Example usage for android.content SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.content SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener interface-usage.


From source file com.ultramegatech.ey.ElementDetailsFragment.java

 * This Fragment displays details about a single chemical element. It can be embedded or shown as a
 * dialog.
 * @author Steve Guidetti

From source file fr.s13d.photobackup.preferences.PBPreferenceFragment.java

public class PBPreferenceFragment extends PreferenceFragment implements
        SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener, PBMediaStoreInterface, PBMediaSenderInterface {

    private static final String LOG_TAG = "PBPreferenceFragment";
    private PBService currentService;
    private final SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager

From source file fr.steren.climbtracker.ClimbTrackerActivity.java

 * An activity representing a list of ClimbSessions. This activity
 * has different presentations for handset and tablet-size devices. On
 * handsets, the activity presents a list of items, which when touched,
 * lead to a {@link ClimbSessionDetailActivity} representing
 * item details. On tablets, the activity presents the list of items and

From source file com.concavenp.artistrymuse.MainActivity.java

 * References:
 * How to place the Floating Action Button exclusively on one fragment only in Tab layout
 *      - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30926528/how-to-place-the-floating-action-button-exclusively-on-one-fragment-only-in-tab

From source file org.catnut.fragment.ProfileFragment.java

 * ??
 * @author longkai
public class ProfileFragment extends Fragment

From source file com.jesjimher.bicipalma.MesProperesActivity.java

public class MesProperesActivity extends Activity implements LocationListener, DialogInterface.OnDismissListener,
        SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener, AdapterView.OnItemClickListener,
        AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener {
    LocationManager locationManager;
    Location lBest = null;
    // Tiempo inicial de bsqueda de ubicacin

From source file net.gsantner.opoc.preference.GsPreferenceFragmentCompat.java

 * Baseclass to use as preference fragment (with support libraries)
@SuppressWarnings({ "WeakerAccess", "unused" })
public abstract class GsPreferenceFragmentCompat<AS extends SharedPreferencesPropertyBackend>
        extends PreferenceFragmentCompat implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener,

From source file com.zhengde163.netguard.ActivityLog.java

public class ActivityLog extends AppCompatActivity implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {
    private static final String TAG = "NetGuard.Log";

    private boolean running = false;
    private ListView lvLog;
    private AdapterLog adapter;

From source file com.untappedkegg.rally.home.ActivityMain.java

 * This example illustrates a common usage of the DrawerLayout widget
 * in the Android support library.
 * <p/>
 * <p>When a navigation (left) drawer is present, the host activity should detect presses of
 * the action bar's Up affordance as a signal to open and close the navigation drawer. The

From source file mx.klozz.xperience.tweaker.fragments.CPUAdvanced.java

public class CPUAdvanced extends PreferenceFragment
        implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener, Constants {

    SharedPreferences mPreferences;
    private SwitchPreference mMpdecision, mIntelliplug, mMsmHotplug, mEcomode, mGenHP, mKraitBoost, mIntellinrcores,
            mIntellitouchboost, mIntelliscreenoffreq;