Example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase endTransaction

List of usage examples for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase endTransaction


In this page you can find the example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase endTransaction.


public void endTransaction() 

Source Link


End a transaction.


From source file:com.concentricsky.android.khanacademy.data.remote.LibraryUpdaterTask.java

private void mergeDbs() {
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "update received - juggling dbs");
    // Get main database, attach temp db to it.
    SQLiteDatabase mainDb = dataService.getHelper().getWritableDatabase();
    mainDb.execSQL("attach database ? as ka_temp",
            new Object[] { dataService.getDatabasePath("ka_temp").getAbsolutePath() });

    mainDb.beginTransaction();/* w w  w.j a  v a 2 s  . c om*/
    try {

        // Maintain download status.
        String sql = "select max(download_status), dlm_id, youtube_id from video where download_status != ? group by youtube_id";
        Cursor c = mainDb.rawQuery(sql, new String[] { "" + Video.DL_STATUS_NOT_STARTED });
        Cursor c1;
        String[] videoIds = new String[c.getCount()];
        int i = 0;
        while (c.moveToNext()) {
            String youtube_id = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("youtube_id"));
            String download_status = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("max(download_status)"));
            long dlm_id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex("dlm_id"));
            videoIds[i++] = youtube_id;
            ContentValues v = new ContentValues();
            v.put("download_status", download_status);
            v.put("dlm_id", dlm_id);
            String[] idArg = new String[] { youtube_id };
            mainDb.update("ka_temp.video", v, "youtube_id = ?", idArg);

            // cursor over parent topics of this video
            sql = "select ka_temp.topic._id from ka_temp.topic, ka_temp.topicvideo, ka_temp.video where ka_temp.video.youtube_id=? and ka_temp.topicvideo.video_id=ka_temp.video.readable_id and ka_temp.topicvideo.topic_id=ka_temp.topic._id";
            c1 = mainDb.rawQuery(sql, idArg);
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, String.format("updating counts for %d topics", c1.getCount()));
            while (c1.moveToNext()) {
                String topicId = c1.getString(c1.getColumnIndex("_id"));
                DatabaseHelper.incrementDownloadedVideoCounts(mainDb, topicId, "ka_temp.topic");

        mainDb.execSQL("delete from topic");
        mainDb.execSQL("insert into topic select * from ka_temp.topic");

        mainDb.execSQL("delete from topicvideo");
        mainDb.execSQL("insert into topicvideo select * from ka_temp.topicvideo");

        mainDb.execSQL("delete from video");
        mainDb.execSQL("insert into video select * from ka_temp.video");

    } finally {
        mainDb.execSQL("detach database ka_temp");

    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "finished juggling");

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Delete the specified rowId in this tableId. Deletion respects sync
 * semantics. If the row is in the SyncState.new_row state, then the row and
 * its associated file attachments are immediately deleted. Otherwise, the row
 * is placed into the SyncState.deleted state and will be retained until the
 * device can delete the record on the server.
 * <p>//from   w w  w. ja  va2 s.com
 * If you need to immediately delete a record that would otherwise sync to the
 * server, call updateRowETagAndSyncState(...) to set the row to
 * SyncState.new_row, and then call this method and it will be immediately
 * deleted (in this case, unless the record on the server was already deleted,
 * it will remain and not be deleted during any subsequent synchronizations).
 * @param db
 * @param appName
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowId
public void deleteDataInExistingDBTableWithId(SQLiteDatabase db, String appName, String tableId, String rowId) {
    SyncState syncState = getSyncState(db, appName, tableId, rowId);

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    if (syncState == SyncState.new_row) {
        String[] whereArgs = { rowId };
        String whereClause = DataTableColumns.ID + " = ?";

        try {
            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

            db.delete(tableId, whereClause, whereArgs);

            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        } finally {
            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        File instanceFolder = new File(ODKFileUtils.getInstanceFolder(appName, tableId, rowId));
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                    "Unable to delete this directory: " + instanceFolder.getAbsolutePath());
    } else if (syncState == SyncState.synced || syncState == SyncState.changed) {
        String[] whereArgs = { rowId };
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE, SyncState.deleted.name());
        try {
            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

            db.update(tableId, values, DataTableColumns.ID + " = ?", whereArgs);

            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        } finally {
            if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:info.staticfree.android.units.UnitUsageDBHelper.java

public void loadInitialUnitUsage() {
    final SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase();
    // load the initial table in
    final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();

