Example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteOpenHelper subclass-usage

List of usage examples for android.database.sqlite SQLiteOpenHelper subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteOpenHelper subclass-usage.


From source file com.google.samples.apps.topeka.persistence.TopekaDatabaseHelper.java

 * Database for storing and retrieving info for categories and quizzes
public class TopekaDatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final String TAG = "TopekaDatabaseHelper";

From source file com.snt.bt.recon.database.DBHandler.java

public class DBHandler extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
    // Database Version
    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 21;
    // Database Name
    public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "db_new";
    // Contacts table name

From source file ru.gkpromtech.exhibition.db.DbHelper.java

public class DbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static class Change {
        public final static int ADDED = 0; // ? 
        public final static int UPDATED = 1; // ? 
        public final static int DELETED = 2; // ? 

From source file ch.sebastienzurfluh.swissmuseumguides.contentprovider.model.io.connectors.LocalConnector.java

 * Creates then lets the user fill the local database.
 * @author Sebastien Zurfluh

From source file info.staticfree.android.units.UnitUsageDBHelper.java

 * In order to sort through all the possible units, a database of weights is used.
 * Units with a higher weight are shown first in all lists.
 * Weights are initialized from static JSON files, including regional weights (eg.
 * to put imperial units above metric in the US).

From source file org.liberty.android.fantastischmemopro.DatabaseHelper.java

public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
    private final String dbPath;
    private final String dbName;
    private SQLiteDatabase myDatabase;
    private final Context mContext;
    private static final String TAG = "org.liberty.android.fantastischmemopro.DatabaseHelper";

From source file project.cs.netinfservice.database.IODatabase.java

 * The database that contains the data corresponding to an information object
 * that is stored in the device.
 * @author Harold Martinez
 * @author Kim-Anh Tran

From source file com.nookdevs.library.FictionwiseBooks.java

public class FictionwiseBooks extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    public static final String AUTH_URL = "https://store.fictionwise.com/servlet/mw?action=login&si=0&continue=&mobile=mobile.fictionwise.com";
    public static final String BOOKSHELF_URL = "http://store.fictionwise.com/servlet/mw?a=mv&t=m_bookshelf&si=0";
    public static final String DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://store.fictionwise.com/servlet/mw?action=download";
    public static final String BOOKS_DB = "fictionwise.db";

From source file org.ohmage.db.DbHelper.java

public class DbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final String TAG = "DbHelper";

    private static final String DB_NAME = "ohmage.db";
    private static final int DB_VERSION = 29;

From source file eu.operando.operandoapp.database.DatabaseHelper.java

 * Created by nikos on 11/5/2016.
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    //region Variable Declaration