Example usage for android.graphics Color colorToHSV

List of usage examples for android.graphics Color colorToHSV


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Color colorToHSV.


public static void colorToHSV(@ColorInt int color, @Size(3) float hsv[]) 

Source Link


Convert the ARGB color to its HSV components.


From source file:com.granita.tasks.EditTaskFragment.java

private static int darkenColor(int color) {
    float[] hsv = new float[3];
    Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv);
    hsv[2] = hsv[2] * 0.75f;//  w  ww  . ja v a2  s .  com
    color = Color.HSVToColor(hsv);
    return color;

From source file:tv.piratemedia.lightcontroler.controller.java

private void setActionbarColor(int c) {
    try {/*  w  ww.ja v  a 2s .  c om*/
    } catch (Exception e) {
        //do nothing

    float[] hsv = new float[3];
    Color.colorToHSV(c, hsv);
    hsv[2] *= 0.8f; // value component
    c = Color.HSVToColor(hsv);


    //little hack to make the statusbar background redraw when called from another thread

From source file:io.jawg.osmcontributor.ui.utils.BitmapHandler.java

public static Bitmap hue(Bitmap bitmap, float hue) {
    Bitmap newBitmap = bitmap.copy(bitmap.getConfig(), true);
    final int width = newBitmap.getWidth();
    final int height = newBitmap.getHeight();
    float[] hsv = new float[3];

    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            int pixel = newBitmap.getPixel(x, y);
            Color.colorToHSV(pixel, hsv);
            hsv[0] = hue;/*  ww w.j av  a 2  s.c  om*/
            newBitmap.setPixel(x, y, Color.HSVToColor(Color.alpha(pixel), hsv));

    return newBitmap;

From source file:info.tellmetime.TellmetimeActivity.java

 * Handles changing highlight color via #mSeekBarHighlight.
 * @param value indicates exact offset in gradient (SeekBar's max value is equal to #mRainbow width).
 *//*from  w w w. ja v  a 2  s .  c  o m*/
public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int value, boolean fromUser) {
    switch (seekBar.getId()) {
    case R.id.highlightValue:
        mHighlightColor = mRainbow.getPixel(value, 0);
        if (((RadioButton) findViewById(R.id.radio_backlight_highlight)).isChecked()) {
            float[] highlightHSV = new float[3];
            Color.colorToHSV(mHighlightColor, highlightHSV);
            mBacklightColor = Color.HSVToColor(33, highlightHSV);
        if (fromUser)
            mHighlightPosition = (float) value / seekBar.getMax();



    case R.id.minutesSize:
        mMinutesSize = value;

        if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) {
            FrameLayout minutesIndicators = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.minutes_indicators);
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) minutesIndicators
            params.topMargin = (int) -TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mMinutesSize / 3,

        ViewGroup minutesDots = (ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.minutes_dots);
        for (int i = 0; i < minutesDots.getChildCount(); i++) {
            TextView m = (TextView) minutesDots.getChildAt(i);
            m.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mMinutesSize);



From source file:com.mikhaellopez.saveinsta.activity.MainActivity.java

private int darkerColor(int color) {
    float[] hsv = new float[3];
    Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv);
    hsv[2] *= 0.8f; // value component
    return Color.HSVToColor(hsv);

From source file:com.ruesga.rview.widget.TagEditTextView.java

public static int newRandomColor() {
    int random = (int) (Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xff0f0f0f) + 0xff000000);
    int color = Color.argb(0xff, Color.red(random), Color.green(random), Color.blue(random));

    float[] hsv = new float[3];
    Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv);
    hsv[2] *= 0.8f; // value component
    color = Color.HSVToColor(hsv);
    return color;

From source file:com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.GoogleMap.java

