typeface currentTypeFace = textPaint.getTypeface(); Typeface bold = Typeface.create(currentTypeFace, Typeface.BOLD); textPaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); textPaint.setTextSize(50); textPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); textPaint.setTypeface(bold); Paint.FontMetrics metric = textPaint.getFontMetrics(); acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setInstructionText("Blink Slowly", left, top, textPaint); //acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setShowActionBar(false); //acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setShowStatusBar(false); acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setFlashlight(false); //acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setFlashlight(0,0,50,0); //acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setFlashlightImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.lighton), getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.lightoff)); //acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setShowInitialMessage(true); //acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setCropBarcode(true); //acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setPdf417BarcodeDialogWaitingBarcode("AcuantAndroidMobileSampleSDK","ALIGN AND TAP", 10, "Try Again", "Yes"); acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setCanShowBracketsOnTablet(true); // load several member variables setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); layoutCards = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; layoutBackImage = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(; layoutFrontImage = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(; frontImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; backImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; editTextLicense = (EditText) findViewById(; editTextLicense.setText(DataContext.getInstance().getLicenseKey()); txtTapToCaptureFront = (TextView) findViewById(; txtTapToCaptureBack = (TextView) findViewById(; activateLicenseButton = (Button) findViewById(; processCardButton = (Button) findViewById(; processCardButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); editTextLicense.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() { @Override public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { validateLicenseKey(editTextLicense.getText().toString()); DataContext.getInstance().setLicenseKey(editTextLicense.getText().toString()); return true; } }); // it is necessary to use a post UI call, because of the previous set text on 'editTextLicense' new Handler().post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { editTextLicense.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { mainActivityModel.setState(State.NO_VALIDATED); updateActivateLicenseButtonFromModel(); } public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { } }); } }); editTextLicense.setOnFocusChangeListener(new OnFocusChangeListener() { public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) { if (!hasFocus) { hideVirtualKeyboard(); } } }); // update the UI from the model updateUI(); acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setCardCroppingListener(this); acuantAndroidMobileSdkControllerInstance.setAcuantErrorListener(this); if (Utils.LOG_ENABLED) { Utils.appendLog(TAG, "getScreenOrientation()=" + Util.getScreenOrientation(this)); } }
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private void populateTabStrip() { final PagerAdapter adapter = mViewPager.getAdapter(); final OnClickListener tabClickListener = new TabClickListener(); for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++) { View tabView = null;//ww w. j ava 2s . c om TextView tabTitleView = null; if (mTabViewLayoutId != 0) { // If there is a custom tab view layout id set, try and inflate it tabView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(mTabViewLayoutId, mTabStrip, false); tabTitleView = (TextView) tabView.findViewById(mTabViewTextViewId); } if (tabView == null) { tabView = createDefaultTabView(getContext()); } if (tabTitleView == null && TextView.class.isInstance(tabView)) { tabTitleView = (TextView) tabView; } if (mDistributeEvenly) { LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) tabView.getLayoutParams(); lp.width = 0; lp.weight = 1; } tabTitleView.setText(adapter.getPageTitle(i)); tabTitleView.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); tabView.setOnClickListener(tabClickListener); String desc = mContentDescriptions.get(i, null); if (desc != null) { tabView.setContentDescription(desc); } mTabStrip.addView(tabView); if (i == mViewPager.getCurrentItem()) { tabView.setSelected(true); } } }
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private void populateTabStrip() { final PagerAdapter adapter = mViewPager.getAdapter(); final OnClickListener tabClickListener = new TabClickListener(); for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++) { View tabView = null;// w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m TextView tabTitleView = null; if (mTabViewLayoutId != 0) { // If there is a custom tab view layout id set, try and inflate it tabView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(mTabViewLayoutId, mTabStrip, false); tabTitleView = (TextView) tabView.findViewById(mTabViewTextViewId); } if (tabView == null) { tabView = createDefaultTabView(getContext()); } if (tabTitleView == null && TextView.class.isInstance(tabView)) { tabTitleView = (TextView) tabView; } if (mDistributeEvenly) { LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) tabView.getLayoutParams(); lp.width = 0; lp.weight = 1; } tabTitleView.setText(adapter.getPageTitle(i)); tabView.setOnClickListener(tabClickListener); String desc = mContentDescriptions.get(i, null); if (desc != null) { tabView.setContentDescription(desc); } mTabStrip.addView(tabView); if (i == mViewPager.getCurrentItem()) { tabView.setSelected(true); } tabTitleView.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); tabTitleView.setTextSize(14); } }
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private void populateTabStrip() { final PagerAdapter adapter = mViewPager.getAdapter(); final OnClickListener tabClickListener = new TabClickListener(); for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++) { View tabView = null;/* w w w . jav a2 s .c om*/ TextView tabTitleView = null; if (mTabViewLayoutId != 0) { // If there is a custom tab view layout id set, try and inflate it tabView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(mTabViewLayoutId, mTabStrip, false); tabTitleView = (TextView) tabView.findViewById(mTabViewTextViewId); } if (tabView == null) { tabView = createDefaultTabView(getContext()); } if (tabTitleView == null && TextView.class.isInstance(tabView)) { tabTitleView = (TextView) tabView; } if (mDistributeEvenly) { LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) tabView.getLayoutParams(); lp.width = 0; lp.weight = 1; } tabTitleView.setText(adapter.getPageTitle(i)); tabView.setOnClickListener(tabClickListener); String desc = mContentDescriptions.get(i, null); if (desc != null) { tabView.setContentDescription(desc); } mTabStrip.addView(tabView); if (i == mViewPager.getCurrentItem()) { tabView.setSelected(true); } tabTitleView.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); tabTitleView.setTextSize(14); } }
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private void init(Context ctx, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { mUiHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper(), mMessenger); final Resources res = getResources(); final ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(ctx); mTouchSlop = vc.getScaledTouchSlop() / 2; mMaxFlingVelocity = vc.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity(); mScroller = new OverScroller(ctx); int footerLabelColor = ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), R.color.tlcSleepFooterLabelColor); int barItemBg = ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), R.color.tlcSleepBarItemBg); int highlightBarItemBg = ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), R.color.tlcSleepHighlightBarItemBg); int barDeepItemBg = ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), R.color.tlcSleepBarDeepItemBg); int highlightBarDeepItemBg = ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), R.color.tlcSleepHighlightBarDeepItemBg); mBarItemBgPaint = new Paint(); mBarItemBgPaint.setColor(barItemBg); mHighlightBarItemBgPaint = new Paint(); mHighlightBarItemBgPaint.setColor(highlightBarItemBg); mBarDeepItemBgPaint = new Paint(); mBarDeepItemBgPaint.setColor(barDeepItemBg); mHighlightBarDeepItemBgPaint = new Paint(); mHighlightBarDeepItemBgPaint.setColor(highlightBarDeepItemBg); mFooterBarHeight = res.getDimension(R.dimen.tlcDefFooterBarHeight); mViewAreaBgPaint = new Paint(); mGraphAreaBgPaint = new Paint(); mGraphAreaBgPaint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); mFooterAreaBgPaint = new Paint(); mFooterAreaBgPaint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); mGraphBottomLinePaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); mGraphBottomLinePaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); mGraphBottomLinePaint.setStrokeWidth(1); // labelPaint?? mLabelFgPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG); mLabelFgPaint.setColor(footerLabelColor); // DisplayMetrics