Example usage for android.graphics Color HSVToColor

List of usage examples for android.graphics Color HSVToColor


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Color HSVToColor.


public static int HSVToColor(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) int alpha, @Size(3) float hsv[]) 

Source Link


Convert HSV components to an ARGB color.


From source file:com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.GoogleMap.java

 * @param lat Latitude of the center of the circle
 * @param lng Longitude of the center of the circle
 * @param radius Radius of the circle//from www.ja  v  a2s .  c  o m
 * @param alpha Alpha value of the color of the circle overlay
 * @param hue Hue value of the color of the circle overaly
 * @param strokeWidth Width of the perimeter
 * @param strokeColor Color of the perimeter
@SimpleFunction(description = "Create a circle overlay on the map UI with specified latitude and longitude for center. "
        + "\"hue\" (min 0, max 360) and \"alpha\" (min 0, max 255) are used to set color and transparency level of the circle, "
        + "\"strokeWidth\" and \"strokeColor\" are for the perimeter of the circle. "
        + "Returning a unique id of the circle for future reference to events raised by moving this circle. If the circle is"
        + "set to be draggable, two default markers will appear on the map: one in the center of the circle, another on the perimeter.")
public int AddCircle(double lat, double lng, double radius, int alpha, float hue, float strokeWidth,
        int strokeColor, boolean draggable) {
    int uid = generateCircleId();
    int fillColor = Color.HSVToColor(alpha, new float[] { hue, 1, 1 });

    if (draggable) {
        //create a draggableCircle
        DraggableCircle circle = new DraggableCircle(new LatLng(lat, lng), radius, strokeWidth, strokeColor,

        circles.put(circle, uid);

    } else {
        Circle plainCircle = mMap.addCircle(new CircleOptions().center(new LatLng(lat, lng)).radius(radius)
        circles.put(plainCircle, uid);

    return uid;


From source file:io.jawg.osmcontributor.ui.utils.BitmapHandler.java

public static Bitmap hue(Bitmap bitmap, float hue) {
    Bitmap newBitmap = bitmap.copy(bitmap.getConfig(), true);
    final int width = newBitmap.getWidth();
    final int height = newBitmap.getHeight();
    float[] hsv = new float[3];

    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            int pixel = newBitmap.getPixel(x, y);
            Color.colorToHSV(pixel, hsv);
            hsv[0] = hue;//from   ww w.  j  av a 2  s  .co m
            newBitmap.setPixel(x, y, Color.HSVToColor(Color.alpha(pixel), hsv));

    return newBitmap;

From source file:info.tellmetime.TellmetimeActivity.java

 * Handles changing highlight color via #mSeekBarHighlight.
 * @param value indicates exact offset in gradient (SeekBar's max value is equal to #mRainbow width).
 *//*from w  w w. j a v a2s.co m*/
public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int value, boolean fromUser) {
    switch (seekBar.getId()) {
    case R.id.highlightValue:
        mHighlightColor = mRainbow.getPixel(value, 0);
        if (((RadioButton) findViewById(R.id.radio_backlight_highlight)).isChecked()) {
            float[] highlightHSV = new float[3];
            Color.colorToHSV(mHighlightColor, highlightHSV);
            mBacklightColor = Color.HSVToColor(33, highlightHSV);
        if (fromUser)
            mHighlightPosition = (float) value / seekBar.getMax();



    case R.id.minutesSize:
        mMinutesSize = value;

        if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) {
            FrameLayout minutesIndicators = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.minutes_indicators);
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) minutesIndicators
            params.topMargin = (int) -TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mMinutesSize / 3,

        ViewGroup minutesDots = (ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.minutes_dots);
        for (int i = 0; i < minutesDots.getChildCount(); i++) {
            TextView m = (TextView) minutesDots.getChildAt(i);
            m.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mMinutesSize);



From source file:com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.GoogleMap.java

