List of usage examples for android.database Cursor isAfterLast
boolean isAfterLast();
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public static List<ParcelableAccount> getAccountsList(final Context context, final boolean activatedOnly, final boolean officialKeyOnly) { if (context == null) return Collections.emptyList(); final ArrayList<ParcelableAccount> accounts = new ArrayList<>(); final String selection = activatedOnly ? Accounts.IS_ACTIVATED + " = 1" : null; final Cursor cur = context.getContentResolver().query(Accounts.CONTENT_URI, Accounts.COLUMNS, selection, null, Accounts.SORT_POSITION); if (cur == null) return accounts; final ParcelableCredentialsCursorIndices indices = new ParcelableCredentialsCursorIndices(cur); cur.moveToFirst();//from www. j a v a 2 s .c o m while (!cur.isAfterLast()) { if (!officialKeyOnly) { accounts.add(indices.newObject(cur)); } else { final String consumerKey = cur.getString(indices.consumer_key); final String consumerSecret = cur.getString(indices.consumer_secret); if (TwitterContentUtils.isOfficialKey(context, consumerKey, consumerSecret)) { accounts.add(indices.newObject(cur)); } } cur.moveToNext(); } cur.close(); return accounts; }
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public void notifyRepeatingTransaction() { // create application CurrencyUtils currencyUtils = new CurrencyUtils(context); // init currencies if (!currencyUtils.isInit()) currencyUtils.init();//w w w. ja va 2 s . com // select data QueryBillDeposits billDeposits = new QueryBillDeposits(context); MoneyManagerOpenHelper databaseHelper = new MoneyManagerOpenHelper(context); if (databaseHelper != null) { Cursor cursor = databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase().rawQuery(billDeposits.getSource() + " AND " + QueryBillDeposits.DAYSLEFT + "<=0 ORDER BY " + QueryBillDeposits.NEXTOCCURRENCEDATE, null); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle(); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { String line = cursor .getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(QueryBillDeposits.USERNEXTOCCURRENCEDATE)) + " " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(QueryBillDeposits.PAYEENAME)) + ": <b>" + currencyUtils.getCurrencyFormatted( cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(QueryBillDeposits.CURRENCYID)), cursor.getDouble(cursor.getColumnIndex(QueryBillDeposits.AMOUNT))) + "</b>"; // add line inboxStyle.addLine(Html.fromHtml("<small>" + line + "</small>")); // move to next row cursor.moveToNext(); } NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); // create pendig intent Intent intent = new Intent(context, RepeatingTransactionListActivity.class); // set launch from notification // check pin code intent.putExtra(RepeatingTransactionListActivity.INTENT_EXTRA_LAUNCH_NOTIFICATION, true); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, 0); // create notification Notification notification = null; try { notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context).setAutoCancel(true) .setContentIntent(pendingIntent) .setContentTitle(context.getString(R.string.application_name)) .setContentText( context.getString(R.string.notification_repeating_transaction_expired)) .setSubText(context .getString(R.string.notification_click_to_check_repeating_transaction)) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_stat_notification) .setTicker(context.getString(R.string.notification_repeating_transaction_expired)) .setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE | Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND | Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS) .setNumber(cursor.getCount()).setStyle(inboxStyle).build(); // notify notificationManager.cancel(ID_NOTIFICATION); notificationManager.notify(ID_NOTIFICATION, notification); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOGCAT, e.getMessage()); } } // close cursor cursor.close(); } // close database helper //databaseHelper.close(); } }
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private static int getFirstId(Cursor cursor, int id) { if (cursor != null) { cursor.moveToFirst();/* www. j a v a 2s. co m*/ if (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { id = cursor.getInt(0); } cursor.close(); } return id; }
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/** * Check the ferries terminal space sailing table for any starred entries. * If we find some, save them to a list so we can re-star those after we * flush the database.//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . com */ private List<Integer> getStarred() { ContentResolver resolver = getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = null; List<Integer> starred = new ArrayList<Integer>(); try { cursor = resolver.query(FerriesTerminalSailingSpace.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { FerriesTerminalSailingSpace.TERMINAL_ID }, FerriesTerminalSailingSpace.TERMINAL_IS_STARRED + "=?", new String[] { "1" }, null); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { starred.add(cursor.getInt(0)); cursor.moveToNext(); } } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return starred; }
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public void checkAndBuildSpecialGuids() throws NullCursorException { final String[] specialGUIDs = AndroidBrowserBookmarksRepositorySession.SPECIAL_GUIDS; Cursor cur = fetch(specialGUIDs); long mobileRoot = 0; long desktopRoot = 0; // Map from GUID to whether deleted. Non-presence implies just that. HashMap<String, Boolean> statuses = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(specialGUIDs.length); try {//from w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m if (cur.moveToFirst()) { while (!cur.isAfterLast()) { String guid = RepoUtils.getStringFromCursor(cur, BrowserContract.SyncColumns.GUID); if (guid.equals("mobile")) { mobileRoot = RepoUtils.getLongFromCursor(cur, BrowserContract.CommonColumns._ID); } if (guid.equals("desktop")) { desktopRoot = RepoUtils.getLongFromCursor(cur, BrowserContract.CommonColumns._ID); } // Make sure none of these folders are marked as deleted. boolean deleted = RepoUtils.getLongFromCursor(cur, BrowserContract.SyncColumns.IS_DELETED) == 1; statuses.put(guid, deleted); cur.moveToNext(); } } } finally { cur.close(); } // Insert or undelete them if missing. for (String guid : specialGUIDs) { if (statuses.containsKey(guid)) { if (statuses.get(guid)) { // Undelete., "Undeleting special GUID " + guid); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(BrowserContract.SyncColumns.IS_DELETED, 0); updateByGuid(guid, cv); } } else { // Insert. if (guid.equals("mobile")) {, "No mobile folder. Inserting one."); mobileRoot = insertSpecialFolder("mobile", 0); } else if (guid.equals("places")) { // This is awkward., "No places root. Inserting one under mobile (" + mobileRoot + ")."); desktopRoot = insertSpecialFolder("places", mobileRoot); } else { // unfiled, menu, toolbar., "No " + guid + " root. Inserting one under places (" + desktopRoot + ")."); insertSpecialFolder(guid, desktopRoot); } } } }
From source
private void refreshTimezoneData() { try {//from ww w . j a v a 2s .com HashMap<String, Long> currentZones = new HashMap<String, Long>(); HashMap<String, Long> updatedZones = new HashMap<String, Long>(); HashMap<String, Long> insertedZones = new HashMap<String, Long>(); Cursor allZones = cr.query(Timezones.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Timezones.TZID, Timezones.LAST_MODIFIED }, null, null, null); Long maxModified = 0L; for (allZones.moveToFirst(); !allZones.isAfterLast(); allZones.moveToNext()) { if (Constants.LOG_VERBOSE) Log.println(Constants.LOGV, TAG, "Found existing zone of '" + allZones.getString(0) + "' modified: " + AcalDateTime.fromMillis(allZones.getLong(1) * 1000L).toString()); currentZones.put(allZones.getString(0), allZones.getLong(1)); if (allZones.getLong(1) > maxModified) maxModified = allZones.getLong(1); } AcalDateTime mostRecentChange = AcalDateTime.getUTCInstance().setEpoch(maxModified); Log.println(Constants.LOGI, TAG, "Found " + allZones.getCount() + " existing timezones, most recent change on " + mostRecentChange.toString()); if (allZones.getCount() > 350 && mostRecentChange.after(AcalDateTime.getUTCInstance().addDays(-30))) { Log.println(Constants.LOGI, TAG, "Skipping update - our database is pretty recent"); return; } requestor.interpretUriString(tzUrl("list", null)); JSONObject root = requestor.doJsonRequest("GET", null, null, null); if (requestor.wasRedirected()) { Uri tzUri = Uri.parse(requestor.fullUrl()); String redirectedUrl = tzUri.getScheme() + "://" + tzUri.getAuthority() + tzUri.getPath(); if (Constants.debugTimeZone && Constants.LOG_DEBUG) Log.println(Constants.LOGD, TAG, "Redirected to Timezone Server at " + redirectedUrl); tzServerBaseUrl = redirectedUrl; AcalApplication.setPreferenceString(PrefNames.tzServerBaseUrl, redirectedUrl); } if (requestor.getStatusCode() >= 399) { Log.println(Constants.LOGI, TAG, "Bad response " + requestor.getStatusCode() + " from Timezone Server at " + tzUrl("list", null)); } if (root == null) { Log.println(Constants.LOGI, TAG, "No JSON from GET " + tzUrl("list", null)); return; } String tzid; String tzData = ""; long lastModified; StringBuilder localNames; StringBuilder aliases; ContentValues zoneValues = new ContentValues(); String tzDateStamp = root.getString("dtstamp"); JSONArray tzArray = root.getJSONArray("timezones"); for (int i = 0; i < tzArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject zoneNode = tzArray.getJSONObject(i); tzid = zoneNode.getString("tzid"); if (updatedZones.containsKey(tzid) || insertedZones.containsKey(tzid)) continue; if (Constants.debugTimeZone && Constants.LOG_DEBUG) Log.println(Constants.LOGD, TAG, "Working on " + tzid); lastModified = AcalDateTime.fromString(zoneNode.getString("last-modified")).getEpoch(); if (currentZones.containsKey(tzid) && currentZones.get(tzid) <= lastModified) { currentZones.remove(tzid); continue; } tzData = getTimeZone(tzid); if (tzData == null) continue; localNames = new StringBuilder(); try { JSONArray nameNodes = zoneNode.getJSONArray("local_names"); for (int j = 0; j < nameNodes.length(); j++) { if (localNames.length() > 0) localNames.append("\n"); localNames.append(nameNodes.getJSONObject(j).getString("lang")).append('~') .append(nameNodes.getJSONObject(j).getString("lname")); } } catch (JSONException je) { } aliases = new StringBuilder(); try { JSONArray aliasNodes = zoneNode.getJSONArray("aliases"); for (int j = 0; j < aliasNodes.length(); j++) { if (aliases.length() > 0) aliases.append("\n"); aliases.append(aliasNodes.getString(j)); } } catch (JSONException je) { } zoneValues.put(Timezones.TZID, tzid); zoneValues.put(Timezones.ZONE_DATA, tzData); zoneValues.put(Timezones.LAST_MODIFIED, lastModified); zoneValues.put(Timezones.TZ_NAMES, localNames.toString()); zoneValues.put(Timezones.TZID_ALIASES, aliases.toString()); Uri tzUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Timezones.CONTENT_URI, "tzid/" + StaticHelpers.urlescape(tzid, false)); if (currentZones.containsKey(tzid)) { if (cr.update(tzUri, zoneValues, null, null) != 1) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed update for TZID '" + tzid + "'"); } updatedZones.put(tzid, currentZones.get(tzid)); currentZones.remove(tzid); } else { if (cr.insert(tzUri, zoneValues) == null) Log.e(TAG, "Failed insert for TZID '" + tzid + "'"); insertedZones.put(tzid, currentZones.get(tzid)); } if (context.workWaiting()) { Log.println(Constants.LOGI, TAG, "Something is waiting - deferring timezone sync until later."); deferMe = true; break; } // Let other stuff have a chance Thread.sleep(350); } int removed = 0; if (currentZones.size() > 0) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (String tz : currentZones.keySet()) { if (s.length() > 0) s.append(','); s.append("'").append(tz).append("'"); } removed = cr.delete(Timezones.CONTENT_URI, Timezones.TZID + " IN (" + s + ")", null); } Log.println(Constants.LOGI, TAG, "Updated data for " + updatedZones.size() + " zones, added data for " + insertedZones.size() + " new zones, removed data for " + removed); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e)); } }
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@Override protected Boolean doInBackground(Long... noteIds) { // First, send the note user asked for: Boolean result = true;//from ww w . j a v a 2 s .co m if (noteIds.length != 0) { result = uploadOneNote(noteIds[0]); } // Then, automatically try and send previously-completed notes // that were not sent successfully. Vector<Long> unsentNotes = new Vector<Long>(); mDb.openReadOnly(); Cursor cur = mDb.fetchUnsentNotes(); if (cur != null && cur.getCount() > 0) { // pd.setMessage("Sent. You have previously unsent notes; submitting those now."); while (!cur.isAfterLast()) { unsentNotes.add(Long.valueOf(cur.getLong(0))); cur.moveToNext(); } cur.close(); } mDb.close(); for (Long note : unsentNotes) { result &= uploadOneNote(note); } return result; }
