Example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteStatement bindString

List of usage examples for android.database.sqlite SQLiteStatement bindString


In this page you can find the example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteStatement bindString.


public void bindString(int index, String value) 

Source Link


Bind a String value to this statement.


From source file:com.ichi2.anki.SyncClient.java

private void updateCards(JSONArray cards) {
    int len = cards.length();
    if (len > 0) {
        AnkiDb ankiDB = AnkiDatabaseManager.getDatabase(mDeck.getDeckPath());
        ArrayList<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            try {
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "JSONException = " + e.getMessage());
            }//from  w w  w.j  a v  a  2s  .co  m
        String idsString = Utils.ids2str(ids);

        mDeck.setCardCount((int) (mDeck.getCardCount()
                + (len - ankiDB.queryScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cards WHERE id IN " + idsString))));

        String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO cards (id, factId, cardModelId, created, modified, tags, ordinal, "
                + "priority, interval, lastInterval, due, lastDue, factor, firstAnswered, reps, successive, "
                + "averageTime, reviewTime, youngEase0, youngEase1, youngEase2, youngEase3, youngEase4, "
                + "matureEase0, matureEase1, matureEase2, matureEase3, matureEase4, yesCount, noCount, question, "
                + "answer, lastFactor, spaceUntil, type, combinedDue, relativeDelay, isDue) "
                + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, 0, 0)";
        SQLiteStatement statement = ankiDB.getDatabase().compileStatement(sql);
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            try {
                JSONArray card = cards.getJSONArray(i);

                // id
                statement.bindLong(1, card.getLong(0));
                // factId
                statement.bindLong(2, card.getLong(1));
                // cardModelId
                statement.bindLong(3, card.getLong(2));
                // created
                statement.bindDouble(4, card.getDouble(3));
                // modified
                statement.bindDouble(5, card.getDouble(4));
                // tags
                statement.bindString(6, card.getString(5));
                // ordinal
                statement.bindString(7, card.getString(6));
                // priority
                statement.bindString(8, card.getString(7));
                // interval
                statement.bindDouble(9, card.getDouble(8));
                // lastInterval
                statement.bindDouble(10, card.getDouble(9));
                // due
                statement.bindDouble(11, card.getDouble(10));
                // lastDue
                statement.bindDouble(12, card.getDouble(11));
                // factor
                statement.bindDouble(13, card.getDouble(12));
                // firstAnswered
                statement.bindDouble(14, card.getDouble(13));
                // reps
                statement.bindString(15, card.getString(14));
                // successive
                statement.bindString(16, card.getString(15));
                // averageTime
                statement.bindDouble(17, card.getDouble(16));
                // reviewTime
                statement.bindDouble(18, card.getDouble(17));
                // youngEase0
                statement.bindString(19, card.getString(18));
                // youngEase1
                statement.bindString(20, card.getString(19));
                // youngEase2
                statement.bindString(21, card.getString(20));
                // youngEase3
                statement.bindString(22, card.getString(21));
                // youngEase4
                statement.bindString(23, card.getString(22));
                // matureEase0
                statement.bindString(24, card.getString(23));
                // matureEase1
                statement.bindString(25, card.getString(24));
                // matureEase2
                statement.bindString(26, card.getString(25));
                // matureEase3
                statement.bindString(27, card.getString(26));
                // matureEase4
                statement.bindString(28, card.getString(27));
                // yesCount
                statement.bindString(29, card.getString(28));
                // noCount
                statement.bindString(30, card.getString(29));
                // question
                statement.bindString(31, card.getString(30));
                // answer
                statement.bindString(32, card.getString(31));
                // lastFactor
                statement.bindDouble(33, card.getDouble(32));
                // spaceUntil
                statement.bindDouble(34, card.getDouble(33));
                // type
                statement.bindString(35, card.getString(34));
                // combinedDue
                statement.bindString(36, card.getString(35));

            } catch (JSONException e) {
                Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "JSONException = " + e.getMessage());

        ankiDB.getDatabase().execSQL("DELETE FROM cardsDeleted WHERE cardId IN " + idsString);

From source file:com.newsrob.EntryManager.java

private void deleteArticlesFromDb(final SyncJob job, final List<String> articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase) {
    if (articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.isEmpty())
        return;// ww w . j  a  va 2  s .  co  m

    Timing t2 = new Timing("Delete Articles From Db", ctx);

    job.setJobDescription("Cleaning up database");
    job.target = articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.size();
    job.actual = 0;

    SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getDb();

    final String sql1 = "DELETE FROM " + Entries.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + Entries.__ID + "=?;";
    final String sql2 = "DELETE FROM " + EntryLabelAssociations.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
            + EntryLabelAssociations.ENTRY_ID + "=?;";

    final SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db.compileStatement(sql1);
    final SQLiteStatement stmt2 = db.compileStatement(sql2);

    try {

        // outter loop does the chunking and holds the transaction context
        while (!articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.isEmpty()) {


            while (!articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.isEmpty()) {

                String id = articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.remove(0);
                stmt1.bindString(1, id);
                stmt2.bindString(1, id);


                if (job.actual % 10 == 0)

                // commit every 35 articles
                if (job.actual >= 35)

    } finally {

From source file:com.grazerss.EntryManager.java

private void deleteArticlesFromDb(final SyncJob job, final List<String> articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase) {
    if (articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.isEmpty()) {
        return;/*from   w  ww  . j a v  a  2 s  .  c o m*/

    Timing t2 = new Timing("Delete Articles From Db", ctx);

    job.setJobDescription("Cleaning up database");
    job.target = articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.size();
    job.actual = 0;

    SQLiteDatabase db = databaseHelper.getDb();

    final String sql1 = "DELETE FROM " + Entries.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + Entries.__ID + "=?;";
    final String sql2 = "DELETE FROM " + EntryLabelAssociations.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
            + EntryLabelAssociations.ENTRY_ID + "=?;";

    final SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db.compileStatement(sql1);
    final SQLiteStatement stmt2 = db.compileStatement(sql2);

    try {

        // outter loop does the chunking and holds the transaction context
        while (!articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.isEmpty()) {


            while (!articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.isEmpty()) {

                String id = articleIdsToDeleteInDatabase.remove(0);
                stmt1.bindString(1, id);
                stmt2.bindString(1, id);


                if ((job.actual % 10) == 0) {

                // commit every 35 articles
                if (job.actual >= 35) {

    } finally {

From source file:mobile.tiis.appv2.base.BackboneApplication.java

public void updateChildVaccinationEventVaccinationAppointment(ChildCollector childCollector) {
    Child child = childCollector.getChildEntity();
    List<VaccinationEvent> vaccinationEvents = childCollector.getVeList();
    List<VaccinationAppointment> vaccinationAppointments = childCollector.getVaList();
    ContentValues childCV = new ContentValues();
    DatabaseHandler db = getDatabaseInstance();

    SQLiteDatabase db1 = db.getWritableDatabase();
    db1.beginTransactionNonExclusive();//from w  w w.j  a  va2  s .  c o  m
    try {
        String sql0 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.CHILD + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BARCODE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME2 + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.LASTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHDATE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.GENDER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.TEMP_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHPLACE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_FIRSTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_LASTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CUMULATIVE_SERIAL_NUMBER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CHILD_REGISTRY_YEAR + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_TT2_STS
                + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_VVU_STS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.PHONE
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt0 = db1.compileStatement(sql0);
        stmt0.bindString(1, "1");
        stmt0.bindString(2, child.getId() == null ? "" : child.getId());
        stmt0.bindString(3, child.getBarcodeID() == null ? "" : child.getBarcodeID());
        stmt0.bindString(4, child.getFirstname1() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname1());
        stmt0.bindString(5, child.getFirstname2() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname2());
        stmt0.bindString(6, child.getLastname1() == null ? "" : child.getLastname1());
        stmt0.bindString(7, child.getBirthdate() == null ? "" : child.getBirthdate());
        stmt0.bindString(8, child.getGender() == null ? "" : child.getGender());
        stmt0.bindString(9, child.getTempId() == null ? "" : child.getTempId());
        stmt0.bindString(10, child.getHealthcenter() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenter());
        stmt0.bindString(11, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
        stmt0.bindString(12, child.getDomicileId() == null ? "" : child.getDomicileId());
        stmt0.bindString(13, child.getHealthcenterId() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenterId());
        stmt0.bindString(14, child.getStatusId() == null ? "" : child.getStatusId());
        stmt0.bindString(15, child.getBirthplaceId() == null ? "" : child.getBirthplaceId());
        stmt0.bindString(16, child.getNotes() == null ? "" : child.getNotes());
        stmt0.bindString(17, child.getStatus() == null ? "" : child.getStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(18, child.getMotherFirstname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherFirstname());
        stmt0.bindString(19, child.getMotherLastname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherLastname());
        stmt0.bindString(20, child.getChildCumulativeSn() == null ? "" : child.getChildCumulativeSn());
        stmt0.bindString(21, child.getChildRegistryYear() == null ? "" : child.getChildRegistryYear());
        stmt0.bindString(22, child.getMotherTT2Status() == null ? "" : child.getMotherTT2Status());
        stmt0.bindString(23, child.getMotherHivStatus() == null ? "" : child.getMotherHivStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(24, child.getPhone() == null ? "" : child.getPhone());