@SimpleFunction(description = "Set the property of an existing circle. Properties include: "
        + "\"alpha\"(number, value ranging from 0~255), \"color\" (nimber, hue value ranging 0~360), "
        + "\"radius\"(number in meters)")
public void UpdateCircle(int circleId, String propertyName, Object value) {
    Log.i(TAG, "inputs: " + circleId + "," + propertyName + ", " + value);
    float[] hsv = new float[3];
    Object circle = getCircleIfExisted(circleId); // if it's null, getCircleIfExisted will show error msg
    Circle updateCircle = null; // the real circle content that gets updated

    if (circle != null) {
        if (circle instanceof DraggableCircle) {
            updateCircle = ((DraggableCircle) circle).getCircle();

        }/*from w w  w. j  a v  a2s.c o  m*/
        if (circle instanceof Circle) {
            updateCircle = (Circle) circle;

        try {

            Float val = Float.parseFloat(value.toString());
            if (propertyName.equals("alpha")) {

                int color = updateCircle.getFillColor();
                Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv);
                Integer alphaVal = val.intValue();
                //Color.HSVToColor(mAlpha, new float[] {mColorHue, 1, 1});//default to red, medium level hue color
                int newColor = Color.HSVToColor(alphaVal, hsv);

            if (propertyName.equals("color")) {
                int alpha = Color.alpha(updateCircle.getFillColor());

                int newColor = Color.HSVToColor(alpha, new float[] { val, 1, 1 });

            if (propertyName.equals("radius")) {
                // need to cast value to float
                Float radius = val;
                // if it's a draggableCircle, then we need to remove the previous marker and get new radius marker
                if (circle instanceof DraggableCircle) {
                    // remove previous radius marker
                    Marker centerMarker = ((DraggableCircle) circle).getCenterMarker();
                    Marker oldMarker = ((DraggableCircle) circle).getRadiusMarker();
                    Marker newMarker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                            .position(toRadiusLatLng(centerMarker.getPosition(), radius)).draggable(true)

                    ((DraggableCircle) circle).setRadiusMarker(newMarker);
                    // create a new draggabble circle



        } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //can't parse the string
            form.dispatchErrorOccurredEvent(this, "UpdateCircle", ErrorMessages.ERROR_GOOGLE_MAP_INVALID_INPUT,

    } else {
        // the circle doesn't exist
        form.dispatchErrorOccurredEvent(this, "UpdateCircle", ErrorMessages.ERROR_GOOGLE_MAP_CIRCLE_NOT_EXIST,

From source file:info.tellmetime.TellmetimeActivity.java

public void onBacklightRadioClick(View view) {
    boolean isChecked = ((RadioButton) view).isChecked();

    switch (view.getId()) {
    case R.id.radio_backlight_light:
        if (isChecked)
            mBacklightColor = mBacklightLight;
        break;/*from   w  w  w  .j a v a 2s .c o m*/
    case R.id.radio_backlight_dark:
        if (isChecked)
            mBacklightColor = mBacklightDark;
    case R.id.radio_backlight_highlight:
        if (isChecked) {
            float[] highlightHSV = new float[3];
            Color.colorToHSV(mHighlightColor, highlightHSV);
            mBacklightColor = Color.HSVToColor(33, highlightHSV);


From source file:org.mariotaku.twidere.activity.ComposeActivity.java

public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) {
    if (menu == null || mEditText == null || mTextCount == null)
        return false;
    final String text_orig = parseString(mEditText.getText());
    final String text = mIsPhotoAttached || mIsImageAttached
            ? mUploadUseExtension ? getImageUploadStatus(this, FAKE_IMAGE_LINK, text_orig)
                    : text_orig + " " + FAKE_IMAGE_LINK
            : text_orig;/*from  www.ja va  2  s. com*/
    final int count = mValidator.getTweetLength(text);
    final float hue = count < Validator.MAX_TWEET_LENGTH
            ? count >= Validator.MAX_TWEET_LENGTH - 10 ? 5 * (Validator.MAX_TWEET_LENGTH - count) : 50
            : 0;
    final float[] hsv = new float[] { hue, 1.0f, 1.0f };
            .setTextColor(count >= Validator.MAX_TWEET_LENGTH - 10 ? Color.HSVToColor(0x80, hsv) : 0x80808080);
    mTextCount.setText(parseString(Validator.MAX_TWEET_LENGTH - count));
    final MenuItem sendItem = menu.findItem(MENU_SEND);
    if (sendItem != null) {
        sendItem.setEnabled(text_orig.length() > 0);
    return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);

From source file:com.mjhram.ttaxi.GpsMainActivity.java

public void onEventMainThread(ServiceEvents.updateDrivers updateDriversEvent) {
    tracer.debug("updating nearby driver");
    double[] drvLat = updateDriversEvent.drvLat;
    double[] drvLong = updateDriversEvent.drvLong;
    double lat_dw = updateDriversEvent.lat_d;
    double lng_dw = updateDriversEvent.lng_d;

    Location loc = updateDriversEvent.location;
    LatLng center = new LatLng(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude());

    //double radiusInMeters = Utilities.toRadiusMeters(new LatLng(0.0, 0.0), new LatLng(radius, radius));
    //1. remove previous markers
    clearDriversMarkers();//from w  w  w  .jav  a 2  s.c  o m
    //2.a add scan circle
    int circleStrokeWidth = 3;
    int mStrokeColor = Color.BLACK;
    int mFillColor1 = 20;
    int mAlpha = 20;
    int mFillColor = Color.HSVToColor(mAlpha, new float[] { mFillColor1, 1, 1 });
    /*CircleOptions opt = new CircleOptions()
    mapsSearchCircle = googleMap.addCircle(opt);*/
    //Polygon [or rectangle]
    PolygonOptions options = new PolygonOptions().addAll(Utilities.createRectangle(center, lat_dw, lng_dw));
    searchPolygon = googleMap
    //2.b add new markers
    countOfDrivers = updateDriversEvent.drvCount;
    nearbyDrivers = new Marker[countOfDrivers];
    for (int i = 0; i < updateDriversEvent.drvCount; i++) {
        LatLng driverPosition = new LatLng(drvLat[i], drvLong[i]);
        MarkerOptions markerOptions = new MarkerOptions().position(driverPosition)
                .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.taxi)).anchor(0.5f, 0.5f).draggable(true);
        nearbyDrivers[i] = googleMap.addMarker(markerOptions);

From source file:com.t2.compassionMeditation.Graphs1Activity.java

 * Returns a unique key color based on the current index and total count of parameters
 * @param currentIndex      Index of current parameter
 * @param totalCount      Total number of parameters
 * @return               Unique color based in inputs
 *///from   ww  w .j a  v  a2  s.  c om
protected int getKeyColor(int currentIndex, int totalCount) {
    float hue = currentIndex / (1.00f * totalCount) * 360.00f;

    return Color.HSVToColor(255, new float[] { hue, 1.0f, 1.0f });

From source file:com.dwdesign.tweetings.activity.ComposeActivity.java

public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) {
    if (menu == null || mEditText == null || mTextCount == null)
        return false;
    final String text_orig = parseString(mEditText.getText());
    final String text = mIsPhotoAttached || mIsImageAttached
            ? mUploadUseExtension ? getImageUploadStatus(this, FAKE_IMAGE_LINK, text_orig)
                    : text_orig + " " + FAKE_IMAGE_LINK
            : text_orig;//from www  . j  av a2  s .c o m
    final int count = mValidator.getTweetLength(text);
    final float hue = count < 140 ? count >= 130 ? 5 * (140 - count) : 50 : 0;
    final float[] hsv = new float[] { hue, 1.0f, 1.0f };
    mTextCount.setTextColor(count >= 130 ? Color.HSVToColor(0x80, hsv) : 0x80808080);
    mTextCount.setText(parseString(140 - count));
    final MenuItem sendItem = menu.findItem(MENU_SEND);
    if (sendItem != null) {
        sendItem.setEnabled(text_orig.length() > 0);
    return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);