List of usage examples for Canvas scale
public void scale(float sx, float sy)
From source
@Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { if (mDelegateDrawable != null) { mDelegateDrawable.draw(canvas);/*from ww w . j a v a2 s .c o m*/ return; } // We will offset the bounds for drawBitmap, so copyBounds() here instead // of getBounds(). copyBounds(mTmpBounds); if (mTmpBounds.width() <= 0 || mTmpBounds.height() <= 0) { // Nothing to draw return; } // Color filters always override tint filters. final ColorFilter colorFilter = (mColorFilter == null ? mTintFilter : mColorFilter); // The imageView can scale the canvas in different ways, in order to // avoid blurry scaling, we have to draw into a bitmap with exact pixel // size first. This bitmap size is determined by the bounds and the // canvas scale. canvas.getMatrix(mTmpMatrix); mTmpMatrix.getValues(mTmpFloats); float canvasScaleX = Math.abs(mTmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X]); float canvasScaleY = Math.abs(mTmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y]); float canvasSkewX = Math.abs(mTmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X]); float canvasSkewY = Math.abs(mTmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y]); // When there is any rotation / skew, then the scale value is not valid. if (canvasSkewX != 0 || canvasSkewY != 0) { canvasScaleX = 1.0f; canvasScaleY = 1.0f; } int scaledWidth = (int) (mTmpBounds.width() * canvasScaleX); int scaledHeight = (int) (mTmpBounds.height() * canvasScaleY); scaledWidth = Math.min(MAX_CACHED_BITMAP_SIZE, scaledWidth); scaledHeight = Math.min(MAX_CACHED_BITMAP_SIZE, scaledHeight); if (scaledWidth <= 0 || scaledHeight <= 0) { return; } final int saveCount =; canvas.translate(mTmpBounds.left,; // Handle RTL mirroring. final boolean needMirroring = needMirroring(); if (needMirroring) { canvas.translate(mTmpBounds.width(), 0); canvas.scale(-1.0f, 1.0f); } // At this point, canvas has been translated to the right position. // And we use this bound for the destination rect for the drawBitmap, so // we offset to (0, 0); mTmpBounds.offsetTo(0, 0); mVectorState.createCachedBitmapIfNeeded(scaledWidth, scaledHeight); if (!mAllowCaching) { mVectorState.updateCachedBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight); } else { if (!mVectorState.canReuseCache()) { mVectorState.updateCachedBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight); mVectorState.updateCacheStates(); } } mVectorState.drawCachedBitmapWithRootAlpha(canvas, colorFilter, mTmpBounds); canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount); }
From source
public void drawImageAndAnimate(Canvas canvas, Bitmap image) { if (image == null) { return;// w w w . ja v a2s. co m } MasterImage master = MasterImage.getImage(); Matrix m = master.computeImageToScreen(image, 0, false); if (m == null) { return; }; RectF d = new RectF(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); m.mapRect(d); d.roundOut(mImageBounds); boolean showAnimatedImage = master.onGoingNewLookAnimation(); if (!showAnimatedImage && mDidStartAnimation) { // animation ended, but do we have the correct image to show? if (master.getPreset().equals(master.getCurrentPreset())) { // we do, let's stop showing the animated image mDidStartAnimation = false; MasterImage.getImage().resetAnimBitmap(); } else { showAnimatedImage = true; } } else if (showAnimatedImage) { mDidStartAnimation = true; } if (showAnimatedImage) {; // Animation uses the image before the change Bitmap previousImage = master.getPreviousImage(); Matrix mp = master.computeImageToScreen(previousImage, 0, false); RectF dp = new RectF(0, 0, previousImage.getWidth(), previousImage.getHeight()); mp.mapRect(dp); Rect previousBounds = new Rect(); dp.roundOut(previousBounds); float centerX = dp.centerX(); float centerY = dp.centerY(); boolean needsToDrawImage = true; if (master.getCurrentLookAnimation() == MasterImage.CIRCLE_ANIMATION) { float maskScale = MasterImage.getImage().getMaskScale(); if (maskScale >= 0.0f) { float maskW = sMask.getWidth() / 2.0f; float maskH = sMask.getHeight() / 2.0f; Point point = mActivity.hintTouchPoint(this); float maxMaskScale = 2 * Math.max(getWidth(), getHeight()) / Math.min(maskW, maskH); maskScale = maskScale * maxMaskScale; float x = point.x - maskW * maskScale; float y = point.y - maskH * maskScale; // Prepare the shader mShaderMatrix.reset(); mShaderMatrix.setScale(1.0f / maskScale, 1.0f / maskScale); mShaderMatrix.preTranslate(-x + mImageBounds.left, -y +; float scaleImageX = mImageBounds.width() / (float) image.getWidth(); float scaleImageY = mImageBounds.height() / (float) image.getHeight(); mShaderMatrix.preScale(scaleImageX, scaleImageY); mMaskPaint.reset(); mMaskPaint.setShader(createShader(image)); mMaskPaint.getShader().setLocalMatrix(mShaderMatrix); drawShadow(canvas, mImageBounds); // as