List of usage examples for android.content Intent hasExtra
public boolean hasExtra(String name)
From source
private SafeBroadcastReceiver getBroadcastReceiver() { return new SafeBroadcastReceiver() { @Override/*from w ww . j a v a2 s. co m*/ public String[] onSafeReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { T.UI(); if (intent.getAction().equals(FriendsPlugin.FRIEND_INFO_RECEIVED_INTENT)) { final String emailHash = intent.getStringExtra(EMAILHASH); if (emailHash != null && emailHash.equals(mExpectedEmailHash)) { abortProcessing(); if (intent.getBooleanExtra(ProcessScanActivity.SUCCESS, true)) { final Intent inviteFriendIntent = new Intent(ProcessScanActivity.this, InviteFriendActivity.class); // Copy extra from other intent for (String extra : new String[] { AVATAR, DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION_BRANDING, EMAIL, EMAILHASH, NAME, QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER }) { inviteFriendIntent.putExtra(extra, intent.getStringExtra(extra)); } inviteFriendIntent.putExtra(TYPE, intent.getLongExtra(TYPE, FriendsPlugin.FRIEND_TYPE_USER)); startActivity(inviteFriendIntent); finish(); return new String[] { intent.getAction() }; } else { showError(intent); } } else { // ignore } } else if (intent.getAction().equals(FriendsPlugin.SERVICE_ACTION_INFO_RECEIVED_INTENT)) { if (mExpectedEmailHash != null && mExpectedEmailHash.equals(intent.getStringExtra(EMAILHASH)) && mExpectedAction != null && mExpectedAction.equals(intent.getStringExtra(POKE_ACTION))) { abortProcessing(); if (intent.getBooleanExtra(SUCCESS, true)) { final Intent serviceActionIntent = new Intent(ProcessScanActivity.this, ServiceActionActivity.class); // Copy extra from other intent for (String extra : new String[] { AVATAR, DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION_BRANDING, EMAIL, NAME, POKE_DESCRIPTION, QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER, STATIC_FLOW, STATIC_FLOW_HASH }) { serviceActionIntent.putExtra(extra, intent.getStringExtra(extra)); } serviceActionIntent.putExtra(EMAILHASH, mExpectedEmailHash); serviceActionIntent.putExtra(POKE_ACTION, mExpectedAction); serviceActionIntent.setAction(FriendsPlugin.SERVICE_ACTION_INFO_RECEIVED_INTENT); serviceActionIntent.putExtra(SUCCESS, true); startActivity(serviceActionIntent); finish(); // TODO: set success? return new String[] { intent.getAction() }; } else { showError(intent); } } else { // ignore } } else if (intent.getAction().equals(URL_REDIRECTION_DONE)) { final String emailHash = intent.getStringExtra(EMAILHASH); if (intent.hasExtra(POKE_ACTION)) { final String pokeAction = intent.getStringExtra(POKE_ACTION); getServiceActionInfo(emailHash, pokeAction); } else { processEmailHash(emailHash); } return new String[] { intent.getAction() }; } return null; // Intent was ignored } }; }
From source
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); String theme = preferences.getString("appTheme", ThemeUtils.APP_THEME_DEFAULT); if (theme.equals("black")) { setTheme(; }/*w ww . j a v a2 s.c om*/ setContentView(R.layout.activity_compose); replyTextView = findViewById(; replyContentTextView = findViewById(; textEditor = findViewById(; mediaPreviewBar = findViewById(; contentWarningBar = findViewById(; contentWarningEditor = findViewById(; charactersLeft = findViewById(; tootButton = findViewById(; pickButton = findViewById(; visibilityButton = findViewById(; contentWarningButton = findViewById(; emojiButton = findViewById(; hideMediaToggle = findViewById(; emojiView = findViewById(; emojiList = Collections.emptyList(); saveTootHelper = new SaveTootHelper(database.tootDao(), this); // Setup the toolbar. Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); if (actionBar != null) { actionBar.setTitle(null); actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); actionBar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(true); Drawable closeIcon = AppCompatResources.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_close_24dp); ThemeUtils.setDrawableTint(this, closeIcon, R.attr.compose_close_button_tint); actionBar.setHomeAsUpIndicator(closeIcon); } // setup the account image final AccountEntity activeAccount = accountManager.getActiveAccount(); if (activeAccount != null) { ImageView composeAvatar = findViewById(; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(activeAccount.getProfilePictureUrl())) { composeAvatar.setImageResource(R.drawable.avatar_default); } else { Picasso.with(this).load(activeAccount.getProfilePictureUrl()).error(R.drawable.avatar_default) .placeholder(R.drawable.avatar_default).into(composeAvatar); } composeAvatar.setContentDescription( getString(R.string.compose_active_account_description, activeAccount.getFullName())); mastodonApi.getInstance().enqueue(new Callback<Instance>() { @Override public void onResponse(@NonNull Call<Instance> call, @NonNull Response<Instance> response) { if (response.isSuccessful() && response.body().getMaxTootChars() != null) { maximumTootCharacters = response.body().getMaxTootChars(); updateVisibleCharactersLeft(); cacheInstanceMetadata(activeAccount); } } @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Call<Instance> call, @NonNull Throwable t) { Log.w(TAG, "error loading instance data", t); loadCachedInstanceMetadata(activeAccount); } }); mastodonApi.getCustomEmojis().enqueue(new Callback<List<Emoji>>() { @Override public void onResponse(@NonNull Call<List<Emoji>> call, @NonNull Response<List<Emoji>> response) { emojiList = response.body(); setEmojiList(emojiList); cacheInstanceMetadata(activeAccount); } @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Call<List<Emoji>> call, @NonNull Throwable t) { Log.w(TAG, "error loading custom emojis", t); loadCachedInstanceMetadata(activeAccount); } }); } else { // do not do anything when not logged in, activity will be finished in super.onCreate() anyway return; } composeOptionsView = findViewById(; composeOptionsView.setListener(this); composeOptionsBehavior = BottomSheetBehavior.from(composeOptionsView); composeOptionsBehavior.setState(BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_HIDDEN); addMediaBehavior = BottomSheetBehavior.from(findViewById(; emojiBehavior = BottomSheetBehavior.from(emojiView); emojiView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(this, 3, GridLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false)); enableButton(emojiButton, false, false); // Setup the interface buttons. tootButton.setOnClickListener(v -> onSendClicked()); pickButton.setOnClickListener(v -> openPickDialog()); visibilityButton.setOnClickListener(v -> showComposeOptions()); contentWarningButton.setOnClickListener(v -> onContentWarningChanged()); emojiButton.setOnClickListener(v -> showEmojis()); hideMediaToggle.setOnClickListener(v -> toggleHideMedia()); TextView actionPhotoTake = findViewById(; TextView actionPhotoPick = findViewById(; int textColor = ThemeUtils.getColor(this, android.R.attr.textColorTertiary); Drawable cameraIcon = new IconicsDrawable(this, GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_camera_alt).color(textColor) .sizeDp(18); TextViewCompat.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(actionPhotoTake, cameraIcon, null, null, null); Drawable imageIcon = new IconicsDrawable(this, GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_image).color(textColor).sizeDp(18); TextViewCompat.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(actionPhotoPick, imageIcon, null, null, null); actionPhotoTake.setOnClickListener(v -> initiateCameraApp()); actionPhotoPick.setOnClickListener(v -> onMediaPick()); thumbnailViewSize = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.compose_media_preview_size); /* Initialise all the state, or restore it from a previous run, to determine a "starting" * state. */ Status.Visibility startingVisibility = Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN; boolean startingHideText; ArrayList<SavedQueuedMedia> savedMediaQueued = null; if (savedInstanceState != null) { startingVisibility = Status.Visibility .byNum(savedInstanceState.getInt("statusVisibility", Status.Visibility.PUBLIC.getNum())); statusMarkSensitive = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("statusMarkSensitive"); startingHideText = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("statusHideText"); // Keep these until everything needed to put them in the queue is finished initializing. savedMediaQueued = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList("savedMediaQueued"); // These are for restoring an in-progress commit content operation. InputContentInfoCompat previousInputContentInfo = InputContentInfoCompat .wrap(savedInstanceState.getParcelable("commitContentInputContentInfo")); int previousFlags = savedInstanceState.getInt("commitContentFlags"); if (previousInputContentInfo != null) { onCommitContentInternal(previousInputContentInfo, previousFlags); } photoUploadUri = savedInstanceState.getParcelable("photoUploadUri"); } else { statusMarkSensitive = false; startingHideText = false; photoUploadUri = null; } /* If the composer is started up as a reply to another post, override the "starting" state * based on what the intent from the reply request passes. */ Intent intent = getIntent(); String[] mentionedUsernames = null; ArrayList<String> loadedDraftMediaUris = null; inReplyToId = null; if (intent != null) { if (startingVisibility == Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN) { Status.Visibility preferredVisibility = Status.Visibility.byString( preferences.getString("defaultPostPrivacy", Status.Visibility.PUBLIC.serverString())); Status.Visibility replyVisibility = Status.Visibility .byNum(intent.getIntExtra(REPLY_VISIBILITY_EXTRA, Status.Visibility.UNKNOWN.getNum())); startingVisibility = Status.Visibility .byNum(Math.max(preferredVisibility.getNum(), replyVisibility.getNum())); } inReplyToId = intent.getStringExtra(IN_REPLY_TO_ID_EXTRA); mentionedUsernames = intent.getStringArrayExtra(MENTIONED_USERNAMES_EXTRA); String contentWarning = intent.getStringExtra(CONTENT_WARNING_EXTRA); if (contentWarning != null) { startingHideText = !contentWarning.isEmpty(); if (startingHideText) { startingContentWarning = contentWarning; } } // If come from SavedTootActivity String savedTootText = intent.getStringExtra(SAVED_TOOT_TEXT_EXTRA); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(savedTootText)) { startingText = savedTootText; textEditor.setText(savedTootText); } String savedJsonUrls = intent.getStringExtra(SAVED_JSON_URLS_EXTRA); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(savedJsonUrls)) { // try to redo a list of media loadedDraftMediaUris = new Gson().fromJson(savedJsonUrls, new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>() { }.getType()); } int savedTootUid = intent.getIntExtra(SAVED_TOOT_UID_EXTRA, 0); if (savedTootUid != 0) { this.savedTootUid = savedTootUid; } if (intent.hasExtra(REPLYING_STATUS_AUTHOR_USERNAME_EXTRA)) { replyTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); String username = intent.getStringExtra(REPLYING_STATUS_AUTHOR_USERNAME_EXTRA); replyTextView.setText(getString(R.string.replying_to, username)); Drawable arrowDownIcon = new IconicsDrawable(this, GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_arrow_drop_down) .sizeDp(12); ThemeUtils.setDrawableTint(this, arrowDownIcon, android.R.attr.textColorTertiary); TextViewCompat.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(replyTextView, null, null, arrowDownIcon, null); replyTextView.setOnClickListener(v -> { TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition((ViewGroup) replyContentTextView.getParent()); if (replyContentTextView.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { replyContentTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Drawable arrowUpIcon = new IconicsDrawable(this, GoogleMaterial.Icon.gmd_arrow_drop_up) .sizeDp(12); ThemeUtils.setDrawableTint(this, arrowUpIcon, android.R.attr.textColorTertiary); TextViewCompat.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(replyTextView, null, null, arrowUpIcon, null); } else { replyContentTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); TextViewCompat.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(replyTextView, null, null, arrowDownIcon, null); } }); } if (intent.hasExtra(REPLYING_STATUS_CONTENT_EXTRA)) { replyContentTextView.setText(intent.getStringExtra(REPLYING_STATUS_CONTENT_EXTRA)); } } // After the starting state is finalised, the interface can be set to reflect this state. setStatusVisibility(startingVisibility); updateHideMediaToggle(); updateVisibleCharactersLeft(); // Setup the main text field. textEditor.setOnCommitContentListener(this); final int mentionColour = textEditor.getLinkTextColors().getDefaultColor(); SpanUtilsKt.highlightSpans(textEditor.getText(), mentionColour); textEditor.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) { SpanUtilsKt.highlightSpans(editable, mentionColour); updateVisibleCharactersLeft(); } }); textEditor.setAdapter(new MentionAutoCompleteAdapter(this, R.layout.item_autocomplete, this)); textEditor.setTokenizer(new MentionTokenizer()); // Add any mentions to the text field when a reply is first composed. if (mentionedUsernames != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String name : mentionedUsernames) { builder.append('@'); builder.append(name); builder.append(' '); } startingText = builder.toString(); textEditor.setText(startingText); textEditor.setSelection(textEditor.length()); } // work around Android platform bug -> if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.O || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.O_MR1) { textEditor.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null); } // Initialise the content warning editor. contentWarningEditor.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { updateVisibleCharactersLeft(); } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { } }); showContentWarning(startingHideText); if (startingContentWarning != null) { contentWarningEditor.setText(startingContentWarning); } // Initialise the empty media queue state. waitForMediaLatch = new CountUpDownLatch(); // These can only be added after everything affected by the media queue is initialized. if (!ListUtils.isEmpty(loadedDraftMediaUris)) { for (String uriString : loadedDraftMediaUris) { Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriString); long mediaSize = MediaUtils.getMediaSize(getContentResolver(), uri); pickMedia(uri, mediaSize); } } else if (savedMediaQueued != null) { for (SavedQueuedMedia item : savedMediaQueued) { Bitmap preview = MediaUtils.getImageThumbnail(getContentResolver(), item.uri, thumbnailViewSize); addMediaToQueue(, item.type, preview, item.uri, item.mediaSize, item.readyStage, item.description); } } else