Example usage for android.graphics Canvas save

List of usage examples for android.graphics Canvas save


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Canvas save.


public int save() 

Source Link


Saves the current matrix and clip onto a private stack.


From source file:android.support.designox.widget.CollapsingTextHelper.java

public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
    final int saveCount = canvas.save();

    if (mTextToDraw != null && mDrawTitle) {
        float x = mCurrentDrawX;
        float y = mCurrentDrawY;

        final boolean drawTexture = mUseTexture && mExpandedTitleTexture != null;

        final float ascent;
        final float descent;
        if (drawTexture) {
            ascent = mTextureAscent * mScale;
            descent = mTextureDescent * mScale;
        } else {//from www. ja v a  2  s. co m
            ascent = mTextPaint.ascent() * mScale;
            descent = mTextPaint.descent() * mScale;

        if (DEBUG_DRAW) {
            // Just a debug tool, which drawn a Magneta rect in the text bounds
            canvas.drawRect(mCurrentBounds.left, y + ascent, mCurrentBounds.right, y + descent,

        if (drawTexture) {
            y += ascent;

        if (mScale != 1f) {
            canvas.scale(mScale, mScale, x, y);

        if (drawTexture) {
            // If we should use a texture, draw it instead of text
            canvas.drawBitmap(mExpandedTitleTexture, x, y, mTexturePaint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawText(mTextToDraw, 0, mTextToDraw.length(), x, y, mTextPaint);


From source file:org.buffer.android.buffertextinputlayout.util.CollapsingTextHelper.java

public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
    final int saveCount = canvas.save();
    if (mTextToDraw != null && mDrawTitle) {
        float x = mCurrentDrawX;
        float y = mCurrentDrawY;
        final boolean drawTexture = mUseTexture && mExpandedTitleTexture != null;
        final float ascent;
        final float descent;
        if (drawTexture) {
            ascent = mTextureAscent * mScale;
            descent = mTextureDescent * mScale;
        } else {/*  w w  w  .  ja  va  2s.c  om*/
            ascent = mTextPaint.ascent() * mScale;
            descent = mTextPaint.descent() * mScale;
        if (DEBUG_DRAW) {
            // Just a debug tool, which drawn a magenta rect in the text bounds
            canvas.drawRect(mCurrentBounds.left, y + ascent, mCurrentBounds.right, y + descent,
        if (drawTexture) {
            y += ascent;
        if (mScale != 1f) {
            canvas.scale(mScale, mScale, x, y);
        if (drawTexture) {
            // If we should use a texture, draw it instead of text
            canvas.drawBitmap(mExpandedTitleTexture, x, y, mTexturePaint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawText(mTextToDraw, 0, mTextToDraw.length(), x, y, mTextPaint);

From source file:eu.davidea.flexibleadapter.common.FlexibleItemDecoration.java

private void drawVertical(Canvas canvas, RecyclerView parent) {
    final int left;
    final int right;
    if (parent.getClipToPadding()) {
        left = parent.getPaddingLeft();//  w ww.jav a 2 s.  c  o m
        right = parent.getWidth() - parent.getPaddingRight();
        canvas.clipRect(left, parent.getPaddingTop(), right, parent.getHeight() - parent.getPaddingBottom());
    } else {
        left = 0;
        right = parent.getWidth();

    final int itemCount = parent.getChildCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < itemCount - 1; i++) {
        final View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
        parent.getDecoratedBoundsWithMargins(child, mBounds);
        final int bottom = mBounds.bottom + Math.round(ViewCompat.getTranslationY(child));
        final int top = bottom - mDivider.getIntrinsicHeight();
        mDivider.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);

From source file:eu.davidea.flexibleadapter.common.FlexibleItemDecoration.java

private void drawHorizontal(Canvas canvas, RecyclerView parent) {
    final int top;
    final int bottom;
    if (parent.getClipToPadding()) {
        top = parent.getPaddingTop();//from   w  w w .  ja v a 2s  . com
        bottom = parent.getHeight() - parent.getPaddingBottom();
        canvas.clipRect(parent.getPaddingLeft(), top, parent.getWidth() - parent.getPaddingRight(), bottom);
    } else {
        top = 0;
        bottom = parent.getHeight();

    final int itemCount = parent.getChildCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < itemCount - 1; i++) {
        final View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
        parent.getLayoutManager().getDecoratedBoundsWithMargins(child, mBounds);
        final int right = mBounds.right + Math.round(ViewCompat.getTranslationX(child));
        final int left = right - mDivider.getIntrinsicWidth();
        mDivider.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);

From source file:com.github.shareme.gwsmaterialuikit.library.material.drawable.LineMorphingDrawable.java

public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
    int restoreCount = canvas.save();
    float degrees = (mClockwise ? 180 : -180) * ((mPrevState < mCurState ? 0f : 1f) + mAnimProgress);

    if (mIsRtl)//from w ww. j a v  a2  s. co m
        canvas.scale(-1f, 1f, mDrawBound.centerX(), mDrawBound.centerY());

    canvas.rotate(degrees, mDrawBound.centerX(), mDrawBound.centerY());
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);

From source file:com.nicodelee.ptr.header.StickinessView.java

public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    if (mRotateDrawable == null) {
        return;//www. j  a  v  a  2  s . co  m
    if (mIsRotating) {
        mPath.addOval(mTopBound, Path.Direction.CW);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);
        canvas.rotate(mCurrentDegree, mRotateDrawable.getBounds().centerX(),
    } else {
        // drawable
        mPath.moveTo(mTopBound.left, mTopBound.top + mTopSize / 2);
        // drawable?
        mPath.arcTo(mTopBound, 180, 180);
        // ?
        //            mPath.quadTo(mTopBound.right - mTopSize / 8, mTopBound.bottom, mBottomBound.right, mBottomBound.bottom - mBottomBound.height() / 2);

        // mCurrentBottomHeight   0  mMaxBottomHeight
        // scale                  0.2  1
        float scale = Math.max(mCurrentBottomHeight * 1.0f / mMaxBottomHeight, 0.2f);

        float bottomControlXOffset = mTopSize * ((3 + (float) Math.pow(scale, 7) * 16) / 32);
        float bottomControlY = mTopBound.bottom / 2 + mCenterPoint.y / 2;
        // ???
        mPath.cubicTo(mTopBound.right - mTopSize / 8, mTopBound.bottom, mTopBound.right - bottomControlXOffset,
                bottomControlY, mBottomBound.right, mBottomBound.bottom - mBottomBound.height() / 2);

        mPath.arcTo(mBottomBound, 0, 180);

        //            mPath.quadTo(mTopBound.left + mTopSize / 8, mTopBound.bottom, mTopBound.left, mTopBound.bottom - mTopSize / 2);
        mPath.cubicTo(mTopBound.left + bottomControlXOffset, bottomControlY, mTopBound.left + mTopSize / 8,
                mTopBound.bottom, mTopBound.left, mTopBound.bottom - mTopSize / 2);

        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);


From source file:com.hippo.refreshlayout.SwipeProgressBar.java

private boolean draw(Canvas canvas, boolean first) {
    Rect bounds = mBounds;//from  w  w w.  j  a  v  a  2s .c o  m
    final int width = bounds.width();
    final int cx = bounds.centerX();
    final int cy = bounds.centerY();
    final int colors = mColors.length;
    boolean drawTriggerWhileFinishing = false;
    boolean drawAgain = false;
    int restoreCount = canvas.save();

    if (mRunning || (mFinishTime > 0)) {
        long now = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
        long elapsed = (now - mStartTime) % mAnimationDuration;
        long iterations = (now - mStartTime) / ANIMATION_DURATION_MS_PER_COLOR;
        float rawProgress = (elapsed / (mAnimationDuration / (float) colors));

        // If we're not running anymore, that means we're running through
        // the finish animation.
        if (!mRunning) {
            // If the finish animation is done, don't draw anything, and
            // don't repost.
            if ((now - mFinishTime) >= FINISH_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS) {
                mFinishTime = 0;
                return false;

            // Otherwise, use a 0 opacity alpha layer to clear the animation
            // from the inside out. This layer will prevent the circles from
            // drawing within its bounds.
            long finishElapsed = (now - mFinishTime) % FINISH_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS;
            float finishProgress = (finishElapsed / (FINISH_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS / 100f));
            float pct = (finishProgress / 100f);
            // Radius of the circle is half of the screen.
            float clearRadius = width / 2 * INTERPOLATOR.getInterpolation(pct);
                mClipRect.set(cx - clearRadius, bounds.top, cx + clearRadius, bounds.bottom);
                canvas.clipRect(mClipRect, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE);
            } else {
                if (first) {
                    // First time left
                    drawAgain = true;
                    mClipRect.set(bounds.left, bounds.top, cx - clearRadius, bounds.bottom);
                } else {
                    // Second time right
                    mClipRect.set(cx + clearRadius, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
            // Only draw the trigger if there is a space in the center of
            // this refreshing view that needs to be filled in by the
            // trigger. If the progress view is just still animating, let it
            // continue animating.
            drawTriggerWhileFinishing = true;

