List of usage examples for Color BLACK
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/** * resets the styles. This loads the style * from reading the values of the current * theme./* w w w . j a va2 s . co m*/ */ public void resetStyles() { // get matching styles from theme TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); mGraphView.getContext().getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.textAppearanceSmall, typedValue, true); int color1; int color2; int size; int size2; TypedArray array = null; try { array = mGraphView.getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(, new int[] { android.R.attr.textColorPrimary, android.R.attr.textColorSecondary, android.R.attr.textSize, android.R.attr.horizontalGap }); color1 = array.getColor(0, Color.BLACK); color2 = array.getColor(1, Color.GRAY); size = array.getDimensionPixelSize(2, 20); size2 = array.getDimensionPixelSize(3, 20); array.recycle(); } catch (Exception e) { color1 = Color.BLACK; color2 = Color.GRAY; size = 20; size2 = 20; } mStyles.verticalLabelsColor = color1; mStyles.verticalLabelsSecondScaleColor = color1; mStyles.horizontalLabelsColor = color1; mStyles.gridColor = color2; mStyles.textSize = size; mStyles.padding = size2; mStyles.labelsSpace = (int) mStyles.textSize / 5; mStyles.verticalLabelsAlign = Paint.Align.RIGHT; mStyles.verticalLabelsSecondScaleAlign = Paint.Align.LEFT; mStyles.highlightZeroLines = true; mStyles.verticalAxisTitleColor = mStyles.verticalLabelsColor; mStyles.horizontalAxisTitleColor = mStyles.horizontalLabelsColor; mStyles.verticalAxisTitleTextSize = mStyles.textSize; mStyles.horizontalAxisTitleTextSize = mStyles.textSize; mStyles.horizontalLabelsVisible = true; mStyles.verticalLabelsVisible = true; mStyles.horizontalLabelsAngle = 0f; mStyles.gridStyle = GridStyle.BOTH; reloadStyles(); }
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public int getColor(String[] events) { return Color.BLACK; }
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private void setUpOfflineMapGeocoding() { // create a basemap from a local tile package TileCache tileCache = new TileCache(extern + getResources().getString(R.string.sandiego_tpk)); tiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(tileCache); Basemap basemap = new Basemap(tiledLayer); // create ArcGISMap with imagery basemap mMap = new ArcGISMap(basemap); mMapView.setMap(mMap);//from w w w . j ava2 s.c o m mMap.addDoneLoadingListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Point p = new Point(-117.162040, 32.718260, SpatialReference.create(4326)); Viewpoint vp = new Viewpoint(p, 10000); mMapView.setViewpointAsync(vp, 3); } }); // add a graphics overlay graphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay(); graphicsOverlay.setSelectionColor(0xFF00FFFF); mMapView.getGraphicsOverlays().add(graphicsOverlay); mGeocodeParameters = new GeocodeParameters(); mGeocodeParameters.getResultAttributeNames().add("*"); mGeocodeParameters.setMaxResults(1); //[DocRef: Name=Picture Marker Symbol Drawable-android, Category=Fundamentals, Topic=Symbols and Renderers] //Create a picture marker symbol from an app resource BitmapDrawable startDrawable = (BitmapDrawable) ContextCompat.getDrawable(this,; mPinSourceSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(startDrawable); mPinSourceSymbol.setHeight(90); mPinSourceSymbol.setWidth(20); mPinSourceSymbol.loadAsync(); mPinSourceSymbol.setLeaderOffsetY(45); mPinSourceSymbol.setOffsetY(-48); mReverseGeocodeParameters = new ReverseGeocodeParameters(); mReverseGeocodeParameters.getResultAttributeNames().add("*"); mReverseGeocodeParameters.setOutputSpatialReference(mMap.getSpatialReference()); mReverseGeocodeParameters.setMaxResults(1); mLocatorTask = new LocatorTask(extern + getResources().getString(R.string.sandiego_loc)); mCalloutContent = new TextView(getApplicationContext()); mCalloutContent.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); mCalloutContent.setTextIsSelectable(true); }