if (intent != null && savedInstanceState == null) { /* Get incoming images being sent through a share action from another app. Only do this * when savedInstanceState is null, otherwise both the images from the intent and the * instance state will be re-queued. */ String type = intent.getType(); if (type != null) { if (type.startsWith("image/")) { List<Uri> uriList = new ArrayList<>(); if (intent.getAction() != null) { switch (intent.getAction()) { case Intent.ACTION_SEND: { Uri uri = intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); if (uri != null) { uriList.add(uri); } break; } case Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE: { ArrayList<Uri> list = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); if (list != null) { for (Uri uri : list) { if (uri != null) { uriList.add(uri); } } } break; } } } for (Uri uri : uriList) { long mediaSize = MediaUtils.getMediaSize(getContentResolver(), uri); pickMedia(uri, mediaSize); } } else if (type.equals("text/plain")) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action != null && action.equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND)) { String text = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); if (text != null) { int start = Math.max(textEditor.getSelectionStart(), 0); int end = Math.max(textEditor.getSelectionEnd(), 0); int left = Math.min(start, end); int right = Math.max(start, end); textEditor.getText().replace(left, right, text, 0, text.length()); } } } } } textEditor.requestFocus(); }
From source
boolean startActivity(View v, Intent intent, Object tag) { intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); try {/*w w w . ja v a 2 s .c om*/ // Only launch using the new animation if the shortcut has not opted out (this is a // private contract between launcher and may be ignored in the future). boolean useLaunchAnimation = (v != null) && !intent.hasExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_IGNORE_LAUNCH_ANIMATION); if (useLaunchAnimation) { ActivityOptionsCompat opts = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeScaleUpAnimation(v, 0, 0, v.getMeasuredWidth(), v.getMeasuredHeight()); ActivityCompat.startActivity(this, intent, opts.toBundle()); } else { startActivity(intent); } return true; } catch (SecurityException e) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.activity_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Log.e(TAG, "Launcher does not have the permission to launch " + intent + ". Make sure to create a MAIN intent-filter for the corresponding activity " + "or use the exported attribute for this activity. " + "tag=" + tag + " intent=" + intent, e); } return false; }
From source
@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent); mDontSaveOnStop = false;//from www. j ava 2 s .c om if (resultCode == RESULT_MEDIA_EJECTED) { showDialog(DIALOG_SD_CARD_NOT_MOUNTED); return; } else if (resultCode == RESULT_DB_ERROR) { handleDbError(); return; } if (requestCode == SHOW_STUDYOPTIONS && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == ADD_NOTE && resultCode != RESULT_CANCELED) { loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == BROWSE_CARDS && (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK || resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED)) { loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == ADD_CRAM_DECK) { // TODO: check, if ok has been clicked loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == REPORT_ERROR) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(AnkiDroidApp.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()), 4); } else if (requestCode == SHOW_INFO_UPGRADE_DECKS) { if (intent != null && intent.hasExtra(Info.TYPE_UPGRADE_STAGE)) { int type = intent.getIntExtra(Info.TYPE_UPGRADE_STAGE, Info.UPGRADE_SCREEN_BASIC1); if (type == Info.UPGRADE_CONTINUE) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(AnkiDroidApp.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()), 3); } else { showUpgradeScreen(true, type, !intent.hasExtra(Info.TYPE_ANIMATION_RIGHT)); } } else { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { if (mOpenCollectionDialog != null && mOpenCollectionDialog.isShowing()) { mOpenCollectionDialog.dismiss(); } if (AnkiDroidApp.colIsOpen()) { AnkiDroidApp.closeCollection(true); } AnkiDroidApp.openCollection(AnkiDroidApp.getCollectionPath()); loadCounts(); } else { finishWithAnimation(); } } } else if (requestCode == SHOW_INFO_WELCOME || requestCode == SHOW_INFO_NEW_VERSION) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(AnkiDroidApp.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()), requestCode == SHOW_INFO_WELCOME ? 