@SimpleFunction(description = "Set the property of an existing circle. Properties include: "
        + "\"alpha\"(number, value ranging from 0~255), \"color\" (nimber, hue value ranging 0~360), "
        + "\"radius\"(number in meters)")
public void UpdateCircle(int circleId, String propertyName, Object value) {
    Log.i(TAG, "inputs: " + circleId + "," + propertyName + ", " + value);
    float[] hsv = new float[3];
    Object circle = getCircleIfExisted(circleId); // if it's null, getCircleIfExisted will show error msg
    Circle updateCircle = null; // the real circle content that gets updated

    if (circle != null) {
        if (circle instanceof DraggableCircle) {
            updateCircle = ((DraggableCircle) circle).getCircle();

        }/*  www  .j a  v  a 2s  .  co m*/
        if (circle instanceof Circle) {
            updateCircle = (Circle) circle;

        try {

            Float val = Float.parseFloat(value.toString());
            if (propertyName.equals("alpha")) {

                int color = updateCircle.getFillColor();
                Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv);
                Integer alphaVal = val.intValue();
                //Color.HSVToColor(mAlpha, new float[] {mColorHue, 1, 1});//default to red, medium level hue color
                int newColor = Color.HSVToColor(alphaVal, hsv);

            if (propertyName.equals("color")) {
                int alpha = Color.alpha(updateCircle.getFillColor());

                int newColor = Color.HSVToColor(alpha, new float[] { val, 1, 1 });

            if (propertyName.equals("radius")) {
                // need to cast value to float
                Float radius = val;
                // if it's a draggableCircle, then we need to remove the previous marker and get new radius marker
                if (circle instanceof DraggableCircle) {
                    // remove previous radius marker
                    Marker centerMarker = ((DraggableCircle) circle).getCenterMarker();
                    Marker oldMarker = ((DraggableCircle) circle).getRadiusMarker();
                    Marker newMarker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                            .position(toRadiusLatLng(centerMarker.getPosition(), radius)).draggable(true)

                    ((DraggableCircle) circle).setRadiusMarker(newMarker);
                    // create a new draggabble circle



        } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //can't parse the string
            form.dispatchErrorOccurredEvent(this, "UpdateCircle", ErrorMessages.ERROR_GOOGLE_MAP_INVALID_INPUT,

    } else {
        // the circle doesn't exist
        form.dispatchErrorOccurredEvent(this, "UpdateCircle", ErrorMessages.ERROR_GOOGLE_MAP_CIRCLE_NOT_EXIST,

From source file:info.tellmetime.TellmetimeActivity.java

public void onBacklightRadioClick(View view) {
    boolean isChecked = ((RadioButton) view).isChecked();

    switch (view.getId()) {
    case R.id.radio_backlight_light:
        if (isChecked)
            mBacklightColor = mBacklightLight;
        break;//from  ww w  . j  a  v a  2 s . c  o  m
    case R.id.radio_backlight_dark:
        if (isChecked)
            mBacklightColor = mBacklightDark;
    case R.id.radio_backlight_highlight:
        if (isChecked) {
            float[] highlightHSV = new float[3];
            Color.colorToHSV(mHighlightColor, highlightHSV);
            mBacklightColor = Color.HSVToColor(33, highlightHSV);


From source file:com.heinrichreimersoftware.materialintro.app.IntroActivity.java

private void updateBackground() {
    @ColorInt//  w ww .  j  av a  2 s .  c  om
    int background;
    int backgroundNext;
    int backgroundDark;
    int backgroundDarkNext;

    if (position == getCount()) {
        background = Color.TRANSPARENT;
        backgroundNext = Color.TRANSPARENT;
        backgroundDark = Color.TRANSPARENT;
        backgroundDarkNext = Color.TRANSPARENT;
    } else {
        background = ContextCompat.getColor(IntroActivity.this, getBackground(position));
        backgroundNext = ContextCompat.getColor(IntroActivity.this,
                getBackground(Math.min(position + 1, getCount() - 1)));

        background = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(background, 0xFF);
        backgroundNext = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(backgroundNext, 0xFF);