needed canvas.drawBitmap(previousImage, m, mPaint); canvas.clipRect(mImageBounds); canvas.translate(x, y); canvas.scale(maskScale, maskScale); canvas.drawBitmap(sMask, 0, 0, mMaskPaint); needsToDrawImage = false; } } else if (master.getCurrentLookAnimation() == MasterImage.ROTATE_ANIMATION) { Rect d1 = computeImageBounds(master.getPreviousImage().getHeight(), master.getPreviousImage().getWidth()); Rect d2 = computeImageBounds(master.getPreviousImage().getWidth(), master.getPreviousImage().getHeight()); float finalScale = d1.width() / (float) d2.height(); finalScale = (1.0f * (1.0f - master.getAnimFraction())) + (finalScale * master.getAnimFraction()); canvas.rotate(master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); canvas.scale(finalScale, finalScale, centerX, centerY); } else if (master.getCurrentLookAnimation() == MasterImage.MIRROR_ANIMATION) { if (master.getCurrentFilterRepresentation() instanceof FilterMirrorRepresentation) { FilterMirrorRepresentation rep = (FilterMirrorRepresentation) master .getCurrentFilterRepresentation(); ImagePreset preset = master.getPreset(); ArrayList<FilterRepresentation> geometry = (ArrayList<FilterRepresentation>) preset .getGeometryFilters(); GeometryMathUtils.GeometryHolder holder = null; holder = GeometryMathUtils.unpackGeometry(geometry); if (holder.rotation.value() == 90 || holder.rotation.value() == 270) { if (rep.isHorizontal() && !rep.isVertical()) { canvas.scale(1, master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); } else if (rep.isVertical() && !rep.isHorizontal()) { canvas.scale(1, master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); } else if (rep.isHorizontal() && rep.isVertical()) { canvas.scale(master.getAnimRotationValue(), 1, centerX, centerY); } else { canvas.scale(master.getAnimRotationValue(), 1, centerX, centerY); } } else { if (rep.isHorizontal() && !rep.isVertical()) { canvas.scale(master.getAnimRotationValue(), 1, centerX, centerY); } else if (rep.isVertical() && !rep.isHorizontal()) { canvas.scale(master.getAnimRotationValue(), 1, centerX, centerY); } else if (rep.isHorizontal() && rep.isVertical()) { canvas.scale(1, master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); } else { canvas.scale(1, master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); } } } } if (needsToDrawImage) { drawShadow(canvas, previousBounds); // as needed canvas.drawBitmap(previousImage, mp, mPaint); } canvas.restore(); } else { drawShadow(canvas, mImageBounds); // as needed canvas.drawBitmap(image, m, mPaint); } canvas.restore(); }
From source
public void drawImageAndAnimate(Canvas canvas, Bitmap image) { if (image == null) { return;//from ww w.j a v a 2 s . co m } MasterImage master = MasterImage.getImage(); Matrix m = master.computeImageToScreen(image, 0, false); if (m == null) { return; }; RectF d = new RectF(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); m.mapRect(d); d.roundOut(mImageBounds); boolean showAnimatedImage = master.onGoingNewLookAnimation(); if (!showAnimatedImage && mDidStartAnimation) { // animation ended, but do we have the correct image to show? if (master.getPreset().equals(master.getCurrentPreset())) { // we do, let's stop showing the animated image mDidStartAnimation = false; MasterImage.getImage().resetAnimBitmap(); } else { showAnimatedImage = true; } } else if (showAnimatedImage) { mDidStartAnimation = true; } if (showAnimatedImage) {; // Animation uses the image before the change Bitmap previousImage = master.getPreviousImage(); Matrix mp = master.computeImageToScreen(previousImage, 0, false); RectF dp = new RectF(0, 0, previousImage.getWidth(), previousImage.getHeight()); mp.mapRect(dp); Rect previousBounds = new Rect(); dp.roundOut(previousBounds); float centerX = dp.centerX(); float centerY = dp.centerY(); boolean needsToDrawImage = true; if (master.getCurrentLookAnimation() == MasterImage.CIRCLE_ANIMATION) { float maskScale = MasterImage.getImage().getMaskScale(); if (maskScale >= 0.0f) { float maskW = sMask.getWidth() / 2.0f; float maskH = sMask.getHeight() / 2.0f; Point point = mActivity.hintTouchPoint(this); float maxMaskScale = 2 * Math.max(getWidth(), getHeight()) / Math.min(maskW, maskH); maskScale = maskScale * maxMaskScale; float x = point.x - maskW * maskScale; float y = point.y - maskH * maskScale; // Prepare the shader mShaderMatrix.reset(); mShaderMatrix.setScale(1.0f / maskScale, 1.0f / maskScale); mShaderMatrix.preTranslate(-x + mImageBounds.left, -y +; float scaleImageX = mImageBounds.width() / (float) image.getWidth(); float scaleImageY = mImageBounds.height() / (float) image.getHeight(); mShaderMatrix.preScale(scaleImageX, scaleImageY); mMaskPaint.reset(); Shader