1 : 2); } else { finishWithAnimation(); } } else if (requestCode == PREFERENCES_UPDATE) { String oldPath = mPrefDeckPath; SharedPreferences pref = restorePreferences(); String newLanguage = pref.getString("language", ""); if (!AnkiDroidApp.getLanguage().equals(newLanguage)) { AnkiDroidApp.setLanguage(newLanguage); mInvalidateMenu = true; } if (mNotMountedDialog != null && mNotMountedDialog.isShowing() && pref.getBoolean("internalMemory", false)) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(pref, 0); } else if (!mPrefDeckPath.equals(oldPath)) { loadCollection(); } // if (resultCode == StudyOptions.RESULT_RESTART) { // setResult(StudyOptions.RESULT_RESTART); // finishWithAnimation(); // } else { // SharedPreferences preferences = PrefSettings.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()); // BackupManager.initBackup(); // if (!mPrefDeckPath.equals(preferences.getString("deckPath", AnkiDroidApp.getStorageDirectory())) || // mPrefDeckOrder != Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString("deckOrder", "0"))) { // // populateDeckList(preferences.getString("deckPath", AnkiDroidApp.getStorageDirectory())); // } // } } else if (requestCode == REPORT_FEEDBACK && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { } else if (requestCode == LOG_IN_FOR_SYNC && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { sync(); } else if (requestCode == LOG_IN_FOR_SHARED_DECK && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { addSharedDeck(); } else if (requestCode == ADD_SHARED_DECKS) { if (intent != null) { mImportPath = intent.getStringExtra("importPath"); } if (AnkiDroidApp.colIsOpen() && mImportPath != null) { DeckTask.launchDeckTask(DeckTask.TASK_TYPE_IMPORT, mImportAddListener, new TaskData(AnkiDroidApp.getCol(), mImportPath, true)); mImportPath = null; } } else if (requestCode == REQUEST_REVIEW) { Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Result code = " + resultCode); switch (resultCode) { default: // do not reload counts, if activity is created anew because it has been before destroyed by android loadCounts(); break; case Reviewer.RESULT_NO_MORE_CARDS: mDontSaveOnStop = true; Intent i = new Intent(); i.setClass(this, StudyOptionsActivity.class); i.putExtra("onlyFnsMsg", true); startActivityForResult(i, SHOW_STUDYOPTIONS); if (AnkiDroidApp.SDK_VERSION > 4) { ActivityTransitionAnimation.slide(this, ActivityTransitionAnimation.RIGHT); } break; } } // workaround for hidden dialog on return BroadcastMessages.showDialog(); }
From source
@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent); mDontSaveOnStop = false;/*from w w w . ja v a2s .c om*/ if (resultCode == RESULT_MEDIA_EJECTED) { showDialog(DIALOG_SD_CARD_NOT_MOUNTED); return; } else if (resultCode == RESULT_DB_ERROR) { handleDbError(); return; } if (requestCode == SHOW_STUDYOPTIONS && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == ADD_NOTE && resultCode != RESULT_CANCELED) { loadCounts(); addNote(); } else if (requestCode == BROWSE_CARDS && (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK || resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED)) { loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == ADD_CRAM_DECK) { // TODO: check, if ok has been clicked loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == REPORT_ERROR) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(AnkiDroidApp.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()), 4); } else if (requestCode == SHOW_INFO_UPGRADE_DECKS) { if (intent != null && intent.hasExtra(Info.TYPE_UPGRADE_STAGE)) { int type = intent.getIntExtra(Info.TYPE_UPGRADE_STAGE, Info.UPGRADE_SCREEN_BASIC1); if (type == Info.UPGRADE_CONTINUE) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(AnkiDroidApp.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()), 3); } else { showUpgradeScreen(true, type, !intent.hasExtra(Info.TYPE_ANIMATION_RIGHT)); } } else { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { if (mOpenCollectionDialog != null && mOpenCollectionDialog.isShowing()) { mOpenCollectionDialog.dismiss(); } if (AnkiDroidApp.colIsOpen()) { AnkiDroidApp.closeCollection(true); } AnkiDroidApp.openCollection(AnkiDroidApp.getCollectionPath()); loadCounts(); } else { finishWithAnimation(); } } } else if (requestCode == SHOW_INFO_WELCOME || requestCode == SHOW_INFO_NEW_VERSION) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(AnkiDroidApp.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()), requestCode == SHOW_INFO_WELCOME ? 1 : 2); } else { finishWithAnimation(); } } else if (requestCode == PREFERENCES_UPDATE) { String oldPath = mPrefDeckPath; SharedPreferences pref = restorePreferences(); String newLanguage = pref.getString("language", ""); if (AnkiDroidApp.setLanguage(newLanguage)) { mInvalidateMenu = true; } if (mNotMountedDialog != null && mNotMountedDialog.isShowing() && pref.getBoolean("internalMemory", false)) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(pref, 0); } else if (!mPrefDeckPath.equals(oldPath)) { loadCollection(); } // if (resultCode == StudyOptions.RESULT_RESTART) { // setResult(StudyOptions.RESULT_RESTART); // finishWithAnimation(); // } else { // SharedPreferences preferences = PrefSettings.