        try {
            backgroundDark = ContextCompat.getColor(IntroActivity.this, getBackgroundDark(position));
        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
            backgroundDark = ContextCompat.getColor(IntroActivity.this, R.color.mi_status_bar_background);
        try {
            backgroundDarkNext = ContextCompat.getColor(IntroActivity.this,
                    getBackgroundDark(Math.min(position + 1, getCount() - 1)));
        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
            backgroundDarkNext = ContextCompat.getColor(IntroActivity.this, R.color.mi_status_bar_background);

    if (position + positionOffset >= adapter.getCount() - 1) {
        backgroundNext = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(background, 0x00);
        backgroundDarkNext = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(backgroundDark, 0x00);

    background = (Integer) evaluator.evaluate(positionOffset, background, backgroundNext);
    backgroundDark = (Integer) evaluator.evaluate(positionOffset, backgroundDark, backgroundDarkNext);


    float[] backgroundDarkHsv = new float[3];
    Color.colorToHSV(backgroundDark, backgroundDarkHsv);
    //Slightly darken the background color a bit for more contrast
    backgroundDarkHsv[2] *= 0.95;
    int backgroundDarker = Color.HSVToColor(backgroundDarkHsv);
    ViewCompat.setBackgroundTintList(miButtonNext, ColorStateList.valueOf(backgroundDarker));
    ViewCompat.setBackgroundTintList(miButtonBack, ColorStateList.valueOf(backgroundDarker));

    int backgroundButtonCta = buttonCtaTintMode == BUTTON_CTA_TINT_MODE_TEXT
            ? ContextCompat.getColor(this, android.R.color.white)
            : backgroundDarker;
    ViewCompat.setBackgroundTintList(miButtonCta.getChildAt(0), ColorStateList.valueOf(backgroundButtonCta));
    ViewCompat.setBackgroundTintList(miButtonCta.getChildAt(1), ColorStateList.valueOf(backgroundButtonCta));

    int iconColor;
    if (ColorUtils.calculateLuminance(backgroundDark) > 0.4) {
        //Light background
        iconColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.mi_icon_color_light);
    } else {
        //Dark background
        iconColor = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.mi_icon_color_dark);
    DrawableCompat.setTint(miButtonNext.getDrawable(), iconColor);
    DrawableCompat.setTint(miButtonBack.getDrawable(), iconColor);

    int textColorButtonCta = buttonCtaTintMode == BUTTON_CTA_TINT_MODE_TEXT ? backgroundDarker : iconColor;
    ((Button) miButtonCta.getChildAt(0)).setTextColor(textColorButtonCta);
    ((Button) miButtonCta.getChildAt(1)).setTextColor(textColorButtonCta);


        if (position == adapter.getCount()) {
        } else if (position + positionOffset >= adapter.getCount() - 1) {
            TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
            TypedArray a = obtainStyledAttributes(typedValue.data,
                    new int[] { android.R.attr.navigationBarColor });

            int defaultNavigationBarColor = a.getColor(0, Color.BLACK);


            int navigationBarColor = (Integer) evaluator.evaluate(positionOffset, defaultNavigationBarColor,

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
            int systemUiVisibility = getWindow().getDecorView().getSystemUiVisibility();
            int flagLightStatusBar = View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR;
            if (ColorUtils.calculateLuminance(backgroundDark) > 0.4) {
                //Light background
                systemUiVisibility |= flagLightStatusBar;
            } else {
                //Dark background
                systemUiVisibility &= ~flagLightStatusBar;

From source file:com.serenegiant.autoparrot.BaseAutoPilotFragment.java

public void onColorChanged(final ColorPickerDialog dialog, final int color) {
    final float[] hsv = new float[3];
    Color.colorToHSV(color, hsv);
    synchronized (mParamSync) {
        // ImageProcessor??
        applyExtract(hsv[0] / 360.0f, hsv[1], hsv[2]);
    }/*from w  ww . j av a2  s . c  o  m*/