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private void adjustResourceLightness() { // change up button to light version if using dark theme int color = 0xFFFFFF; final Resources.Theme theme = getActivity().getTheme(); if (theme != null) { TypedArray backgroundAttributes = theme .obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.colorBackground }); if (backgroundAttributes != null) { color = backgroundAttributes.getColor(0, 0xFFFFFF); backgroundAttributes.recycle(); }//from w w w . j av a 2 m } // convert to greyscale and check if < 128 if (color != 0xFFFFFF && 0.21 * + 0.72 * + 0.07 * < 128) { mBtnNavUp.setImageDrawable(new IconicsDrawable(getActivity(), GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_expand_less) .sizeDp(16).color(Color.WHITE)); mBtnCreateFolder.setImageDrawable( new IconicsDrawable(getActivity(), GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_add).sizeDp(16).color(Color.WHITE)); } else { mBtnNavUp.setImageDrawable(new IconicsDrawable(getActivity(), GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_expand_less) .sizeDp(16).color(Color.BLACK)); mBtnCreateFolder.setImageDrawable( new IconicsDrawable(getActivity(), GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_add).sizeDp(16).color(Color.BLACK)); } }
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@Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); bindPasswordControls();//w ww .j a va 2s . c o m TextView device_ready_h2_text = (TextView) findViewById(; final TextView textForgotPassword = (TextView) findViewById(; Button password_btn_login = (Button) findViewById(; EditText password_pass_txt = (EditText) findViewById(; TextView textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(; TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(; Typeface titilliumWebRegular = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Titillium_Web/TitilliumWeb-Regular.ttf"); Typeface titilliumWebBold = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Titillium_Web/TitilliumWeb-Bold.ttf"); Typeface magdacleanmonoRegular = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/MagdaClean/magdacleanmono-regular.ttf"); textView1.setTypeface(magdacleanmonoRegular); textView2.setTypeface(magdacleanmonoRegular); device_ready_h2_text.setTypeface(titilliumWebRegular); textForgotPassword.setTypeface(titilliumWebBold); password_btn_login.setTypeface(titilliumWebBold); password_pass_txt.setTypeface(magdacleanmonoRegular); try { textForgotPassword.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { try { String url = PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(getApplicationContext()).getPreyPanelUrl(); Intent browserIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse(url)); startActivity(browserIntent); } catch (Exception e) { } } }); } catch (Exception e) { } TextView textView5_1 = (TextView) findViewById(; TextView textView5_2 = (TextView) findViewById(; textView5_1.setTypeface(magdacleanmonoRegular); textView5_2.setTypeface(titilliumWebBold); TextView textViewUninstall = (TextView) findViewById(; LinearLayout linearLayoutTour = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; textViewUninstall.setTypeface(titilliumWebBold); if (PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(getApplication()).getProtectTour()) { linearLayoutTour.setVisibility(View.GONE); textViewUninstall.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); textViewUninstall.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { String url = PreyConfig.getPreyConfig(getApplication()).getPreyUninstallUrl(); Intent browserIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse(url)); startActivity(browserIntent); finish(); } }); } else { linearLayoutTour.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); textViewUninstall.setVisibility(View.GONE); try { linearLayoutTour.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(getApplication(), TourActivity1.class); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putInt("id", 1); intent.putExtras(b); startActivity(intent); finish(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { } } boolean showLocation = false; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { boolean canAccessFineLocation = PreyPermission.canAccessFineLocation(this); boolean canAccessCoarseLocation = PreyPermission.canAccessCoarseLocation(this); boolean canAccessCamera = PreyPermission.canAccessCamera(this); boolean canAccessReadPhoneState = PreyPermission.canAccessReadPhoneState(this); boolean canAccessReadExternalStorage = PreyPermission.canAccessReadExternalStorage(this); if (!canAccessFineLocation || !canAccessCoarseLocation || !canAccessCamera || !canAccessReadPhoneState || !canAccessReadExternalStorage) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); final FrameLayout frameView = new FrameLayout(this); builder.setView(frameView); final AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.create(); LayoutInflater inflater = alertDialog.getLayoutInflater(); View dialoglayout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.warning, frameView); TextView warning_title = (TextView) dialoglayout.findViewById(; TextView warning_body = (TextView) dialoglayout.findViewById(; warning_title.setTypeface(magdacleanmonoRegular); warning_body.setTypeface(titilliumWebBold); Button button_ok = (Button) dialoglayout.findViewById(; Button button_close = (Button) dialoglayout.findViewById(; button_ok.setTypeface(titilliumWebBold); button_close.setTypeface(titilliumWebBold); final Activity thisActivity = this; button_ok.