        String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_EVENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.APPOINTMENT_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.CHILD_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.DOSE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.ID + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.IS_ACTIVE
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.NONVACCINATION_REASON_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_STATUS + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINE_LOT_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt = db1.compileStatement(sql);

        for (VaccinationEvent vaccinationEvent : vaccinationEvents) {
            stmt.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt.bindString(2, vaccinationEvent.getAppointmentId());
            stmt.bindString(3, vaccinationEvent.getChildId());
            stmt.bindString(4, vaccinationEvent.getDoseId());
            stmt.bindString(5, vaccinationEvent.getHealthFacilityId());
            stmt.bindString(6, vaccinationEvent.getId());
            stmt.bindString(7, vaccinationEvent.getIsActive());
            stmt.bindString(8, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedBy());
            stmt.bindString(9, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedOn());
            stmt.bindString(10, vaccinationEvent.getNonvaccinationReasonId());
            stmt.bindString(11, vaccinationEvent.getScheduledDate());
            stmt.bindString(12, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationDate());
            stmt.bindString(13, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationStatus());
            stmt.bindString(14, vaccinationEvent.getVaccineLotId());

        String sql1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_APPOINTMENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.CHILD_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.IS_ACTIVE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.OUTREACH + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_FACILITY_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db1.compileStatement(sql1);

        for (VaccinationAppointment vaccinationAppointment : vaccinationAppointments) {
            stmt1.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt1.bindString(2, vaccinationAppointment.getChildId());
            stmt1.bindString(3, vaccinationAppointment.getId());
            stmt1.bindString(4, vaccinationAppointment.getIsActive());
            stmt1.bindString(5, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedBy());
            stmt1.bindString(6, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedOn());
            stmt1.bindString(7, vaccinationAppointment.getNotes());
            stmt1.bindString(8, vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());
            stmt1.bindString(9, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledDate());
            stmt1.bindString(10, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledFacilityId());



    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:mobile.tiis.appv2.base.BackboneApplication.java

 * method used to add child, vaccination appointments and vaccination events into the database
 * @param childCollector/* ww w  . j a v a 2s  . c  o  m*/
public void addChildVaccinationEventVaccinationAppointment(ChildCollector childCollector) {
    Child child = childCollector.getChildEntity();
    List<VaccinationEvent> vaccinationEvents = childCollector.getVeList();
    List<VaccinationAppointment> vaccinationAppointments = childCollector.getVaList();
    ContentValues childCV = new ContentValues();
    DatabaseHandler db = getDatabaseInstance();

    SQLiteDatabase db1 = db.getWritableDatabase();
    try {
        String sql0 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.CHILD + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BARCODE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME2 + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.LASTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHDATE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.GENDER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.TEMP_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHPLACE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_FIRSTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_LASTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CUMULATIVE_SERIAL_NUMBER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CHILD_REGISTRY_YEAR + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_TT2_STS
                + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_VVU_STS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.PHONE
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt0 = db1.compileStatement(sql0);
        stmt0.bindString(1, "1");
        stmt0.bindString(2, child.getId() == null ? "" : child.getId());
        stmt0.bindString(3, child.getBarcodeID() == null ? "" : child.getBarcodeID());
        stmt0.bindString(4, child.getFirstname1() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname1());
        stmt0.bindString(5, child.getFirstname2() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname2());
        stmt0.bindString(6, child.getLastname1() == null ? "" : child.getLastname1());
        stmt0.bindString(7, child.getBirthdate() == null ? "" : child.getBirthdate());
        stmt0.bindString(8, child.getGender() == null ? "" : child.getGender());
        stmt0.bindString(9, child.getTempId() == null ? "" : child.getTempId());
        stmt0.bindString(10, child.getHealthcenter() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenter());
        stmt0.bindString(11, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
        stmt0.bindString(12, child.getDomicileId() == null ? "" : child.getDomicileId());
        stmt0.bindString(13, child.getHealthcenterId() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenterId());
        stmt0.bindString(14, child.getStatusId() == null ? "" : child.getStatusId());
        stmt0.bindString(15, child.getBirthplaceId() == null ? "" : child.getBirthplaceId());
        stmt0.bindString(16, child.getNotes() == null ? "" : child.getNotes());
        stmt0.bindString(17, child.getStatus() == null ? "" : child.getStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(18, child.getMotherFirstname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherFirstname());
        stmt0.bindString(19, child.getMotherLastname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherLastname());
        stmt0.bindString(20, child.getChildCumulativeSn() == null ? "" : child.getChildCumulativeSn());
        stmt0.bindString(21, child.getChildRegistryYear() == null ? "" : child.getChildRegistryYear());
        stmt0.bindString(22, child.getMotherTT2Status() == null ? "" : child.getMotherTT2Status());
        stmt0.bindString(23, child.getMotherHivStatus() == null ? "" : child.getMotherHivStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(24, child.getPhone() == null ? "" : child.getPhone());

