List of usage examples for Color TRANSPARENT
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@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Trace.beginSection("onCreate()"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (RequestPermissionsActivity.startPermissionActivity(this) || RequestDesiredPermissionsActivity.startPermissionActivity(this)) { return;//from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m } final int previousScreenType = getIntent().getIntExtra(EXTRA_PREVIOUS_SCREEN_TYPE, ScreenType.UNKNOWN); Logger.logScreenView(this, ScreenType.QUICK_CONTACT, previousScreenType); if (CompatUtils.isLollipopCompatible()) { getWindow().setStatusBarColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } processIntent(getIntent()); // Show QuickContact in front of soft input getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM); setContentView(R.layout.quickcontact_activity); mMaterialColorMapUtils = new MaterialColorMapUtils(getResources()); mScroller = (MultiShrinkScroller) findViewById(; mContactCard = (ExpandingEntryCardView) findViewById(; mNoContactDetailsCard = (ExpandingEntryCardView) findViewById(; mRecentCard = (ExpandingEntryCardView) findViewById(; mAboutCard = (ExpandingEntryCardView) findViewById(; mCollapsedSuggestionCardView = (CardView) findViewById(; mExpandSuggestionCardView = (CardView) findViewById(; mCollapasedSuggestionHeader = findViewById(; mCollapsedSuggestionCardTitle = (TextView) findViewById(; mExpandSuggestionCardTitle = (TextView) findViewById(; mSuggestionSummaryPhoto = (ImageView) findViewById(; mSuggestionForName = (TextView) findViewById(; mSuggestionContactsNumber = (TextView) findViewById(; mSuggestionList = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; mSuggestionsCancelButton = (Button) findViewById(; mSuggestionsLinkButton = (Button) findViewById(; if (savedInstanceState != null) { mIsSuggestionListCollapsed = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_IS_SUGGESTION_LIST_COLLAPSED, true); mPreviousContactId = savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_PREVIOUS_CONTACT_ID); mSuggestionsShouldAutoSelected = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_SUGGESTIONS_AUTO_SELECTED, true); mSelectedAggregationIds = (TreeSet<Long>) savedInstanceState .getSerializable(KEY_SELECTED_SUGGESTION_CONTACTS); } else { mIsSuggestionListCollapsed = true; mSelectedAggregationIds.clear(); } if (mSelectedAggregationIds.isEmpty()) { disableLinkButton(); } else { enableLinkButton(); } mCollapasedSuggestionHeader.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { mCollapsedSuggestionCardView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mExpandSuggestionCardView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mIsSuggestionListCollapsed = false; mExpandSuggestionCardTitle.requestFocus(); mExpandSuggestionCardTitle.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED); } }); mSuggestionsCancelButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { mCollapsedSuggestionCardView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mExpandSuggestionCardView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mIsSuggestionListCollapsed = true; } }); mNoContactDetailsCard.setOnClickListener(mEntryClickHandler); mContactCard.setOnClickListener(mEntryClickHandler); mContactCard.setExpandButtonText(getResources().getString(R.string.expanding_entry_card_view_see_all)); mContactCard.setOnCreateContextMenuListener(mEntryContextMenuListener); mRecentCard.setOnClickListener(mEntryClickHandler); mRecentCard.setTitle(getResources().getString(R.string.recent_card_title)); mAboutCard.setOnClickListener(mEntryClickHandler); mAboutCard.setOnCreateContextMenuListener(mEntryContextMenuListener); mPhotoView = (QuickContactImageView) findViewById(; final View transparentView = findViewById(; if (mScroller != null) { transparentView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { mScroller.scrollOffBottom(); } }); } // Allow a shadow to be shown under the toolbar. ViewUtil.addRectangularOutlineProvider(findViewById(, getResources()); final Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setActionBar(toolbar); getActionBar().setTitle(null); // Put a TextView with a known resource id into the ActionBar. This allows us to easily // find the correct TextView location & size later. toolbar.addView(getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.quickcontact_title_placeholder, null)); mHasAlreadyBeenOpened = savedInstanceState != null; mIsEntranceAnimationFinished = mHasAlreadyBeenOpened; mWindowScrim = new ColorDrawable(SCRIM_COLOR); mWindowScrim.setAlpha(0); getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(mWindowScrim); mScroller.initialize(mMultiShrinkScrollerListener, mExtraMode == MODE_FULLY_EXPANDED); // mScroller needs to perform asynchronous measurements after initalize(), therefore // we can't mark this as GONE. mScroller.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); setHeaderNameText(R.string.missing_name); mSelectAccountFragmentListener = (SelectAccountDialogFragmentListener) getFragmentManager() .findFragmentByTag(FRAGMENT_TAG_SELECT_ACCOUNT); if (mSelectAccountFragmentListener == null) { mSelectAccountFragmentListener = new SelectAccountDialogFragmentListener(); getFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .add(0, mSelectAccountFragmentListener, FRAGMENT_TAG_SELECT_ACCOUNT).commit(); mSelectAccountFragmentListener.setRetainInstance(true); } mSelectAccountFragmentListener.setQuickContactActivity(this); SchedulingUtils.doOnPreDraw(mScroller, /* drawNextFrame = */ true, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!mHasAlreadyBeenOpened) { // The initial scrim opacity must match the scrim opacity that would be // achieved by scrolling to the starting position. final float alphaRatio = mExtraMode == MODE_FULLY_EXPANDED ? 1 : mScroller.getStartingTransparentHeightRatio(); final int duration = getResources().getInteger(android.R.integer.config_shortAnimTime); final int desiredAlpha = (int) (0xFF * alphaRatio); ObjectAnimator o = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(mWindowScrim, "alpha", 0, desiredAlpha) .setDuration(duration); o.start(); } } }); if (savedInstanceState != null) { final int color = savedInstanceState.getInt(KEY_THEME_COLOR, 0); SchedulingUtils.doOnPreDraw(mScroller, /* drawNextFrame = */ false, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Need to wait for the pre draw before setting the initial scroll // value. Prior to pre draw all scroll values are invalid. if (mHasAlreadyBeenOpened) { mScroller.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mScroller.setScroll(mScroller.getScrollNeededToBeFullScreen()); } // Need to wait for pre draw for setting the theme color. Setting the // header tint before the MultiShrinkScroller has been measured will // cause incorrect tinting calculations. if (color != 0) { setThemeColor(mMaterialColorMapUtils.calculatePrimaryAndSecondaryColor(color)); } } }); } Trace.endSection(); }
