Example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase beginTransactionNonExclusive

List of usage examples for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase beginTransactionNonExclusive


In this page you can find the example usage for android.database.sqlite SQLiteDatabase beginTransactionNonExclusive.


public void beginTransactionNonExclusive() 

Source Link


Begins a transaction in IMMEDIATE mode.


From source file:Main.java

public static void beginTransactionNonExclusive(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    } else {/*from ww w .  j  a  v a 2 s  . c  o m*/

From source file:org.kontalk.provider.UsersProvider.java

private void beginTransaction(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB)
    else/*from ww w .j a  v a2  s  .  c o m*/
        // this is because API < 11 doesn't have beginTransactionNonExclusive()
        db.execSQL("BEGIN IMMEDIATE");

From source file:mobisocial.musubi.service.AddressBookUpdateHandler.java

public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
    final DatabaseManager dbManager = new DatabaseManager(mContext);
    if (!dbManager.getIdentitiesManager().hasConnectedAccounts()) {
        Log.w(TAG, "no connected accounts, skipping friend import");
        return;//  ww w. j  a va 2  s . co  m

    //a new meta contact appears (and the previous ones disappear) if the user merges
    //or if a new entry is added, we can detect the ones that have changed by
    //this condition
    long highestContactIdAlreadySeen = dbManager.getContactDataVersionManager().getMaxContactIdSeen();
    //a new data item corresponds with a new contact, but its possible
    //that a users just adds a new contact method to an existing contact
    //and we need to detect that
    long highestDataIdAlreadySeen = dbManager.getContactDataVersionManager().getMaxDataIdSeen();

    // BJD -- this didn't end up being faster once all import features were added.
    /*if (highestContactIdAlreadySeen == -1) {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (mLastRun + ONCE_PER_PERIOD > now) {
        //wake up when the period expires
        if (!mScheduled) {
            new Handler(mThread.getLooper()).postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    mScheduled = false;
            }, ONCE_PER_PERIOD - (now - mLastRun) + 1);
        mScheduled = true;
        //skip this update
    Log.i(TAG, "waking up to handle contact changes...");
    boolean identityAdded = false, profileDataChanged = false;
    Date start = new Date();

    assert (SYNC_EMAIL);
    String account_type_selection = getAccountSelectionString();

    Cursor c = mContext.getContentResolver().query(
            ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ContactsContract.Data._ID,
                    ContactsContract.Data.DATA_VERSION, ContactsContract.Data.CONTACT_ID },
            "(" + ContactsContract.Data.DATA_VERSION + ">0 OR " + //maybe updated
                    ContactsContract.Data.CONTACT_ID + ">? OR " + //definitely new or merged
                    ContactsContract.Data._ID + ">? " + //definitely added a data item
                    ") AND (" + ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE + "<>'" + mAccountType + "'"
                    + ") AND (" + NAME_OR_OTHER_SELECTION + account_type_selection + ")", // All known contacts.
            new String[] { String.valueOf(highestContactIdAlreadySeen),
                    String.valueOf(highestDataIdAlreadySeen) },

    if (c == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "no valid cursor", new Throwable());
        mContext.getContentResolver().notifyChange(MusubiService.ADDRESS_BOOK_SCANNED, this);

    HashMap<Pair<String, String>, MMyAccount> account_mapping = new HashMap<Pair<String, String>, MMyAccount>();
    int max_changes = c.getCount();
    TLongArrayList raw_data_ids = new TLongArrayList(max_changes);
    TLongArrayList versions = new TLongArrayList(max_changes);
    long new_max_data_id = highestDataIdAlreadySeen;
    long new_max_contact_id = highestContactIdAlreadySeen;
    TLongHashSet potentially_changed = new TLongHashSet();
    try {
        //the cursor points to a list of raw contact data items that may have changed
        //the items will include a type specific field that we are interested in updating
        //it is possible that multiple data item entries mention the same identifier
        //so we build a list of contacts to update and then perform synchronization
        //by refreshing given that we know the top level contact id.
        if (DBG)
            Log.d(TAG, "Scanning " + c.getCount() + " contacts...");
        while (c.moveToNext()) {
            if (DBG)
                Log.v(TAG, "check for updates of contact " + c.getLong(0));

            long raw_data_id = c.getLong(0);
            long version = c.getLong(1);
            long contact_id = c.getLong(2);

