Java LauncherApps fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java LauncherApps fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for LauncherApps.

The text is from its open source code.


ListgetActivityList(String packageName, UserHandle user)
Retrieves a list of launchable activities that match Intent#ACTION_MAIN and Intent#CATEGORY_LAUNCHER , for a specified user.
ListgetShortcuts(@NonNull ShortcutQuery query, @NonNull UserHandle user)
Returns ShortcutInfo s that match query .
Returns whether the caller can access the shortcut information.
booleanisPackageEnabled(String packageName, UserHandle user)
Checks if the package is installed and enabled for a profile.
LauncherActivityInforesolveActivity(Intent intent, UserHandle user)
Returns the activity info for a given intent and user handle, if it resolves.
voidstartAppDetailsActivity(ComponentName component, UserHandle user, Rect sourceBounds, Bundle opts)
Starts the settings activity to show the application details for a package in the specified profile.