Example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase setTransactionSuccessful

List of usage examples for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase setTransactionSuccessful


In this page you can find the example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase setTransactionSuccessful.


public void setTransactionSuccessful() 

Source Link


Marks the current transaction as successful.


From source file:mobile.tiis.appv2.base.BackboneApplication.java

 * method used to add child, vaccination appointments and vaccination events into the database
 * @param childCollector//from  w w  w .  j a  va2s.c  o  m
public void addChildVaccinationEventVaccinationAppointment(ChildCollector childCollector) {
    Child child = childCollector.getChildEntity();
    List<VaccinationEvent> vaccinationEvents = childCollector.getVeList();
    List<VaccinationAppointment> vaccinationAppointments = childCollector.getVaList();
    ContentValues childCV = new ContentValues();
    DatabaseHandler db = getDatabaseInstance();

    SQLiteDatabase db1 = db.getWritableDatabase();
    try {
        String sql0 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.CHILD + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BARCODE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME2 + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.LASTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHDATE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.GENDER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.TEMP_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHPLACE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_FIRSTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_LASTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CUMULATIVE_SERIAL_NUMBER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CHILD_REGISTRY_YEAR + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_TT2_STS
                + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_VVU_STS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.PHONE
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt0 = db1.compileStatement(sql0);
        stmt0.bindString(1, "1");
        stmt0.bindString(2, child.getId() == null ? "" : child.getId());
        stmt0.bindString(3, child.getBarcodeID() == null ? "" : child.getBarcodeID());
        stmt0.bindString(4, child.getFirstname1() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname1());
        stmt0.bindString(5, child.getFirstname2() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname2());
        stmt0.bindString(6, child.getLastname1() == null ? "" : child.getLastname1());
        stmt0.bindString(7, child.getBirthdate() == null ? "" : child.getBirthdate());
        stmt0.bindString(8, child.getGender() == null ? "" : child.getGender());
        stmt0.bindString(9, child.getTempId() == null ? "" : child.getTempId());
        stmt0.bindString(10, child.getHealthcenter() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenter());
        stmt0.bindString(11, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
        stmt0.bindString(12, child.getDomicileId() == null ? "" : child.getDomicileId());
        stmt0.bindString(13, child.getHealthcenterId() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenterId());
        stmt0.bindString(14, child.getStatusId() == null ? "" : child.getStatusId());
        stmt0.bindString(15, child.getBirthplaceId() == null ? "" : child.getBirthplaceId());
        stmt0.bindString(16, child.getNotes() == null ? "" : child.getNotes());
        stmt0.bindString(17, child.getStatus() == null ? "" : child.getStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(18, child.getMotherFirstname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherFirstname());
        stmt0.bindString(19, child.getMotherLastname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherLastname());
        stmt0.bindString(20, child.getChildCumulativeSn() == null ? "" : child.getChildCumulativeSn());
        stmt0.bindString(21, child.getChildRegistryYear() == null ? "" : child.getChildRegistryYear());
        stmt0.bindString(22, child.getMotherTT2Status() == null ? "" : child.getMotherTT2Status());
        stmt0.bindString(23, child.getMotherHivStatus() == null ? "" : child.getMotherHivStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(24, child.getPhone() == null ? "" : child.getPhone());

        String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_EVENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.APPOINTMENT_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.CHILD_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.DOSE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.ID + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.IS_ACTIVE
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.NONVACCINATION_REASON_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_STATUS + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINE_LOT_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt = db1.compileStatement(sql);

        for (VaccinationEvent vaccinationEvent : vaccinationEvents) {
            stmt.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt.bindString(2, vaccinationEvent.getAppointmentId());
            stmt.bindString(3, vaccinationEvent.getChildId());
            stmt.bindString(4, vaccinationEvent.getDoseId());
            stmt.bindString(5, vaccinationEvent.getHealthFacilityId());
            stmt.bindString(6, vaccinationEvent.getId());
            stmt.bindString(7, vaccinationEvent.getIsActive());
            stmt.bindString(8, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedBy());
            stmt.bindString(9, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedOn());
            stmt.bindString(10, vaccinationEvent.getNonvaccinationReasonId());
            stmt.bindString(11, vaccinationEvent.getScheduledDate());
            stmt.bindString(12, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationDate());
            stmt.bindString(13, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationStatus());
            stmt.bindString(14, vaccinationEvent.getVaccineLotId());

        String sql1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_APPOINTMENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.CHILD_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.IS_ACTIVE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.OUTREACH + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_FACILITY_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db1.compileStatement(sql1);

        for (VaccinationAppointment vaccinationAppointment : vaccinationAppointments) {
            stmt1.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt1.bindString(2, vaccinationAppointment.getChildId());
            stmt1.bindString(3, vaccinationAppointment.getId());
            stmt1.bindString(4, vaccinationAppointment.getIsActive());
            stmt1.bindString(5, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedBy());
            stmt1.bindString(6, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedOn());
            stmt1.bindString(7, vaccinationAppointment.getNotes());
            stmt1.bindString(8, vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());
            stmt1.bindString(9, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledDate());
            stmt1.bindString(10, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledFacilityId());



    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.CsvUtil.java

 * Update tableId from/*from   w  w  w  . j  ava 2  s  .co  m*/
 * <ul>
 * <li>tables/tableId/properties.csv</li>
 * <li>tables/tableId/definition.csv</li>
 * </ul>
 * This will either create a table, or verify that the table structure matches
 * that defined in the csv. It will then override all the KVS entries with
 * those present in the file.
 * @param importListener
 * @param tableId
 * @throws IOException
public void updateTablePropertiesFromCsv(ImportListener importListener, String tableId) throws IOException {

    WebLogger.getLogger(appName).i(TAG, "updateTablePropertiesFromCsv: tableId: " + tableId);

    SQLiteDatabase db = null;
    try {
        db = DatabaseFactory.get().getDatabase(context, appName);
        List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();

        // reading data
        File file = null;
        FileInputStream in = null;
        InputStreamReader input = null;
        RFC4180CsvReader cr = null;
        try {
            file = new File(ODKFileUtils.getTableDefinitionCsvFile(appName, tableId));
            in = new FileInputStream(file);
            input = new InputStreamReader(in, CharEncoding.UTF_8);
            cr = new RFC4180CsvReader(input);

            String[] row;

            // Read ColumnDefinitions
            // get the column headers
            String[] colHeaders = cr.readNext();
            int colHeadersLength = countUpToLastNonNullElement(colHeaders);
            // get the first row
            row = cr.readNext();
            while (row != null && countUpToLastNonNullElement(row) != 0) {

                String elementKeyStr = null;
                String elementNameStr = null;
                String elementTypeStr = null;
                String listChildElementKeysStr = null;
                int rowLength = countUpToLastNonNullElement(row);
                for (int i = 0; i < rowLength; ++i) {
                    if (i >= colHeadersLength) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("data beyond header row of ColumnDefinitions table");
                    if (ColumnDefinitionsColumns.ELEMENT_KEY.equals(colHeaders[i])) {
                        elementKeyStr = row[i];
                    if (ColumnDefinitionsColumns.ELEMENT_NAME.equals(colHeaders[i])) {
                        elementNameStr = row[i];
                    if (ColumnDefinitionsColumns.ELEMENT_TYPE.equals(colHeaders[i])) {
                        elementTypeStr = row[i];
                    if (ColumnDefinitionsColumns.LIST_CHILD_ELEMENT_KEYS.equals(colHeaders[i])) {
                        listChildElementKeysStr = row[i];

                if (elementKeyStr == null || elementTypeStr == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("ElementKey and ElementType must be specified");

                columns.add(new Column(elementKeyStr, elementNameStr, elementTypeStr, listChildElementKeysStr));

                // get next row or blank to end...
                row = cr.readNext();

            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

            ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> colDefns = ColumnDefinition.buildColumnDefinitions(appName, tableId,
            Map<String, List<KeyValueStoreEntry>> colEntries = new TreeMap<String, List<KeyValueStoreEntry>>();

            file = new File(ODKFileUtils.getTablePropertiesCsvFile(appName, tableId));
            in = new FileInputStream(file);
            input = new InputStreamReader(in, CharEncoding.UTF_8);
            cr = new RFC4180CsvReader(input);
            // Read KeyValueStore
            // read the column headers
            String[] kvsHeaders = cr.readNext();
            int kvsHeadersLength = countUpToLastNonNullElement(kvsHeaders);
            String displayName = null;
            List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsEntries = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
            // read the first row
            row = cr.readNext();
            while (row != null && countUpToLastNonNullElement(row) != 0) {
                KeyValueStoreEntry kvsEntry = new KeyValueStoreEntry();
                kvsEntry.tableId = tableId;
                int rowLength = countUpToLastNonNullElement(row);
                for (int i = 0; i < rowLength; ++i) {
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.PARTITION.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        kvsEntry.partition = row[i];
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.ASPECT.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        kvsEntry.aspect = row[i];
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.KEY.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        kvsEntry.key = row[i];
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE_TYPE.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        kvsEntry.type = row[i];
                    if (KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE.equals(kvsHeaders[i])) {
                        kvsEntry.value = row[i];
                if (KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN.equals(kvsEntry.partition)) {
                    // column-specific
                    String column = kvsEntry.aspect;
                    List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvList = colEntries.get(column);
                    if (kvList == null) {
                        kvList = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
                        colEntries.put(column, kvList);
                    try {
                        ColumnDefinition.find(colDefns, column);
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                "Reference to non-existent column: " + column + " of tableId: " + tableId);
                } else {
                    // not column-specific
                    // see if we can find the displayName
                    if (KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE.equals(kvsEntry.partition)
                            && KeyValueStoreConstants.ASPECT_DEFAULT.equals(kvsEntry.aspect)
                            && KeyValueStoreConstants.TABLE_DISPLAY_NAME.equals(kvsEntry.key)) {
                        displayName = kvsEntry.value;
                    // still put it in the kvsEntries -- displayName is not stored???
                // get next row or blank to end...
                row = cr.readNext();
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

            if (ODKDatabaseUtils.get().hasTableId(db, tableId)) {
                ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> existingDefns = TableUtil.get().getColumnDefinitions(db, appName,

                // confirm that the column definitions are unchanged...
                if (existingDefns.size() != colDefns.size()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "Unexpectedly found tableId with different column definitions that already exists!");
                for (ColumnDefinition ci : colDefns) {
                    ColumnDefinition existingDefn;
                    try {
                        existingDefn = ColumnDefinition.find(existingDefns, ci.getElementKey());
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                "Unexpectedly failed to match elementKey: " + ci.getElementKey());
                    if (!existingDefn.getElementName().equals(ci.getElementName())) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                "Unexpected mis-match of elementName for elementKey: " + ci.getElementKey());
                    List<ColumnDefinition> refList = existingDefn.getChildren();
                    List<ColumnDefinition> ciList = ci.getChildren();
                    if (refList.size() != ciList.size()) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                "Unexpected mis-match of listOfStringElementKeys for elementKey: "
                                        + ci.getElementKey());
                    for (int i = 0; i < ciList.size(); ++i) {
                        if (!refList.contains(ciList.get(i))) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected mis-match of listOfStringElementKeys["
                                    + i + "] for elementKey: " + ci.getElementKey());
                    ElementType type = ci.getType();
                    ElementType existingType = existingDefn.getType();
                    if (!existingType.equals(type)) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException(
                                "Unexpected mis-match of elementType for elementKey: " + ci.getElementKey());
                // OK -- we have matching table definition
                // now just clear and update the properties...

                try {
                    ODKDatabaseUtils.get().replaceDBTableMetadata(db, tableId, kvsEntries, true);

                    for (ColumnDefinition ci : colDefns) {
                        // put the displayName into the KVS
                        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsList = colEntries.get(ci.getElementKey());
                        if (kvsList == null) {
                            kvsList = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
                            colEntries.put(ci.getElementKey(), kvsList);
                        KeyValueStoreEntry entry = null;
                        for (KeyValueStoreEntry e : kvsList) {
                            if (e.partition.equals(KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN)
                                    && e.aspect.equals(ci.getElementKey())
                                    && e.key.equals(KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME)) {
                                entry = e;

                        if (entry != null && (entry.value == null || entry.value.trim().length() == 0)) {
                            entry = null;