maskShader = createShader(image); maskShader.setLocalMatrix(mShaderMatrix); mMaskPaint.setShader(maskShader); drawShadow(canvas, mImageBounds); // as needed canvas.drawBitmap(previousImage, m, mPaint); canvas.clipRect(mImageBounds); canvas.translate(x, y); canvas.scale(maskScale, maskScale); canvas.drawBitmap(sMask, 0, 0, mMaskPaint); needsToDrawImage = false; } } else if (master.getCurrentLookAnimation() == MasterImage.ROTATE_ANIMATION) { Rect d1 = computeImageBounds(master.getPreviousImage().getHeight(), master.getPreviousImage().getWidth()); Rect d2 = computeImageBounds(master.getPreviousImage().getWidth(), master.getPreviousImage().getHeight()); float finalScale = d1.width() / (float) d2.height(); finalScale = (1.0f * (1.0f - master.getAnimFraction())) + (finalScale * master.getAnimFraction()); canvas.rotate(master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); canvas.scale(finalScale, finalScale, centerX, centerY); } else if (master.getCurrentLookAnimation() == MasterImage.MIRROR_ANIMATION) { if (master.getCurrentFilterRepresentation() instanceof FilterMirrorRepresentation) { FilterMirrorRepresentation rep = (FilterMirrorRepresentation) master .getCurrentFilterRepresentation(); ImagePreset preset = master.getPreset(); ArrayList<FilterRepresentation> geometry = (ArrayList<FilterRepresentation>) preset .getGeometryFilters(); GeometryMathUtils.GeometryHolder holder = null; holder = GeometryMathUtils.unpackGeometry(geometry); if (holder.rotation.value() == 90 || holder.rotation.value() == 270) { if (rep.isHorizontal() && !rep.isVertical()) { canvas.scale(1, master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); } else if (rep.isVertical() && !rep.isHorizontal()) { canvas.scale(1, master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); } else if (rep.isHorizontal() && rep.isVertical()) { canvas.scale(master.getAnimRotationValue(), 1, centerX, centerY); } else { canvas.scale(master.getAnimRotationValue(), 1, centerX, centerY); } } else { if (rep.isHorizontal() && !rep.isVertical()) { canvas.scale(master.getAnimRotationValue(), 1, centerX, centerY); } else if (rep.isVertical() && !rep.isHorizontal()) { canvas.scale(master.getAnimRotationValue(), 1, centerX, centerY); } else if (rep.isHorizontal() && rep.isVertical()) { canvas.scale(1, master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); } else { canvas.scale(1, master.getAnimRotationValue(), centerX, centerY); } } } } if (needsToDrawImage) { drawShadow(canvas, previousBounds); // as needed canvas.drawBitmap(previousImage, mp, mPaint); } canvas.restore(); } else { drawShadow(canvas, mImageBounds); // as needed canvas.drawBitmap(image, m, mPaint); } canvas.restore(); }
From source
@Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { final int height = getHeight(); final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child); int clipLeft = findContentView().getLeft(); int clipRight = findContentView().getRight(); final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24; final int restoreCount =; if (drawingContent) { final int childCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final View v = getChildAt(i); if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v) || v.getHeight() < height) { continue; }/*from w w w .j av a 2s . c o m*/ if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.LEFT)) { final int vright = v.getRight(); if (vright > clipLeft) { clipLeft = vright; } } else { final int vleft = v.getLeft(); if (vleft < clipRight) { clipRight = vleft; } } } canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight()); } final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); if (drawingContent) { int scrimAlpha = SCRIM_ENABLED ? (int) (baseAlpha * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, onScreen())) * MAX_SCRIM_ALPHA) : 0; if (scrimAlpha > 0) { int color = scrimAlpha << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff); mScrimPaint.setColor(color); canvas.drawRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight(), mScrimPaint); canvas.drawRect(clipLeft - 1, 0, clipLeft, getHeight(), mEdgeHighlightPaint); } LayoutParams drawerLp = (LayoutParams) findDrawerView().getLayoutParams(); if (mShadow != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(findDrawerView(), Gravity.LEFT)) { final int offScreen = (int) ((1 - drawerLp.onScreen) * findDrawerView().getWidth()); final int drawerRight = getWidth() - drawerLp.getMarginEnd() - offScreen; final int shadowWidth = mShadow.getIntrinsicWidth(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) drawerRight / mDragger.getEdgeSize(), 1.f)); mShadow.setBounds(drawerRight, child.getTop(), drawerRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom()); mShadow.setAlpha((int) (255 * alpha * alpha * alpha)); mShadow.draw(canvas); } else if (mShadow != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(findDrawerView(), Gravity.RIGHT)) { final int onScreen = (int) (findDrawerView().getWidth() * drawerLp.onScreen); final int drawerLeft = drawerLp.getMarginStart() + getWidth() - onScreen; final int shadowWidth = mShadow.getIntrinsicWidth(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) onScreen / mDragger.getEdgeSize(), 1.f));; canvas.translate(2 * drawerLeft - shadowWidth, 0); canvas.scale(-1.0f, 1.0f); mShadow.setBounds(drawerLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), drawerLeft, child.getBottom()); mShadow.setAlpha((int) (255 * alpha * alpha * alpha * alpha)); mShadow.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } } return result; }
From source
void drawFolderIcon(Canvas c, int w, int h, float padding, float contentPadding, boolean dropMode, boolean hotSeat) { CellLayout mContent = mContentList.get(0); boolean supportCard = isSupportCardIcon(); int count = mContent.getShortcutAndWidgetContainer().getChildCount(); int desireWidth = mContent.getDesiredWidth(); if (mSupportCardIcon != supportCard) { updateFolderLayout(supportCard); }// w w 2 s . co m updateOrientation(); int countX = mContent.getCountX(); int cellWidth = mContent.getCellWidth(); int cellHeight = mContent.getCellHeight(); int widthGap = mContent.getWidthGap(); int heightGap = mContent.getHeightGap(); int topPadding = mContent.getPaddingTop(); int startPadding = mContent.getPaddingStart(); mHotSeat = hotSeat; mSupportCardIcon = supportCard; mIconChild = count; mLastDesireWidth = desireWidth; int contentWidth = mContent.getDesiredWidth(); float iconScale; if (supportCard) { iconScale = (float) w / contentWidth; padding = (int) (startPadding * iconScale); mIconPaddingX = contentPadding; if (!hotSeat) mIconPaddingY = contentPadding - iconScale * getFolderNamePadding(); } else { iconScale = (float) (w - padding * 2) / (contentWidth - startPadding * 2); float div = (cellHeight * countX + heightGap * (countX - 1) - cellWidth * countX + widthGap * (countX - 1)) / 2 * iconScale * 0.65f; c.translate(0, -div); mIconPaddingX = contentPadding - iconScale * startPadding; if (!hotSeat) mIconPaddingY = contentPadding - div - iconScale * (getFolderNamePadding() + topPadding); } if (hotSeat) mIconPaddingY = BubbleTextView.sTopPaddingHotseat - iconScale * getFolderNamePadding(); mIconScale = iconScale; if (supportCard) { c.clipRect(0, 0, w, h); } else c.clipRect(0, 0, w - padding * 2, h - padding); c.scale(iconScale, iconScale); int iconH = (int) (h / iconScale); int countY = (iconH - topPadding + heightGap) / (cellHeight + heightGap); ArrayList<View> icons = getItemsInReadingOrder(false); if (supportCard) c.translate(startPadding, topPadding); //YUNOS BEGIN PB //##modules(Homeshell): ##author:wutao.wt@alibaba-inc-com //##BugID:(5635800) ##date:20141213 //##decrpition: Homeshell crash if (mFolderIcon == null || mFolderIcon.mHideIcon) return; //YUNOS END PB boolean rtl = getResources().getConfiguration().getLayoutDirection() == LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL; mPageCount = countX * (supportCard ? countX : countX + 1); for (int i = 0, N = mDrawingLimit = Math.min(icons.size(), countX * countY); i < N; i++) { int x = (rtl ? (countX - (i % countX) - 1) : (i % countX)) * (cellWidth + widthGap); int y = (i / countX) * (cellHeight + heightGap); c.translate(x, y); ((BubbleTextView) icons.get(i)).drawWithRect(0, 0, cellWidth, cellHeight, c); c.translate(-x, -y); } }
From source
public void showPreviews(final View anchor, int start, int end) { if (mWorkspace != null && mWorkspace.getChildCount() > 0) { if (newPreviews) { showingPreviews = true;//from ww w . j a v a2 s . c om hideDesktop(true); mWorkspace.lock(); mWorkspace.openSense(true); } else { // check first if it's already open final PopupWindow window = (PopupWindow) anchor.getTag(; if (window != null) return; Resources resources = getResources(); PersonaWorkspace personaWorkspace = mWorkspace; PersonaCellLayout cell = ((PersonaCellLayout) personaWorkspace.getChildAt(start)); float max; ViewGroup preview; max = personaWorkspace.getChildCount(); preview = new LinearLayout(this); Rect r = new Rect(); // ADW: seems sometimes this throws an out of memory error.... // so... try { resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.pr_preview_background).getPadding(r); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { } int extraW = (int) ((r.left + r.right) * max); int extraH = + r.bottom; int aW = cell.getWidth() - extraW; float w = aW / max; int width = cell.getWidth(); int height = cell.getHeight(); // width -= (x + cell.getRightPadding()); // height -= (y + cell.getBottomPadding()); if (width != 0 && height != 0) { showingPreviews = true; float scale = w / width; int count = end - start; final float sWidth = width * scale; float sHeight = height * scale; PreviewTouchHandler handler = new PreviewTouchHandler(anchor); ArrayList<Bitmap> bitmaps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>(count); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { ImageView image = new ImageView(this); cell = (PersonaCellLayout) personaWorkspace.getChildAt(i); Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) sWidth, (int) sHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); cell.setDrawingCacheEnabled(false); Canvas c = new Canvas(bitmap); c.scale(scale, scale); c.translate(-cell.getLeftPadding(), -cell.getTopPadding()); cell.dispatchDraw(c); image.setBackgroundDrawable(resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.pr_preview_background)); image.setImageBitmap(bitmap); image.setTag(i); image.setOnClickListener(handler); image.setOnFocusChangeListener(handler); image.setFocusable(true); if (i == mWorkspace.getCurrentScreen()) image.requestFocus(); preview.addView(image, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); bitmaps.add(bitmap); } PopupWindow p = new PopupWindow(this); p.setContentView(preview); p.setWidth((int) (sWidth * count + extraW)); p.setHeight((int) (sHeight + extraH)); p.setAnimationStyle(; p.setOutsideTouchable(true); p.setFocusable(true); p.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(0)); p.showAsDropDown(anchor, 0, 0); p.setOnDismissListener(new PopupWindow.OnDismissListener() { public void onDismiss() { dismissPreview(anchor); } }); anchor.setTag(, p); anchor.setTag(, preview); anchor.setTag(, bitmaps); } } } }
From source
@SuppressLint({ "DrawAllocation", "DrawAllocation" }) @Override/* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { Paint paint = new Paint(); float sl, sr, st, sb; sl = 0; sr = this.getWidth(); float ah = this.arrowHeight; // arrow Height; if (this.isArrowDown) { st = 0; sb = this.getHeight() - ah; } else { st = ah - 10; sb = this.getHeight() - 10; } Path boxPath = new Path(); boxPath.addRoundRect(new RectF(sl, st, sr, sb), 20, 20, Path.Direction.CW); if (arrowPosition <= arrowHeight * 1.5f) { arrowPosition = arrowHeight * 1.5f; } else if (arrowPosition >= this.getWidth() - arrowHeight * 1.5f) { arrowPosition = this.getWidth() - arrowHeight * 1.5f; } Path arrowPath = new Path(); if (isArrowDown) { arrowPath.moveTo(arrowPosition, sb + ah); arrowPath.lineTo((float) (arrowPosition - ah * 0.75), sb - 10); arrowPath.lineTo((float) (arrowPosition + ah * 0.75), sb - 10); arrowPath.close(); } else { arrowPath.moveTo(arrowPosition, 0); arrowPath.lineTo((float) (arrowPosition - ah * 0.75), ah + 10); arrowPath.lineTo((float) (arrowPosition + ah * 0.75), ah + 10); arrowPath.close(); } paint.setColor(this.strokeColor); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); boxPath.addPath(arrowPath); canvas.drawPath(boxPath, paint); paint.setColor(this.boxColor); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); boxPath.addPath(arrowPath);; float sf = 0.995f; float ox = (this.getWidth() - (this.getWidth() * sf)) / 2.0f; float oy = ((this.getHeight() - arrowHeight) - ((this.getHeight() - arrowHeight) * sf)) / 2.0f; canvas.translate(ox, oy); canvas.scale(sf, sf); canvas.drawPath(boxPath, paint); canvas.restore(); if (layoutChanged) { this.recalcLayout(); layoutChanged = false; } }
From source
@SuppressLint("NewApi") private void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (animationInProgress == 1 || !isVisible && animationInProgress != 2) { return;//from w w w . j av a 2s . c o m } float currentTranslationY; float currentTranslationX; float currentScale; float aty = -1; if (imageMoveAnimation != null) { if (!scroller.isFinished()) { scroller.abortAnimation(); } float ts = scale + (animateToScale - scale) * animationValue; float tx = translationX + (animateToX - translationX) * animationValue; float ty = translationY + (animateToY - translationY) * animationValue; if (currentEditMode == 1) { photoCropView.setAnimationProgress(animationValue); } if (animateToScale == 1 && scale == 1 && translationX == 0) { aty = ty; } currentScale = ts; currentTranslationY = ty; currentTranslationX = tx; containerView.invalidate(); } else { if (animationStartTime != 0) { translationX = animateToX; translationY = animateToY; scale = animateToScale; animationStartTime = 0; if (currentEditMode == 1) { photoCropView.setAnimationProgress(1); } updateMinMax(scale); zoomAnimation = false; } if (!scroller.isFinished()) { if (scroller.computeScrollOffset()) { if (scroller.getStartX() < maxX && scroller.getStartX() > minX) { translationX = scroller.getCurrX(); } if (scroller.getStartY() < maxY && scroller.getStartY() > minY) { translationY = scroller.getCurrY(); } containerView.invalidate(); } } if (switchImageAfterAnimation != 0) { if (switchImageAfterAnimation == 1) { setImageIndex(currentIndex + 1, false); } else if (switchImageAfterAnimation == 2) { setImageIndex(currentIndex - 1, false); } switchImageAfterAnimation = 0; } currentScale = scale; currentTranslationY = translationY; currentTranslationX = translationX; if (!moving) { aty = translationY; } } if (currentEditMode == 0 && scale == 1 && aty != -1 && !zoomAnimation) { float maxValue = getContainerViewHeight() / 4.0f; backgroundDrawable .setAlpha((int) Math.max(127, 255 * (1.0f - (Math.min(Math.abs(aty), maxValue) / maxValue)))); } else { backgroundDrawable.setAlpha(255); } ImageReceiver sideImage = null; if (currentEditMode == 0) { if (scale >= 1.0f && !zoomAnimation && !zooming) { if (currentTranslationX > maxX + AndroidUtilities.dp(5)) { sideImage = leftImage; } else if (currentTranslationX < minX - AndroidUtilities.dp(5)) { sideImage = rightImage; } } changingPage = sideImage != null; } if (sideImage == rightImage) { float tranlateX = currentTranslationX; float scaleDiff = 0; float alpha = 1; if (!zoomAnimation && tranlateX < minX) { alpha = Math.min(1.0f, (minX - tranlateX) / canvas.getWidth()); scaleDiff = (1.0f - alpha) * 0.3f; tranlateX = -canvas.getWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(30) / 2; } if (sideImage.hasBitmapImage()) {; canvas.translate(getContainerViewWidth() / 2, getContainerViewHeight() / 2); canvas.translate(canvas.getWidth() + AndroidUtilities.dp(30) / 2 + tranlateX, 0); canvas.scale(1.0f - scaleDiff, 1.0f - scaleDiff); int bitmapWidth = sideImage.getBitmapWidth(); int bitmapHeight = sideImage.getBitmapHeight(); float scaleX = (float) getContainerViewWidth() / (float) bitmapWidth; float scaleY = (float) getContainerViewHeight() / (float) bitmapHeight; float scale = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX; int width = (int) (bitmapWidth * scale); int height = (int) (bitmapHeight * scale); sideImage.setAlpha(alpha); sideImage.setImageCoords(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height); sideImage.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); }; canvas.translate(tranlateX, currentTranslationY / currentScale); canvas.translate((canvas.getWidth() * (scale + 1) + AndroidUtilities.dp(30)) / 2, -currentTranslationY / currentScale); radialProgressViews[1].setScale(1.0f - scaleDiff); radialProgressViews[1].setAlpha(alpha); radialProgressViews[1].onDraw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } float translateX = currentTranslationX; float scaleDiff = 0; float alpha = 1; if (!zoomAnimation && translateX > maxX && currentEditMode == 0) { alpha = Math.min(1.0f, (translateX - maxX) / canvas.getWidth()); scaleDiff = alpha * 0.3f; alpha = 1.0f - alpha; translateX = maxX; } boolean drawTextureView = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16 && aspectRatioFrameLayout != null && aspectRatioFrameLayout.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; if (centerImage.hasBitmapImage()) {; canvas.translate(getContainerViewWidth() / 2 + getAdditionX(), getContainerViewHeight() / 2 + getAdditionY()); canvas.translate(translateX, currentTranslationY); canvas.scale(currentScale - scaleDiff, currentScale - scaleDiff); if (currentEditMode == 1) { photoCropView.setBitmapParams(currentScale, translateX, currentTranslationY); } int bitmapWidth = centerImage.getBitmapWidth(); int bitmapHeight = centerImage.getBitmapHeight(); if (drawTextureView && textureUploaded) { float scale1 = bitmapWidth / (float) bitmapHeight; float scale2 = videoTextureView.getMeasuredWidth() / (float) videoTextureView.getMeasuredHeight(); if (Math.abs(scale1 - scale2) > 0.01f) { bitmapWidth = videoTextureView.getMeasuredWidth(); bitmapHeight = videoTextureView.getMeasuredHeight(); } } float scaleX = (float) getContainerViewWidth() / (float) bitmapWidth; float scaleY = (float) getContainerViewHeight() / (float) bitmapHeight; float scale = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX; int width = (int) (bitmapWidth * scale); int height = (int) (bitmapHeight * scale); if (!drawTextureView || !textureUploaded || !videoCrossfadeStarted || videoCrossfadeAlpha != 1.0f) { centerImage.setAlpha(alpha); centerImage.setImageCoords(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height); centerImage.draw(canvas); } if (drawTextureView) { if (!videoCrossfadeStarted && textureUploaded) { videoCrossfadeStarted = true; videoCrossfadeAlpha = 0.0f; videoCrossfadeAlphaLastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } canvas.translate(-width / 2, -height / 2); videoTextureView.setAlpha(alpha * videoCrossfadeAlpha); aspectRatioFrameLayout.draw(canvas); if (videoCrossfadeStarted && videoCrossfadeAlpha < 1.0f) { long newUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long dt = newUpdateTime - videoCrossfadeAlphaLastTime; videoCrossfadeAlphaLastTime = newUpdateTime; videoCrossfadeAlpha += dt / 300.0f; containerView.invalidate(); if (videoCrossfadeAlpha > 1.0f) { videoCrossfadeAlpha = 1.0f; } } } canvas.restore(); } if (!drawTextureView && (videoPlayerControlFrameLayout == null || videoPlayerControlFrameLayout.