List of usage examples for android.content Intent FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK
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@SuppressWarnings("static-access") @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) public JSONArray doTask(String code_in, String data_in, int req_mode) { Log.e("doTask", "code:" + code_in + "\n" + data_in); String data_input = data_in;/* www. ja v a 2 s . com*/ String code_input = code_in; String notification = ""; String ssid = ""; String password = ""; devicePolicyManager = (DevicePolicyManager) context.getApplicationContext() .getSystemService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE); appList = new ApplicationManager(context.getApplicationContext()); deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo(context); gps = new GPSTracker(context); smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault(); conversations = new TrackCallSMS(context); deviceState = new PhoneState(context); JSONArray resultArr = new JSONArray(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DEVICE_INFO)) { PhoneState phoneState = new PhoneState(context); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject battery_obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject inmemory_obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject exmemory_obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject location_obj = new JSONObject(); double latitude = 0; double longitude = 0; try { latitude = gps.getLatitude(); longitude = gps.getLongitude(); int batteryLevel = (int) Math.floor(phoneState.getBatteryLevel()); // int batteryLevel = 40; battery_obj.put("level", batteryLevel); inmemory_obj.put("total", deviceInfo.getTotalInternalMemorySize()); inmemory_obj.put("available", deviceInfo.getAvailableInternalMemorySize()); exmemory_obj.put("total", deviceInfo.getTotalExternalMemorySize()); exmemory_obj.put("available", deviceInfo.getAvailableExternalMemorySize()); location_obj.put("latitude", latitude); location_obj.put("longitude", longitude); obj.put("battery", battery_obj); obj.put("internal_memory", inmemory_obj); obj.put("external_memory", exmemory_obj); if (latitude != 0 && longitude != 0) { obj.put("location_obj", location_obj); } obj.put("operator", deviceInfo.getNetworkOperatorName()); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", obj.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", obj); Map<String, String> as = new HashMap<String, String>(); as.put("all", params.toString()); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { // ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Battery Level : " + phoneState.getBatteryLevel() + ", Total Memory : " + deviceInfo.formatSizeGB(deviceInfo.getTotalInternalMemorySize() + deviceInfo.getTotalExternalMemorySize()) + ", Available Memory : " + deviceInfo.formatSizeGB(deviceInfo.getAvailableInternalMemorySize() + deviceInfo.getAvailableExternalMemorySize()), null, null); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DEVICE_LOCATION)) { LocationServices ls = new LocationServices(context); Log.v("Latitude", ls.getLatitude()); double latitude = 0; double longitude = 0; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); try { latitude = gps.getLatitude(); longitude = gps.getLongitude(); obj.put("latitude", latitude); obj.put("longitude", longitude); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DEVICE_LOCATION); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", obj.toString()); //for local notification\ resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", obj); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Longitude : " + longitude + ",Latitude : " + latitude, null, null); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_GET_APPLICATION_LIST)) { ArrayList<PInfo> apps = appList.getInstalledApps(false); /* * false = * no system * packages */ JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); int max = apps.size(); String apz = ""; Log.e("APP TOTAL : ", "" + max); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("name", Uri.encode(apps.get(i).appname)); jsonObj.put("package", apps.get(i).pname); jsonObj.put("icon", apps.get(i).icon); apz += apps.get(i).appname + " ,"; } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } jsonArray.put(jsonObj); } JSONObject appsObj = new JSONObject(); try { //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", jsonArray); appsObj.put("apps", jsonArray); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_GET_APPLICATION_LIST); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //params.put("data", Uri.encode(jsonArray.toString())); Log.e("PASSING MSG ID : ", token); Log.e("PASSING CODE : ", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, apz, null, null); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_LOCK_DEVICE)) { Log.d(TAG, "Locking device now"); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Device Locked Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } devicePolicyManager.lockNow(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_WIPE_DATA)) { Log.d(TAG, "RESETing device now - all user data will be ERASED to factory settings"); String pin = null; SharedPreferences mainPref = context.getSharedPreferences("com.mdm", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String pinSaved = mainPref.getString("pin", ""); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); pin = (String) jobj.get("pin"); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); if (pin.trim().equals(pinSaved.trim())) { params.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } else { params.put("status", "400"); result.put("status", "false"); } result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { if (pin.trim().equals(pinSaved.trim())) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Device Wiped Successfully", null, null); } else { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Wrong PIN", null, null); } } if (pin.trim().equals(pinSaved.trim())) { Toast.makeText(context, "Device is being wiped", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); try { Thread.sleep(4000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } devicePolicyManager.wipeData(ACTIVATION_REQUEST); } else { Toast.makeText(context, "Device wipe failed due to wrong PIN", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_CLEAR_PASSWORD)) { ComponentName demoDeviceAdmin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Lock code cleared Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_UNSPECIFIED); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordMinimumLength(demoDeviceAdmin, 0); devicePolicyManager.resetPassword("", DevicePolicyManager.RESET_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_ENTRY); devicePolicyManager.lockNow(); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_UNSPECIFIED); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_NOTIFICATION)) { JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (jobj.get("notification").toString() != null || jobj.get("notification").toString().equals("")) { notification = jobj.get("notification").toString(); } else if (jobj.get("Notification").toString() != null || jobj.get("Notification").toString().equals("")) { notification = jobj.get("Notification").toString(); } else { notification = ""; } Log.v("Notification", notification); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Notification Receieved Successfully", null, null); } Intent intent = new Intent(context, AlertActivity.class); intent.putExtra("message", notification); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(intent); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_WIFI)) { boolean wifistatus = false; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("ssid")) { ssid = (String) jobj.get("ssid"); } if (!jobj.isNull("password")) { password = (String) jobj.get("password"); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); WiFiConfig config = new WiFiConfig(context); try { //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("code", code_input); wifistatus = config.saveWEPConfig(ssid, password); if (wifistatus) { inparams.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } else { inparams.put("status", "400"); result.put("status", "false"); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "WiFi Configured Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, inparams.toString()); } } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DISABLE_CAMERA)) { boolean camFunc = false; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("function") && jobj.get("function").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("enable")) { camFunc = false; } else if (!jobj.isNull("function") && jobj.get("function").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("disable")) { camFunc = true; } else if (!jobj.isNull("function")) { camFunc = Boolean.parseBoolean(jobj.get("function").toString()); } ComponentName cameraAdmin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); String cammode = "Disabled"; if (camFunc) { cammode = "Disabled"; } else { cammode = "Enabled"; } if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Camera " + cammode + " Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { devicePolicyManager.setCameraDisabled(cameraAdmin, camFunc); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_APPLICATION) || code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_APPLICATION_BUNDLE)) { try { //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_APPLICATION)) { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); installApplication(jobj, code_input); } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_APPLICATION_BUNDLE)) { JSONArray jArray = null; jArray = new JSONArray(data_input); for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject appObj = (JSONObject) jArray.getJSONObject(i); installApplication(appObj, code_input); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_UNINSTALL_APPLICATION)) { String packageName = ""; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); packageName = (String) jobj.get("identity"); Log.v("Package Name : ", packageName); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Application uninstalled Successfully", null, null); } appList.unInstallApplication(packageName); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_ENCRYPT_STORAGE)) { boolean encryptFunc = true; String pass = ""; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("function") && jobj.get("function").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("encrypt")) { encryptFunc = true; } else if (!jobj.isNull("function") && jobj.get("function").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("decrypt")) { encryptFunc = false; } else if (!jobj.isNull("function")) { encryptFunc = Boolean.parseBoolean(jobj.get("function").toString()); } ComponentName admin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); if (encryptFunc && devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() != devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_INACTIVE) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { devicePolicyManager.setStorageEncryption(admin, encryptFunc); Intent intent = new Intent(DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_START_ENCRYPTION); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(intent); } } } else if (!encryptFunc && devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() != devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVE || devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVATING) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { devicePolicyManager.setStorageEncryption(admin, encryptFunc); } } } //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() != devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { params.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } else { params.put("status", "400"); result.put("status", "false"); } if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { // //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Storage Encrypted Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_MUTE)) { Log.d(TAG, "Muting Device"); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { // //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Device Muted Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } muteDevice(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_TRACK_CALLS)) { try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_TRACK_CALLS); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", conversations.getCallDetails().toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", new JSONObject(conversations.getCallDetails().toString())); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, conversations.getCallDetails().toString(), null, null); } } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_TRACK_SMS)) { int MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX = 1; int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT = 2; JSONObject smsObj = new JSONObject(); try { smsObj.put("inbox", conversations.getSMS(MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX)); smsObj.put("sent", conversations.getSMS(MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT)); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_TRACK_SMS); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", smsObj.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", smsObj); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, smsObj.toString(), null, null); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DATA_USAGE)) { JSONObject dataObj = new JSONObject(); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DATA_USAGE); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", deviceState.takeDataUsageSnapShot().toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", new JSONObject(deviceState.takeDataUsageSnapShot().toString())); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, dataObj.toString(), null, null); } } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_STATUS)) { boolean encryptStatus = false; boolean passCodeStatus = false; try { if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() != devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVE || devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVATING) { encryptStatus = true; } else { encryptStatus = false; } } if (devicePolicyManager.isActivePasswordSufficient()) { passCodeStatus = true; } else { passCodeStatus = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); passCodeStatus = false; } JSONObject dataObj = new JSONObject(); try { dataObj.put("encryption", encryptStatus); dataObj.put("passcode", passCodeStatus); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", dataObj.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", dataObj); if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, dataObj.toString(), null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_WEBCLIP)) { String appUrl = ""; String title = ""; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); Log.v("WEBCLIP DATA : ", data.toString()); appUrl = (String) jobj.get("identity"); title = (String) jobj.get("title"); Log.v("Web App URL : ", appUrl); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "WebClip created Successfully", null, null); } appList.createWebAppBookmark(appUrl, title); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_PASSWORD_POLICY)) { ComponentName demoDeviceAdmin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); int attempts, length, history, specialChars; String alphanumeric, complex; boolean b_alphanumeric, b_complex; long timout; Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); try { result.put("code", code_input); JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("maxFailedAttempts") && jobj.get("maxFailedAttempts") != null) { attempts = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("maxFailedAttempts")); devicePolicyManager.setMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe(demoDeviceAdmin, attempts); } if (!jobj.isNull("minLength") && jobj.get("minLength") != null) { length = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("minLength")); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordMinimumLength(demoDeviceAdmin, length); } if (!jobj.isNull("pinHistory") && jobj.get("pinHistory") != null) { history = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("pinHistory")); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordHistoryLength(demoDeviceAdmin, history); } if (!jobj.isNull("minComplexChars") && jobj.get("minComplexChars") != null) { specialChars = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("minComplexChars")); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordMinimumSymbols(demoDeviceAdmin, specialChars); } if (!jobj.isNull("requireAlphanumeric") && jobj.get("requireAlphanumeric") != null) { if (jobj.get("requireAlphanumeric") instanceof String) { alphanumeric = (String) jobj.get("requireAlphanumeric"); if (alphanumeric.equals("true")) { devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHANUMERIC); } } else if (jobj.get("requireAlphanumeric") instanceof Boolean) { b_alphanumeric = jobj.getBoolean("requireAlphanumeric"); if (b_alphanumeric) { devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHANUMERIC); } } } if (!jobj.isNull("allowSimple") && jobj.get("allowSimple") != null) { if (jobj.get("allowSimple") instanceof String) { complex = (String) jobj.get("allowSimple"); if (!complex.equals("true")) { devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_COMPLEX); } } else if (jobj.get("allowSimple") instanceof Boolean) { b_complex = jobj.getBoolean("allowSimple"); if (!b_complex) { devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_COMPLEX); } } } if (!jobj.isNull("maxPINAgeInDays") && jobj.get("maxPINAgeInDays") != null) { int daysOfExp = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("maxPINAgeInDays")); timout = (long) (daysOfExp * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordExpirationTimeout(demoDeviceAdmin, timout); } SharedPreferences mainPref = context.getSharedPreferences("com.mdm", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String policy = mainPref.getString("policy", ""); inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block params.put("status", "400"); try { result.put("status", "false"); } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Password Policies Successfully Set", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, inparams.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_EMAIL_CONFIGURATION)) { String emailname = "", emailtype = "", ic_username = "", ic_password = "", ic_hostname = ""; long timout; Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { result.put("code", code_input); JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("type") && jobj.get("type") != null) { emailtype = (String) jobj.get("type"); } if (!jobj.isNull("displayname") && jobj.get("displayname") != null) { emailname = (String) jobj.get("displayname"); } if (!jobj.isNull("username") && jobj.get("username") != null) { ic_username = (String) jobj.get("username"); } if (!jobj.isNull("password") && jobj.get("password") != null) { ic_password = (String) jobj.get("password"); } if (emailtype.trim().equals("GMAIL")) { ic_hostname = ""; } else if (emailtype.equals("YAHOO")) { ic_hostname = ""; } else if (emailtype.equals("HOTMAIL")) { ic_hostname = ""; } inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block params.put("status", "400"); try { result.put("status", "false"); } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Email Configured Successfully Set", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, inparams.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_GOOGLE_APP)) { String packageName = ""; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); packageName = (String) jobj.get("package"); Log.v("Package Name : ", packageName); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Application installed Successfully", null, null); } Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.setData(Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + packageName)); context.startActivity(intent); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_CHANGE_LOCK_CODE)) { ComponentName demoDeviceAdmin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordMinimumLength(demoDeviceAdmin, 3); String pass = ""; Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("password")) { pass = (String) jobj.get("password"); } inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Lock code changed Successfully", null, null); } if (!pass.equals("")) { devicePolicyManager.resetPassword(pass, DevicePolicyManager.RESET_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_ENTRY); devicePolicyManager.lockNow(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Lock code changed Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, inparams.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_POLICY_BUNDLE)) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { params.put("code", code); params.put("msgID", policy_token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", bundle_params.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", new JSONObject(bundle_params.toString())); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Bundle Executed Successfully", null, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_POLICY_MONITOR)) { JSONArray sendjArray; JSONObject jobj = null; try { if ( != null && !"")) jobj = new JSONObject(; sendjArray = jobj.getJSONArray("policies"); int type = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("type").toString().trim()); if (type != 1 && type != 2 && type != 3) { type = 1; } Log.e("PASSING MSG ID : ", policy_token); Log.e("PASSING CODE : ", code_input); Log.e("PASSING TYPE : ", String.valueOf(type)); PolicyTester tester = new PolicyTester(context, sendjArray, type, policy_token); //for local notification resultArr = tester.finalArray; } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_POLICY_REVOKE)) { try { Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Lock code changed Successfully", null, null); } revokePolicy(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_ENTERPRISE_WIPE_DATA)) { try { Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { // smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, // "Lock code changed Successfully", null, null); } enterpriseWipe = true; ServerUtils.clearAppData(context); Intent intent = new Intent(context, ServerDetails.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(intent); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_BLACKLIST_APPS)) { ArrayList<PInfo> apps = appList.getInstalledApps(false); /* * false = * no system * packages */ JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); int max = apps.size(); if (max > 10) { //max = 10; } String apz = ""; try { JSONObject appsObj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!appsObj.isNull("data")) { appsObj = (JSONObject) appsObj.get("data"); } // JSONObject appObj = (JSONObject) appsObj.get("data"); String identity = (String) appsObj.get("identity"); for (int j = 0; j < max; j++) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("name", apps.get(j).appname); jsonObj.put("package", apps.get(j).pname); if (identity.trim().equals(apps.get(j).pname)) { jsonObj.put("notviolated", false); jsonObj.put("package", apps.get(j).pname); } else { jsonObj.put("notviolated", true); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } jsonArray.put(jsonObj); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } JSONObject appsObj = new JSONObject(); try { appsObj.put("apps", jsonArray); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_GET_APPLICATION_LIST); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", jsonArray.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", jsonArray); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, apz, null, null); } SharedPreferences mainPref = context.getSharedPreferences("com.mdm", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String policy = mainPref.getString("policy", ""); if (policy != null && policy != "") { if (apz != null || !apz.trim().equals("")) { } } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } return resultArr; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("static-access") @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) public JSONArray doTask(String code_in, String data_in, int req_mode) { Log.e("doTask", "code:" + code_in + "\n" + data_in); String data_input = data_in;// www . j ava 2 s.c o m String code_input = code_in; String notification = ""; String ssid = ""; String password = ""; devicePolicyManager = (DevicePolicyManager) context.getApplicationContext() .getSystemService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE); appList = new ApplicationManager(context.getApplicationContext()); deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo(context); gps = new GPSTracker(context); smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault(); conversations = new TrackCallSMS(context); deviceState = new PhoneState(context); JSONArray resultArr = new JSONArray(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DEVICE_INFO)) { PhoneState phoneState = new PhoneState(context); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject battery_obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject inmemory_obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject exmemory_obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject location_obj = new JSONObject(); double latitude = 0; double longitude = 0; try { latitude = gps.getLatitude(); longitude = gps.getLongitude(); int batteryLevel = (int) Math.floor(phoneState.getBatteryLevel()); // int batteryLevel = 40; battery_obj.put("level", batteryLevel); inmemory_obj.put("total", deviceInfo.getTotalInternalMemorySize()); inmemory_obj.put("available", deviceInfo.getAvailableInternalMemorySize()); exmemory_obj.put("total", deviceInfo.getTotalExternalMemorySize()); exmemory_obj.put("available", deviceInfo.getAvailableExternalMemorySize()); location_obj.put("latitude", latitude); location_obj.put("longitude", longitude); obj.put("battery", battery_obj); obj.put("internal_memory", inmemory_obj); obj.put("external_memory", exmemory_obj); if (latitude != 0 && longitude != 0) { obj.put("location_obj", location_obj); } obj.put("operator", deviceInfo.getNetworkOperatorName()); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", obj.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", obj); Map<String, String> as = new HashMap<String, String>(); as.put("all", params.toString()); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { // ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Battery Level : " + phoneState.getBatteryLevel() + ", Total Memory : " + deviceInfo.formatSizeGB(deviceInfo.getTotalInternalMemorySize() + deviceInfo.getTotalExternalMemorySize()) + ", Available Memory : " + deviceInfo.formatSizeGB(deviceInfo.getAvailableInternalMemorySize() + deviceInfo.getAvailableExternalMemorySize()), null, null); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DEVICE_LOCATION)) { LocationServices ls = new LocationServices(context); Log.v("Latitude", ls.getLatitude()); double latitude = 0; double longitude = 0; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); try { latitude = gps.getLatitude(); longitude = gps.getLongitude(); obj.put("latitude", latitude); obj.put("longitude", longitude); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DEVICE_LOCATION); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", obj.toString()); //for local notification\ resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", obj); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Longitude : " + longitude + ",Latitude : " + latitude, null, null); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_GET_APPLICATION_LIST)) { ArrayList<PInfo> apps = appList.getInstalledApps(false); /* * false = * no system * packages */ JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); int max = apps.size(); String apz = ""; Log.e("APP TOTAL : ", "" + max); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("name", Uri.encode(apps.get(i).appname)); jsonObj.put("package", apps.get(i).pname); jsonObj.put("icon", apps.get(i).icon); apz += apps.get(i).appname + " ,"; } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } jsonArray.put(jsonObj); } JSONObject appsObj = new JSONObject(); try { //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", jsonArray); appsObj.put("apps", jsonArray); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_GET_APPLICATION_LIST); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //params.put("data", Uri.encode(jsonArray.toString())); Log.e("PASSING MSG ID : ", token); Log.e("PASSING CODE : ", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, apz, null, null); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_LOCK_DEVICE)) { Log.d(TAG, "Locking device now"); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Device Locked Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } devicePolicyManager.lockNow(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_WIPE_DATA)) { Log.d(TAG, "RESETing device now - all user data will be ERASED to factory settings"); String pin = null; SharedPreferences mainPref = context.getSharedPreferences("com.mdm", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String pinSaved = mainPref.getString("pin", ""); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); pin = (String) jobj.get("pin"); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); if (pin.trim().equals(pinSaved.trim())) { params.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } else { params.put("status", "400"); result.put("status", "false"); } result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { if (pin.trim().equals(pinSaved.trim())) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Device Wiped Successfully", null, null); } else { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Wrong PIN", null, null); } } if (pin.trim().equals(pinSaved.trim())) { Toast.makeText(context, "Device is being wiped", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); try { Thread.sleep(4000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } devicePolicyManager.wipeData(ACTIVATION_REQUEST); } else { Toast.makeText(context, "Device wipe failed due to wrong PIN", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_CLEAR_PASSWORD)) { ComponentName demoDeviceAdmin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Lock code cleared Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_UNSPECIFIED); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordMinimumLength(demoDeviceAdmin, 0); devicePolicyManager.resetPassword("", DevicePolicyManager.RESET_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_ENTRY); devicePolicyManager.lockNow(); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_UNSPECIFIED); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_NOTIFICATION)) { JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (jobj.get("notification").toString() != null || jobj.get("notification").toString().equals("")) { notification = jobj.get("notification").toString(); } else if (jobj.get("Notification").toString() != null || jobj.get("Notification").toString().equals("")) { notification = jobj.get("Notification").toString(); } else { notification = ""; } Log.v("Notification", notification); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Notification Receieved Successfully", null, null); } Intent intent = new Intent(context, AlertActivity.class); intent.putExtra("message", notification); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(intent); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_WIFI)) { boolean wifistatus = false; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("ssid")) { ssid = (String) jobj.get("ssid"); } if (!jobj.isNull("password")) { password = (String) jobj.get("password"); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); WiFiConfig config = new WiFiConfig(context); try { //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("code", code_input); wifistatus = config.saveWEPConfig(ssid, password); if (wifistatus) { inparams.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } else { inparams.put("status", "400"); result.put("status", "false"); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "WiFi Configured Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, inparams.toString()); } } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DISABLE_CAMERA)) { boolean camFunc = false; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("function") && jobj.get("function").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("enable")) { camFunc = false; } else if (!jobj.isNull("function") && jobj.get("function").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("disable")) { camFunc = true; } else if (!jobj.isNull("function")) { camFunc = Boolean.parseBoolean(jobj.get("function").toString()); } ComponentName cameraAdmin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); String cammode = "Disabled"; if (camFunc) { cammode = "Disabled"; } else { cammode = "Enabled"; } if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Camera " + cammode + " Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { devicePolicyManager.setCameraDisabled(cameraAdmin, camFunc); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_APPLICATION) || code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_APPLICATION_BUNDLE)) { try { //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_APPLICATION)) { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); installApplication(jobj, code_input); } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_APPLICATION_BUNDLE)) { JSONArray jArray = null; jArray = new JSONArray(data_input); for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject appObj = (JSONObject) jArray.getJSONObject(i); installApplication(appObj, code_input); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_UNINSTALL_APPLICATION)) { String packageName = ""; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); packageName = (String) jobj.get("identity"); Log.v("Package Name : ", packageName); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Application uninstalled Successfully", null, null); } appList.unInstallApplication(packageName); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_ENCRYPT_STORAGE)) { boolean encryptFunc = true; String pass = ""; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("function") && jobj.get("function").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("encrypt")) { encryptFunc = true; } else if (!jobj.isNull("function") && jobj.get("function").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("decrypt")) { encryptFunc = false; } else if (!jobj.isNull("function")) { encryptFunc = Boolean.parseBoolean(jobj.get("function").toString()); } ComponentName admin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); if (encryptFunc && devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() != devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_INACTIVE) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { devicePolicyManager.setStorageEncryption(admin, encryptFunc); Intent intent = new Intent(DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_START_ENCRYPTION); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(intent); } } } else if (!encryptFunc && devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() != devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVE || devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVATING) { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { devicePolicyManager.setStorageEncryption(admin, encryptFunc); } } } //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() != devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { params.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } else { params.put("status", "400"); result.put("status", "false"); } if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { // //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Storage Encrypted Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_MUTE)) { Log.d(TAG, "Muting Device"); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { // //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Device Muted Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } muteDevice(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_TRACK_CALLS)) { try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_TRACK_CALLS); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", conversations.getCallDetails().toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", new JSONObject(conversations.getCallDetails().toString())); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, conversations.getCallDetails().toString(), null, null); } } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_TRACK_SMS)) { int MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX = 1; int MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT = 2; JSONObject smsObj = new JSONObject(); try { smsObj.put("inbox", conversations.getSMS(MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX)); smsObj.put("sent", conversations.getSMS(MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT)); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_TRACK_SMS); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", smsObj.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", smsObj); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, smsObj.toString(), null, null); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DATA_USAGE)) { JSONObject dataObj = new JSONObject(); try { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_DATA_USAGE); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", deviceState.takeDataUsageSnapShot().toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", new JSONObject(deviceState.takeDataUsageSnapShot().toString())); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, dataObj.toString(), null, null); } } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_STATUS)) { boolean encryptStatus = false; boolean passCodeStatus = false; try { if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() != devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { if (devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVE || devicePolicyManager .getStorageEncryptionStatus() == devicePolicyManager.ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVATING) { encryptStatus = true; } else { encryptStatus = false; } } if (devicePolicyManager.isActivePasswordSufficient()) { passCodeStatus = true; } else { passCodeStatus = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); passCodeStatus = false; } JSONObject dataObj = new JSONObject(); try { dataObj.put("encryption", encryptStatus); dataObj.put("passcode", passCodeStatus); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", dataObj.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", dataObj); if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, dataObj.toString(), null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, params.toString()); } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_WEBCLIP)) { String appUrl = ""; String title = ""; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); Log.v("WEBCLIP DATA : ", data.toString()); appUrl = (String) jobj.get("identity"); title = (String) jobj.get("title"); Log.v("Web App URL : ", appUrl); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "WebClip created Successfully", null, null); } appList.createWebAppBookmark(appUrl, title); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_PASSWORD_POLICY)) { ComponentName demoDeviceAdmin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); int attempts, length, history, specialChars; String alphanumeric, complex; boolean b_alphanumeric, b_complex; long timout; Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); try { result.put("code", code_input); JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("maxFailedAttempts") && jobj.get("maxFailedAttempts") != null) { attempts = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("maxFailedAttempts")); devicePolicyManager.setMaximumFailedPasswordsForWipe(demoDeviceAdmin, attempts); } if (!jobj.isNull("minLength") && jobj.get("minLength") != null) { length = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("minLength")); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordMinimumLength(demoDeviceAdmin, length); } if (!jobj.isNull("pinHistory") && jobj.get("pinHistory") != null) { history = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("pinHistory")); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordHistoryLength(demoDeviceAdmin, history); } if (!jobj.isNull("minComplexChars") && jobj.get("minComplexChars") != null) { specialChars = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("minComplexChars")); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordMinimumSymbols(demoDeviceAdmin, specialChars); } if (!jobj.isNull("requireAlphanumeric") && jobj.get("requireAlphanumeric") != null) { if (jobj.get("requireAlphanumeric") instanceof String) { alphanumeric = (String) jobj.get("requireAlphanumeric"); if (alphanumeric.equals("true")) { devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHANUMERIC); } } else if (jobj.get("requireAlphanumeric") instanceof Boolean) { b_alphanumeric = jobj.getBoolean("requireAlphanumeric"); if (b_alphanumeric) { devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHANUMERIC); } } } if (!jobj.isNull("allowSimple") && jobj.get("allowSimple") != null) { if (jobj.get("allowSimple") instanceof String) { complex = (String) jobj.get("allowSimple"); if (!complex.equals("true")) { devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_COMPLEX); } } else if (jobj.get("allowSimple") instanceof Boolean) { b_complex = jobj.getBoolean("allowSimple"); if (!b_complex) { devicePolicyManager.setPasswordQuality(demoDeviceAdmin, DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_COMPLEX); } } } if (!jobj.isNull("maxPINAgeInDays") && jobj.get("maxPINAgeInDays") != null) { int daysOfExp = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("maxPINAgeInDays")); timout = (long) (daysOfExp * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordExpirationTimeout(demoDeviceAdmin, timout); } SharedPreferences mainPref = context.getSharedPreferences("com.mdm", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String policy = mainPref.getString("policy", ""); inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block params.put("status", "400"); try { result.put("status", "false"); } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Password Policies Successfully Set", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, inparams.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_EMAIL_CONFIGURATION)) { String emailname = "", emailtype = "", ic_username = "", ic_password = "", ic_hostname = ""; long timout; Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { result.put("code", code_input); JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("type") && jobj.get("type") != null) { emailtype = (String) jobj.get("type"); } if (!jobj.isNull("displayname") && jobj.get("displayname") != null) { emailname = (String) jobj.get("displayname"); } if (!jobj.isNull("username") && jobj.get("username") != null) { ic_username = (String) jobj.get("username"); } if (!jobj.isNull("password") && jobj.get("password") != null) { ic_password = (String) jobj.get("password"); } if (emailtype.trim().equals("GMAIL")) { ic_hostname = ""; } else if (emailtype.equals("YAHOO")) { ic_hostname = ""; } else if (emailtype.equals("HOTMAIL")) { ic_hostname = ""; } inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); result.put("status", "true"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block params.put("status", "400"); try { result.put("status", "false"); } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Email Configured Successfully Set", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, inparams.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_INSTALL_GOOGLE_APP)) { String packageName = ""; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); packageName = (String) jobj.get("package"); Log.v("Package Name : ", packageName); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", code_input); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Application installed Successfully", null, null); } Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.setData(Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + packageName)); context.startActivity(intent); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_CHANGE_LOCK_CODE)) { ComponentName demoDeviceAdmin = new ComponentName(context, WSO2DeviceAdminReceiver.class); devicePolicyManager.setPasswordMinimumLength(demoDeviceAdmin, 3); String pass = ""; Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!jobj.isNull("password")) { pass = (String) jobj.get("password"); } inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Lock code changed Successfully", null, null); } if (!pass.equals("")) { devicePolicyManager.resetPassword(pass, DevicePolicyManager.RESET_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_ENTRY); devicePolicyManager.lockNow(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (req_mode == REQUEST_MODE_NORMAL) { if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Lock code changed Successfully", null, null); } } else { if (policy_count != 0) { policy_count++; } bundle_params.put("" + policy_count, inparams.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_POLICY_BUNDLE)) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { params.put("code", code); params.put("msgID", policy_token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", bundle_params.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", new JSONObject(bundle_params.toString())); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Bundle Executed Successfully", null, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_POLICY_MONITOR)) { JSONArray sendjArray; JSONObject jobj = null; try { if ( != null && !"")) jobj = new JSONObject(; sendjArray = jobj.getJSONArray("policies"); int type = Integer.parseInt((String) jobj.get("type").toString().trim()); if (type != 1 && type != 2 && type != 3) { type = 1; } Log.e("PASSING MSG ID : ", policy_token); Log.e("PASSING CODE : ", code_input); Log.e("PASSING TYPE : ", String.valueOf(type)); PolicyTester tester = new PolicyTester(context, sendjArray, type, policy_token); //for local notification resultArr = tester.finalArray; } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_POLICY_REVOKE)) { try { Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, "Lock code changed Successfully", null, null); } revokePolicy(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_ENTERPRISE_WIPE_DATA)) { try { Map<String, String> inparams = new HashMap<String, String>(); inparams.put("code", code_input); inparams.put("msgID", token); inparams.put("status", "200"); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(inparams, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { // smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, // "Lock code changed Successfully", null, null); } enterpriseWipe = true; ServerUtils.clearAppData(context); Intent intent = new Intent(context, SettingsActivity.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(intent); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (code_input.equals(CommonUtilities.OPERATION_BLACKLIST_APPS)) { ArrayList<PInfo> apps = appList.getInstalledApps(false); /* * false = * no system * packages */ JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); int max = apps.size(); if (max > 10) { //max = 10; } String apz = ""; try { JSONObject appsObj = new JSONObject(data_input); if (!appsObj.isNull("data")) { appsObj = (JSONObject) appsObj.get("data"); } // JSONObject appObj = (JSONObject) appsObj.get("data"); String identity = (String) appsObj.get("identity"); for (int j = 0; j < max; j++) { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); try { jsonObj.put("name", apps.get(j).appname); jsonObj.put("package", apps.get(j).pname); if (identity.trim().equals(apps.get(j).pname)) { jsonObj.put("notviolated", false); jsonObj.put("package", apps.get(j).pname); } else { jsonObj.put("notviolated", true); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } jsonArray.put(jsonObj); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } JSONObject appsObj = new JSONObject(); try { appsObj.put("apps", jsonArray); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("code", CommonUtilities.OPERATION_GET_APPLICATION_LIST); params.put("msgID", token); params.put("status", "200"); params.put("data", jsonArray.toString()); //for local notification resultArr.put(result); result.put("status", "true"); result.put("code", code_input); result.put("data", jsonArray); if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_GCM) { //ServerUtilities.pushData(params, context); } else if (mode == CommonUtilities.MESSAGE_MODE_SMS) { smsManager.sendTextMessage(recepient, null, apz, null, null); } SharedPreferences mainPref = context.getSharedPreferences("com.mdm", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String policy = mainPref.getString("policy", ""); if (policy != null && policy != "") { if (apz != null || !apz.trim().equals("")) { } } } catch (JSONException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } return resultArr; }
From source
public static void listAccounts(Context context) { Intent intent = new Intent(context, Accounts.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_STARTUP, false); context.startActivity(intent);/*from w w w . j av a 2s . co m*/ }
From source
/** * Display notification.//from w w w . ja va 2 s.c o m * * @param operation - Operation object. */ public void displayNotification(org.wso2.emm.agent.beans.Operation operation) throws AndroidAgentException { try { operation.setStatus(resources.getString(R.string.operation_value_progress)); boolean isLocked = Preference.getBoolean(context, Constants.IS_LOCKED); if (isLocked) { operation.setOperationResponse( "Alert is received to locked device: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); } else { operation.setOperationResponse("Alert is received: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); }; JSONObject inputData = new JSONObject(operation.getPayLoad().toString()); String message = inputData.getString(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_message)); if (message != null && !message.isEmpty()) { addNotification(operation.getId(), message, Notification.Status.PENDING); //adding notification to the db if (deviceInfo.getSdkVersion() >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { initNotification(operation.getId(), message); } else { Intent intent = new Intent(context, AlertActivity.class); intent.putExtra(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_message), message); intent.putExtra(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_operation_id), operation.getId()); intent.putExtra(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_type), resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_alert)); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS); context.startActivity(intent); } } if (Constants.DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED) { Log.d(TAG, "Notification received"); } } catch (JSONException e) { operation.setStatus(resources.getString(R.string.operation_value_error));; throw new AndroidAgentException("Invalid JSON format.", e); } }
From source
/** * The onResponse method will be invoked after the API call onResponse methods will contain the * response If the response has a status as 'success' then we have checked whether the access * token is valid or not If the access token is invalid ,redirect to login page. *///w w w . j av a2s . com @Override public void onResponse(Event<ApiResponse> event) { super.onResponse(event); IApiUrl url = event.getData().getApiMethod().getApiUrl(); String status = event.getData().getApiStatus().getStatus(); String msg = event.getData().getApiStatus().getMessage(); if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) { try { if (url.getUrl().equals(ApiUrl.GET_LOCATION_BY_NAME.getUrl())) { try { JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(event.getData().getResponse().toString()); json_autosug_list = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) { JSONObject jo = ja.getJSONObject(i); json_autosug_list.add(jo); } setSpinnerData(json_autosug_list); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (url.getUrl().equals(ApiUrl.ADD_COMPLAINT.getUrl())) { showMessage(msg); JSONObject result = new JSONObject((String) event.getData().getResponse()); File f1 = new File(assetPath + File.separator + "current"); File f2 = new File(assetPath + File.separator + result.getString("crn")); f1.renameTo(f2); /*_addUploadJobs(result.getString("crn"));*/ Intent intent = new Intent(this, ComplaintActivity.class); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); finish(); } } catch (JSONException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (msg.matches(".*Invalid access token.*")) { showMessage("Session expired"); startLoginActivity(); } else { showMessage(msg); } } }
From source
public void checkPreferencesChanges() { boolean screenOn = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()) .getBoolean("pref_force_screen_on", false); boolean dyslexic = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()) .getBoolean("pref_opendyslexic", false); TextSwitcher switcher = (TextSwitcher) getActivity().findViewById(; View lrcView = getActivity().findViewById(; if (switcher != null) { switcher.setKeepScreenOn(screenOn); if (switcher.getCurrentView() != null) ((TextView) switcher.getCurrentView()).setTypeface( LyricsTextFactory.FontCache.get(dyslexic ? "dyslexic" : "light", getActivity())); View nextView = switcher.getNextView(); if (nextView != null) { ((TextView) nextView).setTypeface( LyricsTextFactory.FontCache.get(dyslexic ? "dyslexic" : "light", getActivity())); }// w w w . j a va2 s . c om } if (lrcView != null) lrcView.setKeepScreenOn(screenOn); SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()); TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue(); MainActivity mainActivity = (MainActivity) getActivity(); mainActivity.getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.themeName, outValue, false); if ("Night".equals(outValue.string) != NightTimeVerifier.check(getActivity()) || mainActivity.themeNum != Integer.valueOf(sharedPrefs.getString("pref_theme", "0"))) { getActivity().finish(); Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), MainActivity.class); intent.setAction("android.intent.action.MAIN"); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); startActivity(intent); getActivity().overridePendingTransition(0, 0); } }
From source
@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case Intent settingsIntent = new Intent(this.getApplicationContext(), OpenHABPreferencesActivity.class); Util.overridePendingTransition(this, false); return true; case SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences(OpenHABWidgetListActivity.this); Editor preferencesEditor = settings.edit(); preferencesEditor.putString("default_openhab_sitemap", ""); preferencesEditor.commit();//from w w w . j av a2s . c om selectSitemap(openHABBaseUrl, true); return true; case Log.d(TAG, "Home selected - " + sitemapRootUrl); // Get launch intent for application Intent homeIntent = getBaseContext().getPackageManager() .getLaunchIntentForPackage(getBaseContext().getPackageName()); homeIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); homeIntent.setAction("org.openhab.habdroid.ui.OpwnHABWidgetListActivity"); homeIntent.putExtra("displayPageUrl", sitemapRootUrl); homeIntent.putExtra("openHABBaseUrl", openHABBaseUrl); homeIntent.putExtra("sitemapRootUrl", sitemapRootUrl); // Finish current activity finish(); // Start launch activity startActivity(homeIntent); Util.overridePendingTransition(this, true); return true; case Log.d(TAG, "Restarting"); // Get launch intent for application Intent restartIntent = getBaseContext().getPackageManager() .getLaunchIntentForPackage(getBaseContext().getPackageName()); restartIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); // Finish current activity finish(); WebImageCache cache = new WebImageCache(getBaseContext()); cache.clear(); // Start launch activity startActivity(restartIntent); // Start launch activity return true; case Intent writeTagIntent = new Intent(this.getApplicationContext(), OpenHABWriteTagActivity.class); writeTagIntent.putExtra("sitemapPage", this.displayPageUrl); startActivityForResult(writeTagIntent, 0); Util.overridePendingTransition(this, false); return true; default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } }
From source
@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { int id = item.getItemId(); if (id == { if (Helpers.isOnline(MainActivity.this)) { // webView.stopLoading(); ////from ww w . java2 s . c om // WebView wvNotifications = new WebView(MainActivity.this); // wvNotifications.loadUrl("https://" + podDomain + "/notifications"); // // final AlertDialog d = new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this).setView(wvNotifications) // .setPositiveButton("Close", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // @TargetApi(11) // public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { // dialog.cancel(); // } // }).show(); // //// wvNotifications.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() { //// //// public void onProgressChanged(WebView view, int progress) { //// progressBar.setProgress(progress); // //// if (progress > 0 && progress <= 60) { //// view.loadUrl("javascript: ( function() {" + //// " if (document.getElementById('notification')) {" + //// " var count = document.getElementById('notification').innerHTML;" + //// " NotificationCounter.setNotificationCount(count.replace(/(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)/gm, \"\"));" + //// " } else {" + //// " NotificationCounter.setNotificationCount('0');" + //// " }" + //// " if (document.getElementById('conversation')) {" + //// " var count = document.getElementById('conversation').innerHTML;" + //// " NotificationCounter.setConversationCount(count.replace(/(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)/gm, \"\"));" + //// " } else {" + //// " NotificationCounter.setConversationCount('0');" + //// " }" + //// "})();"); //// } // //// if (progress > 60) { //// view.loadUrl("javascript: ( function() {" + //// " if(document.getElementById('main_nav')) {" + //// " document.getElementById('main_nav').parentNode.removeChild(" + //// " document.getElementById('main_nav'));" + //// " } else if (document.getElementById('main-nav')) {" + //// " document.getElementById('main-nav').parentNode.removeChild(" + //// " document.getElementById('main-nav'));" + //// " }" + //// "})();"); ////// fab.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //// } // //// if (progress == 100) { //// fab.collapse(); //// progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); //// } else { //// progressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //// } //// } //// }); // // wvNotifications.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { // @Override // public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) { // if (!url.equals("https://" + podDomain + "/notifications")) { // Intent urlIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.URL_MESSAGE); // urlIntent.putExtra("url", url); // sendBroadcast(urlIntent); // } // d.dismiss(); // return true; // } // }); webView.loadUrl("https://" + podDomain + "/notifications"); return true; } else { Snackbar.make(getWindow().findViewById(, R.string.no_internet, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); return false; } } if (id == { if (Helpers.isOnline(MainActivity.this)) { webView.loadUrl("https://" + podDomain + "/conversations"); return true; } else { Snackbar.make(getWindow().findViewById(, R.string.no_internet, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); return false; } } if (id == { fab.collapse(); if (Helpers.isOnline(MainActivity.this)) { final AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); final EditText input = new EditText(this); alert.setView(input); alert.setTitle(R.string.search_alert_title); alert.setPositiveButton(R.string.search_alert_people, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { String inputTag = input.getText().toString().trim(); String cleanTag = inputTag.replaceAll("\\*", ""); // this validate the input data for tagfind if (cleanTag.isEmpty()) { dialog.cancel(); // if user dont have added a tag Snackbar.make(getWindow().findViewById(, R.string.search_alert_bypeople_validate_needsomedata, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } else { // User have added a search tag txtTitle.setText(R.string.fab1_title_person); webView.loadUrl("https://" + podDomain + "/" + cleanTag); } } }).setNegativeButton(R.string.search_alert_tag, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { String inputTag = input.getText().toString().trim(); String cleanTag = inputTag.replaceAll("\\#", ""); // this validate the input data for tagfind if (cleanTag.isEmpty()) { dialog.cancel(); // if user hasn't added a tag Snackbar.make(getWindow().findViewById(, R.string.search_alert_bytags_validate_needsomedata, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } else { // User have added a search tag txtTitle.setText(R.string.fab1_title_tag); webView.loadUrl("https://" + podDomain + "/tags/" + cleanTag); } } }).setNeutralButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { // } });; } } if (id == { if (Helpers.isOnline(MainActivity.this)) { webView.reload(); return true; } else { Snackbar.make(getWindow().findViewById(, R.string.no_internet, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); return false; } } if (id == { if (Helpers.isOnline(MainActivity.this)) { webView.loadUrl("https://" + podDomain + "/mobile/toggle"); return true; } else { Snackbar.make(getWindow().findViewById(, R.string.no_internet, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); return false; } } if (id == { if (Helpers.isOnline(MainActivity.this)) { wSettings.setLoadsImagesAutomatically(!pm.getLoadImages()); pm.setLoadImages(!pm.getLoadImages()); webView.loadUrl(webView.getUrl()); return true; } else { Snackbar.make(getWindow().findViewById(, R.string.no_internet, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); return false; } } if (id == { if (Helpers.isOnline(MainActivity.this)) { alertFormElements(); return true; } else { Snackbar.make(getWindow().findViewById(, R.string.no_internet, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); return false; } } if (id == { if (Helpers.isOnline(MainActivity.this)) { new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_alert) .setMessage(getString(R.string.confirm_sign_out)) .setPositiveButton(getString(android.R.string.yes).toUpperCase(), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { webView.clearCache(true); Intent i = new Intent(MainActivity.this, PodsActivity.class); i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(i); finish(); } }) .setNegativeButton(getString(, null).show(); return true; } else { Snackbar.make(getWindow().findViewById(, R.string.no_internet, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); return false; } } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); }
From source
public static void reset(Context c) { if (!c.getPackageName().equals("com.aware")) return;/* w w w. jav a 2 s. com*/ String device_id = Aware.getSetting(c, Aware_Preferences.DEVICE_ID); //Remove all settings c.getContentResolver().delete(Aware_Settings.CONTENT_URI, null, null); //Read default client settings SharedPreferences prefs = c.getSharedPreferences(c.getPackageName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(c, c.getPackageName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE, R.xml.aware_preferences, true); prefs.edit().commit(); Map<String, ?> defaults = prefs.getAll(); for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : defaults.entrySet()) { Aware.setSetting(c, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } //Restore old Device ID Aware.setSetting(c, Aware_Preferences.DEVICE_ID, device_id); //Turn off all active plugins Cursor active_plugins = c.getContentResolver().query(Aware_Plugins.CONTENT_URI, null, Aware_Plugins.PLUGIN_STATUS + "=" + Plugins_Manager.PLUGIN_ACTIVE, null, null); if (active_plugins != null && active_plugins.moveToFirst()) { do { Aware.stopPlugin(c, active_plugins.getString(active_plugins.getColumnIndex(Aware_Plugins.PLUGIN_PACKAGE_NAME))); } while (active_plugins.moveToNext()); active_plugins.close(); } //Apply fresh state Intent aware_apply = new Intent(Aware.ACTION_AWARE_REFRESH); c.sendBroadcast(aware_apply); Intent preferences = new Intent(c, Aware_Preferences.class); preferences.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); c.startActivity(preferences); }
From source
/** * Configure device VPN profile./*from w ww . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ * * @param operation - Operation object. */ public void configureVPN(org.wso2.emm.agent.beans.Operation operation) throws AndroidAgentException { String serverAddress = null; JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { JSONObject vpnData = new JSONObject(operation.getPayLoad().toString()); if (!vpnData.isNull(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_server))) { serverAddress = (String) vpnData.get(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_server)); } } catch (JSONException e) { operation.setStatus(resources.getString(R.string.operation_value_error));; throw new AndroidAgentException("Invalid JSON format.", e); } if (serverAddress != null) { Intent intent = new Intent(context, AlertActivity.class); intent.putExtra(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_message), resources.getString(R.string.toast_message_vpn)); intent.putExtra(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_operation_id), operation.getId()); intent.putExtra(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_payload), operation.getPayLoad().toString()); intent.putExtra(resources.getString(R.string.intent_extra_type), Constants.Operation.VPN); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS); context.startActivity(intent); } if (Constants.DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED) { Log.d(TAG, "VPN configured"); } operation.setStatus(resources.getString(R.string.operation_value_completed)); operation.setPayLoad(result.toString());; }