        String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_EVENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.APPOINTMENT_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.CHILD_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.DOSE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.ID + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.IS_ACTIVE
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.NONVACCINATION_REASON_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_STATUS + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINE_LOT_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt = db1.compileStatement(sql);

        for (VaccinationEvent vaccinationEvent : vaccinationEvents) {
            stmt.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt.bindString(2, vaccinationEvent.getAppointmentId());
            stmt.bindString(3, vaccinationEvent.getChildId());
            stmt.bindString(4, vaccinationEvent.getDoseId());
            stmt.bindString(5, vaccinationEvent.getHealthFacilityId());
            stmt.bindString(6, vaccinationEvent.getId());
            stmt.bindString(7, vaccinationEvent.getIsActive());
            stmt.bindString(8, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedBy());
            stmt.bindString(9, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedOn());
            stmt.bindString(10, vaccinationEvent.getNonvaccinationReasonId());
            stmt.bindString(11, vaccinationEvent.getScheduledDate());
            stmt.bindString(12, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationDate());
            stmt.bindString(13, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationStatus());
            stmt.bindString(14, vaccinationEvent.getVaccineLotId());

        String sql1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_APPOINTMENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.CHILD_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.IS_ACTIVE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.OUTREACH + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_FACILITY_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db1.compileStatement(sql1);

        for (VaccinationAppointment vaccinationAppointment : vaccinationAppointments) {
            stmt1.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt1.bindString(2, vaccinationAppointment.getChildId());
            stmt1.bindString(3, vaccinationAppointment.getId());
            stmt1.bindString(4, vaccinationAppointment.getIsActive());
            stmt1.bindString(5, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedBy());
            stmt1.bindString(6, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedOn());
            stmt1.bindString(7, vaccinationAppointment.getNotes());
            stmt1.bindString(8, vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());
            stmt1.bindString(9, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledDate());
            stmt1.bindString(10, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledFacilityId());



    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:mobile.tiis.appv2.base.BackboneApplication.java

public boolean addChildVaccinationEventVaccinationAppointment(ChildCollector2 childCollector) {
    Log.d("coze", "saving data to db");

    boolean containsData = false;
    List<Child> children = childCollector.getChildList();
    List<VaccinationEvent> vaccinationEvents = childCollector.getVeList();
    List<VaccinationAppointment> vaccinationAppointments = childCollector.getVaList();
    DatabaseHandler db = getDatabaseInstance();

    SQLiteDatabase db1 = db.getWritableDatabase();
    db1.beginTransactionNonExclusive();//  w  w w  . j a  v  a 2s  . c  o m
    try {

        if (children != null) {
            String sql0 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.CHILD + " ( "
                    + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BARCODE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME1 + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME2 + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.LASTNAME1 + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHDATE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.GENDER + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.TEMP_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHPLACE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.NOTES + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_FIRSTNAME + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_LASTNAME + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.PHONE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CUMULATIVE_SERIAL_NUMBER + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CHILD_REGISTRY_YEAR + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_VVU_STS
                    + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_TT2_STS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MODIFIED_ON
                    + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?,?,?,?)";

            SQLiteStatement stmt0 = db1.compileStatement(sql0);
            for (Child child : children) {
                containsData = true;
                stmt0.bindString(1, "1");
                stmt0.bindString(2, child.getId() == null ? "" : child.getId());
                stmt0.bindString(3, child.getBarcodeID() == null ? "" : child.getBarcodeID());
                stmt0.bindString(4, child.getFirstname1() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname1());
                stmt0.bindString(5, child.getFirstname2() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname2());
                stmt0.bindString(6, child.getLastname1() == null ? "" : child.getLastname1());
                stmt0.bindString(7, child.getBirthdate() == null ? "" : child.getBirthdate());
                stmt0.bindString(8, child.getGender() == null ? "" : child.getGender());
                stmt0.bindString(9, child.getTempId() == null ? "" : child.getTempId());
                stmt0.bindString(10, child.getHealthcenter() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenter());
                stmt0.bindString(11, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
                stmt0.bindString(12, child.getDomicileId() == null ? "" : child.getDomicileId());
                stmt0.bindString(13, child.getHealthcenterId() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenterId());
                stmt0.bindString(14, child.getStatusId() == null ? "" : child.getStatusId());
                stmt0.bindString(15, child.getBirthplaceId() == null ? "" : child.getBirthplaceId());
                stmt0.bindString(16, child.getNotes() == null ? "" : child.getNotes());
                stmt0.bindString(17, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
                stmt0.bindString(18, child.getMotherFirstname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherFirstname());
                stmt0.bindString(19, child.getMotherLastname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherLastname());
                stmt0.bindString(20, child.getPhone() == null ? "" : child.getPhone());
                stmt0.bindString(21, child.getChildCumulativeSn() == null ? "" : child.getChildCumulativeSn());
                stmt0.bindString(22, child.getChildRegistryYear() == null ? "" : child.getChildRegistryYear());
                stmt0.bindString(23, child.getMotherHivStatus() == null ? "" : child.getMotherHivStatus());
                stmt0.bindString(24, child.getMotherTT2Status() == null ? "" : child.getMotherTT2Status());
                stmt0.bindString(25, child.getModifiedOn() == null ? "" : child.getModifiedOn());

        if (vaccinationEvents != null) {
            String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_EVENT + " ( "
                    + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.APPOINTMENT_ID
                    + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.CHILD_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.DOSE_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.ID + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.IS_ACTIVE
                    + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.NONVACCINATION_REASON_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_DATE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_STATUS + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINE_LOT_ID
                    + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

            SQLiteStatement stmt = db1.compileStatement(sql);

            for (VaccinationEvent vaccinationEvent : vaccinationEvents) {
                containsData = true;
                stmt.bindString(1, "1");
                stmt.bindString(2, vaccinationEvent.getAppointmentId());
                stmt.bindString(3, vaccinationEvent.getChildId());
                stmt.bindString(4, vaccinationEvent.getDoseId());
                stmt.bindString(5, vaccinationEvent.getHealthFacilityId());
                stmt.bindString(6, vaccinationEvent.getId());
                stmt.bindString(7, vaccinationEvent.getIsActive());
                stmt.bindString(8, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedBy());
                stmt.bindString(9, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedOn());
                stmt.bindString(10, vaccinationEvent.getNonvaccinationReasonId());
                stmt.bindString(11, vaccinationEvent.getScheduledDate());
                stmt.bindString(12, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationDate());
                stmt.bindString(13, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationStatus());
                stmt.bindString(14, vaccinationEvent.getVaccineLotId());

        if (vaccinationAppointments != null) {
            String sql1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_APPOINTMENT + " ( "
                    + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.CHILD_ID
                    + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.IS_ACTIVE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.NOTES + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.OUTREACH + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_FACILITY_ID
                    + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";

            SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db1.compileStatement(sql1);
            for (VaccinationAppointment vaccinationAppointment : vaccinationAppointments) {
                containsData = true;
                stmt1.bindString(1, "1");
                stmt1.bindString(2, vaccinationAppointment.getChildId());
                stmt1.bindString(3, vaccinationAppointment.getId());
                stmt1.bindString(4, vaccinationAppointment.getIsActive());
                stmt1.bindString(5, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedBy());
                stmt1.bindString(6, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedOn());
                stmt1.bindString(7, vaccinationAppointment.getNotes());
                stmt1.bindString(8, vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());
                stmt1.bindString(9, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledDate());
                stmt1.bindString(10, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledFacilityId());
                Log.d("day20", "Out Reach for " + vaccinationAppointment.getChildId() + " is : "
                        + vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());


    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e1) {
    Log.d("coze", "saving data to db returning = " + containsData);
    return containsData;