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { PreyLogger.d("askForPermission"); askForPermission(); alertDialog.dismiss(); } }); button_close.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { PreyLogger.d("close ask"); alertDialog.dismiss(); } });; showLocation = false; } else { showLocation = true; } } else { showLocation = true; } if (showLocation) { LocationManager mlocManager = (LocationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); boolean isGpsEnabled = mlocManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); boolean isNetworkEnabled = mlocManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER); if (isGpsEnabled || isNetworkEnabled) { PreyLogger.d("isGpsEnabled || isNetworkEnabled"); } else { PreyLogger.d("no gps ni red"); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); final AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.create(); TextView textview = new TextView(this); textview.setText(getString(R.string.location_settings)); textview.setMaxLines(10); textview.setTextSize(18F); textview.setPadding(20, 0, 20, 20); textview.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); builder.setView(textview); builder.setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.go_to_settings), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialoginterface, int i) { dialoginterface.dismiss(); Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS); startActivityForResult(intent, 0); return; } }); builder.setNegativeButton(getString(R.string.cancel), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialoginterface, int i) { dialoginterface.dismiss(); } }); builder.create().show(); } } }
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private int getDefaultTextColor(Context context) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.textColorPrimary, typedValue, true); TypedArray typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(, new int[] { android.R.attr.textColorPrimary }); int defaultTextColor = typedArray.getColor(0, Color.BLACK); typedArray.recycle();//w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m return defaultTextColor; }
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private void finishSynchronism() { pbTables.setProgress(0);/*from w w w . ja va 2 s .c o m*/ lbStatus.setText("Sincronismo concludo"); pbActions.setProgress(0); lbActions.setText("Aes"); lbTables.setText("Tabelas"); lbStatus.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); syncronized = true; setSynchronizing(false); onSynchronized(); }
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private void UpdateBubbles(double lat, double lon) { mMap.setOnMapLongClickListener(this); mFillColor = Color.BLUE;//from w w w . jav a2 s . com mStrokeColor = Color.BLACK; mWidth = 2; DraggableCircle circle2 = new DraggableCircle(new LatLng(lat + 0.00006, lon + 0.00009), 2 * DEFAULT_RADIUS); DraggableCircle circle3 = new DraggableCircle(new LatLng(lat - 0.00006, lon + 0.00015), 1.1 * DEFAULT_RADIUS); DraggableCircle circle4 = new DraggableCircle(new LatLng(lat - 0.00010, lon - 0.00015), 1.5 * DEFAULT_RADIUS); DraggableCircle circle9 = new DraggableCircle(new LatLng(lat + 0.00020, lon + 0.00019), 1.5 * DEFAULT_RADIUS); mFillColor = Color.YELLOW; mStrokeColor = Color.BLACK; mWidth = 2; DraggableCircle circle5 = new DraggableCircle(new LatLng(lat + 0.00010, lon - 0.00012), 0.8 * DEFAULT_RADIUS); DraggableCircle circle6 = new DraggableCircle(new LatLng(lat - 0.0002, lon + 0.00012), 0.5 * DEFAULT_RADIUS); DraggableCircle circle7 = new DraggableCircle(new LatLng(lat + 0.00011, lon), 2.5 * DEFAULT_RADIUS); DraggableCircle circle8 = new DraggableCircle(new LatLng(lat + 0.00021, lon - 0.00020), 1.4 * DEFAULT_RADIUS); // Log.d("location",longitude+ " "); //mCircles.add(circle); mCircles.add(circle2); mCircles.add(circle3); mCircles.add(circle4); mCircles.add(circle5); // Log.d("location4234",longitude+ " 111 "); //UpdateBubbles(latitude,longitude); mCircles.add(circle6); mCircles.add(circle7); mCircles.add(circle8); // DraggableCircle circle2 = new DraggableCircle(INDIA, DEFAULT_RADIUS); // DraggableCircle circle3 = new DraggableCircle(PAK, DEFAULT_RADIUS); // DraggableCircle circle4 = new DraggableCircle(ENG, DEFAULT_RADIUS); // DraggableCircle circle5 = new DraggableCircle(DC, DEFAULT_RADIUS); // mCircles.add(circle); }
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public void setupListView(List<OEListViewRows> message_list) { // Destroying pre-loaded instance and going to create new one lstview = null;//w ww . j a va 2s . c o m // Fetching required messages for listview by filtering of requrement if (list != null && list.size() <= 0) { list = message_list;// getMessages(message_list); } else { rootView.findViewById(; rootView.findViewById(; } // Handling List View controls and keys String[] from = new String[] { "subject|type", "body", "starred", "author_id|email_from", "date", "model|type" }; int[] to = new int[] {,,,,, }; // Creating instance for listAdapter listAdapter = new OEListViewAdapter(scope.context(), R.layout.message_listview_items, list, from, to, db, true, new int[] { R.drawable.message_listview_bg_toread_selector, R.drawable.message_listview_bg_tonotread_selector }, "to_read"); // Telling adapter to clean HTML text for key value listAdapter.cleanHtmlToTextOn("body"); listAdapter.cleanDate("date", scope.User().getTimezone()); // Setting callback handler for boolean field value change. listAdapter.setBooleanEventOperation("starred", R.drawable.ic_action_starred, R.drawable.ic_action_unstarred, updateStarred); listAdapter.addViewListener(new OEListViewOnCreateListener() { @Override public View listViewOnCreateListener(int position, View row_view, OEListViewRows row_data) { String model_name = row_data.getRow_data().get("model").toString(); String model = model_name; String res_id = row_data.getRow_data().get("res_id").toString(); if (model_name.equals("false")) { model_name = capitalizeString(row_data.getRow_data().get("type").toString()); } else { String[] model_parts = TextUtils.split(model_name, "\\."); HashSet unique_parts = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(model_parts)); model_name = capitalizeString(TextUtils.join(" ", unique_parts.toArray())); } TextView msgTag = (TextView) row_view.findViewById(; int tag_color = 0; if (message_model_colors.containsKey(model_name)) { tag_color = message_model_colors.get(model_name); } else { tag_color = Color.parseColor(tag_colors[tag_color_count]); message_model_colors.put(model_name, tag_color); tag_color_count++; if (tag_color_count > tag_colors.length) { tag_color_count = 0; } } if (model.equals("")) { if (UserGroups.group_names.containsKey("group_" + res_id)) { model_name = UserGroups.group_names.get("group_" + res_id); tag_color = UserGroups.menu_color.get("group_" + res_id); } } msgTag.setBackgroundColor(tag_color); msgTag.setText(model_name); TextView txvSubject = (TextView) row_view.findViewById(; TextView txvAuthor = (TextView) row_view.findViewById(; if (row_data.getRow_data().get("to_read").toString().equals("false")) { txvSubject.setTypeface(null, Typeface.NORMAL); txvSubject.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); txvAuthor.setTypeface(null, Typeface.NORMAL); txvAuthor.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); } else { txvSubject.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); txvSubject.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#414141")); txvAuthor.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); txvAuthor.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#414141")); } return row_view; } }); // Creating instance for listview control lstview = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(; // Providing adapter to listview scope.context().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { lstview.setAdapter(listAdapter); } }); // Setting listview choice mode to multiple model lstview.setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL); // Seeting item long click listern to activate action mode. lstview.setOnItemLongClickListener(new OnItemLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View view, int index, long arg3) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub OEListViewRows data = (OEListViewRows) lstview.getAdapter().getItem(index); Toast.makeText(scope.context(), data.getRow_id() + " id clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); view.setSelected(true); if (mActionMode != null) { return false; } // Start the CAB using the ActionMode.Callback defined above mActionMode = scope.context().startActionMode(mActionModeCallback); selectedCounter++; view.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.listitem_pressed); // lstview.setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE); return true; } }); // Setting multi choice selection listener lstview.setMultiChoiceModeListener(new MultiChoiceModeListener() { HashMap<Integer, Boolean> selectedList = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>(); @Override public void onItemCheckedStateChanged(ActionMode mode, int position, long id, boolean checked) { // Here you can do something when items are // selected/de-selected, // such as update the title in the CAB selectedList.put(position, checked); if (checked) { selectedCounter++; } else { selectedCounter--; } if (selectedCounter != 0) { mode.setTitle(selectedCounter + ""); } } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { // Respond to clicks on the actions in the CAB HashMap<Integer, Integer> msg_pos = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); OEDialog dialog = null; switch (item.getItemId()) { case Log.e("menu_message_context", "Mark as Unread"); for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } readunreadoperation = new PerformReadUnreadArchiveOperation(msg_pos, false); readunreadoperation.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; case Log.e("menu_message_context", "Mark as Read"); for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } readunreadoperation = new PerformReadUnreadArchiveOperation(msg_pos, true); readunreadoperation.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; case Log.e("menu_message_context", "Archive"); for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } readunreadoperation = new PerformReadUnreadArchiveOperation(msg_pos, false); readunreadoperation.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; case for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } markasTodoTask = new PerformOperation(msg_pos, true); markasTodoTask.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; case for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } markasTodoTask = new PerformOperation(msg_pos, false); markasTodoTask.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; default: return false; } } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu for the CAB MenuInflater inflater = mode.getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { // Here you can make any necessary updates to the activity when // the CAB is removed. By default, selected items are // deselected/unchecked. /* * Perform Operation on Selected Ids. * * row_ids are list of selected message Ids. */ selectedList.clear(); selectedCounter = 0; lstview.clearChoices(); } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { // Here you can perform updates to the CAB due to // an invalidate() request return false; } }); lstview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View view, int index, long id) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub MessageDetail messageDetail = new MessageDetail(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt("message_id", list.get(index).getRow_id()); bundle.putInt("position", index); messageDetail.setArguments(bundle); scope.context().fragmentHandler.setBackStack(true, null); scope.context().fragmentHandler.replaceFragmnet(messageDetail); if (!type.equals("archive")) { list.remove(index); } listAdapter.refresh(list); } }); // Getting Pull To Refresh Attacher from Main Activity mPullToRefreshAttacher = scope.context().getPullToRefreshAttacher(); // Set the Refreshable View to be the ListView and the refresh listener // to be this. if (mPullToRefreshAttacher != null & lstview != null) { mPullToRefreshAttacher.setRefreshableView(lstview, this); } }
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private void startLoadingAnimation() { // Inflates the Overlay Layout to be displayed above the Camera View LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(this); mUILayout = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.camera_overlay, null, false); mUILayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mUILayout.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); // By default loadingDialogHandler.setContenido(mUILayout); loadingDialogHandler.mLoadingDialogContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); addContentView(mUILayout, new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); }