List of usage examples for Color GRAY
int GRAY
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@Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub View grid;// www . j a v a 2 s . c o m LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); if (convertView == null) { if (position != imageUris.size()) { grid = inflater.inflate(R.layout.grid_single_newtown_selectimage, null); imageView = (ImageView) grid.findViewById(; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { if (mContext.checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { // Should we show an explanation? if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale((SelectImageActivity) mContext, Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)) { // Explain to the user why we need to read the contacts Log.i("my", "permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"); } ActivityCompat.requestPermissions((SelectImageActivity) mContext, new String[] { Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE); // MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_READ_CONTACTS is an // app-defined int constant // return; } else { Log.i("my", "permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE3"); //normal request goes here //imageView.setImageURI(ImageUris[position]); Picasso.with(mContext).load(imageUris.get(position)).fit().into(imageView); } } } else { grid = inflater.inflate(R.layout.grid_single_newtown_selectimage, null); ImageView imageView = (ImageView) grid.findViewById(; imageView.setBackgroundColor(Color.GRAY); imageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_add_white_24dp); } } else { grid = (View) convertView; } return grid; }
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@Override public View onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater inflater, android.view.ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {//from ww w . j a v a 2s. co m View mainView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.passage_fragment, container, false); textViewContent = (TextView) (mainView.findViewById(; defaultTextSize = textViewContent.getTextSize(); if (PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()) .getBoolean(getString(R.string.pref_key_night_mode), false)) { textViewContent.setTextColor(Color.GRAY); } Prefs prefs = new Prefs(getActivity()); //Legacy MP3 plugin installed but MP3 product not yet defined //OR MP3 product defined if ((ReadingsApplication.getMp3Installed() && prefs.isMp3ProductUndefined()) || prefs.loadMp3Product().length() > 0) { setupMediaControls(mainView); } mainView.findViewById(; mainView.findViewById(; if (Features.DAILYREADINGS_ORG_COMMENTS) { TextView textViewDiscuss = (TextView) mainView.findViewById(; textViewDiscuss.setOnClickListener(this); textViewDiscuss.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); textViewDiscuss = (TextView) mainView.findViewById(; textViewDiscuss.setOnClickListener(this); textViewDiscuss.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } loadTextSize(); registerGestureDetector(mainView); return mainView; }
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@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // BEGIN_INCLUDE (populate_tabs) /**/* www . ja va 2 m*/ * Populate our tab list with tabs. Each item contains a title, indicator color and divider * color, which are used by {@link SlidingTabLayout}. */ mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_lost), // Title Color.BLUE, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_found), // Title Color.GREEN, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); // END_INCLUDE (populate_tabs) }
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/** * This is called after the {@link #onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)} has finished. * Here we can pick out the {@link View}s we need to configure from the content view. * * We set the {@link ViewPager}'s adapter to be an instance of {@link SamplePagerAdapter}. The * {@link SlidingTabLayout} is then given the {@link ViewPager} so that it can populate itself. * * @param view View created in {@link #onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)} *///from ww w .j a v a2s . co m @Override public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { // BEGIN_INCLUDE (setup_viewpager) // Get the ViewPager and set it's PagerAdapter so that it can display items mViewPager = (ViewPager) view.findViewById(; mViewPager.setAdapter(new SamplePagerAdapter(this.getActivity(), getFragmentManager())); // END_INCLUDE (setup_viewpager) // BEGIN_INCLUDE (setup_slidingtablayout) // Give the SlidingTabLayout the ViewPager, this must be done AFTER the ViewPager has had // it's PagerAdapter set. mSlidingTabLayout = (SlidingTabLayout) view.findViewById(; mSlidingTabLayout.setViewPager(mViewPager); mSlidingTabLayout.setCustomTabColorizer(new SlidingTabLayout.TabColorizer() { @Override public int getIndicatorColor(int position) { return getResources().getColor(R.color.color_accent); } @Override public int getDividerColor(int position) { return Color.GRAY; } }); // END_INCLUDE (setup_slidingtablayout) }
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@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // BEGIN_INCLUDE (populate_tabs) /**//from w w w . ja v a2s . c o m * Populate our tab list with tabs. Each item contains a title, indicator color and divider * color, which are used by {@link SlidingTabLayout}. */ mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.organizer_overview), // Title Color.BLUE, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.organizer_infos), // Title Color.RED, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.organizer_Forfaits), // Title Color.YELLOW, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.organizer_attendees), // Title Color.GREEN, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); }
