List of usage examples for Canvas clipRect
public boolean clipRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
From source
@Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { final int height = getHeight(); final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child); int clipLeft = findContentView().getLeft(); int clipRight = findContentView().getRight(); final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24; final int restoreCount =; if (drawingContent) { final int childCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final View v = getChildAt(i); if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v) || v.getHeight() < height) { continue; }/* w w w . ja v a2s . c o m*/ if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.LEFT)) { final int vright = v.getRight(); if (vright > clipLeft) { clipLeft = vright; } } else { final int vleft = v.getLeft(); if (vleft < clipRight) { clipRight = vleft; } } } canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight()); } final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); if (drawingContent) { int scrimAlpha = SCRIM_ENABLED ? (int) (baseAlpha * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, onScreen())) * MAX_SCRIM_ALPHA) : 0; if (scrimAlpha > 0) { int color = scrimAlpha << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff); mScrimPaint.setColor(color); canvas.drawRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight(), mScrimPaint); canvas.drawRect(clipLeft - 1, 0, clipLeft, getHeight(), mEdgeHighlightPaint); } LayoutParams drawerLp = (LayoutParams) findDrawerView().getLayoutParams(); if (mShadow != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(findDrawerView(), Gravity.LEFT)) { final int offScreen = (int) ((1 - drawerLp.onScreen) * findDrawerView().getWidth()); final int drawerRight = getWidth() - drawerLp.getMarginEnd() - offScreen; final int shadowWidth = mShadow.getIntrinsicWidth(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) drawerRight / mDragger.getEdgeSize(), 1.f)); mShadow.setBounds(drawerRight, child.getTop(), drawerRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom()); mShadow.setAlpha((int) (255 * alpha * alpha * alpha)); mShadow.draw(canvas); } else if (mShadow != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(findDrawerView(), Gravity.RIGHT)) { final int onScreen = (int) (findDrawerView().getWidth() * drawerLp.onScreen); final int drawerLeft = drawerLp.getMarginStart() + getWidth() - onScreen; final int shadowWidth = mShadow.getIntrinsicWidth(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) onScreen / mDragger.getEdgeSize(), 1.f));; canvas.translate(2 * drawerLeft - shadowWidth, 0); canvas.scale(-1.0f, 1.0f); mShadow.setBounds(drawerLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), drawerLeft, child.getBottom()); mShadow.setAlpha((int) (255 * alpha * alpha * alpha * alpha)); mShadow.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } } return result; }
From source
@Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild()"); final int width = getWidth(); final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child); int clipTop = 0; int clipBottom = getHeight(); final int restoreCount =; if (drawingContent) { final int childCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final View v = getChildAt(i); if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v) || v.getWidth() < width) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild() -- 0"); continue; }/* ww w.j a v a 2s . co m*/ if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.TOP)) { final int vbottom = v.getBottom(); if (vbottom > clipTop) clipTop = vbottom; } else { final int vtop = v.getTop(); if (vtop < clipBottom) { clipBottom = vtop; } } } canvas.clipRect(0, clipTop, getWidth(), clipBottom); } final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); if (mScrimOpacity > 0 && drawingContent) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild() -- drawingContent"); final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24; final int imag = (int) (baseAlpha * mScrimOpacity); final int color = imag << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff); mScrimPaint.setColor(color); canvas.drawRect(0, clipTop, getWidth(), clipBottom, mScrimPaint); } else if (mShadowBottom != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.BOTTOM)) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild() -- Gravity.BOTTOM"); final int shadowHeight = mShadowBottom.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childTop = child.getTop(); final int showing = getHeight() - childTop; final int drawerPeekDistance = mBottomDragger.getEdgeSize(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f)); mShadowBottom.setBounds(child.getLeft(), childTop - shadowHeight, child.getRight(), childTop); mShadowBottom.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha)); mShadowBottom.draw(canvas); } return result; }
From source
@Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { final int height = getHeight(); final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child); int clipLeft = 0, clipRight = getWidth(); final int restoreCount =; if (drawingContent) { final int childCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final View v = getChildAt(i); if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v) || v.getHeight() < height) { continue; }/*from w w w . java2 s . co m*/ if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.LEFT)) { final int vright = v.getRight(); if (vright > clipLeft) clipLeft = vright; } else { final int vleft = v.getLeft(); if (vleft < clipRight) clipRight = vleft; } } canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight()); } final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); if (mScrimOpacity > 0 && drawingContent) { final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24; final int imag = (int) (baseAlpha * mScrimOpacity); final int color = imag << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff); mScrimPaint.setColor(color); canvas.drawRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight(), mScrimPaint); } else if (mShadowLeft != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.LEFT)) { final int shadowWidth = mShadowLeft.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childRight = child.getRight(); final int drawerPeekDistance = mLeftDragger.getEdgeSize(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) childRight / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f)); mShadowLeft.setBounds(childRight, child.getTop(), childRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom()); mShadowLeft.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha)); mShadowLeft.draw(canvas); } else if (mShadowRight != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.RIGHT)) { final int shadowWidth = mShadowRight.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childLeft = child.getLeft(); final int showing = getWidth() - childLeft; final int drawerPeekDistance = mRightDragger.getEdgeSize(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f)); mShadowRight.setBounds(childLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), childLeft, child.getBottom()); mShadowRight.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha)); mShadowRight.draw(canvas); } return result; }
From source
@Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { final int height = getHeight(); final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child); int clipLeft = 0, clipRight = getWidth(); final int restoreCount =; if (drawingContent) { final int childCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final View v = getChildAt(i); if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v) || v.getHeight() < height) { continue; }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.TOP)) { final int vright = v.getRight(); if (vright > clipLeft) clipLeft = vright; } else { final int vleft = v.getLeft(); if (vleft < clipRight) clipRight = vleft; } } canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight()); } final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); if (mScrimOpacity > 0 && drawingContent) { final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24; final int imag = (int) (baseAlpha * mScrimOpacity); final int color = imag << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff); mScrimPaint.setColor(color); canvas.drawRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight(), mScrimPaint); } else if (mShadowTop != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.TOP)) { final int shadowWidth = mShadowTop.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childRight = child.getRight(); final int drawerPeekDistance = mTopDragger.getEdgeSize(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) childRight / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f)); mShadowTop.setBounds(childRight, child.getTop(), childRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom()); mShadowTop.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha)); mShadowTop.draw(canvas); } else if (mShadowBottom != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.BOTTOM)) { final int shadowWidth = mShadowBottom.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childLeft = child.getLeft(); final int showing = getWidth() - childLeft; final int drawerPeekDistance = mBottomDragger.getEdgeSize(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f)); mShadowBottom.setBounds(childLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), childLeft, child.getBottom()); mShadowBottom.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha)); mShadowBottom.draw(canvas); } return result; }
From source
@Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { final int height = getHeight(); final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child); int clipLeft = 0, clipRight = getWidth(); final int restoreCount =; if (drawingContent) { final int childCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final View v = getChildAt(i); if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v) || v.getHeight() < height) { continue; }/*from w w w .java 2 s . c o m*/ if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.LEFT)) { final int vright = v.getRight(); if (vright > clipLeft) clipLeft = vright; } else { final int vleft = v.getLeft(); if (vleft < clipRight) clipRight = vleft; } } canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight()); } final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); if (mShadowLeft != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.LEFT)) { final int shadowWidth = mShadowLeft.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childRight = child.getRight(); mShadowLeft.setBounds(childRight, child.getTop(), childRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom()); mShadowLeft.draw(canvas); } else if (mShadowRight != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.RIGHT)) { final int shadowWidth = mShadowRight.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childLeft = child.getLeft(); mShadowRight.setBounds(childLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), childLeft, child.getBottom()); mShadowRight.draw(canvas); } return result; }