            //if the contact was split or merged, then we get a higher contact id
            //so if we have a higher id, data version doesnt really matter
            if (contact_id <= highestContactIdAlreadySeen) {
                //the data associated with this contact may not be dirty
                //we just can't do the join against our table because thise
                //api is implmented over the content provider
                if (dbManager.getContactDataVersionManager().getVersion(raw_data_id) == version)
            } else {
                new_max_contact_id = Math.max(new_max_contact_id, contact_id);
            new_max_data_id = Math.max(new_max_data_id, raw_data_id);
        if (DBG)
            Log.d(TAG, "Finished iterating over " + c.getCount() + " contacts for " + potentially_changed.size()
                    + " candidates.");
    } finally {
    if (potentially_changed.size() == 0) {
                "possible bug, woke up to update contacts, but no change was detected; there are extra wakes so it could be ok");

    final SQLiteDatabase db = dbManager.getDatabase();

    Pattern emailPattern = getEmailPattern();
    Pattern numberPattern = getNumberPattern();
    //slice it up so we don't use too much system resource on keeping a lot of state in memory
    int total = potentially_changed.size();
    sAddressBookTotal = total;
    sAddressBookPosition = 0;

    final TLongArrayList slice_of_changed = new TLongArrayList(BATCH_SIZE);
    final StringBuilder to_fetch = new StringBuilder();
    final HashMap<Pair<String, String>, TLongHashSet> ids_for_account = new HashMap<Pair<String, String>, TLongHashSet>();
    final TLongObjectHashMap<String> names = new TLongObjectHashMap<String>();

    TLongIterator it = potentially_changed.iterator();
    for (int i = 0; i < total && it.hasNext();) {
        sAddressBookPosition = i;

        if (BootstrapActivity.isBootstrapped()) {
            try {
                Thread.sleep(mSleepTime * SLEEP_SCALE);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {


        int max = i + BATCH_SIZE;
        for (; i < max && it.hasNext(); ++i) {

        if (DBG)
            Log.v(TAG, "looking up names ");
        to_fetch.append(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID + " IN ");
        SQLClauseHelper.appendArray(to_fetch, slice_of_changed.iterator());
        //lookup the fields we care about from a user profile perspective
        c = mContext.getContentResolver().query(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI,
                new String[] { ContactsContract.Contacts._ID, ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME, },
                to_fetch.toString(), null, null);
        try {
            while (c.moveToNext()) {
                long id = c.getLong(0);
                String name = c.getString(1);
                if (name == null)
                //reject names that are just the email address or are just a number 
                //the default for android is just to propagate this as the name
                //if there is no name
                if (emailPattern.matcher(name).matches() || numberPattern.matcher(name).matches())
                names.put(id, name);
        } finally {

        } else {

        long before = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        SliceUpdater updater = new SliceUpdater(dbManager, slice_of_changed, ids_for_account, names,
        long after = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        mSleepTime = (mSleepTime + after - before) / 2;
        profileDataChanged |= updater.profileDataChanged;
        identityAdded |= updater.identityAdded;

        } else {
        //add all detected members to account feed
        for (Entry<Pair<String, String>, TLongHashSet> e : ids_for_account.entrySet()) {
            Pair<String, String> k = e.getKey();
            TLongHashSet v = e.getValue();
            MMyAccount cached_account = account_mapping.get(k);
            if (cached_account == null) {
                cached_account = lookupOrCreateAccount(dbManager, k.getValue0(), k.getValue1());
                prepareAccountWhitelistFeed(dbManager.getMyAccountManager(), dbManager.getFeedManager(),
                account_mapping.put(k, cached_account);

            final MMyAccount account = cached_account;
            v.forEach(new TLongProcedure() {
                public boolean execute(long id) {
                    dbManager.getFeedManager().ensureFeedMember(account.feedId_, id);
                    return true;

    sAddressBookTotal = sAddressBookPosition = 0;

    //TODO: handle deleted
    //for all android data ids in our table, check if they still exist in the
    //contacts table, probably in batches of 100 or something.  if they don't
    //null them out.  this is annoyingly non-differential.