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE)) {; canvas.translate(translateX, currentTranslationY / currentScale); radialProgressViews[0].setScale(1.0f - scaleDiff); radialProgressViews[0].setAlpha(alpha); radialProgressViews[0].onDraw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } if (sideImage == leftImage) { if (sideImage.hasBitmapImage()) {; canvas.translate(getContainerViewWidth() / 2, getContainerViewHeight() / 2); canvas.translate( -(canvas.getWidth() * (scale + 1) + AndroidUtilities.dp(30)) / 2 + currentTranslationX, 0); int bitmapWidth = sideImage.getBitmapWidth(); int bitmapHeight = sideImage.getBitmapHeight(); float scaleX = (float) getContainerViewWidth() / (float) bitmapWidth; float scaleY = (float) getContainerViewHeight() / (float) bitmapHeight; float scale = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX; int width = (int) (bitmapWidth * scale); int height = (int) (bitmapHeight * scale); sideImage.setAlpha(1.0f); sideImage.setImageCoords(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height); sideImage.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); }; canvas.translate(currentTranslationX, currentTranslationY / currentScale); canvas.translate(-(canvas.getWidth() * (scale + 1) + AndroidUtilities.dp(30)) / 2, -currentTranslationY / currentScale); radialProgressViews[2].setScale(1.0f); radialProgressViews[2].setAlpha(1.0f); radialProgressViews[2].onDraw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } }
From source
private void drawContent(Canvas canvas) { if (photoAnimationInProgress == 1 || !isPhotoVisible && photoAnimationInProgress != 2) { return;//from w ww . ja v a 2 s .co m } float currentTranslationY; float currentTranslationX; float currentScale; float aty = -1; if (imageMoveAnimation != null) { if (!scroller.isFinished()) { scroller.abortAnimation(); } float ts = scale + (animateToScale - scale) * animationValue; float tx = translationX + (animateToX - translationX) * animationValue; float ty = translationY + (animateToY - translationY) * animationValue; if (animateToScale == 1 && scale == 1 && translationX == 0) { aty = ty; } currentScale = ts; currentTranslationY = ty; currentTranslationX = tx; photoContainerView.invalidate(); } else { if (animationStartTime != 0) { translationX = animateToX; translationY = animateToY; scale = animateToScale; animationStartTime = 0; updateMinMax(scale); zoomAnimation = false; } if (!scroller.isFinished()) { if (scroller.computeScrollOffset()) { if (scroller.getStartX() < maxX && scroller.getStartX() > minX) { translationX = scroller.getCurrX(); } if (scroller.getStartY() < maxY && scroller.getStartY() > minY) { translationY = scroller.getCurrY(); } photoContainerView.invalidate(); } } if (switchImageAfterAnimation != 0) { if (switchImageAfterAnimation == 1) { setImageIndex(currentIndex + 1, false); } else if (switchImageAfterAnimation == 2) { setImageIndex(currentIndex - 1, false); } switchImageAfterAnimation = 0; } currentScale = scale; currentTranslationY = translationY; currentTranslationX = translationX; if (!moving) { aty = translationY; } } if (scale == 1 && aty != -1 && !zoomAnimation) { float maxValue = getContainerViewHeight() / 4.0f; photoBackgroundDrawable .setAlpha((int) Math.max(127, 255 * (1.0f - (Math.min(Math.abs(aty), maxValue) / maxValue)))); } else { photoBackgroundDrawable.setAlpha(255); } ImageReceiver sideImage = null; if (scale >= 1.0f && !zoomAnimation && !zooming) { if (currentTranslationX > maxX + AndroidUtilities.dp(5)) { sideImage = leftImage; } else if (currentTranslationX < minX - AndroidUtilities.dp(5)) { sideImage = rightImage; } } changingPage = sideImage != null; if (sideImage == rightImage) { float tranlateX = currentTranslationX; float scaleDiff = 0; float alpha = 1; if (!zoomAnimation && tranlateX < minX) { alpha = Math.min(1.0f, (minX - tranlateX) / canvas.getWidth()); scaleDiff = (1.0f - alpha) * 0.3f; tranlateX = -canvas.getWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(30) / 2; } if (sideImage.hasBitmapImage()) {; canvas.translate(getContainerViewWidth() / 2, getContainerViewHeight() / 2); canvas.translate(canvas.getWidth() + AndroidUtilities.dp(30) / 2 + tranlateX, 0); canvas.scale(1.0f - scaleDiff, 1.0f - scaleDiff); int bitmapWidth = sideImage.getBitmapWidth(); int bitmapHeight = sideImage.getBitmapHeight(); float scaleX = (float) getContainerViewWidth() / (float) bitmapWidth; float scaleY = (float) getContainerViewHeight() / (float) bitmapHeight; float scale = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX; int width = (int) (bitmapWidth * scale); int height = (int) (bitmapHeight * scale); sideImage.setAlpha(alpha); sideImage.setImageCoords(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height); sideImage.