From source
@Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild()"); final int height = getHeight(); final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child); int clipLeft = 0, clipRight = getWidth(); final int restoreCount =; if (drawingContent) { final int childCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final View v = getChildAt(i); if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v) || v.getHeight() < height) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild() -- 0"); continue; }//from w w w . ja v a2 s. co m if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.LEFT)) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild() -- 1"); final int vright = v.getRight(); if (vright > clipLeft) clipLeft = vright; } else { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild() -- 2"); final int vleft = v.getLeft(); if (vleft < clipRight) clipRight = vleft; } } canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight()); } final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); if (mScrimOpacity > 0 && drawingContent) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild() -- drawingContent"); final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24; final int imag = (int) (baseAlpha * mScrimOpacity); final int color = imag << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff); mScrimPaint.setColor(color); canvas.drawRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight(), mScrimPaint); } else if (mShadowLeft != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.LEFT)) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild() -- Gravity.LEFT"); final int shadowWidth = mShadowLeft.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childRight = child.getRight(); final int drawerPeekDistance = mLeftDragger.getEdgeSize(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) childRight / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f)); mShadowLeft.setBounds(childRight, child.getTop(), childRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom()); mShadowLeft.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha)); mShadowLeft.draw(canvas); } else if (mShadowRight != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.RIGHT)) { Log.i(TAG, "drawChild() -- Gravity.RIGHT"); final int shadowWidth = mShadowRight.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childLeft = child.getLeft(); final int showing = getWidth() - childLeft; final int drawerPeekDistance = mRightDragger.getEdgeSize(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f)); mShadowRight.setBounds(childLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), childLeft, child.getBottom()); mShadowRight.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha)); mShadowRight.draw(canvas); } return result; }
From source
private void drawSlideBar(Canvas canvas) { if (mAdapter == null || scrollBar == null) { return;//from w ww. j a va 2s . com } final int count = mAdapter.getCount(); if (count == 0) { return; } if (getCurrentItem() >= count) { setCurrentItem(count - 1); return; } float offsetX = 0; int offsetY = 0; switch (this.scrollBar.getGravity()) { case CENTENT_BACKGROUND: case CENTENT: offsetY = (getHeight() - scrollBar.getHeight(getHeight())) / 2; break; case TOP: case TOP_FLOAT: offsetY = 0; break; case BOTTOM: case BOTTOM_FLOAT: default: offsetY = getHeight() - scrollBar.getHeight(getHeight()); break; } View currentView = null; if (!inRun.isFinished() && inRun.computeScrollOffset()) { offsetX = inRun.getCurrentX(); int position = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { currentView = getChildAt(i); if (currentView.getLeft() <= offsetX && offsetX < currentView.getRight()) { position = i; break; } } int width = currentView.getWidth(); int positionOffsetPixels = (int) (offsetX - currentView.getLeft()); float positionOffset = (offsetX - currentView.getLeft()) / width; notifyPageScrolled(position, positionOffset, positionOffsetPixels); } else if (mPositionOffset - 0.0f > 0.01) { currentView = getChildAt(mPosition); int width = currentView.getWidth(); offsetX = currentView.getLeft() + width * mPositionOffset; notifyPageScrolled(mPosition, mPositionOffset, mPositionOffsetPixels); } else { currentView = getChildAt(mSelectedTabIndex); if (currentView == null) { return; } offsetX = currentView.getLeft(); } int tabWidth = currentView.getWidth(); int width = scrollBar.getWidth(tabWidth); width = Math.min(tabWidth, width); offsetX += (tabWidth - width) / 2; int saveCount =; canvas.translate(offsetX, offsetY); canvas.clipRect(0, 0, width, scrollBar.getHeight(getHeight())); // needed int preHeight = scrollBar.getSlideView().getHeight(); int preWidth = scrollBar.getSlideView().getWidth(); if (preHeight != scrollBar.getHeight(getHeight()) || preWidth != scrollBar.getWidth(tabWidth)) { measureScrollBar(true); } scrollBar.getSlideView().draw(canvas); canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount); }
From source