    //TODO: adding friend should update accepted feed status, however,
    //if a crashe happens for whatever reason, then its possible that this may need to
    //be run for identities which actually exist in the db.  so this update code
    //needs to do the feed accepted status change for all users that were touched
    //by the profile update process

    //update the version ids so we can be faster on subsequent runs
    } else {
    int changed_data_rows = raw_data_ids.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < changed_data_rows; ++i) {
        dbManager.getContactDataVersionManager().setVersion(raw_data_ids.get(i), versions.get(i));

    ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();

    Date end = new Date();
    double time = end.getTime() - start.getTime();
    time /= 1000;
    Log.w(TAG, "update address book " + mChangeCount++ + " took " + time + " seconds");
    if (identityAdded) {
        //wake up the profile push
        resolver.notifyChange(MusubiService.WHITELIST_APPENDED, this);
    if (profileDataChanged) {
        //refresh the ui...
        resolver.notifyChange(MusubiService.PRIMARY_CONTENT_CHANGED, this);
    if (identityAdded || profileDataChanged) {
        //update the our musubi address book as needed.
        String accountName = mContext.getString(R.string.account_name);
        String accountType = mContext.getString(R.string.account_type);
        Account account = new Account(accountName, accountType);
        ContentResolver.requestSync(account, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, new Bundle());

    mLastRun = new Date().getTime();
    resolver.notifyChange(MusubiService.ADDRESS_BOOK_SCANNED, this);

From source file:mobile.tiis.appv2.base.BackboneApplication.java

public void updateChildVaccinationEventVaccinationAppointment(ChildCollector childCollector) {
    Child child = childCollector.getChildEntity();
    List<VaccinationEvent> vaccinationEvents = childCollector.getVeList();
    List<VaccinationAppointment> vaccinationAppointments = childCollector.getVaList();
    ContentValues childCV = new ContentValues();
    DatabaseHandler db = getDatabaseInstance();

    SQLiteDatabase db1 = db.getWritableDatabase();
    try {/*from   w ww .ja  va  2  s  . c o m*/
        String sql0 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.CHILD + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BARCODE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME2 + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.LASTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHDATE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.GENDER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.TEMP_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHPLACE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_FIRSTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_LASTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CUMULATIVE_SERIAL_NUMBER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CHILD_REGISTRY_YEAR + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_TT2_STS
                + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_VVU_STS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.PHONE
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt0 = db1.compileStatement(sql0);
        stmt0.bindString(1, "1");
        stmt0.bindString(2, child.getId() == null ? "" : child.getId());
        stmt0.bindString(3, child.getBarcodeID() == null ? "" : child.getBarcodeID());
        stmt0.bindString(4, child.getFirstname1() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname1());
        stmt0.bindString(5, child.getFirstname2() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname2());
        stmt0.bindString(6, child.getLastname1() == null ? "" : child.getLastname1());
        stmt0.bindString(7, child.getBirthdate() == null ? "" : child.getBirthdate());
        stmt0.bindString(8, child.getGender() == null ? "" : child.getGender());
        stmt0.bindString(9, child.getTempId() == null ? "" : child.getTempId());
        stmt0.bindString(10, child.getHealthcenter() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenter());
        stmt0.bindString(11, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
        stmt0.bindString(12, child.getDomicileId() == null ? "" : child.getDomicileId());
        stmt0.bindString(13, child.getHealthcenterId() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenterId());
        stmt0.bindString(14, child.getStatusId() == null ? "" : child.getStatusId());
        stmt0.bindString(15, child.getBirthplaceId() == null ? "" : child.getBirthplaceId());
        stmt0.bindString(16, child.getNotes() == null ? "" : child.getNotes());
        stmt0.bindString(17, child.getStatus() == null ? "" : child.getStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(18, child.getMotherFirstname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherFirstname());
        stmt0.bindString(19, child.getMotherLastname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherLastname());
        stmt0.bindString(20, child.getChildCumulativeSn() == null ? "" : child.getChildCumulativeSn());
        stmt0.bindString(21, child.getChildRegistryYear() == null ? "" : child.getChildRegistryYear());
        stmt0.bindString(22, child.getMotherTT2Status() == null ? "" : child.getMotherTT2Status());
        stmt0.bindString(23, child.getMotherHivStatus() == null ? "" : child.getMotherHivStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(24, child.getPhone() == null ? "" : child.getPhone());

        String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_EVENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.APPOINTMENT_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.CHILD_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.DOSE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.ID + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.IS_ACTIVE
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.NONVACCINATION_REASON_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_STATUS + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINE_LOT_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt = db1.compileStatement(sql);

        for (VaccinationEvent vaccinationEvent : vaccinationEvents) {
            stmt.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt.bindString(2, vaccinationEvent.getAppointmentId());
            stmt.bindString(3, vaccinationEvent.getChildId());
            stmt.bindString(4, vaccinationEvent.getDoseId());
            stmt.bindString(5, vaccinationEvent.getHealthFacilityId());
            stmt.bindString(6, vaccinationEvent.getId());
            stmt.bindString(7, vaccinationEvent.getIsActive());
            stmt.bindString(8, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedBy());
            stmt.bindString(9, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedOn());
            stmt.bindString(10, vaccinationEvent.getNonvaccinationReasonId());
            stmt.bindString(11, vaccinationEvent.getScheduledDate());
            stmt.bindString(12, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationDate());
            stmt.bindString(13, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationStatus());
            stmt.bindString(14, vaccinationEvent.getVaccineLotId());

        String sql1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_APPOINTMENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.CHILD_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.IS_ACTIVE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.OUTREACH + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_FACILITY_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db1.compileStatement(sql1);

        for (VaccinationAppointment vaccinationAppointment : vaccinationAppointments) {
            stmt1.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt1.bindString(2, vaccinationAppointment.getChildId());
            stmt1.bindString(3, vaccinationAppointment.getId());
            stmt1.bindString(4, vaccinationAppointment.getIsActive());
            stmt1.bindString(5, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedBy());
            stmt1.bindString(6, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedOn());
            stmt1.bindString(7, vaccinationAppointment.getNotes());
            stmt1.bindString(8, vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());
            stmt1.bindString(9, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledDate());
            stmt1.bindString(10, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledFacilityId());



    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:mobile.tiis.appv2.base.BackboneApplication.java

 * method used to add child, vaccination appointments and vaccination events into the database
 * @param childCollector/*from   w  w w  .j av a2s  . c  o  m*/
public void addChildVaccinationEventVaccinationAppointment(ChildCollector childCollector) {
    Child child = childCollector.getChildEntity();
    List<VaccinationEvent> vaccinationEvents = childCollector.getVeList();
    List<VaccinationAppointment> vaccinationAppointments = childCollector.getVaList();
    ContentValues childCV = new ContentValues();
    DatabaseHandler db = getDatabaseInstance();

    SQLiteDatabase db1 = db.getWritableDatabase();
    try {
        String sql0 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.CHILD + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BARCODE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME2 + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.LASTNAME1 + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHDATE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.GENDER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.TEMP_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHPLACE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_FIRSTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_LASTNAME + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CUMULATIVE_SERIAL_NUMBER + ","
                + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CHILD_REGISTRY_YEAR + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_TT2_STS
                + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_VVU_STS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.PHONE
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt0 = db1.compileStatement(sql0);
        stmt0.bindString(1, "1");
        stmt0.bindString(2, child.getId() == null ? "" : child.getId());
        stmt0.bindString(3, child.getBarcodeID() == null ? "" : child.getBarcodeID());
        stmt0.bindString(4, child.getFirstname1() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname1());
        stmt0.bindString(5, child.getFirstname2() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname2());
        stmt0.bindString(6, child.getLastname1() == null ? "" : child.getLastname1());
        stmt0.bindString(7, child.getBirthdate() == null ? "" : child.getBirthdate());
        stmt0.bindString(8, child.getGender() == null ? "" : child.getGender());
        stmt0.bindString(9, child.getTempId() == null ? "" : child.getTempId());
        stmt0.bindString(10, child.getHealthcenter() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenter());
        stmt0.bindString(11, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
        stmt0.bindString(12, child.getDomicileId() == null ? "" : child.getDomicileId());
        stmt0.bindString(13, child.getHealthcenterId() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenterId());
        stmt0.bindString(14, child.getStatusId() == null ? "" : child.getStatusId());
        stmt0.bindString(15, child.getBirthplaceId() == null ? "" : child.getBirthplaceId());
        stmt0.bindString(16, child.getNotes() == null ? "" : child.getNotes());
        stmt0.bindString(17, child.getStatus() == null ? "" : child.getStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(18, child.getMotherFirstname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherFirstname());
        stmt0.bindString(19, child.getMotherLastname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherLastname());
        stmt0.bindString(20, child.getChildCumulativeSn() == null ? "" : child.getChildCumulativeSn());
        stmt0.bindString(21, child.getChildRegistryYear() == null ? "" : child.getChildRegistryYear());
        stmt0.bindString(22, child.getMotherTT2Status() == null ? "" : child.getMotherTT2Status());
        stmt0.bindString(23, child.getMotherHivStatus() == null ? "" : child.getMotherHivStatus());
        stmt0.bindString(24, child.getPhone() == null ? "" : child.getPhone());