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protected static void setStatusBar(Activity context) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { context.getWindow().setStatusBarColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); if (context == mainContext) drawerDL.setStatusBarBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, darkPrimaryColor)); else/* ww w . j ava 2s. com*/ context.getWindow().setStatusBarColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, darkPrimaryColor)); context.setTaskDescription(new ActivityManager.TaskDescription(context.getString(R.string.app_name), BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.ic_launcher), ContextCompat.getColor(context, primaryColor))); } }
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public void makeMenuBox() { RelativeLayout.LayoutParams param = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); // width,height menuBox = new SkyBox(this); menuBox.setBoxColor(Color.DKGRAY); menuBox.setArrowHeight(ps(25));/*from w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ menuBox.setArrowDirection(true); param.leftMargin = ps(100); param.topMargin = ps(100); param.width = ps(280); param.height = ps(85); menuBox.setLayoutParams(param); menuBox.setArrowDirection(false); highlightMenuButton = new Button(this); highlightMenuButton.setText("Highlight"); highlightMenuButton.setId(6000); highlightMenuButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); highlightMenuButton.setTextColor(Color.LTGRAY); highlightMenuButton.setTextSize(15); highlightMenuButton.setOnClickListener(listener); highlightMenuButton.setOnTouchListener(new ButtonHighlighterOnTouchListener(highlightMenuButton)); this.setFrame(highlightMenuButton, ps(20), ps(0), ps(130), ps(65)); menuBox.contentView.addView(highlightMenuButton); noteMenuButton = new Button(this); noteMenuButton.setText("Note"); noteMenuButton.setId(6001); noteMenuButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); noteMenuButton.setTextColor(Color.LTGRAY); noteMenuButton.setTextSize(15); noteMenuButton.setOnClickListener(listener); noteMenuButton.setOnTouchListener(new ButtonHighlighterOnTouchListener(noteMenuButton)); this.setFrame(noteMenuButton, ps(150), ps(0), ps(130), ps(65)); menuBox.contentView.addView(noteMenuButton); // rv.customView.addView(menuBox); ePubView.addView(menuBox); this.hideMenuBox(); }
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@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") @Override/*from w w w .j a va 2 s .co m*/ protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) { if (mBackground != null) canvas.drawBitmap(mBackground, 0.0F, mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? getBadgeMargin() : 0.0F, null); if (mCanvas == null || mPointerCanvas == null || mIconsCanvas == null || mTitlesCanvas == null) return; // Reset and clear canvases mCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); mPointerCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); mIconsCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); // Get pointer badge margin for gravity final float pointerBadgeMargin = mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? mBadgeMargin : 0.0F; // Draw our model colors for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { mPaint.setColor(mModels.get(i).getColor()); if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) { final float left = mModelSize * i; final float right = left + mModelSize; mCanvas.drawRect(left, pointerBadgeMargin, right, mBounds.height() + pointerBadgeMargin, mPaint); } else { final float top = mModelSize * i; final float bottom = top + mModelSize; mCanvas.drawRect(0.0F, top, mBounds.width(), bottom, mPaint); } } // Set bound of pointer if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) mPointerBounds.set(mPointerLeftTop, pointerBadgeMargin, mPointerRightBottom, mBounds.height() + pointerBadgeMargin); else mPointerBounds.set(0.0F, mPointerLeftTop, mBounds.width(), mPointerRightBottom); // Draw pointer for model colors if (mCornersRadius == 0) mPointerCanvas.drawRect(mPointerBounds, mPaint); else mPointerCanvas.drawRoundRect(mPointerBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mPaint); // Draw pointer into main canvas mCanvas.drawBitmap(mPointerBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, mPointerPaint); // Set vars for icon when model with title or without final float iconMarginTitleHeight = mIconSize + mTitleMargin + mModelTitleSize; // Draw model icons for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { final Model model = mModels.get(i); // Variables to center our icons final float leftOffset; final float topOffset; final float matrixCenterX; final float matrixCenterY; // Set offset to titles final float leftTitleOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize * 0.5F); final float topTitleOffset = mBounds.height() - (mBounds.height() - iconMarginTitleHeight) * 0.5F; if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) { leftOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize - model.mIcon.getWidth()) * 0.5F; topOffset = (mBounds.height() - model.mIcon.getHeight()) * 0.5F; } else { leftOffset = (mBounds.width() - (float) model.mIcon.getWidth()) * 0.5F; topOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize - (float) model.mIcon.getHeight()) * 0.5F; } matrixCenterX = leftOffset + (float) model.mIcon.getWidth() * 0.5F; matrixCenterY = topOffset + (float) model.mIcon.getHeight() * 0.5F; // Title translate position final float titleTranslate = topOffset - model.mIcon.getHeight() * TITLE_MARGIN_SCALE_FRACTION; // Translate icon to model center model.mIconMatrix.setTranslate(leftOffset, (mIsTitled && mTitleMode == TitleMode.ALL) ? titleTranslate : topOffset); // Get interpolated fraction for left last and current models final float interpolation = mResizeInterpolator.getResizeInterpolation(mFraction, true); final float lastInterpolation = mResizeInterpolator.getResizeInterpolation(mFraction, false); // Scale value relative to interpolation final float matrixScale = model.mActiveIconScaleBy * (mIsScaled ? interpolation : NON_SCALED_FRACTION); final float matrixLastScale = model.mActiveIconScaleBy * (mIsScaled ? lastInterpolation : (MAX_FRACTION - NON_SCALED_FRACTION)); // Get title alpha relative to interpolation final int titleAlpha = (int) (MAX_ALPHA * interpolation); final int titleLastAlpha = MAX_ALPHA - (int) (MAX_ALPHA * lastInterpolation); // Get title scale relative to interpolation final float titleScale = MAX_FRACTION + ((mIsScaled ? interpolation : NON_SCALED_FRACTION) * TITLE_ACTIVE_SCALE_BY); final float titleLastScale = mIsScaled ? (MAX_FRACTION + TITLE_ACTIVE_SCALE_BY) - (lastInterpolation * TITLE_ACTIVE_SCALE_BY) : titleScale; mIconPaint.setAlpha(MAX_ALPHA); if (model.mSelectedIcon != null) mSelectedIconPaint.setAlpha(MAX_ALPHA); // Check if we handle models from touch on NTB or from ViewPager // There is a strange logic // of ViewPager onPageScrolled method, so it is if (mIsSetIndexFromTabBar) { if (mIndex == i) updateCurrentModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, interpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixScale, titleScale, titleAlpha); else if (mLastIndex == i) updateLastModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, lastInterpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixLastScale, titleLastScale, titleLastAlpha); else updateInactiveModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleScale, matrixScale, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY); } else { if (i != mIndex && i != mIndex + 1) updateInactiveModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleScale, matrixScale, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY); else if (i == mIndex + 1) updateCurrentModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, interpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixScale, titleScale, titleAlpha); else if (i == mIndex) updateLastModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, lastInterpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixLastScale, titleLastScale, titleLastAlpha); } // Draw original model icon if (model.mSelectedIcon == null) { mIconsCanvas.drawBitmap(model.mIcon, model.mIconMatrix, mIconPaint); } else { if (mIconPaint.getAlpha() != MIN_ALPHA) // Draw original icon when is visible mIconsCanvas.drawBitmap(model.mIcon, model.mIconMatrix, mIconPaint); } // Draw selected icon when exist and visible if (model.mSelectedIcon != null && mSelectedIconPaint.getAlpha() != MIN_ALPHA) mIconsCanvas.drawBitmap(model.mSelectedIcon, model.mIconMatrix, mSelectedIconPaint); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawText(isInEditMode() ? PREVIEW_TITLE : model.getTitle(), leftTitleOffset, topTitleOffset, mModelTitlePaint); } // Reset pointer bounds for icons and titles if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) mPointerBounds.set(mPointerLeftTop, 0.0F, mPointerRightBottom, mBounds.height()); if (mCornersRadius == 0) { if (mIsTinted) mIconsCanvas.drawRect(mPointerBounds, mIconPointerPaint); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawRect(mPointerBounds, mIconPointerPaint); } else { if (mIsTinted) mIconsCanvas.drawRoundRect(mPointerBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mIconPointerPaint); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawRoundRect(mPointerBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mIconPointerPaint); } // Draw general bitmap canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, null); // Draw icons bitmap on top canvas.drawBitmap(mIconsBitmap, 0.0F, pointerBadgeMargin, null); // Draw titles bitmap on top if (mIsTitled) canvas.drawBitmap(mTitlesBitmap, 0.0F, pointerBadgeMargin, null); // If is not badged, exit if (!mIsBadged) return; // Model badge margin and offset relative to gravity mode final float modelBadgeMargin = mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? mBadgeMargin : mBounds.height(); final float modelBadgeOffset = mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? 0.0F : mBounds.height() - mBadgeMargin; for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { final Model model = mModels.get(i); // Set preview badge title if (isInEditMode() || TextUtils.isEmpty(model.getBadgeTitle())) model.setBadgeTitle(PREVIEW_BADGE); // Set badge title bounds mBadgePaint.setTextSize(mBadgeTitleSize * model.mBadgeFraction); mBadgePaint.getTextBounds(model.getBadgeTitle(), 0, model.getBadgeTitle().length(), mBadgeBounds); // Get horizontal and vertical padding for bg final float horizontalPadding = mBadgeTitleSize * BADGE_HORIZONTAL_FRACTION; final float verticalPadding = horizontalPadding * BADGE_VERTICAL_FRACTION; // Set horizontal badge offset final float badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize * mBadgePosition.mPositionFraction); // If is badge title only one char, so create circle else round rect final float badgeMargin = mBadgeMargin * model.mBadgeFraction; if (model.getBadgeTitle().length() == 1) { mBgBadgeBounds.set(badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset - badgeMargin, modelBadgeMargin - badgeMargin, badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset + badgeMargin, modelBadgeMargin + badgeMargin); } else mBgBadgeBounds.set( badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset - Math.max(badgeMargin, mBadgeBounds.centerX() + horizontalPadding), modelBadgeMargin - badgeMargin, badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset + Math.max(badgeMargin, mBadgeBounds.centerX() + horizontalPadding), modelBadgeOffset + (verticalPadding * 2.0F) + mBadgeBounds.height()); // Set color and alpha for badge bg if (model.mBadgeFraction == MIN_FRACTION) mBadgePaint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); else mBadgePaint.setColor(mBadgeBgColor == 0 ? mActiveColor : mBadgeBgColor); mBadgePaint.setAlpha((int) (MAX_ALPHA * model.mBadgeFraction)); // Set corners to round rect for badge bg and draw final float cornerRadius = mBgBadgeBounds.height() * 0.5F; canvas.drawRoundRect(mBgBadgeBounds, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, mBadgePaint); // Set color and alpha for badge title if (model.mBadgeFraction == MIN_FRACTION) mBadgePaint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); else //noinspection ResourceAsColor mBadgePaint.setColor(mBadgeTitleColor == 0 ? model.getColor() : mBadgeTitleColor); mBadgePaint.setAlpha((int) (MAX_ALPHA * model.mBadgeFraction)); // Set badge title center position and draw title final float badgeHalfHeight = mBadgeBounds.height() * 0.5F; float badgeVerticalOffset = (mBgBadgeBounds.height() * 0.5F) + badgeHalfHeight - mBadgeBounds.bottom + modelBadgeOffset; canvas.drawText(model.getBadgeTitle(), badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset, badgeVerticalOffset + mBadgeBounds.height() - (mBadgeBounds.height() * model.mBadgeFraction), mBadgePaint); } }
From source
boolean shouldDrawBorders() { return mBorderColor != Color.TRANSPARENT && (mYogaNode.getLayoutBorder(LEFT) != 0 || mYogaNode.getLayoutBorder(TOP) != 0 || mYogaNode.getLayoutBorder(RIGHT) != 0 || mYogaNode.getLayoutBorder(BOTTOM) != 0); }
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/** * Sets up transparent navigation and status bars in LMP. * This method is a no-op for other platform versions. */// ww w. j av a 2 s . c o m @TargetApi(19) private void setupTransparentSystemBarsForLmp() { // TODO(sansid): use the APIs directly when compiling against L sdk. // Currently we use reflection to access the flags and the API to set the transparency // on the System bars. if (Utilities.isLmpOrAbove()) { try { getWindow().getAttributes().systemUiVisibility |= (View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION); getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION); Field drawsSysBackgroundsField = WindowManager.LayoutParams.class .getField("FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS"); getWindow().addFlags(drawsSysBackgroundsField.getInt(null)); Method setStatusBarColorMethod = Window.class.getDeclaredMethod("setStatusBarColor", int.class); Method setNavigationBarColorMethod = Window.class.getDeclaredMethod("setNavigationBarColor", int.class); setStatusBarColorMethod.invoke(getWindow(), Color.TRANSPARENT); setNavigationBarColorMethod.invoke(getWindow(), Color.TRANSPARENT); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { Log.w(TAG, "NoSuchFieldException while setting up transparent bars"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { Log.w(TAG, "NoSuchMethodException while setting up transparent bars"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Log.w(TAG, "IllegalAccessException while setting up transparent bars"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.w(TAG, "IllegalArgumentException while setting up transparent bars"); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Log.w(TAG, "InvocationTargetException while setting up transparent bars"); } } }
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private void animateInstructions(MotionEvent event) { if (animationInstructions != null && animationInstructions.isInitialized()) { animationInstructions.cancel();/*from w w w .ja va 2s . c o m*/ } if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastDownTimestamp <= DOUBLE_TAP_PERIOD) { isDoubleTap = true; lastDownTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { lastDownTimestamp = 0; } lastDownTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); mapFragment.locationOverlay.disableMyLocation(); lastY = event.getY(); instructionsView.setVisibility(View.GONE); instructionsViewMin.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); instructionsViewMax.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); darkenedView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); darkenedView.getBackground().setAlpha(Util.yToAlpha((int) event.getRawY())); } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) { if (isDoubleTap && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastDownTimestamp <= DOUBLE_TAP_PERIOD) { if (instructionsViewState == InstrcutionViewState.Normal) { setInstructionViewState(InstrcutionViewState.Maximized); } else if (instructionsViewState == InstrcutionViewState.Maximized) { setInstructionViewState(InstrcutionViewState.Normal); } else if (instructionsViewState == InstrcutionViewState.Minimized) { setInstructionViewState(InstrcutionViewState.Normal); } } else if (event.getRawY() < Util.getScreenHeight() / 2) { setInstructionViewState(InstrcutionViewState.Maximized); } else if (event.getRawY() < 9 * Util.getScreenHeight() / 10) { instructionList.smoothScrollToPosition(0); mapFragment.locationOverlay.enableMyLocation(mapFragment.locationProvider == null ? mapFragment.locationProvider = new GpsMyLocationProvider(this) : mapFragment.locationProvider); setInstructionViewState(InstrcutionViewState.Normal); } else { instructionList.smoothScrollToPosition(0); mapFragment.locationOverlay.enableMyLocation(mapFragment.locationProvider == null ? mapFragment.locationProvider = new GpsMyLocationProvider(this) : mapFragment.locationProvider); setInstructionViewState(InstrcutionViewState.Minimized); } instructionsViewMax.clearAnimation(); isDoubleTap = false; return; } if (event.getRawY() > Util.getScreenHeight() - Util.dp2px(40)) { pullHandleMax.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } else { pullHandleMax.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(26, 26, 26)); } darkenedView.getBackground().setAlpha(Util.yToAlpha((int) event.getRawY())); animationInstructions = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, lastY, event.getY()); animationInstructions.setFillAfter(true); animationInstructions.setFillBefore(true); lastY = event.getY(); animationInstructions.setDuration(0); instructionsViewMax.startAnimation(animationInstructions); }
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public void dialog(String name, final String[] arr, final TextView tv) { final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(welcome.this); dialog.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); dialog.getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT)); dialog.setContentView(R.layout.dialog); final ListView list = (ListView) dialog.findViewById(; DialogAdapter adapter = new DialogAdapter(welcome.this, arr); list.setAdapter(adapter);//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m final TextView t = (TextView) dialog.findViewById(; t.setText("Select " + name); Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(welcome.this.getAssets(), "AvenirLTStd_Book.otf"); t.setTypeface(tf); list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { tv.setText(arr[position]); dialog.dismiss(); } }); final RelativeLayout l_close = (RelativeLayout) dialog.findViewById(; l_close.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub dialog.dismiss(); } });; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") @Override/*from ww w . j av a 2 s . com*/ protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) { // Get height of NTB with badge on nor final int mBadgedHeight = (int) (mBounds.height() + mBadgeMargin); // Set main canvas if (mBitmap == null || mBitmap.isRecycled()) { mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) mBounds.width(), mBadgedHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mCanvas.setBitmap(mBitmap); } // Set pointer canvas if (mPointerBitmap == null || mPointerBitmap.isRecycled()) { mPointerBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) mBounds.width(), mBadgedHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mPointerCanvas.setBitmap(mPointerBitmap); } // Set icons canvas if (mIconsBitmap == null || mIconsBitmap.isRecycled()) { mIconsBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) mBounds.width(), mBadgedHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mIconsCanvas.setBitmap(mIconsBitmap); } // Set titles canvas if (mIsTitled) { if (mTitlesBitmap == null || mTitlesBitmap.isRecycled()) { mTitlesBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) mBounds.width(), mBadgedHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mTitlesCanvas.setBitmap(mTitlesBitmap); } } else mTitlesBitmap = null; // Reset and clear canvases mCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); mPointerCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); mIconsCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); if (mCornersRadius == 0) canvas.drawRect(mBgBounds, mBgPaint); else canvas.drawRoundRect(mBgBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mBgPaint); // Get pointer badge margin for gravity final float barBadgeMargin = mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? mBadgeMargin : 0.0F; // Draw our model colors for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { mPaint.setColor(mModels.get(i).getColor()); if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) { final float left = mModelSize * i; final float right = left + mModelSize; mCanvas.drawRect(left, barBadgeMargin, right, mBounds.height() + barBadgeMargin, mPaint); } else { final float top = mModelSize * i; final float bottom = top + mModelSize; mCanvas.drawRect(0.0F, top, mBounds.width(), bottom, mPaint); } } // Set bound of pointer if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) mPointerBounds.set(mPointerLeftTop, barBadgeMargin, mPointerRightBottom, mBounds.height() + barBadgeMargin); else mPointerBounds.set(0.0F, mPointerLeftTop, mBounds.width(), mPointerRightBottom); // Draw pointer for model colors if (mCornersRadius == 0) mPointerCanvas.drawRect(mPointerBounds, mPaint); else mPointerCanvas.drawRoundRect(mPointerBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mPaint); // Draw pointer into main canvas mCanvas.drawBitmap(mPointerBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, mPointerPaint); // Set vars for icon when model with title or without final float iconMarginTitleHeight = mIconSize + mTitleMargin + mModelTitleSize; // Draw model icons for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { final Model model = mModels.get(i); // Variables to center our icons final float leftOffset; final float topOffset; final float matrixCenterX; final float matrixCenterY; // Set offset to titles final float leftTitleOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize * 0.5F); final float topTitleOffset = mBounds.height() - (mBounds.height() - iconMarginTitleHeight) * 0.5F; if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) { leftOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize - model.mIcon.getWidth()) * 0.5F; topOffset = (mBounds.height() - model.mIcon.getHeight()) * 0.5F; } else { leftOffset = (mBounds.width() - (float) model.mIcon.getWidth()) * 0.5F; topOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize - (float) model.mIcon.getHeight()) * 0.5F; } matrixCenterX = leftOffset + (float) model.mIcon.getWidth() * 0.5F; matrixCenterY = topOffset + (float) model.mIcon.getHeight() * 0.5F; // Title translate position final float titleTranslate = topOffset - model.mIcon.getHeight() * TITLE_MARGIN_SCALE_FRACTION; // Translate icon to model center model.mIconMatrix.setTranslate(leftOffset, (mIsTitled && mTitleMode == TitleMode.ALL) ? titleTranslate : topOffset); // Get interpolated fraction for left last and current models final float interpolation = mResizeInterpolator.getResizeInterpolation(mFraction, true); final float lastInterpolation = mResizeInterpolator.getResizeInterpolation(mFraction, false); // Scale value relative to interpolation final float matrixScale = model.mActiveIconScaleBy * (mIsScaled ? interpolation : NON_SCALED_FRACTION); final float matrixLastScale = model.mActiveIconScaleBy * (mIsScaled ? lastInterpolation : (MAX_FRACTION - NON_SCALED_FRACTION)); // Get title alpha relative to interpolation final int titleAlpha = (int) (MAX_ALPHA * interpolation); final int titleLastAlpha = MAX_ALPHA - (int) (MAX_ALPHA * lastInterpolation); // Get title scale relative to interpolation final float titleScale = MAX_FRACTION + ((mIsScaled ? interpolation : NON_SCALED_FRACTION) * TITLE_ACTIVE_SCALE_BY); final float titleLastScale = mIsScaled ? (MAX_FRACTION + TITLE_ACTIVE_SCALE_BY) - (lastInterpolation * TITLE_ACTIVE_SCALE_BY) : titleScale; mIconPaint.setAlpha(MAX_ALPHA); if (model.mSelectedIcon != null) mSelectedIconPaint.setAlpha(MAX_ALPHA); // Check if we handle models from touch on NTB or from ViewPager // There is a strange logic // of ViewPager onPageScrolled method, so it is if (mIsSetIndexFromTabBar) { if (mIndex == i) updateCurrentModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, interpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixScale, titleScale, titleAlpha); else if (mLastIndex == i) updateLastModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, lastInterpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixLastScale, titleLastScale, titleLastAlpha); else updateInactiveModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleScale, matrixScale, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY); } else { if (i == mIndex + 1) updateCurrentModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, interpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixScale, titleScale, titleAlpha); else if (i == mIndex) updateLastModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, lastInterpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixLastScale, titleLastScale, titleLastAlpha); else updateInactiveModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleScale, matrixScale, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY); } // Draw original model icon if (model.mSelectedIcon == null) { if (model.mIcon != null && !model.mIcon.isRecycled()) mIconsCanvas.drawBitmap(model.mIcon, model.mIconMatrix, mIconPaint); } else { if (mIconPaint.getAlpha() != MIN_ALPHA && model.mIcon != null && !model.mIcon.isRecycled()) // Draw original icon when is visible mIconsCanvas.drawBitmap(model.mIcon, model.mIconMatrix, mIconPaint); } // Draw selected icon when exist and visible if (mSelectedIconPaint.getAlpha() != MIN_ALPHA && model.mSelectedIcon != null && !model.mSelectedIcon.isRecycled()) mIconsCanvas.drawBitmap(model.mSelectedIcon, model.mIconMatrix, mSelectedIconPaint); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawText(isInEditMode() ? PREVIEW_TITLE : model.getTitle(), leftTitleOffset, topTitleOffset, mModelTitlePaint); } // Reset pointer bounds for icons and titles if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) mPointerBounds.set(mPointerLeftTop, 0.0F, mPointerRightBottom, mBounds.height()); if (mCornersRadius == 0) { if (mIsTinted) mIconsCanvas.drawRect(mPointerBounds, mIconPointerPaint); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawRect(mPointerBounds, mIconPointerPaint); } else { if (mIsTinted) mIconsCanvas.drawRoundRect(mPointerBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mIconPointerPaint); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawRoundRect(mPointerBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mIconPointerPaint); } // Draw general bitmap canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, null); // Draw icons bitmap on top canvas.drawBitmap(mIconsBitmap, 0.0F, barBadgeMargin, null); // Draw titles bitmap on top if (mIsTitled) canvas.drawBitmap(mTitlesBitmap, 0.0F, barBadgeMargin, null); // If is not badged, exit if (!mIsBadged) return; // Model badge margin and offset relative to gravity mode final float modelBadgeMargin = mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? mBadgeMargin : mBounds.height(); final float modelBadgeOffset = mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? 0.0F : mBounds.height() - mBadgeMargin; for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { final Model model = mModels.get(i); // Set preview badge title if (isInEditMode() || TextUtils.isEmpty(model.getBadgeTitle())) model.setBadgeTitle(PREVIEW_BADGE); // Set badge title bounds mBadgePaint.setTextSize(mBadgeTitleSize * model.mBadgeFraction); mBadgePaint.getTextBounds(model.getBadgeTitle(), 0, model.getBadgeTitle().length(), mBadgeBounds); // Get horizontal and vertical padding for bg final float horizontalPadding = mBadgeTitleSize * BADGE_HORIZONTAL_FRACTION; final float verticalPadding = horizontalPadding * BADGE_VERTICAL_FRACTION; // Set horizontal badge offset final float badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize * mBadgePosition.mPositionFraction); // If is badge title only one char, so create circle else round rect final float badgeMargin = mBadgeMargin * model.mBadgeFraction; if (model.getBadgeTitle().length() == 1) { mBgBadgeBounds.set(badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset - badgeMargin, modelBadgeMargin - badgeMargin, badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset + badgeMargin, modelBadgeMargin + badgeMargin); } else mBgBadgeBounds.set( badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset - Math.max(badgeMargin, mBadgeBounds.centerX() + horizontalPadding), modelBadgeMargin - badgeMargin, badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset + Math.max(badgeMargin, mBadgeBounds.centerX() + horizontalPadding), modelBadgeOffset + (verticalPadding * 2.0F) + mBadgeBounds.height()); // Set color and alpha for badge bg if (model.mBadgeFraction == MIN_FRACTION) mBadgePaint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); else mBadgePaint.setColor(mBadgeBgColor == AUTO_COLOR ? mActiveColor : mBadgeBgColor); mBadgePaint.setAlpha((int) (MAX_ALPHA * model.mBadgeFraction)); // Set corners to round rect for badge bg and draw final float cornerRadius = mBgBadgeBounds.height() * 0.5F; canvas.drawRoundRect(mBgBadgeBounds, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, mBadgePaint); // Set color and alpha for badge title if (model.mBadgeFraction == MIN_FRACTION) mBadgePaint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); else //noinspection ResourceAsColor mBadgePaint.setColor(mBadgeTitleColor == AUTO_COLOR ? model.getColor() : mBadgeTitleColor); mBadgePaint.setAlpha((int) (MAX_ALPHA * model.mBadgeFraction)); // Set badge title center position and draw title final float badgeHalfHeight = mBadgeBounds.height() * 0.5F; float badgeVerticalOffset = (mBgBadgeBounds.height() * 0.5F) + badgeHalfHeight - mBadgeBounds.bottom + modelBadgeOffset; canvas.drawText(model.getBadgeTitle(), badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset, badgeVerticalOffset + mBadgeBounds.height() - (mBadgeBounds.height() * model.mBadgeFraction), mBadgePaint); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") @Override//from w w w. ja v a 2 protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) { // Get height of NTB with badge on nor final int mBadgedHeight = (int) (mBounds.height() + mBadgeMargin); // Set home canvas if (mBitmap == null || mBitmap.isRecycled()) { mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) mBounds.width(), mBadgedHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mCanvas.setBitmap(mBitmap); } // Set pointer canvas if (mPointerBitmap == null || mPointerBitmap.isRecycled()) { mPointerBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) mBounds.width(), mBadgedHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mPointerCanvas.setBitmap(mPointerBitmap); } // Set icons canvas if (mIconsBitmap == null || mIconsBitmap.isRecycled()) { mIconsBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) mBounds.width(), mBadgedHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mIconsCanvas.setBitmap(mIconsBitmap); } // Set titles canvas if (mIsTitled) { if (mTitlesBitmap == null || mTitlesBitmap.isRecycled()) { mTitlesBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) mBounds.width(), mBadgedHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); mTitlesCanvas.setBitmap(mTitlesBitmap); } } else mTitlesBitmap = null; // Reset and clear canvases mCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); mPointerCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); mIconsCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); if (mCornersRadius == 0) canvas.drawRect(mBgBounds, mBgPaint); else canvas.drawRoundRect(mBgBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mBgPaint); // Get pointer badge margin for gravity final float barBadgeMargin = mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? mBadgeMargin : 0.0F; // Draw our model colors for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { mPaint.setColor(mModels.get(i).getColor()); if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) { final float left = mModelSize * i; final float right = left + mModelSize; mCanvas.drawRect(left, barBadgeMargin, right, mBounds.height() + barBadgeMargin, mPaint); } else { final float top = mModelSize * i; final float bottom = top + mModelSize; mCanvas.drawRect(0.0F, top, mBounds.width(), bottom, mPaint); } } // Set bound of pointer if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) mPointerBounds.set(mPointerLeftTop, barBadgeMargin, mPointerRightBottom, mBounds.height() + barBadgeMargin); else mPointerBounds.set(0.0F, mPointerLeftTop, mBounds.width(), mPointerRightBottom); // Draw pointer for model colors if (mCornersRadius == 0) mPointerCanvas.drawRect(mPointerBounds, mPaint); else mPointerCanvas.drawRoundRect(mPointerBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mPaint); // Draw pointer into home canvas mCanvas.drawBitmap(mPointerBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, mPointerPaint); // Set vars for icon when model with title or without final float iconMarginTitleHeight = mIconSize + mTitleMargin + mModelTitleSize; // Draw model icons for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { final Model model = mModels.get(i); // Variables to center our icons final float leftOffset; final float topOffset; final float matrixCenterX; final float matrixCenterY; // Set offset to titles final float leftTitleOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize * 0.5F); final float topTitleOffset = mBounds.height() - (mBounds.height() - iconMarginTitleHeight) * 0.5F; if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) { leftOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize - model.mIcon.getWidth()) * 0.5F; topOffset = (mBounds.height() - model.mIcon.getHeight()) * 0.5F; } else { leftOffset = (mBounds.width() - (float) model.mIcon.getWidth()) * 0.5F; topOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize - (float) model.mIcon.getHeight()) * 0.5F; } matrixCenterX = leftOffset + (float) model.mIcon.getWidth() * 0.5F; matrixCenterY = topOffset + (float) model.mIcon.getHeight() * 0.5F; // Title translate position final float titleTranslate = topOffset - model.mIcon.getHeight() * TITLE_MARGIN_SCALE_FRACTION; // Translate icon to model center model.mIconMatrix.setTranslate(leftOffset, (mIsTitled && mTitleMode == TitleMode.ALL) ? titleTranslate : topOffset); // Get interpolated fraction for left last and current models final float interpolation = mResizeInterpolator.getResizeInterpolation(mFraction, true); final float lastInterpolation = mResizeInterpolator.getResizeInterpolation(mFraction, false); // Scale value relative to interpolation final float matrixScale = model.mActiveIconScaleBy * (mIsScaled ? interpolation : NON_SCALED_FRACTION); final float matrixLastScale = model.mActiveIconScaleBy * (mIsScaled ? lastInterpolation : (MAX_FRACTION - NON_SCALED_FRACTION)); // Get title alpha relative to interpolation final int titleAlpha = (int) (MAX_ALPHA * interpolation); final int titleLastAlpha = MAX_ALPHA - (int) (MAX_ALPHA * lastInterpolation); // Get title scale relative to interpolation final float titleScale = MAX_FRACTION + ((mIsScaled ? interpolation : NON_SCALED_FRACTION) * TITLE_ACTIVE_SCALE_BY); final float titleLastScale = mIsScaled ? (MAX_FRACTION + TITLE_ACTIVE_SCALE_BY) - (lastInterpolation * TITLE_ACTIVE_SCALE_BY) : titleScale; mIconPaint.setAlpha(MAX_ALPHA); if (model.mSelectedIcon != null) mSelectedIconPaint.setAlpha(MAX_ALPHA); // Check if we handle models from touch on NTB or from ViewPager // There is a strange logic // of ViewPager onPageScrolled method, so it is if (mIsSetIndexFromTabBar) { if (mIndex == i) updateCurrentModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, interpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixScale, titleScale, titleAlpha); else if (mLastIndex == i) updateLastModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, lastInterpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixLastScale, titleLastScale, titleLastAlpha); else updateInactiveModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleScale, matrixScale, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY); } else { if (i == mIndex + 1) updateCurrentModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, interpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixScale, titleScale, titleAlpha); else if (i == mIndex) updateLastModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleTranslate, lastInterpolation, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY, matrixLastScale, titleLastScale, titleLastAlpha); else updateInactiveModel(model, leftOffset, topOffset, titleScale, matrixScale, matrixCenterX, matrixCenterY); } // Draw original model icon if (model.mSelectedIcon == null) { if (model.mIcon != null && !model.mIcon.isRecycled()) mIconsCanvas.drawBitmap(model.mIcon, model.mIconMatrix, mIconPaint); } else { if (mIconPaint.getAlpha() != MIN_ALPHA && model.mIcon != null && !model.mIcon.isRecycled()) // Draw original icon when is visible mIconsCanvas.drawBitmap(model.mIcon, model.mIconMatrix, mIconPaint); } // Draw selected icon when exist and visible if (mSelectedIconPaint.getAlpha() != MIN_ALPHA && model.mSelectedIcon != null && !model.mSelectedIcon.isRecycled()) mIconsCanvas.drawBitmap(model.mSelectedIcon, model.mIconMatrix, mSelectedIconPaint); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawText(isInEditMode() ? PREVIEW_TITLE : model.getTitle(), leftTitleOffset, topTitleOffset, mModelTitlePaint); } // Reset pointer bounds for icons and titles if (mIsHorizontalOrientation) mPointerBounds.set(mPointerLeftTop, 0.0F, mPointerRightBottom, mBounds.height()); if (mCornersRadius == 0) { if (mIsTinted) mIconsCanvas.drawRect(mPointerBounds, mIconPointerPaint); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawRect(mPointerBounds, mIconPointerPaint); } else { if (mIsTinted) mIconsCanvas.drawRoundRect(mPointerBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mIconPointerPaint); if (mIsTitled) mTitlesCanvas.drawRoundRect(mPointerBounds, mCornersRadius, mCornersRadius, mIconPointerPaint); } // Draw general bitmap canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 0.0F, 0.0F, null); // Draw icons bitmap on top canvas.drawBitmap(mIconsBitmap, 0.0F, barBadgeMargin, null); // Draw titles bitmap on top if (mIsTitled) canvas.drawBitmap(mTitlesBitmap, 0.0F, barBadgeMargin, null); // If is not badged, exit if (!mIsBadged) return; // Model badge margin and offset relative to gravity mode final float modelBadgeMargin = mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? mBadgeMargin : mBounds.height(); final float modelBadgeOffset = mBadgeGravity == BadgeGravity.TOP ? 0.0F : mBounds.height() - mBadgeMargin; for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) { final Model model = mModels.get(i); // Set preview badge title if (isInEditMode() || TextUtils.isEmpty(model.getBadgeTitle())) model.setBadgeTitle(PREVIEW_BADGE); // Set badge title bounds mBadgePaint.setTextSize(mBadgeTitleSize * model.mBadgeFraction); mBadgePaint.getTextBounds(model.getBadgeTitle(), 0, model.getBadgeTitle().length(), mBadgeBounds); // Get horizontal and vertical padding for bg final float horizontalPadding = mBadgeTitleSize * BADGE_HORIZONTAL_FRACTION; final float verticalPadding = horizontalPadding * BADGE_VERTICAL_FRACTION; // Set horizontal badge offset final float badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset = (mModelSize * i) + (mModelSize * mBadgePosition.mPositionFraction); // If is badge title only one char, so create circle else round rect final float badgeMargin = mBadgeMargin * model.mBadgeFraction; if (model.getBadgeTitle().length() == 1) { mBgBadgeBounds.set(badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset - badgeMargin, modelBadgeMargin - badgeMargin, badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset + badgeMargin, modelBadgeMargin + badgeMargin); } else mBgBadgeBounds.set( badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset - Math.max(badgeMargin, mBadgeBounds.centerX() + horizontalPadding), modelBadgeMargin - badgeMargin, badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset + Math.max(badgeMargin, mBadgeBounds.centerX() + horizontalPadding), modelBadgeOffset + (verticalPadding * 2.0F) + mBadgeBounds.height()); // Set color and alpha for badge bg if (model.mBadgeFraction == MIN_FRACTION) mBadgePaint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); else mBadgePaint.setColor(mBadgeBgColor == AUTO_COLOR ? mActiveColor : mBadgeBgColor); mBadgePaint.setAlpha((int) (MAX_ALPHA * model.mBadgeFraction)); // Set corners to round rect for badge bg and draw final float cornerRadius = mBgBadgeBounds.height() * 0.5F; canvas.drawRoundRect(mBgBadgeBounds, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, mBadgePaint); // Set color and alpha for badge title if (model.mBadgeFraction == MIN_FRACTION) mBadgePaint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); else //noinspection ResourceAsColor mBadgePaint.setColor(mBadgeTitleColor == AUTO_COLOR ? model.getColor() : mBadgeTitleColor); mBadgePaint.setAlpha((int) (MAX_ALPHA * model.mBadgeFraction)); // Set badge title center position and draw title final float badgeHalfHeight = mBadgeBounds.height() * 0.5F; float badgeVerticalOffset = (mBgBadgeBounds.height() * 0.5F) + badgeHalfHeight - mBadgeBounds.bottom + modelBadgeOffset; canvas.drawText(model.getBadgeTitle(), badgeBoundsHorizontalOffset, badgeVerticalOffset + mBadgeBounds.height() - (mBadgeBounds.height() * model.mBadgeFraction), mBadgePaint); } }