dp = getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); // float labelSize = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, res.getDimension(R.dimen.tlcDefFooterLabelSize), dp); mLabelFgPaint.setTextSize(res.getDimension(R.dimen.tlcDefFooterLabelSize)); mHighlightLabelFgPaint = new TextPaint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.LINEAR_TEXT_FLAG); mHighlightLabelFgPaint.setColor(Color.WHITE); mHighlightLabelFgPaint.setTextSize(res.getDimension(R.dimen.tlcDefFooterLabelSize)); mBarItemWidth = res.getDimension(R.dimen.tlcDefBarItemWidth); mBarItemSpace = res.getDimension(R.dimen.tlcDefBarItemSpace); mTopSpaceHeight = res.getDimension(R.dimen.tlcDefTopSpace); // SurfaceView requires a background if (getBackground() == null) { setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), android.R.color.transparent)); }// www.j a v a 2 s . c o m // Initialize stuff setupBackgroundHandler(); setupTickLabels(); // Initialize the drawing refs (this will be update when we have // the real size of the canvas) computeBoundAreas(); }
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private void rebuildGlyphData() { SvgPathParser parser = new SvgPathParser() { @Override//from ww w .j a va 2 s.c om protected float transformX(float x) { return x * mWidth / mViewport.x; } @Override protected float transformY(float y) { return y * mHeight / mViewport.y; } }; Log.i(TAG, "---mWidth = " + mWidth + "---mViewport.x = " + mViewport.x); if (mGlyphStrings != null) { mGlyphData = new GlyphData[mGlyphStrings.length]; } for (int i = 0; i < mGlyphStrings.length; i++) { mGlyphData[i] = new GlyphData(); try { mGlyphData[i].path = parser.parsePath(mGlyphStrings[i]); } catch (ParseException e) { mGlyphData[i].path = new Path(); Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't parse path", e); } PathMeasure pm = new PathMeasure(mGlyphData[i].path, true); while (true) { mGlyphData[i].length = Math.max(mGlyphData[i].length, pm.getLength()); if (!pm.nextContour()) { break; } } mGlyphData[i].paint = new Paint(); mGlyphData[i].paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); mGlyphData[i].paint.setAntiAlias(true); mGlyphData[i].paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); mGlyphData[i].paint.setStrokeWidth( TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 1, getResources().getDisplayMetrics())); } }
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private void populateTabStrip() { final PagerAdapter adapter = mViewPager.getAdapter(); final OnClickListener tabClickListener = new TabClickListener(); for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++) { View tabView = null;// w w w . j a v a TextView tabTitleView = null; if (mTabViewLayoutId != 0) { // If there is a custom tab view layout id set, try and inflate it tabView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(mTabViewLayoutId, mTabStrip, false); tabTitleView = (TextView) tabView.findViewById(mTabViewTextViewId); } if (tabView == null) { tabView = createDefaultTabView(getContext()); } if (tabTitleView == null && TextView.class.isInstance(tabView)) { tabTitleView = (TextView) tabView; } tabTitleView.setText(adapter.getPageTitle(i)); tabTitleView.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); tabView.setOnClickListener(tabClickListener); mTabStrip.addView(tabView); } }
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@Override public void onMetadataChanged(@NonNull Metadata metadata) { populateMetadata();//w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m final Bitmap bitmap = metadata.bitmap; // Check if artwork are equals. If so, then we don't need to // generate everything from the beginning. if (mArtwork == bitmap || mArtwork != null && mArtwork.sameAs(bitmap)) { return; } mArtwork = bitmap; mArtworkBackground = null; com.bullmobi.base.async.AsyncTask.stop(mPaletteWorker); com.bullmobi.base.async.AsyncTask.stop(mBackgroundWorker); updatePlayPauseButtonColor(Color.WHITE); // Reset color updateSeekBarColor(Color.WHITE); // Reset color if (bitmap != null) { // TODO: Load the vibrant color only. mArtworkColor = Color.WHITE; mPaletteWorker = Palette.generateAsync(bitmap, mPaletteCallback); int dynamicBgMode = getConfig().getDynamicBackgroundMode(); if (Operator.bitAnd(dynamicBgMode, getBackgroundMask())) { mBackgroundWorker = BackgroundFactory.generateAsync(bitmap, mBackgroundCallback); return; // Do not reset the background. } } else { mPaletteWorker = null; } mBackgroundWorker = null; populateBackground(); }