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()); // BackupManager.initBackup(); // if (!mPrefDeckPath.equals(preferences.getString("deckPath", AnkiDroidApp.getStorageDirectory())) || // mPrefDeckOrder != Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString("deckOrder", "0"))) { // // populateDeckList(preferences.getString("deckPath", AnkiDroidApp.getStorageDirectory())); // } // } } else if (requestCode == REPORT_FEEDBACK && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { } else if (requestCode == LOG_IN_FOR_SYNC && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { sync(); } else if (requestCode == LOG_IN_FOR_SHARED_DECK && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { addSharedDeck(); } else if (requestCode == ADD_SHARED_DECKS) { if (intent != null) { mImportPath = intent.getStringExtra("importPath"); } if (AnkiDroidApp.colIsOpen() && mImportPath != null) { DeckTask.launchDeckTask(DeckTask.TASK_TYPE_IMPORT, mImportAddListener, new TaskData(AnkiDroidApp.getCol(), mImportPath, true)); mImportPath = null; } } else if (requestCode == REQUEST_REVIEW) { // Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Result code = " + resultCode); switch (resultCode) { default: // do not reload counts, if activity is created anew because it has been before destroyed by android loadCounts(); break; case Reviewer.RESULT_NO_MORE_CARDS: mDontSaveOnStop = true; Intent i = new Intent(); i.setClass(this, StudyOptionsActivity.class); i.putExtra("onlyFnsMsg", true); startActivityForResult(i, SHOW_STUDYOPTIONS); if (AnkiDroidApp.SDK_VERSION > 4) { ActivityTransitionAnimation.slide(this, ActivityTransitionAnimation.RIGHT); } break; } } // workaround for hidden dialog on return BroadcastMessages.showDialog(); }
From source
@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent); mDontSaveOnStop = false;/*from w ww. j av a 2 s . co m*/ if (resultCode == RESULT_MEDIA_EJECTED) { showDialog(DIALOG_SD_CARD_NOT_MOUNTED); return; } else if (resultCode == RESULT_DB_ERROR) { handleDbError(); return; } if (requestCode == SHOW_STUDYOPTIONS && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == ADD_NOTE && resultCode != RESULT_CANCELED) { loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == BROWSE_CARDS && (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK || resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED)) { loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == ADD_CRAM_DECK) { // TODO: check, if ok has been clicked loadCounts(); } else if (requestCode == REPORT_ERROR) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(AnkiDroidApp.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()), 4); } else if (requestCode == SHOW_INFO_UPGRADE_DECKS) { if (intent != null && intent.hasExtra(Info.TYPE_UPGRADE_STAGE)) { int type = intent.getIntExtra(Info.TYPE_UPGRADE_STAGE, Info.UPGRADE_SCREEN_BASIC1); if (type == Info.UPGRADE_CONTINUE) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(AnkiDroidApp.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()), 3); } else { showUpgradeScreen(true, type, !intent.hasExtra(Info.TYPE_ANIMATION_RIGHT)); } } else { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { if (mOpenCollectionDialog != null && mOpenCollectionDialog.isShowing()) { mOpenCollectionDialog.dismiss(); } if (AnkiDroidApp.colIsOpen()) { AnkiDroidApp.closeCollection(true); } AnkiDroidApp.openCollection(AnkiDroidApp.getCollectionPath()); loadCounts(); } else { finishWithAnimation(); } } } else if (requestCode == SHOW_INFO_WELCOME || requestCode == SHOW_INFO_NEW_VERSION) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(AnkiDroidApp.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()), requestCode == SHOW_INFO_WELCOME ? 1 : 2); } else { finishWithAnimation(); } } else if (requestCode == PREFERENCES_UPDATE) { String oldPath = mPrefDeckPath; SharedPreferences pref = restorePreferences(); String newLanguage = pref.getString("language", ""); if (AnkiDroidApp.setLanguage(newLanguage)) { mInvalidateMenu = true; } if (mNotMountedDialog != null && mNotMountedDialog.isShowing() && pref.getBoolean("internalMemory", false)) { showStartupScreensAndDialogs(pref, 0); } else if (!mPrefDeckPath.equals(oldPath)) { loadCollection(); } // if (resultCode == StudyOptions.RESULT_RESTART) { // setResult(StudyOptions.RESULT_RESTART); // finishWithAnimation(); // } else { // SharedPreferences preferences = PrefSettings.getSharedPrefs(getBaseContext()); // BackupManager.initBackup(); // if (!mPrefDeckPath.equals(preferences.getString("deckPath", AnkiDroidApp.getStorageDirectory())) || // mPrefDeckOrder != Integer.parseInt(preferences.getString("deckOrder", "0"))) { // // populateDeckList(preferences.getString("deckPath", AnkiDroidApp.getStorageDirectory())); // } // } } else if (requestCode == REPORT_FEEDBACK && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { } else if (requestCode == LOG_IN_FOR_SYNC && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { sync(); } else if (requestCode == LOG_IN_FOR_SHARED_DECK && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { addSharedDeck(); } else if (requestCode == ADD_SHARED_DECKS) { if (intent != null) { mImportPath = intent.getStringExtra("importPath"); } if (AnkiDroidApp.colIsOpen() && mImportPath != null) { DeckTask.launchDeckTask(DeckTask.TASK_TYPE_IMPORT, mImportAddListener, new TaskData(AnkiDroidApp.getCol(), mImportPath, true)); mImportPath = null; } } else if (requestCode == REQUEST_REVIEW) { // Log.i(AnkiDroidApp.TAG, "Result code = " + resultCode); switch (resultCode) { default: // do not reload counts, if activity is created anew because it has been before destroyed by android loadCounts(); break; case Reviewer.RESULT_NO_MORE_CARDS: mDontSaveOnStop = true; Intent i = new Intent(); i.setClass(this, StudyOptionsActivity.class); i.putExtra("onlyFnsMsg", true); startActivityForResult(i, SHOW_STUDYOPTIONS); if (AnkiDroidApp.SDK_VERSION > 4) { ActivityTransitionAnimation.slide(this, ActivityTransitionAnimation.RIGHT); } break; } } // workaround for hidden dialog on return BroadcastMessages.showDialog(); }
From source
/** * Handle an intent to open the app. This method is called only when there is no saved state, * so we need to set state that wasn't set before. It is correct to change the viewmode here * since it has not been previously set. * * This method is called for a subset of the reasons mentioned in * {@link #onCreate(android.os.Bundle)}. Notably, this is called when launching the app from * notifications, widgets, and shortcuts. * @param intent intent passed to the activity. *//* w w w . j a v a 2 s.c om*/ private void handleIntent(Intent intent) { LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "IN AAC.handleIntent. action=%s", intent.getAction()); if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)) { setAccount(Account.newinstance(intent.getStringExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT))); } if (mAccount == null) { return; } final boolean isConversationMode = intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION); if (intent.getBooleanExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FROM_NOTIFICATION, false)) { Analytics.getInstance().setCustomDimension(Analytics.CD_INDEX_ACCOUNT_TYPE, AnalyticsUtils.getAccountTypeForAccount(mAccount.getEmailAddress())); Analytics.getInstance().sendEvent("notification_click", isConversationMode ? "conversation" : "conversation_list", null, 0); } if (isConversationMode && mViewMode.getMode() == ViewMode.UNKNOWN) { mViewMode.enterConversationMode(); } else { mViewMode.enterConversationListMode(); } // Put the folder and conversation, and ask the loader to create this folder. final Bundle args = new Bundle(); final Uri folderUri; if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI)) { folderUri = (Uri) intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI); } else if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER)) { final Folder folder = Folder.fromString(intent.getStringExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER)); folderUri = folder.folderUri.fullUri; } else { final Bundle extras = intent.getExtras(); LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't find a folder URI in the extras: %s", extras == null ? "null" : extras.toString()); folderUri = mAccount.settings.defaultInbox; } args.putParcelable(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI, folderUri); args.putParcelable(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION, intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION)); restartOptionalLoader(LOADER_FIRST_FOLDER, mFolderCallbacks, args); } else if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)) { mHaveSearchResults = false; // Save this search query for future suggestions. final String query = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY); final String authority = mContext.getString(R.string.suggestions_authority); final SearchRecentSuggestions suggestions = new SearchRecentSuggestions(mContext, authority, SuggestionsProvider.MODE); suggestions.saveRecentQuery(query, null); setAccount((Account) intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)); fetchSearchFolder(intent); if (shouldEnterSearchConvMode()) { mViewMode.enterSearchResultsConversationMode(); } else { mViewMode.enterSearchResultsListMode(); } } else { LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Missing account extra from search intent. Finishing"); mActivity.finish(); } } if (mAccount != null) { restartOptionalLoader(LOADER_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_CURSOR, mAccountCallbacks, Bundle.EMPTY); } }
From source
/** * Handle an intent to open the app. This method is called only when there is no saved state, * so we need to set state that wasn't set before. It is correct to change the viewmode here * since it has not been previously set. * * This method is called for a subset of the reasons mentioned in * {@link #onCreate(android.os.Bundle)}. Notably, this is called when launching the app from * notifications, widgets, and shortcuts. * @param intent intent passed to the activity. *//* www.j a va 2 s .c om*/ private void handleIntent(Intent intent) { LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "IN AAC.handleIntent. action=%s", intent.getAction()); if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)) { setAccount(Account.newInstance(intent.getStringExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT))); } if (mAccount == null) { return; } final boolean isConversationMode = intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION); if (intent.getBooleanExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FROM_NOTIFICATION, false)) { Analytics.getInstance().setEmail(mAccount.getEmailAddress(), mAccount.getType()); Analytics.getInstance().sendEvent("notification_click", isConversationMode ? "conversation" : "conversation_list", null, 0); } if (isConversationMode && mViewMode.getMode() == ViewMode.UNKNOWN) { mViewMode.enterConversationMode(); } else { mViewMode.enterConversationListMode(); } // Put the folder and conversation, and ask the loader to create this folder. final Bundle args = new Bundle(); final Uri folderUri; if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI)) { folderUri = intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI); } else if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER)) { final Folder folder = Folder.fromString(intent.getStringExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER)); folderUri = folder.folderUri.fullUri; } else { final Bundle extras = intent.getExtras(); LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't find a folder URI in the extras: %s", extras == null ? "null" : extras.toString()); folderUri = mAccount.settings.defaultInbox; } // Check if we should load all conversations instead of using // the default behavior which loads an initial subset. mIgnoreInitialConversationLimit = intent.getBooleanExtra(Utils.EXTRA_IGNORE_INITIAL_CONVERSATION_LIMIT, false); args.putParcelable(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI, folderUri); args.putParcelable(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION, intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION)); restartOptionalLoader(LOADER_FIRST_FOLDER, mFolderCallbacks, args); } else if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)) { mHaveSearchResults = false; // Save this search query for future suggestions final String query = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY); mSearchViewController.saveRecentQuery(query); setAccount((Account) intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)); fetchSearchFolder(intent); if (shouldEnterSearchConvMode()) { mViewMode.enterSearchResultsConversationMode(); } else { mViewMode.enterSearchResultsListMode(); } } else { LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Missing account extra from search intent. Finishing"); mActivity.finish(); } } if (mAccount != null) { restartOptionalLoader(LOADER_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_CURSOR, mAccountCallbacks, Bundle.EMPTY); } }
From source
private Account obtainAccount(Intent intent) { Account account = null;//w w w.j a va2s. c om Object accountExtra = null; if (intent != null && intent.getExtras() != null) { accountExtra = intent.getExtras().get(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT); if (accountExtra instanceof Account) { return (Account) accountExtra; } else if (accountExtra instanceof String) { // This is the Account attached to the widget compose intent. account = Account.newInstance((String) accountExtra); if (account != null) { return account; } } accountExtra = intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT) ? intent.getStringExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT) : intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_SELECTED_ACCOUNT); } MailAppProvider provider = MailAppProvider.getInstance(); String lastAccountUri = provider.getLastSentFromAccount(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(lastAccountUri)) { lastAccountUri = provider.getLastViewedAccount(); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(lastAccountUri)) { accountExtra = Uri.parse(lastAccountUri); } if (mAccounts != null && mAccounts.length > 0) { if (accountExtra instanceof String && !TextUtils.isEmpty((String) accountExtra)) { // For backwards compatibility, we need to check account // names. for (Account a : mAccounts) { if (a.getEmailAddress().equals(accountExtra)) { account = a; } } } else if (accountExtra instanceof Uri) { // The uri of the last viewed account is what is stored in // the current code base. for (Account a : mAccounts) { if (a.uri.equals(accountExtra)) { account = a; } } } if (account == null) { account = mAccounts[0]; } } return account; }