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); }; canvas.translate(tranlateX, currentTranslationY / currentScale); canvas.translate((canvas.getWidth() * (scale + 1) + AndroidUtilities.dp(30)) / 2, -currentTranslationY / currentScale); radialProgressViews[1].setScale(1.0f - scaleDiff); radialProgressViews[1].setAlpha(alpha); radialProgressViews[1].onDraw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } float translateX = currentTranslationX; float scaleDiff = 0; float alpha = 1; if (!zoomAnimation && translateX > maxX) { alpha = Math.min(1.0f, (translateX - maxX) / canvas.getWidth()); scaleDiff = alpha * 0.3f; alpha = 1.0f - alpha; translateX = maxX; } boolean drawTextureView = aspectRatioFrameLayout != null && aspectRatioFrameLayout.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; if (centerImage.hasBitmapImage()) {; canvas.translate(getContainerViewWidth() / 2, getContainerViewHeight() / 2); canvas.translate(translateX, currentTranslationY); canvas.scale(currentScale - scaleDiff, currentScale - scaleDiff); int bitmapWidth = centerImage.getBitmapWidth(); int bitmapHeight = centerImage.getBitmapHeight(); if (drawTextureView && textureUploaded) { float scale1 = bitmapWidth / (float) bitmapHeight; float scale2 = videoTextureView.getMeasuredWidth() / (float) videoTextureView.getMeasuredHeight(); if (Math.abs(scale1 - scale2) > 0.01f) { bitmapWidth = videoTextureView.getMeasuredWidth(); bitmapHeight = videoTextureView.getMeasuredHeight(); } } float scaleX = (float) getContainerViewWidth() / (float) bitmapWidth; float scaleY = (float) getContainerViewHeight() / (float) bitmapHeight; float scale = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX; int width = (int) (bitmapWidth * scale); int height = (int) (bitmapHeight * scale); if (!drawTextureView || !textureUploaded || !videoCrossfadeStarted || videoCrossfadeAlpha != 1.0f) { centerImage.setAlpha(alpha); centerImage.setImageCoords(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height); centerImage.draw(canvas); } if (drawTextureView) { if (!videoCrossfadeStarted && textureUploaded) { videoCrossfadeStarted = true; videoCrossfadeAlpha = 0.0f; videoCrossfadeAlphaLastTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } canvas.translate(-width / 2, -height / 2); videoTextureView.setAlpha(alpha * videoCrossfadeAlpha); aspectRatioFrameLayout.draw(canvas); if (videoCrossfadeStarted && videoCrossfadeAlpha < 1.0f) { long newUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long dt = newUpdateTime - videoCrossfadeAlphaLastTime; videoCrossfadeAlphaLastTime = newUpdateTime; videoCrossfadeAlpha += dt / 300.0f; photoContainerView.invalidate(); if (videoCrossfadeAlpha > 1.0f) { videoCrossfadeAlpha = 1.0f; } } } canvas.restore(); } if (!drawTextureView && bottomLayout.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) {; canvas.translate(translateX, currentTranslationY / currentScale); radialProgressViews[0].setScale(1.0f - scaleDiff); radialProgressViews[0].setAlpha(alpha); radialProgressViews[0].onDraw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } if (sideImage == leftImage) { if (sideImage.hasBitmapImage()) {; canvas.translate(getContainerViewWidth() / 2, getContainerViewHeight() / 2); canvas.translate( -(canvas.getWidth() * (scale + 1) + AndroidUtilities.dp(30)) / 2 + currentTranslationX, 0); int bitmapWidth = sideImage.getBitmapWidth(); int bitmapHeight = sideImage.getBitmapHeight(); float scaleX = (float) getContainerViewWidth() / (float) bitmapWidth; float scaleY = (float) getContainerViewHeight() / (float) bitmapHeight; float scale = scaleX > scaleY ? scaleY : scaleX; int width = (int) (bitmapWidth * scale); int height = (int) (bitmapHeight * scale); sideImage.setAlpha(1.0f); sideImage.setImageCoords(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height); sideImage.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); }; canvas.translate(currentTranslationX, currentTranslationY / currentScale); canvas.translate(-(canvas.getWidth() * (scale + 1) + AndroidUtilities.dp(30)) / 2, -currentTranslationY / currentScale); radialProgressViews[2].setScale(1.0f); radialProgressViews[2].setAlpha(1.0f); radialProgressViews[2].onDraw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } }