Example usage for Java android.database DatabaseUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
void | appendEscapedSQLString(StringBuilder sb, String sqlString) Appends an SQL string to the given StringBuilder, including the opening and closing single quotes. |
String[] | appendSelectionArgs(String[] originalValues, String[] newValues) Appends one set of selection args to another. |
void | appendValueToSql(StringBuilder sql, Object value) Appends an Object to an SQL string with the proper escaping, etc. |
String | concatenateWhere(String a, String b) Concatenates two SQL WHERE clauses, handling empty or null values. |
void | cursorDoubleToCursorValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values) Reads a Double out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. |
void | cursorIntToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values, String key) Reads a Integer out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. |
void | cursorIntToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values) Reads an Integer out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. |
void | cursorRowToContentValues(Cursor cursor, ContentValues values) Read the entire contents of a cursor row and store them in a ContentValues. |
void | cursorStringToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values, String key) Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. |
void | cursorStringToContentValues(Cursor cursor, String field, ContentValues values) Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. |
void | dumpCursor(Cursor cursor) Prints the contents of a Cursor to System.out. |
String | dumpCursorToString(Cursor cursor) Prints the contents of a Cursor to a String. |
long | longForQuery(SQLiteDatabase db, String query, String[] selectionArgs) Utility method to run the query on the db and return the value in the first column of the first row. |
long | queryNumEntries(SQLiteDatabase db, String table) Query the table for the number of rows in the table. |
void | readExceptionFromParcel(Parcel reply, String msg, int code) |
String | sqlEscapeString(String value) SQL-escape a string. |