    Log.d(TAG, "init all weights hash");
    final HashMap<String, Integer> allUnitWeights = new HashMap<String, Integer>(Unit.table.keySet().size());
    Log.d(TAG, "adding all known weights...");
    for (final String unitName : Unit.table.keySet()) {
        // don't add all uppercase names
        if (!unitName.toUpperCase().equals(unitName)) {
            allUnitWeights.put(unitName, 0);
        }//from  w  w  w . j  a  v a 2s  .co  m
    Log.d(TAG, "adding all known functions...");
    for (final String functionName : BuiltInFunction.table.keySet()) {
        allUnitWeights.put(functionName + "(", 0);
    //      for (final String functionName: TabularFunction.table.keySet()){
    //         allUnitWeights.put(functionName + "(", 0);
    //      }
    //      for (final String functionName: ComputedFunction.table.keySet()){
    //         allUnitWeights.put(functionName + "(", 0);
    //      }
    for (final String functionName : DefinedFunction.table.keySet()) {
        allUnitWeights.put(functionName + "(", 0);
    Log.d(TAG, "adding common weights");
    addAll(loadInitialWeights(R.raw.common_weights), allUnitWeights);
    Log.d(TAG, "adding regional weights");
    addAll(loadInitialWeights(R.raw.regional_weights), allUnitWeights);

    // This is so that things of common weight end up in non-random order
    // without having to do an SQL order-by.
    final ArrayList<String> sortedUnits = new ArrayList<String>(allUnitWeights.keySet());
    Log.d(TAG, "Sorting units...");
    Log.d(TAG, "Adding all sorted units...");

    final HashMap<String, String> fingerprints = loadFingerprints();

    for (final String unitName : sortedUnits) {
        cv.put(UsageEntry._UNIT, unitName);
        cv.put(UsageEntry._USE_COUNT, allUnitWeights.get(unitName));

        final String fpr = fingerprints.containsKey(unitName) ? fingerprints.get(unitName)
                : getFingerprint(unitName);

        fingerprints.put(unitName, fpr);
        cv.put(UsageEntry._FACTOR_FPRINT, fpr);
        db.insert(DB_USAGE_TABLE, null, cv);

    context.getContentResolver().notifyChange(UsageEntry.CONTENT_URI, null);

    // If we have the right permissons, save the fingerprints file to a JSON file
    // which can then be imported into the app to speed up initial fingerpint loading.
    if (context.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(
            Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        final File externalStorage = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
        final File fprintsOutput = new File(externalStorage, "units_fingerprints.json");
        final JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(fingerprints);
        try {
            final FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fprintsOutput);
            Log.i(TAG, "fingerprints written to: " + fprintsOutput.getCanonicalPath());

        } catch (final Exception e) {
    Log.d(TAG, "done!");

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * If the tableId is not recorded in the TableDefinition metadata table, then
 * create the tableId with the indicated columns. This will synthesize
 * reasonable metadata KVS entries for table.
 * /*from w w  w.  j a v  a2 s .  co  m*/
 * If the tableId is present, then this is a no-op.
 * @param db
 * @param appName
 * @param tableId
 * @param columns
 * @return the ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> of the user columns in the table.
public ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> createOrOpenDBTableWithColumns(SQLiteDatabase db, String appName,
        String tableId, List<Column> columns) {
    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    boolean success = false;
    ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> orderedDefs = ColumnDefinition.buildColumnDefinitions(appName, tableId,
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        if (!hasTableId(db, tableId)) {
            createDBTableWithColumns(db, appName, tableId, orderedDefs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        success = true;
        return orderedDefs;
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        if (success == false) {

            // Get the names of the columns
            StringBuilder colNames = new StringBuilder();
            if (columns != null) {
                for (Column column : columns) {
                    colNames.append(" ").append(column.getElementKey()).append(",");
                if (colNames != null && colNames.length() > 0) {
                    colNames.deleteCharAt(colNames.length() - 1);
                            "createOrOpenDBTableWithColumns: Error while adding table " + tableId
                                    + " with columns:" + colNames.toString());
            } else {
                WebLogger.getLogger(appName).e(t, "createOrOpenDBTableWithColumns: Error while adding table "
                        + tableId + " with columns: null");

From source file:org.ttrssreader.controllers.DBHelper.java

 * remove specified mark in the temporary mark table for specified
 * articles and then cleanup this table//from w w  w  . ja  va2s  .  co m
 * @param ids  article IDs, which mark should be reseted
 * @param mark article mark to be reseted
void setMarked(Map<Integer, String> ids, String mark) {
    if (!isDBAvailable())

    SQLiteDatabase db = getOpenHelper().getWritableDatabase();
    try {
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(1);
        for (String idList : StringSupport.convertListToString(ids.keySet(), 1000)) {
            db.update(TABLE_MARK, cv, "id IN(" + idList + ")", null);
            db.delete(TABLE_MARK, "isUnread IS null AND isStarred IS null AND isPublished IS null", null);