@Override protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) { final int height = getHeight(); final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child); int clipLeft = 0, clipRight = getWidth(); final int restoreCount =; if (drawingContent) { final int childCount = getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final View v = getChildAt(i); if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v) || v.getHeight() < height) { continue; }/* w w w. j ava 2s .c o m*/ if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.LEFT)) { final int vright = v.getRight(); if (vright > clipLeft) clipLeft = vright; } else { final int vleft = v.getLeft(); if (vleft < clipRight) clipRight = vleft; } } canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight()); } final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime); canvas.restoreToCount(restoreCount); if (mScrimOpacity > 0 && drawingContent) { final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24; final int imag = (int) (baseAlpha * mScrimOpacity); final int color = imag << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff); mScrimPaint.setColor(color); canvas.drawRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight(), mScrimPaint); } else if (mShadowLeft != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.LEFT)) { final int shadowWidth = mShadowLeft.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childRight = child.getRight(); final int drawerPeekDistance = mLeftDragger.getEdgeSize(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) childRight / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f)); mShadowLeft.setBounds(childRight, child.getTop(), childRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom()); mShadowLeft.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha)); mShadowLeft.draw(canvas); } else if (mShadowRight != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.RIGHT)) { final int shadowWidth = mShadowRight.getIntrinsicWidth(); final int childLeft = child.getLeft(); final int showing = getWidth() - childLeft; final int drawerPeekDistance = mRightDragger.getEdgeSize(); final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f)); mShadowRight.setBounds(childLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), childLeft, child.getBottom()); mShadowRight.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha)); mShadowRight.draw(canvas); } return result; }
From source
public ChatAttachAlert(Context context, final ChatActivity parentFragment) { super(context, false); baseFragment = parentFragment;/* w ww. j ava 2 s . co m*/ setDelegate(this); setUseRevealAnimation(true); checkCamera(false); if (deviceHasGoodCamera) { CameraController.getInstance().initCamera(); } NotificationCenter.getInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.albumsDidLoaded); NotificationCenter.getInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.reloadInlineHints); NotificationCenter.getInstance().addObserver(this, NotificationCenter.cameraInitied); shadowDrawable = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.sheet_shadow); containerView = listView = new RecyclerListView(context) { private int lastWidth; private int lastHeight; @Override public void requestLayout() { if (ignoreLayout) { return; } super.requestLayout(); } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (cameraAnimationInProgress) { return true; } else if (cameraOpened) { return processTouchEvent(ev); } else if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && scrollOffsetY != 0 && ev.getY() < scrollOffsetY) { dismiss(); return true; } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (cameraAnimationInProgress) { return true; } else if (cameraOpened) { return processTouchEvent(event); } return !isDismissed() && super.onTouchEvent(event); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int height = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { height -= AndroidUtilities.statusBarHeight; } int contentSize = backgroundPaddingTop + AndroidUtilities.dp(294) + (SearchQuery.inlineBots.isEmpty() ? 0 : ((int) Math.ceil(SearchQuery.inlineBots.size() / 4.0f) * AndroidUtilities.dp(100) + AndroidUtilities.dp(12))); int padding = contentSize == AndroidUtilities.dp(294) ? 0 : Math.max(0, (height - AndroidUtilities.dp(294))); if (padding != 0 && contentSize < height) { padding -= (height - contentSize); } if (padding == 0) { padding = backgroundPaddingTop; } if (getPaddingTop() != padding) { ignoreLayout = true; setPadding(backgroundPaddingLeft, padding, backgroundPaddingLeft, 0); ignoreLayout = false; } super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(Math.min(contentSize, height), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)); } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { int width = right - left; int height = bottom - top; int newPosition = -1; int newTop = 0; int count = listView.getChildCount(); int lastVisibleItemPosition = -1; int lastVisibleItemPositionTop = 0; if (count > 0) { View child = listView.getChildAt(listView.getChildCount() - 1); Holder holder = (Holder) listView.findContainingViewHolder(child); if (holder != null) { lastVisibleItemPosition = holder.getAdapterPosition(); lastVisibleItemPositionTop = child.getTop(); } } if (lastVisibleItemPosition >= 0 && height - lastHeight != 0) { newPosition = lastVisibleItemPosition; newTop = lastVisibleItemPositionTop + height - lastHeight - getPaddingTop(); } super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); if (newPosition != -1) { ignoreLayout = true; layoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(newPosition, newTop); super.onLayout(false, left, top, right, bottom); ignoreLayout = false; } lastHeight = height; lastWidth = width; updateLayout(); checkCameraViewPosition(); } @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (useRevealAnimation && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 19) {; canvas.clipRect(backgroundPaddingLeft, scrollOffsetY, getMeasuredWidth() - backgroundPaddingLeft, getMeasuredHeight()); if (revealAnimationInProgress) { canvas.drawCircle(revealX, revealY, revealRadius, ciclePaint); } else { canvas.drawRect(backgroundPaddingLeft, scrollOffsetY, getMeasuredWidth() - backgroundPaddingLeft, getMeasuredHeight(), ciclePaint); } canvas.restore(); } else { shadowDrawable.setBounds(0, scrollOffsetY - backgroundPaddingTop, getMeasuredWidth(), getMeasuredHeight()); shadowDrawable.draw(canvas); } } @Override public void setTranslationY(float translationY) { super.setTranslationY(translationY); checkCameraViewPosition(); } }; listView.setWillNotDraw(false); listView.setClipToPadding(false); listView.setLayoutManager(layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(getContext())); layoutManager.setOrientation(LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL); listView.setAdapter(adapter = new ListAdapter(context)); listView.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(false); listView.setEnabled(true); listView.setGlowColor(0xfff5f6f7); listView.addItemDecoration(new RecyclerView.ItemDecoration() { @Override public void getItemOffsets(Rect outRect, View view, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) { outRect.left = 0; outRect.right = 0; = 0; outRect.bottom = 0; } }); listView.setOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { if (listView.getChildCount() <= 0) { return; } if (hintShowed) { if (layoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition() > 1) { hideHint(); hintShowed = false; ApplicationLoader.applicationContext .getSharedPreferences("mainconfig", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE).edit() .putBoolean("bothint", true).commit(); } } updateLayout(); checkCameraViewPosition(); } }); containerView.setPadding(backgroundPaddingLeft, 0, backgroundPaddingLeft, 0); attachView = new FrameLayout(context) { @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(AndroidUtilities.dp(294), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)); } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { int width = right - left; int height = bottom - top; int t = AndroidUtilities.dp(8); attachPhotoRecyclerView.layout(0, t, width, t + attachPhotoRecyclerView.getMeasuredHeight()); progressView.layout(0, t, width, t + progressView.getMeasuredHeight()); lineView.layout(0, AndroidUtilities.dp(96), width, AndroidUtilities.dp(96) + lineView.getMeasuredHeight()); hintTextView.layout(width - hintTextView.getMeasuredWidth() - AndroidUtilities.dp(5), height - hintTextView.getMeasuredHeight() - AndroidUtilities.dp(5), width - AndroidUtilities.dp(5), height - AndroidUtilities.dp(5)); int diff = (width - AndroidUtilities.dp(85 * 4 + 20)) / 3; for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++) { int y = AndroidUtilities.dp(105 + 95 * (a / 4)); int x = AndroidUtilities.dp(10) + (a % 4) * (AndroidUtilities.dp(85) + diff); views[a].layout(x, y, x + views[a].getMeasuredWidth(), y + views[a].getMeasuredHeight()); } } }; views[8] = attachPhotoRecyclerView = new RecyclerListView(context); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(true); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setAdapter(photoAttachAdapter = new PhotoAttachAdapter(context)); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setClipToPadding(false); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setPadding(AndroidUtilities.dp(8), 0, AndroidUtilities.dp(8), 0); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setItemAnimator(null); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setLayoutAnimation(null); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setOverScrollMode(RecyclerListView.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER); attachView.addView(attachPhotoRecyclerView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, 80)); attachPhotoLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context) { @Override public boolean supportsPredictiveItemAnimations() { return false; } }; attachPhotoLayoutManager.setOrientation(LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(attachPhotoLayoutManager); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setOnItemClickListener(new RecyclerListView.OnItemClickListener() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onItemClick(View view, int position) { if (baseFragment == null || baseFragment.getParentActivity() == null) { return; } if (!deviceHasGoodCamera || position != 0) { if (deviceHasGoodCamera) { position--; } if (MediaController.allPhotosAlbumEntry == null) { return; } ArrayList<Object> arrayList = (ArrayList); if (position < 0 || position >= arrayList.size()) { return; } PhotoViewer.getInstance().setParentActivity(baseFragment.getParentActivity()); PhotoViewer.getInstance().openPhotoForSelect(arrayList, position, 0, ChatAttachAlert.this, baseFragment); AndroidUtilities.hideKeyboard(baseFragment.getFragmentView().findFocus()); } else { openCamera(); } } }); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setOnScrollListener(new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { checkCameraViewPosition(); } }); views[9] = progressView = new EmptyTextProgressView(context); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getContext().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { progressView.setText(LocaleController.getString("PermissionStorage", R.string.PermissionStorage)); progressView.setTextSize(16); } else { progressView.setText(LocaleController.getString("NoPhotos", R.string.NoPhotos)); progressView.setTextSize(20); } attachView.addView(progressView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, 80)); attachPhotoRecyclerView.setEmptyView(progressView); views[10] = lineView = new View(getContext()) { @Override public boolean hasOverlappingRendering() { return false; } }; lineView.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.divider)); attachView.addView(lineView, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 1, Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT)); CharSequence[] items = new CharSequence[] { LocaleController.getString("ChatCamera", R.string.ChatCamera), LocaleController.getString("ChatGallery", R.string.ChatGallery), LocaleController.getString("ChatVideo", R.string.ChatVideo), LocaleController.getString("AttachMusic", R.string.AttachMusic), LocaleController.getString("ChatDocument", R.string.ChatDocument), LocaleController.getString("AttachContact", R.string.AttachContact), LocaleController.getString("ChatLocation", R.string.ChatLocation), "" }; for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++) { AttachButton attachButton = new AttachButton(context); attachButton.setTextAndIcon(items[a], Theme.attachButtonDrawables[a]); attachView.addView(attachButton, LayoutHelper.createFrame(85, 90, Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.TOP)); attachButton.setTag(a); views[a] = attachButton; if (a == 7) { sendPhotosButton = attachButton; sendPhotosButton.imageView.setPadding(0, AndroidUtilities.dp(4), 0, 0); } attachButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { delegate.didPressedButton((Integer) v.getTag()); } }); } hintTextView = new TextView(context); hintTextView.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.tooltip); hintTextView.setTextColor(Theme.CHAT_GIF_HINT_TEXT_COLOR); hintTextView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 14); hintTextView.setPadding(AndroidUtilities.dp(10), 0, AndroidUtilities.dp(10), 0); hintTextView.setText(LocaleController.getString("AttachBotsHelp", R.string.AttachBotsHelp)); hintTextView.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL); hintTextView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); hintTextView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(R.drawable.scroll_tip, 0, 0, 0); hintTextView.setCompoundDrawablePadding(AndroidUtilities.dp(8)); attachView.addView(hintTextView, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, 32, Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.BOTTOM, 5, 0, 5, 5)); for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++) { viewsCache.add(photoAttachAdapter.createHolder()); } if (loading) { progressView.showProgress(); } else { progressView.showTextView(); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) { recordTime = new TextView(context); recordTime.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.system); recordTime.getBackground() .setColorFilter(new PorterDuffColorFilter(0x66000000, PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY)); recordTime.setText("00:00"); recordTime.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 15); recordTime.setTypeface(AndroidUtilities.getTypeface("fonts/rmedium.ttf")); recordTime.setAlpha(0.0f); recordTime.setTextColor(0xffffffff); recordTime.setPadding(AndroidUtilities.dp(10), AndroidUtilities.dp(5), AndroidUtilities.dp(10), AndroidUtilities.dp(5)); container.addView(recordTime, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutHelper.WRAP_CONTENT, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.TOP, 0, 16, 0, 0)); cameraPanel = new FrameLayout(context) { @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { int cx = getMeasuredWidth() / 2; int cy = getMeasuredHeight() / 2; int cx2; int cy2; shutterButton.layout(cx - shutterButton.getMeasuredWidth() / 2, cy - shutterButton.getMeasuredHeight() / 2, cx + shutterButton.getMeasuredWidth() / 2, cy + shutterButton.getMeasuredHeight() / 2); if (getMeasuredWidth() == AndroidUtilities.dp(100)) { cx = cx2 = getMeasuredWidth() / 2; cy2 = cy + cy / 2 + AndroidUtilities.dp(17); cy = cy / 2 - AndroidUtilities.dp(17); } else { cx2 = cx + cx / 2 + AndroidUtilities.dp(17); cx = cx / 2 - AndroidUtilities.dp(17); cy = cy2 = getMeasuredHeight() / 2; } switchCameraButton.layout(cx2 - switchCameraButton.getMeasuredWidth() / 2, cy2 - switchCameraButton.getMeasuredHeight() / 2, cx2 + switchCameraButton.getMeasuredWidth() / 2, cy2 + switchCameraButton.getMeasuredHeight() / 2); for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { flashModeButton[a].layout(cx - flashModeButton[a].getMeasuredWidth() / 2, cy - flashModeButton[a].getMeasuredHeight() / 2, cx + flashModeButton[a].getMeasuredWidth() / 2, cy + flashModeButton[a].getMeasuredHeight() / 2); } } }; cameraPanel.setVisibility(View.GONE); cameraPanel.setAlpha(0.0f); container.addView(cameraPanel, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, 100, Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.BOTTOM)); shutterButton = new ShutterButton(context); cameraPanel.addView(shutterButton, LayoutHelper.createFrame(84, 84, Gravity.CENTER)); shutterButton.setDelegate(new ShutterButton.ShutterButtonDelegate() { @Override public void shutterLongPressed() { if (takingPhoto || baseFragment == null || baseFragment.getParentActivity() == null) { return; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { if (baseFragment.getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { baseFragment.getParentActivity() .requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO }, 21); return; } } for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { flashModeButton[a].setAlpha(0.0f); } switchCameraButton.setAlpha(0.0f); cameraFile = AndroidUtilities.generateVideoPath(); recordTime.setAlpha(1.0f); recordTime.setText("00:00"); videoRecordTime = 0; videoRecordRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (videoRecordRunnable == null) { return; } videoRecordTime++; recordTime.setText( String.format("%02d:%02d", videoRecordTime / 60, videoRecordTime % 60)); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(videoRecordRunnable, 1000); } }; AndroidUtilities.lockOrientation(parentFragment.getParentActivity()); CameraController.getInstance().recordVideo(cameraView.getCameraSession(), cameraFile, new CameraController.VideoTakeCallback() { @Override public void onFinishVideoRecording(final Bitmap thumb) { if (cameraFile == null || baseFragment == null) { return; } PhotoViewer.getInstance().setParentActivity(baseFragment.getParentActivity()); cameraPhoto = new ArrayList<>(); cameraPhoto.add(new MediaController.PhotoEntry(0, 0, 0, cameraFile.getAbsolutePath(), 0, true)); PhotoViewer.getInstance().openPhotoForSelect(cameraPhoto, 0, 2, new PhotoViewer.EmptyPhotoViewerProvider() { @Override public Bitmap getThumbForPhoto(MessageObject messageObject, TLRPC.FileLocation fileLocation, int index) { return thumb; } @TargetApi(16) @Override public boolean cancelButtonPressed() { if (cameraOpened && cameraView != null && cameraFile != null) { cameraFile.delete(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (cameraView != null && !isDismissed() && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { cameraView.setSystemUiVisibility( View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN); } } }, 1000); CameraController.getInstance() .startPreview(cameraView.getCameraSession()); cameraFile = null; } return true; } @Override public void sendButtonPressed(int index) { if (cameraFile == null) { return; } AndroidUtilities .addMediaToGallery(cameraFile.getAbsolutePath()); baseFragment.sendMedia( (MediaController.PhotoEntry) cameraPhoto.get(0), PhotoViewer.getInstance().isMuteVideo()); closeCamera(false); dismiss(); cameraFile = null; } }, baseFragment); } }); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(videoRecordRunnable, 1000); shutterButton.setState(ShutterButton.State.RECORDING, true); } @Override public void shutterCancel() { cameraFile.delete(); resetRecordState(); CameraController.getInstance().stopVideoRecording(cameraView.getCameraSession(), true); } @Override public void shutterReleased() { if (takingPhoto) { return; } if (shutterButton.getState() == ShutterButton.State.RECORDING) { resetRecordState(); CameraController.getInstance().stopVideoRecording(cameraView.getCameraSession(), false); shutterButton.setState(ShutterButton.State.DEFAULT, true); return; } cameraFile = AndroidUtilities.generatePicturePath(); takingPhoto = CameraController.getInstance().takePicture(cameraFile, cameraView.getCameraSession(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { takingPhoto = false; if (cameraFile == null || baseFragment == null) { return; } PhotoViewer.getInstance().setParentActivity(baseFragment.getParentActivity()); cameraPhoto = new ArrayList<>(); int orientation = 0; try { ExifInterface ei = new ExifInterface(cameraFile.getAbsolutePath()); int exif = ei.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL); switch (exif) { case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90: orientation = 90; break; case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180: orientation = 180; break; case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270: orientation = 270; break; } } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e("tmessages", e); } cameraPhoto.add(new MediaController.PhotoEntry(0, 0, 0, cameraFile.getAbsolutePath(), orientation, false)); PhotoViewer.getInstance().openPhotoForSelect(cameraPhoto, 0, 2, new PhotoViewer.EmptyPhotoViewerProvider() { @TargetApi(16) @Override public boolean cancelButtonPressed() { if (cameraOpened && cameraView != null && cameraFile != null) { cameraFile.delete(); AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (cameraView != null && !isDismissed() && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { cameraView.setSystemUiVisibility( View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN); } } }, 1000); CameraController.getInstance() .startPreview(cameraView.getCameraSession()); cameraFile = null; } return true; } @Override public void sendButtonPressed(int index) { if (cameraFile == null) { return; } AndroidUtilities .addMediaToGallery(cameraFile.getAbsolutePath()); baseFragment.sendMedia( (MediaController.PhotoEntry) cameraPhoto.get(0), false); closeCamera(false); dismiss(); cameraFile = null; } @Override public boolean scaleToFill() { return true; } }, baseFragment); } }); } }); switchCameraButton = new ImageView(context); switchCameraButton.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER); cameraPanel.addView(switchCameraButton, LayoutHelper.createFrame(48, 48, Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL)); switchCameraButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (takingPhoto || cameraView == null || !cameraView.isInitied()) { return; } cameraInitied = false; cameraView.switchCamera(); ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(switchCameraButton, "scaleX", 0.0f) .setDuration(100); animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapterProxy() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) { switchCameraButton.setImageResource(cameraView.isFrontface() ? R.drawable.camera_revert1 : R.drawable.camera_revert2); ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(switchCameraButton, "scaleX", 1.0f).setDuration(100).start(); } }); animator.start(); } }); for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) { flashModeButton[a] = new ImageView(context); flashModeButton[a].setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER); flashModeButton[a].setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); cameraPanel.addView(flashModeButton[a], LayoutHelper.createFrame(48, 48, Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.TOP)); flashModeButton[a].setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View currentImage) { if (flashAnimationInProgress || cameraView == null || !cameraView.isInitied() || !cameraOpened) { return; } String current = cameraView.getCameraSession().getCurrentFlashMode(); String next = cameraView.getCameraSession().getNextFlashMode(); if (current.equals(next)) { return; } cameraView.getCameraSession().setCurrentFlashMode(next); flashAnimationInProgress = true; ImageView nextImage = flashModeButton[0] == currentImage ? flashModeButton[1] : flashModeButton[0]; nextImage.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); setCameraFlashModeIcon(nextImage, next); AnimatorSet animatorSet = new AnimatorSet(); animatorSet.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(currentImage, "translationY", 0, AndroidUtilities.dp(48)), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(nextImage, "translationY", -AndroidUtilities.dp(48), 0), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(currentImage, "alpha", 1.0f, 0.0f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(nextImage, "alpha", 0.0f, 1.0f)); animatorSet.setDuration(200); animatorSet.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapterProxy() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) { flashAnimationInProgress = false; currentImage.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } }); animatorSet.start(); } }); } } }
From source
@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); if (mViewPager == null) { return;//w ww . ja v a 2 s . c om } final int count = mRealPagesCount; if (count <= 0) { return; } int longSize; int longPaddingBefore; int longPaddingAfter; int shortPaddingBefore; if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { longSize = getWidth(); longPaddingBefore = getPaddingLeft(); longPaddingAfter = getPaddingRight(); shortPaddingBefore = getPaddingTop(); } else { longSize = getHeight(); longPaddingBefore = getPaddingTop(); longPaddingAfter = getPaddingBottom(); shortPaddingBefore = getPaddingLeft(); } final float threeRadius = mRadius * 3; final float shortOffset = shortPaddingBefore + mRadius; float longOffset = longPaddingBefore + mRadius; if (mCentered) { longOffset += ((longSize - longPaddingBefore - longPaddingAfter) / 2.0f) - ((count * threeRadius) / 2.0f); } float dX = 0; float dY = 0; float pageFillRadius = mRadius; if (mPaintStroke.getStrokeWidth() > 0) { pageFillRadius -= mPaintStroke.getStrokeWidth() / 2.0f; } //Draw stroked circles for (int iLoop = 0; iLoop < count; iLoop++) { float drawLong = longOffset + (iLoop * threeRadius); if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { dX = drawLong; dY = shortOffset; } else { dX = shortOffset; dY = drawLong; } // Only paint fill if not completely transparent if (mPaintPageFill.getAlpha() > 0) { canvas.drawCircle(dX, dY, pageFillRadius, mPaintPageFill); } // Only paint stroke if a stroke width was non-zero if (pageFillRadius != mRadius) { canvas.drawCircle(dX, dY, mRadius, mPaintStroke); } } float lastDx = dX; float lastDy = dY; //Draw the filled circle according to the current scroll float cx = (mSnap ? mSnapPage : mCurrentPage) * threeRadius; if (!mSnap) { cx += mPageOffset * threeRadius; } if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { dX = longOffset + cx; dY = shortOffset; } else { dX = shortOffset; dY = longOffset + cx; } if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { canvas.clipRect(longOffset - mRadius, 0, lastDx + mRadius, canvas.getHeight()); } else { canvas.clipRect(0, 0, getWidth(), lastDy + mRadius); } canvas.drawCircle(dX, dY, mRadius, mPaintFill); if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL && dX > lastDx || mOrientation == VERTICAL && dY > lastDy) { if (mOrientation == HORIZONTAL) { canvas.drawCircle(longOffset + dX - lastDx - threeRadius, dY, mRadius, mPaintFill); } else { canvas.drawCircle(dX, longOffset + dY - lastDy - threeRadius, mRadius, mPaintFill); } } }