        // First fill in with the last color that would have finished drawing.
        if (iterations == 0) {
        } else {
            int index = colors - 1;
            float left = 0.0f;
            float right = 1.0f;
            for (int i = 0; i < colors; ++i) {
                if ((rawProgress >= left && rawProgress < right) || i == colors - 1) {
                index = (index + 1) % colors;
                left += 1.0f;
                right += 1.0f;

        // Then draw up to 4 overlapping concentric circles of varying radii, based on how far
        // along we are in the cycle.
        // progress 0-50 draw mColor2
        // progress 25-75 draw mColor3
        // progress 50-100 draw mColor4
        // progress 75 (wrap to 25) draw mColor1
        if (colors > 1) {
            if ((rawProgress >= 0.0f && rawProgress <= 1.0f)) {
                float pct = (rawProgress + 1.0f) / 2;
                drawCircle(canvas, cx, cy, mColors[0], pct);
            float left = 0.0f;
            float right = 2.0f;
            for (int i = 1; i < colors; ++i) {
                if (rawProgress >= left && rawProgress <= right) {
                    float pct = (rawProgress - i + 1.0f) / 2;
                    drawCircle(canvas, cx, cy, mColors[i], pct);
                left += 1.0f;
                right += 1.0f;
            if ((rawProgress >= colors - 1.0f && rawProgress <= colors)) {
                float pct = (rawProgress - colors + 1.0f) / 2;
                drawCircle(canvas, cx, cy, mColors[0], pct);
        if (mTriggerPercentage > 0 && drawTriggerWhileFinishing) {
            // There is some portion of trigger to draw. Restore the canvas,
            // then draw the trigger. Otherwise, the trigger does not appear
            // until after the bar has finished animating and appears to
            // just jump in at a larger width than expected.
            restoreCount = canvas.save();
            drawTrigger(canvas, cx, cy);
        // Keep running until we finish out the last cycle.
        ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(mParent, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom);
    } else {
        // Otherwise if we're in the middle of a trigger, draw that.
        if (mTriggerPercentage > 0 && mTriggerPercentage <= 1.0) {
            drawTrigger(canvas, cx, cy);
    return drawAgain;

From source file:com.taobao.weex.ui.view.WXScrollView.java

protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    if (mCurrentStickyView != null) {
        int realOffset = (mStickyOffset <= 0 ? mStickyOffset : 0);
        canvas.translate(mStickyP[0], getScrollY() + realOffset);
        canvas.clipRect(0, realOffset, mCurrentStickyView.getWidth(), mCurrentStickyView.getHeight());
        canvas.restore();/*www. j av  a 2s .  co  m*/

From source file:com.byagowi.persiancalendar.view.QiblaCompassView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    this.Radius = Math.min(px, py);
    this.r = Radius / 10; // Sun Moon radius;
    // over here/*from   ww w .  j  av a 2  s. co  m*/
    qiblaInfo = sunMoonPosition.getDestinationHeading();
    textPaint.setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), (R.color.qibla_color)));
    canvas.rotate(-bearing, px, py);// Attach and Detach capability lies
    if (isLongLatAvailable()) {
    drawTrueNorthArrow(canvas, bearing);
    if (isLongLatAvailable()) {

From source file:com.tr4android.support.extension.widget.CollapsingTextHelper.java

public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
    final int saveCount = canvas.save();

    if (mTextToDraw != null && mDrawTitle) {
        float x = mCurrentDrawX;
        float y = mCurrentDrawY;

        final boolean drawTexture = mUseTexture && mExpandedTitleTexture != null;

        final float ascent;
        final float descent;

        // Update the TextPaint to the current text size

        if (drawTexture) {
            ascent = mTextureAscent * mScale;
            descent = mTextureDescent * mScale;
        } else {//from w w  w  .j av a 2 s  .c  o  m
            ascent = mTextPaint.ascent() * mScale;
            descent = mTextPaint.descent() * mScale;

        if (DEBUG_DRAW) {
            // Just a debug tool, which drawn a Magneta rect in the text bounds
            canvas.drawRect(mCurrentBounds.left, y + ascent, mCurrentBounds.right, y + descent,

        if (drawTexture) {
            y += ascent;

        if (mScale != 1f) {
            canvas.scale(mScale, mScale, x, y);

        if (drawTexture) {
            // If we should use a texture, draw it instead of text
            canvas.drawBitmap(mExpandedTitleTexture, x, y, mTexturePaint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawText(mTextToDraw, 0, mTextToDraw.length(), x, y, mTextPaint);