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@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // BEGIN_INCLUDE (populate_tabs) /**/*from ww w . j a va2 s .c o m*/ * Populate our tab list with tabs. Each item contains a title, indicator color and divider * color, which are used by {@link SlidingTabLayout}. */ mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_map), // Title Color.BLUE, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_my_trips), // Title Color.RED, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_indego_stations), // Title Color.GREEN, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); // END_INCLUDE (populate_tabs) }
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@Override public void init(JSONObject element, List<Field> fields, Bundle savedState, Cursor featureCursor, SharedPreferences preferences) throws JSONException { JSONObject attributes = element.getJSONObject(JSON_ATTRIBUTES_KEY); mFieldName = attributes.getString(JSON_FIELD_NAME_KEY); mIsShowLast = ControlHelper.isSaveLastValue(attributes); if (!ControlHelper.isEnabled(fields, mFieldName)) { setEnabled(false);/*from w w w . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ getBackground().setColorFilter(Color.GRAY, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP); } if (attributes.has(JSON_DATE_TYPE_KEY)) { mPickerType = attributes.getInt(JSON_DATE_TYPE_KEY); } switch (mPickerType) { case 0: mDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(); mPickerType = GeoConstants.FTDate; break; case 1: mDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getTimeInstance(); mPickerType = GeoConstants.FTTime; break; default: mPickerType = FTDateTime; case 2: mDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); mPickerType = GeoConstants.FTDateTime; break; } long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (ControlHelper.hasKey(savedState, mFieldName)) { timestamp = savedState.getLong(ControlHelper.getSavedStateKey(mFieldName)); } else if (null != featureCursor) { // feature exists int column = featureCursor.getColumnIndex(mFieldName); if (column >= 0) { timestamp = featureCursor.getLong(column); } } else { // new feature if (attributes.has(JSON_TEXT_KEY) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(attributes.getString(JSON_TEXT_KEY).trim())) { String defaultValue = attributes.getString(JSON_TEXT_KEY); timestamp = parseDateTime(defaultValue, mPickerType); } if (mIsShowLast) { timestamp = preferences.getLong(mFieldName, timestamp); } } mCalendar.setTimeInMillis(timestamp); setText(mDateFormat.format(mCalendar.getTime())); setSingleLine(true); setFocusable(false); setOnClickListener(getDateUpdateWatcher(mPickerType)); String pattern = mDateFormat.toLocalizedPattern(); setHint(pattern); }
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@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // BEGIN_INCLUDE (populate_tabs) /**/* w w w . j a va2 s . c om*/ * Populate our tab list with tabs. Each item contains a title, indicator color and divider * color, which are used by {@link SlidingTabLayout}. */ mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_stream), // Title Color.BLUE, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_messages), // Title Color.RED, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_photos), // Title Color.YELLOW, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_notifications), // Title Color.GREEN, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); // END_INCLUDE (populate_tabs) }
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public TabPageIndicator(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(false); //custom/*from w ww .j a va 2 s .co m*/ mContext = context; this.mTextFocusColor = context.getResources().getColor(R.color.tab_view_indicator_focus_color); this.mFocusedShader = new LinearGradient(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 50.0f, mTextFocusColor, mTextFocusColor, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); this.mNormalShader = new LinearGradient(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 40.0f, Color.WHITE, Color.GRAY, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); mTabLayout = new IcsLinearLayout(context, R.attr.vpiTabPageIndicatorStyle); addView(mTabLayout, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(WRAP_CONTENT, MATCH_PARENT)); }
From source
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // BEGIN_INCLUDE (populate_tabs) /**/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . c om*/ * Populate our tab list with tabs. Each item contains a title, indicator color and divider * color, which are used by {@link SlidingTabLayout}. */ mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_stream), // Title Color.BLUE, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_messages), // Title Color.RED, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_products), // Title Color.YELLOW, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_notifications), // Title Color.GREEN, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); mTabs.add(new SamplePagerItem(getString(R.string.tab_getjson), // Title Color.BLACK, // Indicator color Color.GRAY // Divider color )); // END_INCLUDE (populate_tabs) }