Example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase inTransaction

List of usage examples for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase inTransaction


In this page you can find the example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase inTransaction.


public boolean inTransaction() 

Source Link


Returns true if the current thread has a transaction pending.


From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Delete the specified rowId in this tableId. Deletion respects sync
 * semantics. If the row is in the SyncState.new_row state, then the row and
 * its associated file attachments are immediately deleted. Otherwise, the row
 * is placed into the SyncState.deleted state and will be retained until the
 * device can delete the record on the server.
 * <p>//from   w  w w. ja  va  2s.  c o m
 * If you need to immediately delete a record that would otherwise sync to the
 * server, call updateRowETagAndSyncState(...) to set the row to
 * SyncState.new_row, and then call this method and it will be immediately
 * deleted (in this case, unless the record on the server was already deleted,
 * it will remain and not be deleted during any subsequent synchronizations).
 * @param db
 * @param appName
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowId
public void deleteDataInExistingDBTableWithId(SQLiteDatabase db, String appName, String tableId, String rowId) {
    SyncState syncState = getSyncState(db, appName, tableId, rowId);

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    if (syncState == SyncState.new_row) {
        String[] whereArgs = { rowId };
        String whereClause = DataTableColumns.ID + " = ?";

        try {
            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

            db.delete(tableId, whereClause, whereArgs);

            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        } finally {
            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        File instanceFolder = new File(ODKFileUtils.getInstanceFolder(appName, tableId, rowId));
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                    "Unable to delete this directory: " + instanceFolder.getAbsolutePath());
    } else if (syncState == SyncState.synced || syncState == SyncState.changed) {
        String[] whereArgs = { rowId };
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE, SyncState.deleted.name());
        try {
            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

            db.update(tableId, values, DataTableColumns.ID + " = ?", whereArgs);

            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        } finally {
            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Drop the given tableId and remove all the files (both configuration and
 * data attachments) associated with that table.
 * /* w ww .  j a v a2  s.  c  om*/
 * @param db
 * @param appName
 * @param tableId
public void deleteDBTableAndAllData(SQLiteDatabase db, final String appName, final String tableId) {

    SyncETagsUtils seu = new SyncETagsUtils();
    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        String whereClause = TableDefinitionsColumns.TABLE_ID + " = ?";
        String[] whereArgs = { tableId };

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        // Drop the table used for the formId
        db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"" + tableId + "\";");

        // Delete the server sync ETags associated with this table
        seu.deleteAllSyncETags(db, tableId);

        // Delete the table definition for the tableId
        int count = db.delete(DatabaseConstants.TABLE_DEFS_TABLE_NAME, whereClause, whereArgs);

        // Delete the column definitions for this tableId
        db.delete(DatabaseConstants.COLUMN_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME, whereClause, whereArgs);

        // Delete the uploads for the tableId
        String uploadWhereClause = InstanceColumns.DATA_TABLE_TABLE_ID + " = ?";
        db.delete(DatabaseConstants.UPLOADS_TABLE_NAME, uploadWhereClause, whereArgs);

        // Delete the values from the 4 key value stores
        db.delete(DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALUE_STORE_ACTIVE_TABLE_NAME, whereClause, whereArgs);
        db.delete(DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALULE_STORE_SYNC_TABLE_NAME, whereClause, whereArgs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

    // And delete the files from the SDCard...
    String tableDir = ODKFileUtils.getTablesFolder(appName, tableId);
    try {
        FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(tableDir));
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to delete the " + tableDir + " directory", e1);

    String assetsCsvDir = ODKFileUtils.getAssetsFolder(appName) + "/csv";
    try {
        Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(new File(assetsCsvDir), new IOFileFilter() {

            public boolean accept(File file) {
                String[] parts = file.getName().split("\\.");
                return (parts[0].equals(tableId) && parts[parts.length - 1].equals("csv")
                        && (parts.length == 2 || parts.length == 3
                                || (parts.length == 4 && parts[parts.length - 2].equals("properties"))));

            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                String[] parts = name.split("\\.");
                return (parts[0].equals(tableId) && parts[parts.length - 1].equals("csv")
                        && (parts.length == 2 || parts.length == 3
                                || (parts.length == 4 && parts[parts.length - 2].equals("properties"))));
        }, new IOFileFilter() {

            // don't traverse into directories
            public boolean accept(File arg0) {
                return false;

            // don't traverse into directories
            public boolean accept(File arg0, String arg1) {
                return false;

        FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(tableDir));
        for (File f : files) {
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to delete the " + tableDir + " directory", e1);

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Update the timestamp of the last entirely-successful synchronization
 * attempt of this table./*  w  w w  .j a va  2  s.  c o m*/
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
public void updateDBTableLastSyncTime(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId) {
    if (tableId == null || tableId.length() <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(t + ": application name and table name must be specified");

    ContentValues cvTableDef = new ContentValues();

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        db.update(DatabaseConstants.TABLE_DEFS_TABLE_NAME, cvTableDef, TableDefinitionsColumns.TABLE_ID + "=?",
                new String[] { tableId });
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Change the conflictType for the given row from null (not in conflict) to
 * the specified one.// w w  w  .  ja  v  a 2s  .c om
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowId
 * @param conflictType
 *          expected to be one of ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES (0) or
 *          ConflictType.LOCAL_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES (1)
public void placeRowIntoConflict(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId, String rowId, int conflictType) {

    String whereClause = String.format("%s = ? AND %s IS NULL", DataTableColumns.ID,
    String[] whereArgs = { rowId };

    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE, SyncState.in_conflict.name());
    cv.put(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE, conflictType);

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        db.update(tableId, cv, whereClause, whereArgs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Update the schema and data-modification ETags of a given tableId.
 * //w w  w .  java  2s . co m
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param schemaETag
 * @param lastDataETag
public void updateDBTableETags(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId, String schemaETag, String lastDataETag) {
    if (tableId == null || tableId.length() <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(t + ": application name and table name must be specified");

    ContentValues cvTableDef = new ContentValues();
    cvTableDef.put(TableDefinitionsColumns.SCHEMA_ETAG, schemaETag);
    cvTableDef.put(TableDefinitionsColumns.LAST_DATA_ETAG, lastDataETag);

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        db.update(DatabaseConstants.TABLE_DEFS_TABLE_NAME, cvTableDef, TableDefinitionsColumns.TABLE_ID + "=?",
                new String[] { tableId });
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Changes the conflictType for the given row from the specified one to null
 * and set the sync state of this row to the indicated value. In general, you
 * should first update the local conflict record with its new values, then
 * call deleteServerConflictRowWithId(...) and then call this method.
 * //from ww  w. j  a v a 2s  .  c  om
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowId
 * @param syncState
 * @param conflictType
public void restoreRowFromConflict(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId, String rowId, SyncState syncState,
        int conflictType) {

    String whereClause = String.format("%s = ? AND %s = ?", DataTableColumns.ID,
    String[] whereArgs = { rowId, String.valueOf(conflictType) };

    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE, syncState.name());
    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        db.update(tableId, cv, whereClause, whereArgs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Insert or update a single table-level metadata KVS entry.
 * //from   w w w.ja v  a  2s  .com
 * @param db
 * @param entry
public void replaceDBTableMetadata(SQLiteDatabase db, KeyValueStoreEntry entry) {
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.TABLE_ID, entry.tableId);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.PARTITION, entry.partition);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.ASPECT, entry.aspect);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE_TYPE, entry.type);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE, entry.value);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.KEY, entry.key);

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        db.replace(DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALUE_STORE_ACTIVE_TABLE_NAME, null, values);
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Deletes the server conflict row (if any) for this rowId in this tableId.
 * /*w w  w  .  ja  v a2  s .c om*/
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowId
public void deleteServerConflictRowWithId(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId, String rowId) {
    // delete the old server-values in_conflict row if it exists
    String whereClause = String.format("%s = ? AND %s = ? AND %s IN " + "( ?, ? )", DataTableColumns.ID,
            DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE, DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE);
    String[] whereArgs = { rowId, SyncState.in_conflict.name(),
            String.valueOf(ConflictType.SERVER_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES) };

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        db.delete(tableId, whereClause, whereArgs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Update the ETag and SyncState of a given rowId. There should be exactly one
 * record for this rowId in thed database (i.e., no conflicts or checkpoints).
 * //from  w  ww . j a  va2 s  .  com
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowId
 * @param rowETag
 * @param state
public void updateRowETagAndSyncState(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId, String rowId, String rowETag,
        SyncState state) {

    String whereClause = DataTableColumns.ID + " = ?";
    String[] whereArgs = { rowId };

    ContentValues cvDataTableVal = new ContentValues();

    String sel = "SELECT * FROM " + tableId + " WHERE " + whereClause;
    String[] selArgs = whereArgs;
    Cursor cursor = rawQuery(db, sel, selArgs);

    // There must be only one row in the db
    if (cursor.getCount() != 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                t + ": row id " + rowId + " does not have exactly 1 row in table " + tableId);

    cvDataTableVal.put(DataTableColumns.ROW_ETAG, rowETag);
    cvDataTableVal.put(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE, state.name());

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        db.update(tableId, cvDataTableVal, whereClause, whereArgs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {


From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * The deletion filter includes all non-null arguments. If all arguments
 * (except the db) are null, then all properties are removed.
 * /*from   ww  w  .j  av a2s . c om*/
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param partition
 * @param aspect
 * @param key
public void deleteDBTableMetadata(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId, String partition, String aspect,
        String key) {

    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
    ArrayList<String> selArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (tableId != null) {
    if (partition != null) {
        if (b.length() != 0) {
            b.append(" AND ");
    if (aspect != null) {
        if (b.length() != 0) {
            b.append(" AND ");
    if (key != null) {
        if (b.length() != 0) {
            b.append(" AND ");

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        db.delete(DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALUE_STORE_ACTIVE_TABLE_NAME, b.toString(),
                selArgs.toArray(new String[selArgs.size()]));

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {