List of usage examples for android.content Intent getParcelableExtra
public <T extends Parcelable> T getParcelableExtra(String name)
From source
private boolean handleForwardedMessage() { Intent intent = getIntent(); // If this is a forwarded message, it will have an Intent extra // indicating so. If not, bail out. if (!mForwardMessageMode) { if (mConversation != null) { mConversation.setHasMmsForward(false); }// w w w . j ava2 s. co m return false; } if (mConversation != null) { mConversation.setHasMmsForward(true); String recipientNumber = intent.getStringExtra("msg_recipient"); mConversation.setForwardRecipientNumber(recipientNumber); } Uri uri = intent.getParcelableExtra("msg_uri"); if (Log.isLoggable(LogTag.APP, Log.DEBUG)) { log("" + uri); } if (uri != null) { mWorkingMessage = WorkingMessage.load(this, uri); mWorkingMessage.setSubject(intent.getStringExtra("subject"), false); } else { mWorkingMessage.setText(intent.getStringExtra("sms_body")); } // let's clear the message thread for forwarded messages mMsgListAdapter.changeCursor(null); return true; }
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private void handleIntents() { Intent i = mainActivity.getIntent(); if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Constants.ACTION_MERGE)) { noteOriginal = new Note(); note = new Note(noteOriginal); noteTmp = getArguments().getParcelable(Constants.INTENT_NOTE); if (i.getStringArrayListExtra("merged_notes") != null) { mergedNotesIds = i.getStringArrayListExtra("merged_notes"); }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s.c om } // Action called from home shortcut if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Constants.ACTION_SHORTCUT, Constants.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_CLICK)) { afterSavedReturnsToList = false; noteOriginal = DbHelper.getInstance().getNote(i.getLongExtra(Constants.INTENT_KEY, 0)); // Checks if the note pointed from the shortcut has been deleted try { note = new Note(noteOriginal); noteTmp = new Note(noteOriginal); } catch (NullPointerException e) { mainActivity.showToast(getText(R.string.shortcut_note_deleted), Toast.LENGTH_LONG); mainActivity.finish(); } } // Check if is launched from a widget if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Constants.ACTION_WIDGET, Constants.ACTION_TAKE_PHOTO)) { afterSavedReturnsToList = false; showKeyboard = true; // with tags to set tag if (i.hasExtra(Constants.INTENT_WIDGET)) { String widgetId = i.getExtras().get(Constants.INTENT_WIDGET).toString(); if (widgetId != null) { String sqlCondition = prefs.getString(Constants.PREF_WIDGET_PREFIX + widgetId, ""); String categoryId = TextHelper.checkIntentCategory(sqlCondition); if (categoryId != null) { Category category; try { category = DbHelper.getInstance().getCategory(Long.parseLong(categoryId)); noteTmp = new Note(); noteTmp.setCategory(category); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "Category with not-numeric value!", e); } } } } // Sub-action is to take a photo if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Constants.ACTION_TAKE_PHOTO)) { takePhoto(); } } /** * Handles third party apps requests of sharing */ if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Intent.ACTION_SEND, Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE, Constants.INTENT_GOOGLE_NOW) && i.getType() != null) { afterSavedReturnsToList = false; if (noteTmp == null) noteTmp = new Note(); // Text title String title = i.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT); if (title != null) { noteTmp.setTitle(title); } // Text content String content = i.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); if (content != null) { noteTmp.setContent(content); } // Single attachment data Uri uri = i.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); // Due to the fact that Google Now passes intent as text but with // audio recording attached the case must be handled in specific way if (uri != null && !Constants.INTENT_GOOGLE_NOW.equals(i.getAction())) { String name = FileHelper.getNameFromUri(mainActivity, uri); AttachmentTask task = new AttachmentTask(this, uri, name, this); task.execute(); } // Multiple attachment data ArrayList<Uri> uris = i.getParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); if (uris != null) { for (Uri uriSingle : uris) { String name = FileHelper.getNameFromUri(mainActivity, uriSingle); AttachmentTask task = new AttachmentTask(this, uriSingle, name, this); task.execute(); } } // i.setAction(null); } if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Intent.ACTION_MAIN, Constants.ACTION_WIDGET_SHOW_LIST)) { showKeyboard = true; } }
From source
private void finishCreate() { final Bundle savedState = mInnerSavedState; findViews();//from w w w.j a v a2s . com final Intent intent = getIntent(); final Message message; final ArrayList<AttachmentPreview> previews; mShowQuotedText = false; final CharSequence quotedText; int action; // Check for any of the possibly supplied accounts.; final Account account; if (hadSavedInstanceStateMessage(savedState)) { action = savedState.getInt(EXTRA_ACTION, COMPOSE); account = savedState.getParcelable(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT); message = savedState.getParcelable(EXTRA_MESSAGE); previews = savedState.getParcelableArrayList(EXTRA_ATTACHMENT_PREVIEWS); mRefMessage = savedState.getParcelable(EXTRA_IN_REFERENCE_TO_MESSAGE); quotedText = savedState.getCharSequence(EXTRA_QUOTED_TEXT); mExtraValues = savedState.getParcelable(EXTRA_VALUES); // Get the draft id from the request id if there is one. if (savedState.containsKey(EXTRA_REQUEST_ID)) { final int requestId = savedState.getInt(EXTRA_REQUEST_ID); if (sRequestMessageIdMap.containsKey(requestId)) { synchronized (mDraftLock) { mDraftId = sRequestMessageIdMap.get(requestId); } } } } else { account = obtainAccount(intent); action = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_ACTION, COMPOSE); // Initialize the message from the message in the intent message = intent.getParcelableExtra(ORIGINAL_DRAFT_MESSAGE); previews = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(EXTRA_ATTACHMENT_PREVIEWS); mRefMessage = intent.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_IN_REFERENCE_TO_MESSAGE); mRefMessageUri = intent.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_IN_REFERENCE_TO_MESSAGE_URI); quotedText = null; if (Analytics.isLoggable()) { if (intent.getBooleanExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FROM_NOTIFICATION, false)) { Analytics.getInstance().sendEvent("notification_action", "compose", getActionString(action), 0); } } } mAttachmentsView.setAttachmentPreviews(previews); setAccount(account); if (mAccount == null) { return; } initRecipients(); // Clear the notification and mark the conversation as seen, if necessary final Folder notificationFolder = intent.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_FOLDER); if (notificationFolder != null) { final Uri conversationUri = intent.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_CONVERSATION); Intent actionIntent; if (conversationUri != null) { actionIntent = new Intent(MailIntentService.ACTION_RESEND_NOTIFICATIONS_WEAR); actionIntent.putExtra(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION, conversationUri); } else { actionIntent = new Intent(MailIntentService.ACTION_CLEAR_NEW_MAIL_NOTIFICATIONS); actionIntent.setData(Utils.appendVersionQueryParameter(this, notificationFolder.folderUri.fullUri)); } actionIntent.setPackage(getPackageName()); actionIntent.putExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT, account); actionIntent.putExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER, notificationFolder); startService(actionIntent); } if (intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_FROM_EMAIL_TASK, false)) { mLaunchedFromEmail = true; } else if (Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(intent.getAction())) { final Uri dataUri = intent.getData(); if (dataUri != null) { final String dataScheme = intent.getData().getScheme(); final String accountScheme = mAccount.composeIntentUri.getScheme(); mLaunchedFromEmail = TextUtils.equals(dataScheme, accountScheme); } } if (mRefMessageUri != null) { mShowQuotedText = true; mComposeMode = action; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { Bundle remoteInput = RemoteInput.getResultsFromIntent(intent); String wearReply = null; if (remoteInput != null) { LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Got remote input from new api"); CharSequence input = remoteInput.getCharSequence(NotificationActionUtils.WEAR_REPLY_INPUT); if (input != null) { wearReply = input.toString(); } } else { // TODO: remove after legacy code has been removed. LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "No remote input from new api, falling back to compatibility mode"); ClipData clipData = intent.getClipData(); if (clipData != null && LEGACY_WEAR_EXTRA.equals(clipData.getDescription().getLabel())) { Bundle extras = clipData.getItemAt(0).getIntent().getExtras(); if (extras != null) { wearReply = extras.getString(NotificationActionUtils.WEAR_REPLY_INPUT); } } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(wearReply)) { createWearReplyTask(this, mRefMessageUri, UIProvider.MESSAGE_PROJECTION, mComposeMode, wearReply).execute(); finish(); return; } else { LogUtils.w(LOG_TAG, "remote input string is null"); } } getLoaderManager().initLoader(INIT_DRAFT_USING_REFERENCE_MESSAGE, null, this); return; } else if (message != null && action != EDIT_DRAFT) { initFromDraftMessage(message); initQuotedTextFromRefMessage(mRefMessage, action); mShowQuotedText = message.appendRefMessageContent; // if we should be showing quoted text but mRefMessage is null // and we have some quotedText, display that if (mShowQuotedText && mRefMessage == null) { if (quotedText != null) { initQuotedText(quotedText, false /* shouldQuoteText */); } else if (mExtraValues != null) { initExtraValues(mExtraValues); return; } } } else if (action == EDIT_DRAFT) { if (message == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Message must not be null to edit draft"); } initFromDraftMessage(message); // Update the action to the draft type of the previous draft switch (message.draftType) { case UIProvider.DraftType.REPLY: action = REPLY; break; case UIProvider.DraftType.REPLY_ALL: action = REPLY_ALL; break; case UIProvider.DraftType.FORWARD: action = FORWARD; break; case UIProvider.DraftType.COMPOSE: default: action = COMPOSE; break; } LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Previous draft had action type: %d", action); mShowQuotedText = message.appendRefMessageContent; if (message.refMessageUri != null) { // If we're editing an existing draft that was in reference to an existing message, // still need to load that original message since we might need to refer to the // original sender and recipients if user switches "reply <-> reply-all". mRefMessageUri = message.refMessageUri; mComposeMode = action; getLoaderManager().initLoader(REFERENCE_MESSAGE_LOADER, null, this); return; } } else if ((action == REPLY || action == REPLY_ALL || action == FORWARD)) { if (mRefMessage != null) { initFromRefMessage(action); mShowQuotedText = true; } } else { if (initFromExtras(intent)) { return; } } mComposeMode = action; finishSetup(action, intent, savedState); }
From source
private void handleIntents() { Intent i = mainActivity.getIntent(); if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Constants.ACTION_MERGE)) { noteOriginal = new Note(); note = new Note(noteOriginal); noteTmp = getArguments().getParcelable(Constants.INTENT_NOTE); if (i.getStringArrayListExtra("merged_notes") != null) { mergedNotesIds = i.getStringArrayListExtra("merged_notes"); }/*from www . ja v a 2 m*/ } // Action called from home shortcut if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Constants.ACTION_SHORTCUT, Constants.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_CLICK)) { afterSavedReturnsToList = false; noteOriginal = DbHelper.getInstance().getNote(i.getLongExtra(Constants.INTENT_KEY, 0)); // Checks if the note pointed from the shortcut has been deleted try { note = new Note(noteOriginal); noteTmp = new Note(noteOriginal); } catch (NullPointerException e) { mainActivity.showToast(getText(R.string.shortcut_note_deleted), Toast.LENGTH_LONG); mainActivity.finish(); } } // Check if is launched from a widget if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Constants.ACTION_WIDGET, Constants.ACTION_TAKE_PHOTO)) { afterSavedReturnsToList = false; showKeyboard = true; // with tags to set tag if (i.hasExtra(Constants.INTENT_WIDGET)) { String widgetId = i.getExtras().get(Constants.INTENT_WIDGET).toString(); if (widgetId != null) { String sqlCondition = prefs.getString(Constants.PREF_WIDGET_PREFIX + widgetId, ""); String categoryId = TextHelper.checkIntentCategory(sqlCondition); if (categoryId != null) { Category category; try { category = DbHelper.getInstance().getCategory(Long.parseLong(categoryId)); noteTmp = new Note(); noteTmp.setCategory(category); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "Category with not-numeric value!", e); } } } } // Sub-action is to take a photo if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Constants.ACTION_TAKE_PHOTO)) { takePhoto(); } } /** * Handles third party apps requests of sharing */ if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Intent.ACTION_SEND, Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE, Constants.INTENT_GOOGLE_NOW) && i.getType() != null) { afterSavedReturnsToList = false; if (noteTmp == null) noteTmp = new Note(); // Text title String title = i.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT); if (title != null) { noteTmp.setTitle(title); } // Text content String content = i.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); if (content != null) { noteTmp.setContent(content); } // Single attachment data Uri uri = i.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); // Due to the fact that Google Now passes intent as text but with // audio recording attached the case must be handled in specific way if (uri != null && !Constants.INTENT_GOOGLE_NOW.equals(i.getAction())) { String name = FileHelper.getNameFromUri(mainActivity, uri); new AttachmentTask(this, uri, name, this).execute(); } // Multiple attachment data ArrayList<Uri> uris = i.getParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); if (uris != null) { for (Uri uriSingle : uris) { String name = FileHelper.getNameFromUri(mainActivity, uriSingle); new AttachmentTask(this, uriSingle, name, this).execute(); } } } if (IntentChecker.checkAction(i, Intent.ACTION_MAIN, Constants.ACTION_WIDGET_SHOW_LIST, Constants.ACTION_SHORTCUT_WIDGET, Constants.ACTION_WIDGET)) { showKeyboard = true; } i.setAction(null); }
From source
/** * Handle an intent to open the app. This method is called only when there is no saved state, * so we need to set state that wasn't set before. It is correct to change the viewmode here * since it has not been previously set. * * This method is called for a subset of the reasons mentioned in * {@link #onCreate(android.os.Bundle)}. Notably, this is called when launching the app from * notifications, widgets, and shortcuts. * @param intent intent passed to the activity. *///ww w. j a v a 2 s . com private void handleIntent(Intent intent) { LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "IN AAC.handleIntent. action=%s", intent.getAction()); if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)) { setAccount(Account.newinstance(intent.getStringExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT))); } if (mAccount == null) { return; } final boolean isConversationMode = intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION); if (intent.getBooleanExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FROM_NOTIFICATION, false)) { Analytics.getInstance().setCustomDimension(Analytics.CD_INDEX_ACCOUNT_TYPE, AnalyticsUtils.getAccountTypeForAccount(mAccount.getEmailAddress())); Analytics.getInstance().sendEvent("notification_click", isConversationMode ? "conversation" : "conversation_list", null, 0); } if (isConversationMode && mViewMode.getMode() == ViewMode.UNKNOWN) { mViewMode.enterConversationMode(); } else { mViewMode.enterConversationListMode(); } // Put the folder and conversation, and ask the loader to create this folder. final Bundle args = new Bundle(); final Uri folderUri; if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI)) { folderUri = (Uri) intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI); } else if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER)) { final Folder folder = Folder.fromString(intent.getStringExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER)); folderUri = folder.folderUri.fullUri; } else { final Bundle extras = intent.getExtras(); LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't find a folder URI in the extras: %s", extras == null ? "null" : extras.toString()); folderUri = mAccount.settings.defaultInbox; } args.putParcelable(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI, folderUri); args.putParcelable(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION, intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION)); restartOptionalLoader(LOADER_FIRST_FOLDER, mFolderCallbacks, args); } else if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)) { mHaveSearchResults = false; // Save this search query for future suggestions. final String query = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY); final String authority = mContext.getString(R.string.suggestions_authority); final SearchRecentSuggestions suggestions = new SearchRecentSuggestions(mContext, authority, SuggestionsProvider.MODE); suggestions.saveRecentQuery(query, null); setAccount((Account) intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)); fetchSearchFolder(intent); if (shouldEnterSearchConvMode()) { mViewMode.enterSearchResultsConversationMode(); } else { mViewMode.enterSearchResultsListMode(); } } else { LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Missing account extra from search intent. Finishing"); mActivity.finish(); } } if (mAccount != null) { restartOptionalLoader(LOADER_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_CURSOR, mAccountCallbacks, Bundle.EMPTY); } }
From source
/** * Handle an intent to open the app. This method is called only when there is no saved state, * so we need to set state that wasn't set before. It is correct to change the viewmode here * since it has not been previously set. * * This method is called for a subset of the reasons mentioned in * {@link #onCreate(android.os.Bundle)}. Notably, this is called when launching the app from * notifications, widgets, and shortcuts. * @param intent intent passed to the activity. */// w w w. j a v a2s . com private void handleIntent(Intent intent) { LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "IN AAC.handleIntent. action=%s", intent.getAction()); if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)) { setAccount(Account.newInstance(intent.getStringExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT))); } if (mAccount == null) { return; } final boolean isConversationMode = intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION); if (intent.getBooleanExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FROM_NOTIFICATION, false)) { Analytics.getInstance().setEmail(mAccount.getEmailAddress(), mAccount.getType()); Analytics.getInstance().sendEvent("notification_click", isConversationMode ? "conversation" : "conversation_list", null, 0); } if (isConversationMode && mViewMode.getMode() == ViewMode.UNKNOWN) { mViewMode.enterConversationMode(); } else { mViewMode.enterConversationListMode(); } // Put the folder and conversation, and ask the loader to create this folder. final Bundle args = new Bundle(); final Uri folderUri; if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI)) { folderUri = intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI); } else if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER)) { final Folder folder = Folder.fromString(intent.getStringExtra(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER)); folderUri = folder.folderUri.fullUri; } else { final Bundle extras = intent.getExtras(); LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't find a folder URI in the extras: %s", extras == null ? "null" : extras.toString()); folderUri = mAccount.settings.defaultInbox; } // Check if we should load all conversations instead of using // the default behavior which loads an initial subset. mIgnoreInitialConversationLimit = intent.getBooleanExtra(Utils.EXTRA_IGNORE_INITIAL_CONVERSATION_LIMIT, false); args.putParcelable(Utils.EXTRA_FOLDER_URI, folderUri); args.putParcelable(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION, intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_CONVERSATION)); restartOptionalLoader(LOADER_FIRST_FOLDER, mFolderCallbacks, args); } else if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (intent.hasExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)) { mHaveSearchResults = false; // Save this search query for future suggestions final String query = intent.getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY); mSearchViewController.saveRecentQuery(query); setAccount((Account) intent.getParcelableExtra(Utils.EXTRA_ACCOUNT)); fetchSearchFolder(intent); if (shouldEnterSearchConvMode()) { mViewMode.enterSearchResultsConversationMode(); } else { mViewMode.enterSearchResultsListMode(); } } else { LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Missing account extra from search intent. Finishing"); mActivity.finish(); } } if (mAccount != null) { restartOptionalLoader(LOADER_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_CURSOR, mAccountCallbacks, Bundle.EMPTY); } }
From source
private void completeEditShirtcut(Intent data) { if (!data.hasExtra(PersonaCustomShirtcutActivity.EXTRA_APPLICATIONINFO)) return;// w ww . ja va2 s .c o m long appInfoId = data.getLongExtra(PersonaCustomShirtcutActivity.EXTRA_APPLICATIONINFO, 0); PersonaApplicationInfo info = PersonaLauncherModel.loadApplicationInfoById(this, appInfoId); if (info != null) { Bitmap bitmap = data.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON); Drawable icon = null; boolean customIcon = false; ShortcutIconResource iconResource = null; if (bitmap != null) { icon = new PersonaFastBitmapDrawable(PersonaUtilities.createBitmapThumbnail(bitmap, this)); customIcon = true; } else { Parcelable extra = data.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE); if (extra != null && extra instanceof ShortcutIconResource) { try { iconResource = (ShortcutIconResource) extra; final PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager(); Resources resources = packageManager.getResourcesForApplication(iconResource.packageName); final int id = resources.getIdentifier(iconResource.resourceName, null, null); icon = resources.getDrawable(id); } catch (Exception e) { PersonaLog.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not load shortcut icon: " + extra); } } } if (icon != null) { info.icon = icon; info.customIcon = customIcon; info.iconResource = iconResource; } info.itemType = PersonaLauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT; info.title = data.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME); info.intent = data.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT); PersonaLauncherModel.updateItemInDatabase(this, info); if (info.container == PersonaLauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_MAB) mHandleView.UpdateLaunchInfo(info); else if (info.container == PersonaLauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_LAB) mLAB.UpdateLaunchInfo(info); else if (info.container == PersonaLauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_LAB2) mLAB2.UpdateLaunchInfo(info); else if (info.container == PersonaLauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_RAB) mRAB.UpdateLaunchInfo(info); else if (info.container == PersonaLauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_RAB2) mRAB2.UpdateLaunchInfo(info); mWorkspace.updateShortcutFromApplicationInfo(info); } }
From source
/** * The mail activity calls other activities for two specific reasons: * <ul>/* w w w .j a v a 2 s .c om*/ * <li>To add an account. And receives the result {@link #ADD_ACCOUNT_REQUEST_CODE}</li> * <li>To update the password on a current account. The result {@link * #REAUTHENTICATE_REQUEST_CODE} is received.</li> * </ul> * @param requestCode * @param resultCode * @param data */ @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { switch (requestCode) { case ADD_ACCOUNT_REQUEST_CODE: // We were waiting for the user to create an account if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { // restart the loader to get the updated list of accounts mActivity.getLoaderManager().initLoader(LOADER_ACCOUNT_CURSOR, Bundle.EMPTY, mAccountCallbacks); } else { // The user failed to create an account, just exit the app mActivity.finish(); } break; case REAUTHENTICATE_REQUEST_CODE: if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { // The user successfully authenticated, attempt to refresh the list final Uri refreshUri = mFolder != null ? mFolder.refreshUri : null; if (refreshUri != null) { startAsyncRefreshTask(refreshUri); } } break; case CHANGE_NAVIGATION_REQUEST_CODE: if (ViewMode.isSearchMode(mViewMode.getMode())) { mActivity.setResult(resultCode, data); mActivity.finish(); } else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && data != null) { // We have have received a result that indicates we need to navigate to a // different folder or account. This happens if someone navigates using the // drawer on the search results activity. final Folder folder = data.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_FOLDER); final Account account = data.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_ACCOUNT); if (folder != null) { onFolderSelected(folder); mViewMode.enterConversationListMode(); } else if (account != null) { switchToDefaultInboxOrChangeAccount(account); mViewMode.enterConversationListMode(); } } break; case VOICE_SEARCH_REQUEST_CODE: if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { final ArrayList<String> matches = data.getStringArrayListExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_RESULTS); if (!matches.isEmpty()) { // not sure how dependable the API is, but it's all we have. // take the top choice. mSearchViewController.onSearchPerformed(matches.get(0)); } } break; } }
From source
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.scale);//from www.j a v a2 s . com Log.v(TAG, "onCreate"); getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); // setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); mSettings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS, 0); mUnitsText = mSettings.getString("unitsText", "grams"); mUnitsRatio = mSettings.getFloat("unitsRatio", (float) 1.0); mTts = new TextToSpeech(this, this); mUnitsView = (TextView) findViewById(; mUnitsView.setText(mUnitsText); findViewById( OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { while (mTts.isSpeaking()) ; Intent intent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH); intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL, RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM); intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_PROMPT, "Say Units"); startActivityForResult(intent, 0); if (adView != null) { adView.loadAd(new AdRequest()); } } }); mWeightTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; mWeightTextView.setText("00.00"); /* * TextPaint weightTextPaint = mWeightTextView.getPaint(); CharSequence * weightText = mWeightTextView.getText(); while (weightText != * TextUtils.ellipsize(weightText, weightTextPaint, * getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay * ().getWidth()*2/3,TextUtils.TruncateAt.END)) { * weightTextPaint.setTextSize(weightTextPaint.getTextSize() - 1); } */ mWeightTextView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Zero'd", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); mZeroGrams = mWeightGrams; if (adView != null) { adView.loadAd(new AdRequest()); } } }); mWeightTextView.setOnLongClickListener(new OnLongClickListener() { public boolean onLongClick(View v) { mZeroGrams = 0; Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Reset", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); if (adView != null) { adView.loadAd(new AdRequest()); } return true; } }); disableAdsText = (TextView) findViewById((; disableAdsText.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { new AlertDialog.Builder(ScaleActivity.this).setTitle("Keep Software Free and Open Source") .setMessage("Ads help support further development, but they are OPTIONAL." + " If you choose to disable ads, please consider donating. All dontations" + " go towards purchasing hardware for open source development. " + "Disabling ads or donating will not change the features availble in this app." + " Thank you.") .setPositiveButton("Disable Ads", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { adLayout.removeAllViews(); adView.removeAllViews(); disableAdsText.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mSettings.edit().putBoolean("ads", false).commit(); adView = null; } }).setCancelable(true).setNegativeButton("Keep Ads", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { } }).setNeutralButton("Disable Ads + Donate", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { adLayout.removeAllViews(); adView.removeAllViews(); disableAdsText.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mSettings.edit().putBoolean("ads", false).commit(); adView = null; startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(""))); } }).show(); } }); TextView aboutText = (TextView) findViewById((; aboutText.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), AboutActivity.class)); } }); /* * .setMessage() new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setMessage(mymessage) * .setTitle(title) .setCancelable(true) * .setNeutralButton(android.R.string.cancel, new * DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void * onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton){} }) .show(); }} */ // / mDensitiesJson = loadJsonResource(R.raw.densities); mVolumesJson = loadJsonResource(R.raw.volumes); mWeightsJson = loadJsonResource(R.raw.weights); // Initiate a generic request to load it with an ad if (mSettings.getBoolean("ads", true)) { // Create the adViewj adView = new AdView(this, AdSize.SMART_BANNER, "a15089dfb39c5a8"); // Log.w(TAG, new Integer(; adLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; // Add the adView to it adLayout.addView(adView, 0); disableAdsText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { disableAdsText.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); adView = null; } Intent intent = getIntent(); mDevice = (UsbDevice) intent.getParcelableExtra(UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE); findScale(); }
From source
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_compose); ButterKnife.bind(this); // Setup the toolbar. Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar);//from ww w.jav a 2 s . c o m ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); if (actionBar != null) { actionBar.setTitle(null); actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); actionBar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(true); Drawable closeIcon = AppCompatResources.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_close_24dp); ThemeUtils.setDrawableTint(this, closeIcon, R.attr.compose_close_button_tint); actionBar.setHomeAsUpIndicator(closeIcon); } // Setup the interface buttons. floatingBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { onSendClicked(); } }); pickBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { onMediaPick(); } }); takeBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { initiateCameraApp(); } }); nsfwBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { toggleNsfw(); } }); visibilityBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { showComposeOptions(); } }); /* Initialise all the state, or restore it from a previous run, to determine a "starting" * state. */ SharedPreferences preferences = getPrivatePreferences(); String startingVisibility; boolean startingHideText; String startingContentWarning = null; ArrayList<SavedQueuedMedia> savedMediaQueued = null; if (savedInstanceState != null) { showMarkSensitive = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("showMarkSensitive"); startingVisibility = savedInstanceState.getString("statusVisibility"); statusMarkSensitive = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("statusMarkSensitive"); startingHideText = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("statusHideText"); // Keep these until everything needed to put them in the queue is finished initializing. savedMediaQueued = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList("savedMediaQueued"); // These are for restoring an in-progress commit content operation. InputContentInfoCompat previousInputContentInfo = InputContentInfoCompat .wrap(savedInstanceState.getParcelable("commitContentInputContentInfo")); int previousFlags = savedInstanceState.getInt("commitContentFlags"); if (previousInputContentInfo != null) { onCommitContentInternal(previousInputContentInfo, previousFlags); } } else { showMarkSensitive = false; startingVisibility = preferences.getString("rememberedVisibility", "public"); statusMarkSensitive = false; startingHideText = false; } /* If the composer is started up as a reply to another post, override the "starting" state * based on what the intent from the reply request passes. */ Intent intent = getIntent(); String[] mentionedUsernames = null; inReplyToId = null; if (intent != null) { inReplyToId = intent.getStringExtra("in_reply_to_id"); String replyVisibility = intent.getStringExtra("reply_visibility"); if (replyVisibility != null && startingVisibility != null) { // Lowest possible visibility setting in response if (startingVisibility.equals("private") || replyVisibility.equals("private")) { startingVisibility = "private"; } else if (startingVisibility.equals("unlisted") || replyVisibility.equals("unlisted")) { startingVisibility = "unlisted"; } else { startingVisibility = replyVisibility; } } mentionedUsernames = intent.getStringArrayExtra("mentioned_usernames"); if (inReplyToId != null) { startingHideText = !intent.getStringExtra("content_warning").equals(""); if (startingHideText) { startingContentWarning = intent.getStringExtra("content_warning"); } } } /* If the currently logged in account is locked, its posts should default to private. This * should override even the reply settings, so this must be done after those are set up. */ if (preferences.getBoolean("loggedInAccountLocked", false)) { startingVisibility = "private"; } // After the starting state is finalised, the interface can be set to reflect this state. setStatusVisibility(startingVisibility); postProgress.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); updateNsfwButtonColor(); // Setup the main text field. setEditTextMimeTypes(null); // new String[] { "image/gif", "image/webp" } final int mentionColour = ThemeUtils.getColor(this, R.attr.compose_mention_color); SpanUtils.highlightSpans(textEditor.getText(), mentionColour); textEditor.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { updateVisibleCharactersLeft(); } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) { SpanUtils.highlightSpans(editable, mentionColour); } }); // Add any mentions to the text field when a reply is first composed. if (mentionedUsernames != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String name : mentionedUsernames) { builder.append('@'); builder.append(name); builder.append(' '); } textEditor.setText(builder); textEditor.setSelection(textEditor.length()); } // Initialise the content warning editor. contentWarningEditor.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { updateVisibleCharactersLeft(); } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { } }); showContentWarning(startingHideText); if (startingContentWarning != null) { contentWarningEditor.setText(startingContentWarning); } // Initialise the empty media queue state. mediaQueued = new ArrayList<>(); waitForMediaLatch = new CountUpDownLatch(); statusAlreadyInFlight = false; // These can only be added after everything affected by the media queue is initialized. if (savedMediaQueued != null) { for (SavedQueuedMedia item : savedMediaQueued) { addMediaToQueue(item.type, item.preview, item.uri, item.mediaSize); } } else if (intent != null && savedInstanceState == null) { /* Get incoming images being sent through a share action from another app. Only do this * when savedInstanceState is null, otherwise both the images from the intent and the * instance state will be re-queued. */ String type = intent.getType(); if (type != null) { if (type.startsWith("image/")) { List<Uri> uriList = new ArrayList<>(); switch (intent.getAction()) { case Intent.ACTION_SEND: { Uri uri = intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); if (uri != null) { uriList.add(uri); } break; } case Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE: { ArrayList<Uri> list = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); if (list != null) { for (Uri uri : list) { if (uri != null) { uriList.add(uri); } } } break; } } for (Uri uri : uriList) { long mediaSize = getMediaSize(getContentResolver(), uri); pickMedia(uri, mediaSize); } } else if (type.equals("text/plain")) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action != null && action.equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND)) { String text = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); if (text != null) { int start = Math.max(textEditor.getSelectionStart(), 0); int end = Math.max(textEditor.getSelectionEnd(), 0); int left = Math.min(start, end); int right = Math.max(start, end); textEditor.getText().replace(left, right, text, 0, text.length()); } } } } } }