Example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase close

List of usage examples for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase close


In this page you can find the example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase close.


public void close() 

Source Link


Releases a reference to the object, closing the object if the last reference was released.


From source file:com.modestmaps.providers.connection.TileBaseHelper.java

private boolean checkDatabase() {
    System.out.println("1. checkDatabase()..");
    SQLiteDatabase checkableDatabase = null;
    boolean localDatabaseExists = false;
    //String checkableDatabase = null; //dummy null String..
    System.out.println("1. null checkableDatabase created..!!");
    try {//  www .  java2 s. c  o  m
        checkableDatabase = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(DBPATH + DBNAME, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("1. database doesnt exist/is corrupt..so copy from server.."); //our database doesn't exist, so we'll return false below.
        System.out.println("Copying from: " + serverADD);
        localDatabaseExists = false;
        checkableDatabase = null;
    if (checkableDatabase != null) {
        localDatabaseExists = true;
        System.out.println("1. huh?? database exists?? " + localDatabaseExists);

    System.out.println("2. returning checkableDatabase().." + localDatabaseExists);
    return localDatabaseExists;

From source file:com.maxwen.wallpaper.board.databases.Database.java

public void addWallpapers(@NonNull List<Wallpaper> wallpapers) {
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
    long insertTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int i = 0; i < wallpapers.size(); i++) {
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(KEY_NAME, wallpapers.get(i).getName());
        values.put(KEY_AUTHOR, wallpapers.get(i).getAuthor());
        values.put(KEY_URL, wallpapers.get(i).getUrl());
        values.put(KEY_THUMB_URL, wallpapers.get(i).getThumbUrl());
        values.put(KEY_CATEGORY, wallpapers.get(i).getCategory());
        values.put(KEY_ADDED_ON, insertTime);

        db.insert(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, values);
    }//from   ww  w.j a v a 2  s.  c o  m

From source file:com.maxwen.wallpaper.board.databases.Database.java

public List<Wallpaper> getWallpapersOfCatgegory(String category) {
    List<Wallpaper> wallpapers = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> selection = new ArrayList<>();

    StringBuilder CONDITION = new StringBuilder();
    CONDITION.append("LOWER(").append(KEY_CATEGORY).append(")").append(" LIKE ?");
    selection.add("%" + category.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) + "%");

    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, CONDITION.toString(),
            selection.toArray(new String[selection.size()]), null, null, null, null);
    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
        do {//from   w ww  . j a v a2s .c o  m
            Wallpaper wallpaper = new Wallpaper(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2),
                    cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4), cursor.getString(5), cursor.getInt(6) == 1,
        } while (cursor.moveToNext());
    return wallpapers;

From source file:com.spoiledmilk.ibikecph.util.DB.java

public void updateFavorite(FavoritesData fd, Context context, APIListener listener) {
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
    if (db == null)
        return;// w  w w. ja v a2s  .c o  m

    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(KEY_NAME, fd.getName());
    values.put(KEY_ADDRESS, fd.getAdress());
    values.put(KEY_SOURCE, fd.getSource());
    values.put(KEY_SUBSOURCE, fd.getSubSource());
    values.put(KEY_LAT, Double.valueOf(fd.getLatitude()));
    values.put(KEY_LONG, Double.valueOf(fd.getLongitude()));
    db.update(TABLE_FAVORITES, values, KEY_ID + " = ?", new String[] { "" + fd.getId() });


    if (context != null)
        updateFavoriteToServer(fd, context, listener);


From source file:com.maxwen.wallpaper.board.databases.Database.java

public List<Wallpaper> getFilteredWallpapers() {
    List<Wallpaper> wallpapers = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> selected = getSelectedCategories();
    List<String> selection = new ArrayList<>();
    if (selected.size() == 0)
        return wallpapers;

    StringBuilder CONDITION = new StringBuilder();
    for (String item : selected) {
        if (CONDITION.length() > 0) {
            CONDITION.append(" OR ").append("LOWER(").append(KEY_CATEGORY).append(")").append(" LIKE ?");
        } else {/*from   w  w  w.j  ava 2  s .c o  m*/
            CONDITION.append("LOWER(").append(KEY_CATEGORY).append(")").append(" LIKE ?");
        selection.add("%" + item.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) + "%");
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, CONDITION.toString(),
            selection.toArray(new String[selection.size()]), null, null, KEY_CATEGORY);
    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
        do {
            Wallpaper wallpaper = new Wallpaper(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2),
                    cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4), cursor.getString(5), cursor.getInt(6) == 1,
        } while (cursor.moveToNext());
    return wallpapers;

From source file:com.maxwen.wallpaper.board.databases.Database.java

public List<Wallpaper> getFavoriteWallpapers() {
    List<Wallpaper> wallpapers = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> selected = getSelectedCategories();
    List<String> selection = new ArrayList<>();
    if (selected.size() == 0)
        return wallpapers;

    StringBuilder CONDITION = new StringBuilder();
    for (String item : selected) {
        if (CONDITION.length() > 0) {
            CONDITION.append(" OR ").append("LOWER(").append(KEY_CATEGORY).append(")").append(" LIKE ?");
        } else {/*  w  w w.  ja  v  a2 s  .c o m*/
            CONDITION.append("(LOWER(").append(KEY_CATEGORY).append(")").append(" LIKE ?");
        selection.add("%" + item.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) + "%");
    CONDITION.append(") AND " + KEY_FAVORITE + " = ?");
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_WALLPAPERS, null, CONDITION.toString(),
            selection.toArray(new String[selection.size()]), null, null, KEY_CATEGORY);
    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
        do {
            Wallpaper wallpaper = new Wallpaper(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2),
                    cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4), cursor.getString(5), cursor.getInt(6) == 1,
        } while (cursor.moveToNext());
    return wallpapers;

From source file:com.denimgroup.android.training.pandemobium.stocktrader.ManageTipsActivity.java

private void doSendTipData(String symbol) {
    StockDatabase dbHelper = new StockDatabase(this.getApplicationContext());
    SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.openDatabase();

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    String sql = "SELECT * FROM tip WHERE symbol = '" + symbol + "'";

    Log.d("ManageTipsActivity", "SQL to execute is: " + sql);

    Cursor tips = db.rawQuery(sql, null);

    //   Take all the data returned and package it up for sending
    int numTips = tips.getCount();
    Log.d("ManageTipsActivity", "Got " + numTips + " tips to send");
    tips.moveToFirst();//from   w  w w .j  a v  a  2 s . co  m
    for (int i = 0; i < numTips; i++) {
        int columnCount = tips.getColumnCount();
        Log.d("ManageTipsActivity", "Tip " + i + " has " + columnCount + " columns");
        for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) {
            if (j > 0) {


    Log.d("ManageTipsActivity", "Tip data to post is: " + sb.toString());

    String accountId = AccountUtils.retrieveAccountId(getApplicationContext());
    String tradeServiceUrl = getResources().getString(R.string.tip_service);

    String fullUrl = tradeServiceUrl + "?method=submitTips&id=" + accountId;

    Log.d("ManageTipsActivity", "Full URL for tip sending is: " + fullUrl);

    HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpPost post = new HttpPost(fullUrl);
    List<NameValuePair> pairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    pairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("tipData", sb.toString()));
    try {
        post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(pairs));
        HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
        tvTipStatus.setText("Tip data for " + etSymbol.getText().toString() + " sent!");

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("ManageTipsActivity", "Error when encoding or sending tip data: " + e.toString());

From source file:com.snt.bt.recon.database.DBHandler.java

public void addBcEntry(BluetoothClassicEntry bc_entry) {
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();

    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(KEY_SESSION_ID, bc_entry.getSessionId().toString());
    values.put(KEY_LOCATION_ID, bc_entry.getLocationId().toString());
    values.put(KEY_TIMESTAMP, bc_entry.getTimestamp());
    values.put(KEY_MAC, bc_entry.getMac());
    values.put(KEY_TYPE, bc_entry.getType());
    values.put(KEY_RSSI, bc_entry.getRssi());
    values.put(KEY_DEVICE_NAME, bc_entry.getDeviceName());
    values.put(KEY_BC_CLASS, bc_entry.getBcClass());
    values.put(KEY_UPLOAD_STATUS, bc_entry.getUploadStatus());

    // Inserting Row
    db.insertOrThrow(TABLE_BC, null, values);
    //Log.d("DatabaseTest1", ""+test);

    db.close(); // Closing database connection

From source file:com.maxwen.wallpaper.board.databases.Database.java

public List<Object> getFilteredCategoriesUnified() {
    List<Object> categories = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> selected = getSelectedCategories();
    List<String> selection = new ArrayList<>();
    if (selected.size() == 0)
        return categories;

    StringBuilder CONDITION = new StringBuilder();
    for (String item : selected) {
        if (CONDITION.length() > 0) {
            CONDITION.append(" OR ").append("LOWER(").append(KEY_NAME).append(")").append(" LIKE ?");
        } else {/*from   w w w  .  j ava2  s  .  c  o m*/
            CONDITION.append("LOWER(").append(KEY_NAME).append(")").append(" LIKE ?");
        selection.add("%" + item.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) + "%");
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_CATEGORIES, null, CONDITION.toString(),
            selection.toArray(new String[selection.size()]), null, null, KEY_NAME);
    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
        do {
            Category category = new Category(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2),
                    cursor.getInt(3) == 1);
            int count = getWallpapersCountOfCatgegory(cursor.getString(1));
        } while (cursor.moveToNext());
    return categories;

From source file:net.smart_json_database.JSONDatabase.java

 * Insert or update a property to db//from   ww w .ja v a  2 s  .c o m
 * @param key
 * @param value
 * @return 
public long setProperty(String key, String value) {

    SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();

    String checkKey = Util.DateToString(new Date());

    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

    values.put("value", value);
    long i = -1;
    if (checkKey.equals(getPropterty(db, key, checkKey))) {
        values.put("key", key);
        i = db.insert(TABLE_Meta, null, values);
    } else {
        i = db.update(TABLE_Meta, values, "key = ?", new String[] { key });


    return i;