                        if (entry == null) {
                            entry = new KeyValueStoreEntry();
                            entry.tableId = tableId;
                            entry.partition = KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN;
                            entry.aspect = ci.getElementKey();
                            entry.key = KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME;
                            entry.type = ElementDataType.object.name();
                            entry.value = ODKFileUtils.mapper.writeValueAsString(ci.getElementKey());
                        ODKDatabaseUtils.get().replaceDBTableMetadata(db, tableId, kvsList, false);
                } finally {
            } else {

                for (ColumnDefinition ci : colDefns) {
                    // put the displayName into the KVS if not supplied
                    List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsList = colEntries.get(ci.getElementKey());
                    if (kvsList == null) {
                        kvsList = new ArrayList<KeyValueStoreEntry>();
                        colEntries.put(ci.getElementKey(), kvsList);
                    KeyValueStoreEntry entry = null;
                    for (KeyValueStoreEntry e : kvsList) {
                        if (e.partition.equals(KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN)
                                && e.aspect.equals(ci.getElementKey())
                                && e.key.equals(KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME)) {
                            entry = e;

                    if (entry != null && (entry.value == null || entry.value.trim().length() == 0)) {
                        entry = null;

                    if (entry == null) {
                        entry = new KeyValueStoreEntry();
                        entry.tableId = tableId;
                        entry.partition = KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN;
                        entry.aspect = ci.getElementKey();
                        entry.key = KeyValueStoreConstants.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME;
                        entry.type = ElementDataType.object.name();
                        entry.value = ODKFileUtils.mapper.writeValueAsString(ci.getElementKey());

                // ensure there is a display name for the table...
                KeyValueStoreEntry e = new KeyValueStoreEntry();
                e.tableId = tableId;
                e.partition = KeyValueStoreConstants.PARTITION_TABLE;
                e.aspect = KeyValueStoreConstants.ASPECT_DEFAULT;
                e.key = KeyValueStoreConstants.TABLE_DISPLAY_NAME;
                e.type = ElementDataType.object.name();
                e.value = NameUtil.normalizeDisplayName(
                        (displayName == null ? NameUtil.constructSimpleDisplayName(tableId) : displayName));

                try {
                    ODKDatabaseUtils.get().createOrOpenDBTableWithColumns(db, appName, tableId, columns);

                    ODKDatabaseUtils.get().replaceDBTableMetadata(db, tableId, kvsEntries, false);

                    // we have created the table...
                    for (ColumnDefinition ci : colDefns) {
                        List<KeyValueStoreEntry> kvsList = colEntries.get(ci.getElementKey());
                        ODKDatabaseUtils.get().replaceDBTableMetadata(db, tableId, kvsList, false);
                } finally {
        } finally {
            try {
                if (input != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {

        // And update the inserted properties so that
        // the known entries have their expected types.
        try {

            ODKDatabaseUtils.get().enforceTypesDBTableMetadata(db, tableId);

        } finally {
    } finally {
        if (db != null) {

From source file:mobile.tiis.appv2.base.BackboneApplication.java

public boolean addChildVaccinationEventVaccinationAppointment(ChildCollector2 childCollector) {
    Log.d("coze", "saving data to db");

    boolean containsData = false;
    List<Child> children = childCollector.getChildList();
    List<VaccinationEvent> vaccinationEvents = childCollector.getVeList();
    List<VaccinationAppointment> vaccinationAppointments = childCollector.getVaList();
    DatabaseHandler db = getDatabaseInstance();

    SQLiteDatabase db1 = db.getWritableDatabase();
    db1.beginTransactionNonExclusive();/*from  w w  w . ja va  2 s  .co  m*/
    try {

        if (children != null) {
            String sql0 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.CHILD + " ( "
                    + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BARCODE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME1 + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME2 + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.LASTNAME1 + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHDATE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.GENDER + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.TEMP_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHPLACE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.NOTES + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_FIRSTNAME + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_LASTNAME + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.PHONE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CUMULATIVE_SERIAL_NUMBER + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CHILD_REGISTRY_YEAR + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_VVU_STS
                    + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_TT2_STS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MODIFIED_ON
                    + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?,?,?,?)";

            SQLiteStatement stmt0 = db1.compileStatement(sql0);
            for (Child child : children) {
                containsData = true;
                stmt0.bindString(1, "1");
                stmt0.bindString(2, child.getId() == null ? "" : child.getId());
                stmt0.bindString(3, child.getBarcodeID() == null ? "" : child.getBarcodeID());
                stmt0.bindString(4, child.getFirstname1() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname1());
                stmt0.bindString(5, child.getFirstname2() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname2());
                stmt0.bindString(6, child.getLastname1() == null ? "" : child.getLastname1());
                stmt0.bindString(7, child.getBirthdate() == null ? "" : child.getBirthdate());
                stmt0.bindString(8, child.getGender() == null ? "" : child.getGender());
                stmt0.bindString(9, child.getTempId() == null ? "" : child.getTempId());
                stmt0.bindString(10, child.getHealthcenter() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenter());
                stmt0.bindString(11, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
                stmt0.bindString(12, child.getDomicileId() == null ? "" : child.getDomicileId());
                stmt0.bindString(13, child.getHealthcenterId() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenterId());
                stmt0.bindString(14, child.getStatusId() == null ? "" : child.getStatusId());
                stmt0.bindString(15, child.getBirthplaceId() == null ? "" : child.getBirthplaceId());
                stmt0.bindString(16, child.getNotes() == null ? "" : child.getNotes());
                stmt0.bindString(17, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
                stmt0.bindString(18, child.getMotherFirstname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherFirstname());
                stmt0.bindString(19, child.getMotherLastname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherLastname());
                stmt0.bindString(20, child.getPhone() == null ? "" : child.getPhone());
                stmt0.bindString(21, child.getChildCumulativeSn() == null ? "" : child.getChildCumulativeSn());
                stmt0.bindString(22, child.getChildRegistryYear() == null ? "" : child.getChildRegistryYear());
                stmt0.bindString(23, child.getMotherHivStatus() == null ? "" : child.getMotherHivStatus());
                stmt0.bindString(24, child.getMotherTT2Status() == null ? "" : child.getMotherTT2Status());
                stmt0.bindString(25, child.getModifiedOn() == null ? "" : child.getModifiedOn());

        if (vaccinationEvents != null) {
            String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_EVENT + " ( "
                    + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.APPOINTMENT_ID
                    + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.CHILD_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.DOSE_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.ID + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.IS_ACTIVE
                    + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.NONVACCINATION_REASON_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_DATE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_STATUS + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINE_LOT_ID
                    + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

            SQLiteStatement stmt = db1.compileStatement(sql);

            for (VaccinationEvent vaccinationEvent : vaccinationEvents) {
                containsData = true;
                stmt.bindString(1, "1");
                stmt.bindString(2, vaccinationEvent.getAppointmentId());
                stmt.bindString(3, vaccinationEvent.getChildId());
                stmt.bindString(4, vaccinationEvent.getDoseId());
                stmt.bindString(5, vaccinationEvent.getHealthFacilityId());
                stmt.bindString(6, vaccinationEvent.getId());
                stmt.bindString(7, vaccinationEvent.getIsActive());
                stmt.bindString(8, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedBy());
                stmt.bindString(9, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedOn());
                stmt.bindString(10, vaccinationEvent.getNonvaccinationReasonId());
                stmt.bindString(11, vaccinationEvent.getScheduledDate());
                stmt.bindString(12, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationDate());
                stmt.bindString(13, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationStatus());
                stmt.bindString(14, vaccinationEvent.getVaccineLotId());

        if (vaccinationAppointments != null) {
            String sql1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_APPOINTMENT + " ( "
                    + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.CHILD_ID
                    + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.IS_ACTIVE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.NOTES + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.OUTREACH + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_FACILITY_ID
                    + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";

            SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db1.compileStatement(sql1);
            for (VaccinationAppointment vaccinationAppointment : vaccinationAppointments) {
                containsData = true;
                stmt1.bindString(1, "1");
                stmt1.bindString(2, vaccinationAppointment.getChildId());
                stmt1.bindString(3, vaccinationAppointment.getId());
                stmt1.bindString(4, vaccinationAppointment.getIsActive());
                stmt1.bindString(5, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedBy());
                stmt1.bindString(6, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedOn());
                stmt1.bindString(7, vaccinationAppointment.getNotes());
                stmt1.bindString(8, vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());
                stmt1.bindString(9, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledDate());
                stmt1.bindString(10, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledFacilityId());
                Log.d("day20", "Out Reach for " + vaccinationAppointment.getChildId() + " is : "
                        + vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());


    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e1) {
    Log.d("coze", "saving data to db returning = " + containsData);
    return containsData;