        String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_EVENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.APPOINTMENT_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.CHILD_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.DOSE_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.ID + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.IS_ACTIVE
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.NONVACCINATION_REASON_ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_STATUS + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINE_LOT_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt = db1.compileStatement(sql);

        for (VaccinationEvent vaccinationEvent : vaccinationEvents) {
            stmt.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt.bindString(2, vaccinationEvent.getAppointmentId());
            stmt.bindString(3, vaccinationEvent.getChildId());
            stmt.bindString(4, vaccinationEvent.getDoseId());
            stmt.bindString(5, vaccinationEvent.getHealthFacilityId());
            stmt.bindString(6, vaccinationEvent.getId());
            stmt.bindString(7, vaccinationEvent.getIsActive());
            stmt.bindString(8, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedBy());
            stmt.bindString(9, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedOn());
            stmt.bindString(10, vaccinationEvent.getNonvaccinationReasonId());
            stmt.bindString(11, vaccinationEvent.getScheduledDate());
            stmt.bindString(12, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationDate());
            stmt.bindString(13, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationStatus());
            stmt.bindString(14, vaccinationEvent.getVaccineLotId());

        String sql1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_APPOINTMENT + " ( "
                + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.CHILD_ID
                + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.ID + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.IS_ACTIVE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.NOTES + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.OUTREACH + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_FACILITY_ID
                + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";

        SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db1.compileStatement(sql1);

        for (VaccinationAppointment vaccinationAppointment : vaccinationAppointments) {
            stmt1.bindString(1, "1");
            stmt1.bindString(2, vaccinationAppointment.getChildId());
            stmt1.bindString(3, vaccinationAppointment.getId());
            stmt1.bindString(4, vaccinationAppointment.getIsActive());
            stmt1.bindString(5, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedBy());
            stmt1.bindString(6, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedOn());
            stmt1.bindString(7, vaccinationAppointment.getNotes());
            stmt1.bindString(8, vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());
            stmt1.bindString(9, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledDate());
            stmt1.bindString(10, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledFacilityId());



    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:mobile.tiis.appv2.base.BackboneApplication.java

public boolean addChildVaccinationEventVaccinationAppointment(ChildCollector2 childCollector) {
    Log.d("coze", "saving data to db");

    boolean containsData = false;
    List<Child> children = childCollector.getChildList();
    List<VaccinationEvent> vaccinationEvents = childCollector.getVeList();
    List<VaccinationAppointment> vaccinationAppointments = childCollector.getVaList();
    DatabaseHandler db = getDatabaseInstance();

    SQLiteDatabase db1 = db.getWritableDatabase();
    try {/*  ww w. j a  va 2  s  . c o  m*/

        if (children != null) {
            String sql0 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.CHILD + " ( "
                    + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BARCODE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME1 + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.FIRSTNAME2 + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.LASTNAME1 + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHDATE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.GENDER + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.TEMP_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.DOMICILE_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.BIRTHPLACE_ID + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.NOTES + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.STATUS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_FIRSTNAME + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_LASTNAME + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.PHONE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CUMULATIVE_SERIAL_NUMBER + ","
                    + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.CHILD_REGISTRY_YEAR + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_VVU_STS
                    + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MOTHER_TT2_STS + "," + SQLHandler.ChildColumns.MODIFIED_ON
                    + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?,?,?,?,?)";

            SQLiteStatement stmt0 = db1.compileStatement(sql0);
            for (Child child : children) {
                containsData = true;
                stmt0.bindString(1, "1");
                stmt0.bindString(2, child.getId() == null ? "" : child.getId());
                stmt0.bindString(3, child.getBarcodeID() == null ? "" : child.getBarcodeID());
                stmt0.bindString(4, child.getFirstname1() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname1());
                stmt0.bindString(5, child.getFirstname2() == null ? "" : child.getFirstname2());
                stmt0.bindString(6, child.getLastname1() == null ? "" : child.getLastname1());
                stmt0.bindString(7, child.getBirthdate() == null ? "" : child.getBirthdate());
                stmt0.bindString(8, child.getGender() == null ? "" : child.getGender());
                stmt0.bindString(9, child.getTempId() == null ? "" : child.getTempId());
                stmt0.bindString(10, child.getHealthcenter() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenter());
                stmt0.bindString(11, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
                stmt0.bindString(12, child.getDomicileId() == null ? "" : child.getDomicileId());
                stmt0.bindString(13, child.getHealthcenterId() == null ? "" : child.getHealthcenterId());
                stmt0.bindString(14, child.getStatusId() == null ? "" : child.getStatusId());
                stmt0.bindString(15, child.getBirthplaceId() == null ? "" : child.getBirthplaceId());
                stmt0.bindString(16, child.getNotes() == null ? "" : child.getNotes());
                stmt0.bindString(17, child.getDomicile() == null ? "" : child.getDomicile());
                stmt0.bindString(18, child.getMotherFirstname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherFirstname());
                stmt0.bindString(19, child.getMotherLastname() == null ? "" : child.getMotherLastname());
                stmt0.bindString(20, child.getPhone() == null ? "" : child.getPhone());
                stmt0.bindString(21, child.getChildCumulativeSn() == null ? "" : child.getChildCumulativeSn());
                stmt0.bindString(22, child.getChildRegistryYear() == null ? "" : child.getChildRegistryYear());
                stmt0.bindString(23, child.getMotherHivStatus() == null ? "" : child.getMotherHivStatus());
                stmt0.bindString(24, child.getMotherTT2Status() == null ? "" : child.getMotherTT2Status());
                stmt0.bindString(25, child.getModifiedOn() == null ? "" : child.getModifiedOn());

        if (vaccinationEvents != null) {
            String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_EVENT + " ( "
                    + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.APPOINTMENT_ID
                    + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.CHILD_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.DOSE_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.HEALTH_FACILITY_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.ID + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.IS_ACTIVE
                    + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.NONVACCINATION_REASON_ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_DATE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINATION_STATUS + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationEventColumns.VACCINE_LOT_ID
                    + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

            SQLiteStatement stmt = db1.compileStatement(sql);

            for (VaccinationEvent vaccinationEvent : vaccinationEvents) {
                containsData = true;
                stmt.bindString(1, "1");
                stmt.bindString(2, vaccinationEvent.getAppointmentId());
                stmt.bindString(3, vaccinationEvent.getChildId());
                stmt.bindString(4, vaccinationEvent.getDoseId());
                stmt.bindString(5, vaccinationEvent.getHealthFacilityId());
                stmt.bindString(6, vaccinationEvent.getId());
                stmt.bindString(7, vaccinationEvent.getIsActive());
                stmt.bindString(8, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedBy());
                stmt.bindString(9, vaccinationEvent.getModifiedOn());
                stmt.bindString(10, vaccinationEvent.getNonvaccinationReasonId());
                stmt.bindString(11, vaccinationEvent.getScheduledDate());
                stmt.bindString(12, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationDate());
                stmt.bindString(13, vaccinationEvent.getVaccinationStatus());
                stmt.bindString(14, vaccinationEvent.getVaccineLotId());

        if (vaccinationAppointments != null) {
            String sql1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + SQLHandler.Tables.VACCINATION_APPOINTMENT + " ( "
                    + SQLHandler.SyncColumns.UPDATED + ", " + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.CHILD_ID
                    + "," + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.ID + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.IS_ACTIVE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_BY + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.MODIFIED_ON + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.NOTES + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.OUTREACH + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_DATE + ","
                    + SQLHandler.VaccinationAppointmentColumns.SCHEDULED_FACILITY_ID
                    + " ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)";

            SQLiteStatement stmt1 = db1.compileStatement(sql1);
            for (VaccinationAppointment vaccinationAppointment : vaccinationAppointments) {
                containsData = true;
                stmt1.bindString(1, "1");
                stmt1.bindString(2, vaccinationAppointment.getChildId());
                stmt1.bindString(3, vaccinationAppointment.getId());
                stmt1.bindString(4, vaccinationAppointment.getIsActive());
                stmt1.bindString(5, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedBy());
                stmt1.bindString(6, vaccinationAppointment.getModifiedOn());
                stmt1.bindString(7, vaccinationAppointment.getNotes());
                stmt1.bindString(8, vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());
                stmt1.bindString(9, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledDate());
                stmt1.bindString(10, vaccinationAppointment.getScheduledFacilityId());
                Log.d("day20", "Out Reach for " + vaccinationAppointment.getChildId() + " is : "
                        + vaccinationAppointment.getOutreach());


    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e1) {
    Log.d("coze", "saving data to db returning = " + containsData);
    return containsData;