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@Override public ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> parse(JSONObject response, Meta meta) throws JSONException { final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch = Lists.newArrayList(); final TreeSet<Integer> nailIds = new TreeSet<Integer>(); final Cursor nails = resolver.query(ManterestingContract.Nails.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Nails.NAIL_ID }, null, null, Nails.NAIL_ID + " DESC"); int greatestOfExisting = Integer.MIN_VALUE; if (nails != null && !nails.isClosed()) { try {/*from ww w . j av a 2s . c o m*/ nails.moveToFirst(); final int idColumn = nails.getColumnIndex(Nails.NAIL_ID); while (!nails.isAfterLast()) { final int nailId = nails.getInt(idColumn); nailIds.add(nailId); greatestOfExisting = nailId > greatestOfExisting ? nailId : greatestOfExisting; nails.moveToNext(); } } finally { if (nails != null) { nails.close(); } } } final JSONArray objects = response.getJSONArray("objects"); int smallestOfNew = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length(); i++) { final JSONObject nailObject = objects.getJSONObject(i); final boolean isPrivate = nailObject.getJSONObject("workbench").getBoolean("private"); if (!isPrivate) { final ContentProviderOperation.Builder builder = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(Nails.CONTENT_URI); final int nailId = nailObject.getInt("id"); smallestOfNew = nailId < smallestOfNew ? nailId : smallestOfNew; builder.withValue(Nails.NAIL_ID, nailId); builder.withValue(Nails.NAIL_JSON, nailObject.toString()); batch.add(; nailIds.add(nailId); } } // If more than LIMIT were fetched, and this was the initial fetch, then // we flush everything in the DB before adding the new nails (as // otherwise we would introduce a gap). if (meta.nextOffset == meta.nextLimit // For initial fetch && smallestOfNew > greatestOfExisting) { if (LoggerConfig.canLog(Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "Flushing all existing nails on initial fetch, so as to avoid a gap."); } resolver.delete(Nails.CONTENT_URI, null, null); } else { // If more than 500 nails, find the 500th biggest and delete those // after it. if (nailIds.size() > MAX_COUNT) { Iterator<Integer> it = nailIds.descendingIterator(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; i++) {; } final Integer toDelete =; if (LoggerConfig.canLog(Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "deleting from nails where NAIL_ID is less than or equal to " + toDelete); } SelectionBuilder selectionBuilder = new SelectionBuilder(); selectionBuilder.where(ManterestingContract.Nails.NAIL_ID + " <= ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(toDelete) }); resolver.delete(ManterestingContract.Nails.CONTENT_URI, selectionBuilder.getSelection(), selectionBuilder.getSelectionArgs()); } } return batch; }
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private int idForplaylist(String name) { Cursor cursor = MusicUtils.query(this, Audio.Playlists.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Audio.Playlists._ID }, Audio.Playlists.NAME + "=?", new String[] { name }, Audio.Playlists.NAME, 0);/* ww w . j a va 2 s . co m*/ int id = -1; if (cursor != null) { cursor.moveToFirst(); if (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { id = cursor.getInt(0); } cursor.close(); } return id; }
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@Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, final Cursor data) { if (getActivity() != null) { // If there was a last-opened track, load it. Otherwise load the // first/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ // track. data.moveToFirst(); String lastTrackID = UIUtils.getLastUsedTrackID(getActivity()); if (lastTrackID != null) { while (!data.isAfterLast()) { if (lastTrackID.equals(data.getString(TracksAdapter.TracksQuery.TRACK_ID))) { break; } data.moveToNext(); } if (data.isAfterLast()) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { loadTrack(null, mAutoloadTarget); } }); } else { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { loadTrack(data, mAutoloadTarget); } }); } } else { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { loadTrack(null, mAutoloadTarget); } }); } } mAdapter.swapCursor(data); }