        // Insert notes afterwards and only if given note is not null
        cv = new ContentValues(1);
        for (Integer id : ids.keySet()) {
            String note = ids.get(id);
            if (note == null || note.equals(""))

            cv.put(MARK_NOTE, note);
            db.update(TABLE_MARK, cv, "id=" + id, null);

    } finally {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Change the conflictType for the given row from null (not in conflict) to
 * the specified one./*  w  w w .j av  a 2 s  . c o m*/
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowId
 * @param conflictType
 *          expected to be one of ConflictType.LOCAL_DELETED_OLD_VALUES (0) or
 *          ConflictType.LOCAL_UPDATED_UPDATED_VALUES (1)
public void placeRowIntoConflict(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId, String rowId, int conflictType) {

    String whereClause = String.format("%s = ? AND %s IS NULL", DataTableColumns.ID,
    String[] whereArgs = { rowId };

    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE, SyncState.in_conflict.name());
    cv.put(DataTableColumns.CONFLICT_TYPE, conflictType);

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        db.update(tableId, cv, whereClause, whereArgs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:net.smart_json_database.JSONDatabase.java

public int insert(JSONEntity entity) {

    int returnValue = -1;
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    try {//from  w w  w .java 2  s  . c  om
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put("createDate", Util.DateToString(entity.getCreationDate()));
        values.put("updateDate", Util.DateToString(entity.getUpdateDate()));
        values.put("data", entity.getData().toString());
        values.put("type", entity.getType());
        int uid = Util.LongToInt(db.insert(TABLE_JSON_DATA, null, values));
        returnValue = uid;
        for (String name : entity.getTags().getToAdd()) {
            int tagid = -1;
            if (!tags.containsKey(name)) {
                tagid = insertTag(name, db);
            } else {
                tagid = tags.get(name);
            if (relateTagWithJsonEntity(tagid, uid, db) == -1) {
                throw new Exception("could not relate entity with tags");

        for (HasMany hasMany : entity.getHasManyRelations().values()) {
            //               for(Integer id : hasMany.getToRemove())
            //               {
            //                  deleteRelation(hasMany.getName(), uid, id, db);
            //               }

            for (Integer id : hasMany.getToAdd()) {
                insertRelation(hasMany.getName(), uid, id, db);

        for (BelongsTo belongsTo : entity.getBelongsToRelations().values()) {
            //               for(Integer id : belongsTo.getToRemove())
            //               {
            //                  deleteRelation(belongsTo.getName(), id ,uid,  db);
            //               }

            for (Integer id : belongsTo.getToAdd()) {
                insertRelation(belongsTo.getName(), id, uid, db);

        notifyListenersOnEntityChange(returnValue, IDatabaseChangeListener.CHANGETYPE_INSERT);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        returnValue = -1;
    } finally {
    return returnValue;

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Changes the conflictType for the given row from the specified one to null
 * and set the sync state of this row to the indicated value. In general, you
 * should first update the local conflict record with its new values, then
 * call deleteServerConflictRowWithId(...) and then call this method.
 * //ww  w . ja va 2 s.c o  m
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowId
 * @param syncState
 * @param conflictType
public void restoreRowFromConflict(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId, String rowId, SyncState syncState,
        int conflictType) {

    String whereClause = String.format("%s = ? AND %s = ?", DataTableColumns.ID,
    String[] whereArgs = { rowId, String.valueOf(conflictType) };

    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put(DataTableColumns.SYNC_STATE, syncState.name());
    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        db.update(tableId, cv, whereClause, whereArgs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Insert or update a single table-level metadata KVS entry.
 * //from  w  w  w .j a  v  a 2  s.  c om
 * @param db
 * @param entry
public void replaceDBTableMetadata(SQLiteDatabase db, KeyValueStoreEntry entry) {
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.TABLE_ID, entry.tableId);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.PARTITION, entry.partition);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.ASPECT, entry.aspect);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE_TYPE, entry.type);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.VALUE, entry.value);
    values.put(KeyValueStoreColumns.KEY, entry.key);

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        db.replace(DatabaseConstants.KEY_VALUE_STORE_ACTIVE_TABLE_NAME, null, values);
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.common.android.utilities.ODKDatabaseUtils.java

 * Update the timestamp of the last entirely-successful synchronization
 * attempt of this table./*w w w . j a  v  a 2  s . c o m*/
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
public void updateDBTableLastSyncTime(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableId) {
    if (tableId == null || tableId.length() <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(t + ": application name and table name must be specified");

    ContentValues cvTableDef = new ContentValues();

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
        db.update(DatabaseConstants.TABLE_DEFS_TABLE_NAME, cvTableDef, TableDefinitionsColumns.TABLE_ID + "=?",
                new String[] { tableId });
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {